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10 Tips to Becoming a Better

By Paul Buyer

he ability to write well is one of the book was well-researched and featured dozens FINDING YOUR VOICE
most valuable and marketable skills you of interviews from the coach’s former players, Because writing is very personal, you will
can possibly have as a musician. Qual- but I knew I would never finish it. I wondered, eventually discover your own style. This style
ity writing is expected at every stop on how did this book ever get published? Why will become your identity, your niche, and your
your career path, from research papers and as- didn’t the author hire a copyeditor—or at least voice that defines who you are as a writer.
signments for school, to applications and cover a proofreader? How in the world did it make If you have ever thought about writing an
letters for jobs, to articles and books for tenure it onto the shelves of Books-A-Million? I re- article or book to be considered for publication,
and promotion. As you pursue a career in the turned it the next day. now is your chance. Take the leap. Give it a try.
percussive arts, keep in mind that the ability to Then, follow my 10 tips to becoming a better
write well will help you get hired in a competi- WHY WRITE? writer and enjoy the journey.
tive job market, give you an edge over the com- There is something special about good writ-
petition, and make you stand out in a culture of ing. As the author of two books and more than THE 10 TIPS
fitting in. 25 articles, writing has been a passion of mine 1.Write more than you need, then trim it
But where exactly does one learn how to for a long time and a way for me to reach, down.
write well? More and more college students mentor, and influence people from all over the Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu said, “A jour-
today are graduating without the skills and world. ney of a thousand miles begins with a single
training necessary to become good writers. There are many reasons why people write. step.” So start writing. Get as many thoughts
General education curriculums are cutting writ- According to authors Guy Kawasaki and Shawn and ideas down on paper as possible, and don’t
ing courses or allowing students to place out Welch in their book APE – Author, Publisher, worry about how jumbled, sloppy, or incoher-
of college-level English requirements, Writing and Entrepreneur, there are good reasons and ent everything looks at first. My biggest fear is
Across the Curriculum programs are not hold- bad reasons to write. forgetting something I want to say because I did
ing students accountable, and campus Writing Good Reason 1: Enrich Lives. The first good not write it down. Another popular quote—this
Centers are not being utilized by the majority of reason to write is to add value to people’s lives. one about brainstorming—is to “throw a bunch
the student body. Furthermore, in today’s social Good Reason 2: Intellectual Challenge. Mas- of mud at the wall and see what sticks.”
media culture of texts, tweets, emails, blogs, and ter a new skill.
posts, it is easy to develop bad writing habits. Good Reason 3: Further a Cause. Do you feel 2. Write to express yourself.
According to Rachel Siefert in her article, “Is a moral obligation to write? Already identified as a good reason for writ-
Twitter Helping Millennials Destroy the Eng- Good Reason 4: Catharsis. Writing is thera- ing, my philosophy has always been: When some-
lish Language?” peutic. [It is about] the process of expressing thing bothers me, I write about it. In fact, both
yourself. of my books and most of my articles began as
I am concerned that the informal texting lan- Bad Reason 1: Popular Demand. Lots if issues that bothered me in percussion education.
guage is becoming the English language for people tell me I’m a good writer…Have you I figured if these things bother me, they might
Millennials…Do you talk to your friends the ever told friends or relatives they should open a bother other people, too. So I decided to do
same way that you speak to your professors or restaurant because they were great cooks? something about it.
your boss? You do if you bring your texting and Bad Reason 2: Money. Making money is a
tweeting language into papers, assignments possible outcome, but not the purpose of writ- 3. Strive for simplicity, clarity and quality.
and…gasp…cover letters or other business com- ing. Take time to simplify. Abraham Lincoln said,
munication…Sure, none of us can remember Summary: Writing is often a lonely and diffi- paraphrasing Pascal: “I’m sorry I wrote such a
a time without Internet and cell phones, but cult process. [It is also] one of the most reward- long letter. I did not have time to write a short
does that mean that we can no longer separate ing experiences in life. one.” Avoid getting caught up in scholarship,
informal conversations from formal ones?…all The writing process is unique to each writer. jargon, and complexity. Quality writing is clear,
industries need employees that can write well. It is often private, invisible, and hidden from easy to understand, and simple. You can visual-
view, taking months or even years to materialize. ize a culture of simplicity as a fish tank with
BUYER’S REMORSE According to The Nearly Ultimate Guide to Better clean water and a culture of complexity as a fish
A few weeks ago I bought a copy of a new Writing: “The rewards often appear long after tank with dirty water. If your writing does not
book by a Hall of Fame football coach I greatly the work is finished…Most other creative types make sense, if it does not flow, if it is awkward
admire. Excited to read it and see what lessons get to enjoy the immediate gratification of their in any way, simplify.
I could learn and apply, I quickly noticed that patrons’ response and appreciation. Dancers,
the introduction contained a variety of errors, musicians, actors, even visual artists can perform 4. Don’t just communicate, connect.
including incorrect punctuation, a failure to their craft and reap the rewards fairly quickly. In his book Everybody Communicates, Few
capitalize letters, and missing words—literally, Writers must plod along, hammering ideas into Connect, author John C. Maxwell states, “Con-
words missing in the middle of a sentence. I words with no supportive fans standing behind necting is the ability to identify with people
was immediately deflated and disappointed. The them shouting, ‘Well done, bravo!’” and relate to them in a way that increases your

percussive notes 40 JULY 2013

influence with them.” To truly connect through that I collected over the years. Reading truly fu- BIBLIOGRAPHY AND WRITING
the written word, it is important to develop a eled my writing. RESOURCES
mind-set to educate, mentor, teach, help, and Canfield, Jack and Mark Victor Hansen, Amy
serve your readers. Inspire them to turn the 10. Work toward excellence as a writer. Newark, and Susan Heim. Chicken Soup for the
page, cause them to nod their heads, and speak Working toward excellence as a writer re- Soul: Inspiration for Writers. Chicken Soup for the
to them in an authentic and genuine way. quires identifying, practicing, and developing Soul. 2013.
values such as hunger, effort, process, quality, Donovan, Melissa. Writing Forward. http://www.
5. Eliminate the fluff. consistency, leadership, time, and perseverance. 2013.
Eliminate whatever is not contributing to If you want to work toward excellence and Janssen, Jeff. “How to Build a Championship Culture
great writing. Stay away from filler. Writing is become a better writer, follow this 3-step game Teleseminar Series.” www.janssensportsleadership.
not about word counts or number of pages. It is plan. com/resources. 2012.
about how the words you use make others feel Step 1: Identify the values. Know what they Kawasaki, Guy and Shawn Welch. APE – Author,
when they read them. Say what you want to say are and why they are important. Publisher, and Entrepreneur. Nononina Press. 2012.
and move on. Step 2: Practice the values. Practice hunger Luke, Ali. “Is Your Writing Any Good? Here are
by being proactive and demonstrating a desire, Seven Ways You Can Tell.” Write to Done. http://
6. Become a good editor. passion, drive, and initiative to write. Practice 2012.
Master grammar, spelling, and punctuation, consistency by disciplining yourself to write Maran, Meredith, editor. Why We Write. Plume. 2013.
and be able to recognize poor writing. Author every day and make steady progress over time. Maxwell, John C. Everybody Communicates, Few Con-
and blogger Ali Luke said, “I firmly believe that Practice perseverance by never giving up and nect. Thomas Nelson. 2010.
grammar, spelling, and punctuation are just part not letting adversity deter you from your goals. Siefert, Rachel. “Is Twitter Helping Millennials
of what makes a good piece of writing—but That is what Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Destroy the English Language?” www.vancomm.
they are an important part. Don’t worry if you’ve Hansen did. They are the co-authors of Chicken com/insites/2010/09/is-twitter-helping-millenni-
not had much formal instruction in these areas: Soup for the Soul and practiced the value of per- als-destroy-the-english-language/. 2010.
Many great writers approach them in a more in- severance longer than most. Initially rejected by The Nearly Ultimate Guide to Better Writing. Write to
tuitive manner.” A great free resource is Writing 140 publishers, Chicken Soup for the Soul now Done. 2013.
Forward at has almost 200 titles in its series and has sold Write to Done: Unmissable Articles on Writing.
more than 112 million copies. 2013.
7. Organize in small chunks. Step 3: Develop the values. By practicing the
Organize your writing into small, bite-sized values over time, you will start to develop them Paul Buyer is Director of Percussion, Director
chunks. Use several subheadings in bold to and make them part of who you are. Once they of Music, and Professor of Music at Clemson
organize your content. This not only makes it are part of who you are, you will start to become University. He is the author of Working Toward
easier for your readers to follow, digest, and a better writer. In fact, you will start to become Excellence: 8 Values for Achieving Uncommon
retain the information, it also helps them come better at whatever it is you want to do. Success in Work and Life, published by Morgan
back later to locate sections they may want to These 10 tips are what work for me. In fact, James Publishing (2012) and Marching Bands
read again. I followed them to the letter when writing this and Drumlines: Secrets of Success from the Best
article, and I am confident they can help you of the Best, published by Meredith Music
8. Find a place to write. become a better writer. But as I stated earlier, Publications (2009). He is also a contributing
Find a place where you can concentrate and the writing process is unique to each individual, author to the second edition of Teaching
get quality work done. This could be your of- so experiment to see what works best for you. Percussion by Gary Cook, and his articles have
fice, your home office, or somewhere else more appeared in American Music Teacher, Teaching
remote. Author Sara Gruen spent four months BONUS TIPS Music, and Percussive Notes. Dr. Buyer is a
writing in her walk-in closet, just to get some • Have friends or family proofread your writ- member of the PAS Marching Percussion
privacy. Returning to this place each day can ing. You will be amazed at the errors others and College Pedagogy Committees, chair of
trigger ideas when you write. It can transport will find just when you think you have caught the PAS Education Committee, and Career
you into “author-mode,” allowing you to think everything. Development Editor for Percussive Notes. PN
and be creative. • Make sure you begin with the end in mind
Just as important is finding a good time to and allow yourself enough time to create a
write, which helps develop a ritual or routine. finished product you can be proud of. Good
Are you a morning person or do you work bet- writing must be crockpotted, not microwaved.
ter late at night? Author David Baldacci, who I usually allow two or three weeks to write an
had a family and a day job early in his career, article, and a book can easily take up to a year.
wrote from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. for ten years. • It is always a good idea to get away from
your writing to clear your mind and take a
9. Be an avid reader. break. You will come back fresh and have some
Stephen King said, “If you want to be a writ- new ideas ready to go.
er, you must do two things above all others: read • Keep a notepad in your car so you don’t
a lot and write a lot.” Writers are readers and are miss an opportunity to write an idea down.
influenced by the authors they read. An author’s • After all the proofing, tweaking, and edit-
voice and style can get “into your system” and ing, stop writing and be willing to submit your
help you learn and develop your craft. Building work.
an extensive library of books within your genre • If you are rejected at first, welcome to the
can also help improve your writing skills. When club! Don’t give up; stick with it. Persevere
writing my second book, Working Toward Excel- like Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and
lence, I drew inspiration from my library of over hundreds of other writers have. You never know
150 books on leadership, teamwork, and success who will say yes down the road.

percussive notes 41 JULY 2013

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