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Periods Particular studies and fields

Historical study often focuses on events and developments that occur in particular
These are approaches to history; not
blocks of time. Historians give these periods of time names in order to allow
listed are histories of other fields, such as
"organising ideas and classificatory generalisations" to be used by historians.[37]
history of science, history of mathematics
The names given to a period can vary with geographical location, as can the dates
and history of philosophy.
of the beginning and end of a particular period. Centuries and decades are
commonly used periods and the time they represent depends on the dating system
Ancient history: the study from
used. Most periods are constructed retrospectively and so reflect value judgments the beginning of human
made about the past. The way periods are constructed and the names given to history until the Early Middle
them can affect the way they are viewed and studied.[38] Ages.
Atlantic history: the study of
the history of people living on
Prehistoric periodisation or near the Atlantic Ocean.
The field of history generally leaves prehistory to the archaeologists, who have Art history: the study of
entirely different sets of tools and theories. The usual method for periodisation of changes in and social context
the distant prehistoric past, in archaeology is to rely on changes in material culture of art.
and technology, such as the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age and their sub- Comparative history: historical
divisions also based on different styles of material remains. Despite the analysis of social and cultural
entities not confined to
development over recent decades of the ability through radiocarbon dating and
national boundaries.
other scientific methods to give actual dates for many sites or artefacts, these long-
Contemporary history: the
established schemes seem likely to remain in use. In many cases neighbouring
study of recent historical
cultures with writing have left some history of cultures without it, which may be events.
used. Counterfactual history: the
study of historical events as
they might have happened in
Geographical locations different causal
Particular geographical locations can form the basis of historical study, for circumstances.
example, continents, countries and cities. Understanding why historic events took Cultural history: the study of
place is important. To do this, historians often turn to geography. Weather
culture in the past.
patterns, the water supply, and the landscape of a place all affect the lives of the Digital history: the use of
computing technologies do
people who live there. For example, to explain why the ancient Egyptians
massive searches in published
developed a successful civilization, studying the geography of Egypt is essential. sources.
Egyptian civilization was built on the banks of the Nile River, which flooded each
Economic history: the use of
year, depositing soil on its banks. The rich soil could help farmers grow enough economic models fitted to the
crops to feed the people in the cities. That meant everyone did not have to farm, so past.
some people could perform other jobs that helped develop the civilization. Intellectual history: the study
of ideas in the context of the
cultures that produced them
Regions and their development over
History of Africa begins with the first emergence of modern human time.
beings on the continent, continuing into its modern present as a Maritime history: the study of
patchwork of diverse and politically developing nation states. maritime transport and all the
History of the Americasis the collective history of North and South connected subjects.
America, including Central America and the Caribbean.
Modern history: the study of
History of North Americais the study of the past passed down the Modern Times, the era
from generation to generation on the continent in the Earth's after the Middle Ages.
northern and western hemisphere.
Military history: the study of
History of Central Americais the study of the past passed down
from generation to generation on the continent in the Earth's warfare and wars in history
western hemisphere. and what is sometimes
History of the Caribbeanbegins with the oldest evidence where considered to be a sub-branch
7,000-year-old remains have been found.

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