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An airplane or aero plane is powered, fixed wing

typically forwarded. An airplane comes in a variety of

sizes, shape and wing configuration. There are lots of

airports around the world with different airlines.

In the Philippines, on the other hand according to 2012

statistic, there are 27 of airports grouped by type and

sorted by the airports general location name. The first

airline in the Philippines was Philippine airline founded on

1941 at Ninoy Aquino International Airport and operates

international and domestic flight. According to 2014 survey

country has 11 international airports and 26 domestic


People usually uses airplane because they are fast,

efficient way of transport and the best way possible to

reach places far apart to each other.

As millions are planning their holiday travel this

season, Researchers took a second to ask an important

question of those traveling by air. What matter most to the

travelers when choosing airlines? It’s the lower fares,

while this is to be expected during a season that’s fraught

with additional spending present, parties, decorations, food

and an airline giving freebies to the traveler, it was

surprising how little everything else mattered to the

traveler. ”Economy Plus” and “Select” seats with additional

many airlines are offering at a higher price many of the

travelers they always want to choose their seats to make

them comfortable while in their flight. So what can airlines

do it dropping the fares isn’t an option? Play up the

customer service. All of the airlines company has their own

strategy to make the traveler safer, funnier and make them

comfortable in their whole trip. So if you’ve got them in

every season, do everything in your power to keep them happy

and ultimately returning for their next trip. Being a

traveler there greatest fear is to lost any of their flight

they don’t want to changes of their flight, so give your

best to make the travelers happy, comfortable and satisfied.


An airline is an organization providing a regular

public service of air transportation on one or more routes.

It is very important for an airline to provide service

quality to their customers service quality is the extent to

which consumer expectations are met by service providing

high quality in the services is the most important thing

which can give a unique position to the company among

competitors Goodman stated that companies have o focus

mainly on service quality issues because low service quality

can make customer unhappy and disloyal and eventually it

would lead to decline of a company. Service quality is an

important factor for airlines that widely influence

passengers choosing decisions. Several researchers also

concluded that the customers’ o passengers rate the tangible

dimension of Servqual model as the most important service

quality dimension in service industries and reliability as

the second most important dimension of Servqual model. On

the other hand some researchers argued that the tangible

dimension is the least important service quality dimension.

Some of the research findings also indicate that the service

quality differs in different regions of the world. Over all

many of the research findings regarding the impact of

service quality on the behavioral consequences of the

customers concluded that the managers of the service

provider organizations should put their efforts and try to

manage the customers’ expectation up instead of down if they

are willing to enhance the perceptions of the services among

the customers. Although, for something appears pretty much

risky because it is believed in organization that by

increasing the customers’ expectations of the services,

could potentially set the organization in the critical

condition to face the failure if due to any reason they

would not deliver the same service quality when the

customers’ consumes the service the organization promised.

Customer loyalty is the degree to which a customer

recommends and expresses a preference for future use of a

particular company. This study aims to help passengers in

considering airline based on their experience on their

flight, the researchers guide the passengers of this program

to determine which to consider in choosing airline.

Statement of the problem.

An airlines is a company that provides air transport

services for traveling passengers and freight. The primary

purpose of this study is to differentiate the services,

facilities and amenities of major airline companies in the

Philippines according to their customers’ satisfaction and

preferences in traveling and to determine which firm offers

the best service. The study sought to answer the following


1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents?

2. What appropriate rate do the respondents give on an

following airlines amenities and services taking on flight?

a. booking Charges

b. free passenger snack

c. in-flight entertainment

d. seat preference
e. online booking

f. fare flexibility

g. entertainment tabs

h. fun shops

i. mobile application

j. mishandled baggage

k. baggage regulations

l. travel service insurance

m. accepting of chance passengers

3. is there a significance difference among the factors

affecting the passenger in choosing airline.

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