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Presented at the COMSOL Multiphysics User's Conference 2005 Boston

A MEMS Ferrofluid Pump

Leidong Mao and Hür Köşer

Electrical Engineering, Yale University

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 1

Ferrofluids Outline
• Ferrofluid applications

• Brownian vs. Neel relaxation

• Pumping ferrofluids

• Effect of traveling magnetic


• Modeling pumping dynamics

• Simulation and experimental


• Potential pumping applications

• Future Works

• Conclusions

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 2

What Are Ferrofluids?
• Nanometer sized magnetic
particles, covered by a
surfactant, suspended in a
carrier medium compatible with
the surfactant material.

• A wide range of magnetic

combinations exist.

• Particle diameter is typically 10 Source: FerroTec Corp.

nm, volume fraction up to 10%.
A sample reaction that results in magnetite particles:

2 FeCl3 + FeCl2 + 8 NH3 + 4H2O Fe3O4 + 8 NH4Cl

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 3

Keeping the Suspension Stable
• Thermal fluctuations are sufficient to overcome the magnetic
attraction between the nanoparticles.

• The surfactant helps overcome the Van der Waal’s forces by

preventing the particles from coming too close, either by steric
(a) or electrostatic (b) repulsion.

(a) Cis-oleic acid




Oil medium
Source: University of Wisconsin MRSEC

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 4

Stability Against Agglomeration
μ0 : free space permeability
M: magnetization
d: particle diameter
s: surface to surface distance
k: Boltzmann’s constant
T: temperature
H: magnetic field strength
Thermal Energy = kT
Dipole-dipole pair energy between two magnetic particles is

π μ0 M 2 d 3 2s
Edd = ,l =
9 (l + 2 )3 d
Worst case scenario happens when s = 0

( )
thermal _ energy kT
= ≥ 1 ⇒ d ≤ 72 kT / πμ0 M 2 3
dipole − dipole _ contact _ energy π μ M 2d 3
For H = 8*105 A/m, M = 4.46*105 A/m before saturation
November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 5
Stability Against Agglomeration
• A 10% by volume suspension of magnetite has a saturation
magnetization of around 560 G.

• The magnetization of each single-domain particle responds to a

high magnetic field with a time constant on the order of 10 μs.

• High magnetic field gradients can be used to position a ferrofluid.

“Spikes” and other interesting features may appear at the
ferrofluid surface in the presence of such high fields.

1. Spikes
2. Penny
3. Leap
4. Traveling fields
Source: FerroTec Corp.

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 6

Ferrofluid Applications

• Liquid seals and bearings

in rotating machinery
(e.g., in almost all disk
drives, silicon crystal-
growing furnaces, etc.).

Source: Advanced Fluid Systems

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 7

Ferrofluid Applications

• Heat pipes; in loudspeakers

(over 50M each year) for
mechanical stability
(centering and damping)
and better cooling.

Source: Advanced Fluid Systems

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 8

Ferrofluid Applications

• Inertial dampers in
shock absorbers,
stepper motors, etc.

Source: FerroTec Corporation

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 9

Ferrofluid Applications

• Magnetic cell

Source: SHOT product catalog

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 10

Ferrofluid Applications

• Targeted drug
delivery, MRI
agents, sub-

Source: Adam Curtis, Europhysics Source: Kobayashi, et. al, Cancer

News 34, 2003. Research 63, 2003.

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 11

Brownian and Néel Relaxation Times
• Brownian relaxation time τB = 3Vη0/kT

• Néel relaxation time τN = (1/f0)exp(KaV/kT)

V: magnetic particle volume

η0 : viscosity, 10.4 cp

f0 : 109 Hz 1/τ= 1/τB + 1/τN

Ka: anisotropy constant, 78000 J/m3 2

x 10

T : temperature, 300K Neel Time Constant

k : Boltzmann’s constant, 1.38*10-23 J/K 1.5

Time Constant(s)
Surfactant layer thickness is taken
to be 2 nm.
Brownian Time Constant Total Time Constant

2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Magnetic particle diameter(m) x 10

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 12

Our Background: Magnetic MEMS
The Micro Turbine Engine

The Magnetic Induction Generator

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 13

Microfluidics – Soft Lithography



Cover slip

Microfluidic Channels


November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 14

Ferrofluid Pumping Approaches
1. Manipulate the ferrofluid surface using a quasi-static field:

Source: G. S. Park and S. H. Park, IEEE Trans.

Mag., vol. 35, no. 55, Sept. 1999.

2. Move a ferrofluid plug via

permanent magnets:

Source: A. Hatch, et
al., JMEMS, vol.10,
no.2, June 2001.

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 15

Ferrofluid Pumping Approaches
3. Body pumping (i.e., no surface phenomena) with oscillating,
rotating and traveling waves.

(a) (b)

Insulator (air)
Symmetry Axis
o o o o o o o o o o o o

Insulator Insulator
o o o o o o o o o o o o

Ferrofluid Insulator or Magnetic

Symmetry Axis Medium

The geometrical setup for (a) cylindrical and (b) two-dimensional Cartesian coordinates.

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 16

Magnetization Constitutive Law
The magnetization relaxation equation (MRE) for a ferrofluid with
simultaneous magnetization, convection, position dependent
velocity v, and reorientation due to particle spin ω is
+ (v ⋅ ∇ )M − ω × M + [M − χ 0 H ] = 0
∂t τ
where τ is a relaxation time constant and χ0 is the effective magnetic
susceptibility (taken constant).
8 Assumptions (by symmetry):
g media, μ
ω = ωy(x)iy , v = vz(x)iz
{( }

) )
H = ℜ H x(x)i x + H z(x)i z ⋅ e j (Ωt−kz)
) )
) }
B = ℜ Bx(x)i x + Bz(x)i z ⋅ e j (Ωt−kz)
d Ferrofluid Vz

) )
M = ℜ M x(x)i x + M z(x)i z ⋅ e j (Ωt−kz) }
media, μ0 y z
3 o o o o o o o o o o o o

And that the ferrofluid
h K y = ℜ { Ks e j(Ωt - kz)
} does not reach saturation!!
media, μ
For a typical χ0~1,
1 Kmax~10000 A/m.

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 17

Magnetization Constitutive Law
Substituting the assumptions into the MRE, we can relate M to H:
M x = χ0
{ ) )
[ j (Ωτ − kvz τ ) + 1]H x + ωy τH z } = C(x)H) )
+ D(x)H z
[ j (Ωτ − kvz τ ) + 1]2 + (ωy τ )2 x

M z = χ0
{− ωθ τH x + [ j (Ωτ − kvz τ ) + 1]H z }
) )
) )
= −C(x)H x + D(x)H z
[ j (Ωτ − kvz τ ) + 1] + (ωy τ )
2 2


j (Ωτ − kvz τ ) + 1 ωy τ
C(x) = χ 0 ; D(x) = χ 0
[ j (Ωτ − kvz τ ) + 1]2
+ (ω y τ)
[ j (Ωτ − kvz τ ) + 1]2 + (ωy τ)2
Hence, in the most general scenario, the magnetization vector lags
behind the applied field in a complex manner, depending on the
excitation frequency, the relaxation time, the induced local particle
spin and the local flow velocity. In the limit of no pumping (e.g., very
small time constant), this relationship reduces to
) ) ) )
M x = χ 0 H x ;M z = χ 0 H z
November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 18
Magnetization Constitutive Law
Now, inserting Ampere’s and Gauss’ Laws
) )
) j dH z(x) dBx (x) )
∇ × H = 0 ⇒ H x(x) = ; ∇⋅B = 0 ⇒ = jkBz (x)
k dx dx
and the definition B = μ 0 (H + M ) into the MRE, one gets
d H z (x) ⎡ 1 d C(x) dH z (x) ⎡ jk d D(x)
⎤ 2⎤
−⎢ ⎥ −⎢ + k ⎥ H z (x) = 0 (1)
dx ⎣ 1 + C(x) dx ⎦ dx ⎣ 1 + C(x) dx ⎦
Once H is known, magnetic force and torque can be calculated:

f = μ 0 (M ⋅ ∇ )H T = μ 0 (M × H )
[ ]
1 ⎡ ) dH * ) ) ∗⎤ ) ) ∗ ) ) ∗
x 1
f x = μ0ℜ ⎢ M x + jkM z H x ⎥ Ty = μ 0ℜ − M x H z + M z H x
2 ⎢⎣ dx ⎥⎦ 2
) ∗
1 ⎡ ) dH z ) ) ∗⎤
f z = μ0ℜ ⎢ M x + jkM z H z ⎥
2 ⎢⎣ dx ⎥⎦
November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 19
Fluid Mechanics
Coupled Navier-Stokes Equations, both for linear and angular velocity:

Magnetic force density Vortex viscosity

Dynamic viscosity

⎡ ∂v ⎤
ρ ⎢ + (v ⋅ ∇ )v ⎥ = −∇p + f + 2ζ∇ × ω + (ζ + η )∇ 2 v − ρgi x
Time rate of ⎣ ∂t ⎦
momentum Force density
⎡ ∂ω ⎤
density change I⎢ + (v ⋅ ∇ )ω ⎥ = T + 2ζ (∇ × v − 2ω ) + η' ∇ 2ω
⎣ ∂t ⎦

Magnetic torque density Shear coef. of


November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 20

Fluid Mechanics (cont’d)
For an incompressible ferrofluid, at steady-state, the equations in
Cartesian coordinates become:
d 2vz d ωy
(ζ + η) + 2ζ − + fz = 0
dx 2 dx ∂z
… (2)
' d ωy ⎛ dvz ⎞
η − 2ζ ⎜ + 2 ω y ⎟ + Ty = 0
dx 2 ⎝ dx ⎠
(1) and (2) above are discretized (second-order) and solved iteratively.
vz=0 x
ωy=0 x=d When solving for flow and spin velocity,
boundary conditions (BCs) are for
non-slip flow.

d Ferrofluid

Δx =d/n 2 When solving for magnetic fields, BCs

1 are found using the solutions to
Δx =d/(2n)
magnetic diffusion equation.
x=0 z
November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 21
Boundary Conditions
⎛ ⎞ Hˆ 4 ,z = Hˆ 5 ,z ; Hˆ 6 ,z = Hˆ 7 ,z
⎜ − coth (kg ) Continuity:
⎛ Bˆ 7 ,x ⎞ ⎟⎛ ˆ ⎞
⎜ ⎟ = jμ ⎜ sinh (kg ) ⎟⎜ H 7 ,z ⎟
⎜ Bˆ ⎟ 0
⎜ ⎟⎜⎝ Hˆ 8 ,z ⎟⎠
Bˆ 4 ,x = Bˆ 5 ,x ; Bˆ 6 ,x = Bˆ 7 ,x
⎝ 8 ,x ⎠ −
⎜ sinh (kg ) coth ( kg ) ⎟
⎝ ⎠ 8

Ferrohydrodynamics g media, μ0

⎛ ⎞
⎛ B3 ,x ⎞ ⎜ − coth (kΔ ) 1


sinh (kΔ) ⎟⎛⎜ Hˆ 3 ,z ⎞⎟

ˆ 6
⎜ ⎟ = jμ ⎜ Ferrofluid
⎟⎜⎝ Hˆ 4 ,z ⎟⎠
⎜ Bˆ ⎟ 0

⎝ 4 ,x ⎠ −
⎜ sinh (kΔ) coth (kΔ ) ⎟

⎝ ⎠ 4
media, μ0 y z
o o o o o o o o o o o o

Hˆ 3 ,z − Hˆ 2 ,z = Kˆ S
h Ky = ℜ { Ks e j(Ωt - kz) }
media, μ
⎛ ⎞
⎛ B1,x ⎞ ⎜ − coth (kh ) 1

sinh (kh ) ⎟⎛⎜ Hˆ 1,z ⎞⎟
⎜ ⎟ = jμ⎜ 1

⎜ Bˆ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜⎝ Hˆ 2 ,z ⎟⎠
⎝ 2 ,x ⎠ −
⎜ sinh (kh ) coth (kh ) ⎟
⎝ ⎠

For all practical purposes, g and h can be taken to be infinity,

resulting in vanishing field values at the outer edges of the
computation space.

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 22

Algorithm Summary

Initialize vz, ωy

Solve the discretized MRE

(Eq. (1)) to get Hx and Hz,
as well as Mx and Mz

Set vz = vz’
Calculate magnetic force
ωy = ωy’
and torque densities

Solve the discretized coupled

Navier Stokes equations (Eq. (2))
to get new vz’ and ωy’




November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 23

Simulation Results-Cartesian Case
For an oil-based, commercially available ferrofluid (EFH1 from FerroTech)
η = 6 gr/m.s, ζ = 0.81 gr/m.s, τ ~ 10 μs
Ω = 50 kHz, K = 1000 A/m, d = 10 mm, 2π/k = 62.8 mm.

Linear velocity Spin velocity

0.015 60

Spin Velocity(radians/sec)
Flow Velocity(m/sec)

10 50

-9 0
0.01 -8 40 10
0.005 -9 20
10 10
0 10
0 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
x(m) x(m)

Note: Bottom layer permeability, μ, is taken 3μ0.

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 24

Simulation Results-Cartesian Case

There exists an optimum excitation wave number and frequency!

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 25

Simulation Results-Cartesian Case
There exists an optimal excitation frequency (~1/τ), and an optimal
excitation period (~2π/d) that achieves maximum pumping. It is
rather straightforward to control pumping flow by simply changing
the excitation frequency or amplitude alone.

x 10


8 10


k⋅ d

3 4


1 2 3 4 5 6
Frequencies(radians/sec) x 105

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 26

Simulation Results-MEMS Case
For an oil-based, commercially available ferrofluid (EFH1 from FerroTech)
η = 6 gr/m.s, ζ = 0.81 gr/m.s, τ ~ 10 μs
Ω = 50 kHz, K = 10000 A/m, d = 100 μm, 2π/k = 628 μm.

Linear velocity Spin velocity

Note: Bottom layer permeability, μ, is taken 3μ0.

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 27

Simulation Results-Cylindrical Case
For an oil-based, commercially available ferrofluid (EFH1 from FerroTech)
η = 6 gr/m.s, ζ = 0.81 gr/m.s, τ ~ 10 μs
Ω = 50 kHz, K = 10000 A/m, r = 2 mm, 2π/k = 12.6 mm.

Linear velocity Spin velocity

Note: Bottom layer permeability, μ, is taken 3μ0.

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 28

Simulation Results-Cylindrical Case
Once again, there exists an optimal excitation frequency (~1/τ), and
an optimal excitation period (~2π/r) that achieves maximum

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 29

Experimental Setup

Experimental setup used

P1,V1 P2,V2 to find out the pressure
P1',V1' P2',V2' ∆P produced by ferrofluid
h/2 pumping
A: cross-section area
of the pipe


Electromagnetic Coil

∆P = P1 – P2 – (P’1 – P’2) + ρg{[ (P1 – P2) - (P’1 – P’2) ]/[(A/2)(P’1 /V1 + P’2/V2)]}

First Second Negligible small compared

reading Reading to P1 – P2 – (P’1 – P’2)

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 30

Experimental Results-Cylindrical Case


pressure difference(Pa)



2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 31
Experimental Results-Cylindrical Case
Pressure Rise vs. Frequency at I = 10 A peak (~ 8kA/m at the center)

2 Experimental Data
Pressure rise (Pa)

One possible
simulation fit
Peak corresponds to an effective hydraulic diameter of
about 26 nm and a particle percentage of only 2%
among the entire ensemble of magnetic nanoparticles.

0 500 1000 1500 2000
November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 32
MEMS Device Concept (Top View)

0º 90º
90º 180º
180º 270º
270º 0º
0º 90º
90º 180º
180º 270º
Phase A: Phase
Phase A: Phase B:
sin(Ωt) cos(Ωt)
sin(Ωt) cos(Ωt)

The input currents to two coils have 90 degrees phase difference

in order to emulate a traveling magnetic field
November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 33
MEMS Device Fabrication

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 34

Thermal Management

• Tested various
substrates for their
heat-sinking capacity,
including standard
glass-epoxy printed
circuit board (PCB) and
a thermal-clad insulated
metal substrate (IMS).
HS stands for “heat
sink” sitting underneath
the electrode

• ∆T depends on I2 as

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 35

Water-based Ferrofluid

Crucial steps:

1) Control the size

distribution of the
particles, and tighten it
as much as possible for
increased sensitivity.

2) Determine
compatible medium –
surfactant – receptor

3) Develop an effective
receptor coating

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 36

Early Prototypes and Initial Results

We have just recently

demonstrated micro-scale
pumping and that it is a
strong signal (i.e.,
relatively easy to detect)!

Next step is to functionalize the

magnetic nanoparticles with specific
receptors for the target pathogen.

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 37

2D Modeling Requires COMSOL
Cap layer
Ferrofluid • Full Navier-Stokes
• PDE Mode
PDMS layer
Copper Electrodes
Insulating layer
• Magnetoquasistatics and
Base Layer

z • Coming soon: thermal
coupling with currents
Flow velocity norm
and material properties

Magnetic flux density contours

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 38

At 40 kHz (near pumping peak)

Now, equations are nonlinear (1D symmetry

broken), and we conduct a time integration
until steady-state is reached.

t = 5.55e-6 second

t = 6.66e-5 second

t = 1.11e-4 second

t = 3.33e-4 second

t = 5.55e-4 second

t = 8.88e-4 second

t = 1.67e-3 second

t = 3.3e-3 second

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 39

At 1 kHz (low frequency)

At low frequencies, eddies in flow are

maintained at steady-state. The
discreteness of the wires have an effect.

t = 2e-5 second

t = 4e-5 second

t = 8e-5 second

t = 2e-4 second

t = 4e-4 second

t = 5e-4 second

t = 1e-3 second

t = 2e-3 second

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 40

Secondary Effects
• 1D vs. 2D
• Mathematically
perfect traveling
wave vs. discrete
• Aluminum base vs.
insulator base

Using COMSOL, we
are able to achieve
higher fidelity in
representing the real
experimental setup.

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 41

Ferrofluid Micro Sensor Fabrication

Si Si Si

(a) (b) (c)

Capping layer
Electroplated Cu
SU-8 SU-8
Si Si Si

(d) (e) (f)

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 42

Ferrofluid Pathogen Detection Concept

x 10
-12 10nm and 12 nm particles comparison, cartesian coordinates

12nm, f0 = 13.533kHz

10nm, f 0 = 23.407kHz

23.540kHz (half width),

2 half width/f 0 = 1.74

40.554kHz (half width),

half width/f 0 = 1.73

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Frequency (Hz) x 10

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 43

• Sinusoidally varying traveling waves can achieve quite significant
ferrofluid pumping velocities.

• The degree of pumping can be varied by orders of magnitude

simply by changing the excitation frequency and/or amplitude.

• There exists an optimal excitation frequency and wavelength in the

case of the traveling waves.

• This is good news for the development of new technologies based

on closed-loop, self-contained ferrofluid pumping. The absence of
any moving mechanical parts in this scheme makes it very
attractive for robust and miniaturized cooling techniques,
biomedical applications, cellular manipulation and sorting in micro
channels, etc.

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 44

Future Work
• We are obtaining more experimental data to support theory.

• Magnetic particles size determination is key in explaining our simulations.

• Thermal modeling will be included to assess the maximal cooling efficiency

of a closed-loop, ferrofluid-based circulatory system.

• Microfluidic channels incorporating self-contained ferrofluid systems will

be fabricated to test cellular manipulation schemes.

• Potential biomedical applications are being evaluated.

Source: FerroTec Corp.

November 3, 2005 FEMLAB User’s Conference 45

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