The Problem and Its Background: Science Investigatory Project

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Science Investigatory

The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background


Nowadays, you can observe how the cleanliness of air becomes

polluted. This is one of the reasons why there are people who are

experiencing skin problems. You can observe that there are more people

who are having acne on their faces. This lead people becoming more

concern on their skin. At present, there are different products that are used

by many to improve their skin.

There are people who love to use products that are made up of

chemical. However, there are disadvantages of using this kind of skin


According to an article of Lifestyle, skin products made from

chemicals may cause of skin infection where a person has to suffer from

irritation and allergies which is really very irritating and painful. If the skin of

a person does not have enough capacity to retain the attack of the

chemicals on the skin, then the symptoms can be easily noticed on the skin

in the form of skin problems including acne and pimples. Researches depict
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Science Investigatory
The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

that 30% patients with acne and pimples are infected due to the heavy

utilization of chemical loaded skin products. The chemicals of these

products are so harmful that it may cause severe skin disease like

cancer. Lastly, excess use of chemical induced products causes early

ageing and the symptoms of ageing like fine lines and wrinkles starts

appearing at a young age.

The researcher chose this topic to introduce an organic product

made of organic materials such as papaya soap. Moreover, the researcher

wanted to know the benefits of papaya and papaya soap to the people.

Lastly, the researcher wanted to know the effectivity of papaya soap to all

its user. In addition to this, the researcher wanted to give the people

awareness of the advantages of using organic skin care products, papaya


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Science Investigatory
The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

Statement of the Problem

This investigatory project aimed to find out the effectiveness of

papaya soap. Specifically, it aimed to answer the following questions:

1. How does papaya help the people for their health?

2. What are the advantages of using papaya soap?

3. How effective is papaya soap to all the user of this soap?

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Science Investigatory
The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

Significance of the Study

The study is beneficial to the following:

Students. This research can benefit the students for the students can

use this to achieve fair and clear skin.

Parents. This research can benefit the parents for they will be able to

do it in their home and use this for personal use.

School. This research can benefit the school for this will serve as a

basis for future use.

Community. This research can benefit community for it can serve as

source of income or they can use the soap for personal use.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are used in this study:

Effectiveness. This term refers to the degree to which something is successful

in producing a desired result.

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Science Investigatory
The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

Papaya. This term refers to a tropical fruit shaped like an elongated

melon, with edible orange flesh and small black seeds.

Health. This term refers to the state of being free from illness or injury.

Review of Related Literature

Papaya is a cerise-orange colored juicy fruit, which is not only

fragrant and delicious but also very healthy. It has been famous for

hundreds of years and was once called the “fruit of the angels” by

Christopher Columbus. Papaya is a natural source

of vitamins and minerals that are essential for the normal functioning of the

body. It is famous for its luscious taste and sunlit color of the tropics and can

be eaten as a fruit in the raw form, a smoothie, a milkshake, or as

a vegetable in various recipes.

Latex derived from the raw papaya fruit is used as a meat tenderizer

and is also used in the manufacturing of several cosmetic, skin, and beauty

products, as well as certain chewing gums. They are available for

consumption throughout the year.

The whole fruit, including other parts of the tree, are beneficial to

health in several ways. Papaya in raw form contains enzymes, which are
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The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

used in the preparation of dietary supplements and chewing gums.

According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, papaya is rich

in antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, flavonoids, and vitamin C, as

well as vitamin B (folate and pantothenic acid). It is also a good source

of fiber and minerals such as magnesium. Together, these nutrients help

improve cardiovascular health and protect against colon cancer (Patil,


Papaya (Carica papaya L.) is a popular and important fruit tree in

tropical and subtropical parts of the world. The fruit is consumed worldwide

as fresh fruit and vegetable or used as processed product. The fruit is

healthy and delicious and the whole plant parts including fruit, root, bark,

peel, seeds and pulp are also known to have medicinal properties. The

many benefits of papaya are owed due to high content of vitamin A, B and

C, proteolytic enzymes like papain and chymopapain which have antiviral,

antifungal and antibacterial properties. During the last few years, major

insight has been achieved regarding the biological activity and medicinal

application of papaya and now it is considered a valuable neutraceutical

fruit plant. In the present review, nutritional value of the fruit and medicinal

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The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

properties of its various parts have been discussed to provide collective

information on this multipurpose commercial fruit crop (Prasher 2016).

Carica papaya belongs to caricaceae family and it is commonly

known as ‘papaya’. Carica papaya is used in ayurvedic medicines from

very long time. It is used as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, diuretic,

antibacterial, abortifacient, vermifuge, hypoglycemic, antifungal activity,

antihelmenthic and immunomodulatory etc. Scientific evidences suggest

their versatile biological function that supports its traditional use in different

diseases. Phytochemical studies shows that plant carica papaya contains

mainly alkaloids carpaine, pseudocarpaine, tannins, flavnoids, carcin,

gamma terpine, glycoside carposides, sugars etc. The plant has effective

pharmacological activity such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, diuretic,

antibacterial, abortifacient, hypoglycemic, antifungal, antihelmenthic and

immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective and anticonvulsant activity

(Verma, 2014).

According to Shirley Gillett's "Made Right for Your Skin Type 2017,"

papaya is a type of fruit that grows naturally in Mexico and throughout

several tropical and sub-tropical areas in the Western hemisphere. Its active

enzyme, papain, is used in soap to exoliate dead skin cells . Papain-based

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Science Investigatory
The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

soaps are typically marketed specifically as papaya soap, and are

believed to offer particular benefits due to their botanical content. Papaya

soap has powerful exfoliating properties that render it beneficial for

removing dead skin cells and rejuvenating dry and flaky skin. This is due to

papaya soap's papain content which can catalyze protein breakdowns

when combined with water.

Papayas aren't just a simple fruit that you see in common places. In

fact, there are more to it than meets the eye. Other researches have

proven that papaya is very helpful in many ways, in our health, illness and

skin cares.

As proven by the Dr. Nam Dang, from the University of Florida and

colleagues in Japan have documented papayas dramatic anti-cancer

effect against a broad range of Lab Gown Tumors, including Cancers of

the cervix, breast, liver, lung, and pancreas. The researchers used an

extract made from dried papaya leaves, and the anti-cancer effects were

stronger when cells received larger doses of the tea.

The papaya extract did not have any toxic effects on normal cells,

avoiding a common and devastating consequence of many cancer

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The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

therapy regimens. The success of the papaya extract in acting on cancer

without toxicity is consistent with reports from indigenous populations in

Australia and Vietnam.

As cited by Jessica Bruso,(Demand Media), the body reduces high

blood glucose by clearing sugar from the blood and storing it as glycogen.

This process makes you feel hungry. If you do not burn the energy stored as

glycogen it transforms to a fat and contributes to weight gain.

Papaya contains significant amounts of fiber, foliate, and vitamins

A and C. It is also relatively low in calories that’s why it is a good choice for

those looking to lose weight. The enzymes of papaya are also capable of

increasing your metabolism, digesting fats, and assimilating carbohydrates.

According to the website,, there are three primary

dietary oxidants found in Papaya which are Vitamins C, A and E actively

discourage the oxidant of two types of cholesterol in blood vessels and

arteries when consumed. When cholesterol is allowed to oxidizes, it begins

to form plaque which then sticks to the walls of blood vessels and causes

clots. People who suffer from heart disease or who are at a high risk for a

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The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

heart attack may use papaya for weight loss and heart health to improve

their cholesterol levels and reduce their weight.

Research has revealed and confirmed a surprising number of health

benefits of papaya, and more continue to be discovered. When used on a

regular basis, papaya soap can help promote a more even skin tone while

giving your complexion a more radiant and youthful appearance.

Papaya soap can greatly improve the overall health vitality of your

skin. People who used papaya soap have reported a significant reduction

in discoloration and various other types of skin blemishes.

An active ingredient of papaya, known as ‘Papain’, is the main

reason papayas are helpful for caring our skin.

The botanical properties of the active enzyme, papain is what gives

these soaps their desired natural effect on human skin. These same

properties are also what make papaya soap an effective treatment

against acne.

Dermatologists warn that, when skins’ natural exfoliating properties

are compromised, as they often are, Sebum oil accumulate inside our hair
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The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

follicles. This goes on to form a pimple which degenerates into acne. With

its natural exfoliating properties, this soap helps to clear your skin of dead

cells in the most natural and non-invasive nor corrosive manner yet

discovered (Tan, 2017).

Papaya has been used to heal skin ailments, such as breakouts, dry

skin, cellulite and premature aging. These claims come from the powerful

enzyme found in papayas called peptin. Peptin is a digestive enzyme, but

when applied topically to the skin it helps to smooth it and make it healthy

and radiant. Other skin nourishing properties include Vitamin A, C, E and

carotenoids. These antioxidants also reduce inflammation of the skin.

Papaya also benefits the skin when incorporated into a normal diet.

Papaya contains high amounts of Vitamin C which helps produce the

connective tissue collagen to increase elasticity in the skin. Vitamin C

further works to block free radical damage from the environment. Free

radicals are unpaired molecules found in UV rays and pollution that cause

premature aging such as fine lines, wrinkles and age spots. Peptin, the

enzyme found in papayas, dissolves fat in the body which helps fight

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Science Investigatory
The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

cellulite. Since peptin aids in digestion, this prevents the buildup of toxins in

the body and reduces breakouts (Sarullo, 2017).

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Science Investigatory
The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

Chapter II


This chapter presents the experiment design, materials, and

ingredients needed, and the procedures to follow in papaya soap



 10 ounces olive oil

 6 ounces distilled water

 6 ounces coconut oil

 2.5 ounces sodium hydroxide (lye)

 6ml papaya essential oil

 1 tablespoon castor oil


 Molder

 Bowl

 Stirrer

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Science Investigatory
The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap


The procedure followed by the researcher in papaya soap making

was based on the article “How to Make Papaya Soap” by Pamela Martin

from the link


1. Line the cardboard box with wax paper. Put on protective gear.

2. Pour 6 oz. of distilled water into a measuring cup. Slowly pour in 2.5 oz. by

weight of lye and stir until dissolved. Let the water cool. Never add the

water to the lye.

3. Combine 6 oz. of coconut oil, 10 oz. of extra light olive oil, 15 to 20 ml of

papaya oil and 1 tbsp. of castor oil in a measuring cup. Heat the oils in the

microwave until melted, checking frequently to avoid overheating.

4. Measure the temperatures of both the lye and the oils. When they are

within 20 degrees of each other, slowly add the lye to the oil while stirring

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The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

and measure the temperature again. The temperature should be between

90 and 110 degrees F.

5. Blend the mixture for a few minutes with the stick blender until it thickens

into a consistency like gravy and gains a whitish color. Check the

temperature—it should rise by a few degrees when the soap has “traced”

and the oils have begun to solidify into soap.

6. Pour the mixture into the lined box. Cover with wax paper and let sit for

two days.

7. Check the soap while wearing protective gear to ensure the soap is solid

and smooth. Remove the soap from the box and cut into sections using a

stainless steel knife.

8. Let the soap continue to thoroughly dry, or “cure,” for three to four weeks,

turning regularly.

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The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

Chapter III

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the findings, analysis, and interpretations of

the results.

1. How does papaya help the people for their health?

The health benefits of papaya to people include a reduced

risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, aiding in digestion,

improving blood glucose control in people with diabetes,

lowering blood pressure, and improving wound healing.

2. What are the advantages of using papaya soap?

Papaya soap has powerful exfoliating properties that render it

beneficial for removing dead skin cells and rejuvenating dry and

flaky skin. Furthermore, it is an effective acne treatment when it is

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The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

used on the face or on other acne prone skin. Moreover, Papain

does not chemically lighten the skin as do some skin bleaching

creams, but by exfoliating away outer layers of skin that may be

tanned or otherwise sun-damaged, papaya soap may reveal

lighter, brighter layers of skin underneath.

3. How effective is papaya soap to all the user of this soap?

The papaya soap helps the users to have clearer and

smoother skin. Furthermore, to those users who have acne or

pimples, this soap helps them to remove their pimple and their

pimple marks.

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The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

Chapter IV

Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter presents summary, conclusions, and recommendations

drawn by the researcher from the gathered statistics though the survey.


This investigatory project aimed to find out the effectiveness of

papaya soap. This study specifically aimed to know how papaya soap help

the people on their health. Moreover, the researcher wanted to know the

advantages of using papaya soap. Lastly, this investigatory project aimed

to know how effective papaya soap to its users.

The results of this study will help the administration, teachers, parents

and students to know the effect of papaya soap. Furthermore, this study

will help the school to use organic products inside the school.


Based on the investigatory project, the following are the findings:

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The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

1. Papaya soap is made up of organic materials that is not

dangerous to the health of its users. Papaya is rich in Vitamin C,

vitamin E and anti-oxidants like beta-carotene which helps your

skin from radical damage keeping wrinkles and other signs of


2. Making papaya soap can be an improvised material for anyone

who wants to use the soap. It helps the users to have a healthier

skin. The product gives no harm because of the substances and

some of the alternatives the researcher used. Unlike other soap,

the researcher used organic ingredients.


Based on the findings, the following are concluded:

1. Papaya consists of many health benefits for those people who eat

and use it. It helps to reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer and those

people who suffer high blood pressure and those who have


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The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

2. Papaya soap can help its user to have a healthier skin. It helps

those people who has skin problems.

3. Papaya soap will lessen acne or pimples of its users.


Based on the results of the study, the following are recommended:

1. The school may promote to the students to use organic

product such as papaya soap inside and outside the school.

2. The school may help the students to give seminars that tackle

about the things they can use for them to become healthier while

they lessen the use of inorganic products.

3. The school may have activities outside the school that will

make people know how organic materials can help them to live a

healthier life.

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The Effectiveness of Papaya Soap

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