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lulia Ignatiuc LaraA ladin Ludmila Foca D inaPuiu Ana M untean


Editura ARC
Iulia Ignatiuc Lara Aladin Ludmila Foca Dina Puiu Ana Muntean

Assessment is an essentiai component of the teaching and learning processes. It is désirable thaï it be
done in a systematic way and progress tests are the right tools to achieve this. MAGIC ENGLISH Progress
Tests allow teachers to assess pupils'progress across the primary level.They contain sixty tests for the 2"d
to 4lh forms. Each test measures pupils' progress in two lessons thus providing continuons reinforcement
of the covered material.
MAGIC ENGUSH Progress Tests
• measure pupils' improvement in relation to their syllabus;
• show how well pupils hâve learnt the material covered in each module;
» evaluate pupils' strengths and weaknesses;
• prompt teachers when remédiai or consolidation work is required;
• focus on the basic skills for academie success: listening, reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar.
The tests are easy to administer to large groups of pupils. They contain only items that pupils hâve learnt
in class. However they vary correlating to the Pupil's Books. MAGIC ENGLISH Progress Tests complete the
Magic English sériés which consist of the Pupil's Book, Workbook and theTeacher's Guide.

Concepţie grafică, copertă: Mihai Badnschi

Desene: Serghei Samsonov, Violeta Zcibulica
Tehnoredactare: Marian Motrescu

Editura Arc
str. G. Meniuc nr. 3, Chişinău, MD 2009;
tel.: (+373 22) 73-36-19, 73-53-29; fax (+373 22) 73-36-23

500256, Braşov, jud. Braşov, str. Jepilor nr. 6, bl. A6B, ap. 7;
tel.: 0368-4.52038; fax: 0368-452039
ÎM Societatea de Distribuţie a Cărţii PRO-NOI
str. Alba lulia nr. 75, bloc Q; MD 2071, Chişinău;
tel.: (+373 22) 51 -68-17; fax: (+373 22) 58-02-68

© lulia Ignatiuc, Lara Aladin, Ludmila Foca, Dina Puiu, Ana Muntean
© Editura ARC

Descrierea CIP a Camerei Naţionale a Cărţii

Magic English: Progress Tests 3 / lulia Ignatiuc, Lara Aladin, Ludmila Foca [et al.] - Chişinău: Arc,
2015 (Tipografia„Bons Offices"). - 68 p.
3000 ex.
ISBN 978-9975-61-912-7
M 15

Tiparul executat la Casa Editorial-Poligrafică „Bons Offices"

B ons O ffices
str. Feredeului nr. 4/6, tel.: 0-22-50-08-95, e-mail:

ISBN 978-9975-61-912-7
Test One (Module 1, Lessons 1-2) 4
Test Two (Module 1, Lessons 3-4) 7
Test Three (Module 1, Lessons 5-6) 10
Test Four (Module 2, Lessons 1-2) 14
Test Five (Module 2, Lessons 3-4) 16
Test Six (Module 2, Lessons 5-6) 18
Test Seven (Module 3, Lessons 1-2) 21
Test Eight (Module 3, Lessons 3-4) 24
Test Nine (Module 3, Lessons 5-6) 26
Test Ten (Module 4, Lessons 1-2) 29
Test Eleven (Module 4, Lessons 3-4) 32
Test Twelve (Module 4, Lessons 5-6) 35
Test Thirteen (Module 5, Lessons 1-2) 38
Test Fourteen (Module 5 Lessons 3-4) 41
Test Fifteen (Module 5, Lessons 5-6) 44
Test Sixteen (Module 6, Lessons 1-2) 46
Test Seventeen (Module 6, Lessons 3-4) 49
Test Eighteen (Module 6, Lessons 5-6) 51
Test Nineteen (Module 7, Lessons 1-2) 53
Test Twenty (Module 7, Lessons 3-4) 55
Test Twenty-One (Module 7, Lessons 5-6) 58
Transcripts 61
Module 1 (l ei»sons 1- ?)

Look at the pîcture. Listen and tick True or False.

\m ' 1

fïim IMBI
1'i ' iV,
islj , fil M |l
tb /Oi 1 v‘.) ^ .TLf
Dan 0 , ('»' n
itfooo /Tor/ ) S - / yi
\ ■
fd f 1 ^ ' ; » 0 1, i ? ; Loi iisTTlîi
o .
\\ d d ï: , i i 1 \
’I I S O

î\ F V.V' - ;V
\ Tina
71 1/‘t tir»!

1. True False 6. True False

2. True False 7. True False
3. True False 8. True False
4. True False 9. True False
5. True False 10. True False

Listen and complete the sentences.

1. It is __________________________________________________ .
2. It is ________________________________________ .
3. There a re ___________________________________children.
4. ______________________________ is wearing a uniform.
5. There is a ___________________ ___near Alex and Ann.
Listen and complete the sentences.
1. ! ____________ ... _....... Laura.
2. I am _ ..... ._..._ ._._.and i am a pupil.
3. i ____________________ school.
4. Every day, I ____________________ four lessons.
5. After school, I _____________ __ .._ ..home.

and my friends.
7. W e____________________ in the park.
8. I am often th e ____________________ .
9. My sister is usually th e _______________ _____ .

Read the questions to the text in E x3 . Match the

1. What is the qirl's name? A. School

2. How old is she? B. In the afternoon

4 D. Laura's sister

7. Where does Laura go G. Nine

1 2 3 Zj. 5 6 7

Arrange the letters and dram/ lines.

Ff[ the seventh

Ee the fourth

Gg the third
the ninth
Bb the sixth
the first
Ce the eighth
the fîfth

Number the sentences.

J Glad to see you, too.
I am fine, too.
] Glad to see you!
_ J Fine, thank you. And you?
T] Hello!
How are you?
H Hello!
Module 1 (tessons 3 -4 )

Lîsten and tick True or False.

1. True False 4. True False

2. True False 5. True False
3. True False 6. True False
Liston Le ïh< questions and circle the rîght answer.
1 . a. two b. three c. fîve
2. a. under the tree b. in the tree c. in the water
3. a. the eiephant b. the zebra c. the turtle
4. a. in the tree b. on the grass c. on the
elephant's trunk
5. a. the bear b. the zebra c. the fox
6. a. the fox b. the bear c the eiephant
Draw Ii nes. Lîsten and check.

You their
He my
She our
It your
We its
They hîs

Read the sentences and cîrcie the correct variant

1. Pam and Nick hâve two childs /children.
2. Their/ There names are Bob and Kate.
3. Ann is / are Dan's mother.
4. Her / His children are Dan and Alex.
5. John has a si ster His / Her name is Ada.
6. There are six mans / men in the family.
7. There are four women / woman in the family.

Write the plural of the words.

One child - many _____________ _____ __
One man - many _________ __ ....._ ._...
One woman - many ____________________
One monkey - m a n y _____________________
One zebra - many _____________________
One turtle - many __________________ __
One animal - many ____________________

Read the tex\ and wrste the missmg tiarnes in the
huniiy tree.
Bob and Kate are sister and brother. They are Pam
and Nick's children. Alex is Dan's brother. Ada is John's
sister. Kate is Ada and John's mother. Bob is Dan and
Alex's father.

Pam Nick

Ann Bill

Dan John

Module 1 (tessons 5 -6)

Listen atici ttck the right answer.


Mr Hill
Mr Wise

/ÆÊÈ»„. ' ' PP®:

-f - *

Mrs Bright Mr Joy Mr Smart

1. Yes, he îs. No, he îsfYt

2. Yes, he is. No, he isn't
3. Yes, she is. No, she isn't
4. Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
5. Yes, he is. No, he isn't.
6. Yes, she is. No, she isn't
7. Yes, he is. No, he isn't. Mr Right
Read and cirde the right variant

a. Melen is a teacher. She works in a shop.

She likes children and toys.
b. llelen is a shop-assistant. She works in a shop.
She selis toys.
c. Helen is a shop-assistant. She works in a shop.
She sdis /egetables.

a. Mrs Don is a farmer. She works at schooi.

She teaches English.
b. Mrs Don is a teacher. She works on a farm.
She teaches English.
c. Mrs Don is a teacher. She works at schooi.
She teaches English.
a. Mr Mail is a postman. He works at
the post office.
He plays football.
b. Mr Mail is a postman. He works in
the gard en.
He wears a uniform.
c. Mr Mail is a postman. He works
at the post office.
He wears a uniform.

Write /s, isn% are, aren'L

1. The g irl____in the kitchen. Sh e_____in the garden.
2. The m en___ _in the park. They ..._.._ in the garage.
3. The b o y____at the lesson. H e.._ .._ in the garden.
4. The children___ in the yard. Th ey_____ in the Street.
5. The children and their mother________ in the
living-room. Th ey____in the park.

Look and cîrcle the right variant.


f l

1. There are two benches in/on/under the yard.

2. There is a tree above/between/on the benches.
3. There is a cat under/on/in the tree.
4. There is a dog under/between/on the bench.
5. There are toys in/on/under the bench.
6. There is a satchel near/on/between the bench.
7. There is an open book under/ neor/ on the bench.

Umscramble the sentences.

1. name, David, My, is

2. Moldova, in, I, live

3. to, go, I, schooi

4. sommer, hâve, I, vacation, a, in.

5. Joly, in, go, seaside, I, the, to.

Module 2 (tessons 1-2)

What îs the weather like today? Listen and tick.

1. ■ ■ K P J E T .~ T | 3. ...

2. 4.

■f'71 1
V.>/S'-pG fl

t 'V S

\ j~ \
-ni1 n HAN

TINA f m
\ w

Listeii cinci a rd e tiie rk|ht diiswer.
1. Ted and hts family often go to the village / p a rt
2. Ted's grandparents/ dassmates live there.
3. Ted washes /picks apples and pears.
4. Ted's grandpa and grandma put the fruits/vegetables
in packing cases.
5. His father gathers /rakes the vegetables.
6. His mother makes apple / plum jam.

Match the questions to the answers.

1. Where is your pencil box? A. Yes, he is.

2. What is her job? B. î'm eleven.
3. Is that your new dassmate? C. In my satcheL
4. How old are you? D. It's cold and wîndy,
5. What is the weather
iike today? E. She's a florist.

] 2 3 4 5

Write the correct word.

1 . _______work in the garden. (1/ He)
2 . ______ iikes autumn weather. (He/ They)
3 . ____puts the grapes in the packing case. (We/She)
4 . ______ go to the cinema on Saturday. (She/ They)
5 . _____ _waters the vegetables every week. (He/ We)
6 . ______ is cold in November. (They/ It)
Module 2 (tessons 3-4)

Lîsten and wrîte the missing letters.

c a ______ â g e c a _______ o t
a ______ I e p e ______ e r p i _______ a
Listen and answer.
1. Yes, i ______________ _ 5. Yes, we
2. No, l _________________ . 6. No,___
3. No, th e y_____________ . 7. Yes,___
4. No,________ .
Circle the right variant.
1. Qiunce / Quinces are autumn fruits.
2. The father rakes the fallen leaf/ leaves in autumn.
3. There are sheif / shelves with books in the library.
4. Alex washes his hand / hands before lunch.
5. Do you like tomato / tomatoes, Tina?
Read and write the missing words.

- ïïlk

Pinky goes to the supermarket every Saturday. He

loves fruits. He buys_____________, _______________ and
_____ __ ________ . Ne loves vegetables too. He buys
/ a n d __________________ .
Pinky eats a lot of fruits and vegetables.
Sunday n Pïnky's favourite fHy (ni ‘ imcJay, Pinky
goes to a pizza place. He e a ts__________________ and
__ _______________ there. Is Pinky fat? No, he isn't. Pinky
likes sports and he runs a lot in the park. Pinky likes
warm and sunny days. He doesn't like rainy days. He
doesn't go to the park on rainy days.
Read the questions to the text in Exercise 4 and
cirde the correct answer.
1. What is Pinky's favourite day?
A. Tuesday. B. Sunday. C. Friday.
2. Where does Pinky buy fruits?
A. In the village. B. At the market.
C. At the supermarket.
3. Where does Pinky go on Sunday?
A. To a pizza place. B. To the cinema.
C. To school.
4. What does Pinky do at the supermarket?
A. He sells fruits and vegetabie. R. Ho runs.
C. He buys fruits and vegetables.
5. What is Pinky's favourite weather?
A. He likes rainy days. B. He likes warm and rainy
days. C. He likes warm and sunny days.
Write don't or doesn't.
1. My grandparents_______ ______________ eat hot-dogs.
2. Tim _ ..................... ...._ ...... hâve fries for lunch.
3. Mother _ ____________________ buy rnilk at the market.
4. Kate and Ann _ ._____________roller skate in winter.
5. Bob_____________________ hâve many friends.
Module 2 (tessons 5-6)
v. X ?>; ;;; -/v: * ^ iÿ

Listen and match the words to the pictures.

V’ s \
vk \7V
r~ ,<7 ' , , '--772^.

?m B <
<7 ■ -
c Ü i >’

V ;>
f " :
p 7 E 7
1. mix 2. add 3. wash 4, chop 5, peel

1 2 3 4 5

Look, listen
and drcie
True or False.

1. True False 5, True False

2. True False 6. True False
3. True False 7. True False
4. True False
Ileaci o mi choose the correo <mc wer to each
Danny Rabbit îs hungry. He goes to the kit» I ko »«mo
opens the fiidge. I hem are tto uirrots in the fridge. He
goes to the garden. There are no carrots in the garden.
He goes to his rrsother and says:
„Mom, I am hungry."
„Have a pear or apptc"
„Oh, no. 1don't like pears. And t don'i Hkt («fg>km"
„Have a plum then."
„I don't like plums", says Danny and goes to his
Mother takes a pear, a plum, and an apple. First,
she washes them. Then, she chops therrt and she puts
them in a bowl. She mixes them and adds some sugar.
She calls Danny.
„Have some fruit salad, Danny."
„Oh, I love fruit salad. Thank you, mom!"

1. Danny is _______ ___________________ .

A. happy B. hungry C. cold
2. Danny opens th e ___________________________ .
A. fridge B. book C. satchel
3. Danny w ants___________________________ .
A. plums B. pears C. carrots
4. Danny's mother makes___________________________ .
A. sandwiches B. tea C. salad
5. She puts the salad in ________ __________________.
A. a bowl B. the fridge C. a box
Use the dues to ask Danny questions.
1. like / buiscuits.
Do yo u ________________ ___________ __ ______________ ?
2. hâve breakfast/ every morning.
D o __ _______________________________________ ________?
3. eat / hot-dogs
_____________ _______________________ ____________________________________ ?

4. wash the dishes / after lunch

5. run in the park / every afternoon

Match the questions to the answers.

1. Does Tina hâve milk for A. No, she doesn't. She

breakfast? makes coffee.
2. Does Mrs Green make B. Yes, he does. He
tea every morning? loves them.
3. Do Tim and Kim hâve C. No, I don't. I like fries
lunch after school? and cola.
4. Does IVfr Ruster hâve D. Yes, she does. She
eggs in the morning? has milk and biscuits.
5. Do you like fish and E. Yes, they do. The
chips? often eat soup.

1 2 3 4 5

Write a or an.
___glass of milk ____ egg ___ orange
___apple ___ biscuit ice-cream
___napkin ___ hamburger ____ sandwich
Module 3 (tessons 1-2)
'• ■; : -•;> s* Æ

Listen and write the missing letters.

1. c u — t a i n s 5. f u r n i t u _____e
2. w ___ I i 6. w _ .....r d r o b e
3. c — ty 7. g a r d ____n
4. v i I __ â g e 8 . ____i n d o w

Look at the picture and write in, on, under, near,

above, in front of.

1. There is a bookcase_______________Betty's room.

2. There is a desk____ ____ _________________the window.
3. There is a lamp_______________the desk.
4. There is a computer_______________the desk.
5. There is a bed_______________the desk.
6. There is a teddy bear ......................the bed.
7. There is a bail_______________the carpet.
8. There is a satchel_______________the bed.
r — - -................ T....... ...._.....-b.... .._ .......
Write is or are.
1. There__ a green park in my town.
2. There _._._ fiower beds in the park.
3. There _ . blocks of flats in my town.
4. There long streets in my town.
5. There . a playground in front of my house.
6. There. . a big garden behind my house.
7. There ^ _ small houses in my village.
1______________there trees near your block of flats?
2 . ___________ there a garden in front of your house?
3 . ___________ there tall houses in the village?
4 . ___ _______ there big qardens in your town?
5 . ___________ there chimneys on your block of flats?
6 . ___________ there a park near your schooî?
7 . ___________ there a playground near your house?

Unscramble the sentences.

1. in, I, house, that, live

2. are, in, cars, Street, There, the

3. a, near, There, playground, is, my house

4. no, the, flowers, There, are, room, in

j Cheie, buses, no, in, Street, the, are

6. furniture, room, is, the, There, no, in

7. is, the, TV set, no, kitchen, There, in

Module 3 (tessons 3- 4 )

Li sten and write the missing letters.

1. h a ___ I 5. s ___ a i r c se
2.. _ u p . _ _ o a r d 6. m ___ r r o _
3. u p . -ta .._ r s 7. d ...... w n s ._ a i r s
4. c sy 8. d .. _ r k

Look and answer.

Ppv '^i
yÊÊÊ\J Mm ih
f>*m , p lţ

a .
Angela Dan Tim Alex Betty

1. Who has a lorry?

2. Who has a doll?
3. Who has a bike?
4. Who has a plane?_____________________________
5. Who has a train? .......... ......... .....-.............-........... -....

Read the questions. Grele the correct answer.

1. Are there rooms upstairs?
a) Yes, there is. b) Yes, there are.
2. Are there books in the bookcase?
a) Yes, there is. b) Yes, there are.
3. Is there a TV set in the kitehen?
a) No, there isn't. b) No, there aren't.
5. Is there a computer in your room?
a) Yes, there is. b) Yes, there are.
6. Are there flowers in front of your house?
a) Yes, there is. b) Yes, there are.
7. is there a cat in the cupboard?
a) No, there isn't. b) No, there aren't.
8. is there a mirror in the bathroom?
a) Yes, there is. b) Yes, there are.
Complete the sentences to read the text.
furniture rooms downstairs house cosy new toys
My friend Kate lives in a _ ._ ____________ ____ in
the village. The house is ______ _____ _________ and
large. There are _____________________ upstairs and
_________________ ____. Her room is upstairs. There are
m an y_____________________ and books on the shelves.
T h e _____________________ is modern. The room is clean
a n d __________________ __...

Read the story agaîn and circle True or False.

1. Kate lives in the village. True False
2. She lives in a small house. True False
3. There are no rooms upstairs. True False
4. Kate's room is downstairs. True False
5. Kate's room is cosy. True False
6. There are no toys in her room. True False
7. The furniture is modern. True False

.. ■

3 (! .estons Le 6) -Z';.-

Listen and circle lise nu m bers.

70 68 80 56 34

20 90 23 27 46

14 40 64 44 77

19 39 88 35 100

30 17 33 52 99

Listen and write.


1. Mrs Gray is
2. Mrs White is
3. Mrs Green is
4. Mr Black is
5. Mr Brown is
6. Mrs Blue is
7. Mrs Pink is
Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

2. Kate ca n _______________ _______________

3. Nick c a n ___________ ________
4. Tina ca n _______________________ ____________ _______
5. Dan and Tim c a n _________________ ____ ___________

Use the dues to write what the children can't do.

Alex / sw im ____________________ _____________________
Kate / play basketball____ __________________________
Nick / speak French_________________________________
Tina / climb a tree ______________________ ___________
Dan / make salad____________________________________

Rewrîte accord img ta the example.

Example: Nick has a bail His bal! can jump.
Nick's_bal! c_aiLlürnri

I.T im has a parrot. It can speak English.

2. Nelly has a cfoll. Her doll can walk.

3. Betty has a turtle. Her turtle can run.

4. Sam has a fish. His fish can swim.

5. Ben has a plane. His plane can fly.

Tick what you can do and c ross what you can't do.

roller skate throw snowballs

ski __ in summer
take pictures climb a tree
make salad draw an éléphant ....... I

speak English make cookies

/ Write three sentences about what you can do.

1 .___________________________________..._ .._________ _
2 . __________ __ ____________________________________________________________ ________ .... _ ___________________

3. _____ ______________________________ ________ .._ _ ._

Module A (Lestons 1-?)

Listen and tîck.

Listen and number the pictures.

I ook at the pictures în Fxercise 2 and answer the

1, Who can water the flowers?

2. Who can dimb a tree?

3. Who can play hockey?

4. Who is making fruit salad?

5. Who likes hockey?

Write the missi
w _ ._ r m Fa illi iiÉ lB r . I J f f l £ iSÏ
s u n ___ y
f r o s t ___
s n o ___ y w i n ___ y ___ a i n y
c o ___ I h o ___ ___ o I d

Circle the correct answers.

1. Is it sunny in summer?
a, Yes, it is. b. Yes, there is.
2. Do you like rainy days?
a. No, I don't. b. No, it isn't.
3. Do you wear mîttens in winter?
a. Yes, they do. b. Yes, I do.
4. Is it hot in winter? 1
a. No, it is. b. No, it isn't.
5. Are there windy days in spring?
a. Yes, there is. b. Yes, there are.
IKi ( m't, isn't, vwn'i m>wrste negative sentences.
1. Tina / play hockey

2. Dan / rmake a snowman

3. Alex and Nick / skating

4. Stacy / riding on a sledge5

5. The wind / blowing

M o du le 4 (Levons 3-4)

Listen and cîrcle the rîght picture.

Match the pictures to the sentences and write the
numbers. There are three extra sentences.

Use /s, can, does to answer the questions.

1. Who is watching T V ?____________________
2. Who likes flowers?_______________________
3. Who is riding a bike?____________________
4. Who can draw very w ell?............ ..................
5. Who likes dogs?_________________________
6. Who is making cookies?________ ________
Complete the questions wîth Who, What, When,
1 . ______________îs your name?
2 . ______________are you from?
3 . _____ ________ is your birthday?
4. _______________is rnaking Christmas cards?
5. _ _____________ do children sing Christmas carols?
6 . _____________ do you do at Christmas?
7 . _______ ______are you doing now?
8 . ______________is writing a test now?
9 . ______________does Father Christmas bring for
1 0. ............._...........................................................................does Fathe

Complete the spidergram wîth the right words.

Christmas card Jack-o' lantern

Easter eggs




Valenrir.e's Day cookies

Module 4 (te sso n s 5-6)

Lîsten and tîck the right picture.

Write the missing letîers.

f \ ) ;;‘ y J i R y (f Y y<; 1 j) c

s _ d h .. ng ry ti _ed
sh t h_ rstv pro d

Read and match.

1. I hâve good friends. A. He is sad.
2. My sister is drinking water. B. I am proud of it.
3. Tim feels sorry for birds C. I am happy.
in winter.
4. Mother is not making cookies. D. She is sad.
5. The little girl can't draw
a Christmas card. E. She is ver y tired.
6. The girl does not speak F. She is thirsty.
to anyone.
7. I often help my parents. G. She is shy.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Read and circle the right variant.

1. Children ride / are riding on their sledges in winter.

2. Our boys play /are piaying hockey now.
3. My brother often makes/is making bird tables.
4. We sing / are singing carols at Christmas.
5. My cat eats / is eating fish every day.
6. We write / are writing a test now.

Write Is, Are, Do, Does or Can.
1. _______ -.-...- .they decorating the Christmas tree?
2. Mary making Hprnrat
3____ ___ voii ride on a dprffjp in sumnnpr?
4. _ _ . you sittinn in front of the TV-^t nnw?
5. .___ __ von sppak Fng lkh7
6. ____ _ __ Dan play rhpçç p\/pp/ pypninn?
7. children like winter holidays?

Use the dues and write questions:

1. What / you / do in the afternoon?

2. When / you / help / your grandparents?

3. Where / you/ go / now?

4. What / you/ read / now?5

5. What vegetables / you / like?

M o du le 5 ( t e s s o n s 1-2)

1. Listen and tîck the right picture.

f ./ !


Listen and write how oid the members
of the fnmify «hm\



W C l ü

Look and cîrcle the right letter.

,;/; .'Vl ,••?■•'< a) grandparents

îVVv—•-f^-'P, \ w' ^
VA b) parents
c) children

Vi a) grandparents
V , /•’ ,>, C b) parents
V mmmk
/^lâpÉiwpM c) children
S iÊ Ê t A M
^ M S iè SISÊIë M
AV /yUxx
("' 'B‘*’,i f' -#ti '. a) grandparents
v."^Ai V, -'-.‘-0. /f"

A a v xV n b) parents
^ :;p ţ P |f |j||| c) children
Write the missing words.
1. My mother's sister is m y __
2. My mother's brother is my
3. My father's________________ is my aunt.
4. My father's _ ..... _ ...... ....._._ is my uncie.
5. My aunt's children are m y ____________________-........
6. My uncie's children are m y ___ ___________________ __
7. My parent's parents are my _ ______________________.

Add -er and write the words.

Old - ______ ___ _______ young - _________ ________-..
tall - ______________ ____ smali - _ _______ __ ._ ._.-
fat - .__ ___ ___________ thin - __ ___ ________ __ ._
big - __ ___ ___________ hot - __________________

Complete with the right form of the adjective.

1. Mother is ___________ than her sister. (old)
2. Mother i s ___________ than her fat her. (young)
3. Father i s ___________ than his brother. (tall)
4. Father i s ___________ than his mother. (young)
5. Children a re _____than their grandparents. (strong)
6. My cousin Sam i s _________ than his sister. (strong)
7. I a m ___________ than my brother. (thin)
8. It is ___________ today than yesterday. (cold)
9. The nights a re __________ in summer than in winter.
AAodule 5 (tessons 3-4)

Match tbe plctures to the words.

Csrcie the correct letter.

A) It's eight o'clock. B) It's twelve o'clock.

C) It's seven o'clock.

A) It's seven thirty. B) It's seven fifteen.

C) It's eight o'clock.

A) It's seven thirty. B) It's seven forty.

C) It's nine o'clock.

rio. ‘ ' m
P- A) It's seven o'clock. B) It's seven forty-five.
w C) It's ten o'clock.
Write when you do the followîng things.
1. I get up a t __________ __................. -.- .—
2. I hâve breakfast a t ____________________ ____
3. I go to school a t ________________________
4. I come to school a t _____________________
5. Our lessons begin a t ___________________

Write what Sam does at this time.

1. At seven o'clock, Sam ___________________
2. At seven thirty, Sam ____________________
3. At seven forty-five, Sam ______ _________
4. At eight fifteen, Sam ___________________
5. At eight thirty, Sam _____________ _______

Complete the chart






the smallest
Write the correct ïorm of the adjective.
1. IV!y grandfather i s ________ ________ __ __________
(old) member of our family and my little sister Amy
is ______________________________ __ (young). She is only
two. We hâve a cousin Silviu. He is seven. So he is
------------------------------------- (old) than Amy but
________ _________________________(young) than I am. Of
course, I am _ ........... .................. ........ .... .. (strong) than
Silviu and my father is _______________ __ .____________
(strong) of us ail.

Write 3 sentences about what you do in the

1 ._____ __...... ...........................______________________________

2 . ________________________ ________________________ _________


M o du le 5 ( t e s s o n s 5 - 6 )

Write early or late.

On weekdays, I get u p __________________ and go to
school. But I don't like to get u p ..........._.-.._............ _._ .in
winter. And I don't like to go to bed_____ ___________ in
summer. My parents always go to bed_______________-
and get u p ______ _______________.

c. Choose the rîght variant. Write the numbers.

is washing the dishes


is cooking dinner

is cleaning the Windows

is helping his father

is putting the books away

is cleaning the carpet

is watering the flowers

is taking the rubbish out

Write five sentences to say what the father in
Exercise 2 is not dosrtg.
1 ._________________________________________________
2 . ______________________________ _________________________
3 . ___________________________________________________
4 . ______________________ ______ ___________________
5 . _____________ ______ __________________________

Ask five questions about what the boy in Exercise 2

is doing.

1 ._________________________ _______________________________
2 . _________________________ ____________________ _______________ _
3 . _____________________^_______ __ ________________________
4 . ____________________ ______ ____________________________
5 . __________________ ________________________________________
Tick what is healthy and cross what is not healthy.

1. To wash one's hands.

2. To sleep al! day.
3. To brush one's teeth.
4. To do exercises,
5. To play computer games.
6. To watch TV ail day.
7. To drink cola every day.

Module 6 (tessons 1-2)

Listen and finish the words.

snow. grand
pop _ u p -----
c I a s s. bat h_
super s o m e ..
dow n s e a ......
boo k_ c u p ___

Cîrcle the rsght letter for each picture,

a. It's autumn. Ifs windy. Ifs hot.

b. It's autumn. It's windy. It's cool.
c. It's summer. It's windy. It's cool.

a. It's winter. It's warm. It's frosty,

b. It's spring. It's cold. It's frosty.
c. It's winter. It's cold. It's frosty.

pi Y
■ P
wm wm a. It's summer. It's cold. It's rainy.
b. It's winter. it's cool. It's frosty.
. c. It's spring. It's warm. It's sunny.
The pictures show where fim was yesterday. Match
tf k 1 pictures to the sentences and wrîte th r numbers.
c n' fwo extra sentences.

----------F----- ------ T ---- ~ -------

\ ;HHM M
A; .ÿWÇ ; H MrFt

.'t g . 5

; ' 'L

1 . 1was in the yard with 4. I was at the circus.

my friends. 5 . 1was at the hospital.
2 . 1 was at the library. 6. I was at school.
3. I was in the park. 7 .1was at home.

Write was/wasn't or were/weren't,

1. A n n __________________________ at school yesterday.
She wasrît at the circus.
2. Her brothers______________ ____________at school
yesterday evening. They were at home.
3. Her sister ________________________ at church. She
was in the park.
4. Her parents_____________________ at the market. |
They weren't at the circus.
5. Her grandparents_____________ __ _____ in the ;:
park. They were at the stadium.


Disagree with the following.

1. A: You were not at home yesterday.
B :_____________________________ :
2. A: You were with your granny.
B :_____________________________________________________ ;
3. A: You were sad. ;

B :_____________________________________________________ :!
4. A: Your parents were angry.
B :_____________________ ________________________________ ;
5. A: You were not in bed at ten o'clock.*1

Write was or were to ask questions.

1. __________you at the theatre last Sunady?
2. __________ your friend at the stadium yesterday?
3______________ your younger brother at the library
last weekend?
4. _______ your classmates at the circus yesterday?
5. __________ your little sister in the park in the

M o du le 6 ( t e s s o n s 3-4)

Listen and draw lines.

a thick lake
a thin snowman
a deep woif
a white book
a hungry boy

Write the past form of the verbs.

clean _ ___________________ help ^
c lo se ______________________jump _
open ________ coo k_
play ______________________ plant _

What did they do yesterday? Look and cîrcle the

rîght variant

a. She danced.
b. She cooked.
c She helped her mo ' er,

a. He washed ’ a floor. J
b. He jumped.
c. He cleaned his shoes.

a. She played.
b. She planted a flower.
sf3' c. She made a cake.

It was my sister's birthday tast ‘.umfav m the
morning ! went to buy her a présent, i saw many
beautiful things in the shop. I didn't know what to
choose and the shop assistant helped me. I bought a
book of taies, a penei! box and a chocolaté. My sister
lîked al! my présents.
1. I bought the présents on Saturday. True Faise

2. They had many beautiful things

in the shop. True False

3. I wanted to buy a doll True False

4. I bought my sister one présent. True False

5. My sister was happy to get

my présents. True False

Unscramble the sentences.

1. was, It, yesterday, Saturday

2. the garden, in, the family, Did, work

___________________________ _________ ___ _____________________________________ ?

3. children, The, seeds, watered, the

4. The father, the soil, turned5

5. they, rake, Did, the leaves

Module 6 (tessons 5-6)

1 Listen and cîrcle the right variant

1. Sam lives in the village / in a small town,
2. Last Saturday / Friday Bob went to visit him.
3. He went by car / bike.
4. He arrived at 8 o'clock/ 10 o'clock in the morning.
5. Sam was glad to see his friend/ teacher.
Draw iînes
write went
get did
come toîd
go came
sit saw
teii got
see wrote
do sat

Daniel had a busy day yesterday. Circle the correct

1 .1g et/g o t up at seven o'clock in the morning.
2 .1washed/ wash my face and cleaned my teeth.
3. Then I hâve / had a very tasty breakfast.
4. After breakfast, I g o / went to school.
5. At school, I write / wrote a test în fngiish.
6. It was / were difficult.
7. At home, I helped/ heip IViom to wash the dishes.
8 .1g o / went to bed at nine o'clock.

Look and complete the sentences to say what they
did last Sunday.

1 Thp rhildrpn
J. Thp mpn __________kites.
3 Thp wnmpn _ _..._ _ _ on the
grass and
4 Granny _.. _... ^ to her
favourite music.
5. The girls . . _ _ ____ _ . __ chess.

Make the sentences Interrogative.

1. Tom drank Cola at the party.

2. Alice ate a hamburger for lunch.

3. Daniel knew the answer.

4. Bob spent the weekend in the village.

5. Stacy began to study English.

Module 7 (Lessons 1-7)
S ;ïi $ & à s * ft 6 : Sj f ;)

Read and match.

1. Chisinau is A. an important river in England.
2. London is B. an old town in Moldova.
3. The Thames is C. the capital of Moldova.
4. Soroca is D. old monasteries in Moldova.
5. There are a lot of E. the capital of England.

1 2 3 4 5

Listen and complete Mary's profile.

Name Mary
Age -----
C o u n try___ _
City _____
Hobby _____

Write the past forms of the verbs.

hâve - __ ________________ _ drink -
eat - __ ______________ __ see -
go - ______________ _____ tell -
take - _________ __ _______ know -

Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the verbs in brackets.
1. Last Sunday, Tim and Anna's parents _ ______________
(take) them to Chisinau.
2. Th ey__________________(see) the statue of Stefan cel
3. T h e y _____________________(walk) along the Writer's
Alley in the Public Garden.
4. A nna_______________ (hâve) a glass of juice and Tim
_______________ (eat) an ice-cream.
5. In the afternoon, th ey____ __ _______ (go) to s ïcuricï
Theatre to see a puppet show.

Use the dues to write questions about Tim and

Anna from Exercise 4.
1. Where / Tim and Anna's parents / take / them
2. Did / they / walk
3. Where/ they / go
4. What / they / see
5. Did /Anna / hâve juice
6. What / Tim / eat
Module 7 (tessons 3-4)

Listen and tîck the correct sentence.

1. L J They went to the park.

F 1They went to schooi.

2» Tina ran.
Tina jumped the rope.

3. Sylvia ale an ice~cream.

Sylvia ate a banana.

4. They piayed football.

They piayed tennis.

5. They saw lots of children in the park.

They c lic iis e e any children in the park.

2 Complete the sentences wîth the correct foi su nf the

verb în biackets.
1. Tina and Sylvîa................... ..... (go) to the Children's
Park last Sunday.
2. The r e ................ ._.(be) a lot of children in the park.
3. Tina and Sylvia ______________ _____________ (jump) and
________ ___ _ ._ (run).
4. T h ey....._.......... ...... (play) tennis.
5. T h ey_____ _______ __ (take) pictures.
6. Th ey_____________ (spend) three hours in the park.
7. Th ey____________:___ (eat) sandwiches for lunch.
Write questions about lin a and Sylvia.
1. Whne ci ici _ ................ .........................................--— - ?
2. What d id _____________________________ _— ------------ ?
3. When d id __________ _________________________ ______ ?
4. How many hours d id ______________________________ ?
5. Why d id ___________________ __________ _------------- -?

Disagree with the following.

1. I got up at five o'clock in the moming last Saturday.

2. My friends went to the U n us las! Sunday.

3. My family spent a week in the mountains last winter.

4. My parents bought a new bike for me yesterday.

5. I ate twenty ice-creams yesterday.

Choose the rîght variant

1. Tim and Dan saw„Pinnochio" at Licurici

a. shop b. puppet theatre c. fortress

2. We visited Capriana________________ ___- last summer.
a. theatre b. cinema c. monastery
3. There is an old _ _________________________ in Soroca.
a. alley b. fortress c. theatre
4. My friend and I wili go to a _ .._ ..._ _____________ in
Orheiul Vechi in July.
a. puppet theatre b. schooî c. summer camp
5. There is a ________ __ in the central square of Bălti.
a. Writer's Alley b. monastery c fortress
6 .1 like to take pictures with m y........_ when I travel.
a. bike b. book c. camera

Write will or won't.

1. Summer__________ ____ come soon.
2. W e............. ........ ..._ hâve our vacation.
3. W e__________ ___go to school.
4. My parents_________............_ take me to my
grandparents' village.
5. I .........._.______ __ spend all my summer vacation
6. My parents and I _____ ___ ._ ..._ go to the
mountains for a week.
7. W e..... ...._._ ._ ..._ all have a lot of fun toghether.

Module 7 (tessons 5-6)
? » s? %

Listers and write the missing words.

1. Tina will __________ __ ____________ .... _.....
2. Dan wili go ______ __________________ _____.
3. Alex will pick ________ _______ ____ ___________.
4. Kate will see a _ .......................... ........ _.._ ...........
5. Tim will play _........_ _____........... ........... .........._....

Write What, Who, Where, When to complete the

..................... will play chess on Sunday?
.......... will Tina go to the cinema?
___________ will I hm do m Uk somme t ’
_________ _____ will Alex sunbathe?
_______________will they pick mushrooms and flowers?

Use the dues to write what Kate's family won't do

on Sunday.
Kate / go to the circus

Father / play football

Dan / ride his bike

Mother / tuilei skate

Grandma / swîm in the river

Grandpa / play tennis

Match the pktures to the sentences and write the

mmihots. There are three extra sentences.


Mrs White wili play chess.

Dan will ride a bike.
Mrs Smith will make salad.
Tina will pîck flowers.
Mr Smith will go fishing.
Mrs Brown will pîck mushrooms.
Dan will swîm in the river.
Mrs Smith will make cookies.
Tina will roller skate.

Write lhe questions to the answers.

Yes, she wili. Tina always goes to the stadium on


Yes, he does. Dan rides his bike every day.

Kate is from France.

Tîm is fifteen.

Yes, we will. We often go for a picnic on Sunday.

(TEST ONE)___________________________

■r-IX. J
1. It is December,
2. It is morning.
3. The children are in the school yard.
4. Tim, Dan and Tina are wearing uniforms.
5. They are pupils.
6. Alex and Ann are pupils, too.
7. They are not wearing uniforms.
8. The re is a bail near them.
9. There is a building in the picture.
10. It's a school.

1. It is autumn. 3. There are five children.

2. It is cool. 4. Tina is wearing a uniform.
5. There is a bail near Alex and Ann.

r*X 1
1. Ia m Laura.
2. I am 9 and I am a pupil.
3. I lik e school.
4. Every day, I four lessons.
h â v e

5. After school, I g ohome.

6. In the afternoon, I p la y with my sister and my friends.
7. We in the park.
r u n

8. I am often the f ir s t .

9. My sister is usually the s e c o n d .

1. This is a zoo. 4. There are three monkeys.
2. There is one bear. 5. The éléphant is big.
3. There are three lions. 6. The turtle is on the elephant's trunk.

iy:< ,>
1. How many monkeys do you see?
2. Where are the monkeys?
3. Who has a trunk?
4. Where is the turtle?
5. Who is sleeping?
6. Who is standing near the zebra?

1 .1 - my 5. It its
2. You - your 6. We our
3. He - his 7. They - their
4. She - her

1. Is Mr. Wise an actor? 5. Is Mr. Joy a mechanic?

2. Is Mr. Hill a programmer? 6. Is Mrs. Bright a housewife?
3. Is Kate a nurse? 7. Is Mr. Right a doctor?
4. Is Mr. Smart a driver?
1. What's the weather lîke today? It's warm and sunny.
2. What's the weather like today? It's cloudy and raîny.
3. What's the weather like today? It's windy and cool.
4. What's the weather like today? It's cold and rainy.

fedtd H
1. Ted likes grapes. 4. Angela has some apples.
2. Dan eats pears every day. 5. Tim likes cabbaqe.
3. Tina likes pumpkin.

In autumn, Ted and his family often go to the village. Ted's
grandparents live there. Ted and his parents help them in the
garden. Ted picks pears and apples. Ted's grând pa and grandma
put the fruits in packing cases. His father gathers the vegetables.
His mother makes apple jam .


1. cabbage 2. carrot 3. apple 4. pepper 5. pizza

1. Do you go to school in autumn?

2. Do you go to school in summer?
3. Do farmers plant vegetables in autumn?
4. Do tomatoes grow on apple trees?
5. Do we buy vegetables at the market?
6. Do you drink lemonade in the morning?
7. Do you have tea for breakfast?

cU , 1
1. mix salad 4. chop a banana
2. add sugar 5. peel an apple
3. wash a pear

1. There is a tea pot on the table.

2. There are four cups and saucers.
3. There are no napkins on the table.
4. There is no juice in the jug.
5. There are sandwiches on a plate.
6. There is a plate with vegetables on the table.
7. There are buiscuits on a plate.


£;<, i
1. curtains 5. furniture
2. wall 6. wardrobe
3. city 7. garden
4. village 8. window


1. hall 3. upstairs 5. staircase 7. downstairs

2. cupboard 4. cosy 6. mirror 8. dark

1.70 3. 30 5.19 7. 23 9. 88
2.56 4.64 6.100 8.46 10.39

1. Mrs Gray is sixty-three. 5. Mr Brown is forty-nine.

2. Mrs White is eighty-four. 6. Mrs Blue is fifty-five.
3. Mrs Green is twenty-seven. 7. Mrs Pink is ninety-two.
4. Mr Black is thirty-seven.

Mittens, snowflakes, a snowman, a sledge, a scarf

1. - What are you doing?

- I am making fruit salad.
- Can you make fruit salad?
- Yes, I can. It's easy.
2. - Can you plant flowers?
- No, I can't. But I can water them.
3. - Can you climb a tree?
“ Sure I can. Why do you ask?
- Our cat is in the tree and it can't get down.
4. - Can you play hockey?
- Yes, I can. I like hockey.

( m i 11 w m )

1. a card 5. a w re a th
2. a sto ckin g 6. a rein d e er
3. a bel! 7. a star
4. a can d ie

(T E S T T W E L V E )

1. She is thirsty. 3. He is hungry. 5. She is shy.
2. He is sad. 4. He is happy. 6 . It is tired.

(TEST TtilR lbEN )

&<, 1
1. Sam is strong. 4. The table is round.
2. The cat is fat. 5. The man is tall
3. The book is thin.

Alice is 5. Grandmother Liz is 55.

Bob is 3. Grandfather John is 60.
Their mother is 30. Grandmother Kate is 57.
Their father is 33. Grandfather Bill is 63.


snowman, popcorn, classmate, supermarket, downstairs, bookcase,

grandparents, upstairs, bathroom, sometimes, seaside, cupboard

Si S s i :,L\/l M if f W]

^ -e!

1. a thick book 4. a white snowman

2. a thin boy 5. a hungry wolf
3. a deep lake

f i l ' l f K 1 1 U H \D

1. bobk Iriend Sam lives in the village.

2. I u->f Veturday Bob went to visit him.
3. He went by bike.
4. He arrived at the village at 10 o'clock in the morning.
5. Sam was glad to see his friend.

m M n ilE T E E N )

My name is Mary Friday and 1 am from England. I am eleven

years old and 1 live with my parents and little sister in London.
I go to school but my younger sister doesn't. I love books very
much, I read stories and poems every day. I read at school and I
read at home. My sister and 1 read picture books together.

Û I b î i WENTY)

1. They went to the park.

2. Tina jumped the rope.
3. Sylvia ate an ice-cream.
4. They played tennis.
5. They saw lots of children in the park.


When summer cornes, ail the children hâve lots of fun. Surnmer
days are long and boys and girls hâve much free time. What will
the children do?
Tina loves the sun and she loves to bathe. Tina will go to the
seaside and sunbathe.
Dan loves fishing. Dan and his faîher will go fishing.
Alex loves the forest and he likes mushrooms. Alex and his
grandma will pick mushrooms.
Kate loves the forest too. She knows what animais live in the
forest. When Kate and her father go to the forest she will see a
Tim likes playing. His favourite game is chess. Tim and his
parents will often play chess.

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