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"End Of Education Is Character" - BABA

What Can Parents Do... (In words of Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

Men should try to understand women, and women should also try to understand
men. It is the harmony, peace and mutual love between men and women that
brings happiness and peace to the family. People want happiness in the family,
but they do not lead exemplary lives. The fault lies with both the husband and the
wife. If children have taken the wrong path these days, the parents alone are
responsible, as they are not exemplary in their behaviour either.

For example, how can you prevent the child from smoking if the father smokes in
front of the son? Then he, too, will start smoking by stealing cigarettes from his
father’s pocket. If the father scolds him for smoking, the modern day child
retorts, “Father, when you yourself are smoking, why do you object to my
smoking?” Therefore, parents should never behave in a manner that will set a
bad example for the children.

Sometimes you cry that your children are not listening to your advice, and have
gone astray. How can you make them listen to you. Did you listen to the advice
of your parents? Whatever you say or do comes back to you. You should have
proper control over your children. First of all, have control over yourself. Only
when the father is good can he expect his son to be good. Is it possible for him to
keep his son at home when he himself roams about as he likes? Nowadays, the
father does not try to correct the child, and the child does not listen to the
mother. Therefore, 90% of the fathers are like Dhritarashtra; they will accept
anything that their children do. This is the reason why the world has come to
such a sorry state. If the children take the path of charitable services, faith in God
and devotion, the father asks the children, “ What is all this madness? Have you
also become Sai crazy? Don’t participate in service, don’t do charity, do not
attend devotional singing.” Some fathers are like that some others are like
Hiranyakasipu. Some fathers close their ears like Hiranyakasipu did, so that he
could not hear his son, Prahlada (an exemplary child who was devoted to God),
uttering the name of God. Today, we have only fathers like Dhritarashtra and
Hiranyakasipu, while there is a lack of fathers who can guide their children on the
right path and set before them some lofty ideals. Some parents preach high
ideals, but they cannot correct their own children at home. Who will listen to their
sermons? It is easy to speak but difficult to practice.

Hence, we should understand the values enshrined in Bharatiya (Indian) culture.

These days, children do not show any interest in reading sacred texts. They read
all sorts of trash and start on the wrong path in their childhood. If the tender
saplings grow straight the tree will also grow straight. If the sapling grows
crooked, then the tree will grow crooked. Therefore, love the children, but give
them stern correction if they anything wrong. Timid parents of today fear to
establish strict rules for the children, as they may run away from home and end
their lives.

It is better to live like a swan for two years than to live like a crow for a hundred
years. If we want children who will earn a good name in society, and if such
children are to be fostered, then, the parents must first correct themselves. When
Prahlada defied the commands of his father, King Hiranyakasipu, his mother tried
to persuade him in a pleasing manner and said, “ My dear son, it is not for you to
disregard the commands of your father. Try to obey by any means.” Therefore, in
all situations, it is the mother who advises the child. So, mothers of today should
have pure thoughts and ideals.

Sai Ram

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