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Test Preparation

The Merchant of Venice

by William Shakespeare
Your Complete Test Preparation Guide (For Grades 7-12)

Multiple Choice Questions, Short Essay & Essay Questions, Mid-Book & Final Test

Multiple Choice Questions

The Multiple Choice Questions in this Test Preparation Guide will test a student's understanding of The
Merchant of Venice. The questions are broken out into sections, so they focus on specific chapters within
The Merchant of Venice. This allows you to test and review the book as you proceed through the unit.

Short Essay Questions

The Short Essay Questions listed in this section require a one to two sentence answer. They ask students
to demonstrate a deeper understanding of The Merchant of Venice by describing what they have read,
rather than just recalling it. The short essay questions evaluate not only whether students have read the
material, but also how well they understand and can apply it. They require more thought than a multiple
choice question, but are shorter than the essay questions.

Essay Questions
Students should have a full understanding of the unit material in order to answer these questions. They
often include multiple parts of the work and ask for a thorough analysis of the overall text. These essays
are designed to challenge a student's understanding of the broad points in a work, interactions among the
characters, and main points and themes of the text.

Mid-Book Test (Easy, Medium and Hard)

Final Test (Easy, Medium and Hard)

Answer Keys

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Multiple Choice
1. What is Antony concerned about at the beginning of the play?
(a) A loan he just took out.
(b) His merchandise.
(c) His mother.
(d) His melancholy.

2. What does Salarino think Antonio's sadness is about?

(a) Love.
(b) Worry over his ships.
(c) Competiton in the market.
(d) His mother's sickness.

3. Why is Antonio not worried about his wealth at the beginning of the play?
(a) All of his wares are insured.
(b) His wares are on more than one ship.
(c) He has more than enough money.
(d) He cares not for money.

4. What does Solanio think Antonio's sadness is about?

(a) Competition in the market.
(b) Worry over his ships.
(c) His mother's sickness.
(d) Love.

5. How is Bassanio related to Antonio?

(a) Bassanio is his uncle.
(b) Bassanio is his best friend.
(c) Bassanio is his brother.
(d) Bassanio is his cousin.

6. What does Antonio compare life on this earth to?

(a) A living legend.
(b) A book.
(c) A dream.
(d) A staged play.

7. What does Gratiano tell Antonio not to become at the end of the book?
(a) Cordiograll.
(b) Choreophonic.
(c) Curmudgeonly.
(d) Castronophic.

8. Who of the following is not a merchant in Venice?
(a) Antonio.
(b) Salarino.
(c) Bassanio.
(d) Solanio.

9. What does Antonio ask Bassanio about when they are left alone at the
beginning of the play?
(a) Where he is going.
(b) How his father has been.
(c) Who he loves.
(d) How long he will be in town.

10. What does Bassanio need to borrow from Antonio at the beginning of the
(a) Money.
(b) Lodging.
(c) Clothing.
(d) A ship.

11. Why does Bassanio need to borrow something from Antonio at the beginning
of the book?
(a) To save some time.
(b) To woo a woman.
(c) To reach his home.
(d) To hide his identity.

12. Who is Bassanio in love with?

(a) Pattea.
(b) Portia.
(c) Placius.
(d) Prenatia.

13. What is the name of Portia's lady in waiting?

(a) Naomi.
(b) Nelissa.
(c) Nerissa.
(d) Natalia.

14. Why does Portia tell her lady in waiting she is tired of the world?
(a) She is shackled by her fortune.
(b) She cannot make her own choices.
(c) Her father and friend died.
(d) War and tyranny are frustrating her.

15. Who is meant to pick a husband for Portia?
(a) Herself.
(b) Her godfather.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her uncle.

16. Which of these is NOT a fault Portia saw in some of her past suitors?
(a) No humor.
(b) Insensitivity.
(c) Ignorance.
(d) Ego.

17. What did one of Portia's suitors have too much fondness for?
(a) His horse.
(b) His money.
(c) His looks.
(d) Her lady in waiting.

18. What was one of Portia's suitors addicted to?

(a) Alcohol.
(b) Tobacco.
(c) Opium.
(d) Caffeine.

19. What do Portia's suitors have to choose from in order to win her hand in
(a) Crowns.
(b) Purses.
(c) Chests.
(d) Goblets.

20. How many items do Portia's suitors have to choose from to win her hand in
(a) 4.
(b) 5.
(c) 6.
(d) 3.

21. What will the correct suitor find inside the correct item in order to win Portia's
hand in marriage?
(a) Portia's picture.
(b) The key to the master bedroom.
(c) A marriage certificate.
(d) Wedding rings.

167. What does Antonio receive after Shylock is accused of threatening his life?
(a) Half of Shylock's estate.
(b) The satisfation of seeing Shylock taken to jail.
(c) All of Shylock's assets.
(d) Twice the debt owed to Shylock.

168. What does Bassanio give the young lawyer from Padua in return for his
service to Antonio?
(a) His ring from Portia.
(b) The necklace Portia gave him.
(c) Half the owed debt.
(d) A deed to some of Portia's land.

169. Who is Shylock forced to deed his house to?

(a) The Duke.
(b) Lorenzo and Jessica.
(c) Antonio.
(d) Portia and Bassanio.

170. Who does Nerissa marry?

(a) Launcelot.
(b) Salarino.
(c) Solanio.
(d) Gratiano.

171. What is Nerissa disguised as while she is in Venice with Portia?

(a) A merchant.
(b) A page boy.
(c) A servant.
(d) A messenger.

172. Who takes the disguised Nerissa to Shylock's house to collect his deed?
(a) Bassanio.
(b) Lorenzo.
(c) Antonio.
(d) Gratiano.

173. What does Nerissa plan to get from her husband before returning home with
(a) The deed to Shylock's house.
(b) The ring she gave him.
(c) The pendant around his neck.
(d) A lock of hair.

174. What does Portia plan to do with what she got from her husband while in
(a) Divorce him.
(b) Demand an explanation from him.
(c) Forgive him.
(d) Embarrass him.

175. Who do Jessica and Lorenzo pretend to be while they are left alone at
Portia's house?
(a) Royalty.
(b) Animals.
(c) Famous lovers.
(d) Portia and Bassanio.

176. Who announces to Lorenzo that Bassanio is expected home soon?

(a) Gobbo.
(b) Launcelot.
(c) A servant.
(d) Nerissa.

177. What does Portia make Lorenzo and Jessica promise when she returns from
(a) Tell Bassanio that she is still at the monastery.
(b) Ask Bassanio where his ring is.
(c) Refuse to talk to Bassanio when he arrives.
(d) Not tell Bassanio that she ever left.

178. Who does Bassanio introduce Portia to when he returns to Belmont from
(a) Launcelot.
(b) Gobbo.
(c) The duke.
(d) Antonio.

179. What does Portia threaten to do when she hears Bassanio has given away
his ring?
(a) Never visit his bed again.
(b) Divorce him.
(c) Live in complete silence with him.
(d) Find a new husband.

180. What does the letter that Portia gives to Antonio say?
(a) He has inherited a great fortune.
(b) He is being summoned as a judge in Venice.
(c) His ships are all safe in port.
(d) He is dismissed of all charges.

Multiple Choice Key
1. D 41. B 81. A 121. D 161. B
2. B 42. B 82. C 122. B 162. B
3. B 43. A 83. D 123. C 163. C
4. D 44. C 84. B 124. B 164. D
5. D 45. C 85. A 125. D 165. B
6. D 46. C 86. A 126. A 166. B
7. C 47. C 87. D 127. B 167. A
8. C 48. A 88. B 128. C 168. A
9. C 49. B 89. C 129. C 169. B
10. A 50. D 90. C 130. A 170. D
11. B 51. B 91. D 131. C 171. D
12. B 52. D 92. C 132. B 172. D
13. C 53. B 93. D 133. D 173. B
14. B 54. C 94. C 134. D 174. D
15. C 55. A 95. A 135. A 175. C
16. C 56. A 96. C 136. A 176. B
17. A 57. D 97. B 137. A 177. D
18. A 58. A 98. C 138. B 178. D
19. C 59. B 99. C 139. A 179. A
20. D 60. D 100. A 140. C 180. C

21. A 61. B 101. B 141. C

22. B 62. A 102. A 142. A
23. C 63. A 103. C 143. B
24. D 64. A 104. A 144. A
25. B 65. D 105. C 145. C
26. C 66. C 106. D 146. B
27. C 67. B 107. A 147. C
28. B 68. D 108. B 148. C
29. B 69. D 109. C 149. B
30. A 70. C 110. C 150. B
31. A 71. A 111. D 151. D
32. D 72. C 112. D 152. D
33. D 73. C 113. A 153. A
34. D 74. C 114. D 154. C
35. C 75. D 115. B 155. C
36. A 76. B 116. B 156. D
37. D 77. C 117. C 157. B
38. A 78. D 118. C 158. B
39. A 79. B 119. A 159. C
40. A 80. B 120. A 160. A

Short Answer Questions
1. What is Antony concerned about at the beginning of the play?

2. What does Salarino think Antonio's sadness is about?

3. Why is Antonio not worried about his wealth at the beginning of the play?

4. What does Solanio think Antonio's sadness is about?

5. How is Bassanio related to Antonio?

6. What does Antonio compare life on this earth to?

7. What does Gratiano tell Antonio not to become at the end of the book?

8. Who of the following is not a merchant in Venice?

9. What does Antonio ask Bassanio about when they are left alone at the
beginning of the play?

10. What does Bassanio need to borrow from Antonio at the beginning of the

11. Why does Bassanio need to borrow something from Antonio at the beginning
of the book?

12. Who is Bassanio in love with?

13. What is the name of Portia's lady in waiting?

14. Why does Portia tell her lady in waiting she is tired of the world?

15. Who is meant to pick a husband for Portia?

16. Which of these is NOT a fault Portia saw in some of her past suitors?

17. What did one of Portia's suitors have too much fondness for?

18. What was one of Portia's suitors addicted to?

19. What do Portia's suitors have to choose from in order to win her hand in

20. How many items do Portia's suitors have to choose from to win her hand in

21. What will the correct suitor find inside the correct item in order to win Portia's
hand in marriage?

169. Who is Shylock forced to deed his house to?

170. Who does Nerissa marry?

171. What is Nerissa disguised as while she is in Venice with Portia?

172. Who takes the disguised Nerissa to Shylock's house to collect his deed?

173. What does Nerissa plan to get from her husband before returning home with

174. What does Portia plan to do with what she got from her husband while in

175. Who do Jessica and Lorenzo pretend to be while they are left alone at
Portia's house?

176. Who announces to Lorenzo that Bassanio is expected home soon?

177. What does Portia make Lorenzo and Jessica promise when she returns from

178. Who does Bassanio introduce Portia to when he returns to Belmont from

179. What does Portia threaten to do when she hears Bassanio has given away
his ring?

180. What does the letter that Portia gives to Antonio say?

Short Answer Questions Key
1. What is Antony concerned about at the beginning of the play?

His melancholy.

2. What does Salarino think Antonio's sadness is about?

Worry over his ships.

3. Why is Antonio not worried about his wealth at the beginning of the play?

His wares are on more than one ship.

4. What does Solanio think Antonio's sadness is about?


5. How is Bassanio related to Antonio?

Bassanio is his cousin.

6. What does Antonio compare life on this earth to?

A staged play.

7. What does Gratiano tell Antonio not to become at the end of the book?


8. Who of the following is not a merchant in Venice?


9. What does Antonio ask Bassanio about when they are left alone at the
beginning of the play?

Who he loves.

10. What does Bassanio need to borrow from Antonio at the beginning of the


11. Why does Bassanio need to borrow something from Antonio at the beginning
of the book?

To woo a woman.

12. Who is Bassanio in love with?


13. What is the name of Portia's lady in waiting?


14. Why does Portia tell her lady in waiting she is tired of the world?

She cannot make her own choices.

15. Who is meant to pick a husband for Portia?

Her father.

16. Which of these is NOT a fault Portia saw in some of her past suitors?


17. What did one of Portia's suitors have too much fondness for?

His horse.

18. What was one of Portia's suitors addicted to?


19. What do Portia's suitors have to choose from in order to win her hand in


20. How many items do Portia's suitors have to choose from to win her hand in


21. What will the correct suitor find inside the correct item in order to win Portia's
hand in marriage?

Portia's picture.

162. What does Launcelot do when he leaves the room after being scolded by
Lorenzo at Portia's house?

Sets the table.

163. What does the Duke tell Shylock he expects Shylock to do?

Relent and forgive Antonio at the last minute.

164. What is the name of the young lawyer who has come to Venice to help the
Duke make a ruling on the case?


165. Who is dressed up as the young lawyer frm Padua?


166. What does the young lawyer from Padua warn Shylock he must not take in
addition to his pound of flesh?


167. What does Antonio receive after Shylock is accused of threatening his life?

Half of Shylock's estate.

168. What does Bassanio give the young lawyer from Padua in return for his
service to Antonio?

His ring from Portia.

169. Who is Shylock forced to deed his house to?

Lorenzo and Jessica.

170. Who does Nerissa marry?


171. What is Nerissa disguised as while she is in Venice with Portia?

A messenger.

172. Who takes the disguised Nerissa to Shylock's house to collect his deed?


173. What does Nerissa plan to get from her husband before returning home with

The ring she gave him.

174. What does Portia plan to do with what she got from her husband while in

Embarrass him.

175. Who do Jessica and Lorenzo pretend to be while they are left alone at
Portia's house?

Famous lovers.

176. Who announces to Lorenzo that Bassanio is expected home soon?


177. What does Portia make Lorenzo and Jessica promise when she returns from

Not tell Bassanio that she ever left.

178. Who does Bassanio introduce Portia to when he returns to Belmont from


179. What does Portia threaten to do when she hears Bassanio has given away
his ring?

Never visit his bed again.

180. What does the letter that Portia gives to Antonio say?

His ships are all safe in port.

Short Essay Questions
1. How does Antonio feel at the beginning of the play and why?

2. What does Bassanio ask of Antonio when they first meet in this play and how
does Antonio respond?

3. What and how does Antonio compare life on earth to while he is speaking to

4. Who is Bassanio in love with, and what must he do to woo her?

5. What is Portia so upset about when she is first seen in this book?

6. What must a suitor do in order to win Portia's hand in marriage?

7. How has Portia felt about some of her past suitors?

8. Whose arrival is announced at the end of the second scene, and how is this
news received?

9. Why does Shylock hate Antonio?

10. What has caused the interest rates on loans to go down in Venice?

11. What does Shylock ask for if Antonio defaults on the loan for Bassanio?

12. Why does Shylock say it is so brave of Antonio to guarantee a loan for
Bassanio at this time?

13. What does the Moroccan prince look like when he is first seen on stage?

14. What does the Moroccan prince think is causing Portia's reserved and quiet
reaction to him?

49. What does Shylock hope will happen before Antonio is made to pay his pound
of flesh?

50. Why is Antonio so certain that the Duke will uphold the contract between him
and Shylock?

51. What does Portia tell Nerissa after they leave Belmont?

52. What does Lorenzo praise Portia for after Bassanio leaves for Venice and how
does Portia respond?

53. What does Lorenzo ask Jessica about Portia, and how does she respond?

54. Why is Launcelot so worried about Jessica, and what does he think her only
hope is?

55. What does Shylock refuse to allow in the courtroom as Antonio gives his
pound of flesh, and why?

56. Why is Shylock denied the money that Antonio first offered him in lieu of the
pound of flesh?

57. Who is Shylock forced to deed his property to, and why is Portia so happy
about this?

58. What does Nerissa plan to get from her husband before returning to Belmont
with Portia?

59. What does Portia do when she finds out Bassanio gave his ring away, and
how does Bassanio react to this?

60. How does Antonio try to smooth things over when Portia hears that Bassanio
gave his ring away?

Short Essay Questions Key
1. How does Antonio feel at the beginning of the play and why?

At the beginning of the play, Antonio feels overwhelmed with a melancholy feeling that
neither he nor any of his merchant friends can seem to pinpoint.

2. What does Bassanio ask of Antonio when they first meet in this play and how
does Antonio respond?

When Bassanio and Antonio first meet in this play, Bassanio asks if there is any way
Antonio can lend him some money. Antonio cannot give him the money directly, but
promises to guarantee any loan Bassanio can find for the money he needs.

3. What and how does Antonio compare life on earth to while he is speaking to

When Antonio is speaking to Gratiano at the beginning of the play, he compares life on
this earth to a staged play. He feels that we are here acting out the part that the gods
have set out for us and we are here to entertain them with our scripted antics.

4. Who is Bassanio in love with, and what must he do to woo her?

Bassanio is in love with Portia who is a rich heiress. He needs to have some funds to
improve his appearance and make the journey to see and woo her.

5. What is Portia so upset about when she is first seen in this book?

Portia is frustrated when she first enters the scene in this book because she is not able
to live her life freely. She cannot choose her own husband because of the stipulations
written in her father's will.

6. What must a suitor do in order to win Portia's hand in marriage?

In order to win Portia's hand in marriage, a suitor must choose the correct chest of
three. Inside the correct chest will be a picture of Portia.

7. How has Portia felt about some of her past suitors?

Portia has been pursued by a number of wealthy and royal suitors, but none of them
interested her, as they had some faults like ego and no sense of humor. One even had
too much a fondness for his horse, and another was a drunk.

8. Whose arrival is announced at the end of the second scene, and how is this
news received?

At the end of the second scene, the Prince of Morocco's arrival is announced for the
next day. Portia is not terribly excited about this news, and actually seems rather

9. Why does Shylock hate Antonio?

Shylock hates Antonio because he is Christian and loans out money generously. This
makes it harder for Shylock to run his profitable business.

10. What has caused the interest rates on loans to go down in Venice?

The interest rates on loans in Venice has gone down because it is not lawful for
Christian lenders to charge interest, or usury. This means that the non-Christian lenders
must lower their interest rates in order to compete.

11. What does Shylock ask for if Antonio defaults on the loan for Bassanio?

If Antonio defaults on the loan he is taking out from Shylock for Bassanio, he is to pay
the debt in a pound of flesh. This would kill him. Shylock wants Antonio to die.

12. Why does Shylock say it is so brave of Antonio to guarantee a loan for
Bassanio at this time?

Shylock says is so brave of Antonio to guarantee a loan for Bassanio at this time
because all of his investments are out on ships at the moment. This means that if some
kind of tragedy strikes and all the ships are lost, so is his entire fortune.

13. What does the Moroccan prince look like when he is first seen on stage?

When the Moroccan prince first arrives on stage in the second act, he is a dark skinned
man dressed in white and followed by four servants.

14. What does the Moroccan prince think is causing Portia's reserved and quiet
reaction to him?

When the Moroccan prince notices how withdrawn and reserved Portia is around him,
he worries that his dark skin is causing this adverse reaction.

15. What is the consequence of a suitor for Portia's hand choosing the wrong

If a suitor vying for Portia's hand in marriage chooses the wrong chest, the
consequence is that he will not be able to ever speak to another woman about marriage
again, making this his one chance to wed at all.

16. What does Portia say to the Moroccan prince when he asks her to judge him
by his beauty?

When the prince asks Portia not to judge his skin color, but to look more at his beauty,
Portia explains that she does not believe beauty is the way to her heart, but then
laments that her husband is not hers to choose, either.

54. Why is Launcelot so worried about Jessica, and what does he think her only
hope is?

Launcelot expresses his concern to Jessica that she is going to hell for the sins of her
father. Launcelot tells her that she may only be saved by the small possibility that her
father is not her real father.

55. What does Shylock refuse to allow in the courtroom as Antonio gives his
pound of flesh, and why?

Shylock refuses to have a doctor on hand to prevent Antonio from bleeding to death, as
it is not stipulated in the contract.

56. Why is Shylock denied the money that Antonio first offered him in lieu of the
pound of flesh?

Shylock is denied the money that Antonio first offered him in lieu of the pound of flesh
when Portia tells him he is forbidden to shed any blood of Antonio's because he was
given three chances to take the money first, and he flatly refused the offer each time.

57. Who is Shylock forced to deed his property to, and why is Portia so happy
about this?

Shylock is ordered to deed his house and properties over to Lorenzo and Jessica when
he dies. Portia is greatly pleased by this because she wants Jessica and Lorenzo to be
happy in their new marriage.

58. What does Nerissa plan to get from her husband before returning to Belmont
with Portia?

Nerissa plans to find a way to get the ring she gave Gratiano an their wedding day from
him while she is still disguised as a messenger in Venice. Portia and Nerissa plan to
embarrass their husbands for giving up the tokens of their love so easily.

59. What does Portia do when she finds out Bassanio gave his ring away, and
how does Bassanio react to this?

When she finds out that Bassanio gave his ring away, Portia rails against Bassanio for
having no heart, and she vows to never visit his bed again unless he gets the ring back.
Bassanio begs for Portia to understand that he gave the ring to the lawyer for saving
Antonio's life.

60. How does Antonio try to smooth things over when Portia hears that Bassanio
gave his ring away?

When Portia gets upset about Bassanio giving away the ring she gave him as a token of
her love, Antonio intercedes, telling Portia that she can have his soul if Bassanio ever
betrays her again.

Essay Topics
Essay Topic 1
Portia and Nerissa both have similar relationships with their husbands, but there are
some notable differences. Please compare and contrast these relationships and explain
how they affected the other characters around them.

Essay Topic 2
What were the inscriptions and contents of the three caskets and what significance do
they play on the course of the plot?

Essay Topic 3
How is the theme of diversity shown in this play, and which characters are most affected
by this?

Essay Topic 4
How were the roles of women different in the time of this play than they are now, and
how does the theme of gender roles present itself in the text?

Essay Topic 5
Valor was a theme of this play that is very important to many of the characters involved.
Where does this theme of valor present itself and how do these occurrences affect the
characters involved in those scenes?

Essay Topic 6
Mercy and justice are two themes that play a huge role in this play. Where are these
themes present and which characters are most affected by them?

Essay Topic 7
Explain the term of a "pound of flesh" and what significance it plays in this story-line.
Where does it appear, and which characters are most affected by it?

Eight Week Quiz G
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Act 4,
Scene 2.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Antony concerned about at the beginning of the play?
(a) His mother.
(b) His merchandise.
(c) His melancholy.
(d) A loan he just took out.

2. Why does Shylock hate Antonio?

(a) He lends money too generously.
(b) He is in love with his daughter.
(c) He is a Jew.
(d) He is not fair in his dealings.

3. What does Shylock tell his daughter not to do on the night of the masquerade?
(a) Worry about him.
(b) Look out the window.
(c) Have visitors.
(d) Attend the ball.

4. Why does Gratiano say Jessica is not a true Jew?

(a) She eats pork.
(b) She is too nice.
(c) She is in love with a Christian.
(d) She is generous with her money.

5. What does Portia give Bassanio as a token of her love?

(a) A ring.
(b) A book.
(c) A crown.
(d) A necklace.

Short Answer Questions
1. What convinces Lorenzo to change his plans on the night of the masquerade?

2. Why does the second suitor choose to forgo the gold casket?

3. Which casket does the second suitor choose?

4. Who does Shylock's daughter want to marry?

5. What does Portia tell Lorenzo she will do to help Bassanio in his quest?

Multiple Choice Questions Key
1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. A

Short Answer Questions Key

1. What convinces Lorenzo to change his plans on the night of the masquerade?

A letter from Jessica.

2. Why does the second suitor choose to forgo the gold casket?

Portia is not beautiful enough.

3. Which casket does the second suitor choose?

The silver casket.

4. Who does Shylock's daughter want to marry?


5. What does Portia tell Lorenzo she will do to help Bassanio in his quest?


Final Test - Hard
Name: _________________________ Period: ___________________

This test consists of 5 short answer questions and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Antonio plead for mercy from?

2. Who is present when Shylock realizes his daughter is gone?

3. What is the name of the young lawyer who has come to Venice to help the Duke
make a ruling on the case?

4. Which casket does the second suitor choose?

5. Who does Bassanio introduce Portia to when he returns to Belmont from


Essay Topics
Essay Topic 1

Mercy and justice are two themes that play a huge role in this play. Where are these
themes present and which characters are most affected by them?

Essay Topic 2

This play takes place in a few different settings. Describe some of these settings and
how they affect the course of the plot. Why might Shakespeare have chosen these
particular places?

Essay Topic 3

Security and safety were two themes that are touched on a number of times throughout
the course of this play. What are some of these instances, and how do they affect the
characters in these scenes?

Short Answer Key
1. Who does Antonio plead for mercy from?


2. Who is present when Shylock realizes his daughter is gone?


3. What is the name of the young lawyer who has come to Venice to help the Duke
make a ruling on the case?


4. Which casket does the second suitor choose?

The silver casket.

5. Who does Bassanio introduce Portia to when he returns to Belmont from




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