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SOC 101 Readings in Philippine History

1st Semester SY 2018-2019

Name: RICARDO B. COMISO JR. Course: BS ACCOUNTANCY Schedule: MW F 08:30-9:30

Complete the table by giving examples of the positive/negative effects of the given Philippine events.

Events Negative Effects Positive Effects

 The proclamation of martial law prevented the
 There were many cases of abuses and killings collapse of the government.
made by the military  People were asked to clean their
 Lack of freedom in speech surroundings to improve public health.
 There were too much power given to the president  People of the Philippines were disciplined
 Suspension of civil rights  Active military force
 Brought fear in implementing martial law that  Decision making during that time was
should be used for a better purpose. centralized
 Crimes made by the citizens of the
Martial Law Philippines lessen
 Honesty replace dishonesty
 Efficiency took the place of laziness
 Courtesy in dealing with the public became
 The court became the symbol of justice.
 Citizen were encouraged to pay their taxes
 There was money to improved public roads
and highways because the citizens are
encouraged to pay their taxes.

 The economy was unstable.  Democracy or freedom was given to the

 Too much freedom was given the people Filipinos
 Rallies were simultaneously conducted  Democratic form of government
 Protest became a normal problem in the country  Filipinos were given a chance to express their
Edsa 1 because of the freedom given to the people selves
 Politicians have unrelated credentials for the  Human Rights were strengthen
position in the government  Other countries recognized the solution made
by Filipinos on how to handle problems
without harming or killing others
 A new president was elected for the position
 Too much freedom was given the people better than the one who was impeached.
 Rallies were simultaneously conducted  Social awareness became dominant
Edsa 2  Protest became a normal problem in the country  Citizens of the Philippines continue to be
 Inequalities in the country continue to exist. united for the betterment of the country.
 Poor people remained poor  We now can hold government officials and
 Poverty and hunger politicians accountable for plunder and other
SOC 101 Readings in Philippine History
1st Semester SY 2018-2019

Name: RICARDO B. COMISO JR. Course: BS ACCOUNTANCY Schedule: MW F 08:30-9:30

Choose from the list of people/ personalities/ roles which you want to portray if you were at EDSA in February 1986

- Ferdinand Marcos - Juan Ponce Enrile - Fidel Ramos

- Cardinal Sin - Corazon Aquino - a fence setter
- A soldier inside Malacañang - A nun blocking the path of a tank at EDSA
- An activist celebrating the fall of Marcos in Malacañang
After selecting from the list or if you wish to create your own character, write an essay in 2-3 paragraph (15-20 sentences) narrating “One day in my
life during the revolution…..”
One day in my life during the revolution, in February 25, 1986 I was in tacking my oath as President for the fourth time since I was
elected in 1985. Before a group of 500 loyalists, I severely criticized the revolution-supported government of Aquino. I was force to leave the
Palace in a US helicopter and thus ended my 20-years strongman rule, leaving the country via Clark Air Force Base for an unknown
destination. Shortly before 10:00p.m. , an irate mod of about 1,000 started to march on J.P laurel Street toward malacanang, shouting “Cory,
Cory”. They smashed the way toward Malacanyang and once inside, they hurled the television sets, exploded firecrackers, set ablazeon my
speech which I delivered on the final days of my rule, trampled flower vases, every portrait of my wife was ripped from the walls and trampled
underfoot. Many onlookers gasped to see hundreds of Imelda’s luxurious gowns and thousand pair of shoes and bag displayed in racks.
The person I portray is our former president, dictator and considered to be the best president that the Philippines had, Ferdinand
Marcos. Based from my own judgments and choice to what position I would be, I believe that Marcos was also a victim during the martial law
period and the only or main victim of the EDSA revolution because the purpose of it was to remove Ferdinand Marcos in the highest position in
the country. He continued to love the country Philippines. He helped the country to boost or improve many aspects and sectors during his past
terms and last term. He may have a bad image as describe by many people who fears him, affecting even the beliefs of the new generations.
Even if the country, Philippines, and the citizens of my country turn their backs at me, I will continue and always love the country Philippines.

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