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Presidential and Parliamentary Governments

-Salient features
- Merits and Demerits of both forms of
There are two predominant form of
democratic governments:

1. Parliamentary form of Government

2. Presidential form of Government

The main difference between the Parliamentary and

Presidential form of Government is the relationship

between the executive (carries out the laws) and the

legislative (makes the laws) branches of

1. Parliamentary form of Government
(Based on the Doctrine of Collective Responsibility)

By the term 'collective responsibility', it means that

the Council of Ministers swim and sink as a team.
They take office together, defend each other
together, and leave together.
Elements and Features of Parliamentary System are;
 Nominal and Real Head

 Executive is a Part of Legislature

 Majority Party Rule

 Collective Responsibility

 Prime Minister as the Centre of Power

 A Parliamentary Opposition

 Independent Civil Service

 Harmony between Executive and Legislature
 Conducive to National Integration
 Represents Diverse Group
 Wide Representation
 Better Co-Ordination Between Legislature and Executive
 Prevents Authoritarianism
 Responsible Government
 Availability of Alternate Government
 People’s Government
 Weak Separation of Powers
 Failure to take Prompt Decision
 Government by Amateurs
 Control by Bureaucracy
2. Presidential form of Government
(Based on the Doctrine of Separation of Power)

Separation of powers is a doctrine of

constitutional law under which the three
branches of government (executive, legislative,
and judicial) are kept separate. This is also known
as the system of checks and balances, because
each branch is given certain powers so as to
check and balance the other branches.
 It ensures stable government
 This system is suitable for dealing with
emergency situations
 It leads to the efficiency in Administration
 President is able to take the decision quickly
and independently
 Most suitable for multi party system
 Less influence of parties
 The conflict between legislature and executive
 President can become too authoritarian
 Non Responsible government
 Narrow representation in the decision making
 Difficult to remove unpopular President

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