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1.1 Background of the Study

In the process communication, the participants or interlocutors convey

something of their state of mind and activity. In stating something of their

state of mind, participants usually and also perform the act in each utterance.

This linguistic term is called speech acts.

According to Austin in his book How to Do Things with Words

(1962), “whenever words are uttered, the speaker actually performs certain

acts”. He analyzed on three different levels. They are; locutionary act,

illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act. Locutionary act is an act of saying

something; that is, the act of producing an utterance. “Can you shut the

window?” It seems to be about the listener’s ability to shut the window, but

the illocutionary act tells the listener to shut the window. As Austin defines,

the concept of illocutionary act is an act of doing something. It is uttered by

the speaker that it is not only to say or state something but also it is used to

ask someone who is doing something. Perlocutionary act is the effect or

influence on the feelings, thoughts or actions of the hearer. Perlocutionary

acts could be inspiring, persuading, consoling, etc. It brings about an effect

upon the beliefs, attitudes or behaviors of the hearer.

Speech act occurs on the process of the meaning in how the

communication occurs and how the listener perceives the aim. Sometimes

people are not only saying but also forcing the hearer to do something. When

the hearer is doing an act, it means that he or she is doing an illocutionary act.
Illocutionary act is a very important part of speech acts because illocutionary

acts itself becames the main central to linguistics in elements of

communication. According to Searle (1969),

Illocutionary act is an act of doing something. It is uttered

by the speaker that means is not only to say or state
something but also it is used to ask someone doing
something, e.g promising, requesting, etc..

Hence, Searle (1969) categorizes five types of illocutionary acts;

assertive, directive, expressive, commissive, and declarative. Furthermore, he

explains that an assertive is an illocutionary act is an illocutionary act which

is influenced by the speaker’s belief. Directive is an illocutionary act where

the speaker wants the hearer to do or not to do something. Commissive is an

illocutionary act which commits the speaker to do the action in the future.

Expressove is an illocutionary act that expresses his feelings about an event.

Declaration is an illocutionary act which is uttered by the speaker to change

the state of affairs in the world.

Declaration is a kind of speech act which may change the situation. In

this case, language plays an important role for politicians as the medium of

communication in order to convey their intention. Since political language

deals with the use power to organize people’s mind and opinion. It is an

instrument used to control society in general. Not only for politicians, some

people are authorised to change the state of the world itself through speech. A

priest can marry two people with the words, “I now pronounce you man and

wife.” A judge can say, “I sentence you to three years in prison.” Especially,

a president does so when he speaks about the policies of his countries. Since
he sets those policies, everything out of their mouths can be taken as

something as the promise, which has direct effect to commit an action.

Donald J. Trump is a New Yorker and an American famous

businessman. He is the chairman of The Trump Organization and the founder

of Trump Entertainment Resorts. Since 2015, he proclaimed himself as the

presidential candidate of Republic Party for American Presidential Election in

2016. Donald Trump has spoken out some controversial ideas and statements

for year and a half, especially, recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel.

US President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital on

Wednesday, December 6th 2017, and announced plans to relocate the US

embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Since Trump’s decision prompted

criticism from world leaders, The United Nations General Assembly held an

emergency meeting towards Presiden Trump’s decision. At that meeting, the

General Assembly is calling on the Trump administration to withdraw that

decision. British Prime Minister Theresa May, regarding Trump’s

announcement was, did not intend to follow suit. The French president,

Emmanuel Macron, and the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, also

condemned the move. It could undermine stability in region and also that

desicion further complicates Israel-Palestine peace negotiations.

Based on the phenomenon above the writer is interested in conducting

research about illocutionary act used by Donald Trump in Jerusalem speech.

The writer pressumes that there are some intentions performed by Trump

through his utterances in the speech. Hence, this research would like to
uncover Donald Trump’s intention which are performed in his utterance in

Jerusalem speech by considering the context.

1.2 The Identification of the Problem

Based on the description above, the writer formulates the following

research question. They are:

1. What are the types of illocutionary acts found in Donald Trump’s

speech on Jerusalem speech?

2. Why did Donald Trump perform such illocutionary acts viewed from

the context of situation underlying the speech?

1.3 The Objectives of the Research

The objective of this research is to answer the research question above

that can be described as follows:

1. To find out the types of illocutionary acts found in by Donald Trump’s

speech on Jerusalem.

1.4 Scope of the Study

In this research, the writer aims to analyze Donald Trump’s utterances

in Jerusalem speech. The analysis is specifically focused on the types of

illocutionary act as proposed by Searle (1969) and the theory of context as

proposed by Leech (1983), in order to interpret the meaning.

1.5 The Method of the Research

There are three procedures applied in doing this research proposed by

Sudaryanto (1993). They are collecting the data, analyzing the data, and

presenting the result of analysis. The data were taken from Donald’s Trump
Speech which was entitled, “President Trump: US Recognizes Jerusalem as

Israel’s Capital”. The writer got this video from

YouTube, precisely in Live Stream TV News channel. It has 12 minutes and

25 seconds duration.

In collecting the data, The writer downloaded the video in YouTube.

then took the video transcription from the online newpaper The New York

Times. The writer applies observational technique (Sudaryanto, 1993: 133).

The writer pays a careful attention in watching video and read the transcript

several times. Then the writer identify and underline each utterances which

contain type of illocutionary acts. The writer found ... data to be analyzed.

In the analyzing the data, the writer uses pragmatics identity method as

proposed by Sudaryanto (1993). The writer uses theory of speech acts related

to the types of illocutionary act as proposed by Searle (1969) and uses theory

of context as proposed by Leech (1983).

The last step is presenting the result of data analysis. The writer

presents the result of the analysis in two ways. They are informal and formal

and methods (Sudaryanto, 1993:145). Informal method means that the result

of the analysis is presented by using words and sentences. It aims to help the

writer easier in giving explanation about research. Formal method is a way of

presenting the result of analysis by using table while informal method using

verbal language (Sudaryanto: 1993: 145).



2.1 Review of Related Studies

This chapter deals with previous studies related to the topic which is

being discussed. It also included the theory about illocutionary act proposed

by some linguist.

The first research is written by Malcolm Skewis (2002) entitled

“Mitigated Directness in Honglou Meng’s novel: Directive Speech Acts and

Politeness in Eighteenth Century Chinese”. He argued that the concept of

indirectness, as it applied to the illocutionary transparency of individual

speech acts, had no particular value in culture and language of eighteenth

century Chinese man. It was found that other linguistic devices, such as

particles, the reduplication of verbs, terms of address, and the presence and

sequencing of supportive moves were far more significant of the

communication of politeness. The finding suggests a need to rethink current

theoretical positions on this subject and move beyond the analysis of

individual speech acts to examine the role discourse structure and

management play in the enactment of politeness.

The second research is written by Natri et al. (2007), analyzing five

types of the illocutionary acts in away messages of the instant messaging

express informaational and entertainment communicative goal. The data are

classified to the types of illocutionary as Searle proposed (1969). Natri et al.

use participant’s method in their study; which they took the part directly in

the field to get the data. It means that they need several people to verified
their research. The result shows that the messages are constructed primarily

with assertives, followed by expressives, commissives, but rarely with

declaratives. This confirms that away messages tend to reflect both

informational and entertainment goals.

The last research is written by Akram (2008), analyzing the expressive

speech acts between those using Urdu language and English. The study

focuses on the intentions of the speakers and their utterances (locutionary,

illocutionary, and perlocutionary aspects of speech acts). He analyzes the

expressive acts by using Searle’s (1975) and Austin’s (1962) theories. The

research uses questionaires to gather data of speech acts used in some

colleges. The result of analysis shows that expressive is more often used in

English rather than in Urdu, Such difference is caused by the factor of

sutuation between the speaker.

Based on the reviews above, the writer finds the similarities and

differences through the previous studies. This research’s major similarity with

those previous studies is that all of them focus on speech acts theory

especially illocutionary acts. However, this research is different in the data

and focus. The first research used the novel as the data, the second research

using instant messaging as the data, and the last data used the utterances of

The Urdu and English speakers as the data.

2.2 Definition of Key Terms

Speech Acts is the action performed by saying something. By means of

utterances, ones are able to get others to do something. In other
words, speech acts are the actions which are performed via
utterances (Austin, 1962).
Illocutionary Act is an act of doing something. It is uttered by the speaker
that means is not only to say or state something but also it is
used to ask someone doing something, e.g promising,
requesting, etc.. (Searle, 1969).
Context is any background of knowledge, assumed to be shared by
speaker and hearer, which contributes to hearer interpretation
of what speaker means by an utterance (Leech, 1983:13).

2.3 Theoretical Framework

2.3.1 Speech Acts

People always communicate each other. They share ideas, information,

and feelings in order to express themselves. In attempting to request

themselves, people do not only produce utterances containing grammatical

structure and words, they also perform actions via those utterances.

Austin (1962) defines speech acts as expression of psychological states,

such as gratitude, embarrasment, irritation, regrets, etc., or as expression of

involvement in social intreaction, such as ordering, requesting, promising,

warning, etc.. He emphasizes that, in uttering a sentence, there are three types

of speech act that are produced by the speaker; locutionary acts, illocutionary

acts, and perlocutionary acts.

Locutionary acts which presupposes the utterance of a sentence with

determinate sense and reference (i.e. the study of meaning). Illocutionary acts

which presupposes the making of a request, statement, promise, offer, asking

a question, issuing, an order, etc.. Perlocutionary acts which presupposes the

bringing about of effects on the addressee(s) by uttering the sentence, the

effects depending on the circumstances of the utterances (i.e. all the intended

and unintended effects or consequences caused by a particular utterance in a

particular situatuon).
For example, when somebody says "Is there any salt?" at the dinner

table, the illocutionary act (the meaning conveyed) is effectively "please give

me some salt" even though the locutionary act (the literal sentence) was to

ask a question about the presence of salt. The perlocutionary act (the actual

effect), was to cause somebody to offer salt.

In other words, the study of speech act is very importance for us. The

one importance of studying speech act is to make us comprehend what

message that discovered in every utterance. Speech act also decided by the

language ability of speaker to convey the message in communication. If we

can understand about the meaning of speech act with clearly. So, when we

speak with other people in the communication or conversation, the speaker

not only speak source (the utterance have not intention and goal), but the

speaker must be interpret of the speaker’s meaning to the hearer. And the

speaker can make hearer to understand the meaning of that utterance by

speaker said. Speech act just perform in conversation or dialogue which

performed by speaker and hearer.

2.3.2 Illocutionary Acts

Illocutionary acts are considered the core of the theory of speech acts.

As Searle stated that “the basic unit of human linguistic communication is

illocutionary acts. Illocutionary acts is the action performed by the speaker in

producing a given utterance. The illocutionary acts is closely connected with

speaker’s intentions. e.g. stating, promising, requesting, threatening,

commanding, etc..
There are hundreds or thosands of illocutionary acts and thats is why,

for better understanding and orientation, some linguists proposed their

cassification. Austin comes up with five main classes or categories;

verdictives, exercitives, commissives, behabitives, exposives. However, many

alterative taxonomies have been suggested and many reformulations and

systematizations attempted. The classification which is the most influential

was John R. Searle. According to Searle, there are five types of illocutionary

acts; assertive, directive, expressive, commissive, and declarative.

2.3.3 Types of Illocutionary Acts

Searle (1969) categorizes the illocutionary acts into five types:

a. Assertive

Assertive speech acts refers to the commitment of the speaker to

the truth of the expressed proposition, such as concluding, asserting,

informing, claiming, reporting, etc.. Assertive speech acts are similar

with representative acts. They are used interchangeably by many

linguists. In this research, assertive illocutionary acts are used. In other

words, assertive is a speech acts which is influenced by the speaker’s

belief. For example:

“It is illegal to drink and drive”

The sentence above means to assert the hearer that the speaker

believed that its illegal to drink and drive because its very dangerous to

do so.
b. Directive

Directive speech acts are intended to produce some efforts through

action by the hearer, such as suggesting, advising, asking, requesting,

forbidding, etc.. Moreover, directive is a kind of speech acts where the

speaker wants the hearer to do or not to do something. For example:

“Give me a cup of water, please!”

The sentence above means that the speaker wants the hearer to do

something by getting the drink for the speaker. The sentence indicates


c. Expressive

Expressive speech acts are expressions of psychological state, such

as apology, congratulating, praising, welcoming, etc.. In other words,

expression is a part of speech acts that expresses the speaker’s attitudes

and emotion what the speaker feels. For example:

“You look beautiful, Janny”

The sentence above means the speaker praises his or her friend,

Janny, who looks beautiful. The act is praising.

d. Commissive

Commissive speech acts are comitting the speaker to a greater

degree to some future actions, such as threatening, refusing, promising,

praying, etc.. In other words, commissive is a kind of speech acts which

commits the speaker to do the action in the future. For example:

“I will be back tomorrow”

The sentence above means the speaker promises to back tomorrow

to the speaker.

e. Declarative

Declarative is uttered by the speaker to change the state of affairs

in the world. Moreover, it is a kind of speech acts which change the

situation, such as baptizing, declaring, marrying, etc.. For example,

“I now pronounce you man and wife”

The sentence above means the speaker is marrying two people who

are finally become husband and wife.

2.3.4 Context

Context is a background of knowledge which traces why the utterance

occurs. Context refers to situation and condition when the dialog happened.

The situational context contains the speaker, listener, time, place, and the

topic of conversational. In understanding the speaker’s intetion, context is

needed to help the hearer to avoid misinterpretation during the conversation,

as stated by Leech (1983: 13), "any background of knowledge assumed to be

shared by the speaker and hearer and the which contributes to the hearer's

interpretation of what speaker means by a given utterance ". Also, in order to

correctly decode the illocutionary acts performed by the speaker, which is

also necessary for the hearer to be acquainted with the context. Mey (1993:

139) says that, “one should not believe a speech act to be taking place, before

one has considered, or possibly created the appropriate context”.

Leech (1983) explains there are several aspects of situation which are

necessary to consider when someone tries to understand an understand an

utterance that uttered by addresser(s) or adressee(s), which are:

1. Addresser(s) or addresse(s) (speaker or hearer)

Leech refers addresser(s) and addressee(s) as a matter of

convenience, as a s (speaker) and h (hearer).

2. The context of utterance

Context has been understood in various ways, for example to

include relevant aspects of the physical or social setting of an

utterance . Leech proposes context in pragmatics is any background

knowledge that both speaker and hearer share which contributes to

hearer’s interpretation of what speaker means by utterance.

3. The goal of utterance

Leech refers the goal of utterance as the utterance’s intended

meaning or speaker’s intended in uttering it.

4. The utterance as a form of act or activity

In pragmatics, utterance is verbal act performed in particular


5. The utterance as product of verbal act

The word ‘utterance’ pragmatics can refer to the product of a

verbal act.

Since the data came from political speech of Jerusalem by Donald

trump, the writer need background knowledge from the data (the video and
the transcript) and from the outside of the data (info derived from

newspapers, articles, and news related to the topic).




3.1 Introduction

In this chapter, the writer presents the analysis of data based on the

theories that have been discussed in the previous chapter. The data are taken

from Donald’s Trump Speech which was entitled, “President Trump: US

Recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital”.

In analyzing the data, the writer examines the three basic of speech acts

as proposed by Austin (1962), with following five classifications of

illocutionary acts as proposed by Searle (1969) and using theory of context as

proposed by Leech (1983). Those types are assertive, directive, expressive,

commissive, and declarative. After finding the types of illocutionary acts, then

the writer finds the dominant one among them.

3.2 Types of Illocutionary Acts found Donald Trump in Jerusalem Speech

Datum 1

President Trump: When I came into office, I promised to look at the world’s

challenges with open eyes and very fresh thinking.

President Trump starts his speech by saying “when I came to office”,

Trump was trying to open his speech by giving the situation to the hearer.

Then he continues his speech by saying “I promised”, which means he

commits himself about something in the future. In other words, Trump

conveys about what he commited or promised when he came into office as

US president.

The sentence, “I promised to look at the world’s challenges with open

eyes and very fresh thinking” contains Trump conveys to the hearer that he

he commits himself to provide against the world’s challenges with courage,

confident, and be positive. In this context, Trump had promised during 2016

campaign to recognise Israel’s claim to the city and to move the American

embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem when he came into office as US

president, which also he were trying to fullfil his campaign promise.

In other words, by fulfilling his promise about recognize Jerusalem as

the capital of Israel means Trump wanted to jump-start stalled peace

agreement between Israel and the Palestinians with “open eyes” and “fresh

thinking”. In conclusion, based on the Trump’s utterance above, it can be

categorized as commisive illocutionary act and it refers to promising.

Datum 2

Presiden Trump: We cannot solve our problems by making the same failed

assumptions and repeating the same failed strategies of the past.

President Trump continues his speech by saying that “we cannot solve

our problems by making the same failed assumptions and repeating the same

failed strategies of the past”. Here, by delivering the speech, Trump was

trying to convey something to hearer.

The sentence “our problems” refers to the Israelis and Palestinians

conflict. Then, the sentence “making the same failed assumptions and
repeating the same failed strategies of the past” refers to, in indirect way,

Trump blamed the previous US presidents; Bill Clinton, George W. Bush,

and Barrack Obama, because they have failed to recognize Jerusalem as

Israel’s capital for security reason; in an effort to avoid conflict between

Israel and Palestinians.

In other words, based on Trump’s utterance, it can be categorized as

assertive illocutionary act and it refers to asserting, because Trump asserts to

the hearer in order to avoid making the same failed assumptions and repeating

the same failed strategies of the past as previous president does.

Datum 3

President Trump: My announcement today marks the beginning of a new

approach to conflict between Israel and the Palestinians.

Based on his utterance above, Trump used the term ‘new approach’.

The term ‘new approach’ here refers to two-state solutions; the only way to

achieve a just and lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Trump

used the verb “marks” here, as an indication of something. In other words, the

context of his utterance is that he states one point; Trump’s announcement as

an indication of the beginning of a peace solution for Israel and Palestinians


In conclusion, based on President Trump’s utterance, it can be

categorized as assertive illocutionary act and it refers to stating. Since stating

is an act to express something completely and clearly in speech, Trump states

his announcement clearly that ‘new approach’ as the solution for Israel and

Palestinians conflict to achieve a peace agreement.

Datum 4

Yet, for over 20 years, every previous American president has exercised the
law’s waiver, refusing to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem or to
recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city. Presidents issued these waivers
under the belief that delaying the recognition of Jerusalem would advance the
cause of peace. Some say they lacked courage but they made their best
judgments based on facts as they understood them at the time. Nevertheless,
the record is in. After more than two decades of waivers, we are no closer to a
lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

President Trump: After more than two decades of waivers, we are no closer

to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and Palestinians.

This clip of speech discussed about refusal of every previous American

president to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city or to move the US

Embassy to Jerusalem. Trump mentioned the reason of refusal is the law’s

waiver under the belief it would advance the cause of peace.

In this datum, Trump as the speaker demonstrated the act of criticism.

The object of criticism was “the law’s waiver”. Here, Trump was trying to

criticize two points. Firstly, Trump mentioned “after more than two decades

of waivers” which refers to Trump criticizes about the long periods of the

law’s waiver that has been exercised by every previous American president.

Secondly, Trump mentioned “we are no closer to a lasting peace agreement

between Israel and Palestinians”, which refers to “Trump criticizes to every

previous American president who has been exercise the law’s waiver, it does

not bring Israel and Palestinians to a lasting peace agreement for long period
of time. In conclusion, this utterance can be classified in assertive

illocutionary act and it refers to criticism.

Datum 5

It would be folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula would now
produce a different or better result. Therefore, I have determined that it is
time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

President Trump: Therefore, I have determined that it is time to officially

recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Trump declares his decision as an act of his campaign promise

fulfillment. Also, if we relate to his previous utterance, Trump declares

Jerusalem as the capital of Israel as a signal to the hearer that he was different

from every previous American president who have failed to declare. Trump

does not want people still have the old assumption.

Based on the utterance above, Trump used the conjunction “therefore”

as the link between his previous utterance and his next utterance. Then he

continues, “I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem

as the capital of Israel”. In this utterance, Trump used the verb “determined”,

as an act to declare his decision about recognising Jerusalem as the capital of

Israel. Also, Trump used the verb word “determined”, as an act to clarify his

decision about a final status negatiatons; a lasting peace agreement between

the Palestinians and Israelis.

In conclusion, this utterance can be classified into assertive

illocutionary act and it refers to declaration. Since declaration is an act to

state something publicly and officialy, in this context, Trump declares

Jerusalem as the capital of Israel publicly and officially, in a controversial

address from the White House on Wednesday afternoon.

Datum 6

President Trump: Today we finally acknowledge the obvious that

Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. This is nothing more or less than a

recognition of reality. It is also the right thing to do. It’s something that

has to be done.

Based on Trump’s utterance above shows President Trump affirms his

statements one by one. Firstly, Trump affirms that they finally acknowledge

the obvious that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital. In this utterance, the sentence

“acknowledge the obvious” refers to the situation in which, according to

Trump, Jerusalem has been Israel’s capital since the nation’s establishment in

1948; under President Truman, recognized the State of Israel.

Secondly, Trump affirms his statement is nothing more or less than a

recognition of reality. In this case, the term “a recognition of reality” refers to

the reality or the fact that Jerusalem is the home of the Israeli parliament and

Supreme Court, the residence of both the president and prime minister, the

location of many government ministries.

Lastly, Trump continues his utterance as “it is the right thing to do”

and “it’s something that has to be done”. Those utterances are fulfilling the

previous term “recognition of reality”. According to Trump, because its the

reality that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Both parties, Israelis and

Palestinians should recognized this. Its the right thing to do and its something
that has to be done in order to achieving the peace agreement between the two

parties. In conclusion, this utterance can be classified in assertive

illocutionary act and it refers to affirmation.

Datum 7

I am also directing the State Department to begin preparation to move the

American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This will immediately begin
the process of hiring architects, engineers and planners so that a new
embassy, when completed, will be a magnificent tribute to peace.

President Trump: I am also directing the State Department to begin

preparation to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

The clip of this speech shows that besides Trump declares Jerusalem as

the capital of Israel, Trump also announces plans to move the American

embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Like other presidential candidates

before him, Trump repreatedly promised during his campaign to recognize

Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the US embassy there. However,

every previous American president has signed a national security waiver

every six months to delay the move.

In conclusion, based on Trump’s utterance above is an illocutionary act

that is categorized into directive. It can be concluded that Trump’s utterance

above means ordering. Ordering is an act where the speaker wants the hearer

to do something. In this case, Trump orders the State Department to begin

preparation to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Later on, Trump also orders to begin the process of hiring architects,

engineers, and planners.

Datum 8

President Trump: In making these announcements, I also want to make one

point very clear. This decision is not intended in any way to reflect a

departure from our strong commitment to facilitate a lasting peace


This clip of the speech discussed about Trump’s decision regarding the

recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. In this clip, Trump starts his

utterance by saying I also want to make one point very clear. In this case,

Trump wants to tell the hearer very clear that there’s also the specific point

among his speech.

Then Trump continues his utterance by saying “This decision is not

intended in any way to reflect a departure from our strong commitment to

facilitate a lasting peace agreement”. In this datum, the speaker demonstrated

the act of affirmation.

Based on his utterance above, Trump affirming his decision very clear,

that the United States’ commitment to helping Israelis and Palestinians reach

a peace agreement. Moreover, Trump affirming his decision was not intended

to tip the scale in Isael’s favor and that agreeing on the final status of

Jerusalem would remain a central part of any peace deal between Israel and

the Palestinians. For this reason, this utterance can be categorized as assertive

illocutionary act that is categorized into affirmation.

Datum 9

President Trump: We are not taking a position of any final status issues

including the specific boundaries of the Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem or

the resolution of contested borders. Those questions are up to the parties


This clip of the speech still discussed about Trump’s decision regarding

the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Based on his utterance, he

mentioned that the US not taking a position of any final status issues

including the specific boundaries. In other words, President Trump explicitly

stated that the US will not take sides on ownership of the eastern and western

portions of the city, including the boundaries of the Old City. Since the

ownership of portions of Jerusalem should be made by the Israelis and

Palestinians (both of whom claim the city as their capital). Also, the specific

limits of Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem are subject to final status

negotiations between the parties.

In this case, the US would still support potentially dividing Jerusalem

between the Israelis and the Palestinians as part of future peace negotiations.

For this reason, it can be categorized as assertive illocutionary act and it

refers to stating.
Datum 10

President Trump: The United States remains deeply committed to helping

facilitate a peace agreement that is acceptable to both sides. I intend to

do everything in my power to help forge such an agreement.

This clip of the speech still discussed about Try

Based on President Trump’s utterance, it can be categorized as

commissive illocutionary act and it refers to commit because Donald Trump

as speaker commits to help the both side which here means Israel and

Palestinians, to achieve agreement. In comments released by the White

House, Trump said that he’s committed to working with Israel and

Palestinians to reach an agreement. But any agreement cannot be imposed by

the United States or by any other nation. The Palestinians and Israelis must

work together to reach an agreement that allows both peoples to live,

worship, and thrive and prosper in peace.

Datum 11

President Trump: In the meantime, I call on all parties to maintain the

status quo at Jerusalem’s holy sites including the Temple Mount, also

known as Haram al-Sharif.

Datum 12
President Trump: With today’s action, I reaffirm my administration’s

longstanding commitment to a future of peace and security for the


Datum 13

President Trump: There will, of course, be disagreement and dissent

regarding this announcement. But we are confident that ultimately, as we

work through these disagreements, we will arrive at a peace and a place

far greater in understanding and cooperation.

The context of this speech shows President Trump has defied

overwhelming global opposition by recognising Jerusalem as the capital of

Israel, but insisted that the highly controversial move would not derail his

own administration’s bid to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Cited from online magazines, the president’s announcement provoked

condemnation from US allies, and a furious reaction from Palestinian leaders

and the Muslim world. Within minutes of Trump’s announcement, US

embassies in Turkey, Jordan, Germany and Britain issued security alerts

urging Americans to exercise caution. So, it causes UN security council

resolution calling for the withdrawal of Donald Trump’s recognition of

Jerusalem as Israel’s capital has been backed by every council member except

the US, which used its veto.

In conclusion, based on President Trump’s utterance, it can be

categorized as asserrtive illocutionary act and it refers to believing by saying

“we are confident ”. According to Trump, the government worked very hard

to make the peace of Israel and Palestine a reality, and to secure a peace deal

between Israelis and Palestinians after more than six decades of conflict was

frankly maybe not as difficult as people have thought over the years.

Datum 14

President Trump: Lifting our sights to what is possible, not pulling us

back and down to the old fights that have become so totally predictable.

The context of this speech shows President Trump advises the hearer to

increase hopes and ambitions about what is possible, which here means,

Trumps wants the hearer to look forward

Datum 15

President Trump: So today we call for calm, for moderation, and for the

voices of tolerance to prevail over the purveyors of hate. Our children

should inherit our love, not our conflicts.

Datum 16

President Trump: Vice President Pence will travel to the region in the

coming days to reaffirm our commitment to work with partners

throughout the Middle East to defeat radicalism that threatens the hopes

and dreams of future generations.

The context of this speech shows President Trump informs that vice

president Pence will travel to travel the region in the coming days but
Datum 17

President Trump: It is time for the many who desire peace to expel the

extremists from their midsts. It is time for all civilized nations and people

to respond to disagreement with reasoned debate, not violence. And it is

time for young and moderate voices all across the Middle East to claim

for themselves a bright and beautiful future.

Datum 18

President Trump: So today, let us rededicate ourselves to a path of

mutual understanding and respect. Let us rethink old assumptions and

open our hearts and minds to possible and possibilities.

The context of this speech shows President Trumps invites the hearer;

firstly Trump invites the hearer to rededicate ourselves to a path of mutual

understanding and respect.

that his announcements marks new approach to conflict between Israel

and the Palestinans.

Datum 19

President Trump: And finally, I ask the leaders of the region political and

religious, Israeli and Palestinian, Jewish and Christian and Muslim to

join us in the noble quest for lasting peace.

The context of this speech shows President Trump declares Jerusalem

as the capital of Israel.

Datum 20

President Trump: Thank you. God bless you. God bless Israel. God bless

the Palestinians and God bless the United States. Thank you very much.

Thank you.

The recapitulation

Type of
No Datum Illocutionary Meaning
1 I promised to look at the world’s
Assertive Promising
challenges with open eyes and
very fresh thinking.

2 We cannot solve our problems

by making the same failed

assumptions and repeating the

same failed strategies of the past.

3 My announcement today marks

the beginning of a new approach

to conflict between Israel and

the Palestinians.

4 After more than two decades of

waivers, we are no closer to a

lasting peace agreement

between Israel and Palestinians.

5 Therefore, I have determined

that it is time to officially

recognize Jerusalem as the

capital of Israel.

6 Today we finally acknowledge

the obvious that Jerusalem is

Israel’s capital. This is nothing

more or less than a recognition

of reality. It is also the right

thing to do. It’s something that

has to be done.


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