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Daily Lesson Plan Draft

Teacher: PHE Mentor: Jane Grade: 6

Date: 28/08/2019 Lesson: 05

Concept: Adaptation, Refinement, Space Unit: Striking and fild

Statement of Inquiry: Refinement impacts on performance Lesson: Single

Guiding questions for the lesson: How can you improve your batting skills? What skills you need to be good to help you bat
with a good technique?

Lesson Outcomes:
Students will explain the importance of batting
Students will execute batting skills in a game situation
Students will Students will identify commons points between catching and bating
Time Lesson Structure Teaching Strategies
5mins Warm up: Catching Game/Shuttle run
Skill learning (Engage – Learning context): batting skill, we will demonstrate right technique for the Differentiation
25mins skill. And discuss how important is to implement the right technique. (Modifications)
Guided practice: we will reinforce the practice for batting in pairs one throwing the ball and other How will my lesson satisfy
one batting and they will switch, they will do this in different distances for the closest until the ideal the needs of all learners?
distance that they will use in a game situation. (stretch or support)

Game situation: We will have two team 1 for batting and another for fielding, the batting team will We will divide the skills in
send the players one by one same for fielders they will send one and the rest of them will be aroung different levels to give
the field . After the player bat he runs until the last base, and the fielders will try to get the ball and opportunity to all of them.
make 3 passes before the batter get to the last base. And the last pass for the fielders is for the
boller. Also they will be working
with others to share what
they know.
Digital literacy
enhancement (How is
technology being infused
5 mins Cool down/Reflection: How will I tie up loose ends, reinforce the objective and connect the lesson to facilitate digital
to the unit question? Exit ticket etc. One student will lead the stretch. What are the challenges you literacy?)
faced during the game? Is there a better solution to apply next game?
Relevant Resources

Formative Assessment
(Check for, and /or
facilitating understanding)
Ask questions throughout
the lesson to make sure
students understand the
concepts.(mini quiz,
Thumbs up, traffic lights,
How many times they will
bat using the right

How will I know if students

have achieved today’s
Observing the students
During discussions
Teacher’s Reflection:

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