Quantum Mechanics Questions

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CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore

Department(s): Basic Science & Humanities (Physics)

Semester: 01 Section(s): D Lectures/week: 04
Subject: Engineering Physics Code: 18PHY12
Course Instructor(s): Dr. Tukaram Shet
Course duration: 24 Aug 2018 – 17 Jan 2019
Course Site:

1. What are Shock waves? What is control volume?
2. Explain the various types of shock waves and its applications.
3. What is the difference between acoustic, ultrasonic, subsonic and supersonic waves?
4. What are transonic and hypersonic waves? Describe in brief how the shock waves can be produced in
the lab.
5. Discuss methods of creating shock waves in laboratory using a shock tube.
6. Describe construction and working of Reddy shock tube and its characteristics.
7. What is Mach number? Explain experimental method of finding Mach number of a shock wave by
Reddy shock tube.
8. Discuss the basic laws of conservation of energy, mass and momentum.
9. What is Mach number and Mach angle? Give values for Mach number subsonic and supersonic waves.
10. Describe the operation and characteristic of Reddy Shock tube.
11. List the properties of shock waves. Give an example for weak and strong shock waves
12. Define Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM). Give examples.
13. What are the characteristics of SHM?
14. Derive the differential equation of motion for SHM and mention its solution.
15. Describe a mechanical simple harmonic oscillator and obtain its expression for time period.
16. Explain the vertical vibrations of a mass suspended to a spring and obtain an expression for its
frequency of vibration.
17. Define force constant and explain its significance.
18. Derive an expression for effective force constant of springs attached in series.
19. Obtain an expression for the equivalent force constant for a parallel combination of springs.

Department of Physics
20. Express a simple harmonic motion in complex notation and explain its phasor representation.
21. Define free oscillations. Give examples.
22. Derive the expression for equation of motion for free oscillations and discuss its natural frequency of
23. Define damped oscillations. With the help of suitable examples, explain damped oscillations.
24. Derive an expression for decaying amplitude and discuss the cases of over damping, critical damping
and under damping.
25. Define quality factor. Obtain the expression for quality factor and mention its significance.
26. Define forced oscillations. Give examples.
27. Derive an expression for amplitude and phase of forced oscillations.
28. Discuss the 3 cases (i) p<<ω, (ii) p= ω and (iii) p>> ω with reference to forced oscillations.
29. Define Resonance and give suitable examples.
30. Obtain the condition for resonance and find the expression for maximum amplitude.
31. Define sharpness of resonance and describe its significance.
32. Discuss the effect of damping on sharpness of resonance.
33. Describe a Helmholtz resonator and obtain the expression for its resonant frequency.

34. The distance between the two pressure sensors in a shock tube is 150 mm. The time taken by a shock
wave to travel this distance is 0.3 ms. If the velocity of sound under the same condition is 340 m/s, find
the Mach number of the shock wave.
35. In a Reddy tube experiment it was found that, the time taken to travel between the two sensors is 195µs.
If the distance between the two sensors is 100nm, find the Mach number.
36. Calculate the period of oscillation of a mass 40 kg on a spring with constant k = 10 N/m.
37. A 4 kg mass attached to a spring is observed to oscillate with a period of 2 seconds. What is the period
of oscillation if a 6 kg mass is attached to the spring?
38. A 0.45 kg mass is attached to a spring with a force constant of 26.0 N/m and released from rest a
distance of 3.25 cm from the equilibrium position of the spring. (a) What is the period of the mass?
What is the magnitude of the maximum acceleration of the mass?
39. A mass M is suspended from a spring of negligible mass. The spring is pulled a little and then released,
so that the mass executes SHM of time period T. If the mass is increased by m, the time period becomes
5T/3. Determine the ratio m/M.
40. A particle executing simple harmonic motion has amplitude of 1 m and time period 2s. At t = 0, net
force on the particle is zero. Find the equation of displacement of particle.

Department of Physics
41. Calculate the percentage change in the frequency of oscillations of a spring if the mass attached to the
spring is increased by 50%.
42. A uniform spring of force constant k is cut into two pieces, the lengths of which are in the ratio 1:2.
Determine the ratio of the force constants of the shorter and the longer pieces.
43. The position of a 0.64 kg mass undergoing simple harmonic motion is given by x = (0.160m)cos⁡(16).

What is its period of oscillation?

44. A particle executes a S.H.M of period 10 seconds and amplitude of 1.5m. Calculate its maximum
acceleration and velocity.
45. A body executing S.H.M has its velocity 16cm/s when passing through its centre mean position. If it
goes 1 cm either side of mean position, calculate its time period.
46. A hydrogen atom has a mass of 1.68x10-27kg. When attached to a certain massive molecule it oscillates
as a classical oscillator with a frequency of 1014 cycles per second and with amplitude of 10-10m.
Calculate the force acting on the hydrogen atom.
47. A body executing S.H.M. describes 120 vibrations per minute and has a velocity of 5m/s. What is the
length of its path? What is the velocity? When it is half way between its mean position and extremity of
its path?
48. A body executes S.H.M. such that its velocity at the mean position is 1m/s and acceleration at one of the
extremity is 1.57 m/s2. Calculate the time period of vibration.



49. Explain elasticity and plasticity. Give example of some good elastic materials.
50. Mention the importance of elastic materials in engineering.
51. Define stress and strain. Discuss in brief tensile stress and compressive stress.
52. Explain in detail the different types of stress and strain.
53. Define Hooke’s law and discuss in detail the three moduli of elasticity.
54. With the help of neat diagram explain stress-strain graph.
55. What is meant by elastic and plastic limits?
56. Define Young’s modulus, Bulk modulus and modulus of rigidity and obtain expressions for them.
57. Explain the effect of stress, temperature, annealing and impurities on elasticity.
58. What is strain hardening and softening? Explain the coefficient of hardening and softening.

Department of Physics
59. Define lateral strain and linear strain. Derive an expression for Poisson’s ratio in terms of linear and
lateral strain coefficients.
60. Obtain the relation between shear, longitudinal and compression strains.
61. Show that in a cubic elastic body the sum of longitudinal and compression strains are equal to shear
62. Derive the relation between Young’s modulus, rigidity modulus and Poisson’s ratio.
63. Derive the relation between Young’s modulus, rigidity modulus and Bulk modulus.
64. Derive the relation between Young’s modulus, Bulk modulus and Poisson’s ratio.
65. Discuss the limitations and the limiting values of Poisson’s ratio.
66. Define a beam. What are the different types of beams? Mention some of their engineering applications.
67. Define neutral surface (or neutral plane) and neutral axis.
68. What is bending moment? Obtain an expression for bending moment in terms of moment of inertia.
Arrive at the expression for bending moment for rectangular and circular cross sections?
69. Define single cantilever. Derive an expression for Young’s modulus of a rectangular beam in terms of
depression using single cantilever method.
70. What are Torsional oscillations and what is a Torsional pendulum?
71. Define twisting couple on a cylindrical wire. Derive an expression for couple per unit twist for a solid
72. What are the applications of Torsional pendulum?
73. Discuss the expression for time period of oscillation for a Torsional pendulum.


74. A load of 2 kg produces an extension of 1m in a wire of 3m in length and 1mm in diameter. Calculate
the Young’s modulus of the wire.
75. What force is required to stretch a steel wire to double its length when its area of cross section is 1 cm 2
and Young’s modulus is 2x 10 11 N/m2.
76. A steel wire 2mm in diameter is just stretched between two fixed points at a temperature of 10⁰C.
Determine its tension when temperature falls to 10⁰C. Coefficient of linear expansion of steel is
11x 10-6/⁰C Y for steel is 2x1011N/m2.
77. A steel wire of length 2.0 m and cross section 1x 10-6 m2 is held between rigid supports with a tension
200 N. If the middle of the wire is pulled 5mm sideways, calculate the change in tension. Also, calculate
the change in tension if the temperature changes by 5⁰C.( Given: Y for steel= 2.2x1011N/m2 and α=
8x10-6 K-1)

Department of Physics
78. A fixed beam of 50 cm is depressed by 15.0mm at the loaded end. Calculate the depression at a distance
of 0.3m from the fixed end.
79. The end of a given cantilever depresses by 10mm under a certain load. Calculate the depression under
same load for another cantilever of same material, 2 times in length, 2 times in width and 3 times in
thickness (vertical).
80. Calculate Poisson’s ratio for silver. Given its Young’s modulus is 7.25 x 1010 N/m2 and Bulk modulus is
11 x 1010 N/m2.
81. A material has Poisson’s ratio 0.2. If a uniform rod of it suffers longitudinal strain 4.0 x 10-3, calculate
the percentage change in its volume.
82. A wire of length 1m and diameter 1 mm is clamped at one end of its ends. Calculate the couple required
to twist the other end by 90⁰. Given n= 2.8 x 1010 N/m2.
83. An iron wire of length 1m and radius 0.5 mm elongates by 0.32 mm when stretched by a force of 49N
and twists through 0.4 radian when equal and opposite torques of 3 x 10-3 N-m are applied at its ends.
Calculate elastic constant for iron.
84. Find the amount of work done in twisting a steel wire of radius 1mm and length 25 cm through an angle
of 45⁰, the modulus of rigidity of steel being 8 x 1010 N/m2.
85. A wire of radius 1mm and length 2 m is twisted through 90⁰. Calculate the angle of shear at the surface,
at the axis of the wire and at a point mid way. If the modulus of rigidity of the material is 5 x 10 10 N/m2,
what is the Torsional couple?
86. Two solid cylinders of the same material having length l and 2l and radii r and 2r are joined coaxially.
Under a couple applied between the free ends, the shorter cylinder shows a twist of 30⁰. Calculate the
twist of the lower cylinder.
87. One end of a wire of 4 mm radius and 100 cm length is twisted through 60⁰. Calculate the angle of shesr
on its surface.
88. The restoring couple per unit twist in a solid cylinder of radius 5.0 cm is 10-1 N-m. Find the restoring
couple per unit twist in a hollow cylinder of the same material, mass and length but the internal radius
12 cm.
89. A cantilever of length 0.5 m has a depression of 15mm at its free end. Calculate the depression at a
distance of 0.3 m from the fixed end.

90. A metallic rod of 500 mm length and 50mm diameter when subjected to a tensile force of 100KN at the
ends, experiences an increase in its length by 0.5mm and a reduction in its diameter by 0.015mm.
Calculate the Poisson's ratio of the material of the rod. (GATE QUESTION)

Department of Physics
91. A 200 × 100 × 50 mm steel block is subjected to a hydrostatic pressure of 15 MPa. The Young’s
modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the material are 200 GPa and 0.3 respectively. Calculatethe change in the
volume of the block in mm3. (GATE QUESTION)
92. If the Poisson's ratio of an elastic material is 0.4, calculate the ratio of modulus of rigidity to Young's
modulus. (GATE QUESTION)



93. Explain how transmission of light takes place in optical fibers.

94. Explain the principle of optical fiber.
95. Describe the principle on which optical fiber works
96. Explain the mechanism of light propagation in an optical fiber.
97. What are different types of optical fibers? Explain.
98. Define the following in optical fibers
a) Critical angle of propagation
b) Half angle of acceptance
c) Numerical aperture
99. With neat diagrams explain (i) acceptance angle, and (ii) numerical aperture
100. What is numerical aperture? Obtain an expression for numerical aperture in terms of refractive
indices of core and cladding, and then arrive at the condition for propagation.
101. Obtain an expression for numerical aperture and arrive at the condition for propagation of signal
in an optical fiber.
102. Describe the different types of optical fiber along with the typical core and cladding diameter,
refractive index profile, and mode propagation sketches.
103. With neat diagrams explain the different types of optical fibers.
104. What is attenuation in an optical fiber? Explain the attenuation mechanisms.
105. Obtain the expression for attenuation coefficient.
106. Why Rayleigh scattering occurs?
107. Mention the factors contributing to the fiber losses.
108. Discuss the various loss factors in optical fiber communications.
109. Derive the condition for propagation of light through an optical fiber.
110. What are the advantages of optical communications over other conventional types of communication?

Department of Physics
111. Explain fiber-optic communication. Describe point to point communication system using fibers with
the help of a block diagram.
112. Discuss point to point communication system and mention its advantages over the conventional
113. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of an optical communication system over conventional
communication system.
114. Explain the construction of an optical fiber and the principle on which it works.
115. State Coulomb’s law. Express it in Vector form
116. State Gauss Law. Prove Gauss Divergence Theorem.
117. Mention Stoke’s Theorem
118. Explain Biot –Savart’s Law and Faradays law
119. Mention Maxwell’s equations for free space.
120. Obtain the expression for continuity equation
121. Discuss modified Ampere’s law. (GATE QUESTION)
122. Discuss the difference between Conduction current density and Displacement current density.
123. Derive wave equation for Electric field.
124. What are uniform plane waves? Mention the relation between Electric and Magnetic field for a plane
125. Show that electromagnetic waves are transverse in nature.
126. Briefly explain the three types of Polarisation.
127. Write Maxwell’s equations in differential form.
128. Derive Maxwell’s electromagnetic wave equation for a non-conducting medium.
129. Show that electrostatic field is equal to the negative of potential gradient and hence show that
electrostatic field is conservative.
130. What is the physical significance of divergence of of a vector field?
131. Show that divergence of curl of a vector always vanishes.
132. What is Poynting vector and give its significance? State and prove Poynting vector theorem.
133. Write differential form of Maxwell’s equations applicable in material medium.
134. What do you mean by displacement current?
135. What is the physical significance of gradient of a scalar field?
136. What information does the quantity Poynting vector furnish?
137. Derive differential form of ampere’s circuital law for (i) steady currents and (ii) varying currents.
138. Derive M a x w e l l ’ s electromagnetic wave equation f o r l i n e a r , i s o t r o p i c a n d homogeneous
medium. Hence prove that these waves can travel in vacuum.

Department of Physics
 
    J dv    dv
t V
139. Using Maxwell’s equations prove that V
 
 J  
140. What is the origin of displacement current density?
141. State and explain Ampere’s law and express it in differential form. Further explain how
Maxwell modified this law to accept this as one of the Maxwell’s equations.
142. Give one example for each of a solenoidal and irrotational vector field.
143. Differentiate between steady current and static current.
144. State Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.
145. Derive Maxwell’s electromagnetic wave equation and hence find the velocity of light in vacuum.
146. What do you understand by electromagnetic spectrum?
147. . Define divergence of a vector field. Write its expression in terms of Cartesian coordinates and
discuss its physical significance.

148. Use Maxwell’s equations to deduce wave equations in terms of E & H field vectors for free
149. What is the significance of divergence and curl of a vector?
150. Write Maxwell’s equations and discuss their significance.
151. Write the physical significance of gradient of a scalar function.
152. “Maxwell’s equations are reformulation of existing laws.” Comment and justify your answer.
153. What is the utility of Maxwell’s equations in reference to electromagnetic waves?
154. Deduce Maxwell’s equation Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.
155. What is modified Ampere’s law? Discuss its significance in terms of Maxwell’s theory and obtain an
expression for displacement current density.
156. Curl of a vector field represents whirling/rotational features of the field. Justify.
157. Is displacement current like conduction current a source of magnetic field?
158. Show that isolated magnetic poles do not exist.
 2 Ex 2  Ex
159. If a plane electromagnetic wave satisfies the equation z t 2 . Find the direction in which

the wave propagates. (GATE QUESTION)

160. Show that velocity of plane electromagnetic waves in free space is given by c  1
 0 0


Department of Physics
161. Calculate the numerical aperture, relative refractive index difference, V-number and number of modes
is an optical fiber of core diameter 50μm, core and cladding refreactive indices 1.41 and 1.40, at
wavelength 820nm.
162. Calculate the numerical aperture of the given optical fiber if the refractive indices of the core and
cladding are 1.623 and 1.522 respectively.
163. An optical fiber has clad of refractive index 1.50 and numerical aperture 0.39. Find the refractive
index of the core and the acceptance angle.
164. The numerical aperture of an optical fiber is 0.2 when surrounded by air. Determine the refractive
index of its core given the refractive index of cladding as 1.59. Also find the acceptance angle when it is
in a medium of refractive index1.33.
165. The refractive indices of the core and cladding of a step-index optical fiber are 1.45 and 1.40
respectively and its core diameter is 45µm. Calculate its fractional refractive index change and
numerical aperture.
166. Calculate the numerical aperture and angle of acceptance of a given optical fiber if the refractive
indices of the core and cladding are 1.563 and 1.498 respectively.
167. A step index fiber in air has NA of 0.12, a core refractive index of 1.42 and a core of diameter of 20
cm. Determine the normalized frequency for the fiber when light at a wavelength 0.8 𝜇𝑚 is transmitted.
168. An optic glass fiber of refractive index 1.450 is to be clad with another glass to ensure total internal
reflection that will contain light travelling within 5 ° of the fiber axis. What maximum index of
refraction is allowed for the cladding?
169. An optical fiber has a NA of 0.32. The refractive index of cladding is 1.48. Calculate the refractive
index of the core, the acceptance angle of the fiber and the fraction index change.
170. Calculate the number of modes that can propagate inside an optical fiber, Given ncore=1.53, nclad=1.50,
core radius 50μ m, 𝜆 = 1𝜇𝑚
171. The attenuation of light is an optical-fiber is estimated at 2.2dB/km. What fractional initial intensity
remains after 2 km & 6 km?
172. A fiber 500m long has an input power of 8.6mW and output power 7.5mW. What is the loss
specification in cable?
173. The average power of a laser beam of wavelength 6328 A0 is 5mW. Find the number of photons
emitted per second by the laser source.
174. The attenuation in an optical-fiber is 3.6 dB/km. What fractional of its initial intensity remains after3
175. The attenuation in an optical-fiber is 2 dB/km. What fractional of its initial intensity remains after (i) 2
km, (ii) 5 km?

Department of Physics
176. An optical fiber has lost 85% its power after traversing 500m of fiber. What is the loss in dB/km of
this fiber?
177. Find the attenuation in an optical fiber of length 500 m, when a light signal of power 100 mW emerges
out of the fiber with a power of 90 mW.
178. The angle of acceptance of an optical fiber is 300 when kept in air. Find the angle of acceptance when
it is in a medium of refractive index 1.33.
179. Calculate the number of modes that can propagate inside an optical fiber, given n core=1.43, nclad=1.40,
core radius= 40 μm, λ=1 μm.
180. Calculate the value of NA, V-number and number of modes in an optical fiber of core diameter 50 μm,
core and cladding refractive indices are 1.41 and 1.44 respectively at wavelength 820 nm.
181. An optic glass fiber of refractive index 1.50 is to be clad with another glass to ensure total internal
reflection that will contain light travelling within 50 of the fiber axis. What maximum index of refraction
is allowed for the cladding?
182. A glass clad fiber is made with core glass of refractive index 1.5 and cladding is doped to give a
fractional index difference of 0.0005. Determine the cladding index and the numerical aperture of the
183. Compute the divergence and curl of the following vector fields:

0 (Coulomb electric field)

(magnetic field outside a long wire)

(c) A(r) = yi + xj, (vector potential for a uniform magnetic field).

184. A common but erroneous claim, which stems from the notation r⇥V for the curl of a vector field V, is
that the curl of a vector field V is everywhere orthogonal to V. Disprove this claim by exhibiting a counter-
185. Show that

(a) r⇥ (rf) = 0, where f is a function;

(b) r · (r⇥V) = 0, where V is a vector field;
(c) r⇥ (r⇥V) = r(r·V) r2V.

Hints: Work in Cartesian coordinates. To prove equality between vectors (in (a) and (c)) it is enough to show
that the identities hold for one component, e.g., the x component.

186. We derived the continuity equation for electric charge from the inhomogeneous Maxwell equations.
Show that an analogous computation with the homogeneous Maxwell equations yields no new equations.

Department of Physics
187. We used half the Maxwell equations to derive a wave equation for the magnetic field B. Using the other
half of the equations, perform an analogous computation to derive a wave equation for E.
188. Suppose that Asin(k · r + 𝛽t) = B sin(k0 · r +𝛽t) for all r and t. Show that A = B, 𝛼 =𝛽, and k = k0.
189. Show that V = xi z k has vanishing divergence. Find a vector whose curl is V. Show that W = xy2 coszi +
x2y coszj 12x2y2 sinzk has vanishing curl. Find a function whose gradient is W.
190. Let S be a closed surface and let C be a closed curve. Prove that (a) HS(r⇥V) · dS = 0,
(b) HCrf · dl =0.
191. Let C be a circle of unit radius in the x-y plane, enclosing the unit disk D, and let V = yi. Compute (i) the
line integral of V around C and (ii) the flux of r⇥ V through D.
Hint: You should find thatV · dl = Z (r⇥V) · dS.
192. Find the electric flux through the surface of a sphere containing 15 protons and 10 electrons. Does the size
of the sphere matter?
193. What is the flux through any closed surface surrounding a charged sphere of radius a0 with volume
charge density of  = 0(r/a0), where r is the distance from the center of the sphere?
194. A circular disk with surface charge density 2 x 10-10 C/m2 is surrounded by a sphere with radius of one
meter. If the flux through the sphere is 5.2 x 10-2 V-m, what is the diameter of the disk?
195. A 10 cm x 10 cm flat plate is located 5 cm from a point charge of 10.8 C. What is the electric flux through
the plate due to the point charge?
196. A proton rests at the center of the rim of a hemispherical bowl of radius R. What is the electric flux
through the surface of the bowl?
 
197. Find the Dot product of vectors A  3xˆ  2 zˆ and B  yˆ . Comment on the result.

198. Find the dot product of electric field vector E  2 x xˆ  5 yyˆ and magnetic field vector. Discuss the
 
199. Find the Cross product of vectors C  3 yxˆ  4 xyˆ and D  xˆ .

200. Find the divergence of vectors D  2 x 2 xˆ  5 y  6 zˆ

201. If the Electric flux density vector is given by D  5 x xˆ  yˆ  6 z 2 zˆ , find the volume charge density.

202. Find the divergence of magnetic field vector B  2 y 2 xˆ  5 xyˆ . Discuss the conclusion.

203. Find the Curl of vector electric field vector E  2 x xˆ  5 yyˆ . Discuss the conclusion

204. The magnetic field vector is given by H  2 yxˆ  5 xyˆ . Find the Current density. (GATE QUESTION)



Department of Physics
205. Give a brief account of blackbody radiation and Planck’s radiation law, leading to the quantization of
206. Explain the duality of matter waves.
207. Explain the theoretical considerations which led de Broglie to the concept of matter waves.
208. What are the matter waves? Mention their properties.
209. Explain characteristics of matter waves.
210. State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and discuss its physical significance.
211. What is Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle? Discuss its consequences.
212. Using Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, prove that electrons cannot exist in a nucleus.
213. State and explain Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Discuss the significance of the principle.
Prove that, using uncertainty principle, the electron emitted during β-decay is not the pre-existed

electron in the nucleus

214. Show that, a free electron cannot exist within the nucleus of an atom using the concept of beta decay
215. Derive the expression for time independent Schrodinger’s equation in one dimensional.
216. What is the wave function? Give its physical significance and properties.
217. What is physical interpretation of wave function? Explain nature of eigen values and eigen functions.
218. Define probability density, normalization of a wave function for particle by Max Born’s
219. Explain wave functions and probability densities for a particle in an infinite potential well for the first
two states.
220. Set up the time independent wave equation for a free particle in one dimension.
221. Set up the time independent wave equation in one dimension.
222. Obtain the solution of Schrödinger’s time independent wave equation when applied to a potential box
of infinite height.
223. Explain the significance of zero point energy.
224. Describe Zero potential energy. Solve the Schrödinger wave equation for the allowed energy levels in
the case of particle in one dimensional potential well of infinite height.
225. Find the eigen function and energy eigen values for a particle in a one dimensional potential well of
infinite height
226. Obtain an expression for energy density of radiation under thermal equilibrium in terms of Einstein’s
227. Mention the conditions required for Laser action.

Department of Physics
228. Discuss the requisites of a Laser system.
229. Explain the construction and working of CO2 laser, with the help of suitable diagrams.
230. Briefly give a general account of semiconductor lasers.
231. Explain the construction and working of GaAs laser, with the help of suitable diagrams
232. Mention the characteristics of laser beam.
233. What is laser? Give the construction and working of carbon dioxide laser device.
234. Mention four applications of lasers.
235. Define a) stimulated emission b) spontaneous emission c) population inversion
236. Explain the applications of lasers in defense and engineering.
237. Explain the application of laser in a defense range finder.
238. Explain how lasers are used to read and write a CD and a DVD.


239. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength associated with 0.5kg cricket ball at a speed of 120 km/hr.
240. Calculate the wavelength associated with electrons whose speed is 0.01 part of the speed of light.
241. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of an electron moving with one tenth part of the velocity of light.
242. Calculate the wavelength associated with an electron of energy 1.5 eV.
243. Calculate the wavelength associated with an electron raised through a potential difference of 2kV.
244. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of a neutron moving with kinetic energy 54eV, given the mass of
Neutron =1.675 x 10-27kg.
245. Calculate the de Broglie wavelength associated with neutron of mass 1.675 x 10-27kg with one tenth part
of the velocity of light.
246. An electron has a wavelength of 1.66 x 10-10m. Find the kinetic energy, Phase velocity, and group
velocity of the de Broglie wave.
247. Calculate de Broglie wavelength of proton whose kinetic energy is equal to the rest mass energy of the
electron. Mass of proton is 1836 times that of electron.
248. Calculate the wavelength associated with an electron having K.E. 100 eV.
249. If an electron has a de Broglie wavelength of 2 nanometer, find its kinetic energy and group velocity,
given that it has rest mass energy of 511 keV.
250. Green light has a wavelength of about 550 nm. Through what potential difference must an electron be
accelerated to have this wavelength?
251. Compare the energy of a photon with that of an electron when both are associated with a wavelength

Department of Physics
252. A particle of mass 0.65 MeV/c2 has free energy 120 eV. Find its de Broglie wavelength, c is the velocity
of light.
253. A particle of mass 940 MeV/c2 has kinetic energy 0.5keV. Find its de Broglie wavelength, c is the
velocity of light.
254. A pulsed laser emits photons of wavelength 820 nm with 22 mW average power/ pulse. Calculate the
number of photons contained in each pulse, if the duration of the pulse is 12 ns.
255. A fast moving neutron is found to have an associated de Broglie wavelength of 2 x 10-12m. Find its
kinetic energy and the phase and group velocities of the de Broglie waves ignoring the relativistic change
in mass. ( Given: mass of neutron =1.675 x 10-27 kg )
256. An electron has a speed of 4.8 x 105 m/s accurate to 0.012%. With what accuracy can be located the
position of electron.
257. The natural uncertainty in the measurement of speed of an electron in an atom is estimated to be 2.2 x
104 m/s conceding ideal set-up and error-free measurement. Estimate the minimum width about which the
electron stays confined in the atom.
258. A spectral line of wavelength 4000Å has a width of 8 x 10-5Å. Evaluate the minimum time spent by the
electrons in the upper energy state between the excitation and de-excitation processes.
259. The velocity of an electron was measured to be 5 x 105 m/s with an uncertainty of 1%. What is the
uncertainty involved in the measurement of its position.
260. An electron is confined to a box of length 10-8 m. Calculate the minimum uncertainty in the velocity and
comment on the result.
261. An electron is bound in one dimensional potential well of width 0.18nm. Find the energy value in eV of
the second excited state.
262. The speed of electron is measured to within uncertainty of 2.2x104 m/s in one dimension. What is the
minimum width required to by the electron to be confined in an atom.
263. The position and momentum of an electron with energy 0.5 keV are determined. What is the minimum
percentage in its momentum if the uncertainty in the measurement of position is 0.5 A0.
264. The inherent uncertainty in the measurement of time spent by Iridum-191 nuclei in the excited state is
found to be 1.4 x 10-10 s. Estimate the uncertainty that results in its energy in the excited state.
265. An electron is bound in one dimensional potential well of width 0.18 nm. Find its energy value in eV in
the second excited state.
266. Compute the first 3 permitted energy values for an electron in a box of width 4 Å.
267. An electron is bound in one dimensional infinite potential well of width 0.12 nm. Find the energy values
in the ground state and also the first two excited states en eV.
268. Calculate the zero point energy for an electron in a box width 10Å.

Department of Physics
269. An electron is bound in an one dimensional potential well of with 1Å, but of infinite height. Find the
energy value for the electron in the ground state.
270. The first excited state energy of an electron in an infinite well is 240 eV. What will be its ground state
energy when the width of the potential well is doubled?
271. Compare the energy of a photon with that of a neutron when both are associated with a wavelength of
272. An electron is confined to a potential well of infinite height and width 5A0. Calculate the de-Broglie
wavelength when the electron is (i) in ground state and (ii) 3rd excited state
273. Find the kinetic energy of an electron whose de Broglie wavelength is the same as that of a100keV X-
274. Calculate on the basis of Einstein’s theory, the number of photons emitted per second by a He-Ne Laser
source emitting light of wavelength 6328Å with an optical power of 10 mW.
275. A pulse from laser with power 1mW lasts for 10 ns. If the number of photons emitted per second is
3.491 X 107, calculate the wavelength of laser.
276. A ruby laser emits pulses of 20 ns duration with average power/pulse being 0.1mw. If the number of
photons in each pulse is 6.981 X 1015, calculate the wavelength of the photons.
277. Find the ratio of population of the two energy levels in a medium in thermal equilibrium if the transition
between them produces light of wavelength 694.3 nm. Assume the ambient temperature as 27°C.
278. For a light of frequency 1.5 x 1015 Hz used as an excitation source at a temperature of 5000K, find out
the ratio of spontaneous and stimulated emission.
279. The transition to the ground state from the upper and lower energy states in a Ruby laser results in
emission of photons of wavelengths, 6928Å and 6943Å respectively. Estimate the energy values of the two
energy levels is eV.
280. The ratio of population of two energy levels is 1.059 x 10-30. Find the wavelength of light emitted at
281. Find the ratio of population of two energy levels in a medium in thermal equilibrium, if the wavelength
of light emitted at 330 K is 632.8 nm.
282. Find the ratio of population of the two energy states of a medium in thermal equilibrium the transition
between which results in the spontaneous emission of photons of wavelength 694.3 nm. Assume the
ambient temperature as 27°C.
283. Find the ratio of population of the two energy levels out of which one corresponds to metastable state, if
the wavelength of light emitted at 330K is 632.8 nm.

Department of Physics
284. A He-Ne laser is generating laser beam of power 4 mW. Calculate the number of photons emitted by the
laser. Given the wavelength of the emitted radiation is 680nm.



285. What are the assumptions made in quantum free electron theory? Explain the success of this theory.
286. Explain the Classical free electron theory and their assumptions.
287. Define drift velocity, mobility and relaxation time for free electrons.
288. Define the terms mean free path, mean collision time, drift velocity and relaxation time.
289. Define the terms drift velocity, thermal velocity, mean free path and relaxation time. Explain why
thermal velocity is not responsible for electric current in a conductor.
290. Discuss the dependence of resistivity on temperature and impurities in a metal.
291. Explain the drawbacks of classical free electron theory.
292. Elucidate the difference between classical free electron theory and quantum free electron theory.
293. State the main assumptions of Quantum free electron theory along those applicable from classical free
electron theory.
294. Derive an expression for Fermi energy at 0K based on Quantum free electron theory.
295. Explain formation of energy band in metals and define the density of states and its nature.
296. Define the Fermi factor. Discuss the dependence of Fermi factor on temperature.
297. What is Fermi energy? Discuss the probability of occupation of energy states by electron at T=0 K and
T ≥ 0K on the basis of Fermi factor.
298. Explain the significance of the Fermi energy of a metal.
299. Write a note on density of states.
300. What is Fermi Dirac statistics? Explain.
301. Discuss the Success of Quantum free electron theory
302. Compare the dependence of resistance on resistance on temperature of a superconductor with that of a
normal conductor.
303. Explain the conductivity of semiconducting materials
304. What is Fermi level? Describe the variation of Fermi level in an intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductor.
305. Derive the expression for electrical conductivity of an intrinsic semiconductor.
306. Give the expression of charge carriers in an intrinsic semiconductor.
307. What are the expressions for concentration of electrons and holes in an intrinsic semi-conductor?

Department of Physics
Obtain the expression for electrical conductivity of intrinsic semiconductor.
308. Derive the relation between Fermi level and energy gap in an intrinsic semiconductor.
309. Explain Hall Effect, Hall field and Hall voltage.
310. What is Hall Coefficient? Obtain expression for Hall voltage in terms of Hall coefficient.
311. What are dielectric materials? Give examples.
312. Define dielectric constant and polarization. Give the relation between them.
313. Define electric dipole and dipole moment. What are polar and non- polar dielectrics?
314. Write a note on the different types of polarization mechanism.
315. Define internal field in the case of solids. Give the expression for internal field in the case of solids in
one dimension as well as three dimensions.
316. What is Lorentz field? What is the expression for it?
317. Derive the Clausius - Mossotti equation for a dielectric material.


318. For a metal having 6.5 x 1028 conduction electrons per m3, find the relaxation time of the conduction
electrons if the metal resistivity is 1.43 x 10-8ohm-m.
319. A uniform silver wire has resistivity 1.54 x 10-8 ohm-m at room temperature for an electric field 2 V/m.
Calculate relaxation time and drift velocity of the electrons, assuming that there are 5.8 x 1022 conduction
electrons per cm3 of the material.
320. Calculate the drift velocity of electrons in a metal of thickness 1mm across which a potential difference
of 1V is applied. Compare this value with the thermal velocity at temperature 300K. Given: the mobility
of electron = 40cm2/Vs.
321. A certain conductor has electron concentration 5.9 x 1028m-3. What current density in the conductor
corresponds to a drift velocity of (1/1.6) mm/s. Calculate the mobility of the charge carriers. (Given
conductivity = 6.22 x 107/ohm-m)
322. Gold has one free electron/atom. Its density, atomic weight, and resistivity are 19300 kg/m 3, 197 and
2.21 x 10-8 ohm-m. Calculate the free electron concentration, the Fermi energy eV and the mobility of
conduction electrons.( Given NA = 6.625 x 1026.k mole)
323. Find the electron density for a metal with Fermi energy 3 eV.
324. Calculate the Fermi velocity and the mean free path for the conduction electrons in silver, given that its
Fermi energy is 5.5 eV and the relaxation time is 3.83x10-14.
325. Calculate the mobility and the relaxation time of electrons in copper, if resistivity of copper is 1.73x10 -8
ohm-m, atomic wt. is 63.5, density is 8.92 g/cc.

Department of Physics
326. Calculate the conductivity of copper at 300K. The collision time for electron scattering is 2 x 10-14s at
this temperature. Given: Density and atomic weight is 23 and it has one conduction electron/atom).
327. The Fermi level in potassium is 2.1 eV. What are the energies for which the probabilities of occupancy
at 300 K are 0.99, 0.01 and 0.5(Given 1J= 6.24 x 1018 eV)
328. The Fermi level in silver is 5.5 eV. Find the velocity of conduction electrons in silver.
329. Find the probability that an energy level at 0.2ev below Fermi level being occupied at temperature 300K
and 1000K.
330. Find the temperature at which there is 1% probability that a state with energy 0.5 eV above Fermi
energy is occupied.
331. There are 1020 conduction electrons per m3 in a material having resistivity of 0.1Ωm. Find the charge
mobility and the electric field needed to produce a drift velocity of 1m per second.
332. The intrinsic carrier density at room temperature in Ge is 2.37x1019 per m3. If the electron and hole
mobility are 0.38 and 0.18 m2 V-1 s-1, find the conductivity of the semiconductor.
333. The band gap in germanium is 0.68 eV. Assuming that the number of electron hole pair is proportional
to exp (Eg/2kT), find the percentage increase in the number of the charge carriers, when the temperature is
increased from 300K to 320 K.
334. The resistivity of intrinsic germanium semiconductor at 270 C is equal to 0.47 ohm-meter. Assuming
electron and hole mobilities as 0.38 and 0.18 m2 V-1 s-1 respectively, calculate the intrinsic carrier density.
335. The effective mass for the electron in germanium is 0.55 m0, where m0is the free electron mass. Find the
electron concentration in Germanium at 300 K, assuming that the Fermi level lies exactly in the middle of
the energy gap, given that the energy gap for Germanium is 0.66 eV.
336. For germanium the energy gap is 0.7 eV in the intrinsic state. Evaluate for the ratio between its
conductivity at 600 K and that at 300 K.
337. The Fermi level in the magnesium is 7.07 eV. What are the energies for which probability of occupancy
at 300K are 0.90, 0.50 and 0.04?
338. The electron and hole mobility of silicon are 0.14 m2 V-1 s-1 and 0.05 m2 V-1 s-1 respectively at a certain
temperature. If the electron density is 1.5x1016 electron/ m3. Calculate the resistivity of silicon.
339. Find the relaxation time of conduction electrons in a metal of resistivity 1.54x10-8 ohm-m, if the metal
has 5.8 x1028 conduction electrons per m3.
340. Gold has one free electron/atom. Its density, atomic weight and resistivity are 19300 kg/m 3, 197 and
2.21 X 10-8 Ω-m. Calculate the free electron concentration and mobility of the conduction electron.
341. Calculate the drift velocity and the thermal velocity of the conduction electrons in copper at a
temperature of 300K, when a copper wire of length 2m and resistance 0.02 Ω carries a current of 15A.
given the mobility of free electrons in copper is 4.3 X 10-3 m2/V-s.

Department of Physics
342. For a metal having 6.5 x 10 free electrons per unit volume the relaxation time at room temperature
300K is 3.82 x 10 -14 second. Calculate its electrical resistivity using classical free electron theory.
343. The electron concentration in a semiconductor is 5X 1017m-3. Calculate the conductivity of the material
if the drift velocity of electron is 350ms-1 in an electric field of 1000 Vm-1.
344. The conductivity and Hall coefficient of an n-type silicon specimen are 112/Ωm and 1.25x10-3 m3/C
respectively. Calculate the charge carrier density and electron mobility.
345. The Hall coefficient of –3.68 x 10-5 m3/C. What is type of charge carriers? Also calculate the carrier
346. The Hall coefficient of silicon material was found to be -7.35x10-5 m3/C from 100 K to 400 K. Find the
nature of semiconductor. If the conductivity was found to be 200 Sm-1, calculate the density and mobility
of the charge carriers.
347. A current of 10 mA flows through n type Ge semiconductor of 1 mm thick and 1 mm wide in a magnetic
field. If the Hall voltage produced inside the semiconductor is mV, calculate the value of magnetic field.
Given RH=10-3 m3/C.
348. A silicon slab of thickness 1 mm, breadth 5 mm and length 10 cm is placed in a magnetic field of 0.4
Wb/m2 acting perpendicular to its thickness . If 10-3 A current is passed through its length, calculate the
Hall voltage produced if Hall coefficient is 3.66x10-4 m3/C.
349. What is the polarization produced in sodium chloride by an electric field of 600V/mm if it has a
dielectric constant of 6?
350. If a NaCl crystal is subjected to an electric field of 1000V /m and the resulting polarization is 4.3x10-8
C/m2, calculate the dielectric constant of NaCl.
351. The dielectric constant of Helium at 0⁰C is 1.000074. The density of atoms is 2.7x1025/m3. Calculate the
dipole moment induced in each atom when the gas is in an electric field of 3x104V/m.
352. A parallel plate capacitor consists of 2 plates each of area 5x10-4m2. They are separated by a distance
1.5x10-3m and filled with a dielectric of relative permittivity 6. Calculate the charge on the capacitor if it
is connected to a 100V D.C supply.
353. A parallel plate capacitor of area 650mm2 and a plate separation of 4mm has a charge of 2x10-10C on it.
What is the resultant voltage across the capacitor when a material of dielectric constant 3.5 is introduced
between the plates?
354. A parallel plate capacitor has an area of 7.45x10-4m2 and its plates are separated by a distance of
2.45x10-3 m across which a potential of 10V is applied. If a material with dielectric constant 6 is
introduced between the plates, determine the capacitance, the charge stored in each plate, the dielectric
displacement D and the polarization.

Department of Physics
355. The dielectric constant of He gas at NTP is 1.0000684. Calculate the electronic polarizability of He
atoms if the gas contains 2.7x1025atoms/m3 and hence evaluate the radius of the Helium atoms.
356. Find the polarization produced in a dielectric medium of relative permittivity 15 in presence of an
electric field of 500V/m.
357. The dielectric constant of sulphur is 3.4. Assuming a cubic lattice for its structure, calculate the
electronic polarizability of sulphur. Given, For sulphur , denstity=2.07gm/cc, and atomic weight = 32.07.
358. An elemental solid dielectric material has polarizability 7x10-40 Fm2. Assuming the internal field to be
Lorentz field. Calculate the dielectric constant for the material if the material has 3x1028 atoms/m3

Department of Physics

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