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EE-225 1/6

Electronics Devices and Circuits

Fall 2019- Ver.A

Written By
Dr. Rashad.M.Ramzan

Exam and Quiz will contain two parts:

 Part1: Theory & Intuitive Understanding (Almost 20-40 %)
 Part2: Numerical Part (Almost 60-80%)

 New question added in later versions will be orange in color.

 This guide will help you prepare for Part1
 Tutorial, HWs, and Class Notes will help you prepare Part2
 If you (students) like you can collaborate and make the solution of this
guide and use blackboard to share and update!

Dr. Rashad.M.Ramzan
EE-225 2/6
What you should be able to answer?
Part-1: Semiconductors (Basics of Solid State Circuits)
Course Outcome#1: An ability to understand the relationship between the semiconductors principles and the
corresponding electrical characteristic: lattice structure, energy bands, carrier concentration, mobility, doping,
resistivity and conductivity, drift and diffusion currents.

1. Resistivity can be defined in two ways, i) using resistance (R), area (A) and length (l) of a material sample
and ii) using E and J. Define the resistivity and work out its unit?
2. What is meant by amorphous, polycrystalline or single crystal structures? Why single crustal structure is
necessary to build the devices like diodes, FETs, and BJTs. (Hint: Not in Sedra and Smith)
3. What is difference between the valance electron and free electron?
4. Ge was used in early designs; soon it was replaced by Si. What are three basic reasons?
5. Define the bandgap energy, what is its unit? What is bandgap energy of Cu and Si?
6. Si has higher bandgap energy or Ge, what is its advantage?
7. What is relation between the resistivity and conductivity? Drive their units!
8. Are there any free electrons (due to thermal agitation) in intrinsic semiconductor at 0K o? Explain with help of
equation. (Hint: eq 1.26)
9. What is generation and recombination? What happens to the generation rate and recombination rate at
thermal equilibrium?
10. Why can thermal generation in semiconductors cannot be used for meaningful current conduction?
11. What is basic purpose of doping? Group III elements are acceptor or donor dopants?
12. What is difference between acceptor and donor dopants? Which of following are acceptor dopants; Boron (B)
and Phosphorous (P)?
13. What is difference between drift current and diffusion current?
14. Mobility of electrons (µn=1350 cm2/V.s) is 2.5 times higher than the mobility of holes (µ p=480 cm2/V.s) in Si?
What is intuitive reason?
15. Mobility of carriers (electrons and holes) is higher (µ n=1350 cm2/V.s & µp=480 cm2/V.s) in intrinsic silicon
compared to the doped silicon (µn=1110 cm2/V.s & µp= 400 cm2/V.s)? What is intuitive reason?
16. What is the relationship between diffusion constant (D) and mobility (µ) and what are its units? {Note: this is
the most fundamental relation called Einstein relation and resulting value is called thermal voltage V T = kT/q
= 25.9 mV}
17. What is difference between bound charges and free charges? Draw the diagram showing the state of pn
junction with open-circuit terminals before formation of depletion layer? Show the free and bound charges!
18. Draw the diagram showing the state of pn junction with open-circuit terminals after formation of depletion
layer? Show the free and bound charges! Also show the potential distribution.
19. In actual PN junction, why the width of depletion layer is not same on N and P side?
20. When the width of depletion layer is different in P and N regions, why the charge stored on each side is
21. Why diffusion current or saturation current (Is) depends upon the
temperature and not on the junction voltage (Vo)?
22. The the junction voltage (Vo) is about 0.7V in silicon diodes? Can we
measure this voltage by voltmeter at the terminal of the diodes? If not why?
23. In forward bias diode the major component of current is diffusion current.
This diffusion current consists of two parts. What are those two parts and are
they majority carrier or minority carrier?
24. Draw the cross-section diagram of the PN diode layout shown!
25. How the Schottky diode different from normal PN junction diode? What is
its application? (Hint: see section 3.7 for the questions below)
26. Varactor is type of diode used as variable capacitor, this diode is used in
forward bias region or reverse bias? And what is its application?
27. What is working principle of Photodiodes? They operate in forward bias?
28. What is working principle of LEDs? They operate in forward bias or reverse bias?
29. Schottky diode is formed when doped semiconductor comes in contact with a metal. In normal diode we have
metal leads contacting the N-type and P-type semiconductor. Why they do not form diodes?
30. What is difference between the non-rectifying ohmic contact and rectifying metal-semiconductor contact?
31. What is difference between junction and diffusion capacitance. Explain with help of diagram.
Dr. Rashad.M.Ramzan
EE-225 3/6

Part-2A: Diode and Application of Diode Circuits

Course Outcome#2: An ability to understand the essence of the diode function, grasp the techniques for the
analysis of diode circuits through modeling the diode characteristics, use diodes for various applications,
including in design of rectifier circuits.

1. What is linearity; diode is linear or non-linear device?

2. What is junction voltage of a diode? Junction voltage depends upon which factor?
3. What is typical value of the silicon, germanium and schottky diode junction voltages!
4. For accurate analysis which diode model is better ideal diode model, small signal model, constant voltage
drop model or exponential model?
5. Why the diode resistance ro is called small signal resistance?
6. Why the diode resistance is not fixed for all diode current values?
7. What is basic purpose of rectification? Draw the simple rectifier circuit and draw its input-output
8. Draw a simple circuit diagram of four input AND & four input OR gate using diodes and resistance.
9. What is difference between the load and line regulation?
10. Draw a sample circuit to regulate 5V DC supply to 1.4V (output) using two diodes (0.7V each) and a resistor.
11. Can we replace these forward bias diodes in circuit above with Zener diodes? If yes, what Zener will operate
in which region, forward, reverse, or break down region?
12. Derive the expression using diode equation for n=1 and show that for ten times change in the diode current
the diode voltage changes only by approximately 60mV.
13. What will be the change if n=2 in above derivation?
14. What will be the small signal diode resistance at diode current levels of 1, 2,5,10,100, 500mA and 1A?
15. In a Zener diode regulator VSupply = 10V, Vz = 5.2V, rz= 10Ω, RLoad=500Ω, IZK= 0.2mA. For ±2V change in
supply voltage what will be % change in output voltage.
16. In a Zener diode regulator V Supply = 10V, Vz = 5.2V, r z= 10Ω, ILoad=100mA, IZK= 0.2mA. For ±50mA change in
load current what will be % change in output voltage.

Part-2B: Diode and Application of Diode Circuits

Course Outcome#2: An ability to understand the essence of the diode function, grasp the techniques for the
analysis of diode circuits through modeling the diode characteristics, use diodes for various applications,
including in design of rectifier circuits.

1. Draw the simple circuit diagram of the half- wave rectifier using a single diode and derive the formula for
ripple voltage in terms of frequency, load resistance, capacitance and input peak voltage.
2. When input is 10cos(ωt), draw the output wave for the voltage across diode and resistor for half-wave
rectifier assume ideal and then CVD model.
3. When input is 10sin (ωt), draw the output wave for the voltage across diode and resistor for full-wave bridge
rectifier assume ideal and then CVD model. Also draw the load current wave form when load is 1KΩ.
4. Draw the simple circuit diagram of the full wave rectifier using the two diodes and center tap transformer,
what will be the voltages if we assume CVD model?
5. Draw the simple circuit diagram of the full wave rectifier using Diode Bridge (four diodes) and derive the
formula for ripple voltage in terms of frequency, load resistance, capacitance and input peak voltage.
6. Draw the transfer characteristics of full- wave rectifier using transformer, assuming CVD model of diode.
7. Draw the transfer characteristics of full- wave bridge rectifier assuming CVD model of diode.
8. Draw the transfer characteristics of half- wave rectifier assuming CVD model of diode.
9. Draw the simple BLOCK diagram of a DC power supply (transformer, rectifier, filter, and regulator) and
show the symbolic waveforms at the end of each block.
10. What is the PIV value of for diodes in half-wave, full-wave center tape transformer, and full-wave bridge
rectifier? Assume that input is 20 cos(ωt) and we use CVD model with v d=0.7V.
11. What is a basic application of limiter circuit, draw a diagram of double-limiter circuit and very briefly explain
its operation.
12. Assume f=60Hz, Vp=100V, and R=10KΩ, Vr=1Vpp, find the value of average and maximum current for full
wave and half wave rectifiers.

Dr. Rashad.M.Ramzan
EE-225 4/6
13. Assume f=60Hz, Vp=100V, and R=10KΩ, Vr=1Vpp ,find the value of filter capacitor for full wave bridge
rectifiers assuming ideal diodes.
14. Repeat above question assuming CVD model for diodes.
15. What is difference between limiter, clipper and clamper circuits?
16. What is difference between double and single limiter? What is hard and soft clippers?
17. Draw the circuit using the resistors, diode and batteries to clip the voltage waveform at ±7V.
18. Draw the circuit using the resistors, and Zener diodes to clip the voltage waveform at ±7V.
19. Draw the circuit diagram of clamper circuit which limits the voltage on one side by -7V only. (use the R,
diode and batteries only)

Part-3A: Operation of MOSFET

Course Outcome#3: An ability to develop a high degree of familiarity with the MOSFET: it’s physical structure
and operation, terminal characteristics, circuit models, DC biasing, and its use as an amplifier and as a switch.

1. Draw the 3D and 2D structure of NMOS transistor and show the gate, drain, source, and body terminals.
Mention the n-type and p-type material in the structure. Also mention the width and length of transistor on
the diagram.
2. Repeat above for the PMOS transistor.
3. Show the symbolic location of the two diodes formed between the drain & source doing and bulk or body of
the transistor. For the correct operation of the transistor these diodes should be forward or reverse bias?
4. Why this type of transistor is called M.O.S.F.E.T?
5. What is threshold voltage? What is typical value of threshold voltage for NMOS and PMOS transistor?
6. At what value of Vgs the channel is formed? At what value of Vgs the channel is pinched-off?
7. What is oxide capacitance and why it is important in CMOS transistors?
8. The overdrive voltage Vov=VGS-Vt is key quantity which controls the operation region of MOS-FET.
Please describe when FET will be in cut-off, triode and saturation region?
9. What is difference between enhancement and depletion type MOSFET?
10. For typical operation of the MOSFET the B terminal is tied with G, or D, or S? and why?
11. What is excess voltage or effective voltage or overdrive voltage?
12. On which parameters the MOS transconductance parameter depends? What are its units?
13. Derive the expression for gDS,(rDS), is this quantity defined in all regions of operation?
14. What is early voltage? Derive the expression for rO, is this quantity defined in all regions of operation?
15. What is channel length modulation? What are values and units of λ? What is value of output resistance(r O) if
16. Cut-off, triode or linear, and saturation are three modes of operation of NMOS. What should be the value of
VGS and VDS to operate in OFF, triode and liner region? Repeat the same for PMOS transistor!
17. Draw the NMOSFET vDS versue iD characteristics, and show the cut-off, triode and saturation regions. Repeat
the same for PMOSFET.
18. Draw the NMOSFET vGS versue iD characteristics. Also draw the vOV versue iD characteristics.
19. What is CMOS? Why it is popular compared to BJT? Give at least two reasons? (Hint: Cost , Digital Logic
–Power Consumption)

Part-3B: Circuit Model, DC Biasing, MOSFET as an Amplifier and MOSFET as a Switch

Course Outcome#3: An ability to develop a high degree of familiarity with the MOSFET: it’s physical structure
and operation, terminal characteristics, circuit models, DC biasing, and its use as an amplifier and as a switch.
Course Outcome#5: An ability to use EDA tools to simulate electronic circuit: Bias point, DC sweep and
1. Draw the circuit for diode-connected NMOS transistor and derive the expression of this diode current (Hint:
Example 5.4)
2. Draw the circuit for diode-connected PMOS transistor and derive the expression of this diode current.
3. Draw the diagram of CMOS inverter with only single supply voltage (VDD and GND) and show that NMOS
is in cut-off when the Vin=0V.

Dr. Rashad.M.Ramzan
EE-225 5/6
4. Draw the diagram of CMOS inverter with resistor R as a load with two supply voltage (VDD, VSS and
GND) and show the state of NMOS when the Vin=0V, VDD, VSS. (Hint: Example. 5.8)
5. In Fig-A, M1, when Vtn=1V, VDD=5V, VSS=-5V, Kn/(W/L)=1mA/V2, RD=1KΩ, RS=100Ω .Calculate the current
ID through when Vin= 0V, 1V, 3V, 5V.
6. Repeat the above question when the all other
parameters are same but we have one supply like
7. For Fig-B Draw the vGS - vDS characteristics, and show on
the graph the different operating modes of the
8. Fig-B is common-source amplifier. What is optimum
point for DC biasing, so that we can get amplification,
show on the vGS - vDS characteristics graph?
9. Draw the simple capacitor resistor diagram to show
the addition of an ac (sine) and dc voltage?
10. Draw the simple capacitor resistor diagram to show the separation of an ac (sine) voltage from the sum of ac
and dc voltage?
11. What is coupling capacitor? And where it is used.
12. Why biasing is necessary? What is meant by bias point, or dc-operating point or quiescent point?
13. What is disadvantage of the biasing by fixing VGS? Explain with help of diagram!
14. How degeneration resistance improves the biasing characteristics?
15. What is main advantage of biasing using drain-to-gate feedback resistor?

Part-4: Operation Circuit Model, DC Biasing, Amplifier and Switch-- BJT

Course Outcome#4: An ability to develop a high degree of familiarity with the BJT: it’s physical structure and
operation, terminal characteristics, circuit models, DC biasing, and its use as an amplifier and as a switch.

1. Draw the 3D and 2D structure of npn BJT transistor and show the base, emitter, collector, and body terminals.
Also show the majority and minority carrier currents.
2. Describe the operation of BJT in 20 sentences with help of diagram
3. Repeat above for the npn BJT transistor.
4. Describe the four modes of the BJT. Which mode is suitable for amplification and why?
5. Why the reverse active mode is not useful for amplification, and why?
6. Define the amplification factor β,? For good amplification this factor should be large or small?
7. Describe the relationship between β and α.
8. Do the current in forward and reverse bias junction in BJT obey the diode current law?, if yes write the
equation for the collector current in active mode!
9. What is difference between the large and small signal model?
10. Draw the large and small signal mode of npn and pnp BJT!
11. What is DC biasing? What are two main purpose of DC biasing?
12. Describe the conditions to put the npn BJT transistor in active mode both for analysis and design.
13. Describe the conditions to put the pnp BJT transistor in active mode both for analysis and design.
14. Draw the iC versus vCE characteristics of the npn BJT transistor. Mark the different modes of operation on the
graph. Also shown the early voltage and calculate the expression for output resistance in saturation region.
15. Draw the iC versus vBE characteristics of the npn BJT transistor, what happens to these characteristics when
temperature increases.
16. Draw the small signal PI model (both VCCS or gm) for the npn and pnp BJT transistor.
17. Draw the small signal PI model (β or CSCS types) for the npn and pnp BJT transistor.
18. Draw the Voltage Transfer Characteristics (VTC) of Common Source Amplifier and mention the operating
modes on the graph, also write the controlling equation (Figure 4.31). Also locate bias point (quiescent point)
where the circuit should be biases for linear amplification.
19. Define the transconductance (g m) of the BJT and derive the expression (draw the diagram) for the
20. Define the rπ of the BJT and derive the expression for input resistance (start from a diagram)!
21. Define the re of the BJT and derive the expression for input resistance (start from a diagram)!

Dr. Rashad.M.Ramzan
EE-225 6/6
22. Establish the relation between the rπ and re!
23. Describe four biasing methods for BJTs with diagram.(Two Power Supplies, Single Power Supply with
Voltage Divider, Single Power Supply with Voltage Divider and source degeneration resistor and Feedback
Resistor)with help of diagram
24. What is advantage and disadvantage of source degeneration resistor!
25. What is advantage of Feedback Resistor type biasing?
26. Draw the simple diagram of the common source BJT (Fig. 4.36a) amplifier, draw its small signal ac-model
and calculate the gain.
27. What is difference between β and βForced.
28. What is difference between the saturation mode if FET and saturation mode in BJT?

Dr. Rashad.M.Ramzan

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