You Can Receive 1.5 Points Each For Problems Number 1 To 30

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※ You can receive 1.5 points each for problems number 1 to 30.

In 1-12, calculate.
4.    
1.    

5.    
2.      

6.    
3.    

G1 — 1
7.     10.  
 

11.  
8.      

9.    
12.    

G1 — 2
In 13-15, find the missing number. In 16-30, calculate.

13.     16.      

14.    
17.      

15.     18.      

G1 — 3
19.       22.   
  

20.   23.   
      

21.   24.  
     

G1 — 4
25. 28.  
  
   × 

26. 29.   
  
    × 

27. 30.  
 
×  ×  

G1 — 5
※ You can receive 2.0 points each for problems number 31 to 40.
31. There are  boys and  girls playing on the playground. How many
children are there on the playground?


32. Eric spent  minutes reading his science textbook and  minutes doing
math homework. How long did he spend on his homework altogether?


33. There were  lemons on the tree. During weekdays,  had fallen from
the tree. How many lemons are left on the tree?


34. Justin has  miles to run this week. If he ran  miles yesterday, how
many more miles does he have to run?


G1 — 6
35. Laura bought  oranges,  peaches, and  pears. How many pieces of
fruit did he buy altogether?

pieces of fruit

36. There were  people on the subway. Five people got off at the first
station and  more got off at the second station. How many people are
still on the subway?


37. Helen has  children's books and  history books. She has already read
 of her books. How many books has she not read yet?


G1 — 7
38. There are  boys and  girls visiting the museum. How many
children are visiting the museum?


39. Dan's school library has a total of  history books and science books. If
there are  history books, how many science books are there?

science books

40. There are  students in each classroom. How many students are in 


G1 — 8
41. If you cut the square below along the dotted lines, how many triangles
will you get? [2.3 points]

Answer :

42. See the pattern of the figures below. Which figure belongs in the fourth
box? [2.3 points]

① ② ③ ④

Answer :

G1 — 9
43. Count the number of in A and B . How many more are there in
A than in B ? [3.3 points]

Answer :

44. The figure below is half of a symmetric shape. Using the line as the line
of symmetry, draw and color the other half to make a full figure. How
many colored � are there in the full figure? [3.3 points]

Answer :

G1 — 10
45. Combine the two figures below to make a new figure. What is the total
number of the colored squares in the combined figure? [3.3 points]

Answer :

46. If you cut each figure below, following the dotted lines, you will get four
parts for each. How many of the figures will have the same four parts?
[3.3 points]

Answer :

G1 — 11
47. What you see below is a paper folded in half. You will cut the paper
following the line of the figure and then unfold it. Which of the following
is the full figure you will get? [4.3 points]

① ② ③ ④

Answer :

48. Mike is playing with three blocks below. Which of the following is the
length that Mike cannot make using the three blocks? [4.3 points]

① ②
③ ④

Answer :

G1 — 12
49. The following numbers are lined up in a certain pattern. Fill in the blanks
with the numbers that fit the pattern. How many  are there in the blanks?
[4.3 points]

Answer :

50. To connect the four dots (Dot , , , and ) in example, a line was
drawn. The line started from and ended at Dot , following the order of
        . As a result,  triangles are formed.


To connect five dots (Dot , , , , and ), you are going to draw a
line, touching the dots in the order of           . As a result,
how many small triangles will be formed? [4.3 points]

Answer :

G1 — 13

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