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Zero quarters: free issue #7,000,007

Twelve quarters: $3 oct. 22 - oct 28., Zoos

Carnegie Melton's leading source of neon spandex since 1895 -brought to you by the Activities Board

Drug Dealer Sells Life Story, Drugs r... ~~ ..~.~.r.~.........a..~.vx....

. ._vhv~,.x.X

Clarence Barthwaite, better known as "The ed by the PostG~ztiette's review "They jus' mean
.:.¢.~ .
Hyena" on the streets of Oakland, has decided I's not like the rest. THa's my store. Now tiTou
~ r . ::
that his life of crime, drugs, dunking, and gonna bud it? I got other stuff to bud, too, :. . ~,, _. ..
womanizing is lacking in ti~'know Promise ti~ou, all ~,~~~~ ti
one very important wad: buds, no stems."
I~Ioneti~. .~.s such, Barthwaite then shook a
Barthwaite has decided to plastic bag full of green
sell the one thing he has stuff at the readme
left besides his digYzity: His reporter, who then pre-
tended not to notice
Econ Major Has Life
Barthwaite and walked to of failure Planed Out
Going on sale this F~dav the next drug dealer.
"It's really quite simple," said Brenda
at a large opening at some Blackwood. "This economics degree
bookstore in Oakland that ~~ccording to the press
k.ri:~:e will certainly get me what I'm looking
looks Like a bar or some- release, the opening partti~ for in life -minus the women and the
thing, "~Iv Story" has gar- should include a whole monetiT." Black-wood has been taking
nered some interesting bunch of Duquesne girls
classes here at CI~ZLT for three dears,
reviews. "Most people who with big asses, and a lot of
and knows exactly what she has to look
have not completed high "stuff fo' sale," according forward to. "Shortlti~ after graduating,
school would consider to Hyena Inc, which is real with today's economy=, I can look for-
using a ghost writer for an l~~ just Barthwaite on lv.s ward to having a great job!"
autobiographical work. cellular phone. 111 profits,~ood later hedged hi.s bets a bit.
This book shows us whtiT," Fo' shizzle will go straight to
"Well, asstuzung that I graduate in
quipped the Post-G~ztiette. Barthwaite, though he
tomorrow's econom~:~. Otherwise I'll
promises to "give back to ma commtuvt~' bti~ probabltiT move back in at home."
While his book was touted in "Souf Oakland giving out free crack.
Fo' Life," Barthwaite seems most compliment- Blackwood's parents, Gregoi-~~ and

I'rrlentos Defense Saves Student from Jail Time

Barbara Blacls-wood, shared similar
feelings. "OH, Brett will do wonderfi~l-
lti~! .~~sstuning that she's realljT Iuckti~. But
William Cove, an undeclared tered to his friend "Hell, I'll
he probable won't be. ~~emember when
HESS 5th ti~ear senior, was put THIS meat next to QTY
he got West Nile disease two years
released from custodti~ tiTester- meat. Now I've got twice as
ago? OnljT case in the state. Talk about
datiT after his law`~ers used the much meat!" However, this
tuzluckti~." Blackwood's father then
"~Ientos Defense" dtu7n.g his was not deemed relevant to
spoke some choice words about Brett's
teal. ~~ccused of shoplifting the case.
lovelife, which readme stti-pflsinglti~ has
from Giant Eagle, Cove was
too much journalistic integ~.nT to pit.
seen on store sectuYtti~ cameras What was relevant to the case,
attempting to steal food. However, was what i~Ir. Cove
"Yeah, I hope I'll find someone some-
did immediateljT after.
datiT. Look at these predictions."
"~~Te saw him walk over to the ~~ccording to secu~t~T footage r

Bla.c11-wood then took out some over-

meat section," said Robert and ~Ir. Cove's friend, after
Ahhhh. The freshmaker head slides with lots of dots and
Gtuidel, manager of the packing His ~:~eat, Cove tuaxzed
graphs. "It majT not look like much of
SgLurrel Hill Giant Eagle, around in a liarz-~~.n, ginned, while doing it." r

an increase, but it's significant. I plot-

"mutter something to hi.s and showed fi~.end a half-
ted what base I got to on the tiT-axis,
frYend, and then stuck some eaten packet of ~Ientos, the ~~sked about his freedom,
and how much inonetiT I spent on the
grotuzd beef in his pants." Freshrnaker. Cove simpltiT expressed Happi- e if ~nti~ job
boti~ on the x-axis. I
ness to be free. On His tuzcon- doesn't pan out, I can probablti~ find a
This seemingltiT Luzcontrover- Jui-~F members, asked after- ventional defense, However,
gujT who I won't date but might hold
sial who-dtuznit stoi-~; llowev wards about tHeir decision to Cove remarked, "I dunno.
hands with soinetitnes."
er, became much Ynore com- free Cove and let Hite keep the Given tHis precedent, I'm
plicated as the defense attor- ground beef were united sa~~- goruza be slue to take a pack "OH, no, I'111 slue ever-~~tlling will turn
ne~ ifz the trial. presstued ~%1r. ing "He to tallti~ did that of ~Ientos with me on mti~ hot out all right," Blackt~-ood quipped
GLuidle for more information. ~Ientos thing. That means tiTou date with this blonde Pitt about her fiiture. "If social sectuit<T
It turned out that among get awati~ with, like, anti-tl~ig. cluck, if tiAou get in~T dhft." stays afloat."
other things, Cove had mut- ~~id He looked reall~~ fresh
Issue 7,000,007 - readme p. 2 - October 22 -October 28

Superman Attempts Suicide, Fails Miserably How Stuff Works:

When confronted about lus strng of self-
termination endeavotus, Superman cited :<:
issues with the wflters of his comics: "Fools
keep changin' my shit around, makin' me die
and shit. What's with those extra Supermen
they made up? rind what about my lame-ass
weakness? Why would I be weak against
something from my home planet?
might wanna step back for a second " r1t
this point, Superman pushed readme out of
: ::. the way of asteam-roller. After it had rolled
'~: over l~im and left him unharmed, lze contin- :: ~: .•:s:•~s:~>::>::.:

ued: "People in this city are so stupid. I How do you get food into tiTour mouth?
mean, they honestly can't tell I'm Clark Kent? Especially that really messy sticky stuff
-~.11. I do is put on my freaking glasses! Idiots like peaches in peach juice? You use a
don't deserve to be saved all flee time. spoon, stupidhead.
They've driven me INSr1NE! Sometimes I
Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful just like to cut m~=self, see how long I can do Food goes into the mouth and should go
than a locomotive. Known for jumping in it, `til I just ... pass out!" r1t this point, no where else. Schnasangf-uger's Third
front of both. readme walked away slowly and nezvously, Law of Food is also umpoi-tant for the use
beginning to feel suicidal itself: of the spoon, you need to chew then swal-
Metropolis' local excuse for average-citizen low in that order until there is no more
idioc~T, Superman, played by Dean Cain, leas Lois Lane, Clark/Superman's long-time girl food.
grown tired of taking care of full-grown men friend, told readme that "he just snapped one
and has established arecord-high attempted day, tahzg about how stupid Metropolis is These concepts are all you really need to
suicide count. "I mean, we could and prob- and how he doesn't care about it anti~rnore. know about eating before you can grasp
able shoatic~ jail him for his suicide attempts, Oh, and he called me his ho ... but I kinda theuse of a spoon.
but I mean, c'mon... he's Superman," said liked that." She kept talkuzg, but she was the
the I~°Tetropolis Chief of Police. "Plus, we'd Lois Lane plati=ed b~~ Margot Kidder in The spoon can be composed of many dif-
leave to start 1vorl~ijag again. Crap on that." Szr~erincria Il ~;and readme likes her a lot bet- ferent elements, but the most common is
ter played by Tefl Hatcher. Pc —Plastic. Plastic spoons dominate the
largest part of the imarket in rlmeflca and
Campus Crime Alert: Suspicious Vending Machine across most the world. Other common
materials used are ~~g- Silver, Pb- Lead, Fe
~~t approximatel~~ 10:23pm on Fridati~, ones and X50 in tens. ~3t this point the vend- — Iron. While important differences do
October 10, a female sophomore in ~aICS ing machine pulled out what appeared to be exist between t11e different spoons, theti=
was assaulted and robbed bti~ a vending a cheap, plastic, Super Soaker and began are all guided by the same principles and
maclvne. This meeting took place on Forbes spraying the victim with water. Dropping the thus all work roughly the same way.
~~venue just outside of the ~Torewood park mone~T and screaming, the victim fled.
ing lot. Initially sut-pflsed by seeing a vend- Witnesses said the vending machine grabbed The two Ymain components to the spoon
ing machine drive up in a red pickup truck, the monetir, jtumped in the truck, and then are the `Handle' and the `Gluftenhower
the victim was then asked for change for a drove off iYz the direction of Squirrel Hill. bowl.' The `Handle' consists of a long nar-
$23 bill. row piece of plastic (note: can be other
The suspect is descflbed as follows: which is g~.pped by the hand.
The vending machine told the victim that he Some of the more advanced handles
needed change because "the Coke ima.chuze Coca-Cola Tale, 5'10"-5'1~", 200 lbs, wear- include: handgrip, "unbreakable" plastic,
in the UC won't accept no X23 bill." While ing a FUBU sweater and ~~bercrotmbie and even anti-lock brakes.
the victim searched through her purse for Fitch hat, no pants, no shoes, no service.
change, flee vending machine parked the Suspect aimed with either Super Soaker 50 The `Gluftenhower bowl' is flee bowl con-
truck and got out. The victim then notified or 100 tmodel. nected to the `Handle.' This bowl (called
the vending imachine that she only had $25 in the `Gluft`~' for short) is formed using
Gluftenhower's constant on a tfl-planar
Cane prevention tips: parabola. Each `Gluft~~' is fof-med using
~` Never approach a suspicious vendi.~ig machine alone. Make sure to bring lots of gL~zs with those exact parameters.
you even wl~.en with a friend
* Use extreme caution. when. approached by a vending machine asking for money ~-~nd there you have it, one of the world's
* If assaulted, ~e stye to either i-Luz awa~T screamii.~g, or whip out yotu Tek-9 and blast that most important utensils broken down into
mofo out of lus grind its mmost basic parts. So the next time you
~` If a vendi~ig ~nacl~ine refuses to give you your money back or your food, do~ not get violent,. eat some puddiiz' impress ti=otu date bti~
walk a~ra~, and .call flee authorities expl<~.ining how the spoon works.
Issue 7,000,007 -readme p. 4 - October 22 -October 28
This is the True section, where we tell you how to live your life

jinn Pays a~:

readmecmu talks to enjoigrrf
She didn't sca~rfice enough ~Q the AIM` gods
enjoigrrl: readme? enjoigrrl: i ~ all mfr b~-~11~ax~.t~ thoughts i just
readmecmu: readme is Wight typed tlefee are gone ,forever Think your neighbor is loud?
eu.joigr~l: ~vhats~.lappen~, you riot sheep of readmecmu: :'~ Toni Lti=nn Lti~can of Ridgefield,
paper enjaigrrl sigh Washington broke both her legs after
readmecmu: c~~ll~. like a villian enjoig~rl:. ~~le aitn gods are telIng m~ idea. stomping on the floor of her apart-
readrnec~n~~~: gelln life a ~elQn is sl~`t ment. Her downstairs neighbor was
e~a.joigrrL• damn, vouf: gellin? enjoi~grrl: nxn then? stupid: gads.... plavin.g louch music, and she asked
en,joigrrl: ~ou~vrant~ some. mellon? ~ead~ecmu:. i hate aim him to tuna it down. He replied bti~
readmecmu: ~-au~sellin?
r "_
. readmecmu: carer pigeons -were .far supieror banging on the ceil;t,g. LtiTcan then
enjoigrrl~ you ca~t~ ~.fford .these.-mellans old enjoigxrl: i know ~d you could them jumped into the air and smashed onto
mom. arid.:give them studded collars . the floor, breaking both legs.
rcadmec~nu: old? enjoigrrl: o sweet- nostalgia
readmmecmu i'i~a. only 1~0$ enjo~rrl:;and~whe the~.pist
.. ~.Tou off ~Tou:could Just Like My Family
en.joigrrl: dux~~.o.:.aline from sdme movie i .' feed.- tl3em: raw rice and. have ~~Tour o~un bird~,T Gareth Duggan of Wales supposedly
dc>nt remember :t:and still in cmu? wove i guess :e~ork show died from alcohol. Problem was, his
tlzeres hope fa me a:fle~ all . enjaigrrl: o times liave~ chan.ged... familtiT didn't believe him. Tlzey let
readmecmu: lal readmecmu: sigh him lie by the stairs for two days
readmecmu: ghat' can uncle readme do for enjoigrrl: i wonder if you could gee funding before fi.g1-ring out something was
you? from. tlae school tc~ set up axt elaborate sti~ste~n wrong. His father and brother
enjoigrrl has just- logged off :~ of carrier pigeon fnessa thought Duggan was pla,~~ing a joke.
enjoigrrl is nowv online =} enjoi~r~l~ hm...
~njoigrrl has just ;logged off. .;~ readmecmu: l~mmmm For those that loved Dunston
en~oigrrl is ~now online =) readmecmu: probably Checks In
enjagrrl: whoa m~.T comp is on stfike i t~~ik readmecmu: tlie~.T funded lobster boy Travis, a chimpanzee from Stamford,
readmecmu: Iol Connecticut, held up traffic for hours
after lie escaped fi:om the SUV he
was riding in. Twelve police cruisers
responded but couldn't capture the
chimp. His owners will not be

Your pet really does have it

out for you
~3 woman from Idaho was shot b~T her
dog last week. Cindy Whitaker
thought wild animals were bothe~ng
her pets so she took a pistol and went
to check on them. Her dog, Baby,
knocked her over and l~iocked the
gun out of Wlvtaker's hand. The dog
then stepped on the gLui, which fired,
shooting a bullet into `~'lutaker's leg.

I'm Guessing it Won't Work

Burlington Cotu~.t<~ officials will intro-
duce humorous speed limit signs in
an attempt to curb excessive speeding.
Example signs: "Free Speeding
Tickets ahead" and `Meet Our Judge
— Exceed ?5 inph."

Hey you
Join readme
Issue 7,000,007 - readme p. 3 - October 22 -October 28

Top Lesser-Known Uncle readme's Guide to Communal Shower Etiquette

Superheroes So, you're in a dorm now, eh? And you have to shower with a whole bunch of other
people who are sometimes a bit creepy even when they're wearing clothes. And you're
thinking to yourself, "Dude, what's up with this? There's gotta be some etiquette policy
somewhere that they need to read, because that's just weird." So, to solve all of your
problems ever, Uncle readme offers this list.

For example: Saying hi to your buddy: In normal life, friendly. In a private shower, the
kind where you can hear people but you have a little curtain, usually friendly, but kinda
weird. In a communal showering area, acceptable.
..,.. ,:. ... ,. ~ ...: ...... ,.: ,::r Action Normal Life Private shower Communal
"Lady Di7nks-a-Lot"... with the power o Shower
getting knocked up in high school and an Saying Iii o yo~.~ . ei:de e
Frie~dly~:: ~, ~.c~~piable
uncanny abilitti= to bring shame to the farm b~.idd~=
h: Patting ti=oLu bud on F~endlti=! BIZr1RRE. Creep
the back
"~~Tr. Clean"... with the power of tasting Friendly...som.etimes ~ Oi~l~=~ if ya-u'r~
~ g Ex~ceedl~gl~ gay:
really great, kids. weird i~g
Citi=in.g Odd, but OIL Goth Inconceivable
The ".~~ne~can Single"... with the power of
sta~~zg up all night eating cheese. Dropping soap Why:are you~. e`hold=~ Who c~:res? Yau will be mocked.
Coincidentally, he's unattached... relation- i~g soap~~ forever:.
ship-wise... not like, attached to things... Kissing tiTour girl
well, cheese, maybe. Fa~rlti= normal. Hot. Die. Unless you're
friend videotaping it.
1~d~usting your. 1~Iildly Wl~ate~rer. Ilse snap, and only
"loll Ground Beef Man"... with the power package ~~ d~ it once: Cots
grinding live cows into not live cows... yea,
as washing.
he's not that super. Slapping ti=our bud's Weird except in Unheard of SEP field!
butt football
"Tlie i'~Ian"... with the power to keep "Poor
Man" down.
New from the CMU Entrepreneur's Club:

;HomeAmputeeT"' Kit
The "West ~~irginia Kid"... with lightning-
fast buck-tooth strike and the awesome
power of the "illiteracti= gnp." Also able to
impregnate cousins faster than a speeding Never have to deal with
bullet. unwanted limbs again
Tlie "I ~~lwati=s Just ~~ssiuned That He Was Safe and sanitary
Gay Man"... with the power of being tough
and iligged and not at all a ladti=.
Kit includes:
butter knife and gauze
The "Pocket Protector I~i.d"... with the
power to get leis ass kicked all throughout "Finally! Home amputation thaf
elemental-~~ school. doesn't cost an arm and a leg!"

Editing & Writi~ Staff

Tough and Rugged: Chris Rotella
Ladies: Muffin, Aileen D'Esposito, Dana Vinson, Chaos, Greg Modzelewski, Brian Leahy, Brian Gray,
Ashley Holtgraver, Bhiago Berson, Esteban Bowles-Martinez, '~, Andxey Dolgov, Alison Lauer, Yuhua
Li, AB Hair Chris Smoak, Fred Merkle, Nazli Kfoury, Alisa Brown, Zachary Harris, James 'Troup, Katie
Wallat, Mike Blain, Evan Sundwick, Karthik Parasuraman, Jake Portnoff, Andrew Kline, Andrew Moore
What is readme? Well, it's fiuzntiT and it's useful. ~~nd free. So it's better than sliced bread. activities board
Who makes it? readme is panted b~T the .~~ctivities Board, sponsored bti= ti~our student activities fee
Where do I get it? readme is handed out at ~~B events and left in stacks around campus
How do I help? Email We need fiu~ly writers, non-fiuiny w~.ters, and Photoshopers
And remember: Oniti= one person read this last week. I win, ~~ileen loses.
Issue 7,000,007 -readme p. 5 - October ?_2 -October 2~
This is the True section, where we tell you how to live your life

From the Desk of Student

Body Vice President
Gilbert Dussek
Through a joint effort of Student
Logic would dictate that in a CI~°TU enter- Govemtnent and Comput;ng Services, we are
tainment guide, I should preview the antsy; pleased to announce the launch of the new
gloomti=, coffee-house sounds of the Eels. Carnegie I~6Iellon Web Portal
Or perhaps the visual and audio spectacle (littps://}. This message sef-ves
that is the Blue Tan Group. Or at the veiti= to give a verti= brief overview of the 2-ti=ear
least, the again-popular post-punk sounds project.
of Killing Joke. lend while I'd be more than
happy= to see any of those bands in conceit, The vision is to establish the web portal as
and I'm sure they'll all put on wonderful the first and default poiizt of communication
shows, "eff "-it. Slati=en's coming, and theti='ll between the institution and anyone with a
eat anti= of the other shows this week alive. persistent relationship with the universitti=.
Those targeted constituencies include stu-
Jagermeister, that licorice-flavored demon, dents, faculty.=, staff, alunuli, and in the future,
leas once again put together a music tour prospective students.
showcasing the heaviest acts out there.
Years past have included acts like The web portal integrates e-mail, personal
Drowning Pool, (lied)P.E., and other up- Before ti=ou can enjoti= the beast that is calendar, university= events calendar, news,
and-coming metal bands. This year, theti='re Slayer, you have to suxvive Hatebreed and announcements, and much more. In addi-
back to the basics with the ones who start- their brutal show Don't wore about mosh- tion, Student Information On-Line (SIO),
ed it all. Slati=er effectively created thrash- pits, though. Hatebreed isn't into that kind On-Line Registration (OLR), and Course
metal back in the early= eighties, and they= of thing. I would, However, recommend Info~uation On-Line (CIO) are easily= acces-
still by far do it the best. Tom ~-1ra~.=a's rt.~niing away from the stomp-pits as fast as sible through the portal. Future additions
iizclude the ability= to access Campus press,
r ~

screaming is just as angst-madden as it was ti=ou can. Their brand of vengeance-hard-

20 ti=ears ago, I~err~T King's guitar solos have core has been flpping audiences apart for a Dine~ipress and Dine~tra balances. .~s a
only gotten wickeder, and oj~;n al di-Um- while now with fist-pumping antHems like result of its incrediblti= customizable user

mer Dave Lombardo is back on the scene. "I Will Be Heard" and "~1 Call For Blood." interface, the portal expe~ence vases greatly
If tiTou were disappointed in the weak Oh, and "Final Prayer" off of last ~=ear's from user to user, based on his/her inde-
Ozzfest line-up over the sLunmer and have Perseverence features none other than Slay=en's pendent needs.
been craving a show to thin ti=our insides Kerr= King thrashing the guitar.
out, this is the one. There's Ynore -lots more -but those are just
l~lso on the bill are i~~lidwest hardcore act some of the highlights. The best way to
Without a doubt, Slab=er will plati= their clas- Sworn Enemy and ELuopean black-met- experience the portal is to visit the site,
sics. Slati=er will plati= their new stuff. Slayer allers ~3rch Enemy= {no relation). No matter hops: / / It is oLu hope that
will play whatever the hell they want, and how ti=ou look at it, this is the metal show to evei-~=one takes fi~11 advantage of evei-~~hing
it'll beat ti~ou to a pL~lp. Because it's just that see tlus year. So go. ~~nd tr= to come back t11e portal has to offer.

good. But like anyT advertisement there's alive.

more! If you have anti= questions or comments about
the web portal, or simply want more informa-
tion, please don't hesitate to e-mail Yne at
sbvp~c, or feel free to stop
b~~ the Student Goverruuent Office (UC
r~adme tshir~ks? 318F}. Office Hours are Tuesdays between
Spm and 6pm.

On AFL Instant
give us your money Messenger all day?
we give you cons~stantness Talk to readme while you cyber
with the 40-year-old men!
,~o,,,,e.<~„ Our screen name is
If you're funny enough, we'If
~arrai~a~~e ~nfront o~ d+oherty~ ~ay~e the ~c~ itss a treasure hung put you in readrne!
Events and Things On and Off Campus
Wednesday, October 22 Vaux, Murder By Death @Club Laga, 7pm, ~10
concert: The Cougars, A Week in July. Highlander concert: "Jagermeister Music Tour" w/ Slayer,
Cafe. 7pm. Free. Hatebreed, Arch Enemy, Sworn Enemy @Ice Garden
concert: Behemoth, Black Dahlia Murders, Six Feet Arena, Belle Vernon, PA, 7pm, X28
Under, Skinless (a~ Rosebud Cafe. X18-20. concert: C1lallenger, Panthers @Modern Formations
Thursday, October 23 concert: John Gorka @Rosebud, 7:50 pm, $17. 21+
concert: The Paybacks, Gore Gore Girls @ 51st Street concert: Black Cross @Shadow Lounge
concert: Rainbow Kitchen Benefit Concert Monday, October 27
Rosebud. 7pm, ~10. 21+ concert: Blue Man Group -Rock Tour, Tracy Bonham,
concert: Vienna Teng @Club Cafe, 7:30 pm, $10, 21+ Venus Hum ~~ A.J. Palumbo Center, 7:30 pm, X35-45
concert: From Autumn to Ashes, Every Time I Die, concert: Joan Baez, Josh Ritter @ Byham Tl~eatre
Prizefighter @Club Laga, 7pm, ~12 concert: Clumsy Lovers, Jerre Joseph and tl~.e
concert: "`The Giriz Garage Tour" w/ Lennon, Jackmormons @Club Cafe, 7:50 pm, ~10, 21+
Northern State, theSTART, Lillix, and Brassy @Nick's concert: Pete Yorn, Jesse Malin @Club Laga, 8pm,
Fat City, 8pm, ~13 X20
concert: ~ Doors Down, Seether, Shinedown @
Friday, Octok~er 24 Indiana University.; Indiana, PA
concert: Insane Clown Posse, Bone Tlzugs `N concert: Cher, Tommy Drake @Petersen Events
Harmony, Teclz N9ne, All That's Left @Club Laga, Center, 7:30 pm, X55.50-78.50
7:30 pm, $55 concert: Hey Mercedes @Upstage ~~ Club Laga, 7pm
art: Shopwerks @The Frame. Opening reception 7-
10pm Tuesday, October 28
concert: Krim Waters ~~ Crawford Grill concert: Eels and MC Honky ~~ Rosebud Cafe. 8pm.
concert: Coco Montoya @ Moondog's X14-18
concert: Neal l~ZcCoy ~~ Pepsi Cola. Roadhouse, concert: Death Cab For Cube, Mates of State ~~ Club
Burgettstown,PA, 8pm, X55-75/4 person table Laga, 7pm, 12
concert: Matchbook Romance, Don't Look Down, concert: DJ Vadim @Rex Theatre
Runner Up @ VF~XI, Charleroi, PA concert: Eels, MC Honk~--yT @Rosebud, 8pm, ~1~

Saturday, October 25 Wednesday, October 29

concert: Marshall Crenshaw @Club Cafe, 7:30 pm, movie: True Romance. McConomyT. 10, 12pm. $1
$18, 21+ concert: Widespread Panic, Particle @ A.J. Palumbo
concert: Adam Evil c~ The Outside Royalty @Rex Center, 7:30 pm, X30
Theatre, 8pm. $10. 21+ concert: I~illirig Joke, Amen @Club Laga, 8pm, ~15
concert: Kim Waters ~~ Crawford Grill concert:.._ Disco D @Memphis Lounge
concert: Aretlza Franklin ~~ Heinz Hall concert: Puddle Of Mudd @Rock Jungle
concert: 90 Day Men ~t Modern Formations Gallery
concert: Savoy Brown Feat. K:i~. Simtnonds Do you have events?
Do you like FREE advertising?
concert: Jucifer ~~ IVIr=~ Smalls Fun House/Theatre
concert: Cruxslladows ~~ Upstage @Club Laga YOU DO?!
concert: DieselboyT @ WliiskeyT Dick's Email with your event informa-
tion. Include a description, the time, date, location and.
cost. We will include it in this event listing ABSOLUTELY
Sunday, _October 26 FREE! Believe it or not, people actually read this thing.
concert: My Chemical I-~oxnance, A Static Lullaby, mean, you are, right?

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