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The Pergau Hydroelectric Project

Proc. Instn Civ.

Engrs Wat., Marit.

Part 2: civil engineering

& Energy, 1997,
124, Sept., 150-172

construction Paper 11163

Ordinary Meeting
E. McEwan, BSc(Hons), J. Idiculla, BSc(Hond, CEng, MICE, Tuesday 28 October 1997.
Please call Paul Clements
and R. Patel, BSc(Hond, CEng, MICE on 0171 665 52237
if planning to attend

Written discussion
closes 30th January 1998
The Pergau Hydroelectric Project was There was a further peak in rainfall in May.
built as a design and construct contract Annual rainfall was around 3000 mm.
in Northern Peninsular Malaysia by an Temperatures varied between 18 and 34°C.
Anglo-Malaysian joint venture with funding
assistance provided by the British Mobilization
Government. The project is located 4. Mobilization commenced on site in
approximately 100 km west of the Kelantan March 1991 with site investigation works. In
State capital of Kota Bharu. This paper order to initiate advance contracts,
describes the contractor’s mobilization for experienced start-up teams drawn from Balfour
the 600 MW hydroelectric project and the Beatty Cementation Joint Venture (BBCJV)
general construction requirements for the and Knight Piesold & Partners (KPP) travelled
project. Although each section of the works to site and took up temporary residence in a
had its own particular problems of guest house located in Tanah Merah, some
construction, this paper concentrates on 90 km from site. Their first task was to get the Edward McEwan,
the following three areas that were critical site investigation under way. Project Director,
in meeting the key dates for completion: 5. At the time of tender, geotechnical Balfour Beatty
the powerhouse and power tunnels; the information was limited to the feasibility study Cementation Joint
power shaft; the Kuala Yong dam. It also carried out by Snowy Mountain Engineering Venture, Sidcup, Kent
includes a brief description of the Corporation (SMEC). Part of the contractor’s
tunnelling methods used. initial brief on site was to conduct a more
detailed site investigation (SI) in order to
provide early information to get the design
Introduction under way. With assistance from the KBBC
On 14 January 1991, Kerjaya Balfour Beatty liaison officer, resident in Kuala Lumpur, a
Cementation (KBBC), a Malaysian registered subcontract was placed with Malaysian Site
joint venture company consisting of Kerjaya Investigation Bh. Shd and SI works
Binaan (an established local company) commenced in March 1991.
together with Balfour Beatty Construction 6. In April 1991, an advance party of the
International Ltd and Cementation Mining Ltd, site team arrived on site and soon appreciated
Josk Idiculla,
was awarded a contract by Tenaga Nasional that the areas identified in the contract for the
Berhad (TNB), the Malaysian Power Utility, building of camps were not available. It was Manager, Balfour
for the design and construction of the Pergau therefore necessary to establish a temporary Beatty Cementation
Hydroelectric Power Project in Northern base camp and this was accomplished quickly Joint Venture,
Peninsular Malaysia (Fig. 1). The scope of the by utilizing prefabricated, kitted-out ‘container’ Sidcup, Kent
works and the relationships between the units in the grounds of a tourist lodge located
various parties and subcontractors involved in close to the site (see Fig. 3). It took several
the contract are covered in Part 1.’ The months for land to be obtained for the two
contract duration was 67 months. major establishments - the project village and
2. The logistical problems of access and the area for the offices, workshop and stores.
mobilization for a project with several The offices and workshop were located at a
workfronts in dense tropical jungle and site in close proximity to the powerhouse
covering a distance of over 80 km between the complex and the tailrace tunnel (see Fig. 2).
extremities of the scheme was a daunting task The offices were occupied in late 1991. The
for the start-up team. Initial accesses within project village (see Fig. 2) was positioned
the site were accomplished by using existing within reasonable reach of all parts of the
Rohit Patel,
logging tracks (see Fig. 2). project. The village included accommodation Current Project
3. Elevations at sites within the scheme for bachelors and families and had recreational Manager, Balfour
ranged from a low of 100 m above sea level to facilities, restaurants, bars, a school and a Beatty Cementation
over 750 m. The climate was monsoonal, with shop. The first residents moved in just before Joint Venture,
heavy rains falling from October to January. Christmas 1991. Sidcup, Kent

7. On the construction front, sites were

sought for the five separate explosives
magazines that would be required for the
storage of explosives. An application for a
licence for these facilities was lodged in July
1991. This exercise was an early exposure to
local regulations and these proved to be quite
onerous in their requirements for licences for
many aspects of the construction activities.
The first magazine was not licensed for use
until late November 1991: the last licence was
issued 18 months after the initial application
was lodged.
8. The process for the recruitment of
labour also presented problems. It was difficult
to obtain the right calibre of labour from the
adjacent villages, particularly for the
underground works and the decision was
eventually taken to initially enter into a
subcontract for the supply of labour until such
time as KBBC had fully mobilized the works
and appreciated the full potential of the local
labour market.
9. Despite these and the logistical
problems in setting up the site, efforts began
Fig. 1. Location sketch in August 1991 to establish access to the
portals for the diversion and powerhouse
tunnels. Fig. 2. Project layout

Reregulabng pond

Talrace outfall


- - - E x i s t i n g loggmg tracks
To Tanah Merah
-a. Tunnel 50 km
- Existing road
.-- Proposed road Scale I ” km
- River 2 3 4 5
x Concrete batching plant
@ Crushing plant
. Intakes KG. Kubar Datu
10. It was also necessary to establish all-
weather accesses to the other work areas on
site, and where possible commence
construction of the permanent access roads.
Existing logging tracks were used as far as
possible to gain immediate access around
sites, but the continuous use of these tracks
by loggers necessitated constant maintenance
by KBBC which was, of course, gratefully
welcomed by the private logging contractors!
11. By early 1992, concrete batching and
crushing plants were set up at strategic
locations (see Fig. 2) on site to best service
construction requirements. The erection of
workshop and stores was also substantially
completed and refurbishment works
commenced on a consignment of plant that
arrived on site in May 1991 from a previous
contract. The early months of 1992 saw the
arrival of substantial consignments of heavy
plant and materials purchased for the contract. in the first instance to the design engineer’s Fig. 3. Container
representative, who after having reviewed the village at base camp
Quality assurance document again, signified his approval by
12. As explained in Part 1,’ the satisfactory stamping and signing the document. Copies of
execution of the turnkey contract was this approved document would then be issued
significantly assisted by the quality system for construction.
that emanated from the Project Manual, 14. Execution of the construction works
procedures, method statements, and inspection was strictly in accordance with approved
& test plans. procedures. These procedures would also
13. Section managers would schedule out a identify contract requirements, where the
programme for the preparation of these supervising engineer had to approve aspects of
documents based on the programme of works the construction activities. Regular surveillance
for their sections. A draft document would be and QA audits were carried out to ensure that
first prepared in consultation with the QA quality system standards were maintained and
manager, who would then arrange for adhered to. In addition, regular external audits
distribution of copies of the document for were carried out by partner companies,
comments to the engineering manager, the Results of the inspections and status on
safety advisor and site personnel who were closing out of non-conformance reports
directly involved with the works. A copy would (NCRs) were discussed and monitored at the
also be issued to the design engineer’s project director’s weekly progress meetings.
representative on site for his comments and See Table 1 for a summary. BSI accreditation
checks on interface with his quality system. for the site quality management system was
The document would, in addition to applied for and awarded in November 1995.
procedures and methods, contain information
on other pertinent reference documentation,
safety, risk assessment and, where possible, 15. Safety awareness and induction
training of local staff. An average lead time of featured as a priority on site. The safety
four weeks was allowed from commencement department consisted of an expatriate safety
of preparation of the draft document, advisor and four local safety officers. The
incorporation of corrections and amendments, safety advisor reported to the project director.
to preparation of the final document, ready for 16. The site safety policy and safety plan
issue. A copy of the final document was issued incorporated the following.

Table 1. Summary of non-conformance reports (NCRs) and corrective action requests (CARS)

Description Main Main

contractor subcontractors

KBBC SBKF’ GEC(M) Whessoe Torsco

Non-conformance reports 456 - 1156 2 4

Corrective action requests 145 6 44 1 22
1100 Fig. 4. Accident
Frequency rate Total hours worked
1 statistics 1992-1996


0 M M J s N J M M J s N J M M J S N J M M J S N J M M J
1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

(a) Induction and safety training for new Training

recruits. 18. The project, being located in a
(b) Monthly safety meetings attended by remote part of Malaysia, did not attract
heads of departments, the safety labour with the necessary skills for the
department, section managers, the site construction works. Construction activities
doctor and chaired by the management were centred in and around the capital,
safety representative. Kuala Lumpur, and high premiums were
(c) Monthly safety meetings conducted by paid for personnel with any construction
each section. skills.
(4 Organization of first-aid courses, safety 19. It was therefore recognized from
workshops and courses in risk the outset that properly structured training
assessments. programmes were required for personnel
(e) Safety audits, trend analysis and reporting recruited for specialist construction
data for UK office. activities. These included heavy plant
V, Regular external partner audits were also operations, manufacturing of formwork,
carried out. placing of concrete, surveying, etc., and even
Fig. 4 shows the accident statistics for office-bound functions like planning and
1992-1996. draughting. Encouragement and advice
were provided for young, local graduates to
Environmental management enhance their knowledge and experience
17. The environmental management formed with a view to gaining membership of
part of the quality system and was an item on their respective professional institutions.
the agenda for discussion and review at the Indeed, several external training courses
site monthly safety meetings and the monthly were also arranged for both local and
coordination meetings with the employer, the expatriate personnel, covering topics on man
design and supervising engineers together and time management, finance and appraisal
with the contractor. Managers and site procedures.
personnel were encouraged to take a close
and active interest in environmental issues in
their particular areas of activity. Both the The project management
employer and the Overseas Development 20. The KBBC and engineering
Administration (ODA) conducted independent management department structures, together
environmental audits on a quarterly and half- with the management of the design and
yearly basis respectively, from which action approval process for drawings, are covered in
plans were drawn up as appropriate and Part 1.’
Temporary works and construction example of this was the design of the
methods aqueduct inlet tunnel at Terang. The ground
21. The temporary works on the project condition here was extremely poor and in
were extensive and varied. Due to the order to obtain a suitable founding (on rock) it
unavailability of suitably qualified local would have been necessary to carry out
personnel, it was necessary to recruit substantial invert excavation together with
expatriate professional engineers to carry out extensive support measures and concrete
temporary works design and liaise closely with backfill. A solution using ‘minipiles’ was
the construction department and the design proposed by KBBC and adopted by the design
engineer’s representative on site in engineer in his design, to support the steel-
determining economic and viable methods of lined tunnel, instead of excavating and
construction, on the basis of which permanent replacing with concrete, large quantities of
works designs could be considered. An unsuitable invert material (see Fig. 5).

@5--- 4303

Conduit A
t- +

G Steel liner


Part longitudinal section

Mir ~ipile schedule I ?. Aqueduct

Dla: Range of depth Total
Shotcrete and

t-flgh strength grade

Bartec (A695650) 35 MPa max w/c
coupler ratio 0.4

\ i

casing T 50 Reinf. bar

Fig. 5. Details of
Section l-1 minipiles at Terang
Section A-A (dimensions in mm)
22. The temporary works in this instance 25. KBBC established a procurement
could have been extensive and costly. In order office, using BBCJV’s services in the UK, to
to ensure that this vital function of the source and ship material to the project site
contract was carried out efficiently and (refer to Part 1’ for the description of the
professionally, it was necessary to establish functions of BBCJV). Owing to the long lead
procedures covering the identification of times, requirements for materials had to be
requirements, requests for design and properly scheduled out and in particular, due
implementation, and inspection. All temporary consideration given to perishables, such as
works design was checked and signed off by explosives and rock-bolt resins exceeding their
the temporary works coordinator appointed by shelf-life.
the engineering manager. These temporary
works procedures formed an integral part of
the quality system. Construction works
26. The project was divided into
geographically managed sections as described
Procurement in Part 1.’ Although each section of the works
23. During the spring and summer of 1991, had its own particular problems of
construction plant was sourced from various construction, this paper will concentrate on
parts of the world, including the UK, the USA, three areas which were critical in meeting the
Sweden, Hong Kong and Sri Lanka. These key dates for completion and will demonstrate
included: rubber-tyred, three boom the close relationship between the contractor
electrohydraulic Jumbos for the large diameter and design engineer that was required in this
power tunnels; rail-mounted, two-boom Jumbos design and construct project. It was always
and Haggloaders for the aqueduct tunnel; necessary to resolve construction problems
heavy-duty trucks, excavators, loaders, dozers promptly as they manifested themselves and
and other plant and equipment for the vary the design of the works when required,
underground and surface works (see Table 2 to adapt to changing site conditions.
for details on the main plant items).
24. In addition to the equipment, much of Tunnelling methods
the materials required for the operation of the 27. The tunnels on the contract totalled in
works had to be imported. The funding excess of 33 km and apart from short lengths
agreement required that a major element of at some portals, were driven by drill and blast
the loan money should be spent in the UK. methods. The large diameter tunnels were

Table 2. Plant categories

Power tunnels.: 6983 m Aqueduct: 23 238 m Dam and reregulating p o n d
(rubber-tyred) No. (rail-mounted) No. (ext. 1.4 million m3; No.
fill 2.3 million m3)
Jumbos - 3 booms: Jumbos: Excavators:
Gardner Denver TK 140H 2 Gardner Denver R35 CAT 245 3
5 CAT 235 1
Dump trucks: Haggtoaders: CAT 225 7
CAT DT 350 10 Atlas Copco 8HR 6
CAT DT 250 6 Loading shovels:
Haggcars: 25 CAT 988 3
Loading shovels: Atlas Copco 140 CL CAT 966 2
CAT 980 CAT 950 3
CAT 966 Mulhauser Unicar:
CAT 950 10 m3 4 Dump trucks:
CAT D400 16
Locos: CAT D350
Wheel excavators - Hitachi Plymouth JDM24 11
- Dozers:
Others: No. CAT D8
- CAT D6
Batchers 4
Compacting rollers:
Crushers 4 Ingersole Rand - SD150
Ingersole Rand - SD100
Modified jumbo - 2 b o o m 1
(in pressure shaft) Graders:
intake structure

Aqueduct tunnel

Tailrace tunnel
Reregulating pond

Main access tunnel

\ Transformer hall

High pressure headracetunnel

(bifurates under transformer hall

driven with the use of rubber-tyred equipment; design engineer to incorporate into the design Fig. 6. Schematic of
the smaller diameter aqueduct tunnels were and direct permanent support requirements. power generation
driven using rail-mounted equipment (see There were several instances where tunnel system
Table 2 for plant details). alignments had to be changed by the design
2 8 . In considering the method to be used engineer to suit revised portal locations and
in the excavation of the tunnels, the choice the contractor’s access requirements. Fig. 6
was between conventional techniques and shows the layout of the power generation
boring. While the variable geometry of many system.
of the tunnels excluded the use of tunnel
boring machines (TBMs), the 2.6 km
(approximate) tailrace tunnel and 24 km The powerhouse and tunnels
aqueduct tunnel offered these possibilities. 30. SMEC carried out the initial site
Bowever, the time constraint within the design investigation during the feasibility stage of the
and construct frame did not provide the contract, to locate the positions of the
opportunity to carry out site investigation powerhouse and associated tunnels. These
works to confirm the feasibility of the use of were carried out in a number of phases and
TBMs. It was reasoned that should difficult covered the whole of the project area. A
ground conditions be encountered, the TBM number of boreholes were drilled in the
drive would have to be halted for some time vicinity of the powerhouse but only one
while difficulties were overcome. This would inclined borehole was located in the cavern,
have the potential for serious delay to the some 300 m deep.
project completion. Furthermore, the 31. Post contract, site investigation was
unavailability of experienced mining labour carried out by KBBC, as directed by the
and the logistics of properly supporting a design engineer and in accordance with the
mechanized heading in a relatively remote part project brief. In excess of 150 diamond-cored
of South-East Asia were also considered boreholes were drilled, totalling some 9 km.
factors against the use of TBMs. Conventional There was, in addition, special in situ testing
techniques were considered more adaptable in carried out. This included seismic reflection/
these circumstances. The tunnels were refraction surveys, overcoring, hydraulic
excavated with adherence to the specified acceptance tests, hydraulic fracturing and
principles of the new Austrian tunnelling jacking tests and a full range of laboratory
method (NATM). testing.
2 9 . It was almost exclusively left to the 32. The elements that comprise the power
contractor to determine portal locations for tunnel complex are shown on Fig. 7. Access to
adits and tunnels. This was based almost the underground power station is by the main
entirely on accessibility to the portal locations access tunnel (MAT) and cable and vent
and minimizing excavation in ‘soft’ material. tunnel (UT), which both share the same
Once established, the portals were surveyed portal. Excavation of both these tunnels
and information promptly provided to the commenced at the end of December 1991.
Powerhouse anchor gallery

\ 7 manifo’d , zzanchor gallery

Machine hall .’
I’ .,e
Adit t o headrac? tunnel - _ .--L-4

Transformer cavern /

Headrace tunnel mkfold

(under transformer cavern)

Cable and ventilation tunnel i

Vertical section through surge tunnel

and end of tallrace manifold

The tunnels were driven using expatriate MAT and 575 m of CVT excavated, progress Fig. 7. The
supervision with crews supplied by a local suffered considerable disruption and delays powerhouse and
labour subcontractor. Mucking of the tunnels due to geological difficulties. High, sustained associated tunnels
was carried out using a Cat 966 and D25 hot water inflows up to 54°C and 10 bar
dump trucks. Details of the power tunnels are pressure were encountered from open joints
given in Table 3. The powerhouse cavern and cavities up to a metre wide. Progress was
dimensions are 37 m high by 30 m wide by also restricted due to the presence of
96 m long and the adjacent transformer hall is chemically altered bands up to 10 m and
11 m by 15 m by 80 m long. exceptionally deep, completely weathered rock,
33. Initial excavation of the MAT and CVT requiring soft ground tunnelling in weak
was restricted due to the lack of explosives saturated material. The design requirement for
and it was not until February 1992 that the ground treatment and stabilization in the
excavation works were able to proceed immediate vicinity of the excavations resulted
unhindered. This continued for a period of in directives from the design engineer for
approximately five months and with 495 m of substantial forward grouting (see Table 4).

Table 3. Tunnel excavation statistics

Tunnel Cross- Length: Grade: Advance: weekly Explosives

section m major Best: Average: usage
area: m* m kg kg/m3
Tailrace tunnel 42.38 2 656 24 294 136 2.6
High pressure headrace tunnel 37.57 467 17 49 228 2.8
Cable and ventilation tunnel 36.57 780 22 80 976 2.8
Main access tunnel 47.96 1050 24 121456 2.4
Low pressure headrace tunnel 36.29 1 174 32 122 524 2.9
Diversion tunnel 23-81 549 31 50 141 3.8
Surge tunnel 47.96 307 11 39 033 2.7
Aqueduct tunnel 10.29 23 238 41 1236 293 5.2
Table 4. Grout mixes 36. It was during the course of the
excavation of the loop that the presence of a
Grout mixz Bags/ Grout No. of potentially unstable wedge of rock, which was
water/cement 200 I: volume: bags later assessed to weigh some 23 000 t and
ratio pans pans outcropped at the downstream face of the
(by weight) powerhouse cavern, manifested itself. The fault
Grout sequence A: zone associated with the wedge, which varied
Water inflow > 0.5 I/s from 1 to 3 m, was fully identified in
September 1992 and was determined by the
2:l 2 50 100 design engineer to require support in the form
1:l 4 100 400 of ground anchors, rock bolts and ground
2:3 6 50 300 improvement over a distance of some 50 m,
1:2 8 50 400 along the cavern wall. The contractor’s
then thicken to refusal
proposal of using cable ties instead of anchors
Grout sequence B: and installed from a dedicated anchor gallery
1 I/min < water inflow < 0.5 I/s was accepted by SMEC and the design
4:l 1 5 5 37. The solution adopted for stabilizing the
2:l 2 50 100
rock consisted of
1:l 4 50 200
1:2 8 50 400 (4 supporting the rock wedge by means of
then thicken to refusal 82 tension ties with a working load of
225 t installed from an anchor gallery
Grout sequence C:
low permeability ground e.g. altered granite driven from the already completed surge
tunnel; it was determined in the design
4:l 1 100 100 that the difference in the load would be
2:l 2 100 200 restrained by friction between the wedge
1:l 4 50 200 and the surrounding rock
2:3 6 50 300
(b) excluding water from any open rock
1:2 8 50 joints in the roof and downstream wall
then thicken to refusal
of the cavern by a major grouting
This enabled the holes for the ties to be
drilled from outside the cavern and in a
3 4 . Grouting also had the advantage of downward direction, which in view of the large
stemming the high inflows of water and amounts of water inflows being encountered,
enabled the excavation works to progress. was the best solution from engineering and
There were instances where in excess of construction considerations. Details of the tie
30 l/s water inflows were recorded to layout and installation requirements are shown
individual holes and as many as 1000 50 kg in Fig. 9.
bags of cement were needed to grout off a 38. The installation of the ties was carried
single hole. In all, in excess of 3000 t of out using ‘in-house’ expertise within the
cement was used in the grouting operations shareholder companies in an integrated
for the power cavern and tunnels. The framework with KBBC through which
grouting methods and patterns adopted are commercial, contractual and technical issues
shown in Fig. 8. were resolved more easily than following a
35. Extensive forward probing and seismic traditional subcontract arrangement. The
surveys were carried out to predict ground drilling of holes for the ties was carried out
conditions ahead and provide early information using two Casagrande DTH track-mounted air
on conditions that could be anticipated in the percussion drills to drill the 150 mm diameter
cavern excavation. This enabled early ground holes for the ties. This operation had
support designs to be carried out and indeed repeatedly to be stopped and grouted to deal
provided information on joint orientations with water inflows. A further difftculty
which formed the basis of the powerhouse encountered was that the ties tended to
realignment, to suit the most favourable ‘droop’ as they passed through the feature
geological conditions. The priority in the causing the wedge and through other parallel
excavation works was to complete the features consisting predominately of
MAT/UT loop as early as possible (see Fig. chemically altered zones of weak, silty, sandy
7). This would, in addition to providing material containing voids. The amount of
valuable geological information, also create a droop was kept to a minimum by grouting and
complete circuit for external ventilation and redrilling, but it could not be eliminated
cooling down the hot, humid working entirely. Due to the droop it was not in fact
environment underground. possible to install all 82 ties as originally
F Powerhouse cavern

,-See detail A for

Face grout hole1

Detsil A

Method and materials

- 1 The grout holes shall be dnlled to a mm~mum depth 3 m past
t theu mspection wth the geologlcal feature as determmed by
the design engmeer

2 Groubng operations and mixes shall be m accordance with the

grouting sequences A.6 and C gwen I” Table 4 It IS not expected
that the grout sequences wll necessarily be conbnued to the end
of the sequence as refusal pressures may develop during the
Drill fwstinext grouted groubng stage. It IS assumed that locally produced OPC wll be
bar hole used for groutmg

3 Grout pressures shall be

- MaxImum pressure for groutmg of primary, secondary and
terbary holes. 30 bars

I \ 4 Any grouted bar holes encountering water wll be grouted.

Hatched area indicates
Drill check hole and Cross-section see Detail 1.
grout as reqwed by pressure-grouttng
from tatlrace manlfold

holes completed?
4 Yes
Contmue exca”atlO”

Detail 1
Grouting and grouted bar holes

intended. The overall load capacity of the Pressure shaft Fig. 8. Powerhouse
tension ties was eventually installed in 76 ties 42. Early site investigation works carried cavern: extent and
by increasing the number of strands from 15 out in 1991 indicated a low stress regime in method of installation
to 18 in the lower rows. rock in the vicinity of the powerhouse. of blanket grouting
39. Excavation of the cavern proceeded During the tunnelling operations, it was (elevation in mm)
initially with a roof heading followed by side confirmed by extensive testing that a
slashing, progressing downwards. Fig. 10 strongly anisotropic stress regime existed in
shows the sequence of cavern excavation the cavern and surrounding areas. The results
which had to be planned to comply with the of rock stress testing in the low pressure
design requirement for a temporary buttress to tunnel and the surge and pressure shafts
retain the wedge: this was removed confirmed the existence of low rock stresses
incrementally, as each row of ties was installed and led to the design requirement to
and tensioned (see Figs 11 and 12). extend the steel lining up the pressure shaft
40. The powerhouse cavern surrounding (see Fig. 13).
rock required extensive grouting in order to 43. The original scheme, as defined in the
stabilize the ground and reduce water inflows. project brief, was for an inclined, concrete-
-The total quantity of excavation in the cavern lined pressure shaft. Recognizing the difficulty
was approximately 90 000 m3 and was in excavating and lining the shaft, the proposal
completed in twelve months. The tender to change the inclination of the pressure shaft
programme for carrying out this work was ten to vertical and site it immediately below the
months. surge shaft was accepted by the supervising
41. The contractor was able to proceed engineer and design progressed on this basis.
with the excavation of the powerhouse cavern In view of the late design requirement to
on a continuous basis, while the ties were extend the steel lining, it was decided that
being installed. This method of construction is despite the longer construction period for the
only possible on a turnkey type of contract, inclined option, the extra cost of the steel liner
where, in this instance, the design proved the critical factor and the most
requirements were identified and confirmed economic solution was to revert to the inclined
during the course of the excavation. option excavated by raise boring.
5i G
Anchor gallery
Powerhouse cavern
Varies 28 Minimum cl
I I- I
Row 5
(total No. 11) 0

(to& No.43)

Row 2 (total No. 5)

Alternative row 2 (total No. 11)


Detail A

4 4 . Drilling of the 310 mm diameter pilot excavated towards the hole and the reamer Fig. 9. Anchor tie
hole for raise boring was carried out under a set up and reaming operations forming a layout and details
subcontract by Skanska, using a Robbins 73 2.4 m diameter hole were completed by 20 (dimensions in m;
RM DC (force-ventilated) with a 250 hp July 1993. elevation in masl)
motor, and commenced on 19 May 1993. 4 6 . In planning the excavation of the
Pilot hole drilling for the 450 m long raise at shaft it was decided that this would always
60” to the horizontal proceeded satisfactorily follow the reamed hole which would always
and by 13 June 1993 the bit had (in theory) be located at the invert. The excavated face
reached the level of the high pressure would always be slightly inclined towards
headrace tunnel (HPHT) but no holing was the invert. This had the advantage of
achieved! making the mucking operations easier due
4 5 . The excavation of the HPHT had to the natural deposition of the muck and
previously been completed to the general flow through the reamed hole at the invert.
area of the base of the inclined tunnel. A fan The reamed hole also provided a smooth
of horizontal probe holes drilled at 300 mm surface for mounting the rails for the
centres and to a depth of 3.7 m all round the conveyance system. Design and fabrication
perimeter of the last 15 m of tunnel failed to of the temporary works which had been
locate the end of the pilot drill hole. A drill under way for some time were substantially
Jumbo was set up and the most promising carried out on site. These works were
probes, determined by listening at the ends carried out in two phases.
of the probes and assisted by the use of a 4 7 . The first phase was for initial
stethoscope whilst the pilot drill was turned, excavation to a depth of 30-40 m below the
were deepened. On a third hole, the pilot shaft bank at EI. 543 (see Fig. 15). This pre-
was intersected as evidenced by the flow of sink was to allow the face of the shaft to
white paint that had been tipped down the advance sufficiently such that equipment
hole earlier. It was hoped that the deviation installed on the shaft bank could not be
of the pilot hole (and hence the final shaft affected by blasting. Pre-sink to EL 509 was
alignment) would be minimal, thereby completed by 11 November 1993 at an
reducing the complexity of design, average advance rate of 1 m per day.
fabrication and installation of the inclined Concurrent with these works, a contract was
steel lining. Fig. 14 shows the junction of the placed with Noel-Whessoe for the supply,
pilot hole and the HPHT. The HPHT was fabrication and installation of 10 m long, 5 m
diameter steel ‘cans’ of varying thicknesses
between 21 mm and 35 mm to partially line
the inclined shaft. Discussions were held
with Noel-Whessoe on site to determine the
best possible arrangement for hoisting
equipment and rail arrangements to prevent
duplication of temporary works for the main
shaft sinking operations and installation of
the steel lining. The final arrangement
consisted of two 30 t and one 5 t winches and
a twin-track rail system as shown in Fig. 15.
48. The second phase temporary
works were designed to accommodate
these services. A working platform,
supported by the 30 t winch and a service
car supported by the 5 t winch, formed the
main elements of the system. The installation
of these elements together with the headgear
equipment was completed by 3 January
49. Sinking resumed immediately
thereafter, with excavation continuing to be by
the use of hand-drilling equipment. The
number of holes being drilled was around 150
to a depth of 1.6 m which took almost 10 h Longitudinal section

per round. The advance per round achieved

,- Access from roof
was an average of 1.25 m in 24 h. The main adit/AC chamber
reason for this disappointing advance rate was
the time taken to muck the face. An inclined
face at 30” to the horizontal proved to be
difficult for the miners and had to be brought
back almost to level. The fragmentation size
was required to be relatively small, hence the
requirement for a large number of drill holes.
In order to improve production, KBBC
designed, fabricated and installed two
hydraulic drill Jumbos which were mounted
on a frame positioned on the work platform, Cross-section
as shown in Fig, 16.
50. After the installation period of three Fig. 10. Typical sequence of cavern excavation (elevations in mm)
weeks, excavation recommenced with the
modified set-up from EL 497 downwards. Fig. 11. Cavern excavation showing anchor blocks and ties on the
Production over the next three weeks downstream side.
increased significantly to 14 m per week.
Excavation of the inclined shaft was finally
completed on July 21 1994. Over the last
307 m of excavation, the production rates
achieved are shown in Table 5.
51. The factors that contributed to the
delays were associated mainly with
strengthening of tracks, mucking operations
and hoisting problems. The latter was caused
mainly due to
(a) crushing of the ropes on the platform
hoist due to improper spooling. This was
alleviated by disconnecting the automatic
spooling device
(b) ‘bird caging’ of the ropes for the service
hoist (5 t winch). The problem was
eventually resolved by replacing the ropes
with multi-strand, non-rotating crane
52. Having completed the excavation of
the shaft, preparatory works were put in
hand to complete other works in the shaft to
enable this to be handed over to Noel-
Whessoe for the installation of the steel
cans. This consisted mainly of removing the
headgear works, repositioning and
realigning the winch systems, completing an
as-built survey, checking and strengthening
rail supports - all of which were completed
over a period of approximately six weeks.
The main problem with the installation of
the steel lining ‘cans’ was derailment of the
‘can’ bogies. This was caused due to
horizontal forces on the rails due to the
curved profile of the raise bore and was
resolved by additional strengthening works.
Once the initial problems associated with
the installation of the steel-lining were
overcome, ‘cans’ were installed and
concreted at a rate of 10 m in approximately
ten days. Fig. 12. Cavern excavation showing protective buttress of rock
53. During the installation of the steel
lining, formwork enquiries were put in hand
to determine the quickest and safest method
of concrete lining the shaft above the
EL 380 level (see Fig. 13). Although slip
forming was considered an option, it was
discounted due to the design requirement
for heavy steel reinforcement which would Fig. 13. Alignment of pressure shafi
have to be fixed, during slip-forming. In the
event, a standard 6 m long climbing shutter
(see Fig. 17) was used for static pours and
had to be carefully designed to
accommodate access platforms for rebar
supply and fixing, and ‘docking’ facilities for
personnel and materials.
54. The completion of the inclined 6m ID

pressure shaft was eventually identified as

being the critical activity to meet the water
update. In order to minimize construction t
durations, on completion of the steel lining
installation works, a steel bulkhead designed
to withstand the largest single object falling
loose from the concreting operations, was
constructed upstream of the steel-lined
section of the tunnel (see Fig. 18) so that
construction of the concrete lining upstream Original and
final alignment
of the bulkhead could proceed
independently. The installation of the
bulkhead had the effect of reducing the
period along the critical path by three
months. Also, it was possible to concurrently
grout behind and paint the steel liner,
together with installation of grout plugs
below the level of the bulkhead. Access for
activities below the bulkhead was provided
using a modified Alimak climbing system
and a man-rider and winch systems were
used to provide access for activities above
the bulkhead. The basic design and
fabrication for the system were carried out
on site by KBBC.
55. It was recognized from the outset that
the works associated with the shaft would
present unique risks. In this respect a safety
plan was developed for the works and was
strictly enforced. The as-built progress
for the pressure shaft excavation is shown in
Fig. 19.

The dam
56. The dam forming the reservoir was
built across the gorge of the Pergau river.
During its construction, the river was
diverted through a diversion tunnel built in
the shoulders of the hill forming the left side
of the gorge (see Fig. 1, Part 32). Tunnelling
work commenced on the upstream portal of
the 570 m long diversion tunnel in mid-
August 1991. In the tender concept, the Longitudinal sectlon
tunnel was to have been on the right bank,
but access proved difficult and with
unfavourable right bank geology, the
contractor requested the design engineer to
consider redesign of the tunnel alignment on
the left bank (see Fig. 20). A further change
requested was that the design diameter of
4 m be revised to 4.5 m, to suit a tunnel
lining form that KBBC had available. The
promptness of these design changes reflects
one of the advantages of a design and
construct contract. The tunnel, which was
designed to have a 375 mm concrete lining,
was driven as a nominal 5.25 m horseshoe
configuration with a face area of 24 m2. Early
delays in the excavation works were Plan on A-A
experienced due to difftculties in obtaining
suitable explosives. Excavation works were
completed by the end of February 1992 with Fig. 14. junction: pressure shaft final alignment with high pressure
tunnel concrete lining following immediately headrace tunnel (dimensions in m)
57. River diversion took place in early
September 1992, approximately six months works, however, it became apparent that
ahead of programme, enabling the materials obtained from new borrow areas
construction of the dam forming the could not comply with design requirements
reservoir to commence at an earlier date. (details of which are summarized in Part 32)
Concurrent with the diversion tunnel works, for moisture contents determined during the
excavation, trimming and slope preparation trial embankment. It therefore became
works for the dam embankment had necessary for a review of the design of the
commenced (see Table 2 for a list of dam dam by the design engineer on an urgent
plant). basis and at the end of which he confirmed
58. A trial embankment, using material in that the design parameters were still valid.
close proximity to the dam, was constructed During the process of materials testing and
prior to the commencement of the main discussions with the design engineer, the
works in order to establish the criteria for supervising engineer was always kept
the dam design and confirm the types of informed and participated in discussions,
plant required for the construction. The thereby reducing the period for the approval
earthworks associated with the dam process.
construction could only be progressed during 59. Another aspect of the construction
nine months of the year when the weather works was the use of jet-grouting as a primary
was relatively dry and the design means of cut-off of the right abutment of the
requirements for moisture content and dam as shown in Figs 20 and 21 and in the
compaction of the earthfill materials required photographs in Figs 22 and 23. This was only
for the dam construction could be met. the second time that this application had been
During the course of the dam construction used anywhere in the world.
Working/access platform

Excavation line

Man-rider rails



Pressure shaft

2000 crs ‘/ platform gauge


L J 500 Working platf

I I rope guide

50 dia. shotcrete

100 dia. compressed

PW” tialse t)ore

100x50& \-’ I
Man-rider rote auldes

Fig. 15. Pressure shaj? temporary works installation for excavation (dimensions in mm)

60. The seepage design was based on a 6 1 . Prior to commencement of the jet-
minimum plastic cut-off thickness of 0.8 m in grouting works, trial columns were jetted
the weathered granite overlying bedrock and and exhumed to assist in finalizing design
an upper bound permeability of 5 x lo-8 m/s and construction parameters. This led to the
for the soil/grout mixture forming the cut-off. adoption of nominal column diameters for
The permeability of the bedrock below the jet- cut-off design of 1.3 m in zone A and 1 m in
grouted cut-off was reduced, where necessary, zone B material and to the panel
to less than 10 lugeon by conventional construction layout of primary, secondary
pressure grouting. and tertiary columns as shown in Fig. 24.
# &- Power pack
I j- 2350 min. cut-out
ri I :1

Shaft excavatiqn line

2 No. drill booms = 3.6 t

Total = 10.1 t
Cylinder 2 No. MD 10.5 drilling booms
Weight per boom = 1234+390+136 kg

2 No. Jacks to rail ’

(durmg drilling
operation only)

To 35 t winch Fig. 16. Pressure

\ ‘\\ \
shaff: details of
Jumbos (dimensions
E \
Pressure shaft \ in mm)

I C o n s t . ‘t/

‘Chart’ ’
shutter \
Existing pour
Section on A-A
Const. joint
Fig. 1 Z Pressure
shafi: shutter layout
for concrete lining
(dimensions in mm)
Table 5. Production rates for final 307 m of excavation of pressure shafl

Time per round: h Production details

Drill 5.7 Average progress in 144 hour week 24 m

Charge 2.5 Best week 39 m
Muck 3.9 Holes per round 100
support 2.1 Advance per round 3.4 m
Services 1.9 Pull 91%
Delays 4.2 Explosives consumption 2.43 kg/m3
Total time per round 20.3
Note: No. of 3.7 m rounds = 105.

Rser shaft

Compressi; m$

Access scaffolding
Access platform and
support beam

Detail A
Cross-section through bulkhead
‘Tiraks’ winch

\ Bulkhead

‘Whessoe’ platform

Fig. 18. Pressure

A c c e s s scaffoldmg
shaft: layout of
t’ Plan on bulkhead Side elevation temporary works
- Fig. 19. Pressure
shaft: excavation

400 i

E 300
i 200


2 4 6 0 10 12 14 16 16 20 22 24 26 20 36 36 40

The trials also showed good interlocking and B to depths up to 20 m in zone C (see
between columns with no obvious evidence Fig. 21). Drilling accuracy was important since
of shadowing. The grout mixes used in the the finished columns had to interlock to
process are shown in Table 6. prevent ‘windows’ being left in the curtain. All
62. The jet-grouting process. Preboring was holes were surveyed using an inclinometer to
initially carried out using Bulroc Odex determine the centre of each column. Prebore
eccentric drills to prebore 150 mm diameter deviation, expressed as a percentage of hole
holes at predefined spacings through zones A depth, averaged about 1.1%.

Fig. 20. Kuala Yong

dam showing
alternative diversion
tunnel alignment and
extent of grouting
Jet-grouting with pressure-grouting below pressure-grouting
Conventional pressure-grouting
I- I_
P I-
I r Crest elevation 642 m I
[I Top of jet-grouting 639 m
. . --- Soillwav



Excavation profile (tender) 1

\ Ic) /
Extent of grouting

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 600

Chainage along centre line of dam: m

Fig. 21. Dam, showing section of jet- and


Fig. 22. Jetgrouting

set up on the right
bank abutment

63. On completion of preboring,

a ‘monitor’ was lowered into the hole to
the required depth and was used to
pulverize the in situ ground with an air-
shrouded water jet and to simultaneously
inject and mix cement grout. Air, water and
grout were fed to the monitor by way of a
series of tubes from a remote grout batching
and pumping station. Jetting was carried out
by rotating and lifting the monitor at a
controlled speed. Fig. 25 shows details
of the process.

Fig. 23. Jet-grouting

in progress on right
bank abutment

r Top of jetting
- -

u r u

1Zone B

.I_ I
Ctres of
-j- tertiary

I I ; $2;
-+-- Centres of
+ primary and
I I I columns
I I 1 (offset)
.5m .
. w
.. .
-Cut-off thickness
: :
:. :.
. : provided by
: .. closure column
: : . Actual tertiary column
20m : 20m
. :. : due to deviation
: 1 :

Base of pressure-grouting extended

until permeability 4 lugeons
p/pp - Outer primary holes
p/ps - Central primary holes
p/pt - Intermediate primary holes

Closure column

Fig. 24. Panel construction process showing

(a) primary jet-grouting and pressure-grouting
of zone C, (b) secondary jet-grouting, (13
tertiary jet-grouting in zone B and (dl closure
column principle
? s P s P s P s P
Secondary columns interlock
I- with primary in zone A

6 4 . The grout combined with the loose

material and formed a series of interlocking
soilcrete columns to a minimum effective wall
thickness of 800 mm. The water jet energy,
withdrawal rate of the nozzle and speed of
rotation were the major contributory factors in
Zone A - Residual soil and comlpetely weathered determining column diameters.
granite 6.5. An infiltration test to check the
Zone B -Transition zone of completely, moderately permeability of the cut-off was carried out on a
and highly weathered granite
Zone C - Bedrock zone of slightly weathered and
ring of interlocking columns as shown in Fig.
fresh granite 26. Results obtained confirmed that the
04 designed permeability was achieved.
Table 6. Jet-grout trial mixes

Water/cement by weight

Note: The grout used in production works was 3 : 1 water/cement ratio with 15-H% Bentonite, by weight of cement.

Jet-grouting C o l u m n interlocks with adjacent

Prebore unit of p&ore columns forming curtain

C omplet adiacent II t I



and grout

Fig. 25. Jet-grouting

rout mixes i t w i t h pufverized
process to form a
to form ‘soilcrete’ series of interlocking

6 6 . The method of jet-grouting used was mw P-e

modified and optimized as the works 6 7 . Artemis 7000 was mainly used for the
progressed to suit local conditions. It reduced production and monitoring of the contract and
the quantity and depth of excavation on the site target programmes. The as-built
right abutment and allowed the cut-off construction programme is shown in Fig. 27.
construction to continue during the monsoon The basis and details of the programme are
period. covered in Part 1.’
A 0 Primary column Fig. 26. Infiltration
testing of trial ring to
r + Secondary column establish permeability
of cut-0~
A Tertiary column

Observation well

Infiltration well

Radial flow from

infiltration well

Observation well Membrane
Impervifus soil cap


Seotion A-A

Conclusion including the necessity and appreciation of

68. The Pergau hydroelectric safety on site, also contributed to this success.
contract was an interesting and varied
project that brought together the
combined skills of the designer and References
contractor which ultimately ensured a 1. MCEWAN E., LUKE: I. W. and IDICULIA J. The
Pergau Hydroelectric Project Part 1: project
successful completion.
management. PYOC. Znstn Ciu, Engrs Wat., Marit,
69. An ingredient to this was the training & Energy, 1997, 124, Sept, 139-149.
and ultimate acceptance by the site personnel 2. MURRAY A. D. and GRAY A. M. The Pergau Fig. 27. (opposite)
of the quality management system as a basis Hydroelectric Project Part 3: civil engineering Pergau Hydroelectric
for the execution of the works. Training in design. PYOC. Z&n Ciu, Engrs @‘at., Marit, & Project: as-built
other disciplines of the construction works, Energy, 1997, 124, Sept., 173-188. programme
,997. 1 ,,,, ,993 ,,, ,I L99.4 I 1995 I 1996 I ,997
DESCRIPTION A M J J A s 0 N 0 J F A4 AIA,J J A s 0 N,O J F,M A u J J!A.S:OlN







. Concrete
DAM . Exuvation/fiII
_ Coneretc
SPlLLWAY -Excavation
. Coocrete -
P O W E R H O U S E , T R . H A L L 8. A C C E S S T U N N E L S
. Exuvation
. ‘wedge’ svppon
- Cml.xctc


. Finishes
- E h M InstaIIation/Comm
TUNNEL -Excavation
. Coo~te
c 1
. brrhworkr
. cmerete
. E L. M Inst~IIrtion/Comm
- Excavation
. Ccmeretc
- Excavation
. Steel Lining
. Concrete LilJilIg
POWER INTAKE -Exervarion

. E L M InstmIIation/Comm

. Excavation
. Seconday Support/ SalinS
. I”“rn cnncme/PI”p
. Cabson Excavation
. Gmcretc
- Finishes.
. E h M InscrIIation/Comm

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