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What is Media?

The physical objects used to communicate with, or the mass communication through physical objects such as
radio, television, computers, film, etc. It also refers to any physical object used to communicate messages.

Media are an effective medium for communication, dissemination of information, advertising, marketing, and in
general, for expressing and sharing views, opinions, and ideas. Mass media is a double-edged sword - there are
positive as well as negative influences of media.

Types of Media:

Print, Broadcast, and Digital (New) Media

1. Print Media
- Media consisting of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process that is traditionally mechanical.
-The primary use of print media is to spread information about daily events and news as it is the fastest way to
reach the public. Apart from that, it provides a lot of entertainment to the readers.
-Another important use is that of advertisements, as print media is quite inexpensive and can target a huge
population at once.

Types of Print Media

a. Newspapers are the most popular form of print media. They are generally delivered at home, or are available
at newsstands, and it is the most inexpensive way to reach a huge mass of people quickly.
Newspapers are an important platform of mass communication, as they reach every nook and corner of the
world where electronic media fails to reach. It plays a pivotal role in providing authentic firsthand
information, building opinions, updating the knowledge of the reader, and serves as a good platform for
advertisers to promote their products. A newspaper carries all kinds of communication related to a variety of
topics like politics, socialism, current affairs, entertainment, finance, stocks, etc.
Apart from this, it also includes topics, which are in lighter vein like cartoons, crosswords, Sudoku, movie
reviews, book reviews, puzzles, crosswords, etc. This captivates the imagination and interests of readers from
all age groups.. However, with the emergence of Internet, which updates information every second, and is
just a click away, the popularity of newspapers has reduced.

b. Newsletter/Periodicals is a publication that mostly covers one main topic. Sometimes, people have to
subscribe for the newsletters, or many a time, they are even free. Newsletters are generally used as
information sources for neighborhood, communities, and groups having an interest about that particular
topic, or event. They are also used for promotional purpose, political campaigns, or for causes.
Newsletters are also used in many schools as a communication tool for parents, which give them information
about what is new in the school. Many companies make use of newsletters as a marketing strategy to provide
all the information to customers and employees.
c. Magazines provide detailed articles on various topics, like food, fashion, sports, finance, lifestyle, and so on.
Advertising in magazines costs a bit more, but it is a great way to target some market segments. The ads in
the magazines need to be eye-catching, yet simple and elegant.
Magazines are another type of popular culture print media. They usually cater to a specific type of audience
who are looking for information based on a particular subject. Magazines cover a plethora of topics, like
current affairs, business, finance, consumers, gadgets, self-help, luxury, lifestyle, beauty, fashion,
entertainment, travel.
d. Banners /Posters at many places are made of cloth, or paper and are used to show slogans, logos, or some
messages. It is also used for advertising brands in exhibitions, giving out the names of products, or services
that are being provided. Like banners, posters also come under the same category for the same purpose..
Posters are mostly hung at a height and are made attractive so as to catch the attention of the passersby. The
primary use of posters can be seen in political campaigns. Both banners and posters are customized and
include text as well as graphics―that too in a huge size so that the message is seen from far. It is a self-made
form of advertising.
e. Billboards/hoardings have mostly become digital, but they qualify under the category of print media―after
all, the advertisements are printed on the billboard. These include text and graphics ― mostly as a
combination―so as to make it more appealing.
Billboards have fixed locations and are huge in size so that it can be seen and read from a long distance.
Billboard advertisements are the most costliest in the print media category. The price depends on the size,
location of the billboard, and mostly on the duration of the advertisement. Apart from advertisements, a lot of
promotional activities are also done by making use of billboards. Even though it costs a lot, it helps in
targeting all the market segments.
f. Books are the oldest form of print media that are used as a way of communication and information piece.
They give an opportunity to writers to spread their knowledge about a particular subject to the whole world.
They are a diverse platform comprising varied topics that include literature, history, fiction stories, and many
more, that not only increase our knowledge but also entertain us.
A book is actually a collection of many printed pages, which are later bound together. After printing was
invented, books were printed giving knowledge of various sectors to the world.
g. A brochure, also known as pamphlet, is a kind of booklet that contains the details of the company, or
organization. Generally, brochures are for takeaway, so as to keep the brand in the mind of the audience.
They are distributed in exhibitions, or shops in which particulars of the product, or service of the company
are provided along with communication details. Brochures generally consist of two or three folds of glossy
and colorful sheets with some nice presentation. They are mostly distributed by hand, sent by mails, or you
may find them at brochure racks as well.
h. Flyers and leaflets/handbills
A normal flyer is also a part of print media. Some of the big companies may not use this type for advertising
of targeting the market, but for small organizations, it can be very useful and can help in generating business.
A flyer should always be crisp and eye-catching so that it attracts people's attention. Flyers can be distributed
in exhibitions, or can be put on walls of colleges and schools, depending on what kind of audience an
organization is looking for.
Handbills or flyers is a form of communication, which is printed on a small paper. It is easy to carry,
colorful, attractive, and legible to read. They are handed out to all the passers-by. These are useful mainly for
restaurants, hotels, nightclubs, political campaigns, concerts, rallies, political campaigns, etc. People are
more prompted to throw it away without reading. Hence, many a time this fails to be an effective medium of
mass communication.

Broadcast Media
- media such as radio and television that reach target audiences using airwaves as the transmission medium.

Communicates with sound, action, and color, is appealing to large companies with widespread distribution , can
be directed to an audience with a specific interest, message can be adapted to take advantages of holidays and
special events, highest production cost of any media type, high dollar cost for the time used , actual audience
size is not assured – people leave the room or channel surf.

It has a significant reach. Radio reaches 90 % of people, which makes it very effective. Best times are “drive
times” – morning and late afternoon/early evening. The radio lost its popularity with the boom of television. But
till day, it remains one of the favorite means of electronic communication.
-Can select an audience, such as teens by choosing the right station. More flexible than print – messages can be
easily changed. It’s a mobile medium – can be taken just about anywhere. Short life span – when broadcast, it is
over. Lack of visual involvement
New Media/New Age Media
- content organized and distributed on digital platforms.

-With the advent of Internet, we are now enjoying the benefits of high technology mass media, which is not
only faster than the old school mass media, but also has a widespread range. Mobile phones, computers, and
Internet are often referred to as the new-age media. Internet has opened up several new opportunities for mass
communication which include email, websites, podcasts, e-forums, e-books, blogging, Internet TV, and many
others, which are booming today. Internet has also started social networking sites, which have redefined mass
communication all together. Sites, like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have made communication to the
masses all the more entertaining, interesting, and easier!

Mobile Phones
Mobile phones have become a boon to mankind. It has made communication possible at anytime, and from
anywhere. Nowadays, mobile phones are not only used for interaction, but also for other technical utilities, like
operating pumps from remote locations, etc. You can also get alerts of your monetary transactions on a mobile
phone. Today, we can stay in touch with the whole world via Internet on our mobile phones.

With the invention of computers the impossible has become possible. We virtually get information about
everything from pin to piano with the help of computers. It has added speed and multimedia to the information,
which was earlier available only in the print format. Also, anyone can voice their opinions through computers.
Computers have added a new breakthrough in the mass media by combining human intelligence with the cutting
edge technology.

It's the most important device of new age media. The discovery of Internet can be called the biggest invention in
mass media. In the earlier days, news used to reach people only with the morning newspaper. But today, live
updates reach us simultaneously as the events unfold. For example, the royal wedding of Kate Middleton and
Prince William was watched live on the Internet by millions of people around the world. It's inspired interaction
and connectivity through its social networking medium.

Emails or electronic mails have drastically reduced the time for drafting and sending letters or mails. Electronic
mails have also facilitated lesser usage of paper.

Internet has a plethora of websites dedicated to various people, companies, brands, causes, activities, etc. The
most significant utility of these websites is for providing information, search engines, downloads through
libraries, and interaction through the social networking sites. Because of these websites, carrying out e-
commerce transactions has also become easy.

Podcasts are mediums of mass communication that include short video or audio files. They can be seen and
heard on mobiles, computers, and portable media instruments. They are engaging devices of communication.

eForums are bulletin boards on websites where people start threads on topics. These are usually hosted on a
website. These forums are open platforms to discuss a range of topics right from which wall color is appropriate
for a baby girl's room to the research on the God particle. People give their opinions and share their experiences
on various topics.
A blog is a space on the Internet where a single person or a group of people record their information, opinions,
photos, videos, etc. It is an interesting and free platform to talk about any topic. Interaction happens in the form
of comments or feedback.

Internet TV
It is also known as online TV. It usually has an archive of programs. You have to choose the program, you wish
to view from the list. You can either view the programs directly from the host server, or download the content
on your computer. It is an effective means of communication.

It is the most popular social networking website. Facebook has several applications which people utilize. It is
the best platform to meet old friends, or make new ones. Advertisers also like this forum for communicating
about their products.

It is also a famous social networking website. Twitter is a microblogging site, which allows interaction and
feedback of different people. There was a time when it was very popular among celebrities and individuals.
Today, the governments of various nations have understood the importance of "tweeting" information to the
public, and regularly share information through Twitter.

It is a website which uploads content in a video format. It houses a range of interesting videos that appeal to
people of all generations. From films to educational videos, you will find everything on YouTube.

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