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Roman Slaves ------ ABHI AND AADIT-----

Hardworking - The Roman Slaves

had to work hard with manual
labor and building roads, bridges,
buildings and more, because the
passage says “No matter what
The Roman Empire was vast they were doing, slaves were
and spanned the whole of made to work hard.”
Southern Europe, some of
Britain, Northern Africa and Maltreated - Based on our evidence, the
West Asia slaves were maltreated because they were
made to work hard, and even if they earned
their freedom, they were only Plebeians (the
Romans’ Lower Class of Society), even if they
were skilled. Even if they worked very hard,
sometimes the families would not agree to
free them. Some were very fortunate to be
freed by their owners, but that would ONLY
happen if they were private slaves. But
(through the passage) if they were
government slaves/public slaves they had no
option but to work.
Extra Info about the Romans
Powerful - The Romans must have
Rich Romans Feasting
been very rich and powerful to buy, sell
and trade slaves for money and make
them do Manual Labor or skilled jobs
for literate slaves. Even if the slaves
were freed, they got the rights as the
Plebeians or in lower class. They could
also be known as powerful because the
wealthy families could easily afford

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