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G. H.




In the matter of:

THE STATE OF MAHARASHTRA.........................................................................................COMPLAINANT
RAJESH LEMAN BHENDE & ANR..............................................................................................ACCUSED
Sessions Case No. 007/2019

Questionnaire for the Accused u/s. 313 of CrPC

1) Have you heard the evidence given by the witnesses?

2) It has come in the statement of PW 1 Babanrao that he knows you. What do you have to say
about it?
3) It has come in the evidence of PW 1 that he also knows accused no. 2 Parag who is your
son-in-law. What you have to say about it?
4) It has come in the evidence of PW 1 that the incident took place in front of his Dhaba, in his
presence. What you have to say about it?
5) It has come in the evidence of PW 1 that you came near his Dhaba and made inquiry and
whereabouts of deceased Jitu? What you have to say about it?
6) It has come in the evidence of PW 1 that he did not respond to your inquiry and after some
time Jitu came there on bike. What you have to say about it?
7) It has come in the evidence of PW 1 that Jitu demanded salary of 3 months because of which
you slapped Jitu and due to that impact Jitu fell down. What you have to say about it?
8) It has come in the evidence of PW 1 that you asked Jitu to vacate the rented premises. What
you have to say about it?
9) It has come in the evidence of PW 1 that you took out knife and from your waist and
thereafter Parag came from his Pan shop he caught hands of Jitu and you inflicted knife
blows twice on his stomach. What you have to say about it?
10) It has come in the evidence of PW 1 that wife of Jitu raised shouts and prayed for the help
she ran to rescue her husband from you. What you have to say about it?
11) It has come in the evidence of PW 1 that Fatima caught hold of Manju from the backside at
the same time you made assaults over Manju by means of knife above her stomach. What
you have to say about it?

12) It has come in the evidence of PW 1 that the foster brother of PW1 Babanrao, Balu Bobde
gave kick blow to you and took away Varsha. What you have to say about it?
13) It has come in the evidence of PW 1 that, Balu picked up Varsha after giving kick blow to
you. What you have to say about it?
14) It has come in the evidence that PW1 ran away from the place with Varsha. What do you
have to say about it?
15) It has come in the evidence of PW1 that you followed him while he was running thereafter
PW1 crossed the railway track gave information to the police from his mobile phone police
reached the spot he came with Varsha. What do you have to say about it?
16) It has come in the evidence of PW1 that at time of incident you attacked him with your knife
due to which he received minor injury on his stomach. What do you have to say about it?
17) It has come in the evidence of PW1 that he logged the report in police station the said report
is on record, it bears his signature. What do you have to say about it?
18) It has come in the evidence of PW2 Pandurang Vilas Singh that he knows you and the
incident took place in his presence on 10th at about 7.30pm when he was returning from his
work. What you have to say about it?
19) It has further come in the evidence of PW2 that he was sitting near the dhaba to get his tyre
repaired. What do you have to say about it?
20) It has further come in the evidence of PW2 that you reached near the dhaba on motorcycle
and started quarrelling with Jitu. What you have to say about it?
21) It has further come in the evidence of PW2 that accused no. 2 Parag rushed there. What you
have to say about it?
22) It has further come in the evidence of PW2 that wife of Jitu rushed on the spot and she was
asking for help. What you have to say about it?
23) It has further come in the evidence of PW2 that at that time Fatima came there and caught
hold of hair of Manju. What you have to say about it?
24) It has further come in the evidence of PW2 that daughter of Jitu was also present at the spot
when incident took place you and accused no. 2 Parag followed her. What do you have to
say about it?
25) It has further come in the evidence of PW2 that Babanrao was at your dhaba he took Varsha
and ran away he also ran away from the spot due to fear. What you have to say about it?

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