Advance Fluid Lab Manual

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FALL 2019








Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 0

Created By: Mr. Syed Karar Hussain July, 2013

Last Updated By: Mr. Shoaib Ameer July, 2019

Approved By: Dr. Javaid Ahmad Aug, 2019

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 1

Table of Contents

Sr. No. Description Page No.

1 List of Equipment 3

Experiment No. 1, To measure the head losses(hL), type of flow friction

factor(f) and Reynolds number(Rn)in a smooth pipe of uniform diameter

2 a) Also plot the relationship between hydraulic gradient(i), velocity 4

of flow(v)
b) Friction factor (f) and Reynolds number(Rn)

Experiment No. 2, To verify Impulse Momentum Principle for a jet of

3 13
water striking on different deflectors.

4 Experiment No. 3, To make the study of Pelton wheel. 19

Experiment No. 4, To perform the experiment on Pelton wheel, plot its

5 25
characteristics curves and determination of its efficiency.

6 Experiment No. 5, To make the study of Francis Reaction Turbine. 32

7 Experiment No. 6, To make the study of Centrifugal pump. 39

Experiment No. 7, To perform experiment on Centrifugal pump and

8 45
hence to plot its characteristics curves.
Experiment No. 8, To determine the performance of positive displacement
9 pump module under the effect of delivery pressures (varied load) at a 50
constant speed.

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 2

List of Equipment

Sr. No. Description

1 Fluid Friction Apparatus

2 Impact of Jet Apparatus

3 Pelton Turbine

4 Francis Turbine

5 Centrifugal Pump

6 Positive Displacement Pump

7 Volumetric Hydraulic Bench

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 3


To measure the head losses (hL), type of flow friction factor (f) and Reynold’s number (R n)
in a smooth pipe of uniform diameter (d)
a) Also plot the relationship between hydraulic gradient (i), velocity of flow (v)
b) Friction factor (f) and Reynold’s number (Rn)





Steady flow:-
Conditions of flow are constant w.r.t. time at a particular section of stream.

For example flow through a pipe of constant diameter with constant discharge.
Unsteady flow:-
Conditions of flow are not constant w.r.t time at a particular section of stream.

For example flow through a pipe of constant diameter with fluctuating discharge.
Uniform flow:-
Constant flow from section to section at any instant of time.

For example flow through a pipe of constant diameter with constant discharge.
Non-uniform flow:-
Conditions of flow are not constant from section to section at any instant of time.

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 4

For example flow through a pipe of varying diameter with constant discharge.

Laminar flow:-
The type of flow in which fluid particles move in lamination and path of fluid particles do not
intersect each other.
In laminar flow the velocity of flow is lesser.
 Viscous forces are dominant
 For laminar flow in pipes, Reynolds’s Number “RN” < 2,000
Turbulent Flow:-
It is a type of flow in which particles of fluid move in disorderly manner and the path of fluid
particles intersect each other. Particles have velocity component in lateral direction also
For turbulent flow in pipes, Reynolds’s Number “RN” > 4,000.
Transitional flow:-
It is type of flow where both laminar and turbulent flows occur at same time.
We have considered transitional flow as turbulent flow because in transitional flow both
laminar and turbulent are present and turbulent produce more losses so it is more critical, for
this reason we have considered transitional flow as turbulent flow.
Critical point:-
It is a point on log-log plot for “� v” at which flow changes from laminar to turbulent for
increasing order of discharge or from turbulent to laminar for decreasing order of discharge
without considering transitional flows.

Critical velocity:-
It is the velocity of flow in the pipe at which flow in the pipe changes from laminar to turbulent
or vice versa or it is the velocity corresponding to critical point.
Critical Reynolds Number:-

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 5

It is the Reynolds Number at which flow changes from laminar to turbulent or vice versa or the
Reynolds Number value corresponding to critical point.
For normal cases the flow in straight pipes of uniform diameter and usual roughness, the
critical Reynolds Number value may be taken as 2,000.
Higher Critical Point:-
It is the point on “log � log v” curve at which flow changes from laminar to turbulent or the
critical velocity in the ascending order of flow or it is the velocity corresponding to higher
critical point.
Higher Critical Reynolds Number:-
It is the Reynolds Number at which flow changes from laminar to turbulent in the ascending
order of flow or the Reynolds Number corresponding to higher critical point.
Its value is normally about 4000.
Lower Critical Point:-
It is the point on “log � log v” curve at which flow changes from turbulent to laminar.
Lower Critical Velocity:-
It is the velocity of flow in the pipe at which flows in the pipe changes from turbulent to laminar
or it the velocity corresponding to lower critical point.
Lower Critical Reynolds Number:-
It is the Reynolds Number at which changes from turbulent to laminar or the Reynolds Number
corresponding to lower critical point.
Its valve is 2000.
True Critical Reynolds Number:-
It is the Reynolds Number corresponding to lower critical point.
Its value is 2000.
It is the true Reynolds Number as whatever is the order of flow, flow is always laminar below
this point.
It is a conduit (circular or non-circular) in which the fluid flows under pressure by wetting
completely the internal perimeter.
It is the energy of liquids per unit weight.
Unit of head are m of liquids
Head Loss:-
It is the loss of energy per unit weight within a passage of the fluid.
Total head loss is the sum of major or minor head losses.
Fluid Friction Apparatus:-
It consists of pipe of known diameter “d”. One end of the pipe is
connected to a pump while the other end is free. A valve is connected to the free end to control
the discharge. A container is placed under the free end to collect the water for measuring the
discharge. The pipe is connected with a piezometer at two points near both the ends to measure
the difference of pressure and then head loss.

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 6

Fig 1.1: __________________________________

It is a device to measure the difference of pressure heads b/w the two
sections where it is connected.
Setting of Piezometer:-
The process of removal of air from the tubes of piezometer before its
use is called setting of piezometer.

Fig 1.2: __________________________________

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 7

Head Loss using Piezo-metric Tube:-

Applying energy equation

; Z1 = Z2
Uniform diameter so V1 = V2

Equations for friction factor(f):-

Development of line Equations:-

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 8

“� v” and “ ƒ RN ” curves are nonlinear for turbulent
flow, so “log � log v” and “log ƒ log RN” curves are plotted to have linear relationship
b/w the variables for turbulent flow.
From the log graph the slope of the line is m 2 and the y-intercept is C, then the
equation of straight line

Y = m2x + C
Log � =m2 Log v +C
C = Log K
Then the equation becomes
Log � =m2 Log v +Log K
Log � = Log K

Similarly the graph of log ƒ log RN will result in



Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 9


Observations and Calculations:

Description Values Units

1. Temperature ----------------------------- ----------------------
2. Kinematics Viscosity ----------------------------- ----------------------
3. Length of pipe ----------------------------- ----------------------
4. Volume of container ----------------------------- ----------------------
5. Diameter of pipe ----------------------------- ----------------------
6. Cross Sectional area of pipe ----------------------------- ----------------------
7. Zero Error ----------------------------- ----------------------

Table for Calculations

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 10

Please paste the related graphs on given blank pages

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 11

Results and Comments:


Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 12


To verify Impulse Momentum Principle for a jet of water striking on different deflectors









Impulse Momentum Principle:

The algebraic sum of all the external forces acting on a controlled volume of fluid is equal to the
rate of change of momentum.

Impulse Momentum Equation:

In order to calculate the force caused by impact of a jet into a flat plate or curved vane, the
change in momentum principle is applied.
According to Newton’s
∑F=net force acting on a control volume
m=mass of the object
a=acceleration or rate of change of velocity
∑F=m dv/dt
And rearranging
∑F=(m/dt) dv
So F = M (dv)
Where, M is mass flow rate and dv is the change in velocity
Mass Flow Rate is the mass of substance which passes through a given surface per unit time.

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 13

Its unit is kilogram per second in SI units.(M – ρ x Q)
F = ρQ∆V
F = ρQ (Vin – Vout)
Where, F is the force exerted by the jet on the plate , ρ is the mass density of water(=1000kg/m³)
Q = volumetric rate of flow (m³/sec)
∆V= the change in velocity just after and before impact.
The volumetric flow rate in the equation ‘Q’ is calculated in the experiment by taking an amount
of volume in a known period of time and then use;
Vin is calculated in the experiment by first knowing the velocity at the nozzle and then using the
motion equations.
Vnozzle is measured by knowing the diameter of the nozzle and the volumetric flow rate ‘Q’
calculated previously.
Vnozzle = Q/A
Then Vin is calculated by;
Vin² = Vnozzle² - 2gS
g= gravitational acceleration (9.81m/sec²)
S= distance between the jet and the plates
Vout generally equals Vin cosθ whereθ represents the change in direction of the jet.
For the flat plate θ= 90˚, so that Vout=0
For the hemispherical cup θ = 180˚, so that Vout = - Vin
So the following relations are used for calculating the theoretical values of the force
For the 90degree deflector ; F = ρQ Vin
For the 180degree deflector ; F = 2 ρQ Vin
For the 120 degree deflector F = 1.5 ρQ Vin
Experimental values of force exerted by jet may be shown as
F = 4gy
This equation is achieved by balancing the disturbing and restoring moments
G= gravitation acceleration
Y=distance moved by jockey weight on a scale

Draw laboratory layout of Impact of Jet Apparatus

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 14



Observations and Calculations:
Description Value Units
Diameter of nozzle (d)
X-sectional area of nozzle
Density of water (ρ)
Distance b/w nozzle & vane
Distance from center of vane
to pivot point
Jockey weight

Table for Calculations

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 15

Please paste the related graphs on given blank pages

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 16

Results and Comments:

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 17



Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 18

To make the study of Pelton wheel and observation of its different parts




It is a machine, which converts hydraulic energy into mechanical energy. Hydraulic
energy is available in the river in the form of head and discharge, whereas rotation of the shaft of the
turbine gives feeling of the mechanical energy.
 Impulse Turbine / Velocity Turbine
 Reaction Turbine / Pressure Turbine

Impulse Turbine:-
The Pelton wheel is a water impulse turbine. It was invented by Lester Allan Pelton in the 1870s.
A turbine that is driven by high velocity jets of water or steam from a nozzle directed on to vanes or
buckets attached to a wheel. The resulting impulse (as described by Newton's second law of motion)
spins the turbine and removes kinetic energy from the fluid flow. Before reaching the turbine the fluid's
pressure head is changed to velocity head by accelerating the fluid through a nozzle. This preparation of
the fluid jet means that no pressure casement is needed around an impulse turbine.
The jet of water is open to atmosphere, so the pressure energy of the jet is zero. It has only very high
kinetic energy that is why impulse turbine is also called as Velocity Turbine.

Most types of turbine exploit the principles of both impulse turbines and reaction
turbines. However, a few, such as the Pelton turbine, use the impulse concept exclusively.

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 19

Types of Impulse Turbine:-

Pelton Wheel Turgo Turbine

Pelton Wheel:-
The original and classic micro hydro turbine design is the Pelton. Invented in the 19th
century by directing water jets used in hydraulic mining onto overshot water wheels, it provided a way to
get the high rotating speeds necessary for electrical generating.
In pelton wheel the total available energy of the fluid is converted into kinetic energy in the form of jet of
water by providing a nozzle. Jet of water strikes on the splitter of the bucket, which are mounted on the
periphery of the wheel.

Splitter of the bucket divides the jet of water into two parts, half jet of water glides on
the one side and half on the other side of the bucket exerting an impulse force on the buckets and
torque on the runner, which will produce the rotation of the wheel. In this way hydraulic energy is
converted into mechanical energy. As the jet of water is divided into two equal parts so shaft of the
turbine is free of any axial thrust.
As jet strikes tangentially to the wheel so it is also known as Tangential Flow Turbine

Turgo Trbine:-

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 20

Turgo turbine is a type of impulse turbine in which the jet enters the runner from one side and is
discharged at the other side by gliding over the the internal curved surface of the bucket as there is no
splitter in the mid.So there may be an axial thrust on the turbine shaft.
Parts of Pelton Wheel:-

1. ------------------
2. ------------------
3. ------------------
4. ------------------
5. ------------------
6. ------------------
7. ------------------
8. ------------------

It is short converging tube fitted at the end of pen-stock. The nozzle is so designed that
contraction ratio is optimum for least losses, hence maximum efficiency.

Single jet pelton wheel

It converts the total energy of water into the kinetic energy in the form of the jet of water.

Spear Headed Needle:-

It is the conical needle kept inside the nozzle and can axially move in the forward and
backward direction (in the field by governor). It acts as a valve for the nozzle. The backward and forward
movement of the needle increases and decreases the area of the flow respectively, which in turn
changes the flow rate through the nozzle.

The function of the spear headed needle is to regulate the flow through the nozzle
keeping constant diameter of the jet.

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 21

The runner of a pelton wheel consists of a series of double cupped buckets,
hemispherical or ellipsoidal in shape, fixed to the periphery of the wheel at equal spacing. The buckets
may be bolted to the wheel or cast monolithic. Each bucket has a sharp edge at the mid in the radial
direction called splitter. The jet strikes each bucket at this splitter and is divided into two parts, thus
avoiding any unbalanced thrust on the shaft.

The splitter of the bucket is to bear full impact of the bucket and hence it is made very

The runner is made of brass. Its internal surface is made smooth to minimize the
frictional losses. Runner converts the hydraulic energy into mechanical energy and transmits the
mechanical energy into the shaft.
It is a rotating rod of the turbine supported by the bearings. Runner is keyed to the
shaft which is made of mild steel.

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 22

It transmits mechanical energy from the runner to the braking drum (generator in the field).
The cover provided by around the runner is known as the casing. It is made of cast
iron. Its upper part can be easily removed as bolted with the lower part. The pressure of water inside the
casing is atmospheric.

Casing does not maintain any hydraulic pressure and has the following main functions
1. For the safety purpose or to avoid accidents.
2. To accommodates the splashing of water and to guide that water to the tail race channel.
Spring Balances:-
When a jet of water strikes the buckets it starts rotating, it means torque is applied
on the runner. This torque is measured by the spring balances by taking the difference of two scales
reading and multiplying it by the radius of the runner.
Braking Drum:-
Braking drum is used to measure the braking torque and number of revolutions
which are used to calculate the braking horse power.

Bourdon gauge:-
It is a gauge which is used to measure the pressure head of water at the base of the

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 23

Draw laboratory layout of Pelton Turbine

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 24


To perform the experiment on Pelton wheel, plot its characteristics curves and determination of
its efficiency.





Braking Torque:-
Product of lever arm length and weight or load is called braking power
T = Fx L
T = Braking torque
F = High reading-Low reading (on spring balance)
L = lever arm or radius of drum
Brake Horse power:-
It is the output power available at the shaft of Pelton wheel and is measured by applying
brakes to the rotating braking drum.

Po = the output power or brake power

N = rpm of the shaft at braked position
T = Braking torque
1 H.P = 746 watts
= rate of performing 550ft-lbs of work per second
Indicated Horse Power:-
It is the input power supplied to the Pelton wheel in hydraulic form
Pin = I.H.P = γQH
γ = specific weight of water
Q = Discharge through the nozzle

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 25

H = Head available at the base of nozzle
It is the %age ratio b/w the output power available at the shaft of Pelton wheel (B.H.P) and input power
supplied to it (I.H.P)

Gate Opening:-
It is the opening of the nozzle mouth in %age. Suppose if 6 turns are required in
anticlockwise direction for 100% opening then 3 turns are required for 50% gate opening.
This experiment is being performed on two gate openings that are 100% and 50%.
Characteristic Curves:-
It is the graphical representation of the response of pelton wheel at varying speed
efficiency, output power and braking torque.
Characteristics curves are required to study the behavior of the machine under varying
speed and to determine the important parameters of the machine like, maximum efficiency of the
machine, normal speed, maximum braking torque, maximum power and maximum speed of the turbine
Normal Speed:-
It is the speed of the shaft of the turbine (rpm) corresponding to its maximum efficiency.
Normal Braking Torque:-
It is the braking torque corresponding to maximum efficiency.




Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 26

Observations and Calculations:


Parameter Value Units
H (Head at the center of the nozzle) =-------------------------------------- m of water
Radius of braking drum =-------------------------------------- m
Temperature =--------------------------------------- C
Density of water =--------------------------------------- kg/m 3
Volume of water collected =--------------------------------------- m3
Time of fill for required volume =--------------------------------------- seconds
Discharge =---------------------------------------- m 3/sec
Input power(I.H.P) =--------------------------------------- watts


Sr# W(weight) N

N N-m r.p.m watts %


Please paste the graph on given blank page

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 27

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 28
Parameter Value Units
H (Head at the center of the nozzle) =-------------------------------------- m of water
Radius of braking drum =-------------------------------------- m
Temperature =--------------------------------------- C
Density of water =--------------------------------------- kg/m 3
Volume of water collected =--------------------------------------- m3
Time of fill for required volume =--------------------------------------- seconds
Discharge =---------------------------------------- m 3/sec
Input power(I.H.P) =--------------------------------------- watts


Sr# W(weight) N

N N-m r.p.m watts %


Please paste the graph on given blank page

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 29

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 30
Results and Comments:

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 31


To make the study of Francis reaction turbine and observation of its different parts.


 To understand the working of components of Francis reaction turbine.


 Francis reaction Turbine


Reaction turbine is a type of turbine in which water is supplied to the turbine under

The pressure at the inlet of casing is very high and at the outlet is very low. The water
while passing through the vanes will exert force on the wheel, which will rotate the wheel of the turbine.
Water flowing over the vanes is always under pressure so the turbine always runs full. The pressure head
of the water while flowing over the vanes is converted into velocity head and finally the pressure reduces
to atmospheric pressure at the tail race.
Types of Reaction Turbines
 Kaplan Turbine
 Francis Turbine

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 32

(Kaplan reaction turbine)

(Francis reaction turbine)

Based on flow type:-

 Axial Flow Reaction Turbine (Kaplan Turbine)

 Radial flow Reaction Turbine (Francis Turbine)
1. Inward Radial Flow Reaction Turbine (the water enters the wheel at the outer periphery
and then flow inwards i.e. toward the center of the wheel)
2. Outward Radial Flow Reaction Turbine ( the water enters at the center of the wheel and
then flow outwards i.e. toward the outer periphery of the wheel)
 Mixed Flow Turbine (These are the latest types of turbines, in which flow is partly radial and
partly axial)

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 33

Francis Reaction Turbine
The Francis turbine is a type of water turbine that was developed by James B.
Francis in Lowell, Massachusetts.
It is an inward radial flow reaction turbine in which vanes are radial at inlet and discharge
is radial at outlet.
Francis turbines are the most common water turbine in use today. They operate in a water
head from 10 to 650 meters (33 to 2,133 feet) and are primarily used for electrical power production. The
turbine powered generator power output generally ranges from 10 to 750 megawatts, though mini-
hydro installations may be lower. Penstock (input pipes) diameters are between 1 and 10 meters (3 and 33
feet). The speed range of the turbine is from 83 to 1000 rpm. Francis turbines are almost always mounted
with the shaft vertical to keep water away from the attached generator and to facilitate installation and
maintenance access to it and the turbine.

Draw laboratory layout of Francis reaction turbine

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 34

Components of Francis Reaction Turbine
 Casing (Scroll casing)
 Guide Vanes
1. Fixed Guide Vanes
2. Moveable Guide Vanes
 Runner
 Shaft
 Draft Tube
 Governor
 Tachometer
 Breaking Drum
Casing of the reaction turbine is an air tight chamber which accommodates the guide
mechanism (fixed and moveable vanes) and rotating runner. The fluid enters from the penstock (pipeline
leading to the turbine from the reservoir at high altitude) to a spiral casing which completely surrounds
the runner. This casing is known as scroll casing or volute. The cross-sectional area of this casing
decreases uniformly along the circumference to keep the fluid velocity constant in magnitude along its
path towards the guide vane.

This is so because the rate of flow along the fluid path in the volute decreases due to
continuous entry of the fluid to the runner through the openings of the guide vanes or stay vanes.

Guide Vanes:-
The basic purpose of the guide vanes or stay vanes is to convert a part of pressure energy
of the fluid at its entrance to the kinetic energy and then to direct the fluid on to the runner blades at the
angle appropriate to the design. Moreover, the guide vanes are pivoted and can be turned by a suitable
governing mechanism to regulate the flow while the load changes. The guide vanes are also known as
wicket gates.

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 35

The flow in the runner of a Francis turbine is not purely radial but a combination of
radial and tangential. The flow is inward, i.e. from the periphery towards the center. The height of the
runner depends upon the specific speed. The height increases with the increase in the specific speed. The
main direction of flow change as water passes through the runner and is finally turned into the axial
direction while entering the draft tube.
It is a rotating wheel of Francis Reaction Turbine, which is keyed to the shaft of the
turbine. It consists of series of curved vanes connected with circular discs on both sides. The
surface of the runner is made smooth to minimize the losses due to friction. For low heads, the
runner may be made of cast iron and for high heads; it may be made of steel or alloy.

It coverts hydraulic energy into mechanical energy.

It is the rotating rod supported by bearings. It transmits mechanical energy to the
braking drum.
Drafting Tube:-
The draft tube is a conduit which connects the runner exit to the tail race where the water
is being finally discharged from the turbine. The primary function of the draft tube is to reduce the
velocity of the discharged water to minimize the loss of kinetic energy at the outlet. This permits the
turbine to be set above the tail water without any appreciable drop of available head. A clear
understanding of the function of the draft tube in any reaction turbine, in fact, is very important for the

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 36

purpose of its design. The purpose of providing a draft tube will be better understood if we carefully study
the net available head across a reaction turbine.
Braking Drum:-
A rotating drum used to measure the brake power of the turbine is called as Braking
A gauge used to measure the revolution per minute of the runner is termed as tachometer.
We use digital tachometer.

Tachometer gives the rpm of the shaft at various brake positions.

Load on the turbine never remain constant, which will effect the efficiency of the
machine. Governor is a machine attached to the turbine, which keeps the revolution per minute of the
shaft constant equal to normal speed to maintain its maximum efficiency.

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 37



Pen Stock


Fixed Guide

Moveable Guide

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 38

To make the study of Centrifugal pump


 Learn about the components & working of Centrifugal Pump.


 Centrifugal pump with gauges at delivery and suction side

 Discharge measuring tank

 Stop watch


A machine which converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy (Irving 1981). It is used to move
liquids from one point to another point. It produces head (H) and flow (Q) in liquids (increase energy)

Types of Pumps:
There are many types of pumps which are available in the market, following are the common types
 Centrifugal Pump
 Reciprocating Pump
 Pneumatic pump
 Rotary Pump
 Screw Pump
 Chain Pump

Centrifugal pump:
It is a pump which converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy by the action of centrifugal force
which is produced by rotating the impeller. It is believed that that the idea of lifting water by centrifugal
force was first given by an Italian scientist and engineer L.D.Vinci in the end of 16 th
century(Khurmi,1988). A centrifugal pump consists of an impeller, which carries a number of backward
curve vanes and rotates in the casing. Liquid enters the impeller through the center and work is done as it
passes centrifugally outwards so that it leaves the impeller at high velocity and in the casing part of the
kinetic energy of the fluid is converted into pressure energy.
Classification of the centrifugal pumps based on stages / No. of Impellers
 Single stage centrifugal pump.
 Multi-stage centrifugal pump

I. Single Stage centrifugal Pump

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 39

If the pump has one impeller on the shaft then the pump is called as Single Centrifugal pump.
II. Multi-Stage Centrifugal Pump

If the centrifugal Pump has more than one impellers keyed to the same shaft then it is called a Multi-
Stage Centrifugal Pump.
A Multistage Centrifugal Pump can be used:
1. To increase head / energy of water
2. To supply water to high-rise buildings or high levels
3. To lift water from very deep aquifers.

III. Double Stage Centrifugal Pump

It is a Centrifugal Pump having two impellers keyed to the same shaft.

Components of Centrifugal pump:

1. Suction pipe
2. Main Centrifugal pump
3. Delivery pipe

1) Suction Pump:
It is a pipeline connected with the pump on the upstream side. Pressure in this pipe is below
atmospheric and a small opening in this may stop working of the pump. The diameter of suction
pipe is always greater than delivery pipe. Suction pipe consist of
 Strainer
 Foot valve
 Suction Flange
 Suction Gauge
Its is a grating or screen provided at the foot of the suction pipe, it would not allow entrance of the solid
matters e.g. wooden pieces , fishes and light stones etc. into the suction pipe which otherwise may
damage the pump.
Suction Flange
It is the flange to connect suction pipe with the pump.
Foot Valve
It is a one directional valve provided at the foot of the suction pipe. It permits flow only in one direction
i.e. towards the pump.
I. Before starting the pump it facilitates to hold the primed water in the suction pipe
and casing.
II. After switching off the pump, it keeps water in the suction pipe and does not
allow to drain (if 100% water tight).

2) Main Centrifugal Pump

It consists of following components:
 Spiral casing
 Impellers
 Diffuser duct

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 40

 Shaft
 Priming funnel
 Air relief valves

I. Spiral Casing:
It is an airtight chamber, which accommodates the rotating impeller. The area of flow of the
casing gradually increases in the direction of flow of water to convert kinetic energy into pressure

II. Impellers:
These are rotating wheels in centrifugal pump and consist of series of radial backward curved
blades or vanes in between two circular discs. Water enters at center of impeller and moves more
or less radially outward and then leaves the impeller with very high kinetic energy.

III. Diffuser Duct:

It is a passage for the flow of water from outlet of the first impeller casing to the inlet of second
impeller. Its area of flow gradually increases in the direction of flow to convert kinetic energy
into pressure energy.

IV. Shaft:
It is a rotating rod supported by the bearings. It transmit mechanical energy from the motor to the

V. Priming Funnel:
It is the funnel to prime the pump.

VI. Air Relief valves:

These are the valves used to remove air from casing while priming.

VII. Stuffing boxes

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 41

At the contact points between the rotating shaft and the stationary casing, there are chances of
leakage of water due to which casing cannot maintain pressure inside. The contact points should
be failed with the sealing material to make it air tight. The boxes in which sealing material is
filled are called Stuffing Boxes. Usually Jute strings along with grease are used as sealing
material. This material allows the rotation of the shaft without any leakage at the contact points.

3) Delivery Pipe:
A pipeline provided on the downstream or delivery side of the pump is known as Delivery pipe.
The pressure in this pipe is above atmospheric.
It consists of following components.
 Delivery Gauge
 Delivery Flange
 Delivery Valve
Delivery Pipe
A pipeline provided on the downstream or delivery side of the pump is known as Delivery Pipe. The
pressure in this pipe is above atmospheric.
It consists of the following components:
i. Delivery gauge
ii. Delivery Flange
iii. Delivery Valve

1. Delivery Gauge

It is a Bourdon Gauge connected on the delivery side of the pump to measure the pressure on delivery
2. Delivery Flange

These are the flanges to connect the delivery pipe whit the Centrifugal Pump.
3. Deliver Valve

It is a gate valve on the delivery side of the pump to control or regulate the discharge.
1. To control the flow rate though the pump.
2. It also facilitates to hold the primed water on delivery side.

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 42

 Laboratory Layout of Centrifugal pump labeling its components

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 43

Flow Chart of water circulation through Centrifugal Pump

Underground Reservoir

Foot Valve

Suction Pipe

Eyes for Impeller

Center of Impeller


Casing of Impeller
Delivery Pipe
Diffuser Duct

Eyes for Impeller

Center of Impeller


Casing of Impeller

Underground Reservoir

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 44

To perform experiment on “Centrifugal Pump” & hence to plot its Characteristic Curves.


 Determine the efficiency of Centrifugal pump & plot its Characteristic Curves

Centrifugal pump with gauges at delivery and suction side.
Discharge Measuring Tank.


Total Head (H) is the Pressure change across a pump (outlet pressure-inlet pressure)
For Total Head (in Pascal’s), we use the equation
H = p0 – p1
Remember that the pressure displays show pressure in bar, so we multiply our answer by 100000 to give
H in Pascal’s.
Total head is simply the difference between the inlet and outlet pressure.
Hydraulic Power

The hydraulic power (sometimes known as water horse power) of the pump is given by
W2 = (p0 – p1) Q
To calculate the flow rate (Q) (in m3/s) from the pressure drop along the venture, use the formula
Q = CdA1 ﴾2∆p/ ϼ (A12 / A22 – 1) ﴿1/2
A1 = Venturi Inlet Area (m2)
A2 = Venturi Throat Area (m2)
Cd = Coefficient of discharge
ϼ = Water density (kg.m3) – For clean water at room temperature we may use 1000kg.m 3 for calculations
∆p = Pressure drop across the venture (pascals’ or N.m -2
Input Power
The power input to the pump is given by
W1 = 2πNT/60 (where N = rev/min)

Overall Efficiency:
It is the ratio between Hydraulic Power (H.P) and Input Power (I.P) and is expressed in percentage

ŋp = (H.P/I.P)*100 = 100

Characteristics Curves:
These are the curves which give complete response of the centrifugal pump for efficiency, output power
and head against varying discharge from minimum to maximum.

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 45

Shut-off Head:
It is the head developed by the centrifugal pump when delivery valve is completely closed (Q=0) and
pump is in operation. It is the maximum head produced by a pump.





Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 46

Laboratory Layout of the Centrifugal Pump.

Observations and Calculations:

Sr# Inlet Outlet Total Venturi Discharge Input Output Efficiency

Suction Delivery Head pressure “Q” Power power “ŋ”
Pressure Pressure (H) difference “pin” “pout”
(ps) (pd) H= pd- ∆p
1 bars bars pascals bars M3/sec watt watt %

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 47

Please paste the related graph on blank pages

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 48

Results and Comments:


Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 49


To determine the performance of Positive Displacement Pump module under the effect of
delivery pressures (varied load) at a constant speed.


 To learn about the components and understand their working.

 .To determine the efficiency of positive displacement pump & plot its Characteristics Curves.


 Positive displacement pump module apparatus

 Oil reservoir
 Universal Dynamometer
 Digital Pressure, Temperature and Flow Display
 Gear-type flowmeter


A pump is a device that moves fluids (liquids or gases), by mechanical action. Pumps operate by some
mechanism (typically reciprocating or rotary), and consume energy to perform mechanical work by
moving the fluid Mechanical pumps serve in a wide range of applications such as pumping water from
wells in the energy industry for pumping oil and natural gas.

Positive displacement pump:

A positive displacement pump causes a fluid to move by trapping a fixed amount of it then forcing
(displacing) that trapped volume into the discharge pipe. It has an expanding area on the suction side and
a decreasing area on the discharge side. The volume is constant through each cycle of operation.

Positive displacement pumps, unlike centrifugal pumps, theoretically can produce the same flow at a
given speed (RPM) no matter what the discharge pressure. Thus, positive displacement pumps are
constant flow machines. However, a slight increase in internal leakage as the pressure increases prevents
a truly constant flow rate.

A positive displacement pump must not operate against a closed valve on the discharge side of the pump,
because it has no shutoff head like centrifugal pumps. A positive displacement pump operating against a
closed discharge valve continues to produce flow and the pressure in the discharge line increases until the
line bursts, the pump is severely damaged, or both. A relief or safety valve on the discharge side of the
positive displacement pump is therefore necessary.

The positive displacement pumps can be divided in two main classes

 reciprocating

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 50

 rotary

Reciprocating pump:
A reciprocating pump is a class of positive-displacement pumps which includes the piston pump, plunger
pump and diaphragm pump. It is often used where a relatively small quantity of liquid is to be handled
and where delivery pressure is quite large. Reciprocating pumps move the fluid using one or more
oscillating pistons, plungers, or membranes (diaphragms), while valves restrict fluid motion to the desired
Rotary pump:
These pumps move fluid using a rotating mechanism that creates a vacuum that captures and draws in the
Components of Positive Displacement Pump:
 Oil Reservoir
 Piston pump
 Pressure relief valve
 Gear-type flowmeter
 Electronic pressure transducers
 Thermocouple
1) Oil Reservoir:

The oil comes from an oil reservoir, through an inlet valve and through the pump. It then passes through
relief valves and a delivery valve. It then passes through a flowmeter and back to the oil reservoir. The oil
reservoir has a level indicator, so it can be visualized that how much oil it contains.
2) Piston pump:

The pump is a twin piston pump. It has an off-center cam that pushes two small vertically-opposed
pistons up and down alternatively in cylinders. They move oil through one-way valves from the inlet to
outlet. The swept volume of each cylinder determines the volume of fluid moved for every revolution.
Because the pump uses just two pistons, it creates high pressure pulses in the fluid at the output.

3) Pressure relief valve:

This valve used for safety purpose to regulate or pass the pressure without pulsation or disturbance in

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 51

4) Gear-type flowmeter:

The oval gear framework is perfect for measuring the oil flow in the oil circuit. It works best with viscous
fluids and gives small pressure loss compared with other flowmeters. It is two oval gearwheels that rotate
together, turned by the force of the flow that passes through them. They only allow fixed volume of fluid
to pass for each revolution. A sensor detects the gearwheels rotating.

5) Electronic pressure transducer:

Electronic pressure transducers in the circuit measure the oil pressure at the inlet to the pump and at the
outlet of the pump. The delivery pressure transducer measures pressure downstream of the pressure relief
6) Thermocouple:

A thermocouple is attached to a digital display and measures the oil temperature to help find its viscosity.
Mechanical power/Input power:
This is simply the shaft power at the pump. The universal dynamometer couples directly to the shaft of
the pump. So, the shaft power displayed by the motor drive is the shaft power /input power at the pump.
Pinp = Pout + PL
In a real pump, there are losses due to mainly friction. So for real pump, the hydraulic power /output
power it adds to the fluids is always less than the shaft power given to the pump.
Hydraulic/Output power:
The hydraulic power that the pump adds to the fluid is a product of the flow through the pump and the
increase in pressure (head) it gives:
Pout = (p2 – p1)Q

Pump Efficiency:
It is a simple ratio of hydraulic power out against shaft power input to the pump.
ɳp = Pout/ Pinp x 100
Volumetric Efficiency & the Expected (Theoretical) Flow:
Volumetric efficiency is an indication of how well the pump has moved an expected volume of fluid. It is
the ratio of the actual volume of fluid moved in a given time against the expected volume of fluid moved.
So use the total swept volume (Vs) in the pump to find the expected flow.
The flowmeter measures the actual volume flow (Q). The expected volume flow is the product of the
swept volume (cc/rev) and the speed of the pump (Np).
Expected volume flow = Vs x Np
From this, the volumetric efficiency:
ɳv = Q / (Vs x Np) x 100

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 52

Observations & Calculations:
Oil Temperature:
Expected Flow:

Delivery Inlet Pressure Flow Shaft Hydraulic Overall Volumetric

pressure pressure difference (L/min) power power Efficiency Efficiency
(bar) (bar) (head) (Pinp) (Pout)

Plot the characteristic curves of the above observations to determine the response (efficiency, output
power, flow rate and head) of the pump corresponding to varied load.

Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 53

Results and Comments:


Lab Manual: Advanced Fluid Mechanics VL321 54

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