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Atty. Jamel M. Agantal

Ateneo de Davao University-College of Law
S.Y. 2019-2020 (1st semester)



A. Written paper

1. For uniformity, all papers shall observe the following:

Font syle: Bookman Old Style

Font size: 12
Spacing: Single spacing
Margins: 1” on all sides

2. All papers must contain, at least, the basic format and parts in making
research papers. While other format and relevant discussion may be added
in the papers, the following must not be omitted:

a. Title (please see Annex “A” for the format)

b. Table of Contents
c. Introduction
d. Discussion
e. Conclusion
f. References

3. All groups must submit one (1) hardcopy of their respective papers on
or before September 27, 2019, 5:00PM at Ateneo law school office.
Softcopies (in PDF and in WORD form) of the said papers must likewise be
sent on or before September 27, 2019, 5:00PM to

4. The title of the softcopy and the subject of the email must be the group
number followed by the topic of the paper e.g. “Group 1 – Sogie Bill”,
attaching therewith the said softcopies of the papers.

B. Oral Presentation

1. The oral presentation of the papers shall be on October 5, 12, 19, 26,
tentatively. Each date shall have two (2) groups as presentors and the
sequence of which shall be decided through drawing of lots.

2. ALL members of each group must be given the opportunity to take part
in the presentation of their paper.
3. Each group shall be entitled only to sixty (60) minutes to present their
paper. Another thirty (30) minutes shall be allocated for Q & A portion.

4. All groups other than the one presenting shall be entitled to ask
questions only after the presentation. However, each group shall be
entitled to one (1) question only, through a representative. Please note that
the relevancy of the question shall form part of the grade of the group
asking the question.

5. As this is a formal activity, all presentors are expected to be in their

formal attire.

6. Accordingly, the groups tasked to present on the specified dates are

obliged to make arrangements beforehand with the law school office for
the use of the projector and other permits.


Written Paper (50% of over-all grade)

Content (accuracy of data, laws,
jurisprudence and other inputs) : 60%
Organization (unity of thought,
flow of discussion) : 20%
Style (creativity, originality) : 10%
Form (grammar, punctuation) : 10%
TOTAL 100%

Oral Presentation (50% of over-all grade)

Mastery of topic (delivery, effective
communication, etc) : 80%
Other matters (relevancy of the
questions propounded to other
groups, etc.) : 20%
TOTAL 100%


College of Law

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Legal Research

(S.Y. 2019-2020, 1st semester)

Insert topic here (in bold and capital letters)

Group No.

Submitted by:

(Insert members here)

Submitted to:

Atty. Jamel M. Agantal

Date Submitted:

(Insert date of submission)

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