Under My Invisible Umbrella Activity 2

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Name:Marjel Joshua C.

Section:ADT 112
Group No.: 2

I. Navigate
Respond critically to the following questions and worksheets to process the selection. Answer in complete
1. In the essay, the writer observes how she is treated differently because of her whiteness. In the chart below,
plot the different experiences mentioned in the essay, how local and/or brown-skinned Filipinos experience
them, how she is treated because she seems foreign to them. The first one has been accomplished for you.

There is a heavy downpour. The guards or building staff leave The guard offers the writer his
the locals to themselves. umbrella.
Locals are required to sign to The guard smiled and tipped his hat
Walking into an exclusive university. security book to the writer. The guard didnt
require her to sign into the security
Locals have to be checked by the The writer crossed a restricted area
In a live and crowded theater. guards. but four gurads said nothing.
Other Filipnos act natural. They Some locals were amused and
In the favourite karinderya of the weren’t surprised if they eat in annoys the guards and drivers who
writer. karinderya. were never granted scholarships to
study in the birth country of the
Some local cab drivers don’t ectra Driver Sheepishly say “extra charge
In a cab at late night. charge Filipinos. maam” since its the 23rd hour of his
24-hour shift.

2. How does the writer feel about her special treatment? Cite at least three instances from the text which
illustrate her attitude towards this treatment.
A. In the instance when she was thankful about her skin color because most filipino locals respect her and have high
expectations. She said that she can count on her skin color not to work against the appearance of financial reliability
B. Whenever she choose public accomodation, she has no fear that she wont get in or will be mistreated because
she is white and shes foreigner , not local.
C. In the text, the writer doesnt only have a thankful attitude besides the “worship of whiteness” but rather she felt a
surge of shame. As said in the text that her whiteness represented her wealth and station in life. Being a mestiza,
that kind of local mentality sinked to the writers mind that urge shamelfulness to the writer.
3. Why was it important for the writer to briefly narrate how her family ended up in America in the first place?
How does this anecdote help develop the ideas of her piece?
She had to briefly narrate her story so that the readers are aware about how her story ended up like that. Each scene
of her story are interconnected. Without one, it wouldnt be a complete story. Thats why it was important for her to
narrate that specific time of her life.

4. Why is the writer concerned with the hierarchies and politics associated with her whiteness? The writer was
concerned with the hierarchies and politics as she was worried that she will be affected especially she is a
FilAm. Though it is just a small thing to think, it has a big impact on the writers citizenship, where she
belongs.Thus, this influence her whiteness affects her partly, this does not set her as a whole person of
being white.Remember, she is also a Filipina. Basically, These citizenships create her and form her as her
identity of being apart of the society where she wonders and try to explore and un derstand its cultures and
beliefs through life experiences here in the philippines and abroad.

II. Condense
White Love is Everywhere
In this lesson, we looked at how whiteness is a form of privilege and how a young Fil-Am writer struggles with
such privilege in the process of homecoming. We first looked at recurring tropes and themes in Filipino-
American writing and explored the many ways in which liminality inflects a Filipino-American’s notion of
identity. We looked at the experience of Laurel Fantauzzo and explored the ways in which she deals with this
in her Palanca-award winning piece.
In the table below, find media texts that illustrate the Filipinos white love.
Filipino/Tagalog Film RIDING IN TANDEM
Since the male lead is from the America and is white skinned, he
experiences racial worshipping for locals treat him like he is
worth of a praise.
Print Advertisement Actress Bella Padilla on the controversial
cover of FHM Magazine (March, 2012). Writer
Katrina Stuart Santiago denounced it as “a
display of white supremacist ideology at its most
vicious because it’s shameless. It is a display of
whiteness against blackness that is sold to us as
fact: the white woman can only emerge as her
true self from the shadows created by the black
Its a woman with a dark guy and a wondering white guy wherein
the dark guys is saying to the white guy that he is such a loser
because he got the white girl to be with him rather that with that
white guy.
When a filipino soccer player was trying to goal, his filipino
opponent blocked him and he was so mad that he even said bad
words to him.But one time when he was trying to goal again , the
teammate of his opponent which is an italian, blocked him once
more but surprisingly, he didnt get mad but instead he said “its
okay , hahah”.

III. Speculate
Rewrite the last part of the essay from the perspective of the guard. How do you think the guard felt when this
white-looking woman turned down his offer of hospitality? Write a short piece on his thoughts.

Through out the story, the guard, being very hospitable, specially to the white ones,proved that he is a White
worshipper. In the last part of this essay, the guard, once more, tried to be helpful to the writer. Unfortunately he
was rejected. Maybe, that gurad who was rejcted was shocked or even realized that racial worshipping is a
mistake since all people are equal. What the writer was trying say is that, even you are white or not, you are able
to do things even with out the help of those people who are trying to impress the foreigner. Well, this
characteristics of filipinos are really toxic.Needless to say, Filipinos worship those with milky white
skin–literally and figuratively. The must have realized and opened his mind that he should stop
treating white people diferently from filipino as we are all equal.
IV. Set Out
Complete the following sentences as honestly as you can:


In this lesson, I learned that life as a Filipino-American has amazingly unexpected life encounters.In
retrospect, the one thing of which I am constantly reminded is that Filipino-Americans
are a resilient people. Throughout our history in both the Philippines and the U.S., we
have overcome these instances of tyranny, brutality, and inequality. We have fought for
independence in the Philippines and marched for civil rights in the U.S. We have
organized movements, formed coalitions with allies, and persevered against systemic
discrimination, ignorance, and oppression.

2. I learned that the Filipino’s relationship with Westerners is characterized by Big Expectations and Racial
worship. Filipinos expecting too much with foreigners is the main point of being a racial worshipper. Dosnt
mean if your white you have priveleges and stuff. But with filipinos, its a different case. Most filipinos racial
worship because they are expecting something in return of their scamful hospitality. Not white? No value.
Filipinos degrade too much of their same citizen as they believe that filipinos are trash.They dont have
rights. They are nothing. But as we look at the whole picture. All of us are basically equal and everyone has
their own rights and privileges.We , Filipinos , must stop this racial worshiping for this does not help us grow
our own society.Dayuhan tax must end now.
3. In articulating ideas, the tone (including tense use) of the essay is important because it brings more life to
how the writer interprets and states each and every encounter as a forigner and charged with the dayuhan

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