The Utilization of Mineral Rocks Cannibar

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Heru Juliawan (113170127)


In general the minerals are substances that are found in nature with a homogeneous chemical
content, and a regular form (Crystal system) that is formed naturally or through inorganic
processes. The mineral has a crystal structure karna had the traits of chemistry and physics that
the placement of regular atoms on the inside.

Because oxygen and Silicon is the largest element in the Earth's crust, then the silicate mineral
is a mineral that most crafting rocks of the Earth's crust. Silica tetrahedron is a combination of
four oxygen atoms with a pyramid-shaped silicon atoms contains four where oxygen occupy
every corner and Silicon is in the middle. The formula is the SiO4-4karena silicone-laden + 4
and four charged oxygen ions-8 (each oxygen-charged-2). Regarding the silica tetrahedron 4-
charge then can still tie the other elements forming a variety of silicate minerals. Included is a
silicate mineral felspar, Muscovite, biotit, piroksin, amphibole, olivine, garnet, augit, kaolinit,
serpentin, quartz and many others.

In addition to the silicate group, we know also the Group of carbonate minerals, sulfides,
sulfates and oxides. Carbonate Mineral is a mineral that contains (CO3)-2seperti calcite,
dolomite. Sulfide mineral is a mineral that contains S-2seperti galena, spalerit, and kalpopirit.
The mineral is a mineral that contains Sulfates (SO4)-2 such as gypsum and anhidrid. Oxide
mineral is a mineral containing O-2 such as Hematite, megnetit, limonit and bauxite.

The main minerals as the main constituent of rock: Quartz (SiO2), felspar (ortoklas KalSiO2
and plagioklas (Ca, Na) AlSi3O8), MICA (Muscovite KAl2 (OH) 2 (AlSi3O10) and K2 biotit
(MgFe) 2 (OH) 2 (AlSi3O10)), amphibole (Ca2 (MgFeAl) 3 (OH) 2 (SiAl14O11) 2, pyroxene
(Ca (MgFe) (SiO3) 2 ((AlFe) 2O3), olivine (FeMg) 2SiO4), calcite (CaCO3), graphite (C).

Additional mineral is a mineral that serves as an additional, derived from the results of
weathering or metamorfose, chlorite (Mg5 (AlFe) (OH) 8 (AlSi4O10) metamorfose minerals
originating from biotit, amphibole, pyroxene and. Companion minerals serve as companion in
the rocks, there are very few in number in the rocks, magnetite (Fe3O4), Hematite (Fe2O3).
How to identify minerals can be done by observing a number of chemical properties and
physical properties. To determine some of the unique properties of minerals needed special
tools with specific techniques. But most mineral constituent of rocks can be distinguished from
each other only by simple observations against the physical properties. The physical properties
that are usually taken care of is a field asunder, violence, gloss, color, streak and form crystals.
To test the correctness of the identification of results we do then needed mineral properties

Cinnabar is mercuric sulfide mineral types that have red or light brown. In ancient times, the
cinnabar grinded into powder to form a pigment called vermilion. This pigment is used for art
and decoration and also added to cosmetics. This is still used in artists paints today, although
often replaced by synthetic pigments and less toxic.

Cinnabar is made of a compound called mercuric sulfide or mercury sulfide. This compound
is a chemical formula HgS. Mercury sulfide occurs in two forms in nature, a form of cinnabar
red or the more common and rare black or metakilin. Mercury and mercury compounds are
toxic to humans, although cinnabar toxic like some other forms of mercury.


Understanding minerals according to the geological science is the object or substance is formed
through a process of nature that is generally dense and composed of contents chemistry and
specific properties as well. The study about mineral is miteralogi. Mineral is the Crystal
substances which exist in the Earth's crust and are homogeneous, physical or chemical nature.
It is the mineral inorganic persenyewaan of the original, as well as the chemical composition
has remained. Is the original chemical compounds is that minerals were to be formed in nature,
because many substances that have the same properties with minerals, can be made in the
laboratory. An awful lot of substance contained in the Earth is SiO2 in the science of
Mineralogy, and the mineral is called Quartz. On the contrary, even substances can be created
chemically, but in this case it is not called a mineral but a Silisium dioxide substance.

Compound between Oxygen and Silicon is called silica. Mineral containing silica Mineral
called silica. Most silica mineral also contains one or more other elements. Pure silica is quartz
with the chemical formula SiO2.

Currently many issues as well as interesting news coverage surrounding the stone of cinnabar.
Cinnabar rock itself is one kind of mineral rocks that can generate the kind of Mercury metal
with the chemical formula HgS i.e. Mercury II sulfide. In Indonesia itself a lot of cinnabar rock
produced and sold for a high price. The sales not only within the country but also exported to
many countries. Unfortunately a great many sellers as well as cinnabar rock miners who
directly sell it by way of illegal substances to some consumers in other countries. Surely this is
a serious problem.

Expensive stone cinnabar bnyak not making people question, many of them willingly get stone
cinnabar though with a variety of ways. If different views on the benefits of rock, it is not only
because of the physical appearance or usefulness that can serve as a source of mercury, but
there are many more uses of cinnabar. In fact you should know anyway a great many people in
this part of eastern Indonesia who willingly leave their jobs just to mine stone cinnabar. And
you should know that the stone also cinnabar has increasing prices drastically.

Use of Cinnabar in the past

Cinnabar, vermilion, mercuric mercury sulfide and sulfide are all referring to the same
substance (except the black form of mercury or mercuric sulfide are rare. Like some other Red
material in nature, the cinnabar is also known as "Dragon's blood" that inspires. Vibrant red
color is a great attraction for people looking for a pigment.

Ancient Roman statue decoration painting and creating their faces to the ground cinnabar is
mixed with media such as gum or egg plant. The Mayan people using cinnabar to decorate the
space funeral, sarcophagus and important member of their community.

Previous women in India wear vermilion along the parting of their hair and in a spot on their
forehead to show that they are married. Some women of modern India still follow this custom.
Today the pigment, known as sindoor, made from saffron, lime juice and other substances not

Ancient Chinese people using cinnabar in their famous wardrobe and special inks. The
technique of making artificial vermilion from mercury and sulfur apparently first discovered
in China in the eighth century. Vermilion from China sometimes known with China Red.
Art and Vermilion on the Villa of the mysteries in the PompeiiVermilion loved by artists of the
past. Painting with bright red color created by vermilion has survived, including some ancient
Roman villas are shown in the video below. Painting colored villas may not be so in the past.
They have been preserved by a layer of wax, which darken when the paint was applied. These
paintings were gradually restored to its original colors and is also protected by the new method.

Use Of Cinnabar Today

In more recent times, the cinnabar powder or vermillion added to candy as food coloring,
although no longer used for this purpose. Cinnabar is still a part of many traditional Chinese
medicine. Cinnabar in the form of natural or artificial artificial vermillion sold today as the
paint artist. The warning accompanied paint to avoid ingestion and skin contact.

Many artists use cadmium red in lieu of vermillion because safer and more permanent. Some
rock and mineral collector likes to incorporate samples of cinnabar in their collection. Mineral
colour is highly variable and ranges from Orange to dark purple. Some people enjoy the hunt
for the perfect specimen.

The main use of cinnabar at the moment is for the production of mercury. To extract the
mercury from cinnabar, the mineral is heated. Mercury out of the mineral as a gas, which is
then cooled and dikondensasi to make the liquid mercury. Mercury is the only metal that is
liquid at room temperature. It needs to be treated with extreme caution because it can be
absorbed through the skin and release harmful vapors. Early alchemists calls Mercury
"quicksilver" for two reasons. One is a silver-coloured mercury. The other is when it is placed
on the surface, it forms beads which spin as if they were still alive.

Cinnabar Rock benefits

1. As a dye for you who do not know very well what are the benefits of cinnabar is different
from the benefits of sulphur rock, its stone cinnabar has long been used as a natural dye. This
lasted since the days of ancient Egypt where all the beauty that exists is the result of natural
dyes and salahsatunya use stone cinnabar. the red color of the stone is not only used as a dye
clothes, carpet to painting alone. But this color is also used as a blend of lip Rouge by the ladies
of the Kingdom at that time.

2. As ingredients of treatment
In addition different from the benefits of the battery, it is believed that stone stone cinnabar
also has magical powers that can be used in medicine. The science of treatment that are used
still belongs to the traditional and alternative medicine. Not only that, for diseases that can be
cured only i.e. a variety of minor ailments such as fever, cough, cold and alone.

3. For the arts

Different if you look at the benefits of stone citrine yellow, dense texture and slightly soft and
the color of the stone makes cinnabar craftsmen trying to harness and showing the other side
of the stone this cinnabar. Scratches-scratches on the stone was done by experts, and it is now
not only a mere stones but also as a very beautiful carved decoration. You can hang it on the
wall of your home as an ornament that can make the atmosphere in your home is so much more

4. Sources of mercury

Not only could produce metal mercury, but the stone can also generate cinnabar mercury. Of
course this is very different from the benefits of natural stone, with a proper method of
distillation, and it can produce a liquid like water emrupakan of mercury that can be used as
material for making thermometer and a variety of scientific equipment others.

A wide range of benefits on the rock above the cinnabar is the most useful benefits to human
life. Hopefully the information about stone cinnabar above can be beneficial as well as the
member's more knowledge. Actually still an awful lot of cinnabar rock benefits the benefits


Minerals are substances that are found in nature with a homogeneous chemical content, and a
regular form (Crystal system) that is formed naturally or through inorganic processes. The
mineral has a crystal structure karna had the traits of chemistry and physics that the placement
of regular atoms on the inside. Cinnabar is mercuric sulfide mineral types that have red or light
brown. Cinnabar is made of a compound called mercuric sulfide or mercury sulfide. This
compound is a chemical formula HgS. Mercury sulfide occurs in two forms in nature, a form
of cinnabar red or the more common and rare black or metakilin. The usefulness of cinnabar in
ancient times that is where the ancient Romans invent ornate statues and painting their faces
with the ground cinnabar, while Indian women wear their hair parting along the vermillion and
makes the red dot on the forehead as a the mark if they were married and the ancient Chinese
people using cinnabar in their famous wardrobe and special inks. Benefits of cinnabar as dyes,
as a treatment, as material and as a source of kesenia mercury.


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