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Approval of President Trump drops to

lowest since inauguration: Reuters/Ipsos

Public approval of President Donald Trump has dropped to its lowest level since his
inauguration, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Friday, after Trump was accused
of mishandling classified information and meddling with an FBI investigation.

Persetujuan Presiden Trump turun ke level terendah sejak pelantikan: jajak pendapat Reuters
/ Ipsos
Persetujuan publik Presiden Donald Trump telah turun ke level terendah sejak pelantikannya,
menurut jajak pendapat Reuters / Ipsos yang dikeluarkan pada hari Jumat, setelah Trump
dituduh salah menangani informasi rahasia dan ikut campur dengan penyelidikan FBI.

The May 14-18 opinion poll found that 38 percent of adults approved of Trump while 56
percent disapproved. The remaining 6 percent had "mixed feelings."

Jajak pendapat May 14-18 menemukan bahwa 38 persen orang dewasa menyetujui Trump
sementara 56 persen tidak setuju. Sisanya 6 persen memiliki "perasaan campur aduk."

Americans appear to have soured on Trump after a tumultuous week in the White House
during which the president fought back a steady drumbeat of critical news reports that
ramped up concerns about his administration’s ties to Russia. Orang-orang Amerika
tampaknya telah memburuk pada Trump setelah seminggu yang penuh gejolak di Gedung
Putih di mana presiden melawan ketegangan laporan berita kritis yang menggemparkan
kekhawatiran tentang hubungan pemerintahannya dengan Rusia.

The week started with revelations that Trump shared highly classified information with
Russian diplomats in a private meeting. That was followed by reports that former Federal
Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey, whom Trump recently fired, had written
memos expressing concerns that the president had pressured him to stop investigating Trump
campaign ties to Russia. Minggu dimulai dengan wahyu bahwa Trump berbagi informasi
rahasia dengan diplomat Rusia dalam sebuah pertemuan pribadi. Itu diikuti oleh laporan
bahwa mantan Direktur Investigasi Federal Bureau James Comey, yang dipecat Trump baru-
baru ini, telah menulis memo yang mengungkapkan kekhawatiran bahwa presiden telah
mendesaknya untuk berhenti menyelidiki hubungan kampanye Trump dengan Rusia.

Later in the week, the Justice Department appointed former FBI Director Robert Mueller to
oversee an independent probe into contacts between Russia and the Trump campaign.

Kemudian di minggu ini, Departemen Kehakiman menunjuk mantan Direktur FBI Robert
Mueller untuk mengawasi penyelidikan independen terhadap kontak antara Rusia dan
kampanye Trump.

Trump has denied colluding with the Russians and called ongoing efforts to investigate him a
"witch hunt." No politician in history, he said, "has been treated worse or more unfairly."
Trump telah menolak berkolusi dengan orang-orang Rusia dan meminta upaya terus-menerus
untuk menyelidiki dia sebagai "perburuan penyihir". Tidak ada politisi dalam sejarah,
katanya, "telah diperlakukan lebih buruk atau lebih tidak adil."

While Trump remains popular with members of his own party, many rank-and-file
Republicans appear to have backed off their support for the president during the past week.

Sementara Trump tetap populer dengan anggota partainya sendiri, banyak Republikan
berpangkat tinggi tampaknya mendukung dukungan mereka untuk presiden selama sepekan

Among Republicans, 23 percent expressed disapproval of Trump in the latest poll, up from
16 percent in the same poll last week. The decline in support from Republicans appears to be
a primary reason why Trump's overall approval rating is now at the lowest level since he took
office. Di antara anggota Partai Republik, 23 persen menyatakan ketidaksetujuannya terhadap
Trump dalam jajak pendapat terakhir, naik dari 16 persen dalam jajak pendapat yang sama
pekan lalu. Penurunan dukungan dari Partai Republik tampaknya menjadi alasan utama
mengapa keseluruhan rating persetujuan Trump sekarang berada pada tingkat terendah sejak
dia menjabat.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online in English across the United States. It gathered
responses from 1,971 adults, including 721 Republicans and 795 Democrats. It has a
credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of 3 percentage points for the entire group and 4
percentage points for the Democrats and Republicans. Jajak pendapat Reuters / Ipsos
dilakukan secara online dalam bahasa Inggris di seluruh Amerika Serikat. Ini mengumpulkan
tanggapan dari 1.971 orang dewasa, termasuk 721 anggota Partai Republik dan 795
Demokrat. Ini memiliki interval

(Reporting by Chris Kahn; Editing by Leslie Adler)

Iran counts votes after big turnout in presidential election

Iran menghitung suara setelah jumlah pemilih dalam pemilihan presiden

Vote counting began in Iran on Saturday after a high turnout in an unexpectedly tight
presidential election pitting President Hassan Rouhani, who wants to normalize ties with the
West, against a hardline judge who says he has already gone too far. Penghitungan suara
dimulai di Iran pada hari Sabtu setelah jumlah pemilih yang tinggi dalam pemilihan presiden
yang secara tak terduga bersaing dengan Presiden Hassan Rouhani, yang ingin menormalisasi
hubungan dengan Barat, melawan hakim garis keras yang mengatakan bahwa dia telah
bertindak terlalu jauh.

More than 40 million votes were cast, the interior ministry said, indicating a turnout of about
70 percent in Friday's vote, roughly similar to the showing in 2013 elections when Rouhani
swept into office in a landslide victory. Lebih dari 40 juta suara dilemparkan, kementerian
dalam negeri mengatakan, mengindikasikan jumlah pemilih sekitar 70 persen pada pemilihan
hari Jumat, kira-kira sama dengan yang ditunjukkan pada pemilihan 2013 ketika Rouhani
berhasil masuk dalam kemenangan telak.
Voting was extended by six hours because many people were still waiting in line. Iranian
newspapers praised the turnout, carrying headlines like "a historical victory for Iranians".
Voting diperpanjang enam jam karena banyak orang masih mengantre. Koran-koran Iran
memuji jumlah pemilih, yang menjadi berita utama seperti "kemenangan historis bagi orang

Pro-reform news websites said Rouhani was the victor. They offered no evidence, but the big
turnout could favor Rouhani, whose backers' main worry has been apathy among reformist-
leaning voters disappointed with the slow pace of change. Situs berita pro-reformasi
mengatakan Rouhani adalah pemenangnya. Mereka tidak memberikan bukti apapun, namun
jumlah pemilih yang besar dapat mendukung Rouhani, yang kekhawatiran utamanya adalah
sikap prihatin di kalangan pemilih yang berpendukung reformis kecewa dengan lambannya

Rouhani, 68, who took office promising to open Iran to the world and give its citizens more
freedom at home, faced an unexpectedly strong challenge from hardliner Ebrahim Raisi, a
protege of supreme leader Ali Khamenei. Rouhani, 68, yang mendapat jabatan menjanjikan
untuk membuka Iran ke seluruh dunia dan memberi warganya lebih bebas di rumah,
menghadapi tantangan yang tak terduga dari garis keras Ebrahim Raisi, anak didik pemimpin
tertinggi Ali Khamenei.

The election is important "for Iran's future role in the region and the world", Rouhani, who
struck a deal with world powers two years ago to curb Iran's nuclear program in return for the
lifting of most economic sanctions, said after voting. Pemilu penting "untuk peran masa
depan Iran di wilayah dan dunia", Rouhani, yang membuat kesepakatan dengan kekuatan
dunia dua tahun lalu untuk mengekang program nuklir Iran dengan imbalan pencabutan
sanksi ekonomi yang paling, kata setelah memberikan suara.

Raisi, 56, has accused Rouhani of mismanaging the economy and has traveled to poor areas,
speaking at rallies pledging more welfare benefits and jobs. Raisi, 56, menuduh Rouhani
salah mengelola ekonomi dan telah melakukan perjalanan ke daerah-daerah miskin, berbicara
di demonstrasi yang menjanjikan lebih banyak manfaat dan pekerjaan bagi kesejahteraan.

He is believed to have the backing of the powerful Revolutionary Guards security force, as
well as the tacit support of Khamenei, whose powers outrank those of the elected president
but who normally steers clear of day-to-day politics. Dia diyakini mendapat dukungan dari
pasukan keamanan Garda Revolusi yang kuat, dan juga dukungan diam-diam dari Khamenei,
yang kekuatannya lebih tinggi dari presiden terpilih tapi yang biasanya menghindari politik

"I respect the outcome of the vote of the people and the result will be respected by me and all
the people," Raisi said after voting, according to the semi-official Fars news agency. "Saya
menghormati hasil pemungutan suara rakyat dan hasilnya akan dihormati oleh saya dan
semua orang," kata Raisi setelah memberikan suara, menurut kantor berita semi resmi Fars.

However, Raisi later appeared at the Ministry of Interior in Tehran on Friday and complained
of a shortage of ballot sheets at many polling stations, according to Fars. More ballot sheets
were subsequently sent out, the agency reported.
Namun, Raisi kemudian hadir di Kementerian Dalam Negeri di Teheran pada hari Jumat dan
mengeluhkan kekurangan lembar suara di banyak tempat pemungutan suara, menurut Fars.
Lebih banyak lembar suara kemudian dikirim, kantor tersebut melaporkan.

In the last election, Rouhani won more than three times as many votes as his closest
challenger. But this time the outcome might be much closer, as other conservative rivals have
backed out and thrown their support behind Raisi. Dalam pemilihan terakhir, Rouhani
memenangkan lebih dari tiga kali lebih banyak suara sebagai penantang terdekatnya. Tapi
kali ini hasilnya mungkin lebih dekat, karena saingan konservatif lainnya telah mundur dan
mendapat dukungan mereka di belakang Raisi.

The Guards and other hardliners hope that a win for Raisi will give them an opportunity to
safeguard economic and political power they see as jeopardized by the lifting of sanctions
and opening of the country to foreign investment. Pengawal dan kelompok garis keras
lainnya berharap bahwa kemenangan bagi Raisi akan memberi mereka kesempatan untuk
melindungi kekuatan ekonomi dan politik yang mereka lihat sebagai terancam oleh
pencabutan sanksi dan pembukaan negara terhadap investasi asing.
During weeks of campaigning, the two main candidates exchanged accusations of corruption
and brutality in unprecedentedly hostile television debates. Both deny the other's
accusations.Selama berminggu-minggu berkampanye, kedua kandidat utama tersebut
menukarkan tuduhan korupsi dan kebrutalan dalam debat televisi yang bermusuhan
sebelumnya. Keduanya membantah tuduhan orang lain.

Rouhani has urged the Guards not to meddle in the vote, a warning that reflects the political
tension. Suspicions that the Guards and the Basij militia under their control falsified voting
results in favor of hardliner Mahmoud Ahmadinejad led to eight months of nationwide
protests in 2009, which were violently suppressed.Rouhani telah mendesak Pengawal untuk
tidak ikut campur dalam pemungutan suara, sebuah peringatan yang mencerminkan
ketegangan politik. Kecurigaan bahwa Pengawal dan milisi Basij di bawah kendali mereka
memalsukan hasil pemungutan suara yang mendukung pemimpin garis keras Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad yang menyebabkan demonstrasi nasional selama delapan bulan di tahun 2009,
yang dengan keras ditekan.


For ordinary Iranians, the election presents a stark choice between competing visions of the
country. Bagi orang-orang Iran biasa, pemilihan tersebut menyajikan pilihan yang jelas antara
visi yang bersaing di negara ini.

Rouhani, known for decades as a mild-mannered establishment insider rather than a gung-ho
reformer, has taken on the mantle of the reform camp in recent weeks, with fiery campaign
speeches that attacked the human rights records of his opponents.Rouhani, yang dikenal
puluhan tahun sebagai orang dalam pendirian yang berperilaku ringan daripada seorang
reformis gung-ho, telah mengambil alih mantel kamp reformasi dalam beberapa pekan
terakhir, dengan pidato kampanye yang berapi-api yang menyerang catatan hak asasi manusia
"I voted for Rouhani to prevent Raisi's victory. I don't want a hardliner to be my president,"
said Ziba Ghomeyshi in Tehran. "I waited in the line for five hours to cast my vote." "Saya
memilih Rouhani untuk mencegah kemenangan Raisi, saya tidak ingin seorang garis keras
menjadi presiden saya," kata Ziba Ghomeyshi di Teheran. "Saya menunggu di antrean selama
lima jam untuk memberikan suara saya."

Many pro-reform voters are still lukewarm Rouhani supporters, disappointed with his failure
to make broader changes during his first term. But they are anxious to keep out Raisi, who
they see as representing the security state at its most fearsome: in the 1980s he was one of
four judges who sentenced thousands of political prisoners to death.Banyak pemilih pro-
reformasi yang masih suam-suam kuku pendukung Rouhani, kecewa dengan kegagalannya
untuk membuat perubahan yang lebih luas selama masa jabatan pertamanya. Tapi mereka
sangat ingin mencegah Raisi, yang mereka anggap mewakili negara keamanan paling
menakutkan: pada tahun 1980an dia adalah satu dari empat hakim yang memvonis ribuan
tahanan politik sampai mati.

"I am on my way to vote for Rouhani. I like his detente policy with the world. I know he is
not a reformist, but who cares? What matters is that he is not Raisi," government employee
Yousef Ghaemi, 43, said by phone in the western city of Kermanshah."Saya sedang dalam
perjalanan untuk memilih Rouhani, saya menyukai kebijakan detente-nya dengan dunia, saya
tahu dia bukan seorang reformis, tapi siapa yang peduli? Yang penting adalah dia bukan
Raisi," pegawai pemerintah Yousef Ghaemi, 43, mengatakan Melalui telepon di kota barat

For conservatives, the election represents a chance to restore the values of the 1979
revolution, which requires elected officials to be subordinate to the Shi'ite Muslim clergy and
supreme leader. Bagi kaum konservatif, pemilihan tersebut merupakan kesempatan untuk
mengembalikan nilai-nilai revolusi 1979, yang mengharuskan pejabat terpilih untuk menjadi
bawahan ulama Muslim Syiah dan pemimpin tertinggi.

"I cast my vote already - I voted for Raisi because he is a follower of Imam Khamenei. He
will not confront the leader if elected. He will protect our Islamic identity," said Mehran
Fardoust, 36, a shopkeeper near the Imam Reza Shrine in the holy city of Mashhad, Raisi's
home town. "Saya memberikan suara saya - saya memilih Raisi karena dia adalah pengikut
Imam Khamenei, dia tidak akan menghadapi pemimpin jika terpilih, dia akan melindungi
identitas Islam kami," kata Mehran Fardoust, 36, seorang pemilik toko di dekat Kuil Imam
Reza. Di kota suci Masyhad, kota asal Raisi.

Despite the removal of nuclear-related sanctions in 2016, lingering unilateral U.S. sanctions
that target Iran's record on human rights and terrorism have kept foreign companies wary of
investing, limiting the economic benefits so far. Meskipun telah menghapus sanksi terkait
nuklir pada tahun 2016, sanksi AS yang sepihak unbolateral yang menargetkan catatan Iran
mengenai hak asasi manusia dan terorisme membuat perusahaan asing waspada.

Raisi has focused his campaign on the economy, visiting rural areas and villages and
promising housing, jobs and more welfare benefits, a message which could have resonated
with millions of poor voters angry at the Tehran elite. Raisi telah memfokuskan
kampanyenya pada ekonomi, mengunjungi daerah pedesaan dan desa-desa dan menjanjikan
perumahan, pekerjaan dan tunjangan kesejahteraan yang lebih banyak, sebuah pesan yang
bisa bergaung dengan jutaan pemilih miskin yang marah pada elit Teheran.
If no candidate wins more than 50 percent of the vote, the top two, presumably Rouhani and
Raisi, will face each other a second time in a run-off in a week. Jika tidak ada kandidat yang
memenangkan lebih dari 50 persen suara, dua teratas, mungkin Rouhani dan Raisi, akan
saling berhadapan untuk kedua kalinya dalam jangka waktu dalam seminggu.
(Additional reporting by Bozorgmehr Sharafedin, Editing by William Maclean and Mark
Trevelyan, Grant McCool) (Laporan tambahan oleh Bozorgmehr Sharafedin, Editing oleh
William Maclean dan Mark Trevelyan, Grant McCool)

About 37,000 AT&T workers go on three-

day strike
About 37,000 AT&T Inc (T.N) workers, or less than 14 percent of the company's total
workforce, began a three-day strike on Friday after failing to reach an agreement with the No.
2 U.S. wireless carrier over new contracts. Sekitar 37.000 pekerja AT & T mogok tiga hari
Sekitar 37.000 pekerja AT & T Inc (T.N), atau kurang dari 14 persen dari total angkatan kerja
perusahaan, memulai pemogokan tiga hari pada hari Jumat setelah gagal mencapai
kesepakatan dengan operator nirkabel No. 2 A.S. untuk kontrak baru.

This is the first time that AT&T wireless workers are on strike, which could result in closed
retail stores during the weekend, according to the Communications Workers of America
(CWA) union. The workers on strike are members of the CWA. Ini adalah pertama kalinya
pekerja nirkabel AT & T mogok, yang dapat mengakibatkan toko ritel tertutup selama akhir
pekan, menurut serikat Pekerja Komunikasi Amerika (CWA). Para pekerja yang mogok
adalah anggota CWA.

The workers are demanding wage increases that cover rising healthcare costs, job security
against outsourcing, affordable healthcare and a fair scheduling policy. Para pekerja
menuntut kenaikan upah yang mencakup kenaikan biaya perawatan kesehatan, keamanan
kerja terhadap outsourcing, perawatan kesehatan yang terjangkau dan kebijakan penjadwalan
yang adil.

Slightly over half of the workers on strike are part of the wireless segment and the rest
wireline workers, including a small number of DirecTV technicians, AT&T spokesman
Marty Richter told Reuters. Sedikitnya separuh pekerja mogok merupakan bagian dari
segmen nirkabel dan sisanya adalah pekerja kabel, termasuk sejumlah kecil teknisi DirecTV,
juru bicara AT & T Marty Richter mengatakan kepada Reuters.

The CWA had said on Wednesday that wireless workers across 36 states and Washington,
D.C. would walk-off their jobs if an agreement was not reached by Friday 3 p.m. ET. CWA
mengatakan pada hari Rabu bahwa pekerja nirkabel di 36 negara bagian dan Washington,
D.C. akan menunda pekerjaan mereka jika sebuah kesepakatan tidak tercapai pada hari Jumat
pukul 3 ET.
Wireline workers, who work in phone, landline and cable services businesses in California,
Nevada, and Connecticut, and DirecTV technicians across California and Nevada have also
joined the strike. Pekerja Wireline, yang bekerja di bisnis telepon, telepon rumah dan kabel di
California, Nevada, dan Connecticut, dan teknisi DirecTV di California dan Nevada juga ikut
dalam pemogokan tersebut.
"A strike is in no one's best interest, and it's baffling as to why union leadership would call
one when we're offering terms in which our employees in these contracts ... will be better off
financially," Richter said. "Pemogokan tidak menjadi kepentingan terbaik, dan ini
membingungkan mengapa kepemimpinan serikat pekerja memanggil kita ketika kita
menawarkan persyaratan di mana karyawan kita dalam kontrak ini ... akan lebih baik secara
finansial," kata Richter.

The groups on strike represent four different union contracts, the CWA said. Kelompok yang
mogok mewakili empat kontrak serikat pekerja yang berbeda, kata CWA.

In March, about 17,000 AT&T wireline workers in California and Nevada went on strike.
Pada bulan Maret, sekitar 17.000 pekerja kabel AT & T di California dan Nevada melakukan

(Reporting by Aishwarya Venugopal in Bengaluru; Additional reporting by Anjali Athavaley

in New York; Editing by Sriraj Kalluvila)
(Dilaporkan oleh Aishwarya Venugopal di Bengaluru; Pelaporan tambahan oleh Anjali
Athavaley di New York; Editing oleh Sriraj Kalluvila)

1.2 million adolescents' deaths mostly preventable, report says

1,2 juta kematian remaja sebagian besar dapat dicegah, kata laporan
(CNN)More than 1.2 million adolescents die every year around the world -- an average of
3,000 deaths per day -- from causes that are largely preventable, according to a new report
from the World Health Organization. CNN) Lebih dari 1,2 juta remaja meninggal setiap tahun di
seluruh dunia - rata-rata 3.000 kematian per hari - dari penyebab yang sebagian besar dapat
dicegah, menurut sebuah laporan baru dari Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia.

The leading cause of death among 10- to 19-year-olds globally in 2015 was road injury,
which killed more than 115,000 people, followed by lower respiratory infections and self-
Penyebab utama kematian di antara anak usia 10 sampai 19 tahun secara global pada tahun 2015
adalah cedera jalan, yang menewaskan lebih dari 115.000 orang, diikuti oleh infeksi saluran
pernapasan bawah dan bahaya diri.

When separated by age, sex and region, however, the leading causes of death differed
significantly. Bila dipisahkan oleh usia, jenis kelamin dan wilayah, bagaimanapun, penyebab
utama kematian berbeda secara signifikan.
The report, published Tuesday, says two-thirds of deaths among adolescents occur in
Southeast Asia and Africa. Laporan tersebut, yang dipublikasikan Selasa, mengatakan dua
pertiga kematian di kalangan remaja terjadi di Asia Tenggara dan Afrika.
It further highlights that improved health services, education and social care services can help
prevent these deaths by giving adolescents the support they need. Lebih jauh menyoroti bahwa
layanan kesehatan, pendidikan dan layanan perawatan kesehatan yang lebih baik dapat
membantu mencegah kematian ini dengan memberi remaja dukungan yang mereka butuhkan.

"Adolescents have been entirely absent from national health plans for decades," said Dr.
Flavia Bustreo, assistant director-general at the WHO, in a statement. "Relatively small
investments focused on adolescents now will not only result in healthy and empowered adults
who thrive and contribute positively to their communities, but it will also result in healthier
future generations, yielding enormous returns." "Remaja telah sepenuhnya absen dari rencana
kesehatan nasional selama beberapa dekade," kata Dr. Flavia Bustreo, asisten direktur jenderal
WHO, dalam sebuah pernyataan. "Investasi yang relatif kecil yang berfokus pada remaja sekarang
tidak hanya akan menghasilkan orang dewasa sehat dan diberdayakan yang berkembang dan
berkontribusi secara positif terhadap masyarakat mereka, namun juga akan menghasilkan
generasi penerus yang lebih baik, menghasilkan keuntungan yang sangat besar."

Factors such as poor diet, lack of exercise and risky sexual behavior, which can impact health
throughout a person's life, also begin during adolescence and need to be taken into account,
according to the report. Faktor-faktor seperti pola makan yang buruk, kurang olahraga dan
perilaku seksual berisiko, yang dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan sepanjang hidup seseorang, juga
dimulai pada masa remaja dan perlu diperhitungkan, menurut laporan tersebut.

The importance of adolescent health has been increasing," said Dr. David Ross, a medical officer at
the WHO who co-authored the report. "But a lot more needs to be done." Pentingnya kesehatan
remaja telah meningkat, "kata Dr. David Ross, seorang petugas medis di WHO yang turut menulis
laporan tersebut." Tapi masih banyak yang harus dilakukan. "
Cedera dan infeksi di kalangan remaja laki-laki

Injuries and infections among teen boys

Though road injuries were the greatest cause of death globally, data showed them to be particularly
harmful for boys 15 to 19 years old; most of them were non-drivers, such as pedestrians and cyclists.
The second leading cause of death for boys was interpersonal violence, such as physical or sexual
abuse, or emotional threats. Meskipun luka jalan merupakan penyebab kematian terbesar di
dunia, data menunjukkan bahwa hal itu sangat berbahaya bagi anak laki-laki berusia 15 sampai 19
tahun; Kebanyakan dari mereka adalah non-driver, seperti pejalan kaki dan pengendara sepeda.
Penyebab utama kematian kedua bagi anak laki-laki adalah kekerasan interpersonal, seperti
pelecehan fisik atau seksual, atau ancaman emosional.

"In most deaths by road accident, the adolescent is a passive victim," Ross said. "In only a small
proportion are they the driver." That proportion is higher in high-income countries, he added. "Pada
kebanyakan kematian akibat kecelakaan lalu lintas, remaja adalah korban pasif," kata Ross.
"Hanya dalam proporsi kecil mereka adalah supirnya." Proporsi itu lebih tinggi di negara-negara
berpenghasilan tinggi, tambahnya.
Dr. Sonia Saxena, a primary care expert at Imperial College London who was not involved with the
report, highlighted that previous studies have found that the leading causes of death among
adolescents in higher-income developed countries is risky behavior, such as drug and alcohol abuse,
rather than the environment they live in. Dr. Sonia Saxena, seorang ahli perawatan primer di
Imperial College London yang tidak terlibat dalam laporan tersebut, menyoroti bahwa penelitian
sebelumnya telah menemukan bahwa penyebab utama kematian di kalangan remaja di negara-
negara berkembang berpenghasilan tinggi adalah perilaku berisiko, seperti obat-obatan dan
alkohol Pelecehan, bukan lingkungan tempat tinggal mereka.

"These factors for adolescents are around their whole environment," she said. "It should not be
dangerous to walk down the road." "Faktor-faktor ini bagi remaja di sekitar lingkungan mereka,"
katanya. "Tidak berbahaya berjalan di jalan."

But Saxena highlighted that more detail is needed about why people are dying from injuries,
highlighting that underlying factors could vary: being drunk and walking around at night, being hit by
an exhausted driver or unsafe streets in general. Tapi Saxena menyoroti bahwa diperlukan lebih
banyak detail tentang mengapa orang-orang sekarat karena luka-luka, yang menyoroti bahwa
faktor-faktor yang mendasarinya dapat bervariasi: mabuk dan berjalan-jalan di malam hari,
dipukul oleh pengemudi yang kelelahan atau jalan yang tidak aman pada umumnya.

Pregnancy risks among girls/ Resiko kehamilan di kalangan anak perempuan

The causes of deaths among girls globally also had a clear division based on age, with most of those
10 to 14 dying from lower respiratory infections, such as pneumonia. The report suggests that this
stems from their exposure to indoor air pollution, through the use of polluting fuels to cook in their
homes. Penyebab kematian di kalangan anak perempuan di seluruh dunia juga memiliki
pembagian yang jelas berdasarkan usia, dengan sebagian besar dari mereka berusia 10 sampai 14
meninggal karena infeksi saluran pernapasan bagian bawah, seperti pneumonia. Laporan tersebut
menunjukkan bahwa ini berasal dari paparan polusi udara dalam ruangan, melalui penggunaan
bahan bakar yang berpolusi untuk dimasak di rumah mereka.

"They are working in appalling conditions, or maybe there are also not enough services to treat
infections in a timely manner," Saxena said. / "Mereka bekerja dalam kondisi yang mengerikan,
atau mungkin juga tidak ada cukup layanan untuk mengobati infeksi pada waktu yang tepat," kata

Older girls, ages 15 to 19, saw greater risk of deaths from pregnancy complications, childbirth or
unsafe abortions. Gadis yang lebih tua, usia 15 sampai 19 tahun, berisiko lebih besar mengalami
kematian karena komplikasi kehamilan, persalinan atau aborsi yang tidak aman.

Saxena highlighted the discomforting nature of this latter cause, asking, "Why are 15- to 19-year-old
girls getting pregnant at all?" She added that if pregnancy does occur, complications and unsafe
abortions should not be commonplace. Saxena menyoroti sifat ketidaknyamanan dari penyebab
terakhir ini, bertanya, "Mengapa anak perempuan berusia 15 sampai 19 tahun hamil?" Dia
menambahkan bahwa jika kehamilan memang terjadi, komplikasi dan aborsi yang tidak aman
seharusnya tidak biasa.

Young girls with little family or community support are more likely to find themselves in situations
where sex work becomes an option, opening them up to pregnancy and new infections, Saxena said.
Gadis-gadis muda dengan dukungan keluarga atau komunitas kecil lebih cenderung menemukan
diri mereka dalam situasi di mana pekerjaan seks menjadi pilihan, membuka diri terhadap
kehamilan dan infeksi baru, kata Saxena.

Global variation
"It's an impossible task to compare the world," Saxena said, adding that quality of the data available
will vary significantly by region.Variasi global
"Ini adalah tugas yang tidak mungkin untuk membandingkan dunia," Saxena mengatakan,
menambahkan bahwa kualitas data yang tersedia akan sangat bervariasi menurut wilayah.

The picture is very different when leaving global numbers behind to focus on regional causes of
death among adolescents. Gambarannya sangat berbeda saat meninggalkan nomor global di
belakang untuk fokus pada penyebab kematian regional di kalangan remaja.

"While some conditions are common across regions, such as road injuries and suicide, there are
others that more prominent in certain regions," Ross said."Sementara beberapa kondisi umum
terjadi di seluruh wilayah, seperti cedera jalan dan bunuh diri, ada beberapa yang lebih menonjol
di wilayah tertentu," kata Ross.

Road injuries were the leading cause of death, when combining sexes, in high-income countries as
well as the low- and middle-income countries of Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific regions of
the WHO. However, self-harm took the lead in Europe, collective violence (war) in the Eastern
Mediterranean, violence and abuse in the Americas and lower respiratory infections in the WHO's
African region. Cedera jalan merupakan penyebab utama kematian, saat menggabungkan jenis
kelamin, di negara-negara berpenghasilan tinggi serta negara berpenghasilan rendah dan
menengah di Asia Tenggara dan wilayah Pasifik Barat di WHO. Namun, merugikan diri sendiri
memimpin di Eropa, kekerasan kolektif (perang) di Mediterania Timur, kekerasan dan pelecehan
di Amerika dan infeksi saluran pernapasan yang rendah di wilayah Afrika WHO.

"There is huge amounts of interpersonal violence" in the Americas, Ross said, further highlighting
the continued burden of infectious diseases in Africa. "That's the only region where HIV is still in the
top five." Ada sejumlah besar kekerasan interpersonal" di Amerika, kata Ross, yang selanjutnya
menyoroti terus meningkatnya penyakit menular di Afrika. "Itulah satu-satunya wilayah di mana
HIV masih berada di lima besar."

Other infections dominating as a cause of death in African adolescents include meningitis, diarrheal
disease and lower respiratory infections. Infeksi lain yang mendominasi sebagai penyebab
kematian pada remaja Afrika termasuk meningitis, penyakit diare dan infeksi saluran pernapasan
bagian bawah.
"With infectious illness, this is still on the development path," Saxena said, adding that the less
developed a country is, the greater the burden infections have on the population. "Dengan penyakit
menular, ini masih dalam jalur pengembangan," Saxena mengatakan, menambahkan bahwa
negara yang kurang berkembang adalah, semakin besar beban infeksi terhadap populasi.

The influence of conflict /Pengaruh konflik

Another area highlighted by the report data is the health of adolescents affected by conflict or
humanitarian crises, where young people must take on adult responsibilities at a younger age than
expected, such as earning money or caring for younger family members. / Bidang lain yang disorot
oleh data laporan tersebut adalah kesehatan remaja yang terkena dampak konflik atau krisis
kemanusiaan, di mana orang muda harus mengambil tanggung jawab orang dewasa di usia yang
lebih muda dari yang diharapkan, seperti mendapatkan uang atau merawat anggota keluarga yang
lebih muda.

As a result, they suffer in terms of schooling, and girls are more likely to take part in sex work or
marry earlier than planned./ Akibatnya, mereka menderita dalam hal sekolah, dan anak
perempuan lebih cenderung ikut dalam pekerjaan seks atau menikah lebih awal dari yang

The report highlights that health impacts stemming from this -- and leading to an increased risk of
death -- include malnutrition, pregnancies, sexual violence and mental health issues./ Laporan
tersebut menyoroti bahwa dampak kesehatan berasal dari ini - dan menyebabkan peningkatan
risiko kematian - termasuk kekurangan gizi, kehamilan, kekerasan seksual dan masalah kesehatan

A recent report by Save the Children further highlighted this impact, finding that children in Syria are
suffering from "toxic stress" from the country's civil war, resulting in long-term effects on their
psychological and physical health./ Sebuah laporan baru-baru ini oleh Save the Children menyoroti
dampak ini, menemukan bahwa anak-anak di Suriah menderita "tekanan beracun" dari perang
saudara di negara tersebut, yang mengakibatkan efek jangka panjang pada kesehatan psikologis
dan fisik mereka.

Improving care, education and support

Experts advise that improved health care services, including the provision of better social and mental
support, as well as acknowledging the role -- and value -- that families and communities have to
play, will help bring these numbers down./ Meningkatkan perawatan, pendidikan dan dukungan
Para ahli menyarankan agar memperbaiki layanan perawatan kesehatan, termasuk penyediaan
dukungan sosial dan mental yang lebih baik, serta mengakui peran dan nilai - yang harus
dimainkan keluarga dan masyarakat, akan membantu menurunkan angka ini.

"Parents, families and communities are extremely important, as they have the greatest potential to
positively influence adolescent behavior and health," said Dr. Anthony Costello, director of Maternal,
Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health at the WHO, in a statement.Orangtua, keluarga dan
masyarakat sangat penting, karena mereka memiliki potensi terbesar untuk secara positif
mempengaruhi perilaku dan kesehatan remaja," kata Dr. Anthony Costello, direktur Kesehatan
Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health di WHO, dalam sebuah pernyataan.
Bergabung dalam percakapan

"There is very strong evidence that parenting makes a huge difference to adolescent health risk,"
Ross added./ "Ada bukti kuat bahwa pola asuh membuat perbedaan besar pada risiko kesehatan
remaja," Ross menambahkan.

The report itself recommends a range of strategies, including more comprehensive sex education in
schools, mandatory seatbelts and helmets, cleaner cooking fuels indoors and increased drinking age
Laporan itu sendiri merekomendasikan berbagai strategi, termasuk pendidikan seks yang lebih
komprehensif di sekolah, sabuk pengaman dan helm wajib, bahan bakar pembersih bersih di dalam
ruangan dan batas usia minum yang meningkat.

Ross believes these recommendations will only be possible if those in the health sector come
together with road and education sectors in each country to address the problem. "A single
intervention is not going to be enough," he said. "Education is such a huge contributor to lowering
adolescent disease burden."
Ross percaya bahwa rekomendasi ini hanya akan mungkin dilakukan jika mereka yang berada di
sektor kesehatan bekerja sama dengan sektor jalan dan pendidikan di setiap negara untuk
mengatasi masalah tersebut. "Intervensi tunggal tidak akan cukup," katanya. "Pendidikan adalah
penyumbang besar untuk menurunkan penyakit remaja

Saxena believes it is important to engage with children as they transition into adulthood./ Saxena
percaya bahwa penting untuk terlibat dengan anak-anak saat mereka memasuki masa dewasa.

"Adolescents are very vulnerable," she said. "That transition needs support ... and when adolescents
don't have that support, you get risky behavior. /"Remaja sangat rentan," katanya. "Transisi itu
membutuhkan dukungan ... dan bila remaja tidak mendapat dukungan itu, Anda akan berisiko

Ross believes the value this will bring to a population is underappreciated./ "Ross percaya bahwa
nilai yang akan dibawa ke populasi ini kurang dihargai

"Adolescents are an incredible resource for society," he said. "They need help and nurturing to be
that." Remaja adalah sumber yang luar biasa bagi masyarakat," katanya. "Mereka butuh bantuan
dan pengasuhan untuk menjadi seperti itu."

A not-so-sweet new way to test for pee in pools/ Cara baru yang tidak
begitu manis untuk menguji kencing di kolam

CNN)One of the more unforgettable moments from the 2016 Rio Olympic Games was the
sight of vibrant green water in one of the competitors' swimming pools which officials
attributed to the addition of a cleaning chemical, hydrogen peroxide. / CNN) Salah satu momen
yang tak terlupakan dari Olimpiade 2016 Rio adalah melihat air hijau yang semarak di salah satu
kolam renang pesaing yang oleh para pejabat dikaitkan dengan penambahan bahan kimia
pembersih, hidrogen peroksida.

Quickly, the pool was drained and refilled, the clear blue restored./ Dengan cepat, kolam itu
dikeringkan dan diisi ulang, biru jernih dipulihkan.

Water quality is a health concern in all public pools, and although it won't turn the water
green, urine can pose hazards to swimmers' health. Unfortunately, it's difficult to detect in the
chlorinated water of a huge pool. Kualitas air adalah masalah kesehatan di semua kolam umum,
dan meski tidak mengubah air menjadi hijau, air seni dapat menimbulkan bahaya bagi kesehatan
perenang. Sayangnya, sulit untuk mendeteksi air yang terklorinasi dari kolam besar.

So how do you measure pee? Test for sweetness, University of Alberta chemists propose in
research published this spring in the journal Environmental Science & Technology Letters.
Jadi bagaimana cara mengukur kencing? Uji kemanisan, ahli kimia Universitas Alberta
mengusulkan dalam penelitian yang diterbitkan musim semi ini di jurnal Environmental Science &
Technology Letters.
Using an artificial sweetener as a proxy, they discovered that all of the 31 public pools and
hot tubs they tested contained urine. Dengan menggunakan pemanis buatan sebagai proxy,
mereka menemukan bahwa semua 31 kolam umum dan bak air panas yang mereka uji
mengandung air kencing.
Though sterile, urine reacts with pool disinfectants, mostly chlorine, to form dangerous
byproducts including trichloramine, which can irritate eyes, the researchers say.
Meski steril, urine bereaksi dengan desinfektan kolam renang, kebanyakan klorin, untuk
membentuk produk sampingan berbahaya termasuk trikloramin, yang bisa mengiritasi mata, kata

Byproducts of swimmers' urine, feces and sweat mixing with chlorine can even build up in
the air of indoor pools, triggering asthma attacks. The chemical reactions that create these
byproducts also mean there's less chlorine left in the water to kill bacteria, such as E. coli.
Chemical reactions in pool water make it difficult to test for urine, so a proxy -- a stand-in
substance -- is needed. Enter acesulfame potassium or Ace K, an artificial sweetener that is
often used in processed foods and therefore widely consumed. After passing through the
digestive tract, this sweetener is excreted in urine./ Produk sampingan dari urin perenang,
kotoran dan keringat yang bercampur dengan klorin bahkan dapat terbentuk di udara kolam
dalam ruangan, memicu serangan asma. Reaksi kimia yang menciptakan produk sampingan ini
juga berarti ada sedikit klorin yang tertinggal di air untuk membunuh bakteri, seperti E. coli.
Reaksi kimia di air kolam membuat sulit untuk menguji urine, jadi proxy - zat penghambat -
diperlukan. Masukkan acesulfame potassium atau Ace K, pemanis buatan yang sering digunakan
dalam makanan olahan dan karena itu banyak dikonsumsi. Setelah melewati saluran pencernaan,
pemanis ini diekskresikan dalam urin.

Xing-Fang Li, a professor in the University of Alberta's Division of Analytical and

Environmental Toxicology, and her colleagues tested more than 250 samples from 31 pools
and hot tubs in two (courteously unnamed) Canadian cities and compared them with samples
of local tap water. / Xing-Fang Li, seorang profesor di Universitas Alberta Divisi Analytical and
Environmental Toxicology, dan rekan-rekannya menguji lebih dari 250 sampel dari 31 kolam
renang dan bak air panas di dua kota Kanada yang tidak disebutkan namanya dan
membandingkannya dengan sampel air keran lokal. .

The concentration of sweetener in the pools and hot tubs ranged as high as 7,110 nanograms
per liter, up to 570 times more than the levels found in tap water. / Konsentrasi pemanis di
kolam renang dan bak air panas berkisar setinggi 7.110 nanogram per liter, sampai 570 kali lebih
banyak dari tingkat yang ditemukan di air keran.

All the tested pools and hot tubs contained urine, Li and her team said. One 220,000-gallon
pool contained 20 gallons of urine, while another pool half the size of the first contained 7
gallons./ Semua kolam yang diuji dan hot tub berisi air kencing, kata Li dan timnya. Satu kolam
berukuran 220.000 galon berisi 20 galon air kencing, sementara kolam lain berukuran setengah
dari yang pertama berisi 7 galon.

Lindsay Blackstock, co-author of the study and a doctoral student of analytical and
environmental toxicology at University of Alberta, said these results cannot be applied to all
community pools. "The amount of urine deposited into each pool would be specific to a
number of factors," said Blackstock. Factors include how many swimmers use the pool, the
swimming hygiene practices of a community and how often the pool is refilled.Lindsay
Blackstock, rekan penulis studi dan mahasiswa doktoral toksikologi analitis dan lingkungan di
University of Alberta, mengatakan bahwa hasil ini tidak dapat diterapkan pada semua kolam
masyarakat. "Jumlah urin yang disetorkan ke masing-masing kolam akan sesuai dengan sejumlah
faktor," kata Blackstock. Faktor-faktor tersebut meliputi berapa banyak perenang yang
menggunakan kolam renang, praktik kebersihan renang masyarakat dan seberapa sering kolam
tersebut diisi ulang.

Blackstock recommends all swimmers rinse off and use the washroom before entering the
swimming pool.
Blackstock merekomendasikan semua perenang bilas dan menggunakan kamar kecil sebelum
memasuki kolam renang.

Canada is not alone in this concern. A 2010 US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
report found that one in 10 public pools in the United States doesn't have proper chlorine
levels to meet its disinfectant standards. Kanada tidak sendirian dalam masalah ini. Sebuah
Pusat Pengendalian dan Pencegahan Penyakit Amerika Serikat 2010 menemukan bahwa satu dari
10 kolam umum di Amerika Serikat tidak memiliki kadar klorin yang tepat untuk memenuhi
standar disinfektannya.

Rick Sachleben, a member of the American Chemical Society who was not involved in the
new study, said it was interesting. However, "I would ask how they are going to establish
how much ACE-K people have consumed and therefore how the level of ACE compared the
amount of urine present," he wrote in an email. Rick Sachleben, anggota American Chemical
Society yang tidak terlibat dalam studi baru ini, mengatakan bahwa ini menarik. Namun, "Saya
akan bertanya bagaimana mereka akan menentukan berapa banyak ACE-K yang dikonsumsi dan
oleh karena itu bagaimana tingkat ACE membandingkan jumlah kencing yang ada," tulisnya
melalui email.
To make sure you're not about to take a dip in a dirty pool, Michele Hlavsa, chief of the
CDC's Health Swimming Program, recommends using test strips from a pool supply or big
box store to check the chlorine level. The CDC recommends pH levels of 7.2 to 7.8 and free
chlorine concentration of at least 1 parts per million in pools and at least 3 parts per million in
hot tubs/spas./ Untuk memastikan Anda tidak akan berenang di kolam yang kotor,
Michele Hlavsa, kepala Program Kolam Kesehatan CDC, merekomendasikan
menggunakan strip tes dari persediaan kolam renang atau toko kotak besar untuk
memeriksa kadar klorin. CDC merekomendasikan tingkat pH 7,2-7,8 dan konsentrasi
klorin bebas setidaknya 1 bagian per juta di kolam dan setidaknya 3 bagian per juta di
bak air panas / spa.

Even at these levels, though, chlorine does not destroy everything you wish to avoid while
swimming. A parasite called cryptosporidium, which can cause diarrhea and can live up to 10
days in a chlorinated pool, is associated with 54% of the outbreaks of illness at pools and
water parks, a 2015 CDC report found. Bahkan pada tingkat ini, klorin tidak menghancurkan
segala hal yang ingin Anda hindari saat berenang. Sebuah parasit yang disebut cryptosporidium,
yang dapat menyebabkan diare dan dapat hidup hingga 10 hari di kolam terklorinasi, dikaitkan
dengan 54% wabah penyakit di kolam renang dan taman air, sebuah laporan CDC tahun 2015

Sachleben, who also is a fellow in chemical development for Momenta Pharmaceuticals, said
he does not frequent swimming pools, but it's not because of the pee. / Sachleben, yang juga
merupakan rekan pengembangan kimia untuk Momenta Pharmaceuticals, mengatakan bahwa ia
tidak sering berenang, tapi bukan karena kencing. Sachleben, yang juga merupakan rekan
pengembangan kimia untuk Momenta Pharmaceuticals, mengatakan bahwa ia tidak sering
berenang, tapi bukan karena kencing.

"I just don't find hanging out at the pool something I enjoy. Much prefer a nice beach,"
Sachleben said.
"Saya hanya tidak menemukan nongkrong di kolam renang sesuatu yang saya nikmati. Lebih suka
pantai yang bagus," kata Sachleben.

"Let's face it," he added. "Ponds and the ocean are full of fish and other animal excrement,
along with the decomposing bodies of the dead ones." "Ayo kita hadapi," tambahnya. "Kolam
dan samudra penuh dengan ikan dan kotoran hewan lainnya, bersama dengan mayat orang-orang
yang membusuk."

Hot mess: The grossest health concerns of

(CNN)You are not the only one who thrives in the summer and loves its warm, long days.
Bacteria and other microbes that cause food poisoning, diarrhea and just general grossness
also flourish, threatening to make it a season to be sick.
"Foodborne pathogens follow an annual cycle, and we tend to see peaks of them, especially
bacteria, in the summer, at picnics, potlucks and all the outdoor events," said Melinda Wilkins,
director of the online science master's program in food safety at Michigan State University.

Your gut is not the only part of your body at risk of assault by bacteria such as E. coli in summer
months. Bugs lurk in air conditioning filters, especially when it is hot and humid, ready to cause
trouble for those with breathing problems. And the skin that protects you from infections can
become a portal for them after a bad, blistering sunburn.

Of course, even if some dangers await you at the picnic, pool or beach, it is worth it to get out and
enjoy yourself. You can most likely handle what comes your way.

Don't pee (or poop) in the pool

The burn you feel in your eyes after a dip in the swimming pool is not because of chlorine. It is
because pee, poop and sweat from fellow swimmers (and maybe you) react with chlorine and form
chloramine compounds, and this combination is what really stings your peepers. Aside from the
gross factor, the formation of these compounds means there is less chlorine left in the water to kill
bacteria, such as E. coli. Chloramines can also irritate the airways, and when they build up in the air,
such as at indoor pools, they can trigger asthma attacks.

"We recommend that you not pee or poop in the water, and shower before you go in," said Michele
Hlavsa, chief of the Health Swimming Program at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A
2010 CDC report found that one out of 10 public pools don't have proper chlorine levels. To make
sure you're not about to take a dip in a bacteria-laden pool, "you can use pool test strips at a pool
supply or big box store" to check the chlorine level, Hlavsa said. (The CDC recommends chlorine
levels in pools between 1 and 3 parts per million and pH of 7.2 to 7.8.)


inRead invented by Teads

Even at the right levels, chlorine does not wipe out everything. A new CDC report found that a
parasite called cryptosporidium, which can cause diarrhea and lives up to 10 days in a chlorinated
pool, was associated with 37 (54%) of the 69 outbreaks of illness at pools and water parks. "To
protect yourself, it's about not swallowing the water you swim in, and to protect others don't swim if
you have diarrhea," Hlavsa said.

Lurking in seawater
A day at the beach may leave you with more memories than you imagined if you go home with
vibriosis. The infection is caused by vibrio bacteria, which live in some coastal waters and flourish in
the warm months between May and October, when the majority of cases occur.

According to the CDC, there are about 80,000 cases each year, and about 100 of them are fatal.

An estimated 52,000 of those cases result from eating contaminated food, such as raw oysters, that
have been infected in the water they once lived in. Symptoms usually begin within 24 hours of
consumption. They include abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever and chills. The illness
lasts about three days.
The bacteria can also cause skin rashes that lead to infection when contaminated water gets into an
open wound or even a scratch.

The best way to prevent this infection is to thoroughly cook shellfish and clean hands well after
touching raw or undercooked shellfish. Cuts or scrapes should be cleaned well with soap after
contact with infected water. When possible, cover the wound with a waterproof bandage before
getting it wet.

Beware the picnic burgers

The thought of potato salad sweltering in the heat at the summer picnic may make the burgers on
the grill sound pretty appetizing, but think again. "Actually, potato salad has kind of a bad rap, but it
is not really a particularly high-risk food," said Wilkins, of Michigan State University. "But people
tend to bring frozen (burger) patties and throw them on the grill before they are fully thawed, (and)
ground meat that is not thoroughly cooked is one of the riskiest items" because it can have E. coli,
she said.

Ground beef and pork should be cooked to 160 degrees Fahrenheit, ground chicken and turkey to
165 degrees. And yes, that means using a meat thermometer to test the temperature in the middle
of the burger, Wilkins said.

Of course, bacteria can still lurk in a big bowl of gooey potato or pasta salad, but not for the reasons
you may think. Ingredients such as potatoes, pasta and eggs, not the mayonnaise, are prone to
contamination. To play it safe, keep containers of anything you're supposed to eat cold, such as
potato salad, in big bowls or coolers full of ice, Wilkins said.

Bacteria scream for ice cream (machines)

An issue that can plague many an inadequately cleaned soft-serve ice cream dispenser is bacteria.
"Listeria (bacteria) is a really sneaky pathogen in that it likes to live in cooler temperatures and
populate machinery," Wilkins said. Listeria infections can cause fever and muscle aches, and they are
especially dangerous for pregnant women, who may miscarry as a result.

On the bright side, the Blue Bell ice cream scare has made people more aware of listeria's potential
to lurk in frozen desserts, Wilkins said. It is a good idea to ask the person working at the yogurt shop
or ice cream truck when the machines were last cleaned. "It brings the issue to the awareness of the
workers and management to double check their procedures," Wilkins said.

Burn, baby, burn

Sunburns may seem like a sweet souvenir from a day at the beach, but they should really be thought
of as potentially harmful wounds. In the most severe cases, people can develop blisters and need to
be treated like burn victims, said Dr. Cameron K. Rokhsar, assistant clinical professor of dermatology
at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. "The skin sloughs off, (and) if there's any kind of raw
wound, it can predispose you to an infection" and should be treated with a prescription antibiotic
ointment, he said.

Worse yet, even just a few serious sunburns may greatly increase your risk of developing skin cancer.
A 2014 study found that white women who had five or more blistering sunburns when they were
teens were 68% more likely to develop melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.
The best sunscreens of 2015 that we are not using (especially men)

Brush with jellyfish

Despite that old episode of "Friends" where Joey peed on Monica's jellyfish sting, urine is not the
antidote to the venom of this goopy animal, which is common off beaches across the United States
and thrives in warm water. Rinsing the wound with saltwater is one of the most recommended ways
to relieve the stinging, redness and swelling that follow a brush with a jellyfish tentacle.

A more surprising but also effective treatment is vinegar, said Rokhsar, who knows firsthand that it
can make the pain go away almost instantaneously. "It happened to me. It hurts a lot, and I actually
went to the lifeguard station, and they had vinegar spray," he said.

Also beware of the not-so-cute baby jellyfish called sea lice. Unlike the adults' sting, theirs doesn't
hurt, so you don't have to worry about rinsing the wound with saltwater or vinegar. Save the vinegar
for rinsing your swimsuit before you wash it. Some believe the larvae can become trapped in the

You will usually experience an itchy, red rash and small blisters within 24 hours. The rash is
sometimes accompanied with fever, chills, headaches and nausea. The symptoms can last as long as
two weeks and are not contagious.

The sea lice, which are actually microscopic larvae of marine life such as jellyfish or sea anemones,
are most often found in summer waters in Florida and the Caribbean.

Grossness flourishes in air conditioning filters

When air conditioners are working around the clock in hot summer months, dust, mold and
pollution from outdoor air (in the case of central AC) or indoor air (in the case of a window unit) tend
to build up on the filter of AC units. Not only does this slash the air conditioner's efficiency, it can
also carry health risks, said Abby Brokaw, director of the American Lung Association of the Upper
Midwest Health House program.

"People who are already having problems with breathing or lung health -- so people with allergies or
respiratory disease -- are going to be affected" if the filter is not properly cleaned, removing dust,
mold, dander and other detritus, Brokaw said.

To keep your filter in tiptop shape, clean or replace it every three months, Brokaw advised. But take
precaution when you do. Mold and bacteria love to grow on filters, especially in the summer

"You don't want to breathe in mold spores and bacteria. We would recommend that you wear
gloves and a mask," Brokaw said, referring to surgical masks sold in drugstores.

Police officer overdoses after brushing

fentanyl powder off his uniform
(CNN)Here's a frightening reminder of the dangers of fentanyl, a powerful opioid that can be
lethal even in tiny amounts.
A police officer in East Liverpool, Ohio, collapsed and was rushed to the hospital after he
brushed fentanyl residue off his uniform, allowing the drug to enter his system through his
hands. The officer had apparently encountered the opioid earlier in the day while making a
drug bust.
"This is scary. He could have walked out of the building and left and he could have passed
out while he was driving. You don't even know it's there on his clothes," East Liverpool
Police Chief John Lane told CNN.
"His wife, kids and his dog could be confronted with it and boom, they're dead. This could
never end."
It happened last Friday night after East Liverpool officers made a traffic stop and detained
two men they believe were involved in a drug transaction.

Counterfeit pill boom fuels fentanyl crisis 03:21

"Once they got blocked in, they (the suspects) tried to dispose of the evidence in the vehicle,"
East Liverpool Captain Patrick Wright told CNN affiliate WKBN. "There was white powder
on the seat, on the floor, on the guys' shoes, and on his clothing."
After arresting the two men, East Liverpool Police Officer Chris Green was winding down
his shift in the police station's break room when one of his colleagues pointed out he had
something on his uniform. Green wiped the white powder off with his bare hands.
Within minutes, he wasn't feeling well.
"I started talking weird. I slowly felt my body shutting down. I could hear them talking, but I
couldn't respond. I was in total shock," Green told the Morning Journal of Lisbon, Ohio.
Green, who had worn gloves while searching the suspects' car, collapsed on the floor. Police
believe he was experiencing an overdose.
Fentanyl is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine and 30 to 50 times more potent than
heroin. Just a quarter of a milligram -- a few granules -- can kill you.
Paramedics gave Green a dose of Narcan, an opioid antidote, to reverse the effects and rushed
him to a hospital. Green told the Morning Journal he was feeling better on Saturday.
Experts say the effects of fentanyl can be felt when absorbed through the skin or accidentally
inhaled, making the drug hazardous to anyone who comes into contact with it.
"It's time our state government drafts legislation to protect our safety forces from these
harmful drugs,"

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