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Digital Marketing Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide

Digital marketing. Just another one of those new, fancy buzzwords you
should use to sound smart in meetings.

This digital marketing guide will show you what’s what.

First popularized as a term in the early 2000’s, digital marketing has

actually been around much longer.

Like, WAY longer. About 100 years longer, to be exact.

The first digital marketer in history

His name: Guglielmo Marconi.

What? Marconi?

Yup. In 1896 he was the first human to demonstrate a, “public transmission

of wireless signals.”

This dude invented the radio.

Shortly after his little demonstration in England, more signals were

transmitted across open water.

And, while it would take another 10 years for the radio to reach the general
public, it sure didn’t take the creators long to realize they could use it to sell

The first live broadcast was from an opera performance at the Met and
guess what people did after it?

They bought show tickets!

Digital marketing strategy was born.

I bet you’re surprised. I didn’t mention smart phones, apps, Facebook ads
or blogs at all.

That’s because digital marketing has nothing to do with the internet.

If you are wondering what digital marketing is… it’s is advertising delivered
through digital channels. Channels such as social media, mobile
applications, email, web applications, search engines, websites, or any
new digital channel.

Or a simpler version…

Digital marketing is any form of marketing products or services that

involves electronic devices.

That’s the reason it has been around for decades (because electronics
have) and why it doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with content
marketing, Google ads, social media or re targeting.

Digital marketing can be done both online and offline.

And, both kinds matter for a well-rounded digital marketing strategy.

Next, there’s radio marketing. The next time you hear an annoying,
over-enthusiastic car dealer shout every word of his or her commercial,
thank Mr. Marconi.

Of course, we can’t forget television marketing. TV ads have been around

for more than half a century (and since 1953 also in color, nationwide – Yes,
there was a time before color TV).

Finally, the biggest and fastest growing area of offline marketing, with
admittedly also a lot of flops, busts and failures: phone marketing.

Radio marketing

Over 100 years have passed since that original first live broadcast of the
opera performance at the Met and guess what – radio is still here.

Since radio did fairly well in transitioning to the internet, it hasn’t taken as
big of a hit as TV. And, even old school radio still matters.

Some facts:

Radio still reaches 85% of the US population every week

Listeners listen 2 hrs per day, on average

40% of all radio advertising expenses worldwide comes from the US

About half the population of the US listens to internet radio at least once a

Recently, internet radio made a good move, doing what most podcasts do:
advertise at the beginning of shows.

If you host a show revolving around a certain topic, like coaching, you can
plug programs and products in, right before and at the end of the show.

Since social media is the marketing darling these days, it should be fairly
easy to find a local radio station, get on a show, be interviewed or negotiate
a deal with them.

Once you do, be sure to get some sponsor ships, to make sure that you’re a
prime candidate for the station and that they give you the premium slot and
the best air time possible.

In most cases, doing well on radio means being entertaining.

TV marketing

Television marketing is such a Goliath, it’ll likely never go away. It’s also
easily the industry where the most money is burned each year.

Ever since Google Video turned into Youtube, the efficiency of TV ads has
gone down rapidly.

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