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This manual presents the current Department guidelines pertaining to roadway design

on the State Highway system ( It

provides a means of developing uniformity and safety in the design of a highway system

consistent with the needs of the motoring and non-motoring users.

It is recognized that situations occur where good engineering judgment will dictate

deviation from the current Department design guidelines. Any such deviations from

design guidelines relative to the following controlling design elements (CDE’s), as

contained in Sections 4 through 7, will require an approved design exception (Except

where Exempted by the NJDOT Design Exception Manual):

Controlling Design Elements (Roadway) Stopping Sight Distance (vertical curves,

horizontal curves, and non-signalized

 intersections) Superelevation (for mainline and ramps)

 Minimum Radius of Curve (for mainline and ramps)

 Minimum and Maximum Grades Cross Slope

 Lane Width (through and auxiliary)

 Shoulder Width

 Through Lane Drop Transition Length

 Acceleration and Deceleration Lane Length (for ramps)

 Horizontal Clearance (N/A in New Jersey – minimum allowable offset 0’-0”)

 Design Speed (a design exception for a reduction in the design speed will not be

 approved)

 Controlling Design Elements (Structural) Bridge Width

The above Controlling Design Element (CDE) list is in accordance with the Design

Exception Manual.

The guidelines contained in this manual, other than the CDE’s shown above, are

primarily informational or guidance in character and serve to assist the engineer in

attaining good design. Deviations from this information or guidance do not require a

design exception.

It is not the intent of this manual to reproduce all the information that is adequately

covered by textbooks and other publications which are readily available to designers

and technicians.

This manual, when used in conjunction with engineering knowledge of highway design

and good judgment, should enable the designer to perform their job more efficiently.

The geometric design of streets and highways not on the State Highway system should

conform to the standards as indicated in the current AASHTO – A Policy on BDC16MR-

02 NJDOT Roadway Design Manual 1-2 Introduction Geometric Design of Highways

and Streets. The design of traffic barriers and drainage systems shall conform to the

NJDOT Roadway Design Manual.

Planning with respect to road construction takes into account present and future uses of

the transportation system to assure maximum service with a minimum of financial and

environmental cost. The main objective of this initial phase of road development is to

establish specific goals and prescriptions for road network development along with the

more general location needs. These goals must result from a coordinated effort

between the road engineer and the land manager, forester, geologist, soil scientist,

hydrologist, biologist and others who would have knowledge or recommendations

regarding alternatives or solutions to specific problems. The pattern of the road network

will govern the total area disturbed by road construction.

The road pattern which will give the least density of roads per unit area while

maintaining minimum hauling distance is the ideal to be sought. Keeping the density of

roads to an economical minimum has initial cost advantages and future advantages in

road maintenance costs and the acreage of land taken out of production.

Sediment control design criteria may be the same as, or parallel to, other design criteria

which will result in an efficient, economical road system. Examples of overlap or parallel

criteria are

1. Relating road location and design to total forest resource, including short and

long term harvest patterns, reforestation, fire prevention, fish and wildlife

propagation, rural homestead development, and rangeland management.

2. Relating road location and design to current and future timber harvesting


3. Preparing road plans and specifications to the level of detail appropriate and

necessary to convey to the road builder, whether timber purchaser or

independent contractor, the scope of the project, and thus allow for proper

preparation of construction plans and procedures, time schedules, and cost


4. Writing instructions and completing companion design decisions so as to

minimize the opportunity for "changed conditions" during construction with

consequent costs in money and time.

5. Analyzing specific road elements for "up-front" cost versus annual maintenance

cost (for instance, culvert and embankment repair versus bridge installation, ditch

pavement or lining versus ditches in natural soil, paved or lined culverts versus

unlined culverts, sediment trapping devices ("trash racks", catch basins, or

sumps) versus culvert cleaning costs, retaining walls or endhauling sidecast

versus placing and maintaining large embankments and fill slopes, roadway

ballast or surfacing versus maintenance of dirt surfaces, and balanced earthwork

quantities versus waste and borrow).

The route planning phase is the time to evaluate environmental and economic tradeoffs

and should set the stage for the remainder of the road development process. Although

inclusion of design criteria for sediment control may increase initial capital outlay, it does

not necessarily increase total annual cost over the life of the road which might come

from reductions in annual maintenance, reconstruction, and repair costs. If an objective

analysis by qualified individuals indicates serious erosional problems, then reduction of

erosional impacts should be a primary concern. In some areas, this may dictate the

location of control points or may in fact eliminate certain areas from consideration for

road construction as a result of unfavorable social or environmental costs associated

with developing the area for economic purposes.


2.1 General Geometric design is the design of the visible dimensions of a highway with

the objective of forming or shaping the facility to the characteristics and behavior of

drivers, vehicles, and traffic. Therefore, geometric design deals with features of location,

alignment, profile, cross section, intersection, and highway types.

2.2 Highway Classification

2.2.1 General Highway classification refers to a process by which roadways are

classified into a set of sub-systems, described below, based on the way each roadway

is used. Central to this process is an understanding that travel rarely involves movement

along a single roadway. Rather each trip or sub-trip initiates at a land use, proceeds

through a sequence of streets, roads and highways, and terminates at a second land

use. The highway classification process is required by federal law. Each state must

assign roadways into different classes in accordance with standards and procedures

established by the Federal Highway Administration. Separate standards and procedures

have been established for rural and urban areas. For a further description of the

classification process, see USDOT, FHWA, Highway Functional Classification:

Concepts, Criteria and Procedures.

2.2.2 Principal Arterial Highways Principal arterial highways form an inter-connected

network of continuous routes serving corridor movements having the highest traffic

volumes and the longest trip lengths. In rural areas, travel patterns should be indicative

of substantial statewide or interstate travel. In urban areas, principal arterials should

carry a high proportion of total urban area travel on a minimum of mileage. The principal

arterial highway system is stratified into the following two sub-systems:

 Interstate system - all presently designated routes of the Interstate System.

 Other principal arterials - all non-Interstate principal arterials

"Other principal arterial" highways may be freeways, expressways or land service

highways. However, because of the function of principal arterial highways, the concept

of service to abutting land should be subordinate to the provision of travel service to

major traffic movements. For facilities within the subclass of other principal arterials in

urban areas, mobility is often balanced against the need to provide direct access as well

as the need to accommodate pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users.Where permitted,

direct access to abutting property should be carefully regulated by license. No absolute

right exists for access to a principal highway, and the rights of the traveling public to a

safe and efficient roadway must be guaranteed.

2.2.3 Minor Arterial Highways Minor arterial highways interconnect with and augment

the principal highway system. In urban areas, minor arterial highways are usually

included in the Federal-aid urban system (FAUS), and serve trips of moderate length at

a somewhat lower level of travel mobility. Access to abutting property should be

minimized to facilitate traffic flow and safety. In rural areas, minor arterial highways will

usually be included in the Federal consolidated primary (FAP) system, and serve trip

lengths and travel densities greater than those served by collector roads. Rural minor

arterials should provide relatively high overall travel speeds, with minimum interference

to through movements consistent with the context of the project area and considering

the range or variety of users. Because of the high speeds, access to abutting property

should be either controlled or carefully regulated.

2.2.4 Collector Roads Collector roads primarily serve trips of intracounty rather than

statewide importance. Travel speeds and volumes are less than on arterial roadways,

but are still high relative to local roads. These roads provide for both land access and

traffic circulation. In urban areas, these roads connect neighborhoods or other districts

with the arterial system, and will usually be part of the Federal-aid urban system

(FAUS). In rural areas, these roads may be subclassified into two groups:

 Major collectors - Serve important intracounty traffic corridors and provide service

to major county traffic generators. These roads will usually be included in the

Federal-aid secondary (FAS) system.

 Minor collectors - Serve smaller places and towns and connect locally important

traffic generators. These roads usually will not be on a Federal-aid system.

2.2.5 Local Roads The local street and road system constitutes all roads not included in

the higher classifications. These streets and roads provide direct access to abutting

land and permit access to the roads of higher classification. They offer the lowest level

of mobility. Service to through traffic movement usually is deliberately discouraged,

especially in urban areas. The local road system contains the large majority of all

roadway mileage in a state, but only a small percentage of total traffic. For example, in

New Jersey local roads include 72 percent of total road mileage, but only 16 percent of

total vehicular miles traveled.

2.3 Design Controls 2.3.1 General The location and geometric design of highways are

affected by numerous factors and controlling features. These may be considered in two

broad categories as follows: A. Primary Controls

 Highway Classification

 Topography and Physical Features

 Traffic

B. Secondary Controls

 Design Speed

 Design Vehicle

 Capacity

2.3.2 Primary Controls

A. Highway Classification

Separate design standards are appropriate for different classes of roads, since the

classes serve different types of trips and operate under different conditions of both

speed and traffic volume. The design of streets and highways on the State highway

system should conform to the guidelines as indicated in this manual. In special cases of

restrictive or unusual conditions, it may not be practical to meet these guide values. For

detailed descriptions of the various guide values, please refer to the appropriate

Sections of this Manual.

B. Topography and Physical Features

The location and the geometric features of a highway are influenced to a large degree

by the topography, physical features, and land use of the area traversed. The character

of the terrain has a pronounced effect upon the longitudinal features of the highway, and

frequently upon the cross sectional features as well. Geological conditions may also

affect the location and the geometrics of the highway. Climatic, soil and drainage

conditions may affect the profile of a road relative to existing ground. Man-made

features and land use may also have considerable effect upon the location and the

design of the highway. Industrial, commercial, and residential areas will each dictate

different geometric requirements.

C. Traffic

The traffic characteristics, volume, composition and speed, indicate the service for

which the highway improvement is being made and directly affects the geometric

features of design. The traffic volume affects the capacity, and thus the number of lanes

required. For planning and design purposes, the demand of traffic is generally

expressed in terms of the design-hourly volume (DHV), predicated on the design year.

The design year for new construction and reconstruction is to be 20 years beyond the

anticipated date of Plans, Specifications and Estimate (PS&E), and 10 years beyond the

anticipated date of PS&E for resurfacing, restoration and rehabilitation projects. The

composition of traffic, i.e., proportion of trucks and buses, is another characteristic

which affects the location and geometrics of highways. Types, sizes and load-power

characteristics are some of the aspects taken into account. The following definitions

apply to traffic data elements pertinent to design.

ADT Average Daily Traffic - The total volume during a given time period greater than

one day but less than one year divided by the number of days actually counted.

AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic - The total yearly volume in both directions of travel

divided by 365 days. BDC16MR-02 NJDOT Roadway Design Manual 2-4 General

Design Criteria

DHV Design-Hourly Volume - Normally estimated as the 30th highest hour two-way

traffic volume for the design year selected.

K Ratio of DHV to ADT, expressed as a percent.

D The directional distribution of traffic during the design hour. It is the one-way volume

in the predominant direction of travel expressed as a percentage of DHV.

T The proportion of trucks, exclusive of light delivery trucks, expressed as a percentage

of DHV.

V Design Speed – Expressed in mph.

2.3.3 Secondary Controls

A. Design Speed

"Design Speed" is a selected speed used to determine the various design features of

the roadway.

The assumed design speed should be a logical one with respect to topography,

anticipated operating speed, the adjacent land use, the presence of bicycle and

pedestrian accommodations, and the functional classification of the highway. Except for

local streets where speed controls are frequently included intentionally, every effort

should be made to use as high a design speed as practicable to attain a desired degree

of safety, mobility and efficiency within the constraints of environmental quality,

economics, aesthetics and social or political impacts. Once the design speed is

selected, all of the pertinent features of the highway should be related to it to obtain a

balanced design. Above minimum design values should be used, where practical. On

lower speed facilities, use of above-minimum design criteria may encourage travel at

speeds higher than the design speed. Some design features, such as curvature,

superelevation, and sight distance are directly related to and vary appreciably with

design speed. Other features, such as widths of lanes and shoulders, and clearances to

walls and rails, are not directly related to design speed, but they affect vehicle speeds.

Therefore, wider lanes, shoulders, and clearances should be considered for higher

design speeds. Thus, when a change is made in design speed, many elements of the

highway design will change accordingly.

Since design speed is predicated on the favorable conditions of climate and little or no

traffic on the highway, it is influenced principally by:

 Character of the terrain;

 Extent of man-made features;

 Economic considerations (as related to construction and right-of-way costs).

These three factors apply only to the selection of a specific design speed within a

logical range pertinent to a particular system or classification of which the facility is a

part. The design speed (mph) as it relates to the posted speed (mph) is shown below:

B. Design Vehicle

The physical characteristics of vehicles and the proportions of the various size vehicles

using the highways are positive controls in geometric design. A design vehicle is a

selected motor vehicle, the weight, dimensions and operating characteristics of which

are used to establish highway design controls to accommodate vehicles of a designated

type. The symbols and dimensions of design vehicles are shown in Table 2-2.

Improving an existing highway is preferred to the constructing a new one. Highways are

improved to meet general traffic needs, to eliminate or reduce negative impacts caused

by traffic or when changes in land use so require. A new highway shall be constructed

when the existing highway network no longer meets the requirements of traffic or land

use, and these requirements cannot be satisfactorily met or eliminated through road

improvements or other transport system develop Road Planning Process, or the

negative impacts caused by traffic cannot be reduced enough.

Reasons to improve existing highways and construct new ones include the following:

• Increased mobility/travel due to residential, work place and service developments.

• Requirements better serve the transport needs of industrial and commercial activities.

• Increasing mobility during working hours and free time and growth of the car fleet.

• Need to make highways safer and reduce negative impacts on the environment

caused by traffic.

• Aim to improve pedestrian and bicycle traffic conditions, and the use of public


• Aim to improve traffic mobility


3.1 General

This section includes general terminology associated with the road cross-section and

terms commonly used in highway design. Reference is made to “Highway Definitions,”

AASHTO, 1968.

3.2 Cross-Section Terminology

The elements of the road cross-section are illustrated in Figure 3-A and Figure 3-B and

defined as follows:

1. Highway - A general term denoting a public way for purposes of vehicular travel,

including the entire area within the right-of-way lines. Recommended usage in urban

areas, highway, or street; in rural areas, highway or road.

2. Highway Section - The portion of the highway included between top of slopes in cut

and the toe of slopes in fill.

3. Roadway - The portion of the highway, including shoulders, for vehicular use.

4. Traveled Way - The portion of the roadway provided for the movement of vehicles,

exclusive of shoulders, auxiliary lanes, and bicycle lanes.

5. Median - The portion of a divided highway separating the traveled ways for traffic in

opposite directions.

6. Shoulder - The portion of the roadway contiguous with the traveled way for

accommodation of stopped vehicles for emergency use, and for lateral support of the

base and surface courses. The shoulder may be used for bicycle travel where allowed.

It may also be used by pedestrians in the absence of a sidewalk.

7. Surfaced Right Shoulder - That portion of the outside paved shoulder to provide all

weather load support.

8. Surfaced Left Shoulder - The portion of the median shoulder paved to provide all

weather load support.

9. Profile Line - The point for control of the vertical alignment. Also, normally the point of

rotation for superelevated sections.

10. Pavement Cross Slope – Lateral slope across the pavement. See Section 5.2.2.

11. Shoulder Cross Slope – Lateral slope across the shoulder. See Section 5.4.3.

12. Base Course - The layer or layers of specified or selected material of designed

thickness placed on a subbase or subgrade to support a surface course.

13. Subbase - The layer or layers of specified or selected material placed on a

subgrade to support a base course. BDC15MR-01 NJDOT Roadway Design Manual 3-2

Definitions and Terminology

14. Surface Course - One or more layers of a pavement structure designed to

accommodate the traffic load, the top layer of which resists skidding, traffic abrasion,

and the disintegrating effects of climate. 15. Pavement Structure - The combination of

subbase, base course and surface course placed on a subgrade to support the traffic

load and distribute it to the roadbed.

16. Shoulder Surface Course

17. Shoulder Base Course

18. Subgrade - The top surface of the roadbed upon which the pavement structure and

shoulders are constructed.

19. Original (Existing) Ground

20. Embankment (Fill)

21. Fill Slope

22. Cut Section

23. Cut Slope - Also called cut face.

24. Hinge Point (P.V.I.) - The intersection of shoulder slope planes with fill or cut slope


25. Rounding - At the intersection of existing ground and cut slope.

26. Median Barrier - A longitudinal barrier used to prevent an errant vehicle from

crossing the portion of a divided highway separating the traveled ways for traffic in

opposite directions.

27. Guide Rail - A barrier whose primary function is to prevent penetration and safely

redirect an errant vehicle away from a roadside or median hazard.

28. Top of Slope - The intersection of the cut slope and the original ground.

29. Toe of Slope - The intersection of the fill slope and the original ground.

30. Outer Separation - The portion of an arterial highway, between the traveled ways of

a roadway, for through traffic and a frontage road.

31. Frontage Road - Also called marginal road or street. A local road, or street auxiliary,

to and located on the side of an arterial highway for service to abutting property and

adjacent areas and for control of access.

32. Roadside - The area adjoining the outer edge of the roadway (normally applies to

freeways). The term "border" or "sidewalk area" is usually referred to street type


33. Outer Separation Island - The space in the outer edge of roadway shoulder and

frontage roadway shoulder and frontage road or street which may be landscaped or

paved depending on width.

34. Buffer Strip - The space in the border area provided to separate the sidewalk from

the vehicular travel facilities.

35. Sidewalk - An exterior pathway with a prepared surface (concrete, bituminous, brick,

stone, etc.) intended for pedestrian use.

Highway planning is based on the Highway Act and Decree, and other legislation

concerning land use planning. The state is responsible for maintaining and planning

highways. The Finnish Transport Agency acts as the responsible organisation at state

level. The Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (EDTE

Centres) are regional-level authorities. The EDTE Centre commissions the planning,

construction and maintenance of highways from companies offering such services. In

addition to highways maintained by the state, there are streets in urban areas,

constructed and maintained by the municipalities. In addition, many private roads exist,

especially in rural areas, which are the responsibility of shareholders or the owner of the

real estate in question.



–Functional classification

–Projected traffic volumes and composition

–Design speed and design vehicle

–Topography–Available Funding

–Driver performance factors


–Social and environmental impacts

–Right-of-Way (ROW)


Functional Classification of Highways

•Hierarchialsystem based on purpose andlevel of importance

–Principal arterials

–Minor arterials

–Major collectors

–Minor collectors

–Local roads and streets

Each functional classification can is termed either urban or rural depending on the

location of the planned highway.

Road planning is part of community planning. It is part of a planning system in which

plans for traffic, land use and areas are all integrated. Co-operation is therefore

necessary between the different parties involved in planning. Road maintaining and

planning involves planning of maintenance, upkeep and development of the highway

network. It is based on goals set by the Ministry of Transport and Communications,

resulting in plans and programmes to achieve these goals. These in turn direct actions

within different segments, such as the planning of road projects. Road management

programmes are drawn up in co-operation with the other parties involved in community

planning. There are programmes with three time scales: long-term plan (LTP, 10 to 30

years), operational and financial plan (OFP, 4 years) and an annual implementation

plan based on the state budget. Major road network development projects are drawn up

in a centralised manner, with Parliament making implementation decisions during

budget debates. Other road projects are drawn up in the regional Centres for Economic

Development, Transport and the Environment.


“Complete Streets” involves designing streets not just for the automobile but for all

users. Generally, the elements that make up a complete street, according to the

National Complete Streets Coalition, are sidewalks, bicycle lanes, shared-use paths,

designated bus lanes, safe and accessible transit stops, and frequent and safe

crossings for pedestrians, including median islands, accessible pedestrian signals, and

curb extensions. There is no one design for complete streets since different areas have

different road uses. However, all complete street designs should balance safety and

convenience for everyone using the street.

The MTP recommends the development and adoption of Complete Streets policies.

Complete Streets policies direct transportation planners and engineers to consistently

design the right-of-way to accommodate all users – drivers, transit riders, pedestrians,

and bicyclists, as well as for older people, children, and people with disabilities.

Complete streets provide a safer and more accessible transportation system for all


Sample Complete Streets Resolution for NWA Communities:

The planning of road projects is a process becoming more detailed stage by stage. At

each stage, the level of planning accuracy and decisionmaking is adapted in

accordance with land use planning. The planning process has four stages: feasibility

study, preliminary engineering planning, final engineering planning and construction

planning. In minor road projects with limited impacts, planning and decision-making

stages can be combined. When a new highway or the improvement of an existing

highway is planned, the planning must be based on a land use plan meeting the

requirements of the Land Use and Building Act. Road planning phases are connected to

land use planning as follows:

• At the feasibility study phase, the necessity and timing of road projects are studied at

the same approximate planning level as the regional land use plan and the local master


• Preliminary engineering planning corresponds to land use planning on the level of a

local master plan or a local detailed plan. A preliminary engineering plan determines the

approximate location and space requirement of the road and its relation to the

surrounding environment.

• Final engineering planning is planning at the same level of detail as local land use


• Construction planning is related to the implementation of a road project and is

performed before and during construction. In different phases of the planning process,

alternatives are reduced as road planning becomes more accurate. As the process

progresses, planning can be more and more focused. For the public and other parties to

the planning process, it is important to participate in the planning at the right time.

Planning can also be interrupted, if sufficient reasons no longer exist to continue the

planning process.


Description Provides access to properties within a neighborhood or district. Not

intended for long-distance auto trips.

Conforms to Minor Street dimensions of 30 feet from curb-to-curb.

 Minor streets generally require no lane markings.

 Minor streets can be further optimized for bicycle travel by applying bicycle

boulevard treatments (described in these design guidelines in the Northwest

Arkansas Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan).

 Parking may be permitted or prohibited based on demand and adjacent land use.

Planning a transport system involves interactive planning of land use and traffic. Thus, a

framework is created for the arrangement of different traffic modes and land use.

Planning generates traffic policy objectives and goals, network plans for different traffic

modes, implementation strategies for the system and assessments of the impacts. More

detailed plans for pedestrian and bicycle traffic, public transport, parking etc. are made

when needed.

Transport system plans have been drawn up for many urban areas and some

provinces. In smaller urban areas, the planning emphasis is usually on traffic network


For various purposes, feasibility studies can have different names and content. The

most common project-specific feasibility studies are the development study, needs

assessment and development/action plan.

The starting points of a feasibility study are existing land use and current road and traffic

conditions. Societal development causes changes in travel needs and traffic conditions.

These changes are examined during the feasibility study phase and the actions required

to meet the goals set for the development of traffic conditions are planned. The outcome

of the feasibility study is a project or several projects for which preliminary examinations

have been conducted of possible alternative actions, including the related impacts and

costs. During the feasibility study, the need for interaction varies according to the nature

of the project. Participation by municipalities and regional councils are usually

emphasised during co-operation.

The decision to begin planning can be made based on the feasibility study. Such a

decision consists of the road authority’s statements concerning the necessity, timing

and further planning of development actions. Actions deemed necessary proceed for

further development and implementation. The related timetables are determined

according to the funding available.


Description Provides traffic circulation within neighborhoods, commercial and industrial

areas. Collects traffic from local streets in neighborhoods and channels it into the

arterial system.

Conforms to Collector Street dimensions of 40 feet from curb-to-curb.


• Connections between arterials should be indirect in order to discourage use by traffic

from outside the neighborhood.

• Design Service Volume: 4,000 vpd; 6,000 vpd with left turn bays

• Speed: 25-30 mph

Preliminary engineering planning determines the approximate location of the road, the

road’s connections to the existing and future road network and land use, basic technical

and traffic solutions and the principles underlying the prevention of negative impacts to

the environment. Planning is performed at a level of detail which ensures that the plan is

technically, financially and environmentally feasible. When legislation requires an

environmental impact assessment (EIA), the road project’s environmental impact is

assessed according to the Act on Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure during

the preliminary engineering planning phase.

The approval decision is made on the preliminary engineering plan. The project can

then be included in near-future implementation programmes (the Finnish Transport

Agency’s operating and financial plan, the programmes of the Centres for Economic

Development, Transport and the Environment).

Because the location and quality of the highway and the highway’s impacts on people’s

living conditions and the environment are determined in the preliminary engineering

plan, this phase has the most important effect on the road project. An approved

preliminary engineering plan may limit Preliminary Engineering Plan other construction

activities and impose an obligation on the road authority to expropriate areas. In

general, principles approved in the preliminary engineering plan are usually no longer

discussed in the final engineering planning phase. Customarily, when the final

engineering plan is eventually submitted for processing, solutions already approved in

principle are no longer subject to change through objections or appeals.


Function Connects higher functional class facilities, activity centers, regions of the area,

and major county roads at the edge of the metropolitan area. Traffic is composed

predominantly of trips across and within regions of the city.

Provides service to traffic at a somewhat lower level of travel mobility than principal

arterials with minimal control of access.

 Ideally does not penetrate neighborhoods.

 Design Service Volume: 12,200 vpd; 14,800 vpd with left turn bays

 Speed: 35-40 mph

Final engineering planning determines the precise location of the highway, areas

required for the highway, intersections of highways and private roads and solutions for

other road connections, solutions for pedestrian and bicycle traffic and public transport,

and other detailed solutions such as measures necessary to the prevention of negative

traffic impacts. Because the final engineering plan settles all issues directly affecting

land owners and other parties concerned, interaction is focused on issues to be agreed

with them.

The approval decision is made on the final engineering plan, allowing the road authority

the right to take possession of the area required for the highway. It is sometimes

necessary to make a revision plan to an approved final engineering plan. This process

is similar to the original plan, unless the impact of the change is so minor that

agreement with real-estate owners is sufficient. Once financing has been ensured,

highway construction can be started.

Construction planning belongs to the road construction phase and covers the drafting of

the documents required for construction. In many cases, the contractor is often

responsible for drawing up the construction plan. Within limits of the final engineering

plan, interaction between road constructors and landowners and other concerned

parties continues throughout the entire planning and construction phase. In minor

projects, the final engineering and construction planning phases can be combined.

Compensation is paid for any damage caused to external property during final

engineering or construction planning and construction.



Connects freeway/expressways, rural highways at the edge of the metropolitan area,

and major urban activity centers within the metropolitan area. Traffic is composed

predominantly of traffic across or through the city.

Access may be controlled through medians or by the limitation of curb cuts through the

orientation of access for new developments, especially residential subdivisions, to

intersection cross streets • Ideally does not penetrate neighborhoods.

• Design Service Volume: 17,600 vpd – 20,600 vpd with left turn lane

• Speed: 40-45 mph



High speed, multi-lane facilities with a high degree of access control. These facilities

serve the major centers of activity of the metropolitan area and are well integrated with

the urban arterials and major rural arterials routes entering the region. They should

provide a high level of traffic service to travelers who do not have local destinations and

wish to bypass the city.

• Design Service Volume: 28,300 vpd expressway; 44,800 vpd freeways

• Speed: 55-70 MPH

• Lanes: Four or more 12-foot lanes; 10-foot outside shoulders and 6-foot inside


• Median: Either acceptable depressed median or raised median with safety barrier

Design criteria consist of a detailed list of considerations to be used in negotiating a set

of road standards. These include resource management objectives, environmental

constraints, safety, physical environmental factors (such as topography, climate, and

soils), traffic requirements, and traffic service levels. Objectives should be established

for each road and may be expressed in terms of the area and resources to be served,

environmental concerns to be addressed, amount and types of traffic to be expected,

life of the facility and functional classification. Additional objectives may also be defined

concerning specific needs or problems identified in the planning stage.

1. Resource management objectives: Why is the road being built; what is the

purpose of the road (i.e., timber harvesting, access to grazing lands, access to

communities, etc.)?

2. Physical and environmental factors: What are the topographic, climatic, soil and

vegetation characteristics of the area?

3. Environmental constraints: Are there environmental constraints; are there social-

political constraints? Examples of the former include erosiveness of soils, difficult

geologic conditions, high rainfall intensities. Examples of the latter include land

ownership boundaries, state of the local economy, and public opinion about a

given project.

4. Traffic requirements: Average daily traffic (ADT) should be estimated for different

user groups. For example, a road can have mixed traffic--log or cattle trucks and

community traffic. An estimate of traffic requirements in relation to use as well as

changes over time should be evaluated.

5. Traffic service level: This defines the type of traffic that will make use of the road

network and its characteristics. Table 3 lists descriptions of four different levels of

traffic service for forest roads. Each level describes the traffic characteristics

which are significant in the selection of design criteria and describe the operating

conditions for the road. Each level also reflects a number of factors, such as

speed,travel time,traffic interruptions, freedom to maneuver, safety, driver

comfort, convenience, and operating cost. Traffic density is a factor only if heavy

non-logging traffic is expected. These factors, in turn, affect: (1) number of lanes,

(2) turnout spacing, (3) lane widths, (4) type of driving surface, (5) sight

distances, (6) design speed, (7) clearance; (8) horizontal and vertical alignment,

(9) curve widening, (10) turn-arounds.

6. Vehicle characteristics: The resource management objectives, together with

traffic requirements and traffic service level criteria selected above, will define the

types of vehicles that are to use the proposed road. Specific vehicle

characteristics need to be defined since they will determine the "design

standards" to be adopted when proceeding to the road design phase. The land

manager has to distinguish between the "design vehicle" and the "critical

vehicle". The design vehicle is a vehicle which ordinarily uses the road, such as

dual axle flatbed trucks in the case of ranching or farming operations, or dump

trucks in the case of a mining operation. The critical vehicle represents a vehicle

which is necessary for the contemplated operation (for instance, a livestock truck

in the case of transporting range livestock) but uses the road infrequently. Here,

the design should allow for the critical vehicle to pass the road with assist

vehicles, if necessary, but without major delays or road reconstruction.

7. Safety: Traffic safety is an important requirement especially where multiple user

types will be utilizing the same road. Safety requirements such as stopping

distance, sight distance, and allowable design speed can determine the selected

road standards in combination with the other design criteria.

8. Road uses: The users of the contemplated road should be defined by categories.

For example, timber harvest activities will include all users related to the planned

timber harvest, such as silviculturists, foresters, engineers, surveyors, blasting

crews, and construction and maintenance crews, as well as the logging crews.

Administrative users may include watershed management specialists, wildlife or

fisheries biologists, or ecologists, as well as foresters. Agricultural users would

include stock herders and rangeland management specialists and will have a

different set of objectives than timber objectives. An estimate of road use for

each category is then made (e.g., numbers of vehicles per day). For each

category, the resource management objective over several planning horizons

should be indicated. For instance, a road is to be built first for (1) the harvest of

timber from a tract of land, then (2) access for the local population for firewood

cutting or grazing, and finally (3) access for administration of watershed

rehabilitation activities. The planner should determine if the road user

characteristics will change over the life of the road.

9. Economics: The various road alternatives would undergo rigorous economic


As part of this process a "roads objectives documentation" plan should be carried out.

This process consists of putting the road management objectives and design criteria in

an organized form. An example of such a form is given in Table 4.

Table 3. Traffic service levels definitions used to identify design parameters (from U.S.

Forest Service, Transportation Eng. Handbook).


Access Management provides an important means of maintaining mobility, improving

safety and system reliability. It calls for effective ingress and egress to a facility, efficient

spacing and design to preserve the functional integrity and overall operational viability of

street and road systems. Good access management promotes safe and efficient use of

the transportation network.

NWARPC has worked toward development of regional policies and a Model Access

Management Ordinance. The Model Access Management Ordinance is available to

local governments to use and tailor to their unique and specific needs and situations.

Please see Appendix C: Model Access Management Ordinance.

Access Management should address, among other things, the following areas:

• Facility hierarchy

• Intersection and interchange spacing

• Driveway spacing

• Traffic signal spacing

• Median treatments and median openings

• Turning lanes and auxiliary lanes

• Street connections

In areas of rapid land development, it is important for jurisdictions to develop access

standards that achieve a balance between property access and functional integrity of

the road system. Studies show that implementing access management provides three

major benefits to transportation systems:

• Increased roadway capacity

• Reduced crashes

• Shortened travel time for motorists

Effective access management will accomplish the following:

1) Limit the number of conflict points at driveway locations. Conflict points are

indicators of the potential for accidents. The more conflict points that occur at an

intersection, the higher is the potential for vehicular crashes. When left turns and cross

street through movements are restricted, the number of conflict points is significantly

reduced. 2040 Northwest Arkansas Metropolitan Transportation Plan Facility Design,

Management and Operations, and System Performance 8-9

2) Separate conflict areas. Intersections created by streets and driveways represent

basic conflict areas. Adequate spacing between intersections allows drivers to react to

one intersection at a time, and reduces the potential for conflicts.

3) Reduce interference for through traffic. Through traffic often needs to slow down for

vehicles exiting, entering, or turning across the roadway. Providing turning lanes,

designing driveways with appropriate turning radii, and restricting turning movements in

and out of driveways allows turning traffic to get out of the way of through traffic.

4) Provide sufficient spacing for at-grade, signalized intersections. Good spacing of

signalized intersections reduces conflict areas and increases the potential for smooth

traffic progression.

5) Provide adequate on-site circulation and storage. The design of good internal vehicle

circulation in parking areas and on local streets reduces the number of driveways that

businesses need for access to the major roadway.

Access Management encompasses a set of techniques that state and local

governments can use to control access to highways, major arterials, and other

roadways. The FHWA lists the following techniques:

• Access Spacing: Increasing the distance between traffic signals improves the flow of

traffic on major arterials, reduces congestion, and improves air quality for heavily

traveled corridors.

• Driveway Spacing: Fewer driveways spaced further apart allow for more orderly

merging of traffic and present fewer challenges to drivers.

• Safe Turning Lanes: Dedicated left and right-turn, indirect left-turns and U-turns, and

roundabouts keep through traffic flowing. Roundabouts represent an opportunity to

reduce an intersection with many conflict points or a severe crash history (T-bone

crashes) to one that operates with fewer conflict points and less severe crashes

(sideswipes) if they occur.

• Median Treatments: Two-way left-turn lanes (TWLTL) and non-traversable, raised

medians are examples of some of the most effective means to regulate access and

reduce crashes.

• Right-of-Way Management: As it pertains to right-of-way reservation for future

widening, good sight distance, access location, and other access-related issues.

A road design standard consists of such elements as the definitive lengths, widths, and

depths of individual segments (e.g., 4.3 meter traveled way, 0.6 meter shoulders, 3/4:1

cutslopes, 1 meter curve widening, 15 cm of crushed aggregate surfacing). Figure 6

illustrates the road structural terms that will be used throughout the rest of this

handbook. Selection of the appropriate road design standard is critical to the overall

efficiency of the road network to be installed, and certain elements will have a more rigid

standard than others depending on the location of the road or road segment. The entire

range of values for each standard must be evaluated and selected according to their

appropriateness for a given segment. Then, the various design elements must undergo

testing to ensure that the final design meets the previously agreed upon management

objectives. For instance, on steeper grades vertical alignment has a greater effect on

travel speed than horizontal alignment. Therefore, surfacing and horizontal alignment

should not be improved to increase speed where the road gradient is the controlling




 The project is in harmony with the community, and it preserves environmental,

scenic, aesthetic, historic, and natural resource values of the area.

 The project is a safe facility for all users and the community.

 The project solves problems and satisfies the purpose and needs identified by a

full range of stakeholders.

 The project exceeds the expectations of both designers and stakeholders and is

perceived as adding lasting value to the community as a whole.

 The project involves efficient and effective use of resources (time, budget) of all

involved parties.

CSS projects consider new and emerging technologies, funding sources, and public

policy issues aimed at addressing major drivers such as energy supply, climate change,

and sustainability initiatives. CSS projects also address livability issues such as bicycle

and pedestrian facilities, transit, and multimodal connections. Additionally, CSS projects

embrace sustainability principles such as stormwater management, water quality, and

the use of recycled materials throughout their lifecycles.


Congestion management is the use of strategies to optimize operations of a

transportation system through management and operation of the existing system. As

such, a congestion management process (CMP) is a systematic regional approach that

provides current performance measures detailing the system performance and

evaluates strategies that meet the local objectives.

The CMP is intended to serve as a systematic process that provides for safe and

effective integrated management and operation of the multimodal transportation system.

The process includes:

• Development of congestion management objectives.

• Establishment of measures of multimodal transportation system performance.

• Collection of data and system performance monitoring to define the extent and

duration of congestion and determine the causes of congestion.

• Identification of congestion management strategies.

The Northwest Arkansas CMP provides a structure for responding to congestion in a

consistent, coordinated fashion by responding to congestion through a process that

involves developing congestion management objectives, developing performance

measures to support these objectives, collecting data, analyzing problems, identifying

solutions, and evaluating the effectiveness of implemented strategies.

The goal of the CMP is to ensure optimal performance of the transportation system by

identifying congested areas and related transportation deficiencies.

The CMP network includes 224.5 centerline miles of roadway spread over 13 different

roadways divided into 234 directional links bound by a traffic signal, stop sign, or major

cross street. Of the 242 directional miles studied in the morning peak and afternoon

peak periods, it was determined to classify the top 15 percent of the segments as

congested including both the results of the AM and PM periods. The AM period was

defined from 7:00-9:00 AM, while the PM period was defined from 4:30-6:30 PM. Map

8.2 shows the 2015 CMP Network.


The purpose of the CMP Study was to identify and quantify problem areas in the region

using 2013 private sector travel speed data and AHTD volume data. Private sector 2013

travel speed data was procured for the region which covered the National Highway

System (NHS) and arterial network in the urbanized area. Through the use of private

sector travel speed data, various performance measures were calculated.

NWARPC has introduced the use of congestion index (CI) as one element of

performance in the CMP. This performance measure allows easy comparison of the

efficiency of roadways as a ratio of average travel speed to the posted speed limit. The

second measure is volume delay per mile. This performance measure calculates the

delay or amount of time drivers wait as compared to traveling at the posted speed. Also,

by multiplying it by the link volume, the overall impact of the delay can be measured. CI

is purely a measure of delay time, but does not relate the number of cars in the delay. In

many cases the minor or secondary roads are high on the CI ranking but rank lower on

the volume delay because fewer vehicles and people are affected on these secondary

roads. The CMP segments vary in length across the board between those on arterials

and freeways. In order to standardize the results and allow direct comparison across the

network, the volume-delay results were divided by the length. This measure provides a

result with the units of vehicle hours of delay per mile, thus allowing a more direct

comparison between segments. As a result, the preferred performance measure was

determined and used to identify the operating results of each link of the CMP network.

Based on the local conditions in the region, attention was focused on the peak periods.

The duration of congestion and other performance measures were not as much of a

concern with the short peaking of congestion within the region. This also is applicable in

most areas of the region to performance measures based on volume. There are a few

areas within the region where capacity is an issue, but most delay occurs at the node

level and is not a link problem. Because volume is measured mid-block and does not

consider the operations of the nodes (intersections), attention is being focused at the

location where the MPO can get the most benefit. The primary performance measure is

volume delay per mile. In order to narrow the focus on those roadway segments that

need attention and commonly have recurring delay, the results were tabulated and the

highest 15 percent of the network was categorized as congested. Over time, with future

updates, the region will be able to revisit these thresholds and adjust as desired. FHWA

encourages flexibility with the process and customization of the methodology and

performance measures to respond to the local and regional objectives.


Access Management

Access management is accomplished in a variety of ways such as managing the design

of access points, the location of access points, the number of access points allowed

within a given distance (access density), and the roadway median treatment. Generally,

the number of access points is minimized and regularly spaced from each other so that

conflict points are separated.

Signal Timing

Signal timing improvements are a relatively inexpensive way to make significant

improvements on a transportation network. Improved signal timing can decrease delay

by appropriately allocating green time among competing phases. This allows more

traffic to pass through the signal with less delay. By adjusting cycle lengths and offsets,

drivers can travel longer distances along a corridor before having to stop for a red light.

This decreases travel time and improves air quality. Both signal timing optimization and

traffic signal progression are low cost improvements to make the best use of existing

capacity and optimize allocation of funding. The cost for a signal timing improvement

project varies depending on the number of traffic signals, the controller capabilities, the

location of the traffic signals and adjacent signals, the number of timing plans required,

and implementation and fine-tuning needs. Adaptive signal control as has been

implemented along Hwy. 71B in Springdale and Rogers and Hwy. 62 in Rogers and will

be more expensive per intersection than just occasional signal optimization, but

depending on the application, may be cost effective in the long run.

Signal timing is an area that deserves attention within the region to allow maximum

efficiency of the existing system before costly widening to add capacity. The results will

be very evident as has been demonstrated previously with localized projects. A regional

perspective would produce consistent travel time runs even when crossing from one

city/agency to another.

As transportation funding continues to be limited, operations are being highlighted by

many regions across the country. It has been clearly proven locally and nationally that

operational improvements provide the highest benefit/ cost ratio and on a regional scale

as compared to local capacity projects that benefit a smaller portion of the area. 2040

Northwest Arkansas Metropolitan Transportation Plan Facility Design, Management and

Operations, and System Performance 8-19 Data collection, development of a model for

each desired timing plan, signal timing optimization, and implementation can be

accomplished along a corridor for around $3,000 per intersection (not including any

necessary hardware in the signal cabinet).

The methods will vary as to how to accomplish the desired results depending on the

signal hardware currently in place and the expansion capabilities. It can be as simple as

installing a GPS clock at each intersection ($500) to synchronizing the controller clocks,

to more advanced systems where each intersection needs vehicle detection ($15,000)

and wireless communications ($2,500) between signals. Either way, the benefit/cost

ratio of this type of work is unmatched in today’s funding environment.

Intersection and Interchange Geometrics and Control

Adding signals or roundabouts, when warranted, may be an improvement at all-way

stop intersections or intersections with heavy major-street and cross-street traffic. This

reduces delay for previously stop-controlled movements but may increase delay for

movements that were not controlled. As traffic volumes increase, traffic signals or other

types of intersection design such as roundabouts or continuous flow intersections

should be considered to efficiently move traffic. Local intersection improvements also

can result in big reductions in delays through bottleneck mitigation. Local improvements

include geometric changes related to increased queue storage to channelized right

turns and overlapping signal phases.

Incident Management

Non-reoccurring congestion based on traffic incidents (crashes) can account for up to

25 percent as the source of congestion. Incident management plays a large roll in

reducing delays and secondary incidents. By identifying incidents early and having

quick responses from tow trucks available in close proximity that may be stationed or

roving, clearing of incidents helps traffic return to normal operations as quick as


Safety Projects – Roadway Departures, Grade Separated Bicycle and Pedestrian


Safety projects reduce crash rates and the severity of crashes. The region should

continue to deploy rumble strips as needed, cable median barriers, enhanced signing at

curves and high friction pavements to reduce crash rates on the CMP network.

Additionally, two Razorback Regional Greenway trail crossings have been grade

separated (MLK/Hwy 180, and S. Walton Blvd./Hwy. 71B) on the CMP network which

improves the safety and reliability of both systems.

AHTD is installing approximately 600 miles of cable barrier installations statewide.

Within the MPA, AHTD has installed approximately 46 miles of cable barrier with 24

miles of cable barriers along I-49 between Fayetteville and Bentonville (Table 8.2). The

safety project was completed in 2012 between Fayetteville and Rogers. AHTD reported

that from 2007 to 2011, before the cable barriers were installed, there were 17 serious

median crossover crashes that resulted in 10 fatalities along I-49, an average of two

fatalities per year. In areas where I-49 is being widened, a concrete barrier wall will

preplace the cable median barrier.


Roadway widening is necessary where traffic signal timing and access management are

unable to provide enough capacity for heavy traffic volumes. Some segments may

improve in the short term with optimized signal timing, but may ultimately warrant

additional capacity through widening. Widening could include adding a through lane for

a long section of road, or providing turn lanes at intersections. Capacity improvements

on I-49 (widening) and designing urban interchanges to accommodate anticipated traffic

continues to be a priority for the region.


MAP-21/FAST Act established a performance and outcome-based program. NWARPC,

AHTD and MoDOT are required to develop plans and programs that help achieve the

national goals for (1) Safety, (2) Infrastructure Condition, (3) Congestion Reduction, (4)

System Reliability,(5) Freight Movement and Economic Vitality, (6) Environmental

Sustainability, and (7) Reduced Project Delivery Delays.

Over the next several years, final rules on performance measures and targets will be

published by FHWA and FTA. MoDOT, AHTD, and NWARPC will continue to work

together to identify measures and develop systems/ methodologies to implement

performance-based transportation planning and programming.


Safety of the transportation system is one of the national goals and a performance

measurement area under MAP21/FAST Act. Safety currently is measured nationally, by

individual state, and by county based on data reported to the States and U.S. DOT.

Safety performance is generally measured by calculating the fatality and serious injury

rates of the system based on vehicle miles of travel (VMT) and 100,000 population.

Travel is measured as vehicle miles of travel (VMT) and is calculated and published

each year by AHTD in the Road and Street Mileage Report. This annual calculation is

based on the Annual Average Daily Traffic (AATD) counts and mileage of the

transportation system (AADT x Length of the roadway system = Vehicle Miles of


The rate of fatalities is generally expressed as rate per 100,000 population and as 100

million annual vehicle miles of travel (100 million VMT). These rates are generally

compared to the U.S., State, and other counties.

NWARPC has provided the fatality and serious injury rates expressed in per 100,000

population and 100 million VMT. The Arkansas portion of the MPA boundary (Benton

and Washington County) is calculated as one rate and McDonald County is calculated

separately utilizing the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) and the Arkansas

State Police Database.

The rates shown should be viewed as a baseline data for the region in anticipation of

future safety performance targets and performance measures as required by the final

rule making by FHWA and FTA. NWARPC will work with its planning partners as AHTD,

MoDOT, and NWARPC identify and develop safety performance targets and/or

performance measures under MAP-21/FAST Act.

Safety Analysis

From 2009–2013, Benton and Washington County, Arkansas averaged 43 fatalities and

318 serious injuries each year. The total number of fatalities has ranged from 49 in 2011

to 33 in 2015.

Crash Rate per Vehicle Miles of Travel (VMT)

In 2013, Benton and Washington County fatalities per 100 million vehicles traveled was

0.84 which was below the national and state rate. The Arkansas rate was 1.44 fatalities

per 100M VMT and the U.S. rate of 1.09 fatalities per 100M VMT

Arkansas and U.S. Rates

The Arkansas rates per 100 million VMT and 100K population have declined over the

last four years but are still higher than the U.S. rate.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Analysis

This section reviews data for crashes involving pedestrians and bicyclists in Benton and

Washington Counties (2009- 2013), as reported by the Arkansas State Police. There

are approximately 75-110 reported crashes annually that have resulted in 245 or more

injuries and 27 fatalities over the course of five years. While 2013 saw a dip, bicyclist

crashes in particular appear to be trending upwards, perhaps reflecting the fact that

bicycling is becoming more common. Additional data on the number of bicycle trips that

took place each year would be needed to understand if the crash rate (i.e., crashes per

bicycle trip) is going up or down.

Statewide Safety Plans

State highway system safety is addressed through the Arkansas Strategic Highway

Safety Plan – 2013 (AHTD) and the Arkansas Highway Safety Office (Arkansas State

Police). Both plans have goals, performance measures, and specific strategies to

reduce the number of fatalities and serious injuries rates on the state highway system.

Arkansas Strategic Highway Safety Plan’s focus is “Toward Zero Deaths.” This goal

supports the national goal of a “Toward Zero Death” strategy. The 2013 plan is

organized into primary, secondary and special emphasis areas with a focus on specific

engineering, education, enforcement, and emergency services strategies to reduce the

rate of fatalities and serious injuries. The Arkansas State Police-Arkansas Highway

Safety Office “coordinates a statewide behavioral highway safety program making

effective use of federal and state highway safety funds and other resources to save

lives and reduce injuries on the State’s roads.”

The annual Highway Safety Plan is prepared by the Highway Safety Office and includes

safety goals, objectives and recommended projects each year. The plan outlines the

goal of reducing fatalities by “identifying driver behaviors that cause fatal crashes and

targeting problem areas where fatal crashes occur.” The plan has focused in areas of

impaired driving, occupant protection and speed issues



2.46 VRS are commonly known as crash barriers and are primarily used to protect

vehicle occupants from impacting road furniture or hazards or reaching opposing

carriageways. Much research and investigation has been carried out over the years and

this has led to the development of the BS EN 1317 which has drawn together best

practice and developed a standard way of testing and evaluating the performance of

VRS. BS EN 1317 allows Systems tested under the same conditions to be compared

and acts as a compliance test to determine good from inadequate systems.

2.47 No vehicle impact with a barrier is the same as another. Vehicles differ in mass,

shape, rigidity and impact barriers at different angles and speed. A barrier tested to BS

EN 1317 will not tell you how it will perform when impacted by all errant vehicles, but it

will give confidence as to how it will perform in the majority of cases. The performance

of the barrier in terms of impact will vary according to the location of the installation, the

ground conditions, specialist environmental considerations, etc. It is also important that

the life cycle of the barrier is considered.

2.48 Figure 2-2 summarises the general factors that need to be taken into account by

the designer/contractor when selecting suitable VRS for most situations. Further

guidance on particular factors relating to specific situations is given in the text in the

various Chapters of this Standard.]


11.1 The advice given for this topic is applicable to both rural and urban roads.

11.2 There are two standards for anti-glare systems for roads. They are BS EN 12676-

1: Performance and characteristics and BS EN 12676-2: Test Methods. All new anti-

glare systems must conform to the above standards and the specific requirements

described in Appendix 4/1 (MCHW 2).

11.3 The purpose of an anti-glare screen or barrier is to cut off light from oncoming

vehicle headlights. They must be designed so that light directed towards the driver at

oblique angles (12° to 20°) is reduced whilst relatively open vision (around 70°) is

maintained in the sideways direction. The height to effectively screen headlight glare

from all types of vehicles on level ground is 2.0 m.

11.4 Screens and barriers can be made of various occluding materials. Where a screen

is to be erected in a grass verge it is desirable that it is set in a paved strip to avoid

grass-mowing problems. Screens of angled vanes of dense polyethylene mounted

above a safety barrier have also been found to be effective in meeting anti-glare

requirements in the central reserve of a rural dual carriageway.

11.5 Research carried out on a heavily trafficked motorway where an anti-glare screen

had been installed on top of a deformable safety barrier in the central reserve showed

drivers experienced no major problems. One effect of the combined safety barrier and

anti-glare screen was that the installation caused screen shyness. The effect of screen

shyness caused approximately 3% of all car drivers in the middle and offside lanes of a

three-lane motorway to change their position away from the safety barrier/screen, by a

distance of between 150-250 mm.

11.6 Anti-glare screens have been recorded as creating extra usage of main beam

lights to the extent that drivers of preceding vehicles are aware of this. However, there

is no significant difference of injury accident rates between screened and unscreened

lengths of road when tested; the effects on non-injury accidents were not determined.


"Traffic calming is the combination of mainly physical measures that reduce the

negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behavior and improve conditions for

non-motorized street users."

- ITE Subcommittee on Traffic Calming


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