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Globalisation is good

Yes because...

Peace and Globalisation

As mentioned in the summary peace and globalisation seem to fit together. The
most peaceful periods in the history of the industrialised world (so since about
1820 or so) have been the times where there is globalisation in action. So
following the second world war as trade recovered from war and depression and
there was the GATT later WTO processes. Through the 1990s with US
hegemony and the dominance of neo-liberalism, and the period from 1870-1914
when the European powers expanded around the globe opening up new
markets. Liberals have argued for centuries that trade is good for peace and
prosperity. Trade creates interdependence between countries meaning that
starting a war is more painful economically. Of course so long as everyone is
interested in making money through trade why go to war?

Being rich because of globalisation is anyone's game

Kenichi Ohmae, a guru of global company management, (Japanese) feels the

idea that boundaries are diminishing and corporations are becoming increasingly
international is something to celebrate.

the closer we come together , the fewer prejudices,stereotypes and fears we

have/hold for each other.

this coming-together creates entrepreneurial opportunities for even those people

in the least developed parts of the world. Trade thrives on constant
exposure/interaction and is the capitalist measure of progress.

Globalization prods everyone irrespective of race,colour,creed and/or destination

to be able to grab the brass ring of international cosmopolitan economic success.
It is anyone's game.
Yes because...

Globalisation need not be a purely capitalist phenomenon.

The argument depends on how globalisation is defined.

Yes because...

yes, but people were exploiting the environment long before nation states were
no longer stringently centralized.

Japan was fairly isolated for very long but that did not stop Japan from grazing
cows and polluting her land.

With globalisaton comes awareness(of what is good and bad in universal terms,
such as what is pollution? or what are human rights? etc) with
awareness/knowledge comes power and with power comes responsibility. As
borders/boundaries diminish and our differences are allayed , we have a greater
sense of our responsibility towards to entire planet and knowledge(from across
the world) about what to do.
Yes because...

Evolution has served plants and animals well. There is no reason to suggest it
can't serve companies and countries well too.
Yes because...

Yes McDonalds has spread around the world, as have things like western styles
of dress but this 'americanisation' has not usually meant the elimination of native


Supporters of globalization argue that it has the potential to make this world a better
place to live in and solve some of the deep-seated problems like unemployment and

1. Free trade is supposed to reduce barriers such as tariffs, value added taxes, subsidies,
and other barriers between nations. This is not true. There are still many barriers to free
trade. The Washington Post story says “the problem is that the big G20 countries added
more than 1,200 restrictive export and import measures since 2008

2. The proponents say globalization represents free trade which promotes global
economic growth; creates jobs, makes companies more competitive, and lowers prices
for consumers.

3. Competition between countries is supposed to drive prices down. In many cases this
is not working because countries manipulate their currency to get a price advantage.
4. It also provides poor countries, through infusions of foreign capital and technology,
with the chance to develop economically and by spreading prosperity, creates the
conditions in which democracy and respect for human rights may flourish. This is an
ethereal goal which hasn’t been achieved in most countries

5. According to supporters globalization and democracy should go hand in hand. It

should be pure business with no colonialist designs.

6. There is now a worldwide market for companies and consumers who have access to
products of different countries. True

7. Gradually there is a world power that is being created instead of compartmentalized

power sectors. Politics is merging and decisions that are being taken are actually
beneficial for people all over the world. This is simply a romanticized view of what is
actually happening. True

8. There is more influx of information between two countries, which do not have
anything in common between them. True

9. There is cultural intermingling and each country is learning more about other
cultures. True

10. Since we share financial interests, corporations and governments are trying to sort
out ecological problems for each other. – True, they are talking more than trying.

11. Socially we have become more open and tolerant towards each other and people who
live in the other part of the world are not considered aliens. True in many cases.

12. Most people see speedy travel, mass communications and quick dissemination of
information through the Internet as benefits of globalization. True

13. Labor can move from country to country to market their skills. True, but this can
cause problems with the existing labor and downward pressure on wages.

14. Sharing technology with developing nations will help them progress. True for small
countries but stealing our technologies and IP have become a big problem with our
larger competitors like China.

15. Transnational companies investing in installing plants in other countries provide

employment for the people in those countries often getting them out of poverty. True

16. Globalization has given countries the ability to agree to free trade agreements like
NAFTA, South Korea Korus, and The TPP. True but these agreements have cost the U.S.
many jobs and always increase our trade deficit
In the Philippines, globalization has brought many job opportunities to all Filipino people. The government
encourages foreign companies to establish business and open many jobs to Filipino worker even abroad. The
impact of globalization helps the Philippines community to be more aware of what happens to the Philippines, it
also gives the idea to many Filipino people to have more knowledge and information on the Philippines society.
At present globalization is more effective in the Philippines, it helps to improve the local and foreign companies,
the culture, the education, and the development of the economy.

What is Globalization?
Globalization is the growth of international trade, investment, technology and information all over the world. It is
the merge of all Asian countries with each other. Technology is a big factor of globalization. The advanced and
modern technology can help each nation to access borders and top increase the economic growth of each
country. Globalization expands more in terms of the social, cultural, legal, and political. Each country has its
own cultural globalization and they represent and exchange it to other countries about the new ideas and
values of their country. They also share the development of their country and help some country if needed.

In the Philippines, globalization is important on how it works in the economy and the development of the
technology. Globalization helps each country to have a cooperation to help each other and be united.
Globalization is formed to process of goods, services, and people around the worlds. It works to every people
to move and work in a different country as well as the goods of each country can also be imported and
exported to a different country and destination. It helps every nation to develop a global economy and increase
the income of each country.

Also, globalization can be mean to liberalize each country their rule and regulation to follow, people can enter
to a different country as long they follow the rules and law of the country they when to or work to. Globalization
works to each country through the World Trade Organization and the United Nation because the international
law is created and enforce. Globalization help to developing countries to their industrial, manufacturing,
improvements, and economic expansion of living. It is also the interaction of all economies of the world in terms
of the financial transaction, political, educational, trade and manufacturing production. However, Globalization
can have a disadvantage and also the advantage to each country.

The advantage of Globalization:

Globalization can have more opportunities to increase in employment. This advantage of globalization
can help the Philippines to increase the employment of Filipino people because of the opportunities that many
foreign countries put up a business here and many job vacancies for Filipino are available. There are a lot of
multinational companies who really open up business in the Philippines and hire many Filipino people to work
at their companies. Also, globalization has an advantage in opening jobs in abroad. There is a lot of overseas
Filipino worker who is work abroad and can be successful in working in another country. Because of the World
Trade Organization of the nation, each person can work in a different country and have the opportunity to live
there and be a citizen in the country they live in. In the Philippines, foreign companies are build up here and
many Filipino is now working in foreign companies. This means that globalization really affects positively to the
Philippines and to the economy of the Philippines.
Globalization can also help the Philippines education to improve more. In the Philippines when it terms of
education we improve more and we offer higher education and skilled people. The education in the Philippines
is now recognized outside the country. And many foreigners are going here to study because the quality of
education is higher while the cost is lower and can accommodate all foreigner who wants to studies in the
Philippines. One reason also is the lower cost of living while studying here. The Filipino people are smart and
can communicate well to other foreigners. Speaking English in the Philippines is a natural language of Filipino
because it is one of the subjects of all schools. At present, the Philippines has a large outsourcing foreign
companies, especially in Metro Manila.
Globalization improves the flow of information technology. When in terms of information technology of the
Philippines it flows very well and help the Filipino to have knowledge and updates about the latest technology
that all countries use. The impact of globalization in the Philippines technology brings more positive effect
because it helps to increase the economy of the Philippines. Because of the information technology with the
latest and modern use, it improves the flow of all company products and also it minimizes the work of every
Globalization improves the quality of goods and services. Being connected to other country means good
to our country. It helps to do good quality and give the best services to them so that we bring dignity to the
Filipino people. Improving our services and give more quality goods and products to other countries can boost
the Philippines and its nation. The Philippines can offer a good quality product outside the country and Filipino
people can serve their best to others. Through globalization, the service of goods and product is easily served
and done to deliver it to each respective destination.

The Effect of Globalization in the Philippines

Globalization can help Filipino people to know the international status and rights of each country nationwide.
The Philippines are also been friendly to the foreign country and they now stay connected in terms of exchange
of product and some investment. Globalization has also a big part in the improvement of local and social
culture in the Philippines. It also connects relationship in other countries through investments and some
business opportunities.

The impact of globalization in the Philippines changes a lot in terms of the culture, values, and economy. It also
helps the improvement of infrastructure in the Philippines. It gives more opportunities to all Filipino to work
abroad and help each country to stay connected. Globalization has also helped to let know the people about
global warming, climate change, and the natural resources of the Philippines.

The effect of globalization can help a flexible communication and greater understanding in terms of
improvement and development of each country condition. It also helps the local and international market to
create flexible labor across the miles. Globalization affects the international market and enhances economic

The Philippines being a third world country doesn’t really mean it would lose in a globalized
community. Entering into a true and genuine global community could in fact help rise the
economy of the Philippines. The Philippines can just try its luck in globalization where in it
could use its labor force in helping bring in some money inside the country’s national borders.
Of course, evolving into a globalized community does not guarantee instant success. Everything
that we go through in this world could only lead us to two things. These two things could either
be good or bad. And this is the risk of getting into a challenge of which the outcome could either
just make us or break us.

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