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Opinion P20 Graphic P17 In t2 on Sunday


One-language Nirmala announces steps

Osama son valued at Rs 70000cr

killing pitch by Shah

revives storm
tweeted: “Best wishes to all on
#HindiDiwas. We should re- ds export
spect all languages and cul-

New Delhi: Home minister tures equally. We may learn
Amit Shah has test-fired a many languages but we
“one-language” mission, pro- should never forget our moth-

jecting Hindi as the singular er-language.”

choice that can unite the coun- Soon after Shah’s state-
try. ment, hashtags like

The early-morning articu- #StopHindiImperialism and

lation on Hindi Divas touched #StopHindiImposition began OUR SPECIAL clouded by a raging global
a raw nerve in several non- trending on Twitter. CORRESPONDENT trade war between the US and

■ WASHINGTON: Hamza bin Hindi-speaking states, rekin- A little over three months China, have been offered a
Laden (in AFP picture), dling fears that the Centre was ago in early June, the Naren- New Delhi: Finance minis- new duty remission scheme.
a son of slain al Qaida forced to address just three dra Modi government had ter Nirmala Sitharaman on The scheme, which is
leader Osama bin Laden months ago. found itself in the middle of a Saturday unveiled a Rs called the Remission of Duties

and himself a notable fig- Unwittingly or otherwise, language storm. The draft ed- 70,000-crore package of or Taxes on Export Product
ure in the militant group, Shah’s choice of words — “one ucation policy created a per- measures designed to (RoDTEP), will come into ef-
was killed in a US count- language” — also appeared to ception that Hindi was being crank up exports and pro- fect from January 2020.

er-terrorism operation, echo the phraseology “one- made a compulsory language vide relief to the stress-rid- The new scheme “will
the White House said on people, one nation, one leader” in all non-Hindi speaking den real estate sector. more than adequately incen-
Saturday. A White House that was in vogue in Europe in states. But as usual it was thin on tivise exporters than existing

statement said the opera- the 1930s. The cult of the Such was the intensity of specifics, leaving industry schemes put together,”
tion took place in the leader, the underlying theme the backlash that the Modi struggling to figure out how Sitharaman said.
Afghanistan-Pakistan of that phraseology, is back in government, fresh from a effective it would be in The government will forgo
achieving the larger objective

region. Reuters fashion now in several parts of spectacular election victory, Rs 50,000 crore in revenues as
FOREIGN P3 the world, including India. was forced to tweak the draft of steering the economy out of a result of this scheme. The
Just before 8am on Satur- to allay the fears. a rut after growth in the first Centre is already providing Rs
day, Shah tweeted: “India is a The issue has been particu- quarter (April-June) stum- 40,000-45,000 crore refunds

METRO SPECIAL country of many different lan- larly fraught with risk for the bled to a six-year low of 5 per under existing schemes.
guages and every language BJP since it is largely seen as a cent. Besides, a Rs 1,700-crore
has its own significance. But it Hindi belt party in spite of The big announcement annual dole will allow Export
is extremely necessary to have making rapid strides into the was the decision to set up a Credit Guarantee Corporation
one language for the whole Northeast and breaking into special fund that will provide (ECGC) to offer higher insur-
country that will be India's Karnataka. last-mile funding to affordable ance cover to banks that pro-
identity in the world. Today, if In Bengal, too, regardless and middle-income housing vide working capital for ex-
any one language can do the of the recent impressive gains, Amit Shah during a cleanliness drive at AIIMS in New Delhi on Saturday. The BJP has projects that have been stalled ports, she said. This will en-
job of holding the country to- controversies over the vandal- launched a programme called ‘Seva saptah (week of service)’ to celebrate Prime Minister due to a liquidity crunch. able reduction in the overall
gether with the thread of ism of the bust of Ishwarchan- Narendra Modi's birthday on September 17. (PTI) Funds will be paid out of cost of export credit including
unity, it is indeed the most dra Vidyasagar and the “Jai casion of Hindi Divas, I appeal one of the 22 scheduled lan- English to continue to be used the Rs 20,000-crore corpus to interest rate, especially for
10 Questions widely spoken Hindi.” Shri Ram” chant have rein- to all the citizens of the coun- guages in the country, and one as an official language too. housing projects that are not small and medium companies,
SEE PAGE 8 Several leaders from forced the perception that the try to increase the use of their of its two official languages at In the afternoon, Shah in the bankruptcy court, she added.
Mail: southern India reacted with BJP is a north Indian party. respective mother tongues the national level, the other posted tweets describing Sitharaman told a media con- The government an-
alarm. M.K. Stalin, DMK Shah seems to have re- and also use Hindi as the one being English. India’s plurality of languages ference while announcing the nounced a revised priority sec-
leader from Tamil Nadu, de- alised the sensitivity of the language of the country to re- Hindi Divas is observed as its biggest strength. But he third set of measures to ad- tor lending (PSL) norms for ex-
5 cops arrested manded the home minister re-
tract his statement. (See Page
topic he had waded into and
sought to fire from the shoul-
alise the dreams of revered
Bapu and Iron Man Sardar
every year on September 14,
marking the day in 1949 when
added that to prevent foreign
languages becoming domi-
dress stress in specific sectors
and boost the economy.
porters which will release an
additional funding of Rs 36,000
■ GUWAHATI: Three Assam 4) ders of Mahatma Gandhi and Patel.” the Constituent Assembly nant,the framers of the Consti- The fund will be run by ex- crore to Rs 68,000 crore.
police personnel and two Within 10 minutes of Vallabhbhai Patel. The Constitution does not adopted Hindi in the Devana- tution had unanimously given ternal professionals. The gov- The Reserve Bank of India
home guards were arrest- Shah’s tweet, Bengal chief In another morning tweet, declare any language as the gari script as the country’s of- Hindi the status of “rajb- ernment will contribute Rs will frame the guidelines for
ed for allegedly looting minister Mamata Banerjee Shah said: “Today, on the oc- national language. Hindi is ficial language while allowing hasha” (official language). 10,000 crore to the fund while the export credit scheme.
two persons of Rs 3.89 other investors will put in
Dubai-like fair

NRC status of 3.3cr published online

lakh near Dharamtul in roughly the same amount,
Morigaon district on Fri- Sitharaman said. Sitharaman announced plans
day night. Housing finance compa- for a mega-shopping festival
METRO nies have been allowed to bor- modelled on the world-famous
row funds abroad with the re- Dubai Shopping Festival. It
laxation in the rules govern- will be conducted at four
Nigerians held ABINASH KALITA Supreme Court.
This complete list has been
dated NRC published on Au-
gust 31. In all, 3,11,21,004 had
found eligible, and the exclu-
sion list, with people found in-
ceived from the public about
the issue of certified copies of
ing external commercial bor-
rowing (ECB).
places in India in March 2020
on themes of gems and jew-
■ SHILLONG: Meghalaya Guwahati: The National Reg- uploaded on the official NRC been included, out of eligible for inclusion. rejection from final NRC. The The interest rate on hous- ellery, handicraft, yoga,
police have arrested six ister of Citizens (NRC) author- site after 14 days of the publi- 3,30,27,661 applicants. In an announcement on process of collection of the or- ing building advance has been tourism, textiles and leather.
Nigerian nationals in ities have published online the cation of the final NRC on Au- To view one’s status, an September 10, state coordina- ders passed by the NRC offi- lowered and linked to the yield The finance minister said
East Jaiñtia Hills on Sat- individual status of 3.3 crore gust 31. applicant has to key in the tor NRC Assam Prateek Ha- cers is being carried out to en- on the 10-year government se- the measures, together with
urday, taking the total of people who had applied for in- It also allows individuals to unique application receipt jela mentioned, “Whereas the able early availability of the curity, benefiting government the ones announced on the
foreign nationals arrest- clusion in the updated regis- check the status of their family number (ARN) generated final NRC publication on Au- same to the public to file ap- servants who make up for a previous two occasions, will
ed to nine in two days. ter. members. after application for the NRC gust 31, 2019, consisted only of peals. The time-frame for this major component of demand help lift the economy and
METRO The online status, pub- The response to the com- updating exercise. supplementary lists, queries process will be announced for houses. growth rate will improve in
lished on Saturday, shows the plete list has been lukewarm, The cut-off date for inclu- were received about publica- shortly,” he added. The stressed asset fund wi- the second quarter.
QUOTE results of all persons who had
applied for inclusion in NRC
unlike the release of the first
draft, the complete draft, the
sion in the list was March 24,
1971. The final NRC came out
tion of results of all members
of a family irrespective of their
The NRC update is a result
of the six-year-long Assam Ag-
ll benefit around 3.5 lakh ho-
mebuyers, Sitharaman said,
She said there were clear
signs that the economy was on
upto August 31, 2015, as either final NRC, which generated in two parts — supplementary involvement in the claims and itation from 1979 to drive out adding that buyers stuck in the road to recovery and
This is India, rejected or accepted. extreme reactions. However, list of inclusion containing objections process. The results illegal foreigners from Assam bankruptcy-bound projects the government had managed
not Hindia The 1951 NRC is being up- there were complaints of names of applicants who were for the complete family will be after the indigenous people felt will get relief through the na- to put the lid on inflation
dated in Assam to prepare a spelling errors. declared ineligible for inclu- available only for display on- an identity crisis following tional company law tribunal. which was pegged far below
register of Indian citizens Altogether 19,06,657 appli- sion through last year’s com- line. largescale infiltration from the desirable threshold of 4 per
under the supervision of the cants had not made it to the up- plete draft NRC but later “Queries were also re- neighbouring Bangladesh.
Relief for exports cent.
Exporters, who have been The finance minister
clamouring for measures to said the efforts made to im-
enues in a tough environment
prove credit outflow from
banks had started to pay off.

Congress flags concern over judiciary FOR HOUSING

scheme for exporters
from January 1
SANJAY K. JHA a news conference. questions. Issues that fear of favour.” have been singled out – be it “Criticism of the gov- ● Special window to
“We have expected should be taken seriously, The Congress former finance minister P ernment and legitimate provide last-mile funding ● Govt will forgo Rs 50,000
New Delhi: The Congress throughout that the at times are not dealt with spokesperson also spoke of Chidambaram or Karnara- criticism or asking ques- for housing projects that crore revenues under this
on Saturday expressed con- judiciary of this country, properly.” “a targeted vendetta” ka minister D.K. Shivaku- tions is integral to democ- are stuck but not enmeshed scheme
cern about the judiciary, being the custodian of Choosing his words against leaders of the Oppo- mar. There are other exam- racy and to have a situation in bankruptcy proceedings
● A Rs 1700-crore
saying institutions tasked the statute, shall protect carefully to avoid direct sition. ples. when asking questions of ● Centre will provide half provision to enable ECGC
to protect democracy and its foundational values criticism of the Supreme “Without going into de- “We have a question to the government and criti- of the Rs 20,000-crore to offer higher insurance
the basic rights of citizens and citizens’ rights,” he Court, Sharma said: tails, there can be differ- ask. Are there two sets of cising is treated as an anti- corpus which will be cover to banks providing
have at times failed to re- said. “There is an atmosphere of ences of views, ideologies, rules and two sets of laws national act, it is the
managed by experts working capital loans for
spond adequately and Sharma continued: fear. Citizens rely on but in a democracy, the in India — one which gov- biggest threat to Indian
timely. “There are concerns that institutions to protect rights of all citizens are erns the Opposition and democracy.” ● External commercial
“There has been institu- timely intervention and de- democracy. It is not about guaranteed under the one which benefits the rul- Asked if he was ques- borrowing guidelines to ● Priority sector lending
tional subversion and the liverance is not taking individuals and parties. If Constitution. These con- ing party leaders?” tioning the credibility of be relaxed to facilitate rules to be recast; will
institutions which are place. It is on multiple people’s faith in institu- cerns are bona fide con- He then pointed to judiciary and saying it is financing of home buyers release additional
tasked with upholding con- counts. What is happening tions is shaken, it will cerns. There is a targeted BJP-ruled Uttar Pradesh not doing its job, Sharma Rs 36,000 crore to
stitutional democracy and in Jammu & Kashmir is of cause a huge damage to vendetta unleashed by and said cases are “immedi- said: “These are not my ● Interest rate on house
building advance to be Rs 68,000 crore as export
delivery of justice, to pro- utmost importance. Citi- India’s democracy. Institu- this government that is ately registered” whenever words, I am only saying credit
tect the basic rights of the zens feel dismayed. Consti- tions have to act without directed at Opposition a statement is made the judiciary and other lowered, linked to
citizens, have been weak- tution bench has been fear or favour. Delivery of parties. critical of the government institutions have a huge 10-year gilt yield ● Annual mega shopping
ened,” Congress spokesper- formed but hearing has not justice and administration “Many eminent citizens or when journalists say responsibility of protecting festival to be organised
son Anand Sharma said at started. The delay raises should be done without are in jail; Congress leaders something. constitutional democracy.”
FOR EXPORTS in four places in March 2020
● New duty remission modelled on the Dubai Fair

Singapore Riyadh says fires under control without specifying whether production was affected IN BRIEF
air quality
worsens Houthi drone raids hit Saudi oil plants 2 Malay
parties form
Singapore: Singapore’s air
quality deteriorated to “un-
healthy” levels on Saturday
Riyadh: Yemen’s Iran-aligned
Houthi group on Saturday at-
Sunni military coalition that
intervened in Yemen in 2015
Americans from the attacks.
The Saudi-led coalition
them and stop their spread. He
did not identify the source of
for the first time in three tacked two Saudi Aramco against the Houthis, has launched air strikes on the drones but said an investi- ■ KUALA LUMPUR:
years, data from the National plants, including the world's blamed regional rival Shia Yemen’s northern Saada gation was underway. Malaysia’s two oldest po-
Environment Agency (NEA) biggest oil processing facility, Iran for previous attacks, province, a Houthi stronghold, The Houthis’ military litical parties signed a
showed, threatening to deepen sparking fires in the latest which Tehran denies. Riyadh on Saturday, a Reuters wit- spokesman, without provid- charter of formal cooper-
a regional dispute over forest flare up of violence in the Gulf. accuses Iran of arming the ness said. Houthi-run al ing evidence, said the attacks ation on Saturday, pre-
fires. Saudi Arabia said it had Houthis, a charge denied by Masirah TV said the war- hit refineries at both sites, senting arguably the
Every dry season, smoke brought the blazes under con- the group and Tehran. planes targeted a military which are over 1,000km from largest political platform
from fires to clear land for trol, without specifying The extent of damage from camp north of Saada city. the Yemeni capital Sanaa, and for the majority Malay-
palm oil and pulp and paper whether oil production or ex- the drone strikes in Abqaiq Hours after the Houthi pledged a widening of assaults Muslims. Southeast
plantations in Indonesia ports were affected. State tele- and Khurais provinces re- strike in Abqaiq, a Reuters on Saudi Arabia. Asia’s third-largest
clouds the skies over much of vision said exports were con- mains unclear. Aramco has witness nearby said fire and The chief of Iran’s elite economy has seen a
the region, raising concerns tinuing. yet to issue a statement on the smoke were still visible. Earli- Quds Force, Qassem string of racial flare-ups
about public health and wor- The drone strikes on the pre-dawn attacks. No casual- er video footage verified by Soleimani, in a rare reaction to over the past year and a
rying tourist operators. world’s biggest oil exporter ties were reported. Reuters showed bright flames such attacks on Saudi Arabia, half. The union between
The 24-hour Pollution come as state oil giant Saudi Abqaiq is located 60km and thick plumes of smoke ris- praised the Houthis for their former ruling party
Standards Index, which Singa- Aramco has accelerated plans southwest of Aramco’s Smoke rises from a fire at an Aramco factory in Abqaiq, ing towards the dark pre-dawn resistance in a Twitter post UMNO, which was oust-
pore’s NEA uses as a bench- for an initial public offering to Dhahran headquarters. The Saudi Arabia, on Saturday after the drone attack. (Reuters) sky. An emergency vehicle is that included the hashtag ed by Mahathir’s coali-

mark, was in a range of 87-106 as early as this year, and fol- oil processing plant handles seen rushing towards the site. Aramco. Tensions in the re- tion in a general election
in the afternoon. A reading low earlier cross-border at- crude from the giant Ghawar pumps westwards across the try’s second largest oilfield. The Saudi interior min- gion have escalated in recent last year, and Islamist
above 100 is considered un- tacks on Saudi oil installations field and for export to termi- kingdom to Red Sea export ter- Many western employees istry spokesman said Aramco months after the US quit an in- party PAS, promises

healthy. This is the first time and on oil tankers in Gulf wa- nals Ras Tanura — the world’s minals. of Aramco live in Abqaiq. The industrial security teams ternational nuclear deal and that political power will
the benchmark has breached ters. biggest offshore oil loading fa- Khurais, 190km further US embassy in Riyadh said it fighting the fires since 0100 extended economic sanctions return to the ethnic
100 since August 2016. Reuters Saudi Arabia, leading a cility — and Juaymah. It also southwest, contains the coun- was unaware of any injuries to GMT had managed to control on Iran. Reuters Malay-Muslims should

they win in the next polls

Cameron condemns Patel

due in 3 years. “The con-

Huffman fusion within the gov-

ernment now is because

of the absence of brave
sentenced and worthy Malay lead-
ers,” UMNO president

to 14 days ds
AMIT ROY teer, turned against him and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
joined Boris Johnson and said at the signing of the
London: Priti Patel is the Michael Gove in the Leave charter. Reuters

in prison
woman David Cameron was campaign during the EU refer-
photographed with at Howrah endum.
Actress Felicity Huffman Station in November 2013 In an interview with The US shooting
Boston: Actress Felicity Huff- when she was the former Times ahead of the publication

leaves the federal courthouse

man, the first parent sen- in Boston with her husband Prime Minister’s “diaspora of his £25 book by William ■ ALBUQUERQUE: Author-
tenced in a wide-ranging US William H. Macy after being champion” for India but now Collins, Cameron described ities in New Mexico’s
college admissions cheating sentenced over a nationwide he does not think very much of the behaviour of Messrs largest city scrambled

scandal, was given a 14-day college admissions cheating the current home secretary. Johnson and Gove as “ap- on Friday to piece to-
prison term on Friday and scheme. (Reuters) It is fascinating what palling”. gether what sparked
made a somber apology in Cameron has to say about Cameron thinks Priti separate shootings that

federal court for paying to you,” Huffman, wearing a India in his coming memoir, Priti Patel with David Cameron (centre in blue suit) at crossed the line of decency: “I killed five people and
rig her daughter’s entrance black dress, told the judge im- For the Record, whose publica- Howrah Station in November 2013 remember her attack that wounded six others. AP
exam. mediately before being sen- tion in London on September wealthy people didn’t under-
US district judge Indira tenced. 19 is being promoted as the £4.6 million Tony Blair man- Cameron wanted to use stand the problems of immi-

Talwani also ordered Huff- “I realise now as a mother publishing event of the year, aged to get for his. Britain’s 2.5 million Indian gration. Pak soldiers killed
man, the former star of the that love and truth must go at least, so far as political It is worth remembering population to strengthen “It felt very like she was
popular television series Des- hand in hand, and love at the books are concerned. that out of all British Prime India-UK relations and picked put on point to do some attack- ■ PESHAWAR: At least two

perate Housewives and one- expense of truth is not real The reality is that all books Ministers to date, Cameron out Patel, then a new MP, as ing of the government and its Pakistani soldiers were
time Academy Award nomi- love,” the actress said. “I will by politicians have a very brief was by far the most pro-Indi- his “diaspora champion”. He record. I suppose some people killed and as many in-
nee, to pay a $30,000 fine, un- deserve whatever punishment shelf life before being offered an. He visited the country took her to India with him and would say all is fair in love and jured in cross-border fir-

dergo a year of supervised re- you give me.” in second hand shops for a three times as Prime Minister made sure she was pho- war and political campaigns. I ing from the Afghan side
lease and complete 250 hours Huffman was released couple of pounds. and once as Opposition leader tographed coming down the thought there were places in northwest Pakistan’s
of community service. Huff- from court after the judge or- Cameron has been paid after he took over the Tory aircraft steps with him when Conservatives wouldn’t go Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
state on Saturday. PTI

man, 56, pleaded guilty in May. dered her to report to prison £800,000 for his book, which party in 2006 and said he want- his plane landed in Mumbai. against each other. And they
“My first apology is to on October 25. Reuters isn’t bad but nowhere near the ed special ties with India. But Patel, a hardline Brexi- did.”

Published from 6, Prafulla Sarkar Street, Calcutta-700001 and printed at Ananda Offset Pvt. Ltd. GN - 39, Sector - V, Salt Lake City, Calcutta; Ananda Offset Pvt. Ltd., Mouza - Barbaria, P.O- Jagannathpur, P.S - Barasat, Dist.- 24 PGS(N); Ghutogaria Plot 1316, Borjora, Bankura; Vista Print Pvt. Ltd.
Paribahan Nagar, Matigara,Siliguri, Darjeeling,Banjetia,Berhampore,Dist.Murshidabad, Neutral Publishing House Ltd.13-B,Phase 1, Industrial Area, Adityapur, Jamshedpur;Neutral Publishing House Ltd , MHI Building,Old Hazaribagh Road, Kokar, Ranchi - 834001.Janambhumi Press Pvt. Ltd., Shed No.
A1, Mini Industrial Estate Cycle Factory, Kalapahar, Guwahati by Pradipta Biswas on behalf of ABP Pvt. Ltd . Editor: R Rajagopal. REGISTERED KOL RMS/232/2019-21, RNI No. 41028/82
Group of men hit younger victims with punches & kicks, reveal videos

HK rivals trade blows in malls

Hong Kong: Fights erupted in the men were filmed tearing new slogans and messages.
Hong Kong on Saturday with down post-it notes and posters “It makes me so angry,” a
political rivals trading blows on a nearby “Lennon Wall”, 37-year-old local pro-democra-
in a mall and Beijing support- pro-democracy billboards cy protester, who gave her
ers using Chinese flags to as- which have sprung up across first name as Ed, said. “These
sault opponents on a street, the city. walls are a form of emotional
deepening the city’s polarisa- Within hours, the wall was support, it shows the move-
tion after months of pro- back up as crowds put up ment is still alive.” AFP
democracy protests.
The once-stable interna-
tional hub has been convulsed
by weeks of huge, sometimes
violent rallies calling for
greater democratic freedoms
and police accountability.
The movement is the A pro-China supporter (left) fights with an anti-government
biggest challenge to China’s protester (centre) in a shopping mall in the Kowloon Bay
rule since the city was handed district of Hong Kong on Saturday. (AFP)
back by Britain in 1997 and

shows no sign of ending, with In the district of Fortress kicks — as terrified onlookers
city leaders and Beijing taking Hill on Saturday, a group of ran away. Hong Kong police
a hard line. men, many waving Chinese did not respond to a request

Fights broke out with in- flags and wearing blue t-shirts for comment on the incident.
creased frequency after pro- declaring “I love HK police”, Fortress Hill is next to
democracy supporters began attacked people perceived to North Point, an area of the city

holding impromptu singa- be pro-democracy protesters. where similar mob attacks by
longs of a popular protest an- Multiple videos posted on- government supporters have
them — and as pro-Beijing line showed the group of men occurred this summer and
supporters have held rival assaulting largely younger which has long been a bastion

gatherings to sing China’s na- victims with large flags on of pro-Beijing sentiment.
tional anthem. poles — and with punches and Shortly before the assaults,


Hamza bin Laden. (AFP Photo /

Federation for Defence of


White House


Osama son

Washington: Hamza bin

Laden, a son of slain al Qaida
leader Osama bin Laden and
himself a notable figure in the

militant group, was killed in a

US counter-terrorism opera-
tion, the White House said on
A White House statement
said the operation took place
in the Afghanistan-Pakistan
“The loss of Hamza bin
Ladin not only deprives al
Qaida of important leadership
skills and the symbolic con-
nection to his father, but un-
dermines important opera-
tional activities of the group,”
the statement said.
A US official told Reuters
Hamza had been killed
months ago near the border
between Afghanistan and Pak-
istan. Trump was briefed at
the time on the operation.
The US government as-
sessed that Hamza, believed to
be about 30 years old, had suc-
ceeded his father as the head of
what remains of al Qaida, the
official said.
Hamza was at his fathers
side in Afghanistan before the
September 11, 2001, attacks on
the US. He also spent time with
his father in Pakistan after the
US-led invasion of
Afghanistan pushed much of
al Qaida’s senior leadership
there, according to the Brook-
ings Institution.
The US state department
designated Hamza a global ter-
rorist in 2017 after he called for
acts of terrorism in western
capitals and threatened to take
revenge against the US for
killing his father.
Reuters reported on July
31 that Hamza had been killed,
citing a US official with knowl-
edge of the matter. But Satur-
day’s statement represents the
first time the US government
has confirmed the operation.
It was unclear why the
White House decided to publi-
cize information about
Hamza’s death on Saturday
months after the operation.
The state department and
Office of the Director of Na-
tional Intelligence did not im-
mediately respond to a request
for comment.
Hamza’s last known public
statement was released by
al Qaida’s media arm in 2018.
In that message he had threat-
ened Saudi Arabia and called
on the people of the Arabian
peninsula to revolt. Saudi Ara-
bia stripped him of his citizen-
ship in March this year.
The state department said
the items seized from the elder
bin Laden’s hiding place in Ab-
bottabad during the raid had
indicated that he was groom-
ing Hamza to replace him as al
Qaida’s leader. Hamza mar-
ried the daughter of a senior al
Qaida leader. Reuters, PTI

Sahara Govt using numbers to duck scrutiny: Cong
Developers SANJAY K. JHA fence between 2004 and 2014.
The chairpersonship of the
“This is an attempt to es-
committee cannot act as a gov-
ernment agency. The tradition
countable instead. One more
blow to our soft power, image
Houses, under public glare
and partisan brinkmanship,
Sabha member Anand Shar-
ma will head the committee on

found guilty
New Delhi: The Congress on committee on external affairs cape genuine scrutiny. They of appointing an Opposition & international reputation as was impossible. So, the com- home, Tharoor will chair the
Saturday described as “nu- has always been given to the have broken the neck of the leader as the chairman is a mature democracy.” mittee system was adopted. IT committee and Jairam
merical authoritarianism” the Opposition, ensuring biparti- monitoring system. I have aimed at ensuring objectivity. Adhir was blunt, saying: These committees can con- Ramesh the science, environ-
■ NEW DELHI: The National denial of the chairpersonship san consensus on foreign poli- written to parliamentary af- That’s why the most impor- “The government snatched sider demands for grants, ment and forests committee.
Consumer Disputes Re- of any among three key parlia- cy overriding the political dif- fairs minister Pralhad Joshi to tant public accounts commit- important committees from us study bills referred to them, Other Opposition parties
dressal Commission mentary standing committees ferences on domestic issues. review the decision and offer tee is customarily headed by because last time we discussed examine policies, call for docu- have been given chairperson-
(NCDRC) has directed Sa- — on finance, external affairs For the past two decades, chairmanship of either (at an Opposition leader. By Doklam and Rafale.” ments and then prepare re- ships of the committees on
hara Developers to pay and defence — that it had the committee on finance has least one) of the three — fi- flaunting numbers, the BJP is While only the three sub- ports for Parliament to consid- health; food and consumer af-
Rs 2 lakh as compensa- headed in recent Houses. been headed by an Opposition nance, external affairs or de- practising numerical authori- jects of agriculture, environ- er. These committees do not fairs; labour; and chemicals
tion for “mental agony” The three committees are MP while the committee on de- fence — to the Congress.” tarianism.” ment and forests were covered oversee the day-to-day admin- and fertilisers.
and “financial loss” suf- crucial to the parliamentary fence has traditionally been Adhir added: “Joshi told Shashi Tharoor, who head- when the system of parliamen- istration of the ministries; While BJP Lok Sabha
fered by a homebuyer, oversight of major govern- chaired by a treasury bench me the BJP’s numbers had in- ed the committee on external tary committees was intro- they are a mechanism for par- member Jayant Sinha will
along with refund of ment decisions. member. creased and hence it will head affairs in the previous House, duced in 1989, the number was liamentary surveillance and chair the committee on fi-
Rs 4.06 lakh, for a delay Congress MPs headed the “This (denial of chairper- more Lok Sabha-related tweeted: “It’s official: The gov- increased to 17 in 1993 and 24 guidance to the executive. nance, party colleagues Jual
of more than 10 years in committees on finance and ex- sonship) is a conspiracy to standing committees. Our ernment has decided to end in 2004. The Congress has now Oram and P.P. Chaudhary will
handing over possession. ternal affairs in the previous weaken parliamentary numbers have also in- the tradition of the leading Op- Parliamentary work is been given the chairperson- head the panels on defence
Holding Sahara Develop- House despite the party hav- democracy. We strongly op- creased.” position party chairing the ex- complex and requires serious ship of three committees: and external affairs, respec-
ers guilty for “deficiency ing just 40-odd Lok Sabha pose this decision,” the Con- He went on: “It’s not about ternal affairs committee. Ap- examination. It was felt after home; information technolo- tively. Rahul Gandhi will be a
of service”, the NCDRC members. Congress members gress leader in the Lok Sabha, numbers; it’s about the demo- parently a BJP MP will now decades of experience that gy; and science, environment member on the committee on
also directed it to pay int- headed the committee on de- Adhir Chowdhury, told The cratic spirit. The oversight hold the BJP government ac- doing so entirely inside the and forests. While Rajya defence.

erest at the rate of 10 per
cent on the total amount

Waterfront eviction test for Kerala Don’t stir

of Rs 4.06 lakh paid by

Alwar resident Tapasya
Palawat. PTI

language pot:

Naxalites killed K.M. RAKESH
■ RAIPUR: Two Naxals, car- Bangalore: Politicians of all

rying cash rewards on hues are making a beeline to a

their heads, were gunned clutch of plush waterfront
down in an encounter apartments in Kerala as the

with security forces in clock ticks on a demolition
Chhattisgarh’s Dantewa- deadline set by the Supreme
da district, police said on Court.
Saturday. The gunbattle
The issue has raised wider
broke out at around 11.30 questions: whether a state OUR BUREAUAND PTI leader P.C. Siddaramaiah, ac-
pm on Friday in a forest government that insisted on cusing the Centre of falsely
near Kutrem village enforcing in letter and spirit a New Delhi/Chennai/Ban- claiming that Hindi was the

when a joint team of Dis- court order that lifted a ban on galore: The Congress on Sat- national language.
trict Reserve Guard and the entry of women into urday cautioned the Narendra “Like Kannada, Hindi too
local police was out on an Sabarimala temple can take a Modi government not to trig- is one of the 22 official lan-

anti-Naxal operation, different stand now and ger another sectarian contro- guages (actually scheduled
Dantewada SP Abhishek whether affluent flat-owners versy, this time over language, languages),” he said. Several
Pallava told PTI. PTI should be given the leeway and said there was no need to pro-Kannada organisations

that was denied to the poor. tinker with Jawaharlal took to the streets.
GLAMOROUS Around 350 families have Nehru’s three-language for- Hyderabad MP and Majlis-
refused to vacate the apart- mula. e-Ittehadul Muslimeen leader
ments constructed in violation The comments came after Asaduddin Owaisi tweeted:

of Coastal Regulatory Zone home minister Amit Shah “Hindi isn’t every Indian’s
rules. The families say they pushed a one-nation-one-lan- ‘mother tongue’. Could you try
had been misled by local au- guage line in a Hindi Divas appreciating the diversity &

thorities who had approved tweet. beauty of the many mother

the real estate project. “We should not stir up con- tongues that dot this land? Ar-
The residents have to va- troversies on an emotive and ticle 29 gives every Indian the

cate the buildings by Sunday sensitive issue which has been right to a distinct language,
evening for the municipality settled by the maturity of script & culture. India’s much
to implement the apex court India’s Constitution-makers bigger than Hindi, Hindu, Hin-
Priyanka Chopra and

order to demolish the cluster and the Prime Minister after dutva.”
Farhan Akhtar at the of buildings by September 20. Independence. I am referring DMK leader M.K. Stalin
Toronto International The matter heard by the to Jawaharlal Nehru,” Con- said: “We have been protest-
Film Festival apex court involves nearly 400 gress spokesperson Anand ing the imposition of Hindi.

in Toronto. (AP/PTI) flats in five buildings, con- Sharma said. Today’s remarks by Amit
structed by four different de- “The three-language for- Shah gave us a jolt and will af-
velopers. mula (English, Hindi and the fect the unity of the country.
Car crash kills 5 The then Maradu panchay- local language) must not be We demand he takes the state-
■ TIRUPATI: Five people of a
at, which later became a mu- tinkered with and no indica- ment back.”
family, including two chil- nicipality, had granted per- tion should be given about a He asked Prime Minister
dren, were charred to de- mission in 2005 to construct rethink that will create strife Narendra Modi to clarify his
ath and another critically the buildings in violation of and unrest in the country.” position. “There is an attempt
injured when their car ca- the CRZ regulations that made Sharma stressed that the to impose Hindi by dividing
it mandatory to maintain cer- A view of Jain Coral Cove, one of the five apartment complexes awaiting demolition in Maradu municipality in Ernakulam Constitution had declared the spirit of our country, unity
ught fire after ramming
into a roadside safety bar- tain distance from the water- Hindi an official language long in diversity. The DMK is ready
rier in Chittoor district on ways. blamed when the Left fared whatever it wants to evict us, Maradu municipality, politi- situation. Yet, the chief minis- ago and that it recognised 22 to defend the integrity of the
Saturday, police said. The Since the matter came up miserably in the Lok Sabha but none of us will move an cal leaders visited apartments ter has not uttered a word. He Indian languages in a nod to country,” he said.
mishap occurred when before the authorities, the flat polls. inch. If it comes to force, we on Saturday and assured the should speak out on this issue the country’s diversity. AIADMK politician and
the family was on its way owners had put their foot Among the flat owners are are ready to face anything,” flat owners of all possible help. that affects hundreds of fami- Bengal chief minister Ma- Tamil Nadu culture minister
to Bengaluru from Tiru- down and refused to vacate, several film personalities such said the lawyer, who like other CPM state secretary lies,” said Chennithala. But mata Banerjee too was quick K. Pandiarajan said: “If the
pati on Saturday morning. saying they had no place to go. as popular actor Saubin residents, were waiting for the Kodiyeri Balakrishnan as- there have been voices against to react, demanding respect Centre imposes Hindi unilat-
The injured man was The Supreme Court had on Shahir and actor-director apex court to consider their sured that the residents would allowing any concession. for all languages. erally, there will only be (ad-
rushed to a hospital in May 8 ordered the state to de- Major Ravi. curative petition. not have to vacate “today or to- Actor Shammy Thilakan “My best wishes to all on verse) reaction and no sup-
Vellore, police said. PTI molish the buildings in 30 “I bought this flat with my He said the owners would morrow”. came up with a contrarian #HindiDiwas. We should re- port, not only in Tamil Nadu
days. But the residents got hard-earned money. Now I am file a writ petition against the “The state government view in his Facebook post on spect all languages and cul- but also in states like Bengal,
some relief, after which the faced with the eviction no- eviction notice issued by will help in every legally possi- Friday. “Should the wealthy tures equally. We may learn Karnataka and Andhra
Bomb scare court, on September 6, set the
September 20 deadline.
tice,” Shahir told reporters.
Shamsudheen Karunaga-
Maradu municipality in Ker-
ala High Court on Monday.
ble way because the flat own-
ers have not committed any
flat owners in Maradu get the
compassion that was denied to
many languages but we
should never forget our moth-
Vaiko of the MDMK and S.
■ MUMBAI: A bag lying out- The ruling Left Front, pally, a senior lawyer and Former Union environ- crime. It is the builders and of- the poor of Moolampilly?” he er-language,” she tweeted, un- Ramadoss of the PMK too op-
side a private school at which has now thrown its chairman of the Maradu Bha- ment minister Jairam Ramesh ficials who are responsible for asked citing how poor families usually early for her, at posed Shah’s remark, as did
Sion in central Mumbai weight behind the residents in vana Samrakshana Samiti — tweeted his support to the flat the violations. But they es- were evicted in 2008 in a near- 8.06am, 10 minutes after state CPI secretary R. Mutha-
caused a bomb scare on an outburst of competitive a collective of all the affected owners and noted that, “in a caped, leaving all the responsi- by island. Shah’s controversial tweet. rasan, who slammed the Cen-
Saturday morning, po- populism, is facing questions flat owners — insisted no one similar case of violation it (SC) bility on the flat owners,” Bal- Ten families were forcibly Opposition politicians tre’s “linguistic chauvinism”.
lice said. A passer-by on why it is not showing the would vacate. imposed on DLF (in Kochi) & akrishnan told reporters after evicted from their homes in from the southern states were In Bangalore, Janata Dal
spotted the bag and alert- zeal it displayed in enforcing “None of us will vacate our regularised. It had stayed the meeting the aggrieved resi- Moolampilly to make way for more direct in condemning Secular leader H.D. Ku-
ed police. A bomb dispos- the Supreme Court on the flats,” he told The Telegraph demolition of Adarsh housing dents. road and rail connectivity for Shah’s remark. maraswamy sought to know
al team arrived, but Sabarimala temple. on Saturday amid a series of complex in Mumbai. Why Congress leader Ramesh the Vallarpadam Internation- “Language cannot be pro- from Modi when the Centre
found only old clothes in The principled stand of the meetings as the D-Day such differential treatment?” Chennithala also visited the al Container Transshipment moted through falsehood,” would celebrate “Kannada
the bag. PTI Pinarayi Vijayan government knocked on their doors. With just a day to go for the residents to express solidarity. Terminal in Kochi 11 years protested former Karnataka Diwas” like it is marking
on the temple entry was “The government can do eviction deadline set by the “This is an extraordinary ago. chief minister and Congress Hindi Divas.

Package Gandhi bust


‘cosmetic’ at commune
OUR SPECIAL only say that the finance min- Villeneuve: President Ram The President highlighted
CORRESPONDENTAND PTI ister is clueless as to how to Nath Kovind on Saturday un- the “special connection”
An artist prepares idols deal with the gravity of the cri- veiled the bust of Mahatma Gandhi had with Villeneuve
of Goddess Durga for New Delhi: The Congress on sis. Gandhi, marking the 150th an- as he visited the town in 1931 at
the coming Durga Puja Saturday pleaded with the After the earlier announce- niversary of the Father of the the invitation of Noble laure-
festival in Chennai government not to harm ments of stimulus package, Nation and hoped that his ate Romain Rolland.
on Saturday. (PTI) India’s image on the global the situation deteriorated and legacy will inspire the “In Villeneuve, Romain
platform, saying the “finance the latest steps are not going to mankind to tackle climate Rolland played Beethoven for
minister is clueless and sever- help, Sharma asserted. change and conserve ecology. him. They had long conversa-
Govt schools al ministers are making aston- “The finance minister of Kovind, in a special event tions on the Great War that
ishing statements”. India is lacking in macroeco- organised here, thanked the had ravaged Europe and how
■ NEW DELHI: The Rajkiya
Referring to the export and nomic understanding. A com- commune of Villeneuve for peace could be secured for fu-
Pratibha Vikas Vidya- real estate package annou- prehensive package for eco- celebrating Gandhi’s legacy ture generations,” he said.
laya at Dwarka in New nced by finance minister Nir- nomic revival was expected,” and naming a square after “As two democracies with
Delhi has ranked the top mala Sitharaman, the Congr- he said. him. deep respect for diversity, Ma-
government day school in ess said: “Her announcements Sharma said what was re- “He built his first her- hatma Gandhi shall continue
the country. Kendriya today were purely cosmetic; quired to revive the economy mitage in India on the banks of to guide us in our shared jour-
Vidyalaya, IIT Madras, won’t help at all. Nothing on was infusion of capital and not River Sabarmati. Today, we ney to bring peace and joy for
Chennai, and GVHSS for investments, job creation, in- merely “small interest sub- have brought him to the banks one and all,” he said.
Girls, Nadakkavu, fusion of capital, generate de- ventions” which have been an- of Lake Geneva. You have Drawing a parallel be-
Kozhikode, are a joint mands, boost production. nounced. given him a special place, close tween the commune system in
second. Kendriya “Saying that inflation is The government is unable to nature and close to your Switzerland and the Indian
Vidyalaya, IIT Bombay, under control is meaningless to do so because it does not hearts. village republics, Kovind said:
Powai, stood third. The today. Too much time has al- have money, the Congress “It is a fitting tribute to a “Gandhian thought has yet
schools were ranked by ready been lost. We request leader claimed. man who loved nature and another connection with you.
the Education World por- the government to come up Sharma hit out at Sithara- cared so much for it,” he said. The communes have a dis-
tal. The schools are with a comprehensive pack- man’s earlier statement blam- Noting that his teachings tinct social and political role in
ranked on 10 parameters, age instead of making silly ing millennials’ preference for remain relevant even today, Swiss democratic polity. It is
including academic repu- statements and offering piece- ride-hailing services such as Kovind said: “His legacy shall very much similar to the way
tation, co-curricular ac- meal sectoral incentives.” Uber and Ola over owning inspire us as we work together Mahatma Gandhi laid down
tivities and infrastruc- Congress spokesperson cars, and not high taxes, for A rag-picker collects bottles at a deserted fruit mandi in Srinagar on Saturday, to tackle climate change and to his concept of Gram Swaraj or
ture. PTI Anand Sharma said: “I can slumping vehicle sales. the 41st day of restrictions. (PTI) conserve our ecology.” Village Republics.” PTI
‘43 clips’ against rape-accused
PIYUSH SRIVASTAVA she told reporters in Shahja- Responding to an appeal by The woman, however, did
hanpur on Saturday. some lawyers, the Supreme not elaborate on the 43 clips
Lucknow: The law student The Supreme Court has set Court had later taken note of she said she had submitted to
who has accused BJP leader up a special investigation her plight and set up the SIT the SIT.
Chinmayanand of raping her team (SIT) to probe the allega- and directed it to submit its re- Her father said the police
for over a year said on Satur- tions against Chinmayanand, port to Allahabad High Court should book Chinmayanand
day she had submitted “43 au- a three-time former MP and by September 23. for destroying evidence.
thentic video clips” that would minister in the Atal Bihari Va- The SIT had grilled Chin- “Besides the cases of rape
prove her allegations against jpayee government. mayanand at his Mumuksha and intimidation, a case for de-
the former Union minister of Lawyers for the BJP lea- Ashram in Shahjahanpur on stroying evidence should also
state for home affairs. der, known to be close to chief Thursday night and later be registered against the ac-
The woman, who had been minister Yogi Adityanath, sealed his room. On Friday, cused. Being very close to the
doing her master’s in law in an have claimed it is a “conspira- Chinmayanand the probe team took the ruling dispensation, he is in a
Uttar Pradesh college owned cy” to blackmail Chinma- woman to the ashram and her position to do anything if ac-
by Chinmayanand, said the yanand. herself. Police later traced her hostel room. tion was delayed against him.”
former MP secretly filmed her The woman claimed she to Rajasthan. Her comments on Satur- Uttar Pradesh police have
while she was taking a bath in had collected more proof The woman had posted an day came when some repor- yet to register an FIR against
her hostel room and then against Chinmayanand and appeal on social media sites ters asked her about Friday. the BJP leader.
blackmailed her by threaten- kept it in her hostel room but seeking protection from law
ing that he would post the clip the evidence had either been enforcement agencies and also
on social media sites. stolen or destroyed when she said she was on the run as
“He used to sexually as- disappeared from Uttar Chinmayanand had threat-

sault me by blackmailing me,” Pradesh last month to protect ened to kill her.

SP trust evicted

PIYUSH SRIVASTAVA and his younger brother Shiv-
pal Singh Yadav its general

Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh secretary.
government on Saturday A state government rule at
evicted the Mulayam Singh the time allowed official bun-

Yadav-headed Ram Manohar galows to be allotted to private
Lohia Trust, a political wing of trusts for five years but
the Samajwadi Party, from an Akhilesh had approved a 10-
official bungalow in Lucknow year allotment. This prompted
on the basis of a Supreme S.N. Shukla, a retired IAS offi-
Court order. Mulayam Singh Yadav cer from the Uttar Pradesh
A huge force guarded the cadre, to challenge the allot-

area to prevent any resistance decades ago, the trust carries ment in the Supreme Court.
from Samajwadi workers as out political tasks such as poll While saying private trusts
the state property department management for the Samajwa- cannot function from govern-

took documents and other be- di Party. It used to operate ment buildings, the apex court
longings of the party out of the from the Samajwadi office be- declared the five-year-allot-
government building and fore then chief minister ment rule illegal.

dumped them on the roadside. Akhilesh Yadav, in January “The trust had sought time
In June this year, the 2017, allotted it a government from the government to look
Supreme Court had ruled that bungalow in the upscale for a new office. We then
private trusts cannot function Vikramaditya Marg. served it with a notice to pay

from government buildings Since then, the govern- Rs 70,000 a month as rent at the
and asked the state govern- ment was paying for the of- market rate till they vacated
ment to take possession of the fice’s running costs, such as its it,” a source in the state prop-

bungalow. electricity and water bills. Mu- erty department said. “But the
Founded by Mulayam two layam is the trust’s president trust didn’t respond.”

Lofty plans to improve RIMS, says Vardhan Email,

not Rajeev,
ROBERT SAPAM opment under Prime Minister
Narendra Modi. The mark of a
vowed to take forward the pro-
posal put up by chief minister
the centres.
He said the state being lo-
ical Sciences in Imphal.
He also requested Vardhan
keeps CBI
Imphal: Union health and
family welfare minister Harsh
Vardhan on Saturday said the
good doctor, he said, is deter-
mined by his behaviour to-
wards patients, adding that
N. Biren Singh and MP R. K.
Ranjan Singh for enhance-
ment of medical facilities in
cated in a topographically dif-
ficult region requires the serv-
ice at the earliest.
to extend help in setting up a
cancer hospital in the state as
central government plans to doctors should work with the state. He said the Doner ministry Biren Singh also highlight- OUR SPECIAL
take the Regional Institute of great precision and render Vardhan also handed out has sanctioned Rs 25 crore to ed the state government’s CORRESPONDENT
Medical Sciences (RIMS) here service with sincerity. medals and certificates to the start the service. achievements regarding the
to greater heights and make Vardhan said RIMS has MBBS graduates of the 2014 He also urged the Union Chief Minister-gi Hakshelgi Calcutta: Former Calcutta
facilities available on a par been ranked 28th in this year’s batch and released Remedy, minister to upgrade RIMS to Tengbang — a health insur- police commissioner Rajeev
with the country’s renowned all-India rankings in the med- the annual magazine of the the status of an All India Insti- ance scheme and the Pradhan Kumar did not appear at the
hospitals. ical category and this would RIMS Students’ Union. tute of Medical Sciences. Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana at CBI office on Saturday morn-
Vardhan said this while at- not have been possible with- Chief minister N. Biren The chief minister also RIMS. ing, choosing to sent an email
tending the 48th foundation out the dedicated work of the Singh, who graced the event as sought the central govern- Union health secretary seeking one month to appear
day celebrations and gradua- professors, students, doctors functional president, sought ment’s assistance in setting up Preeti Sudan, RIMS director before the agency, sources
tion ceremony of RIMS here and medical, para-medical Vardhan’s intervention in the another state-run medical col- A. Santa Singh and RIMS med- said.
on Saturday. and non-medical staff of the in- early commencement of air lege, a neurosurgery unit and ical superintendent Ch. Manipur chief minister N. Biren Singh and Union minister Kumar had been summon-
He said the Northeast has stitute. ambulance services in the a stroke-care centre at Jawa- Arunkumar also graced the Harsh Vardhan visit a cancer patient at RIMS in Imphal on ed by the CBI in connection
witnessed phenomenal devel- The Union minister also state with RIMS as one of harlal Nehru Institute of Med- occasion. Saturday. Picture by Robert Sapam with investigations into depo-
sit default cases involving Sa-
radha and Rose Valley after

Truck owner fined over Rs 6 lakh

Calcutta High Court refused to

give him protection against ar-
On Friday, by email, the

SUBHASHISH MOHANTY driver was subjected to unnec- routine check, the truck bear- tax amount, we have imposed CBI had asked Kumar to turn
essary harassment for which ing a Nagaland registration the penalty. The driver failed up at its Salt Lake office on Sat-
Bhubaneswar: Odisha trans- he had incurred a loss to the number was intercepted and to show the documents regard- urday morning.

port officials have imposed a tune of few lakhs. we found the truck violating ing payment of taxes to any au- “He did not turn up. He
fine of an astounding The incident took place at various norms. Its owner had thorities either in Odisha or sent a mail seeking a one-
Rs 6,53,100 penalties on a truck Sambalpur in western Odisha defaulted paying taxes for five Nagaland. ” month timeframe,” said a CBI
owner on various road safety about 300km from here, on Au- years from July 21, 2014, till The officer said, “As the source.

norms and not paying road gust 10 prior to the implemen- date. We have issued a challan driver of the vehicle failed to Till Saturday evening, the
taxes for five years. tation of the new amended of Rs 6,40,500 on this account pay the fine, we have seized CBI had not sent a reply to
The fine is being dubbed as motor vehicle. The new MV only.” the truck. The owner of the Kumar. CBI officials consult-

the highest ever charge by the Act has come into force from Behera said “When a truck truck, Shailesh Shankar Lal ed lawyers, but did not make
authorities under Motor Vehi- September 1. goes to another state, it has to Gupta from Phek in Nagaland any announcement on their
cle Act. However, the trans- Sambalpur Road Trans- pay road taxes to that state. As has been served the vehicle course of action.
porter has decided to chal- port Officer Lalit Behera told it has regularly been coming check report for the realisa- CBI joint director Pankaj
lenge the fine stating that his The Telegraph, “During a to Odisha and has not paid the tion of the amount.” Srivastava declined to com-
ment on the email sent by
Kumar, who is currently post-

Stage set for AOA elections


ed as additional director-gen-
eral of police, CID.
“We are looking into it.

Nothing can be said now,” he

OUR SPECIAL sociations eligible to vote in Taekwondo Association secre- the AOA because of lack of ac- Another joint director of

CORRESPONDENT the AOA elections. tary Hiranya Saikia was sur- tivity on its part. I am not sure the CBI posted in Delhi, Sahi
In a statement issued by prised when informed about on what basis the associations Manohar, reached Calcutta on
Guwahati: The ad hoc com- Bali, the 30 state associations the absence of his organisa- are being awarded voting Saturday -- on the very day
mittee of the Assam Olympic have been finalised on the tion in the list of eligible asso- rights by the ad hoc commit- Kumar was supposed to ap-

Association (AOA), constitut- basis of their valid affiliation ciations. “We have submitted tee,” an outgoing office-bearer pear before the CBI.
ed by the Indian Olympic As- with their parent national fed- all necessary documents to the of the AOA said. As Kumar failed to appear
sociation (IOA), has an- erations recognised by the AOA,” he said. The ad hoc committee has, at the CGO complex office, a

nounced the electoral college IOA. The registration with Assam Carrom Associa- however, given a five-day time team of officers went to their
to elect a new AOA executive registrar of societies of all the tion, which was also affiliated period to file objections and Nizam Palace office to meet
committee tentatively by mid- 25 district associations affiliat- to the AOA, has been left out of clarifications with Bali. It said joint director Srivastava be-

October. ed to the AOA were found the list owing to lack of gov- no plea for clarification or ob- fore all of them called on CBI
The committee, headed by valid. ernment recognition because jection will be entertained counsel Y.J. Dastoor.
IOA joint secretary Surinder Three state associations of presence of two parallel bod- after this period. A large contingent of police

Mohan Bali, met at the AOA who were affiliated to the AOA ies in Assam. Meanwhile, lobbying con- was posted outside 34 Park
office here on Friday to exam- but failed to make it to the elec- Meanwhile, the inclusion tinued across Assam as ballots Street — the compound that
ine the validity of affiliation of toral college include those of of the Assam Modern Pen- appeared to be on the cards in houses the office of deputy
the various sports organisa- taekwondo, karate and tathlon Association among the the AOA elections. Several as- commissioner (south) along

tions of the state and finalised archery. While the archery 30 associations has raised eye- pirants have been vying for with the IPS quarters, one of
a list of 30 state sports associa- and karate associations have brows. “This particular asso- the posts of secretary, joint which has been allotted to
tions and 25 district sports as- internal issues, All Assam ciation was never affiliated to and assistant secretaries. Kumar.

We take our banking
services into the
PFC raises remotest parts
globalbond of the country
SBI chairman Rajnish Kumar
after opening a branch
in Diskit town of Ladakh
■ NEW DELHI: State-owned
Power Finance Corpora-
tion on Saturday said it
has increased the amount
of funds to be raised via

Switch to new export scheme in Jan Infy sets

bonds to $5 billion from $3
billion under its global
medium term note pro-
gramme. The company
also launched issuances up Arizona
of $3 million worth bonds
at 3.25 per cent due in 2024 OUR BUREAU under scrutiny as it is not WTO-com- also been enhanced, providing com- pose, an FTA Utilisation Mission,
and $450 million at 3.90 pliant. The US has already filed a fort to banks in giving loans to ex- headed by a senior officer in the de-
per cent due in 2029 under Calcutta: The January date for the complaint with the WTO against porters, especially the MSMEs. partment of commerce, will be set up. New Delhi: IT services major
the $5 billion global medi- new scheme announced by the gov- MEIS and similar export promotion The government also said there Moreover, an online “origin man- Infosys has set up a technolo-
um term note pro- ernment to replace the existing Mer- schemes offered by India. would be effective monitoring of ex- agement system” will be launched gy and innovation centre in
gramme, according to chandise Export Incentive Scheme The WTO does not allow any port financing by the commerce de- over the next few weeks by the DGFT Arizona, USA, and plans to
the filing. PTI (MEIS) will help exporters gradually country, which has attained a per partment and a fully automated elec- to enable exporters to obtain certifi- hire 1,000 American workers
move to the new system. capita gross national product (GNP) tronic refund route will be set up for cates of origin. in the state by 2023.
The existing incentives under of more than $1,000 for three consecu- input tax credit in GST to help ex- The commerce department will The company, which had
Forex reserves MEIS as well as the old ROSL will tive years, to give export sops. India porters. The refund module is expect- set up a working group on standards, in 2017 announced its commit-
continue till December 31, 2019. had breached the threshold in 2015. ed to be implemented by the end of which will work with industry to lay ment to hire 10,000 American

■ MUMBAI: The country's Textiles and all other sectors, While the exporters await more this month. down a roadmap for timebound adop- workers in two years, said it
foreign exchange re- which currently enjoy incentives up clarity on the rates under the new Sitharaman said technology will tion of all technical standards. had surpassed that target.
serves increased $1 bil- Nirmala Sitharaman in New Delhi
to 2 per cent over MEIS, will transit scheme, they have welcomed the de- be further leveraged by timely com- “We had a long standing demand Arizona Technology and

lion to $429.61 billion in on Saturday. Picture by Prem Singh
into the new scheme — Remission of cision to introduce a globally-compli- pletion of ongoing initiatives to fur- for input tax credits to be available Innovation Centre has a spe-
the week to September 6, Duties or Taxes on Export Product ant scheme that also covers embed- so that the exporters can freeze their ther reduce the “time to export” online because it was all manual. The cial focus on autonomous
helped by a rise in foreign (RoDTEP) — from January 1, 2020. ded costs such as duty on electricity business strategy,” said Sanjay Bud- through seamless process digitisa- standardisation of international technologies, Internet of
currency assets. In the

In effect, RODTEP will more than and petroleum. hia, chairman of CII’s national com- tion of all export clearances (at the product will help and we will work Things (IoT), full-stack engi-
previous week, the re- adequately incentivise exporters than “The announcements will boost mittee on exports and imports. port, airport and by the Customs). very closely with the government,” neering, data science and cy-
serves had fallen $446 mil- the existing schemes put together. The the morale of exporters. The rates of Exports have declined 6 per cent The government also announced EEPC chairman Ravi Sehgal said. bersecurity, Infosys said in a
lion to $428.60 billion. . PTI government anticipates foregoing a the scheme should be commensurate to $26.13 billion in August over the a measure for exporters to exploit The government also plans to statement.

revenue amount of Rs 50,000 crore. and compensate various cost disad- year-ago month. duty benefits under the free trade help the handicrafts industry log into Infosys’s investment in
The MEIS scheme that offers in- vantages and unrebated taxes and The insurance cover under the agreements (FTAs) India has inked e-commerce portals for seamless ex- Arizona will develop local tal-
Unitech loss centives of 2-5 per cent has come should be announced at the earliest Export Credit Insurance Scheme has with different countries. For the pur- ports. ent alongside the best global

■ NEW DELHI: Realty firm
professionals, it added.

Bank trio to retain SLBC role

Hiring is currently in

Unitech Ltd on Saturday
reported widening of its progress and the centre will
consolidated net loss to move to its permanent loca-

India plans
Rs 112.17 crore for June tion — a 60,000-square-foot
quarter. The company’s facility in the ASU Novus In-
novation Corridor by 2020 —

loss stood at Rs 92.14 crore

ASTAFF REPORTER start functioning from April 1, 2020. In and will accommodate up to
in the same period last
year. Its total revenue in
STATUS QUO the interim period, the individual banks Stockholm: London-based in- 500 employees, the statement
Calcutta: The merged entity of Punjab will continue to operate independently,” vestment company Amphora said.

the June quarter this fis-

National Bank, Oriental Bank of Com- „ Merged entity of PNB, OBC and said Pradhan. has brought in Cecilia Oldne, “Infosys plans to hire 1,000
cal increased to Rs 288.38
merce and United Bank of India will re- UBI to remain SLBC convenor in The merged unit is likely to have a an investor in Sula wine firm, American workers in the state
crore from Rs 218.65 crore
year ago, a BSE statement tain the role of the State Level Bankers’ five states and one union territory, new name with a total business volume to oversee its business in India. NEW ROLE: Oldne by 2023,” it added.

said. PTI Committee in five states and one union including Bengal of Rs 18 lakh crore, which is around 1.5 Sweden-based Oldne has The inauguration of Infos-
territory, including Bengal. times that of PNB. been associated with Indian ness of Amphora in India,” ys’s Arizona Technology and
At present United Bank of India is the „ UBI in Bengal and Tripura, OBC in The three banks held a customer wine company Sula since 2007, Oldne said. Innovation Centre is an im-
BOTTOM LINERS Delhi and PNB in Punjab, Haryana
SLBC convenor of Bengal and Tripura. meet here, which was attended by Chan- and also represents the Swe- The appointment took portant milestone in the

Oriental Bank of Commerce is the con- and Chandigarh will retain status der Khurana, general manager of PNB, den-India Business Council in place during the STHLM Tech company’s efforts to help
venor in Delhi, while Punjab National and Binay Kumar Gupta, general man- India. Fest here. She said India at American enterprises acceler-
Bank plays the role in Punjab, Haryana tional Bank has already cleared it. ager of Oriental Bank of Commerce. The “Amphora builds, man- present does not make fine ate their digital transforma-

and Chandigarh. After the board approval the merger lenders said there will be no retrench- ages and stores bespoke fine wine because of a lack of tions, Infosys CEO Salil
“The amalgamated entity will contin- will need legal and regulatory compli- ment of staff in the merged entity. wine portfolios for collectors, awareness in the market and Parekh said.
ue to remain the SLBC convenor in all ances that are expected to come in by Pradhan later told reporters that the investors and enthusiasts in tax issues. “We are excited to have

(current) locations,” said Ashok Kumar March 2020 with the amalgamated bank combined staff strength after the amal- London. They have investors “People in Russia and completed our commitment to
Pradhan, managing director and CEO of coming into operations from April 1, 2020. gamation will be 1 lakh and the entity from India who invest in fine many in China have started hire 10,000 American workers
United Bank of India. SLBC plays a key The process of appointing merchant will have 11,400 branches. wine which is stored in Lon- buying fine wine but produc- and we look forward to

role in forming the annual credit plan for bankers for determining parameters such “The merged entity will be adequate- don for many years. With my tion is less compared with de- leveraging and empowering
“Despite your MBA, you the state. as valuation and swap ratio will soon be ly capitalised and comply with Basel re- appointment, Amphora will mand. Investment in fine wine this specialised workforce
still seem to have a good The board of Oriental Bank of Com- done, according to officials of all three quirements,” Pradhan said. The aver- have direct engagement in at present gives an annual re- to bridge the technology skills
head for business.” merce and United Bank of India are set to banks. age net NPA of the three banks is 6.61 India. As managing director of turn of around 15 per cent so gap in the market and acceler-

meet on September 18 to approve the “The amalgamation process will per cent, which is expected to fall below South East Asia, I have re- money can be doubled in about ate the digital agenda of
merger, while the board of Punjab Na- take some time and the new entity will 6 per cent after the amalgamation. sponsibility to manage busi- six years,” Oldne said. PTI our clients,” Parekh added. PTI


GOOD NRC not satisfactory: Silchar BJP leader

EVENTS MP seeks third
party re-check
■ Hashtag Sunday featur-
ing DJ Prem at Club XS
Guwahati, Anil Plaza,
ABC, from 7pm.

■ Basic cake-baking and
decoration class at P’s
SWAPNANEEL process, did not follow the
Creamy Creations, Math-
BHATTACHARJEE modalities in connection with

gharia, Noonmati, from
the mega exercise.
Silchar: Silchar MP Ra- “Rs 1,800 crore was spent
jdeep Roy on Saturday on the project. The end result
■ Workshop on smart-

sought third party re-veri- should have been an error-
phone filmmaking at Asian
fication of the 27 per cent free NRC,” he said.
Institute of Management
of National Register of Cit- The exclusion rate of peo-
and Technology, RG Baru-
izens (NRC) documents ple in border areas was

ah Road, Bhaskar Nagar,
that NRC state co-ordina- around six per cent, whereas
from 10am.
tor Prateek Hajela had told that in non-border areas was
the Supreme Court had around 16 per cent.

■ Sunday Social featuring Rajdeep Roy in Silchar
been verified during the “This is absolutely unac-
DJ Kyle at Madiza Ultra on Saturday. Picture by
update process. ceptable,” Roy said. Necessary
Lounge, GS Road, Dona Swapnaneel Bhattacharjee
Names of over 19 lakh citi- measures should be taken so
Planet, from 8pm.
zens were left out of the final party, without the involve- that a completely flawless citi-
NRC published on August 31. ment of state NRC co-ordina- zen’s register is published, he
■ Unplugged Musical
Those excluded can submit tor Prateek Hajela”. added.
Night featuring DJ Parwaz
STAR-STUDDED: Actors Nishita Goswami and Jatin Bora along with Rajya Sabha MP Biswajit Daimary at an event claims to validate their citizen- Asked what he meant by Asked what the govern-

at The Socialite, Tirupati

in Guwahati on Saturday. Picture by UB Photos ship within a period of 120 “third party”, Roy said: “It can ment is doing regarding the
Tower, Christian Basti, GS
days from the date of receiving be anyone/people, an external two non-functional paper
Road, from 8pm.

NRL-IIT tie-up on new

the exclusion notice. agency can be mills in Assam, the BJP MP


At a news conference here appointed/managed by the said efforts are on to resolve

WEATHER on Saturday, Roy sang the
tune of the BJP-ruled Assam
government, without Hajela's
the issue.
He added that he would try
held in

government. Coming down heavily on reaching out to Prime Minis-


biodegradable plastic
He said the updated NRC Hajela, Roy alleged that the ter Narendra Modi soon about

Maximum: has “caused dissatisfaction NRC state coordinator, who this and urge him so that the
among the masses and it was appointed by the Supreme mills are revived and the

32.7°C (+1.3)
should be verified by a third Court for the NRC update workers’ salaries remitted.

Barak tribes
25.2°C (+0.8)
GU teacher

OUR SPECIAL laboration is expected to boost

RAINFALL: 1.9mm; CORRESPONDENT industry-academia interac- Shillong: Meghalaya police
SUNSET: 5.28pm tion for enhancing engineer- have arrested six Nigerian na-
not in NRC

Guwahati: Numaligarh Re- ing and technological compe- tionals in East Jaiñtia Hills on
SUNRISE: 5.08am

no to tribunal
finery Limited (NRL) has tence through R&D activities Saturday, taking the total of

final list
THE FORECAST joined hands with Indian Insti- and would address challenges foreign nationals arrested to

tute of Technology, Guwahati faced by industries like NRL. nine in a span of two days.
Rain/thundershowers is
(IIT-G) to develop biodegrad- “It will help resolve the East Jaiñtia Hills superin-
likely to occur over
able plastics from oil and bio- problems related to the havoc tendent of police Vivekanand
Assam, Meghalaya, Na- The pact being signed
refinery streams. of non-biodegradable plas- Singh said on Saturday that ROKIBUZ ZAMAN

galand, Manipur, Mizo-

ram, Tripura and
A Rs 4crore research and The NRL centre will facili- tics,” an NRL official said. six Nigerian nationals, travel- HIRANYABARMAN There is every chance of dis-
development project has been tate further research activities NRL will also set up a bio- ling by night super bus from crimination against the in- Guwahati: Chandan Kumar
Arunachal Pradesh.
identified as the first one to be in development of sustainable refinery project — the first of Silchar to Guwahati, were de- Guwahati: The Assam In- digenous people. We demand Goswami, 45, an assistant pro-
Temperature taken up at the NRL Centre of materials from oil and bio-re- its kind in the country — with tected and detained for inter- digenous People Protection that 15 MLA seats and two MP fessor of Gauhati University,
Excellence on Sustainable Ma- finery streams, which is in bamboo biomass as feedstock rogation. Committee (AIPPC) a Barak seats be reserved for people on Saturday said his name did-
(Max, min in degrees Celsius)
terials, to be set up in IIT-G. An sync with the company’s envi- with technology from “They admitted that they Valley- based indigenous peo- belonging to the indigenous n’t figure in the final National
Agartala 35 26 MoU was signed between NRL ronment management policy. Chempolis Oy, Finland. The had travelled from Africa to ple’s organization stated that communities of Barak Val- Register of Citizens (NRC) list
and IIT-G on Saturday for es- Specific research and de- project, which will be the Bangladesh on visas issued by many people belonging to in- ley,” Singh added. published on August 31 even
Dhubri 31.5 26.3 tablishing the centre. The velopment projects will be biggest of 12 such refineries competent authorities, but digenous communities in the According to him, nearly after being assured by the seva
Dibrugarh 31 23.4 MoU was signed between NRL sponsored by NRL under this being set up in the country, is had illegally entered India area have been left out of the 1.5 lakh people belonging to kendra officials.
Imphal 29.6 21.5 senior chief general manager MoU for which project-specif- being implemented in Numali- near Agartala on Friday,” final NRC published on Au- the indigenous communities Goswami, who hails from
Jorhat 33.4 24.9 (corporate affairs) Nikunja ic memorandums of agree- garh through joint venture Singh said. gust 31. in Barak valley were left out of Baranghati village, Kamrup,
Kohima 23.8 18 Borthakur and IIT-G director ment will be signed separate- Assam Bio-Refinery Pvt. Ltd, From Agartala, they trav- The committee further the final NRC. is a full-time professor of the
Shillong 23.9 16.5 T.G. Sitharam in the presence ly. NRL employees will be en- with equity holding of 50 per elled by car to Silchar, and stated that those people would Dimasa, Koch Rajbongshi, university’s department of
of IIT-G dean (R&D) Gopal gaged in the R&D projects cent by NRL, 28 per cent For- were assisted by residents of not approach the foreigner’s Manipuri, Manipuri-Muslim, communication and journal-
Silchar 33.3 25.4 Das. The MoU shall be applica- under the excellence centre. tum and 22 per cent Chempolis both Bangladesh as well as tribunals under any circum- Bishnupriya, Cachari-Mus- ism since 2006.
ble for five years. The refinery said this col- — both Finnish companies. India, he added. stances. lim, tea tribes, Rongmei Naga, Goswami said, “I had ap-
A case was registered at “Under no condition will Kuki, Khasi, Gorkha, Hmar, plied online. When I visited a
Lumshnong police station these people approach the tri- Das Pattni, Nath Jogi and Na- seva kendra here as my name

10 On Swachh path
garbage collection by under the Foreigner’s Act. bunal to include their names. masudra, among others, are didn’t figure in the final draft, I
NGOs. What steps is the The Nigerian nationals They are indigenous and they the indigenous communities was told that my name would
GMC taking? have been identified as Thom- have every right to be in the of Barak Valley. “All the in- be included in the final list.
The GMC has a toll-free son Chizoram Nwafama, 29, list. Moreover, no such docu- digenous people of Barak Val- But it hasn’t been included.”
The GMC boss explains the steps being taken to number for lodging Chijioke Agustus Obiacha 28, ment can take away the right ley support the government’s The names of Goswami’s

QUESTIONS move Guwahati into the top-20 list of clean cities complaint against non-collec-
tion or delay in collection of
garbage. Moreover, flying
Desmond Chiemela Uzochk-
wu 25, Okoliegbe Henry
Onyedika, 33, Okeke Ugochuk-
to be indigenous. People be-
longing to many of the indige-
nous communities are forest
stand to implement Clause 6 of
the Assam Accord which is the
need of the hour,” Singh said.
mother, wife and daughter
have also been excluded.
Goswami alleged that the
squads are now reviewing the wu Justin, 32, and Chukwun- dwellers and illiterate. We The government had con- NRC authority made an error
performance of the NGOs yere Chinaza Christian, 30. wonder how they will make stituted a high-level commit- while dealing with his applica-
and they are being paid based On Friday, three foreign rounds of the tribunals. Most tee under the chairmanship of tion. “Soon after my name was
on the reports. nationals were detained and of the illegal migrants are also retired Gauhati High Court excluded from the final draft, I
arrested in the same district included in the final NRC. We judge Biplab Kumar Sarma to visited the seva kendra here

7 What is a flying squad?

A flying squad, used for
the first time by any munici-
and also booked under the
Foreigner’s Act.
The modus operandi
demand re-verification in
Barak Valley,” general secre-
tary of AIPPC Seram Herajit
implement Clause 6. The
clause seeks to “provide con-
stitutional, legislative and ad-
but the officials told me that
they have not received my ap-
plication and I was sent to an-
pal corporation in the coun- adopted by the three — one Singh said on Saturday. ministrative safeguards to other seva kendra. Still my ap-
try, has been formed to ad- from Ivory Coast and two from “We have come to know protect preserve and promote plication remained untraced
Debeswar Malakar dress issues like garbage and Nigeria — to enter India was the judges of the foreigners tri- the cultural, social and lin- though I was told that my
Commissioner, Guwahati cleaning of drains. Twelve the same as the one adopted by bunals are not from the indige- guistic identity and heritage of name would be included in the
flying squads are active in six the six Nigerians. nous communities of Assam. the Assamese people”. final list.”
Municipal Corporation divisions of the city. Each fly-

Quality stress on tea yield

ing squad has seven members

1 Where does Guwahati

rank in Swacch
Survekshan (survey)?
— six labourers and a super-
visor, all GMC employees.

Guwahati ranks 303 among

600 cities in the country. 8 Why are additional
flying squads being
deployed? OUR SPECIAL meet, which was moderated while this year’s order has

2 How much waste is

generated in the city
To improve waste manage-
ment. On July 9, we had
launched six flying squads.

Guwahati: The Federation of

by Neta adviser Bidyananda
The Tea Board gets sam-
come out on Saturday.
A Tea Board official here
said an advance notice has
Around 500 tonnes of waste Later, we deployed another All India Tea Traders Associa- ples that are not up to the been issued so that the garden
is generated daily. six squads for efficient waste tion (FAITTA) has asked tea mark and have to be destroyed authorities get enough time to
management. The earlier producers in Assam to lay or the factory showcaused. plan their operations. The

3 What steps are being

taken by the GMC for
improving the Swachh
squads are deployed
from 6am to 1pm and the
additional squads are on
stress on quality teas and take
all measures to produce leaves
that are Food Safety and Stan-
The Board has time and again
told the producers to grow teas
that are FSSAI-compliant or
Officials at the meet in
plucking dates are given after
due consultation with experts
and scientists.
rank? duty from 1pm to 8pm. dards Authority of India com- else action would be taken. A.K. Barooah spoke on maxi- The last date of processing
We want a visible change in pliant. Shah agreed that no one mum residue limits and the green leaf at the factory is De-
the health and hygiene of
denizens. We aim to be in the
top-20 list of cities by next
9 How many NGOs are
engaged in door-to-door
garbage collection?
FAITTA chairman Viren
Shah said this at a meeting be-
tween the Joint Forum of
should misuse the Assam tea
logo provided by the Board for
use in packet teas.
FSSAI-compliant teas. The
meet was followed by a tea-
tasting session.
cember 16, the last date of inti-
mation/declaration to the
Board by all tea-manufactur-
year, for which we have (Top) GMC officials inspect an eatery during a drive to check The GMC has engaged 58 Assam Tea Planters’ Associa- Chairperson of the Assam ing units regarding closure of
taken up a number of initia- vector-borne diseases and (above) workers sweep a street NGOs for door-to-door tion, North Eastern Tea Asso- Tea Planters’ Association
Plucking deadline their manufacturing is De-
tives. These steps will help garbage collection. ciation (Neta), Bharatiya Cha Nazrana Ahmed asked the tea The Tea Board of India has de- cember 17 and the deadline for
the city achieve a good rank ration work in tandem. 7399003003, 7399003004 and Parishad and the FAITTA at packeteers to mention the per- layed the last date of plucking completion of sorting, packing
in the cleanliness survey.

5 Can you explain the

can be used to send pictures 10 Is the number of
NGOs enough?
Tocklai Tea Research Insti-
tute (TTRI), Jorhat, on Friday.
centage of teas used for blend-
ing from different regions.
in the gardens of the Northeast
by four days this year.
and moving the packed teas to
notified storage area with in-

4 What is the GMC

doing to keep the city
clean and green?
cash award initiative
launched as part of the
cleanliness drive?
of people littering the roads.
The awards are given every
month. The move has evoked
No. Earlier, we had 31 NGOs,
one for each ward. It was in-
creased to 58 in 2017, as a sin-
A statement, issued by the
joint forum on Saturday, said
the interaction between the
Many packet teas containing
only a small percentage of
Assam products are sold as
The Board last year had
given such an order for the
first time to ensure that sub-
voice marking is December 27
for CTC tea manufacturers
and December 31 for the pro-
The GMC alone cannot The GMC is giving an award a good response. We received gle NGO is not enough to tea buyers/traders and pro- “Assam tea”. standard teas are not pro- ducers of orthodox/green teas.
achieve this. To make the city of Rs 500 to those who send 54 photographs in July, of cover all the areas in a ward. ducers was the first-of-its- Chairman of the North duced which could create a The order issued by execu-
garbage-free, households and pictures of people littering which four were selected for We will increase the number kind. The FAITTA was repre- Eastern Tea Association “bad image for Assam in the tive director of the Tea Board
business establishments also the streets. We want to in- the award. to 90 from September to im- sented by Shah and senior ad- Nepul Saikia said the industry world”. Last year, the last date of India (northeastern zonal
have a huge responsibility. volve the residents in keeping prove door-to-door garbage visor Monojit Dasgupta. Also is struggling to survive at the of plucking was December 10 office) Sanjio Kumar said in
The dream of a clean and
green city will be achieved
when denizens and the corpo-
the city clean. WhatsApp
numbers 881007000,
7399003001, 7399003002,
6 Residents frequently
complain about irregu-
larities in door-to-door

As told toAbinash Kalita

present on behalf of buyers
were representatives of Wagh
Bakri and others. Besides, sev-
price fetched by tea producers
and many producers are com-
pelled to sell below the cost of
and this time, it has been ex-
tended to December 14.
The Board, last year, had
case of any issues arising in
compliance of the timeline, the
manufacturer may inform the
eral producers took part in the production. TTRI director issued the order on October 31, registered authority.
5 cops
arrested Furore over ‘honest’ SP transfer Headmen meet
over Kulsi dam
for looting AVIK CHAKRABORTY tenure in the district.
The Assam government’s
In a Facebook post, resi-
dent Vishal Bhardwaj wrote,
mafia and cattle smugglers,
which led to several KULENDU KALITA which, according to official

two men Dibrugarh: Citizens of Dibru-

garh have taken to social
media to express their unhap-
home department, through a
notification, dated September
13, 2019, transferred and post-
“Extremely disappointed, a
hard working Lady officer is
transferred just to appease
arrests, had angered vested
A resident, on the condi-
Boko: More than 30 headmen
from both Assam and Megha-
records, is the only national
project in Assam under
Eleventh Five Year Plan,
MOHSIN KHAIYAM piness over the sudden trans- ed Sankaran as the comman- and satisfy the Eco system of tion of anonymity, said, “It is a laya villages met at Ukium envisages construction of a
fer of Dibrugarh superinten- dant of the 10th APBN, Kahili- all illegal activities...Now conspiracy to transfer weekly market in lower 62m high dam over the Kulsi
Guwahati: Three Assam po- dent of police Subashini para. Happy days are back for all il- Sankaran. She is an efficient Assam’s Kamrup district on river, connecting Ri Bhoi and
lice personnel and two home- Sankaran to 10th Assam Through the same order, legal activities in Dibrugarh. and good officer. She started a Saturday to discuss how to Kamrup districts, to harness
guards have been arrested for Police Battalion in Guwahati, Gautam Borah, commandant (sic).” crackdown against many anti- peacefully oppose the Kulsi its potential for power genera-
allegedly looting two persons days after the incident of the 10th APBN, was trans- Another resident, Pankaj social activities.” dam on the border of Assam’s tion. The project cost, accord-
of Rs 3.89 lakh near Dharamtul of vandalism on September ferred and posted as the Mordani, wrote, “Is this jus- He alleged, “Some student Kamrup district and Megha- ing to an estimate of June 2017,
in Morigaon district on Friday 10. new superintendent of police tice done to SP mam hard and organisations and politicians laya’s West Khasi Hills and Ri will be Rs 1,454.95 crore.
night. Sankaran, who has be- of Dibrugarh district. bravery wrks done by her n were unhappy with her Bhoi districts. An RTI application recent-
Morigaon superintendent come popular as an honest and Borah has served as Dibru- what result finally transfer or- actions as they used to The meeting was organ- ly revealed that if the Kulsi
of police Swapnaneel Deka upright IPS officer, had led a garh superintendent of police Subashini Sankaran ders... Really disappointed get commissions from these ised by the Ukiam-Kyrshayi dam is constructed, an area of
said, “The police personnel war against the drugs and tim- earlier too. their dissatisfaction against (sic).” illegal activities. So (Assam-Meghalaya) Joint 15.55 square km in Assam and
have been identified as district ber mafia and cattle smugglers As the news spread, people the government’s order to Sources said Sankaran’s everyone conspired to get rid Public Security Committee. 5.75 square km in Meghalaya
executive force officers Dulal during her eight-month took to social media to express transfer her. bold steps against the drug of her.” The Kulsi dam project, will affected.
Pator, Debjit Bhuyan and Rit-
uraj Saikia of 10th Assam po-
lice battalion and homeguards

Himanta donates

Kamal Deka Raja and Biswajit
Das. They were on a routine
patrol on Friday night when

blood at GMCH

they came across two men
Kalim Uddin of Hojai and
Altab Hussain of Karimganj.”

ABINASH KALITA Seva Saptah (service week),
which was launched on Satur-
Guwahati: “Books and blood day as a part of the celebra-

should be donated generously. tions for Prime Minister
One powers knowledge, other Narendra Modi’s birthday on
life,” Assam finance minister September 17.

Himanta Biswa Sarma said The BJP is organising a
after donating blood at the plethora of programmes here
Gauhati Medical College and along with rest of the country
Hospital (GMCH) on Satur- from Saturday to observe
day. Modi’s birthday.
“Blood donation is a great Assam BJP president Ran- Himanta Biswa Sarma at Gauhati Medical College and
service to society,” he said, set- jeet Kumar Dass also donated- Hospital on Saturday. Picture by UB Photos

ting an example for the youth blood. “The blood require- This demand is going to in- many people do not think
to donate blood. ment in Guwahati is around crease about 10 per cent every about it until the need is criti-
Three of the accused cops. Laying stress on raising 8,000 units every month. We year,” a source in a blood bank cal. If political figures and

Picture by Mohsin Khaiyam awareness about the impor- collect around 7,000 units. in the city said. known personalities come for-
Deka said, “The two men tance of blood donation, About 10 per cent gap remains Blood donation is said to ward to set an example for
were in Morigaon to buy a Sarma asked the young gener- between demand and supply. reduce high blood pressure blood donation, it will play a

used vehicle but since the ation to take the lead. We need to motivate our and high blood sugar. crucial role in creating aware-
owner was not reachable upon The blood donation pro- young generation to donate “Blood donation is an es- ness about blood donation,” a
reaching the spot and it was al- gramme is being held during blood at least once in a year. sential component of life but source in the GMCH said.
ready very late, the duo decid-

Barsha is face of trade fair

ed to stay back in Morigaon.
While they were on their way
to look for a place to stay, the

police asked them to stop.

However, the duo did not stop
and a chase ensued for around

5km. Once they were inter- ALI FAUZ HASSAN from Afghanistan, things to the visitors,” ITFAA
cepted, the police personnel al- Bangladesh and parts of India. secretary Rajib Das said.
legedly threatened them and Guwahati: The Industries There will also be a cooking Das said large corporate

took away Rs 3.89 lakh from and Trade Fair Association of contest and mega fashion and business houses are ex-
them, leaving behind Rs Assam (ITFAA) has included show with models from Mum- pected to participate.
2,000.” Assamese actress Barsha Rani bai, apart from stall partici- “I feel honoured and am
On receiving information Bishaya as its brand ambassa- pants from countries like glad to be associated with the

about the incident, senior offi- dor for the 26th International Egypt, Afghanistan, Phillip- ITFAA secretary Rajib Das international trade fair. I have
cials reached the spot and ap- Guwahati Trade Fair, to be ines and others. and actress Barsha Rani always been fascinated by the
prehended the personnel. held from September 27 to Oc- A total of 20 participants Bishaya address the news trade fair ever since my teens,
The superintendent of po- tober 14. from Thailand will set up conference in Guwahati on when I accompanied my moth-
lice said all the officials were An added attraction will be stalls offering different items. Saturday. Picture by UB Photos er to the fair that was then held
arrested. Pator, Bhuyan and cash prizes worth Rs 1.75 lakh Visitors to the international press our solidarity with the at Judges Field and later at
Saikia were immediately sus- for a lottery draw on the entry trade fair in the past have al- Assamese film industry. We Chandmari ground. It has be-
pended and might soon be ter- tickets to the fair on the con- ways been attracted by differ- are lucky to be associated with come a festival where we can
minated. Deka Raja and Das cluding day. The concept has ent goods and curios from an actress like Bishaya, who have an international shop-
have been dismissed from been borrowed from the Shil- countries like Iran, Turkey, has delivered innumerable hit ping experience,” Bishaya
their services. long leg of the trade fair by Thailand and others. films, apart from acting in mo- said.
They have been charged ITFAA, where it is hugely pop- “For the first time, a trade bile theatre and popular TV She explained that the
under Sections 395 and 397 of ular. expo has appointed a film per- serials. Our organisation has posters showing her with cur-
the IPC. At present, they are in Other attractive features of sonality as its brand ambassa- always believed in innovation rency notes in her hand re-
police custody and are being the upcoming trade fair in- dor. This is a humble gesture and creativity while trying ferred to the lottery offering
interrogated. clude a food festival with chefs from our organisation to ex- our level best to offer new cash prizes.

on Ranji

Guwahati: The Assam ac-

countant general’s (audit) of-
fice has filed a police com-
plaint against its employee
and Assam Ranji cricket cap-
tain Gokul Sharma for secur-
ing the job by submitting
forged degree certification
from a Rajasthan University.
In the complaint filed with
Basistha police station here on
Friday evening, the account-
ant general’s office has alleged
that on verification, the certifi-
cate submitted by Sharma was
found to be forged as the uni-
versity concerned has categor-
ically stated that he has not
been a student with them.
Sharma, who has been
named in the state senior team
for the Vijay Hazare Trophy
tournament to be held later
this month, has been working
in the accountant general’s of-
fice here as a senior auditor
since March 31, 2015.
In response to the employ-
er’s verification letter dated
August 30, Rajasthan’s Pilani-
based Shridhar University
had on August 31 said, “Gokul
Sharma (enrolment number
J11BAGEN00032577) is not our
student. The attached docu-
ments are not genuine.”
Efforts to contact Sharma
proved futile as his mobile
phone remained switched off
on Saturday.
An all-rounder, Sharma
has been a mainstay in the
Assam Ranji team over the
past half a decade and he has
contributed immensely to the
team’s performance by being
one of the leading scorers from
the state. He has captained
Assam in the Ranji Trophy for
three years.

Cyclist Awareness drive on new traffic rules Experts
focus on
killed in MANOJ KUMAR OJHA police Bitul Chetia told The
Telegraph, “As a part of the
to implement the act but to
counsel the public first.
ment staff are conducting
awareness camps.
Doomdooma: Tinsukia police
are conducting an awareness
drive, especially for college
campaign, we are spreading
awareness about the harmful
impact of using mobile phones
The Assam government
has asked the department to
implement the act after con-
While clashes over collec-
tion of hefty penalties under
the new act have been report-
students, to promote compli- on road, over-speeding, driv- ducting massive awareness ed from several parts of the ALI FAUZ HASSAN
■ BOKO: A cyclist died and ance with road safety norms ing without helmets and in- programmes so that the people country, no such incident has
a biker and his pillion under the amended Motor Ve- creased penalties under the adhere to the rules for their been reported from Assam. Guwahati: Understanding
rider were injured in an hicles Act, 2019. act which will be enforced in own safety and do not blame The Motor Vehicles Act, the pain of serious and chroni-
accident on National The awareness pro- the district after conducting the enforcement agencies 2019, amended by Parliament cally ill patients and amelio-
Highway 17 at Singra re- gramme has already been con- sufficient number of aware- when fined for traffic viola- on July 31, provides stricter rating it through palliative
serve forest under Boko ducted for students of Tin- ness programmes. We hope to tions. and heavier penalties to im- care was the prime focus of ex-
police station on Satur- sukia Commerce College, motive people not to violate Chief minister Sarbananda prove road safety. The bill got perts from across the country
day. Makum College and SM Ju- rules. Traffic violators will Sonowal has urged motorists the President’s assent on Au- speaking at a workshop at
nior College while some oth- also be given a one-time warn- to obey traffic rules and desist gust 9 and came into force State Cancer Institute here on
ers, like Doomdooma College, ing.” from dangerous driving for from September 1. Saturday.
Assam Rifles fair are in the pipeline. Eminent personalities and
DSP Bitul Chetia interacts with the students of S.M. Junior
their own safety. It provides for a fine of Rs Development of palliative
The awareness campaign thousands of college students, Transport commissioner 2,000 for disobedience of or- care assumes importance as
on road safety and new traffic who have taken part in the College in Tinsukia. Picture by Manoj Kumar Ojha Virendra Mittal said the state ders of authorities and refusal the Northeast has the highest
rules started at the beginning campaign, may volunteer to the police, through the drive, time to update documents re- government is considering the to give information, Rs 5,000 incidence of cancer and mor-
of this month and will contin- assist the police in educating aim to make every vehicle lated to their vehicles.” amended Motor Vehicles Act, for driving without licence, Rs tality rate in the country.
ue till the end. It will focus on violators about the new rules owner aware of it for greater Sources said the state 2019 and they are likely to get 1,000 for not wearing helmets, In the Northeast, Aizawl

educating the public rather during traffic checks. safety of all. “The process will transport department has di- the enforcement order within Rs 5,000 for speeding/racing district in Mizoram has the
than penalising violators. Chetia said many people continue over the month so rected the enforcement agen- a week. Meanwhile, district and Rs 1,000 for not wearing a highest incidence of cancer
Deputy superintendent of are aware of the new rules but that the people get adequate cies not to go on an overdrive transport officers and enforce- seatbelt. and mortality rate followed by

Schoolchildren at the Assam’s Kamrup urban dis-
fair in Agartala on

Deb push for

trict, says a study published in
Saturday. Picture by 2018. According to the study,
Tanmoy Chakraborty

the cancer mortality rate in
■ AGARTALA: The Assam Kamrup urban district is 70
Rifles organised Know men and 41.2 women in 1 lakh.

drug-free NE
Your Armed Forces Despite such a scenario,

Mela at Blue Mount Eng- less than one per cent of pa-
lish Medium School, tients in Assam receive pallia-
Sabual, in North district. tive care while the figure is

three per cent in India, accord-
ing to a source at the institute.
Awards night TANMOY CHAKRABORTY Resource persons from the
Indian Association of Pallia-
■ GUWAHATI: The first edi- Agartala: Tripura chief min- tive Care, including Dr Mary
tion of Byatikram ister Biplab Kumar Deb, refer- Ann Muckaden from Tata
Women of the Year 2019 ring to a statement of Union Memorial Centre, Mumbai,

will be hosted by the By- home minister Amit Shah, on Dr Radhakrishnan Menon
atikram Group here on Saturday said the Northeast from Cochin, Kerala, Ganapa-
September 22 to recog- will be made a drug-free re- thy K.V. from Mumbai, The

nise and celebrate the gion by 2020 and Tripura will chief executive officer of Com-
achievements of the begin the initiative. munity Oncology Center at
most outstanding Inaugurating the court Biplab Kumar Deb Gujarat Cancer Society, Dr

women from all over the building of West Tripura judi- volved in crimes against Geeta Joshi, Dr Sumitra Mo-
region. The event will be cial district here, Deb said women. “Owing to shortage of hanty from Odisha and K.M.
graced by actress Hi- Shah had recently announced time, I cannot meet all the peo- Noordeen from Kerala, among
mani Bhatt Shivpuri as in a North Eastern Council ple of my state who approach others, addressed the more

chief guest. (NEC) meeting that the North- me for help but I try to respond than 70 audience. The session
CLEANLINESS DRIVE: Ri Bhoi deputy commissioner R.M. Kurbah takes part in a cleaning drive organised by the east would be made a drug- to those who contact me was inaugurated by institute
Meghalaya Green and Clean, on Umiam bridge near Shillong on Saturday. Picture by UB Photos free region by next year. through my Facebook page. director B.C. Goswami.

Ethnic hub “Drug dealers from neigh- Soon I will start the Janatar Dr Muckaden said pallia-

Move to check extortion

bouring states like Assam, Darbar programme in every tive care education can bring
■ GUWAHATI: An ethnic Manipur and Meghalaya are district,” Deb added. about quality improvement in

hub and tea tavern, Ve- responsible for bringing con- the lives of patients. Dr Rad-
tasha, constructed most- trabands into Tripura. I had
Man sent to custody hakrishnan said, “We have
ly out of bamboo on a informed all the chief minis- A local court in Tripura sent seen how the involvement of

floating barge on the ters of the northeastern states an accused to 18-day judicial general people in Kerala has
Brahmaputra, will open BHADRAGOGOI Dimapur from 5am to 7am and Bihar Control of Crime Act, but nothing was done. But fol- custody on Friday for a 41- changed the palliative care
on Sunday. It aims to from 7pm to 10pm. 1981, by the Nagaland Assem- lowing Shah’s appeal, we all year-old theft case. scenario and Assam could be
promote river, tea and Dimapur: The Public Action The committee had earlier bly to deter criminals from have come together to make Bodhjung Nagar police sta- no different with growing lit-

ethnic tourism. Committee of Naga Council submitted separate represen- committing crimes and to en- the region free of drugs and il- tion officer-in-charge Sukanta eracy and social awareness”.
Dimapur on Saturday said it tations to Nagaland governor courage police personnel to legal arms,” he said. Sen Choudhury said on Satur- Maintaining that palliative
would deploy volunteers on R.N. Ravi and chief minister execute their duties. He claimed that Tripura day, “Bachu Kaul was arrest- care is integrated and holistic,
Meeting three checkgates here border- Neiphiu Rio.
Three held was the first state in the region ed for his involvement in a Dr Joshi said there is a huge
ing Karbi Anglong district of In its representation to the that started working towards case of theft in 1978.” Bachu need for the speciality in
■ GUWAHATI: The annual Assam to halt extortion from governor on September 9, it Police apprehended three per- the goal. “Soon after we as- was 15 when he allegedly stole Assam. “Nearly 80 per cent of
general meeting of the trucks by various elements. highlighted the complexity of sons who were extorting sumed office, we became the a goat along with his father, cancer patients, 50 per cent of
Assam Handball Associ- The committee has also dealing with the matter of ex- New Field checkgate in money from sand-laden vehi- first state in the Northeast to Mohan Kaul, from a house those suffering from AIDS and
ation will be held at written to Dimapur police, re- tortion in Dimapur. Dimapur. (Bhadra Gogoi) cles in the New Field check- declare a war against drug nead Nandan Nagar here in 10 to 15 per cent of other chron-
Assam Olympic Associa- questing deployment of police The representation high- increased manifold during the gate area here on Saturday. abuse,” Deb said, adding that 1978. A case was registered ic problems like renal failure
tion office premises here force and providing escorts for lighted how the ceasefire be- ceasefire period. Dimapur police public re- drug menace hindered the re- against them at East Agartala require palliative care but
on September 28. safe passage of trucks at the tween the government of India On Thursday, the commit- lations officer T. Relo Aye said gion’s development. police station here. Later, it only one out of 10 patients re-
three checkgates, New Field, and the Naga political groups tee, through a representation, the trio were extorting money “We have to prevent smug- was transferred to Bodhjung ceive it,” she said. Joshi called
SCIENCE SHOW Burma Camp and Dillai. had allegedly become a licence urged chief minister Neiphiu on behalf of the All Nagaland gling of contraband in the re- Nagar police station. “We ar- for homecare service, a sepa-
In a letter to Dimapur com- for illegal collection of money, Rio to enact “stringent crimi- Good Movers Union, NSCN gion. Once this is done, indus- rested him after receiving an rate OPD, availability of mor-
missioner of police, the com- especially in Dimapur. nal law” in the state to address (Isak-Muivah) and the NSCN try, tourism and everything arrest warrant. He was pro- phine, training, proper policy
mittee’s convener Vekhosayi It alleged that illegal collec- the issue of extortion. (Unification). Altogether Rs else will flourish,” he said. duced in the court which has and networking for a better fu-
Nyekha and co-convenor tion of money by vested inter- It stressed the need to 14,630 in cash was seized from Deb requested all judges of sent him to 18-day judicial re- ture of palliative care.
Gokheto K. Chophy urged the ests in the state government enact a law similar to the Ma- them. A case has been regis- Tripura High Court to take mand,” he said. Mohan died 29 Dr Mohanty said not only
police to strictly implement machinery/machineries and harashtra Control of Orga- tered with West police station, strict action against drug ped- years back.” The price of the cancer patients but those suf-
the entry time of trucks into the Naga political groups had nized Crime Act, 1999, and the Dimapur. dlers, land mafia and those in- goat was Rs 45 1978. fering from chronic diseases
like diabetes, neurological

Vow to fight
problems and old age ailments

Laddus to STEEP FINES FOR RULE FLOUT also needed palliative care.
Social activist Ganapathy

help build
Joint call to end
underlined the importance of
Students take part in social media in changing the

JE in Assam
the National Science outlook towards those suffer-

Congress in Assam’s ing without a voice.
Biswanath district on Organising chairperson Dr

plastic menace
Saturday. Picture Dinesh Ch. Goswami, who
by UB Photos runs the Guwahati pain and
SATANANDA palliative care centre, stressed
MANOJ KUMAR OJHA have been recorded in the BHATTACHARJEE upon the importance of pallia-
Snow park state. Unlike previous years, tive care in the region while its
■ GUWAHATI: The North- Doomdooma: Samir Sinha, when the disease was mostly Hailakandi: As part of the secretary Dr Arun Deka invit-
east’s first snow-themed principal secretary, health confined to Upper Assam, the Centre’s Poshan Abhiyaan, OUR BUREAU ed all stakeholders to attend
park, Frozen Planet, will and family welfare depart- entire state was affected this Hailakandi administration IAPCON 2020 at the GMCH au-
be launched by actress ment, Assam, on Saturday time.” has started an initiative to pro- The Udalguri Municipal ditorium in February.
Nishita Goswami at said the health department He said an analysis showed duce small laddus made of Board launched a mission
Lokhra here on Sunday. has vowed to combat Japanese that adults constituted almost amla (gooseberry) and jag- against single-use polythene
encephalitis in the state and
plans to start an intensive
80 per cent of the casualties.
“Vaccinations of persons
gery, laced with salt, which
will be distributed to pregnant
and plastic bags in the town
on Saturday. Engineer
Football tourney adult vaccination campaign
from November 15.
It will conclude by March
in the age group of 15 to 65 is
the way to combat this,” he
women and children in the
Anganwadi centres and inte-
grated child development
“The drive is a part of
Prime Minister Narendra
Modi’s clarion call to make
■ GUWAHATI: Bampather
Bengenabari Higher 15 next year. While the entire state has services projects in the dis- India a plastic-free nation. ABINASH KALITA
Secondary School, “We plan to cover 33 dis- been covered under the vacci- trict, in an effort to boost their The drive will continue till
Charai-deo, went down to tricts in this campaign. The nation campaign for children, immune system and keep dis- October 2,” said board chair- Guwahati: The court of spe-
Hope-well Elias Higher Centre has agreed to provide only 14 have been covered eases at bay, including man Ripen Daimari. cial judge, Guwahati, has sen-
Secondary School, around 57 lakh vaccines. We under the adult vaccination anaemia. Udalguri Girls’ Higher tenced a junior engineer to
Shillong, by a solitary will procure the rest on our campaign in a phased manner. The administration has Secondary School and Ram- four years’ imprisonment for
own, if needed. We will do it in Officials pointed out that converged two ongoing pro- swaroop Agarwalla Memorial People of Udalguri take out a rally on Saturday. accepting a bribe of Rs 10,000
goal in the Subroto Cup Picture by Shajid Khan
U-17 Boys’ Football a phased manner. Awareness the coverage was not satisfac- grammes for this initiative — English School declared their to sign a bill of a construction
Tournament quarter-fi- programmes will be conduct- tory for a multiple reasons, in- the Rashtriya Poshan Maah institutions plastic and poly- ing awareness about the ill-ef- sumers not abiding by the work under the Pradhan
nals in New Delhi on ed first. Some people fear that cluding rumours about the ef- and the Swachh Survekshan thene-free zones. fects of plastic products and rules set by the civic body. Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana in
Saturday. the vaccine causes fever and fects of the vaccine. Grameen. The Udalguri chapter of the fine being imposed by the Environmentalist Pradip Hojai’s Dhalpur development
has side-effects. Any rumours A total of 154 people died of Aranya Suraksha Samiti, an municipal board over use of Kumar Sahoo said, “Single- block in 2016.
or superstitions regarding this Japanese encephalitis in the NGO, appealed to producers banned plastic items. use plastic is durable and not Special judge Gautam
AGP membership will be cleared by our person-
nel. Later, the vaccine will be
state in 2019.
The number is the highest
of plastic and polythene bags
to manufacture paper and
Vice-chairman of Hojai
Municipal Board Samir
renewable. It is a threat to ani-
mals, plants and human be-
Baruah convicted Jayanta
Goswami under Sections 7,
■ GUWAHATI: The Asom administered,” Sinha told The in the last five years, officials cloth bags instead. “Unem- Sarkar said, “Shopkeepers ings. I support the Centre’s 13(1)(d) and 13(2) of the Pre-
Gana Parishad started its Telegraph. said, even as they claimed that ployed youths can invest in and buyers have to take the initiative to prevent the use of vention of Corruption Act,
general membership “We have come to know the outbreak has been min- the paper-bag industry to gen- issue seriously to save the en- such plastic products.” 1988. The court also imposed a
drive across the state on that Japanese encephalitis imised. erate a good turnover,” Sap- vironment. The civic body The Nagaland Armed Po- Rs 40,000 fine on him.
Saturday. The drive will cases have reduced this year The Assam government Officials at the programme kota said. will follow strict action lice Training Centre conduct- “A complaint was lodged
continue till October 14 in those areas where the vac- has cancelled all leaves of doc- on Saturday. Picture by The Hojai Municipal against those who flout ed a plastic-eradication drive by Birendra Prasad Mallah, a
for all its 126 Assembly cine was administered. Hence tors, paramedic staff and sur- Satananda Bhattacharjee Board is conducting a mission rules.” at Chumukedima police com- member of anchalik panchay-
constituencies. we have chalked out the veillance workers in order to against single-use plastic The official said the mu- plex on Saturday. It also con- at (Dholpukhuri block) from
plan. We seek the support and deal with the outbreak of One such event was held at bags, cups and water bottles, nicipal board had, in a public ducted an essay-writing com- Nandanpur gaon panchayat in
cooperation of the people. Japanese encephalitis. SK Roy civil hospital here on officials said on Saturday. notice released on Thursday, petition on Initiative For Mak- Hojai district regarding the de-
ABVP wins Doctors and staff were assault- The National Health Mis- Saturday to spread awareness On Thursday and Friday, informed that single-use plas- ing Nagaland Plastic-Free and mand for Rs 10,000 bribe to
ed in lower Assam the sion office said altogether 630 about the initiative. Health a team of the civic body, along tics were banned in Hojai a drawing competition on sign a bill for a construction
■ HOJAI: The ABVP won the last time they had gone to people have been affected by functionaries urged everyone with assistant circle officer under the Plastic Waste Man- Plastic-Free Initiative For An work. Based on the complaint,
Lumding College Stu- administer vaccines. I hope Japanese encephalitis till Sep- to download the Swachh Nabajyoti Das, raided some agement Rules 2016. Environmental Friendly Soci- a case was registered and he
dents’ Union elections de- this will not be repeated,” he tember 12 this year. Survekshan Grameen app and shops in the town, seized the Sarkar said a fine of Rs ety for the centre’s children. was arrested red-handed
feating the NSUI in all said. Of these, 154 people have vote for Hailakandi in the banned plastics and imposed 5,000 would be imposed on Additional reporting by Shajid Khan in while accepting the bribe from
posts, the results of which Sinha said, “The last 10 died (13 from Goalpara and campaign. The administration fines on the shopkeepers. wholesalers of plastic, Rs 2,000 Udalguri, Nikhil Kr Mundra in Hojai and the complainant on the office
were declared on Satur- deaths are all old cases. In Sep- 11 from Kamrup rural dis- gave laddus as gifts to those The civic body is also rais- on retailers and Rs 500 on con- Bhadra Gogoi in Dimapur premises,” a police source
day. tember, only four fresh cases tricts). who downloaded the app. said.




Sourabh Kohli: Experience matters, Exciting
to final Dhoni remains valuable for SA:
■ HO CHI MINH CITY: OUR BUREAU mindset he has had about Asked what was going on Miller

India’s Sourabh Verma grooming youngsters and giv- his mind, Kohli replied: “Mere
outwitted Japan’s Mi- Calcutta: Mahendra Singh ing them opportunities… and zehen mein kuch naahi tha Dharamsala: Quinton de
noru Koga in straight Dhoni may not have been phy- he is still the same person,” yaar (I had nothing in my Kock possesses an “incredible

games to progress to the sically present in Dharamsala Kohli said when asked if mind). I was sitting at cricket brain”, feels senior ba-
men’s singles final of the but he is always on the minds Dhoni is in his scheme of home and I normally put out a tsman David Miller, who is re-
Vietnam Open BWF of the Indian cricketers, espe- things for the T20 World Cup. photograph and it became a ady to perform “any role” that

Tour Super 100 here cially Virat Kohli. The former “Look, experience is al- news item.” the new South Africa white-
on Saturday. Sourabh India captain is enjoying a ways going to matter whether Kohli once again got a bit- ball captain wants him to.
overcame Minoru 22-20, ‘break’ but he remained the you like it or not. I mean there ter taste of the harmful effects Miller, along with De Kock
21-15 in a 51-minute semi- focus before the start of India’s are a numerous number of of social media. and Kagiso Rabada, form the

final clash. PTI international season at home. times people have given up on “I think it was a lesson for core of a new-look South Afri-
Perhaps because the sea- sportsmen and they have me, that the way I think, the can limited-overs set-up wh-
son begins with a T20I as part proved people wrong and he whole world does not think ich is going through a transi-
Lakshya on target
of India’s preparations for the (Dhoni) has done that many that way. There was nothing tion phase with first stop being
T20 World Cup in Australia times in his career as well. As in farthest stretch of my imagi- the ongoing tour of India.
■ LEUVEN: Rising Indian next year. long as he is available and con- nation (that it could be taken “He (Quinton) has been
shuttler Lakshya Sen Dhoni has always put the tinues to play, he is going to be as retirement tribute) while around for many years and got
stormed into the men’s interest of Indian cricket ahe- very valuable,” Kohli said. putting that picture out on so- an incredible cricket brain.
singles finals of the Bel- ad of personal goals and is “on “When you decide to stop cial media,” the Team India Like I said, it’s exciting times
gian International Chal- same page” with the team ma- playing is an absolutely indi- captain said. — new skipper, new players

lenge with a straight nagement as far as his interna- vidual thing, and no one else For him, the T20I against and a lot of young, fresh
game win over Den- tional future is concerned, Ko- should have an opinion on it, Australia was one match he faces,” said the 30-year-old
mark’s Kim Bruun here. hli said at a media conference that’s what I think,” he added. has not really talked about Miller, who has played 126

The 18-year-old from in Dharamsala on Saturday. Only Thursday, Kohli much in the last three years ODIs and 70 T20 Internation-
Almora notched up a unlike his other knocks. als for his country, on the eve
comfortable 21-18, 21-11 “Like what did I write. I re- of the first T20I.

win over Bruun on Fri- member that game even now, Miller is happy with the
day night. PTI every now and then. I never way De Kock is progressing as
spoke about that game and so I a leader and wants to lend all
thought I put up a post. Now the support that he needs at

Chancellor Kapil people interpreted it in a dif- the start of his new journey.
ferent manner in which there “It’s been really good so far
■ CHANDIGARH: Cricket was not even an iota of truth.” and we’ll see as it progresses

legend Kapil Dev will be Kohli also justified Kulde- how we go along. It’s really
the first chancellor of the ep Yadav and Yuzvendra Cha- nice to be alongside him and
Haryana Sports Univer- hal’s omission from the T20 supporting him in whatever

sity at Rai in Sonipat dis- squad as their weakness with role he wants me to. So yeah,
trict. The Sports Univer- the willow has prompted them it’s been great so far and hope-
sity of Haryana will be to try out some other options. fully, it continues,” the left-

the third sports universi- “That was one of the rea- handed batsman said.
ty established by a state sons also to give opportunities It’s a new-look South Afric-
government in the coun- to the guys who have done well an side and Miller knows
try after Swarnim Gu- in the domestic format and the he will have to take the

jarat Sports University T20 format and in the IPL also. responsibility of guiding the
(Gandhinagar) and So I think it’s about finding the younger crop of players. “I feel
Tamil Nadu Physical Ed- best balance that we can as a playing while for the country
ucation and Sports Uni- side and not necessarily stick that there is always responsi-
versity (Chennai). PTI to one kind of combination. If bility, regardless of whether
all teams across the world are you are less experienced or
batting till No. 9, 10, why can’t more experienced.
ATP Cup Kohli’s tweet that set off Dhoni-quit rumours on Thursday we,” the captain explained. “I mean I have been play-
The India skipper recalled ing for many years and that re-
■ SYDNEY: Novak Djoko- On the eve of the T20I se- tweeted about Dhoni out of the how the team management sponsibility has been with
vic, Rafael Nadal and ries against South Africa, blue and learnt “his lesson” was criticised when Chahal me for a couple of years
Roger Federer are Kohli maintained that the 38- the hard way. An innocuous and Kuldeep were inducted in now, and it’s really exciting,”
among the global top 10 year-old Dhoni will “remain tweet sparked rumours and al- the white ball set-up replacing Miller said.
who will play for their valuable” as long as he contin- most forced Dhoni into inter- a more fancied Ravichandran “Like I said, it’s a young
countries at the new ATP ues playing the game. national retirement. Ashwin and Ravindra Jadeja. side and we’ve got a lot of ener-
Cup in Australia in Jan- “One great thing about him Within no time, the tweet “So, you need to take those gy amongst the squad. There
uary, the organisers said (Dhoni) is that, he thinks for went viral and was somehow calls at one stage. Bringing are actually a lot of guys who
on Saturday. Andy Mur- Indian cricket. And whatever linked to Dhoni’s future for In- those guys (Chahal and have played a lot of cricket, in
ray, returning from hip we (team management) think, dia. It took Dhoni’s wife Sakshi Kuldeep) at one stage was also the A side and domestically.
surgery, will also com- he is on the same page. The to put an end to such talk. “Its not taken well by people,” “So, all of us are really, re-
pete, with his protected alignment is there. The kind of called rumours,” she tweeted. Kohli said. Team India captain Virat Kohli in Dharamsala on Saturday. (PTI) ally experienced in each de-
world ranking of two giv- partment and it’s just a great
ing Britain entry to the stepping stone.”

Talks don’t bother Smith

tournament even though South Africa will play
they are outside of the three-T20Is and as many Tests
24-team qualifying cut- against India before coming
out. Agencies back later for three ODIs.
London: Steve Smith refused totals really throughout the on the job in hand despite the side in the driving seat and They have been training here
to blame his inconsistent series, so it’s not been easy,” weight of expectation on his Smith was asked whether a in Dharamsala for a week
Rashid’s 6-under teammates for their batting he said. “There’s always been shoulders. “I just sort of do my great rivalry could develop be- ahead of the first T20I.
failures in this Ashes series something there (for the thing and what people say tween the pair. But the Aus- “We have been here for a
■ GURGAON: India’s after he again shouldered the bowlers), I felt. If you bowl in doesn’t really bother me. It’s tralian said it was too soon to week, and the strip has been
Rashid Khan carded a run-scoring burden for Aus- good areas for long enough, just each time I go out to the tell. “Who knows? When’s the really good. And I think we
second straight six- tralia, here at The Oval. then I think we’ve seen you’ll middle I love batting and I just next Ashes series? I don’t even are going to get the same in
under-66 in round three The former skipper scored get rewards. want to bat and score runs and know,” he said. “Will I still be the middle. It’s generally a
of the inaugural Classic 80 in the ongoing fifth and final “Playing in England is help out the team,” he said. playing? I’m not sure. Who good wicket down here,”
Golf & Country Club In- Test — his lowest total so far in completely different from “People can say whatever knows the answer to that? Miller added.
ternational Champi- the series — as the visitors playing back home and you’ve they like — nice things, bad We’ll see. The Proteas had a forget-
onship to raise hopes of were bowled out for 225, falling got to find ways to play away things, whatever... It really “He (Jofra) is a quality per- table World Cup, but Miller
ending his five-year long 69 runs short of England’s from home,” he said. doesn’t bother me.” former. He has got two five- wants to look ahead. “Yeah, I
dry spell on the Asian first-innings total of 294. “Sometimes you need to The 30-year-old, trapped fors in four Test matches and think what happened in the
Tour here on Saturday. Asked for reasons for change certain little things leg-before to Chris Woakes, you don’t get guys bowling 90 World Cup is something to
Rashid, who won both Australia’s batting failures, that can help you play in cer- was disappointed not to reach miles an hour growing on learn from. “We did a few
his Asian Tour titles in Smith said conditions had not tain conditions and adapt ac- his fourth century of what has trees and with the skill set he things wrong and the results
2014, trailed the leader been kind throughout the se- cordingly, but I think it will be been a stellar series for him, has got. never came out the way we
Rory Hie of Indonesia ries, but that players would a good learning curve for all of but said he had struggled with “He’s a terrific bowler and wanted. So, we are lucky that
by one shot. PTI learn from performing in un- our batsmen.” “flu” during his knock. there’s no doubt that he’ll gain it’s a new phase in South Afr-
familiar conditions. Smith said he was able to England pacer Jofra Arch- a lot of confidence from his ican cricket at the moment,”
Steve Smith stretches at The Oval on Saturday. (Reuters) “We haven’t seen any huge shut out pressures and focus er took six wickets to put his first Test series.” Agencies said Miller. PTI
Nagal in form

Super Chhetri on Bangladesh mind

■ BANJA LUKA: India’s
Sumit Nagal sailed into
the final of the Banja
Luka Challenger with a
7-6 (1), 6-2 win over Slo-
vakia’s Filip Horansky in ANGSHUMAN ROY Kaisar, a close friend of for- really well in the last few were unlucky not to get some- ers technically strong. tional league and youth devel-
Bosnia and Herzegovina mer India international Syed years,” Day said. thing from the match. We “Agreed, most of the well- opment. But it’s true we are
on Saturday. PTI Calcutta: Sunil Chhetri. Rahim Nabi, said Chhetri is According to Day, India’s were organised and main- known foreign players who playing catch up with India,”
That’s the name working the man who has the ability to goalless match against Asian tained a good shape through- played in the ISL are past their Day, who is in charge of the na-
overtime on the minds of bring out something out of champions Qatar proved any- out. What we need is to be bet- prime, but interacting with tional and the under-23 teams
Bangladesh national team nothing. “He is a class player. thing is possible in football. ter on the ball against teams them helped the Indians to since May 2018, said.
THIS DAY coach Jamie Day and his assis-
tant Mohammad Masud
We in Bangladesh hold him in
high esteem.
“They did extremely well
against Qatar. We will have to
who are stronger than us.
“Overall, we are in a posi-
grow,” he said.
“The Indians defend very
“Football has a future in
the country. The problem is, it
THAT YEAR Parvez Kaisar. Bangladesh
play India in a World Cup
“You know, Bangladesh
will be very lucky if we get a
play very well to get a positive
result. As India showed in
tive mood,” he said.
Kaisar, meanwhile, said
well and when they lose the
ball, they give their all to win it
has become too Dhaka
centric. So, we are not being
qualifier on October 15 at the player of Chhetri’s calibre. We Doha, anything is possible in Indian football has improved back. These are the things I able to tap enough talent from
1961: Jack Nicklaus, Salt Lake Stadium. had a very good striker in football.” by leaps and bounds in the last have noticed amongst most of the districts where there is
aged 21, wins the “We know Chhetri will be a Alfaz Ahmed. But after he re- Bangaldesh host Qatar on five years. “Look, there was a the present-day Indian foot- still a huge following. Our na-
61st US Golf Amateur threat,” Day told The Tele- tired, we are still searching for October 10 before travelling to time when Bangladesh was on ballers. It’s something which tional association (Banglade-
Championship. graph from Kent. one,” Kaisar said from Dhaka. Calcutta. “The Qatar match a par with India if not better. we didn’t see, say five years sh Football Federation) is try-
1978: Muhammad Ali He is on a short vacation to According to Day, who will be a big test for us,” Kaisar But slowly, we started lagging back,” Kaisar added. ing it best to revive football,”
beats Leon Spinks in 15 Britain to be with his family played for Arsenal briefly, the said. behind. Both Day and Kaisar re- he said.
rounds for the heavyweight before returning to Dhaka for match against India would ob- Bangaldesh lost their qual- “India’s age-group teams fused to believe there’s no fu- Abahani Limited Dhaka is
boxing title in New Orleans. the national camp, which be- viously be very tough for ifier against Afghanistan 0-1 in started playing abroad against ture for football in in the semi-finals of the AFC
gins on September 25. Bangladesh. Dushanbe, the capital of Tajik- stronger teams and when they Bangladesh. “It’s wrong. Foot- Cup and Kaisar believes it’s a
1982: Roy Dias registers “We have to mark him clo- “It will be a very tough istan. The 39-year-old Briton, graduated to the senior team, ball is (still) very popular in huge boost for Bangladesh
Sri Lanka’s first ODI
sely. Having said that, every- game for us. India are 79 though, took a lot of positives they were already mentally Bangladesh. football. “It’s a big plus. People Bangladesh coach Jamie
century. His 102 came
one in the Indian team will be a places above us in the Fifa from that match. strong. The ISL also played a “Only thing they need now are discussing in the streets Day. Picture courtesy Bangladesh
against India at the Kotla.
threat to us,” Day added. rankings and have progressed “We played very well and big role in making Indian play- is big investment in the na- about Abahani,” he said. Football Federation

Pliskova’s Reds stroll to 5th straight win Kouassi
5th final of PREMIER LEAGUE
“We didn’t start the game
the way we wanted,” Liver-
it for
the year NEWCASTLE
London: Liverpool came from
1 pool defender Robertson said.
“That gave us the wake-up call
we needed and afterwards I
Md. Sp.
■ BEIJING: World No.2 behind to earn a 3-1 home win think we kicked into gear and CFL
Karolina Pliskova over Newcastle United thanks were too good for them.” MD. SP. 1
surged into her fifth final to Sadio Mane’s first-half dou- Liverpool freshened up BSS SPORTING 0
of the year as she ble and a late goal from Mo their forward line with Bel-
thrashed Ajla Toml- Salah on Saturday, maintain- gian Divock Origi coming in ASTAFF REPORTER
janovic 6-3, 6-2 on Satur- ing their 100 per cent start to for Firmino after the Brazilian
day at the WTA the season and winning their had played for his country in Calcutta: Mohammedan
Zhengzhou Open. She 14th consecutive Premier Los Angeles in midweek, but it Sporting rode Arthur Kouas-
will face Croatia’s Petra League match. was Newcastle’s attack which si’s strike to beat BSS Sporting
Martic, the seventh seed, Anfield was stunned into struck first. Club by a solitary goal in a
who beat France’s un- silence in glorious sunshine Christian Atsu lofted a CFL Premier Division A game
seeded Kristina Mladen- on Merseyside as Newcastle’s cross-field pass into Willems, at their home ground on Sat-
ovic 6-0, 6-3. Agencies Jetro Willems sent a thunder- who cut onto his weaker right urday.
ous strike into the top corner foot before firing an unstop- Two minutes into injury
— the Dutchman’s first goal in pable effort past Adrian in the time, substitute Kouassi slot-
Ministry letter English football — to give the home goal. ted home Satyam Sharma’s ac-
visitors a shock seventh- Liverpool had trailed for curate cross that helped Mo-

■ NEW DELHI: The sports minute lead. only 28 minutes at home in the hammedan Sporting snatch
ministry has written a The crowd were getting Premier League last season, an unlikely and much-needed
letter to International anxious as league leaders Liv- but Newcastle goalkeeper win to the delight of the home

Gymnastics Federation erpool were wasteful in pos- Martin Dubravka remained crowd.
(FIG) to allow the com- session, but the pressure untested until Mane inter- Courtesy this win, Mo-
mittee headed by Indian never relented as Andy vened, slotting a perfect strike hammedan Sporting moved

Olympic Association Robertson set up Mane, who into the net. up to the fourth place with 13
(IOA) to select the coun- equalised with a superb curled With the home fans in full points from eight matches.
try’s team for next finish into the top corner in the voice, Firmino came off the They face Mohun Bagan next
month’s World Champi- 28th minute. bench to replace the injured at the Salt Lake Stadium on

onship in Artistic Gym- Liverpool had won each of Origi and cleverly threaded Thursday.
nastics. Olympic quotas their previous four home the ball through for Mane. Going into the game, Mo-
will be up for grabs at the leagues games in which they Dubravka was unable to make hammedan Sporting coach Sa-

World Championship conceded first and 12 minutes the block, and the Senegalese heed Ramon made three
which is scheduled to be later they had turned another forward tapped in the loose Sadio Mane scores Liverpool’s second goal against Newcastle United at the Anfield on Saturday. (Reuters) changes to the side from the
held in Stuttgart, Ger- match on its head as Roberto ball. After the break, Liverpool previous game, giving starts to
many from October 4 to Firmino’s trickery set up were caught on the counter but John Chidi, Amir Hussain and

Thriller on Hazard debut

13. PTI Mane to give the hosts the lead Newcastle’s Emil Krafth Sujit Sadhu in place of Kouas-
at the second attempt. blazed over at the back post. si, Usman Ashik and Kamran
Mane’s second strike Liverpool regained the ini- Farroque.

India ready meant Liverpool had scored tiative but missed a host of Fans had little to cheer
two or more goals in 14 consec- chances midway through the LALIGA Paris St Germain in mind, became emboldened. catch out the Belgian mo- about in the first half, which
■ NEW DELHI: The trio of G. utive league games — half to make it three. manager Zinedine Zidane The visitors reduced the ments later by shooting in- was mostly about scrappy

Sathiyan, Sharath equalling the Premier League Dubravka could not hold brought off captain Sergio deficit to one goal with 15 min- stead of crossing but narrowly showing by the two teams.
Kamal and Manika record set by Manchester City out forever, though, as Salah Ramos and Casemiro on the utes to go thanks to a near-post missed the near post. Mohammedan Sporting
Batra will spearhead in 2011 — with Egyptian for- got in on the act, finishing well ATHLETIC BILBAO 0 hour, allowing Eden Hazard to header from Gonzalo Melero Zidane’s side had drawn looked the most likely to open

India’s challenge at the ward Salah adding the third in after another superb Firmino REAL MALLORCA 0 finally make his Real debut and twice came close to level- their last two games against the scoring with Chidi threat-
Asian Table Tennis the second half. pass to wrap up a victory that after recovering from injury. ling in stoppage time. Real Valladolid and Villarreal ening in the strike zone, and
Championships starting There was no coming back means Liverpool are the Madrid: Real Madrid clung on Madrid’s $110.73 million Real goalkeeper Thibaut and were grateful to scrape a well supported by Vanlalbiaa
from Sunday in Yo- for Steve Bruce’s Newcastle as fourth team in history to win to record a nervy but vital 3-2 signing looked off the pace in Courtois was forced to turn victory, which took them to Chhangte and Amir.

gyakarta, Indonesia. The Juergen Klopp’s Liverpool 14 consecutive English top- win at home to Levante in La his first competitive game away a header from Ruben eight points after four games. Despite some good build-
Asian Championships is strolled to their fifth straight flight matches. Liga on Saturday following a though and, as the home side’s Vezo, while Levante’s talis- ourtois criticised his side up play and probing runs, Mo-
qualifying event for the win this term to move five “Liverpool are as good as shoddy second-half perform- intensity dropped off, Levante man Jose Luis Morales tried to for switching off after the hammedan Sporting couldn’t

2020 Tokyo Olympics. points clear of second-placed you get,” Bruce said. “Pace, ance after taking a three-goal break following their rampant get behind the well-organised
The 10-member squad, Manchester City, who visit creativity and at the top of the lead with a Karim Benzema start. BSS defence and the particu-
comprising five men and promoted Norwich City later pitch they can hurt you.” double and Casemiro strike. “If we had continued to larly impressive Daniel Addo

as many women pad- on Saturday. Reuters Benzema headed Real in play in the same way as in the at the centre of it.
dlers, reached the In- front after 25 minutes when he first half we would have won 5- Following a barren first
donesian city on Satur- met a cross from Dani Carva- 0 or 6-0,” he told reporters. half that failed to produce a

day following a 10-day jal and the France forward “We played the best 45 min- clear goal-scoring opportuni-
preparatory camp at struck again a few minutes utes of the season but that’s ty, the hosts showed far more
Chengdu, China. PTI later with a well-taken finish football, Levante changed urgency, coming agonizingly
after latching on to a pass from their system and at times we close to taking the lead in the

James Rodriguez. were sloppy with our pass- 55th minute when Vanlalbiaa
DoJ probe Brazil midfielder Casemiro ing.” controlled the ball neatly to
stretched Real’s advantage Meanwhile on Friday, Ath- create some space for himself
■ LOS ANGELES: The US right before halftime with a letic Bilbao squandered an op- before smashing a powerful
Department of Justice gut-busting run to meet a portunity to go top of La Liga drive wide of the target.
has launched an investi- cross from compatriot Vini- in a dramatic 0-0 draw at Real To their credit, the BSS de-
gation into sexual abuse cius, but Levante hit back Mallorca. Aritz Aduriz saw his fence didn’t panic and looked
in US Olympic sports, be- shortly after the interval 96th-minute penalty saved by to have weathered storm that
coming the latest federal through former Madrid for- Manolo Reina, after Abdon had more or less secured them
agency to probe failures ward Borja Mayoral. Prats had dragged a spot-kick a point until a dramatic late
in the country’s Olympic Newcastle United’s Jetro Willems (left) celebrates with Perhaps with Wednesday’s Real Madrid’s Casemiro (second from left) celebrates with wide for the hosts. twist helped Mohammedan
organizations, the Wall teammate Fabian Schar. (Reuters) Champions League opener at teammates at the Bernabeu on Saturday. (AP) Agencies Sporting heave a sigh of relief.
Street Journal reported.
The investigations,

Asia Cup India enjoy edge Klusener

which focus mainly on
USA gymnastics, stems

title for upbeat

from the Larry Nassar
scandal. Agencies

Subroto Cup India U-19 OUR BUREAU

Calcutta: The T20 World Cup

Kohlis and Rohit Sharmas off
Captain Kohli and head
Dharamsala: South Africa
would like to put pressure on
■ NEW DELHI: Bangladesh Colombo: Left-arm spinner is just over a year away. And coach Ravi Shastri will be get- India’s young pace trio of
Krira Shiksha Pro- Atharva Ankolekar returned Virat Kohli and his men will ting around 20 matches or so to Navdeep Saini, Khaleel
tishthan (BKSP), 11 with a five-wicket haul to help be beginning with their prepa- build a near perfect combina- Ahmed and Deepak Chahar
Gorkha Rifles Regimen- India clinch the U-19 Asia Cup rations for the mega event tion for the T20 World Cup. during the three-match T20I
tal Centre, Bokaro’s BSL title with a thrilling five-run from Sunday itself when India There are quite a few aspects series, the visiting side’s assis-
+2 High School and Shil- win over Bangladesh in a low- face South Africa in the first of that the team management tant batting coach Lance
long’s Hopewell Elias scoring final here on Satur- the three T20Is, in Dharam- will have to work on in the Klusener said on Sunday. Ben Stokes in action on Saturday. (AFP)
Higher Secondary day. sala. next 13 months. The trio together played 16

England in
School entered the semi- Defending a paltry total of On the road to the seventh David Miller on Saturday Save Kohli, Rohit, all- T20Is among them and the for-
finals of the U-17 boys’ 106, India dismissed edition of the T20 World Cup, rounder Hardik Pandya, mer South African all-rounder
Subroto Cup Interna- Bangladesh for 101 in 33 overs, India would obviously want to bank on. The last time the two who’s set to make a comeback, sensed it as an opportunity for
tional Football tourna- courtesy 18-year-old win most of their T20 matches. sides met at the picturesque and premier pacer Jasprit the Proteas as their new look

ment here on Saturday. Ankolekar, who emerged as If the series sweep in the Dharamsala Stadium in a Bumrah (rested for this se- team tries to settle into a
PTI the star of the Indian team shortest format last month in T20I, four years ago, South ries), at least seven slots in the groove. “Looking at the Indian
with figures of five for 28 from the tour of the Caribbean was Africa had emerged winners. playing XI and four more in team, that inexperienced
8 overs. a trailer, Virat and his men But the players who helped the 15-member squad are up bowling attack is an area we
Lyon held While Ankolekar spun a would certainly start as the South Africa chase down a for grabs. It needs to be seen if are going to take advantage of London: England’s Joe Denly Denly clipped Josh Hazle-
web of spin to derail favourites once again. competitive total then are no the team management takes a just like I suppose, you look at and Ben Stokes calmly led the wood through mid-wicket for
■ PARIS: Olympique Lyon- Bangladesh’s chase, he was But while the win versus longer in the team. Advantage bold approach. opposing teams and at areas, hosts to 193 for two as they ex- his seventh four to reach fifty
nais’s stuttering start to supported well by pacer the West Indies was more like a India, in other words. Mahendra Singh Dhoni’s which you can take advantage tended their lead over Aus- for the third time in the series
the Ligue 1 season con- Akash Singh, who accounted balm to soothe the scars of the But assumption or predic- retirement is a call that will be of,” Klusener said during a tralia to 262 runs at tea on the and the 33-year-old right-han-
tinued when they con- for three wickets. semi-final exit from ODI World tion doesn’t gel well with T20s. taken by the former skipper media interaction. third day of the final Ashes der struck a few sweetly-timed
ceded a last-gasp equalis- V. Patil (1/25) and SS Cup, the assignment against A fine spell from Kagiso Raba- himself. But Kohli’s India will “However, he made it clear Test on Saturday. strokes in his highest Test
er in a 2-2 draw at Mishra (1/27) also chipped in the Proteas would help India to da or whirlwind knocks by need to prove that they an al- that by no means he underesti- Denly moved on to 82 not score.
Amiens on Friday ahead with one wicket each at the R. assess themselves better. captain Quinton de Kock or ternative ready. mates the Indian attack. out with Stokes unbeaten on Stokes, who made a bril-
of their Champions Premadasa Stadium here. The West Indies had sur- the experienced David Miller Given his talent and ability, “They are great cricketers and 57 in bright sunshine at The liant century to lead England
League debut, while Lille Chasing a paltry target of rendered tamely in all the could well make matters Rishabh Pant is considered an we are not taking anything Oval to put England in a to a dramatic victory in the
enjoyed a 2-1 home win 107, skipper Akbar Ali (23) and three matches. South Africa mighty tough for the Indians. ideal substitute for Dhoni. But away from that, and our focus strong position to level the se- third Test at Headingley,
over Angers. Reuters Mrittunjoy Chowdhury (21) are expected to offer tougher Besides, someone like An- his inconsistency with the bat will be on ourselves and the lit- ries at 2-2. moved smoothly to his fifty
kept Bangladesh in the hunt. resistance. But South Africa, rich Nortje, if selected in the and shortcomings behind the tle areas where we can take Australia ensured they and England will look to push
FANFARE After they were back to the at present, are a new-look side XI, could turn out to be that stumps make his case difficult. advantage and maybe that’s will retain the Ashes by win- on in the final session before
pavilion, Tanzim Hasan Sakib with not enough experience to unknown element to catch the ● Match starts: 7pm one of them,” he said. PTI ning the fourth Test in Man- setting Australia a daunting
(12) and Rakibul Hasan (11) chester and are bidding to se- target.
raised hopes of a Bangladesh cure their first Test series vic- On Monday, Jofra Archer

Tiger’s ‘signature’ move

win before India fought back tory in England since 2001. took six wickets as England’s
to bundle them out. After resuming at 9/0, bowlers gave their side a
Earlier, skipper Dhruv Rory Burns drove Peter Siddle handy lead. Archer took his
Jurel (33) and lower-order sweetly through mid-off to tally for the series to 22
batsman Karan Lal (37) came bring up the first half-century wickets.
up with useful contributions Los Angeles: Speculation and excited group of guys,” lecting himself to play if he opening stand of the series but
to help India cross the 100-run swirled that superstar Tiger Woods says in a lengthy post thinks he can benefit the team. he departed for 20 after a wild ENGLAND
mark. Woods will choose himself to which he signed: US Team This week he said the selec- slash at a wide ball from spin- 1st Innings 294
India’s decision to bat first play in the Presidents Cup as Captain (crossed out) Playing tions would “ultimately be my ner Nathan Lyon which he
after winning the toss back- captain of the US team thanks Captain. call” but added he would “lean edged to wicketkeeper Tim AUSTRALIA
fired big time as left-arm pacer to an enigmatic sign-off on a It’s not the first time one of heavily” on the opinions of Paine. 1st Innings 225
Mrittunjoy (3/18) and off-spin- blog post. these blogs has been signed captain’s assistants Steve England captain Joe Root,
ner Shamim Hossain (3/8) In the US captain’s blog that way, and it remains un- Stricker, Zach Johnson and bidding to register his first
wreaked havoc on the Indian posted on the US PGA Tour clear if Woods will name him- Fred Couples as well as the Test century of the summer, 2nd Innings (overnight 9/0)
R. Burns c Paine b Lyon 20
batsmen. website, Woods says the eight self to play when he makes his Tiger Woods eight players who qualified for made 21 before he pushed for- J. Denly batting 82
Opener Arjun Azad was US players already selected four captain’s picks for the the team. ward tentatively at Lyon and J. Root c Smith b Lyon 21
the first to go as he was caught are “fired up” for the match team on November 4. keyhole surgery to repair car- The last playing captain at nicked a simple catch to Steve B. Stokes batting 57
Extras (b-2, lb-10, nb-1) 13
behind by Akbar Ali off Tanz- play showdown between Since winning his 15th tilage in his left knee, but he the Presidents Cup was Hale Smith at slip to leave the home Total (2 wickets; 60 overs) 193
im Hasan Sakib’s bowling in America and the International major title at the Masters in still expects to tee it up at the Irwin at the inaugural edition side on 88 for two at lunch. Fall of wickets: 1/54, 2/87
A fan before the Premier the third over. team, which will be held at April Woods has made only six PGA Tour’s inaugural Zozo in 1994. Stokes, dropped at slip off Bowling: Cummins 13-4-27-0, Hazlewood
League match between 15-5-40-0, Lyon 14-2-46-2, Siddle 6-1-22-
Brief scores: India U-19 106 in Royal Melbourne in Decem- starts, missing two cuts and championship in Japan in Oc- Arnold Palmer was the Lyon on seven, started slowly 0, Marsh 6-1-20-0, Labuschagne 6-0-26-0
Sheffield United and 32.4 ovs (Karan Lal 37). ber. withdrawing from one event. tober. Woods has indicated most recent playing captain in before unfurling some trade- (At Tea, Day III)
Southampton FC on Bangladesh U-19 101 in 33 ovs. “As a captain, I couldn’t Woods revealed in late Au- throughout the year that he the Ryder Cup, in 1963. mark attacking shots to enter-
Saturday. (Getty Images) India U-19 won by 5 runs. PTI have asked for a more engaged gust that he had undergone wouldn’t shy away from se- Agencies tain a packed crowd. Agencies
Wrestlers ‘Mistake’ tag on Iran girl
stumble Tehran: An Iranian football
fan who set herself ablaze and
ting herself on fire outside a
court last week. Her death
women and family affairs Ma-
soumeh Ebtekar asked the ju-
did not give further details.
Esmaili, who was quoted
Nur-Sultan: In a dismal start died after being arrested for sparked outrage online, with diciary to probe her death. The by the judiciary’s Mizan On-
for India, all four Greco- trying to enter a stadium had celebrities and activists using judiciary said, without naming line website, said no sentence
Roman wrestlers in action on “confessed her mistake” when the hashtag #blue_girl to urge anyone, that a young woman had been issued against her
Saturday exited the World she was questioned, the judici- the sport’s world governing had been arrested when trying since there had been no trial to
Championships without win- ary said on Saturday. body Fifa to ban Iran from to enter a stadium and faced begin with. The spokesman
ning a single round here. Sahar Khodayari, dubbed competitions and fans to boy- charges of offending “public also dismissed reports she had
Competing in non-Olympic “blue girl” because of the cott matches. chastity and insulting” law en- been told she would be jailed
categories, Asian Champi- colours of the team she sup- Iranian women spectators forcement officers. for six months as “fabricated
onship silver medallist ported, Esteghlal FC, was re- have been barred from foot- On Saturday, judiciary rumours and hearsay”.
Harpeet Singh (82kg), Sagar portedly detained when she ball and other stadiums in the spokesman Gholamhossein Esmaili said such reports
(63kg), and Manjeet (55kg) tried to enter a stadium Islamic republic since 1981, de- Esmaili said Khodayari “had “stirred public opinion” and
could not even score a single dressed as a man to watch spite international pressure to clearly confessed her mistake provided material for “for-
point in their respective bouts. them last year. She died of her let them attend. during questioning, accepted eigners and enemies” of Iran.
Only Yogesh (72kg) resis- injuries in hospital after set- Iran’s vice-president for it and expressed regret”. He Agencies
ted his American rival Ray-
mond Anthony Bunker III be-
fore suffering a narrow 5-6 de-
feat. “Patience ... patience. I
was not patient enough,” Yo- Panghal moves
to Round of 16
gesh was telling foreign coach
Temo Kazarashvili after he

lost the close bout.
“I have only myself to
blame. I was close. If you look the Taipei pugilist’s confi-

at the draw, I could have dence. The Asian Champi-
reached the semi-finals if I had onships gold medallist en-
won this bout,” said Yogesh. sured he never relented in the

The standard of Greco- final round, not allowing Tu a
Roman is “very poor” in India, way back into the bout in a
said former world champion master class performance,
Kazarashvili. “It will take a lot which secured him victory.

of time to bring improve- “Today’s bout was good
ments. The system needs to and the opponent was a tough
change. The process has one. I have played him in the

begun and you have to wait for Asian Championships before
2-3 years to see the results,” he where I had defeated him 3-2.
said. “This time, my strategy
“Greco Roman is not very was to score more and I was
popular in India. India needs more aggressive right from
to find more wrestlers in this the beginning,” said India’s
style. You have to have chil- Amit Panghal No. 1 male boxer.

dren picking up this style, “My next opponent is from

right from the school level.” OUR BUREAU Turkey and he is a tall boxer.
In his pre-quarter final We will watch video-clippings

bout, Yogesh, who had fin- Calcutta: Amit Panghal of his matches and plan ac-
ished fourth at the Asian (52kg) put up a dazzling dis- cordingly,” Panghal was quot-
Championship, lost a point play to advance to the Round ed as saying in a release.

due to passivity and two more of 16 of the AIBA Men’s World With this victory, Indian
to trail 0-3. Championships in Yekaterin- pugilists continued their un-
Towards the end of the first burg, on Saturday. beaten run in the champi-
period, the American pushed Second-seeded Panghal, onships this year.Duryodhan

Yogesh out to take a healthy 4- who got a first-round bye, was Singh Negi (69kg), Manish
0 lead. Just before the end of immaculate in his first bout of Kaushik (63kg) and Brijesh
the first minute in the second the tournament and demol- Yadav (81kg) have all made a

period, Yogesh earned a point ished Chinese Taipei’s Tu Po- winning start to their respec-
and added four more with Wei 5-0 to set up a pre-quarter tive campaigns.
back-to-back gut-wrenches to final showdown with Turkey’s Negi had to work hard to

lead 5-4. Batuhan Citfci. achieve a 4-1 victory over Ar-

However, he lost the lead In the first round, Panghal menia’s Koryun Astoyan,
on the counter-attack by took time to settle into the bout whereas Kaushik notched up
Bunker, who made it 5-5 be- before landing punches on his a convincing 5-0 win over Kyr-

fore settling the bout in his opponent. While both pugilists gyzstan’s Argen Ullu Kadyr-
favour by pushing the Indian remained on their guard for bek. Brijesh dominated
out. much of the opening round, Poland’s Maleusz Goinski 5-0.

In 82kg, Harpreet Singh they came up with a more pro- On Sunday, Kavinder
was expected to put up at least active and aggressive ap- Singh Bisht (57kg) and
a good fight but was outplayed proach in second round. Makran Cup silver medallist
by Petr Novak from Czech Re- Amit evaded his opponent Sanjeet (91kg) will begin their
public. well before delivering his com- campaign after receiving byes
PTI bination blows to that affected in the opening round.

Miya Poets:
‘How much
blood should
I lose to get
my rights?’



What we
We also

This year no less than the Mother Goddess is caught in the crosshairs of the Trinamul-BJP
rivalry. Moumita Chaudhuri keeps score

Forgot ong before khunti puja — the
ritual that marks the begin-
CPI(M). “The BJP is following in their foot-
steps,” he adds. He goes on to explain that
Puja is called Arup Biswas’s Puja, the one at
Chetla is said to be Bobby Hakim’s, Bhowani-
pandals across Bengal; Rs 28 crore was spent
from the state government funds for this. That

ning of Durga Puja — and when the Trinamul assumed power, their sin- pore is Madan Mitra’s, Behala is Sovan Deb’s, year state government employees did not get
months before the artisans in gle-point agenda was to take control of every- Naktala is Partha Chatterjee’s.” their dearness allowance, neither did school
north Calcutta’s Kumartuli thing. “The first thing they did was to take Unlike Ghosh, who is staying away for and college teachers.

here is what we know, and there is what had started to craft the bam- control of the para clubs. Then they took con- now, Bose is involved in the Pujas. “At least 50 Chakraborty says, “During the Left Front
we don’t know, and there is what we are boo and straw frames of Dur- trol of the students’ unions, the auto unions, Puja committees, big and small, have got in rule, the party would never get involved in
yet to know. But there is more than ga, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Ganesh, the issue lay the labour unions… Now when the BJP has touch with me,” he says and then hurriedly any way with Durga Puja, let alone with

that, and that is not the end of it. There foregrounded. And thereafter it ticked away got 18 out of 42 seats in Bengal, they too think adds, “I cannot name any of them. The chief funds. The clubs or the paras would organise
is also what we knew or know and have forgotten not like a countdown to a socio-cultural event, this is the way to capture power,” he says. minister’s family is involved in many. It is for the pujas; they would raise chanda from locals
or chosen to. The sound of grass growing, for in- but like some kind of a political atom bomb. His statement echoes what president of the them that Sanghashree had to back off. An- and seek help from the business fraternity.
stance. Or the emerging rhythms of water before Beginning July, there were reports in the Bengal BJP, Dilip Ghosh, has said about the other Puja in Rashbehari in south Calcutta is The government did not play a direct role.
they decided to deign to gravity and descend and media about Puja committees and local clubs politicisation of the biggest annual event of also facing problems.” No Puja committee will Now we have carnivals. I do not know how it is
make of us what water has made of us. across Bengal approaching the Bharatiya relevant. Who goes to see them?”
There are among the things that we know, or Janata Party (BJP) to be a part of the autum- Red and saffron are closer to each other in

are about to know, things that we knew and no nal celebrations. There was a buzz that BJP any spectrum. Says BJP leader Uma Shankar
longer care to. Like we once knew, or were told, heavyweights from Delhi would be inaugu- Ghosh Dastidar, who has been involved in
that Truth alone wins, Satyamev Jayate! And rating a Puja pandal here and there. And then Durga Puja celebrations in Calcutta for over a

look what’s winning. Like we used to say all men, it was as if someone stepped on the accelera- decade, “Carnival is not our culture.” He is re-
and women, are equal and that sort of thing. tor. Sanghashree, a Puja committee in south ferring to the cultural extravaganza on Red
Which thought we have thoroughly revised now Calcutta, approached BJP state general secre- Road after the four-day celebrations have
and moved on brusquely; no, nothing is equal, tary Sayantan Bose to be their president. been wrapped up. In 2016, the Trinamul gov-

might is right, jiski lathi type of very convinced Sanghashree happens to be in the same locali- ernment organised the first Durga Puja carni-
and confident thing. Jo hai, so hai. Or like we ty as Bengal chief minister and Trinamul val with 39 participating pandals, exhibitions
used to say Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, all the boss Mamata Banerjee’s family home. and dance performances.

world is a family. The implication was unmissable to Ghosh Dastidar says, “It is a reli-
And now we have moved on to forgetting and say the least. Till last year, the gious festival where the goddess re-
believe that was the sort of nonsense that de- club president had been turns to her in-laws after spend-

serves to have been binned and shot away from Kartik Banerjee, the ing a few days in her mater-
vision a long time ago. Vasudha? Kutumb? What? nal home. After the
Our own are not our own, or do not deserve to be designat-

our own. They need to be taught lessons in how

to be our own. Hard lessons, lessons they will re-
member a long, long time and forget hard. There
is no Vasudha. No Kutumb. Understand? There

are things we may have known. We no longer

know them. It does not suit us anymore. You
know what suits us.

Sometimes I look at earth and the thought

comes along what we might have been without
earth. Not Earth, as in the planet we inhabit, but
earth, with an “e” in lower case. There is, truth
be told, nothing as noble as soil. But, truth be told
again, we do not make it that. We begin to imag-
ine we own nobility. We begin to imagine we own


ed immersion
day, we cannot
keep the idols in the pan-
dals. That is not how it is
chief minister’s Ghosh
brother. After a con- Dastidar, who is
tentious month, the local closely associated
club appointed a local busi- with the Puja in BJ
nessman and announced that it Block in Salt Lake, is
would not be allowing any BJP leader nostalgic for the times when
to be a part of their Puja activities. there were no big Pujas. He says, “It
was on request of our children that

o those who have little or no idea of we started the puja here. Now FD
Durga Puja in Bengal, the festivi- Block and BJ Block host the two
ties surrounding the actual puja big Pujas here. There are cultur-
are many-layered, each ac- al events, a community lunch.
quired over centuries and civilisational We hardly ever have big-tick-
twists and turns. The evolution of Durga et artistes coming down to per-
Puja is well charted in the paper “Spaces of form... Everyone comes together —
Recognition: Puja and Power in Contempo- the CPI(M), the Trinamul, the BJP. There
rary Calcutta” by Anjan Ghosh. What started is no segregation. That is the flavour of
as a harvest ritual organised by landlords in Durga Puja in Calcutta.”
soil. Such are we; so suicidally deluded are we. rural Bengal became the Puja as we know it

We begin to assert ownership over the soil that now only in the late 18th century. Baroari or he septuagenarian is not happy with
we are going to eventually be consumed by — in public puja had a committee that looked into how the BJP has fared so far in the
a cask, in a pot, as embers and as ash. Hello, I am the worship aspect as well as the public enter- Durga Puja tug-of-war. He says,
Soil, and who are you? tainment — swang (critical mimicry), pup- “The entire situation is the result of
We make it my soil. We make it your soil.
Which is the soil of the earth. Not with the capital
petry display, jatra (folk theatre) and half
akhrai (a form of bawdy singing) — that came There is a scramble among the political forces a misunderstanding. Modiji had told all the
leaders in the state to get involved with the
E, but with the “e” with a lower case. It could be,
you know, the earth on which Vetaal rests, and
to typify the celebrations. There was some-
thing in the celebrations for everyone in the to entrench themselves deeper into the Durga Puja and create a connection with the aam
janta. Even within the party, people misread
Vetaal is not on Earth’s earth, he, or it, is on
Moon’s earth. Believe me, Vetaal has landed. On
family. It must be remembered that in the con-
text of Bengal, the goddess herself is imagined Puja festivities, and it is not to worship you this statement. It is not about wrenching con-
trol of one Puja or another; it is about min-
earth. On soil. But what soil? What earth? Whose
soil? Whose earth? The only soil we have. We
as a family person or Ma Dugga and not just as
a warrior figure like Sherawali. better, Ma Durga gling with the people and Durga Puja is possi-
bly the best platform.”
come from the soil, the soil it is that receives our In the second decade of the 20th century, Dip Sarkar, who is the vice-president of the
ends. There is no greater truth than the soil. Not the transition to sarbajanin, or community, South Calcutta unit of the Right-wing group,
for us. We are mortals. We are of the soil. We puja happened. With the transition came the Bajrang Dal, proffers a purist view. He says,
come from it, we go back to it. As ash. As flesh. scaling up. “Durga Puja now represented the the state. On the day of The Telegraph inter- want to talk to anyone about specifics of who “We will not be part of any Puja committee
As all that happens between the acquisition of cohesion and distinctiveness of the para (lo- view at the BJP party office in central Calcut- is inviting whom or reveal the names of politi- like the BJP, but we are Hindus and we cannot
mobile flesh and flesh immobile. Soil. Dharti. cality or neighbourhood). The greater the fan- ta, there are trade unions from the transport cal invitees till Panchami, he says. allow anyone to play with our gods and god-
Maa. It’s what begets us. It’s what accepts our re- fare, decoration and designer lighting for the sector and some factories who have come to The Telegraph got in touch with Durga desses and our rituals. Even Mamata Baner-
mains. It’s why we worship it such: Maa. Every- pandals became, the higher the esteem of the join the party. Ghosh says, “I myself am not Puja committees across the city — Moham- jee inaugurated one Puja on Mahalaya last
one has a mother, everyone. And are we to begin neighbourhood,” writes Ghosh. The escala- involved in any Durga Puja. But it is likely I mad Ali Park, College Square, Kumartuli, year — that is not permissible. How the BJP
to argue here that one Maa is greater than the tion in the cost of sarbajanin Durga Pujas hap- will be asked to inaugurate a few. Basically, Manohar Pukur, Deshapriya Park, Babu chooses to exercise control over Durga Puja is
other Maa, or lesser than the other Maa? Maa! pened in the 1990s. Ghosh notes how corpo- the local clubs have realised that the BJP is Bagan, Naktala — but the common response their concern, we will control it from the cul-
Please do not allow me to become such a person. rate mega-Pujas started to obtain sponsor- gaining power and that is why they want to be was denial of shifting allegiances or any tug- tural aspect. That is for sure.”
Please do not allow me to become a person who ships from companies through advertise- associated with the winning candidates.” of-war. A source in Kumartuli, however, said Dilip Ghosh is neither nostalgic like Ghosh
claims that you, Maa, is greater or lesser than an- ments attached to Puja souvenirs and large- a lot of small para Pujas were in touch with Dastidar, nor is he pretending to play cultural

other Maa, because that would mean me judging scale advertisements were obtained by politi- ays Chakraborty, “We do not remem- the BJP leaders for funding and a status up- vigilante. He says, “Bengal-e sab kichui niyei
the very idea and reality of Maa, and I do not cians who were known to patronise particular ber when Bidhan Chandra Roy inau- grade by mere association. politics hoy, eta niyeo hochchhe... Everything
ever, forgive me, wish myself to be sitting on that community Pujas. gurated a Durga Puja or for that mat- In the middle of all this, Mamata Banerjee gets politicised in Bengal and the same is hap-
sort of judgement, Maa. A systematic appropriation of Durga Puja ter Siddhartha Shankar Ray or even announced sometime end-August that she pening with Durga Puja.”
Aye watan, aye watan by political parties, however, did not happen Jyoti Basu (all three former chief ministers of was going to raise the donation amount to all And that’s the moot point. There is a
Everybody, sing that song until even later. “This is a culture that was the state). Nor were the Pujas named after po- clubs from Rs 10,000 to Rs 25,000 and give an scramble among the political forces to en-
Beat your drum, swing your baton started by the Trinamul when it came to pow- litical leaders. It was the Trinamul leaders additional 25 per cent discount on electricity trench themselves deeper into the Durga
And let’s see where we belong. er in 2012,” says Sujan Chakraborty, a veteran who took control of the clubs; the Pujas start- bills of big and small Pujas alike. Last year, Puja festivities, and it is not to worship you
Left politician and spokesperson of the state ed to be named after them. So the New Alipore the state government had funded 28,000 Puja better, Ma Durga.


Taal tales Rage of the Miya

At the Assam’s final NRC list has strengthened the resolve of the state’s Bengali Muslim poets to keep
writing about their situation. Not everybody is applauding, though. Gaurav Das has the story

Highs of
Our fritters, unlike
revenge, make a dish
best served piping hot

he monsoon may have come late
to Calcutta but when it did hit, it
made up for lost time with a veng-

eance. Especially around the Jan-
mashtami weekend; it was raining just like
it was supposed to have done when Krishna

was born. All through the night to the ac-
companiment of thunder and lightning.
It continued to drizzle in the morning,

raising ripples on the temporary streams
running down the street. I’d have to wade
through knee-deep water on my way to the

Metro station but even that could not ruin
my mood. (The only way I could step into it
was if I didn’t think about what it might
contain.) And all this because there was
taaler bora for breakfast; deep fried balls of
orange gorgeousness flavoured with grated
coconut. A taaler bora tastes like sunshine

on a rainy day.
Out of the ceremonial 56 dishes, or
chhappan bhog, that is offered to the copper

sulphate god on Janmashtami, the taaler

bora is a must, at least in Bengal. The taal

or palmyra fruit, after all, is found in abun-

dance during the monsoon months.

A friend of mine went the whole hog —

she’d be busy from days before, planning
and prepping for 108 dishes. Yes, you read

right. Her concept of chhappan bhog was its

near double or as many dishes as she could WHERE’S HE? Halimon Nessa, wife of Rahim Ali who committed suicide a day before his children were to appear before an NRC tribunal. He was afraid they would be excluded and taken away
cook up. Koftas and curries, dals and puris,

kheer and sweetmeats, a dozen different

fritters and whole kadhais of taal fritters. Shake your chains to earth like dew is the sunburnt back of the working-class miya, nence after Ahmed’s poem Write down I am entire discourse smacks of the handiwork of
Making taal fritters or any other dish Which in sleep had fallen on you mistaken for an illegal immigrant who has Miya was posted on Facebook in 2016. Ahmed “outside” elements. Says Borah, “Most of the

from taal, for that Ye are many — they are few crossed the barbed wires of the border. Says wrote: “My serial number in the NRC is 200543. poets are young and are based outside Assam.

matter, is a rather Shalim, “There are Miya poets who, despite I have two children. Another is coming next They don’t know the facts. They claim they are
laborious process. he Masque of Anarchy composed having the requisite documentation, have been summer. Will you hate him as you hate me?” Assamese but, at the same time, they want to
While peeling the by P.B. Shelley in 1819 was in excluded from the supplementary list.” The poem was inspired by Palestinian poet assert their Miya identity. They do not repre-

fruit is not diffi- protest against the Peterloo Mas- On July 10, Pranabjit Doloi, a former jour- Mahmoud Darwish’s 1964 composition, Identi- sent Assam’s Muslim community.”
cult, extracting the sacre in England wherein many nalist with a local television channel, filed a po- ty Card. (Darwish’s poem was punctuated by Another detractor, Gauhati High Court ad-
CALCUTTA pulp is a whole dif- were killed while demanding re- lice complaint against some of these poets — the famous line: “Write down: I am an Arab.”) vocate Shantanu Borthakur, says, “I oppose the

ferent story. Shot form of parliamentary represen- Shalim Hussain, Rehna Sultana, Ashraful Hus- Ahmed’s poem found a place in the 2017 content of the poems but not the poetry. The
through with bit- tation. In time, the poet was lauded for advocat- sain, Abdur Rahim, Kazi Sharowar Hussain, book, India Dissents: 3,000 Years of Difference, content relays that they want to assert Miya
ter tasting fibre, ing non-violence as a means of resistance. Hafiz Ahmed — and others, who he said sup- Doubt and Argument, compiled by Sahitya identity. Anything against the greater Assa-
the pulp surrounds the — usually three — Two hundred years on, a group of poets in ported them on social media platforms by host- Akademi awardee Ashok Vajpeyi. Inspired by mese identity cannot be accepted.” Former
hard seeds. The pulp is either rubbed Assam is expressing angst against the dogged ing videos of their readings. the poem, many Assamese Muslims began to Sahitya Akademi awardee Hiren Gohain also
through a coarse sieve or smooshed into persecution of Muslims of Bengali origin in share their personal experiences of being vic- criticised these poets.

water and then hung up to thicken. Once the northeastern state against the backdrop oloi blamed the “accused” — including tims of prejudice and persecution in their own In August, Rehna Sultana was hounded for a
this tedious and time-consuming process is of the National Register of Citizens (NRC) Karwan-e-Mo- home state. two-year-old social media post wherein she had
out of the way, the pulp can be turned into churn. Unlike Shelley, however, the apprecia- habbat, a peace- “Miya poetry also fo- commented on a matter completely unrelated
bora or fritters, kheer, roti or puri.
The fritters are made with a batter of
tion will take a while coming. For now, they are
left battling the “anti-Assamese” tag for their
building initiative by ac-
tivists and journalists —
A dominant image cuses on various social
problems such as illitera-
to the NRC — Virat Kohli’s exit in a cricket
match against Pakistan. On August 16, Assam
pulp, sugar, grated coconut, rice flour and,
sometimes, ripe bananas. The kheer is
literary attempts.
The Miya poets are so named after the pejo-
of circulating “radical”
Miya poetry. He said, “In
of Miya poetry is cy, poverty, population
explosion prevailing in
police registered a case against her. She was
also charged under Section 153A of the IPC (pro-
made with milk and sugar, of course. My
mother always added grated coconut to it,
rative “miya”, commonly used in Assam to de-
scribe Muslims of Bengali origin in the geogra-
Assam, there is no such
community called Miya.
the sunburnt back the Char Chapori (an
area of the Brahmaputra
moting enmity) and Section 67 of the IT Act
(publishing a defamatory post).
following her mother’s recipe, but many phy. “Mother, you detest me for who I am/ There is no Miya dialect. of the working- basin),” clarifies Ahmed,

people do not. The dough for taal roti or Dropped into your lap as a cursed Miya,” writes I am not against Miya po- who is the president of espite roadblocks and allegations,
taal puri is made with the pulp and flour. one. Yet another writes: “How much blood etry, but against the sub- class miya, the Char Chapori Sahi- Miya poetry continues to roll down
As a child, I preferred taal kheer — mel- should I lose to get my rights?” And another: ject that the poets chose. tya Parishad. He contin- like water and indignation like an
low orange, custardy and luscious. I loved “The land that makes my father alien, riddles In one of the poems, a mistaken for an ues, “The question of citi- ever-flowing stream. Abdul Kalam Azad, a re-
having it mixed with muri or puffed rice, a my brother with bullets, gang-rapes my sister.” poet has written about zenship is a burning pro- searcher and one of the 10 accused in Doloi’s
dish that was a delicious balance of creamy The compositions are in Assamese. Many also brothers being shot and illegal immigrant blem for the people of this FIR, says, “Decades were spent speculating
and crunchy. write in English and Hindi. All of them agree sisters being gang-raped. community. Since Inde- how many ‘Bangladeshis’ are taking shelter in
Eventually, taaler bora displaced it from that the chosen language of expression is not Will an Assamese man pendence, the communi- Assam. The number ranged from 50 lakh to
my heart because the fritters were equally important, the content is. commit gang rape? Their ty has been harassed in even a crore-and-a-half. The supplementary list
good hot or cold (hot taal kheer has a bitter The final list of the NRC was released on Au- intentions are to demean the Assamese com- the name of citizenship. They have been sus- itself has busted those myths.”
aftertaste) but more importantly, it would gust 31. The number of people excluded equals munity globally.” pected to be Pakistanis, and then Bangladeshis. Activist and poet Ashraful Hussain says,
keep for a couple of days and could be sent 19 lakh and this includes a large number of Two days after Doloi’s FIR, multiple FIRs When the NRC process began, I was not worried “We stand vindicated, nevertheless, 1.9 million
to moping students in hostels for a taste of Bengali Hindus. Post the publication of the list, were filed against Miya poets by the general about myself or my family but about the poor is a big number.” His new poem reads thus:
home. In fact, my mother had the uncanny Shalim M. Hussain, a Delhi-based researcher, secretary of the Assam BJP’s minority cell and illiterate who are unaware of the process.” “When our poems strike their hearts/They
ability of figuring out who would be travel- writer and Miya poet, said that Miya poetry had (Changsari unit), the Goriya Moriya Deshi The literary body is currently trying to help as scream so loudly it’s as if/Their pain is greater
ling to Delhi at the right time so she could been validated by the exclusion count. He tells Parishad (Bongaigaon unit) and the Uzani many people as possible through writings, than ours/ Should we remain silent then/ Or let
send me my annual taste of taal. The Telegraph, “It has shown that the Miyas Asom Muslim Kalyan Parishad, a self-pro- workshops, meetings and other gatherings. their high voltage drama/ Stifle the fires in our
But palmyra fritters, unlike revenge, is have been stigmatised as outsiders and foreign- claimed representative of Assamese Muslims The entire Miya poetry discourse remains a heart?/ Should we let go of the thread that
not a dish best served cold. They taste heav- ers for no reason.” based in upper Assam. worrisome factor for some. Dilip Borah, a sen- binds/ Our century-old heritage?” He has titled
enly piping hot, just off the kadhai, espe- One of the dominant images of Miya poetry The genre of Miya poetry gained promi- ior professor at Gauhati University, claims the it In the Name of my Dead Mother.
cially on a rainy day. So one overcast Sun-
day morning, some years ago, I started the
long process of making the fritters, eager to
share the taste of one of my favourite fruits
with the children. Especially my son, who
refuses to eat fruits. (Once, when he was

three, as his aunt cajoled him to eat an
apple, he had said, “Of course. As soon as here’s a new business had made an announcement on

Move aside celeb stories

you cook it.”) in town called Life- The Ellen DeGeneres Show that
The taal had been picked up a couple of line. The flavour of she’ll be playing the role of Ma
days ago and left to ripen in a warm place, a the day is real cinema, Anand Sheela. The grapevine has
new bamboo basket bought to grate the especially films that it that the director from Dharma
fruit on and detailed instructions given by recreate an authentic flesh-and- wasn’t too happy having PC stomp
my mother. Peel. Grate. Mix. What is not in blood story. Earlier, one got the pay you a king’s ransom for it. seem like a pittance for signing his personal secretary too. Net- into his territory, so there’s a tus-
the instructions is that it is not as easy as it occasional biopic on Milkha Singh It’s lucrative business and since your life story away, it contri- flix’s Wild Wild Country, which was sle out there over the rights.
sounds. I have small hands and the fruit (Bhaag Milkha Bhaag, 2013) or there is an incident of true grit in buted to Laxmi buying herself a wildly successful, had spotlighted Outside Dharma, another di-
keeps slipping out of them as I try to grate Mary Kom (2014) or Mahendra every streetcorner, the chances of house in Delhi. And Chhapaak, the her and many of the dubious sto- rector got permission to film
it. There is a distinctive aroma, a kind of Singh Dhoni (MS Dhoni – The snapping up the rights of a film- film Meghna has ries around her. Kiran Bedi’s story and went to
floral sweet; not overwhelming at all. It’s Untold Story, 2016) while Bhagat worthy story are really high. made on Laxmi’s The smart one Kangana Ranaut with it. Last
the grating that takes the longest time. The Singh was always a favourite There’s an entire industry that’s story, has the ad- who signed her up heard, Kangana wanted to take
mixing, unlike the cakes I am used to bak- theme. But the accent has gone currently thriving on picking up ditional star and got all the over practically half the creative
ing, has to be intuitive, with no clear meas- from celebrities to silent gutsy rights and selling them. power of Deepika rights to her story departments of the film and that
urements for reference. The frying is like men and women who must be After the success of Talvar Padukone — who of power, money put a temporary brake on the
any other fritter. By the time the taaler applauded. From Hansal Mehta’s (2015) in which, Rashomon-like, is its producer- and godmen is Kiran Bedi Lifeline.
bora is plated I have a newfound apprecia- Aligarh (2016), which brought the Aarushi murder was present- heroine — which from Karan Even as we sign off for the
tion for my mother. forth the plight of Professor Siras ed from two different perspec- will ensure that Johar’s stable. It’s week, there’s news from Modi
The results of my day-long labour were who was hounded for his sexuali- tives, Meghna Gulzar developed a the acid attack heard that direc- land. Do Google Diya Patel, the
polished off in a record 15 minutes. ty, to Akshay Kumar’s Gold that taste for the real. And she, who survivor gets a tor Shakun Batra, pretty little girl from Ahmedabad
My brush with taal in the kitchen rem- revisited the feat of hockey coach would know a good story when great deal of at- who made Kapoor who won a gold medal in the Sub-
ained a one-time thing. I missed the taal Tapan Das and Meghna Gulzar’s she hears one, picked up the tention and the & Sons, has the Junior National Championship
fritters but not enough to make them. And Raazi last year which retold the rights to the life of Laxmi Agar- many benefits rights to Ma for taekwondo at the tender age of
then we moved to a new neighbourhood story of Sehmat, the Indian spy, wal, the acid attack survivor. that come with it. Rs 11 lakh may seem Anand Sheela’s nine. She stars in the Gujarati
where the children — and by extension I — there has been a spike in the num- While most of the film indus- Another huge like a pittance for life story, which film, Diya – The Wonder Child,
made a lot of friends. One of these friends ber of films that tell the story of a try generously came forward to Lifeline deal supposedly in- based on her own life. One hears
has a big fat Janmashtami celebration, real person. help Laxmi financially, the whis- that’s turning out signing your life cludes platforms the schoolgirl, who’s now 11 years
complete with a luchi-chholar dal dinner And so Lifeline has become a per is that Meghna got the rights to be lucrative is story away, but it across the board old, is poised for an international
for friends and packets of taaler bora to business. Which is buying the to her story for Rs 11 lakh. It is be- the story of Ma like Netflix and honour which will turn her from
carry home. That is where the palmyra frit- rights to a good human story lieved that Laxmi has been neatly Anand Sheela, the contributed to Laxmi other digital tele- the Pride of Gujarat into a Nation-
ters for my breakfast had come from. The that’s non-fictional and sitting on tied up in a contract which forbids controversial buying herself a cast outlets. al Pride. What a kick.
rain was a welcome accompaniment. it until you can either make a film anybody else from exploiting her spokesperson of Here comes the
on it or you can sell the rights to story in any way. A little bird tells the Rajneesh house in Delhi twist. A while ago, Bharathi S. Pradhan is
Paromita Sen someone who can and who will me that while Rs 11 lakh may now ashram and once Priyanka Chopra a senior journalist and author


Is the world headed towards authoritarianism?

SUNDAY 15 SEPTEMBER 2019 VOL. XXXVIII NO. 70 The Great Dictators
his summer, Matteo There were others, of course.


Salvini, the hard-right
Italian former deputy
DAVIDAARONOVITCH Some are in the book; some, like Fran-
cisco Franco, Saddam Hussein, Hafez
prime minister, had al-Assad, Fidel Castro, Hugo Chávez

taken to the beaches. Not and Mobutu Sese Seko, don’t make
he cynicism for political utter- ty, which helped explain Newton’s dis-
as a holidaymaker but as a campaign- the cut. Some people would even
ances is understandable. Prom- covery further, could not have been er. His wide smile and naked torso question whether, say, Castro was a
ises made by politicians are, conceivable without the assistance of have been pictured among sun- dictator at all.
after all, seldom honoured around the mathematics, a discipline which, pre- bathers from Liguria to Sicily. For example, on Wikipedia, it says
world. Thankfully, the architects of sumably, does not rank too high in Mr Salvini is not the first bare- that “because Castro chose not to cre-
New India seem to be an honourable Mr Goyal’s opinion. After all, ‘struc- chested Italian populist to be caught ate a cult of personality, inside Cuba
on film. In Sabaudia near Rome, he there are no streets, buildings, insti-
exception to this rule. That could be be- tured’ formulae, the minister thu- found himself addressing a rally next tutions or localities named for him”. I
cause their boss, Narendra Modi, belie- ndered, are anathema to innovation. to a large monument to a former had to laugh when I read this. If ever
ves in making promises and in keeping Mr Goyal’s monumental ignorance leader. Part of the inscription, which there was a cult of the personality
them. The prime minister claimed in a is not the only matter of concern here Mr Salvini read out to the crowd, then Fidelismo was it, right down to

recent speech that he and his govern- even though the responsibility of re- went, “Benito Mussolini, head of the him personally decreeing that streets,
government... I won’t say any more, buildings, institutions or localities
ment had accomplished ‘abhutpurva shaping an entire nation surely per-
they’ll arrest me,” quipped Salvini, should not be named after him.
kam’ — phenomenal work — during mits an occasional lapse from august adding: “It's historical testimony.”

the first 100 days in his second stint in leaders. What, however, would worry Just after I read this account, a he question the book raises is
power. There is no rea- Newton, Einstein as new book arrived in the post. How to an obvious one: are we heading
son for even cynical In- well as the ordinary, Be a Dictator is a comparative history in the direction of dictator-

dians to doubt the sanc- Piyush Goyal’s gaffe knowledgeable Indian is of eight 20th-century leaders who ships again — and would we recog-
ruled using what Nikita Khrushchev nize the warning signs if we were? A
tity of Mr Modi’s as- about the discoverer Mr Goyal’s scant resp- in 1956 called “the cult of the personal- recent poll suggesting that a majority

surance. After all, no
other government in the of gravity can be ect for empirical know-
ledge. Thus the demoni-
ity”. The author, Frank Dikötter, is a
China specialist who has written sev-
of people would welcome a ‘strong
leader who does not have to bother
history of Independent condoned. Not so zation of maths, the van- eral major studies of the Mao dictator- with parliament’ would be catnip to

ship and its effects on China. anyone who will be reading How to be
India has managed to, in the orchestrated guard of verification a Dictator as a self-help guide.
a manner of speaking, and, in a way, of political
assault on the
ikötter’s first dictator is Ben- Dikötter himself warns against too
make the entire sky — accountability. Numb- ito Mussolini. Starting off as facile a read across. Just because a
not a solitary apple — scientific temper in ers, facts, evidence — a socialist and then in 1922 politician in a democratic state might
fall on Isaac Newton’s the plinths that support
New India the edifice of truth —
becoming the first ruling fascist, Mus-
solini, the author shows, was never
have a “narcissistic or repulsive per-
sonality”, he argues, that doesn’t

Mr Modi’s colleague, cannot be accorded the- really a great one for ideology. He was mean we’re on the primrose path to
an actor manqué (acting would have despotism. Viktor Orban of Hungary
Piyush Goyal — he is in charge of com- ir place of honour in an India which, been his preferred alternative profes- might be an eroder of liberal democ-
merce and industry — recently said, under the Bharatiya Janata Party’s

sion to dictating) for whom adulation racy, Donald Trump a divisive egotist
with the necessary ministerial gravi- watch, is being forced to nourish itself was almost everything. It has been es- or Matteo Salvini a scapegoater of mi-
tas, that Albert Einstein had discov- on myths and toxic superstition. timated that he spent half of his time grants, but it’s still a long haul to get-
curating his own image as what might ting Parliament prorogued, opposi-

ered gravity without the help of mathe- The dismantling of the scientific
be called a superman of the people — stitute the joy of all free peoples”. One At first, this was relatively liberal, tion media muzzled and hearing the
matics, causing Newton, the man who temper in India should rank as one of
vigorous, powerful, available. He was year later, he was on radio proclaim- but after a visit to China and North knock on the door at dawn.
discovered the invisible pull and pres- the indisputable, abhutpurva legacies pictured, writes Dikötter, “racing ing: “I am the New Haiti. Those who Korea Ceausescu abruptly decided

sure of gravitational force, to turn in of the BJP. This unravelling is being cars, toying with lion cubs, threshing seek to destroy me seek to destroy that a form of command-Maoism was et almost in the same sentence
his grave. It is also unlikely that Ein- executed with ruthless precision. Cur- wheat or playing the violin. He ap- Haiti itself.” the future. He and his wife, Elena, in- Dikötter, who is a professor at
stein would be pleased as punch with riculum is being distorted in academic peared as fencer, yachtsman, swim- Naturally, when his term expired, stituted their ‘systematization’ of the the University of Hong Kong

the slip, which Mr Goyal admitted to institutions to push an unscientific ag- mer and pilot.” he got the Constitution changed so he country, which involved bulldozing a and probably sitting uncomfortably
Readers may have seen the latest could stay on in power, and if anyone great deal of it and trying to become close to events unfolding on the
later, adding, with the help of a quote enda, political leaders are being encou- pictures of Vladimir Putin posing in challenged him they could expect a entirely self-sufficient in goods and streets there, notes that in China,
from the German physicist, that a per- raged to make absurd, illogical claims,

tight black leathers with a Crimean visit from members of his feared mili- agriculture. The Ceausescus’ involve- under the core leader and president
son who has not erred has not tried and, when the need arises, guardians bike gang called the Night Wolves. tia, the Tontons Macoutes. Before he ment in the cultural minutiae of na- for life, Xi Jinping, “the regime has
anything new. What is ‘novel’ here — of reason — those at the helm of ratio- Save for the silly tasselled fez, there is died, he was declared Grand Master tional life was such that Elena person- been turning back to dictatorship”.
very little that Mussolini did in image of Haitian Thought. ally decided which of each week’s soc- And he rates President Erdogan of

Mr Goyal’s dismissal of the impor- nalist movements — silenced. In the

terms that the Russian president has Mussolini was a fascist. Duvalier cer matches should be televised. Turkey as an example of someone
tance of maths — would have miffed light of these developments, Mr Go- not also done. was almost completely without ideolo- These three and the others on who 10 years ago appeared to be a de-
Einstein. His general theory of relativi- yal’s slip acquires a sinister edge. Mussolini was the most theatrical gy. Another of the book’s subjects, Ni- Dikötter’s list are not characterized mocrat and has gradually allowed his

and the most gregarious dictator. An- colae Ceausescu, was a communist. A by their adherence to an ideology, but own personality cult to flourish.
other on Dikötter’s list, Papa Doc Du- dullish apparatchik who rose without to the idea of strong leadership — by Dikötter is right to set his bar high.
SCRIPSI valier of Haiti, who ruled his
Caribbean country from 1957 until his
trace in the Romanian Communist
Party after it took power in 1947 with
them. If they tend to nationalism,
that’s because support for the idea of
And right to add that “vigilance is not
the same as gloom”. But everything
If men could see us as we really are, they would be a little amazed; but the cleverest, the death in 1971, was “mild mannered, the help of the Soviet Union, Ceauses- the nation is easier to mobilize. All of starts somewhere and what worries
acutest men are often under an illusion about women: they do not read them in a true light; shy and bookish”. A doctor who be- cu became leader nearly 20 years them, whether styled ‘Conducator’, me is that the farther we travel from
came minister of health, on winning later. But in 1968, the new man struck ‘Generalissimo’, ‘Duce’, ‘Führer’, ‘Co- the century of Mao and Mussolini, the
they misapprehend them, both for good and evil: their good woman is a queer thing, half his first presidential election he out and away from strict conformity mandante’ or ‘Chairman’, elided their less we worry about how it happened.
doll, half angel; their bad woman almost always a fiend. promised to “scrupulously protect with Moscow and set a course for a personalities with the people or the
CHARLOTTE BRONTË the honour and civil rights which con- separate Romanian communism. nation. THE TIMES, LONDON

BJP, are unwilling to speak up on
the matter. Except, evidently, in
muted tones.
Space for oneself is not unique. The
phrase, “aath jon boshe”, is
often heard on the Calcutta
to child trafficking as per the
National Crime Records Bu-
reau (“Look deeper”, Sept

Fond memories Parliament

is history
crunch metro. People will insist carv-
ing out a thin sliver of space
to sit down, even at the cost of
10). It is especially strange
since the state has a plethora
of welfare measures, especia-
■ At the memorial meeting of Arun Jaitley, leaders cutting across party lines ■ Sir — A picture of a passen- personal comfort. As popula- lly for girl children. The figu-
were unanimous in their assessment of the former finance minister being a ■ The talk of building a new Parlia- ger lying underneath airpla- tion increases and resources res can thus be chalked up to
‘good friend’ to many people. Even the Union home minister, Amit Shah, who ment complex has rattled a large ne seats has gone viral on so- keep running out, the space lax policing, low conviction
is hardly known to be friendly towards his political opponents, said Jaitley number of politicians but few muster cial media. The thought of crunch will only get worse. rates and lackadaisical inves-
crossed the ‘party line’ to strike friendships with people across the political the courage to oppose the plan. While cramped aircraft seats is The first victim of this space tigation of crimes. These in-
divide. Shah went on to acknowledge his gratitude towards “elder brother” most leaders admit that there is an enough for one to sympathize crunch will be civic sense. still confidence in criminals.
Jaitley in the course of his tribute. Making an indirect reference to the time urgent need for a serious project to with this passenger. But in Integrated Child Develop-
when a court had externed him from Gujarat in the Sohrabuddin fake en- repair and upgrade the existing Par- crowded India, an obsession Roshni Sen, ment Services workers and
counter case, Shah recalled how Jaitley stood beside him like a “rock” when liament building, they are aghast at to eke out some extra space Calcutta village panchayat members
he decided to take shelter in Delhi. Jaitley not only helped him in his legal the possibility of a new building. should be given additional
case but also provided him with moral support at times when he felt de-
pressed and was on the verge of breaking down. “It’s a personal loss for me,”
They feel that the Modi government’s
priorities are completely misplaced
Clean up ■ Sir — Cockroaches and In-
dian railway coaches go back
responsibility to educate the
poor masses about child traf-
said Shah, who is being hailed as the new Iron Man of India after the and that the focus should now be on ■ Sir — The railways author- a long way. Although the ficking and asked to be extra
abrogation of Article 370. Shah’s frank acknowledgement of his indebted- the economy and job creation. ities alone cannot be blamed scale of the problem is not aware about children going
ness to Jaitley pleased a number of those present. Some, however, were Sharad Yadav has taken the lead for the cockroach infestation usually as bad as the level of missing.
left wondering why this kind of effusive praise had not been showered on in voicing his opposition. He tweeted: on the Shatabdi Express infestation reported in the
Jaitley when he was alive. A friend in need “Having served 11 terms as Member bound for New Jalpaiguri New Jalpaiguri-bound Subhankar Mukherjee,
of Parliament, I feel it my duty to say (“Welcome aboard cock- Shatabdi Express. It is un- Calcutta
spiracy to harm small traders and that I am not in favour of proposal to roach coach”, Sept 11). Cock- doubtedly the duty of the
King ary leaders. This BJP leader was im-
pressed with Ramesh because he was
poor shopkeepers who heavily rely
on plastic for packaging. The fruit-
build a new Parliament House Build-
ing. Yes it can be renovated or
roaches have become resist-
ant to most varieties of insec-
railway authorities to ensure
the cleanliness of coaches.
■ Sir — The editorial, “Look
deeper”, painted a dismal pic-
of jokes the only politician who had mus- vegetable vendor will suffer while strengthened. These buildings are ticides available in the mar- But it must be mentioned ture; the revelation that less
tered the courage to oppose Modi’s big corporates will easily shift to oth- beauty of Lutyens Delhi & part of In- ket. Moreover, cockroaches here that the upkeep of a sys- than one per cent of the ac-
■ Remembering his association with “crazy idea” of banning single-use er packaging material.” The Cong- dian heritage & history.” But then, survive on morsels of food tem as vast the the Indian cused in the trafficking cases
Arun Jaitley, the gen-sec of the Com- plastic. He said, “Has this govern- ress has remained silent, but Ram- the BJP looks at history rather differ- and litter and passengers are have been convicted in the
munist Party of India, D Raja, re- ment conducted any scientific and esh had tweeted the following mes- ently Mr Yadav. infamous for making a mess past decade in West Bengal
called how the senior BJP leader economic assessment of the fallouts sage: “As Environment Minister I re- in the compartments that and Andhra Pradesh, is al-
would try to pull his leg, playing on of plastic ban? This is another con- sisted blanket ban on use of single- they occupy. Nevertheless, arming. Such things cannot
his name ‘Raja’. “How come you are a
communist leader with an imperial-
use plastics. Plastics industry empl-
oys lakhs & the real problem is how
Conspiracy urgent measures need to be
taken if the railways does not
take place without either the
complicity or ineffectivity of
ist name Raja?” quipped the CPI we dispose & recycle waste. The ban theory want to lose passengers. the State machinery. The
leader, quoting Jaitley. “I used to will only grab headlines, home & pace of judicial proceeding in
promptly quote the Tamil poet, Sub- abroad, and mask the Modi regime’s ■ A number of reasons have been Sukhamay Biswas, India adds to the problem.
ramanya Bharathi, and say that ‘We true environmental record.” cited for the failure of India’s moon Calcutta The low rate of convictions
are all kings of this nation.’” The Modi government has de- mission but HD Kumaraswamy has has emboldened traffickers
This was a time when Raja had clared a ban on plastic bags, cups, his own take on the matter. The for- ■ Sir — The news of cockroa- to become repeat offenders.
not yet become the top leader of the plates, small bottles, straws and cer- mer CM of Karnataka blamed ches overrunning a Shatabdi Poverty, lack of education,
communist party. Becoming the gen- tain types of sachets from October 2. Narendra Modi for being a ‘bad Express reminded me of a Crunch time immigration policy, environ-
sec of the CPI could, however, be seen The order will affect 10,000 industri- omen’. He said that Modi had arrived similar experience that I had ment, fractured family and
as a rather kingly achievement. al units, rendering over four lakh at the mission control centre to ‘gain while travelling to Puri re- above all the lack of good job
people jobless. Some fear that in the publicity’ even though the project cently. I was awake all night railways needs funds. The opportunities are the leading
time of a slowdown, the challenge to had been cleared by the former and had to keep the reading government’s repeated bow- causes behind trafficking
Mum’s the plastics industry, which is worth
over three lakh crore rupees, would
Congress government headed by
Manmohan Singh.
lights on in order to keep an
eye out for pests. The menace
ing to populist demands to
not hike fares is not helping
ring flourishing. Yet, the
amended bill introduced in
the word indisputably deepen the gloom. But Rationality seems to elude netas of roaches and rats in train the cause of the railways. Parliament to check these
politicians, within or outside the across political lines. compartments is getting out Along with rising fuel and problems has lapsed. This ex-
■ Jairam Ramesh had of hand. Often, inaction by other costs, the price of tick- poses the lack of political will
raised eyebrows with his the travelling ticket examin- ets, too, should be increased. to combat the menace.
views on the strategy to
confront Narendra Modi. A
Footnote ers on the pretence of ‘lack of
authority’ adds to the woes of Rini Singh, Jahar Saha,
few days ago, it was the turn ■ Once a Lingayat strongman who believed he was passengers. This indicates a Calcutta Calcutta
of a senior leader of the above his own party as he had single-handedly led complete lack of concern to-
Bharatiya Janata Party to the BJP to power in Karnataka, the fortunes of BS wards ensuring minimal co- ▼
shower praises on Ramesh, a
former Union minister, argu-
Yediyurappa have taken a turn for the worse. Yediyu-
rappa has been reduced to taking orders from the
mforts to passengers on the
part of the Indian railways.
Watch out Letters should be sent to:
ing that the Modi govern- party ‘high command.’ Seeing him rush to Delhi for ■ Sir — It is unfortunate that 6 Prafulla Sarkar Street,
ment suffered from talent everything, from permission to take oath to forming Rajib Bhattacharyya, West Bengal is among the Calcutta 700001
deficit while the Congress his cabinet, many of his die-hard supporters have Durgapur leading states when it comes
was still flooded with vision- started muttering ‘how are the mighty fallen’.

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