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Bachelor of Science Business Management from BSBM1-3 Trece Martires Cavite State
University, is one of the few courses in Cavite State University (CVSU). The researcher search
about the history of Philippines and the researcher have a lot of search that found and many
differences in the book of History of the Philippines. The researcher are going to analyze Philippine
History from multiple perspectives through the lens of selected primary sources to analyze the
author’s background and main arguments, compare different point of view, identify biases and
examine evidences presented in the document. The researcher search for every statement of any
book and then the author of the book, they have a point of view on their book.

Book in Philippines History, they have an argue by evidences on the place wherein from.
According to Louis Gottschalk 1950 from the book of Understanding
History“Beginning with a concerned with writing history himself but wishing to acquire standar
ds of judging historical writing, have also been constantlly
kept in mind.Ithas been assumed throughout that the reader has profounder love than knowledge
of history but sufficient knowledge to manage without a trained guide. If this assumption has led
occasionally to elaboration of the obvious on the one hand and oversimplification of the complex
on the other, it is intentionally so. This work is addressed to the beginner and the amateur”.
The first problem was a lack of critical thinking and skeptical enquiry on the part of many
educators and researchers that led them to rely too heavily on the authority of supposed experts.
Morrow, paul(2016,match1).

Excerpt from the Preface: 'The purpose of this book is to present a critical summary of
what is actually known about the Filipino people before the beginning of Spanish records in 1521
from a consideration of the sources produced before that time. It does not propose to write history
or prehistory, but rather to serve as an introduction to the facts which are available to historians
who might wish to write it, teachers with need to teach it, and students desiring to learn it.

The book entitled are “Understanding History by Louis Gottschalk”, “From Reliable
Resources by Howell and Prevenier”, Katipunan and the Revolution Memoirs of General”,
“History of the Filipino People by Teodoro Agoncillo”, The Tabon Caves, Humans Remains
Artifact by Robert Fox”, and “Prehispanic Source Materials for the Study of the Philippine History
by William Henry Scot

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