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On this, 11th day of September, 2019


Candidate (5), Queen AllJAHyé Searles
Formally Files her Protest and Appeal of the
2019 SAG-AFTRA National Presidential and
NATIONAL BOARD Elections, and the
Los Angeles Presidential and Local Board Elections
in Accordance with SAG-AFTRA Nominations and Election Policy

Candidate’s Questions to SAG-AFTRA Members and concerned affiliates;


What would you do if one day you realized that you were merely a “tribute, a sacrificial lamb,” a
pawn in a game, fashioned for only the elite few to fully participate and win? Would you be willing to
RISE UP, make Your Voice heard, AND YOUR VOTE COUNT like our Atlanta SAG-AFTRA Local
did, as reported in an August 7, 2019 DEADLINE article by David Robb?

1. On July 29, 2019 Attorney Robert E. Allen, a Partner with Pierce Bainbridge Beck Price &
Hecht LLP, drafted a letter on behalf of “a number of significant SAG-AFTRA Union
Members,” to SAG-AFTRA’s General Counsel, Duncan Crabtree-Ireland alleging “Election
Violations and Breach of Fiduciary Duties by incumbent, Gabrielle Carteris. In said letter,
disseminated by email to National Presidential Candidates, and referenced in a Variety
article, Attorney Allen charges Carteris with:

A. Violating the SAG-AFTRA Constitution Article XI(A) and (B)(2) by breaching

confidentiality through misuse of insider information/and or

B. Violating “the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act (“LMRDA”),

including 29 U.S.C. §§411(a)(1) , 481(c), (e), AND (g), and 501(a)-(b),” by acting in
concert with election staff to alter her original candidate statement, which was
required to be submitted on or before June 28, 2019; after approval of the Netflix
contract on July 20, 2019 and prior to the Mailing of elections materials. According to
Film Reporter, Dave McNary, author of the aforementioned article; Carteris says the
allegations were “baseless” and “blamed” the Membership First Faction, originally
under the tutelage of Candidate (1), Jane Austin and currently headed by Candidate
(4), Mathew Modine.

2. Presidential Candidate (3), Abraham Justice, announced on Facebook that he has initiated the
arduous process of protesting the 2019 SAG-AFTRA National Officer Election, which was
confirmed by articles published online on Deadline and Variety. The flagrant violations of
“equal treatment” demonstrated by excluding Candidates, from a “SAG-AFTRA Presidential
Candidate Town Hall” debate that was held on August 15, 2019 by an association called
“UnionWorking,” prompted the Background Artists Coalition (BAC), an independent
organization, to also file a protest on behalf of Abraham Justice and Queen AllJAHyé Searles.

3. Also reported in the Deadline article by David Robb, Los Angeles Member First board
member, Brian Hamilton filed a protest against incumbent Gabrielle Carteris accusing her of

violating Title IV Section (g) of the Labor-Management Reporting & Disclosure Act,
which governs the election of union officers, and states in part that: “No moneys of an
employer shall be contributed or applied to promote the candidacy of any person in an
election subject to the provisions of this title.” The protest notes that “The law prohibits both
direct contributions and indirect financial support by a union or employer to a candidate for
union office.” In a Variety article, Dave McNary reported Hamilton as alleging that the August
7th and 14th airings of Executive Producer and incumbent Gabrielle Carteris’ “BH90210”
series; as being “a not-so-subtle national commercial,” that amounted to “a nationwide
primetime broadcast” TV advertisement by her employer, Fox Broadcasting Company, which
was aired to coincide with the time SAG-AFTRA Members received their Voting Ballots and
a day prior to the aforesaid controversial “SAG-AFTRA Presidential Candidate Town Hall.”


ANGELES LOCAL BOARD MEMBER Candidate (16), Queen AllJAHyé Searles, is in
agreement with the aforementioned allegations, seconds each protest that has been filed in
these elections, incorporates them herein as part of her official protest by reference, on the
bases therein complained of, and in furtherance of the nature of her protest and appeal of the
SAG-AFTRA 2019 Elections; in compliance with SAG-AFTRA NOMINATIONS AND
ELECTION POLICY (April 2019), she sets forth as follows, in accordance with and/or based
on The:

A. SAG-AFTRA Constitution Preamble

Which states in substantial part that, “It is a core value of SAG-AFTRA that
our strength is in our diversity. We are committed to the broadest employment
and involvement of our members, regardless of race, national origin, ancestry,
color, creed, religion, sex…, SAG-AFTRA strives to educate and engage
members so that they may be full participants in the workings of their union.”

B. SAG-AFTRA Constitution Articles:

i. II Objectives
a) (A) Increasing the power and leverage of our members in their bargaining
relationships with the employers in our industries;
b)(B) Organizing workers in the entertainment and media industries in order to
maximize our bargaining strength;
c) (D) Protecting and securing the rights of our members in their professional
d) (E) Cooperating, coordinating and combining with other organizations whose
objectives include the advancement and improvement of members’ compensation
and working conditions whenever such actions is in the best interests of our
e) (G) Receiving, administering and expending the Union’s funds in the interests
of our members;
f) (I) Without limitation, protecting the rights of entertainment and media artists
in all other respects consistent with the overall objectives of the UNION and
doing all other things necessary and proper to advance and promote their welfare
and interests;

ii. III (E) Rights and Obligations of Members

a) (1) An active member in good standing shall be entitled to all of the
rights and privileges of membership in the UNION, including the right
to vote for Union officers and hold elective office consistent with the
eligibility requirements in Article VIII.
b) (2) All members of the UNION agree…to comply with the UNION
and Local Constitutions, rules, policies and procedures…

iii. V National Board

a) V(A) The general management, direction and control of the affairs,
funds and properties of the UNION, the determination of the relations
and obligations of the members, the UNION and the Locals, and
carrying out of the objectives of the UNION…shall be vested in the
National Board.
b) V(C)(1) General and Specific Authority
1. (a) To interpret and enforce this Constitution;
2. (b) To be responsible for the general management, direction and
control of the activities, funds and properties of the UNION;
3. (e) To determine the obligations of the members and Locals within
the limits set by this Constitution; and
4. (f) To cause the UNION to enter into mutual assistance and
cooperation agreements with other organizations whose
objectives and purposes are harmonious with the objectives of
the UNION.
(C)(2)(g) To establish the UNION’S government
relations and public policy agenda, and to coordinate
such activities with other organizations.
c) V(G)(2)(h)(ii)(a)
Within 14 days following a National Board Election, a member in
good standing may file with the Election committee an election
protest…setting forth:
1) The nature of the alleged violation;
2) The underlying facts thereof, and
3) How said facts may have affected the outcome of the election.

iv. VI. National Officers

a) (A)(1) The Officers of the Union shall be the President, Executive Vice
President, Secretary-Treasurer…
b) (A)(2) The National Officers shall serve as members of the National
Board and as members of the Executive Committee of the National

v. VI(B) Authority and Duties of the President

a) (B)(1) The President shall be the chief elected officer of the
b) (B)(3) The President shall be the chief spokesperson for the UNION
in affiliated and other organizations.
c) (B)(6) The President shall consult with and be assisted by the
Executive Vice President, the Secretary-Treasurer… in furthering
the objectives and policies of the UNION.

vi. VI(G)(1)(a)(i) Nomination Procedures for President, a written petition
signed by not fewer than two hundred members in good standing,
including members from at least three Locals.

vii. VI(G)(2)(h)(i)
Within 14 days following a National Officer Election, a member in
good standing may file with the National Officer Election Committee
an election protest concerning an alleged violation of the election
provisions of this Constitution, the UNION’s election rules or
applicable law…setting forth:
a) The nature of the alleged violation;
b) The underlying facts thereof, and
c) How said facts may have affected the outcome of the election.

viii. VIII(A)(B)(C) & (D)(1) Eligibility for National Officers, National Board

ix. IX(A)(2)(b) The Executive Committee shall not revoke or contravene any
decision or resolution of the National Board, take any action with
respect to matters within the exclusive authority of the Convention or
National Board under this Constitution, take any action that violates this
Constitution…or take any action that establishes any new policy…

x. X(B)(6) A Local may not adopt any policy or take any action which is
injurious to any other Local or detrimental to the best
interests of the UNION…

xi. XIII Non-Discrimination

The UNION, its affiliated Locals and any member, officer,
representative, or employee shall not discriminate or attempt to
cause any employer to discriminate against any…member…of the
UNION on the basis of race, national origin, ancestry, color, creed,
religion, sex…for any purpose, including but not limited to…holding
office…in the UNION.
C. SAG-AFTRA Nominations and Election Policy Articles
a) I(A)(6)(a)
Candidates for President shall be nominated…by no fewer than two-
hundred members in good standing, including members from at least
three (3) Locals.
b) III(1)(b)(v)
A candidate’s name as the title is not counted as part of the statement.
c) III(1)(b)(vi)
In the event that a statement submitted in advance of the published due
date exceeds one hundred (100) words, a candidate will be given the
opportunity to revise it…
d) IV(A)(1)
Except as provided by Article IV.A.4 and 5…No SAG-AFRA funds,
resources or facilities may be used to promote the candidacy of any

person…The following examples of the use of UNION funds, resources,
personnel and facilities are strictly prohibited:
(a)… (b)… (c)… and (d), which states in substantial part,
Use of the UNION’s logo or name…in a manner which would
reasonably be construed as an endorsement by the UNION…
e) IV(A)(5)
Electioneering…on UNION premises or at UNION meetings or
committee-sponsored events is strictly prohibited provided that the
National Board or a Local Board may host a “Meet the Candidates”
event at which all candidates will be afforded an equal opportunity to
address the membership. Advance notice of the opportunity to
participate in such an event must be provided to all candidates.

f) IV(B)
No employer or UNION funds, resources, personnel or facilities may be
used to promote the candidacy of any person…This prohibition includes
a ban on monetary contributions and the use of a UNION’s or
employer’s stationery, equipment, facilities, personnel or other
resources to promote a candidate. The prohibition on employer
contributions extends to every employer, regardless of the nature of the

D. Office of Labor-Management Standards (OMLS) Electing Officers (3)

a) Nomination procedures – Basic Provisions
The act requires that all members in good standing be given a
“reasonable opportunity” to nominate candidates of their own
b) Reasonable Notice for Nominations
 “Reasonable notice must be given so that all members in good
standing have enough time to nominate candidates of their choice
for office.”
 “Timely publication in union newspaper which (1) is reasonably
calculated to reach all members…and (2) actually provides
reasonable opportunity for nominations to be made…”
 “Every member in good standing is eligible to be a candidate and
to hold office subject to reasonable qualifications in the UNION’s
Constitution and by laws that are uniformly imposed.”
 An unreasonable qualification requirement would include, among
other things, “Qualifications that limit candidacy to persons of any
particular race, color, religion, sex or national origin and are
therefore inconsistent with the Civil Rights Act of 1964.”
c) Questions and Answers
 “A union placed a notice of nominations on the last page of its
newspaper, among and indistinguishable from, the classified
advertisements. Does this constitute reasonable notification?
No…the notice should be placed so that it will be clearly visible at a
casual reading of the paper by members of the union to whom the
notice is addressed.”

E. Office of Labor-Management Standards (OMLS) Campaign Rules (4)
a) Basic Provisions – “The act forbids the use of union resources to
support a favored candidate for office over any other candidates,
and it specifically prohibits the union and its officers from
discriminating among candidates with respect to certain procedures
and use of facilities.”
b) Use of Union and Employer Funds – “A union may not use funds
received from dues, assessments, or similar levies to promote the
candidacy of a particular individual in a union election.”
 They may be used “for the maintenance of democratic procedures
and practices including…defining and securing the right of
individual members to participate in the affairs of the organization,
to receive fair and equal treatment under the governing rules of
the organization, and to receive fair process in disciplinary
c) Employers may not contribute funds, directly or indirectly in
support of the candidacy of any person for union office under any
d) Questions and Answers
 “May a local union sponsor a debate at a union meeting among all
the candidates for a union office? As long as no candidate is
shown preference over another by the union, there is no
prohibition…of a meeting at which all candidates for an office are
permitted to express their views to the membership.”
 “Privileges extended to one candidate must be extended to all.”

F. Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS) Labor-Management Reporting

and Disclosure Act of 1959, As Amended and documented to incorporate those
specifically alleged by Attorney Robert E. Allen, supra 1(B)
a) 29 U.S.C. §401 Declaration of Findings, Purposes, and Policy
 2(a) “The Congress finds that, in the public interest, it
continues to be the responsibility of the Federal Government to
protect employees’ rights to organize, choose their own
representatives, bargain collectively…; that the relations
between employers and labor organizations and the millions of
workers they represent have a substantial impact on the
commerce of the Nation; and that in order to accomplish the
objective of a free flow of commerce it is essential that labor
organizations, employers, and their officials adhere to the
highest standards of responsibility and ethical conduct in
administering the affairs of their organizations…”
 2(b) “The Congress further finds…that there have been a
number of instances of breach of trust, corruption, disregard of
the rights of individual employees, and other failures to observe
high standards of responsibility and ethical conduct and
interests of employees and the public…”
 2(c) “The Congress, therefore, further finds and declares that
the enactment of this Act is necessary to eliminate or prevent
improper practices on the part of labor organizations, employers
…, and their officers, and representatives which distort and
defeat the policies of the Labor Management Relations
Act…and have the effect of burdening or obstructing
commerce…causing diminution of employment and wages in
such volume as substantially to impair or disrupt…, the channels
of commerce.”
b) 29 U.S.C. §411(a)(1) EQUAL RIGHTS -- Every member of a labor
organization shall have equal rights and privileges within such
organization…to participate in the deliberations and voting upon the
business of such meetings…
c) (2) FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND ASSEMBLY – Every member of
any labor organization shall have the right to meet and assemble freely
with other members and to express any views, arguments, or opinions,
and to express at meetings of the labor organization his views, upon
candidates in an election…
d) 29 U.S.C. §412 Civil Enforcement – Any person whose rights secured
by the provisions of this title have been infringed by any violation of this
title may bring a civil action…(supra)

e) 29 U.S.C. §431 (c) Every labor organization required to submit a

report…shall make available the information required to be contained
in such report to all of its members…to permit such member for just
cause to examine any books, records, and accounts necessary…(supra)

f) 29 U.S.C. §481

 (c) “Every national or international labor organization…, and

every local labor organization, and its officers, shall be under a
duty…, to refrain from discrimination in favor of or against any
 (e) “…A reasonable opportunity shall be given for the
nomination of candidates and every member in good standing
shall be eligible to be a candidate to hold office…and shall have
the right to vote for or otherwise support the candidates… of his
choice…Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one
 (g) “No moneys received by any labor organization…no moneys
of an employer shall be contributed or applied to promote the
candidacy of any person…”
5. In a series of emails that began on July 20, 2019, Candidate AllJAHyé, reached out to SAG-
AFTRA Governance Executive Director, Michelle Bennet, incumbent President, Gabrielle
Carteris, Et al., and personally to Candidate and current National and Local Board Member,
Matthew Modine, to prevent organizers of a National Presidential Debate from excluding the
only two Bona Fide Candidates of Color. On August 15, 2019, UnionWorking, an
organization that is primarily composed of SAG-AFTRA Members, sponsored a candidate
debate that did not allow each candidate an opportunity to be heard. As SAG-AFTRA
Leaders, by their participation, each of the three National Presidential Candidates, Gabrielle
Carteris, Jane Austin and Matthew Modine are in violation of the SAG-AFTRA
well as, Title IV of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, as
Amended (LMRDA or the act), and possibly, the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

 The collective efforts of Incumbent President Gabrielle Carteris, Secretary Treasurer, Jane
Austin and National and Local Board Member Matthew Modine are antagonistic to the
SAG-AFTRA Constitution, particularly to the fabric of Our Preamble. As Executive
Committee Officers, having the fiduciary duty to represent The UNION, in all activities
and to protect its properties, which includes its intellectual properties…; they have
individually and collectively, substantially failed to act with integrity regarding preventing
the alienation of two bona fide Candidates from a Presidential Debate, that was enacted
after Candidate AllJAHyé spoke with, Tara and made such a suggestion. Within a few
days of a July 11th cellular call to Governance, email bearing the SAG-AFTRA name,
promoting a SAG-AFTRA Presidential Candidate Town Hall , began to circulate on or
about July 20, 2019 (See Exhibits A-K) .

 The responding UnionWorking organizers, Jim Connor, Rob Fitzgerald, and Matthew
Jaegar stated that they, “decided to invite the three candidates who have garnered
national support from numerous Sag-Aftra locals across the country (see Exhibit E).”
This reasoning lacks logic, as each of the three Candidates who have been entrusted
with Constitutional authority to be the Chief spokesperson and for the UNION, the
offices are aware, The SAG-AFTRA Nominations and Election Policy require that
Bona fide Candidates must have nominations of at least three locals. They are also
aware that Article XIII of the Constitution forbids discrimination. By Participating in a
“never done before presidential debate” and further by allowing usage of the SAG-
AFTRA name to promote such a discriminatory meeting and attract SAG-AFTRA
members who are under the belief that it is SAG-AFTRA sponsored, Gabrielle
Carteris, Jane Austin and Matthew Modine have willfully breached the trust of their
respective offices. If someone had not explained to me upon inquiry, that SAG-
AFTRA was not sponsoring this event there, is no way I would have known differently
(See Exhibit D).

 Each of them are keenly aware that both factions have members in UnionWorking, as
can be confirmed from board member Shaan Sharma’s 2019 Letter to Members,
wherein about one-third down the letter, he recounts being physically assaulted at a
UnionWorking meeting over a year ago by Bill Charlton, who Shaan alleges has not
been elected, but is on the board through the use of skullduggery and was appointed
Chair of the LA Governance Review Committee by Gabrielle Carteris. Yet they, the
core Executive Committee Union Leaders, sworn to uphold the Objectives of the
Constitution in highest esteem and to engage in actions that are in the best interests of
members, turned blind eyes and deaf ears to a UnionWorking inharmonious with Sag-
AFTRA Constitution, Article II Objectives (B), (D), (E), and (I); as well as, OMLS 29
U.S.C. 411(a)(1) Equal Rights. They did not protect the rights and interests of
SAG-AFTRA Members and Presidential Candidates Abraham Justice and
Queen AllJAHyé Searles and their basic rights to Freedom of Speech and
Equal Treatment.

How The Violations herein, may have affected the outcome of the election-

By UNION Officials being involved with UnionWorking and cooperating with their organizers in
denying the two Candidates of Color the right to equal treatment and the right to be heard,
Carteris, Modine and Austin Have superseded their authority as officers as Article
IX(A)(2)(b), X(B)(6) and XIII prohibits certain acts including, precluding the Executive
Committee from taking any actions that violate the Constitution or that establishes any new policy.
The Executive Committee members have, through their individual and collective actions,
established a precedent for enacting new policies for conducting and engaging in closed
presidential debates that obviate SAG-AFTRA Nominations and Election Policy Articles IV(A)(1)
and IV(A)(5), as well as federal Non-Discrimination Laws. As it stands, fighting factions have
planted a vitriolic example that desecrates the SAG-AFTRA CONSTITUTION, and has caused
substantial undue humiliation to the Presidential Candidates of Color in the 2019 Elections. To
allow this to proceed unchecked, is to condone actions that have thwarted the principles of
diversity and equal treatment, as well as, suppressed members rights to vote for the candidate of
their choice based on merit rather than on sensationalized slated popularity. The mission of Union
Leadership throughout this campaign has been to silence the voice of the opposition, by any
means necessary. If the voices representing the vast majority of members with urgent issues that
need to be addressed are given equal opportunity to be heard, Members would have the
opportunity to select better leadership and demand more accountability from elected officials
thereby potentially curtailing voter apathy and motivating an increase in Membership

Candidate Queen AllJAHyé concurs with Attorney Robert E. Allen that, “In light of all of Ms.
Carteris’ malfeasance…, she be deemed ineligible to run…and that her name be stricken from the
ballot[s].” She further adds that Jane Austin and Matthew Modine should also be deemed
ineligible to run and that their names also “be stricken from ballots” in the 2019 SAG-AFTRA

6. Queen AllJAHyé, also registered a complaint through telecommunications to the SAG-

AFTRA governance, as well as by email, related to the flagrant violations alleged against Ms.
Carteris by Attorney Allen, expressing that it was substantially unfair for incumbent President
Gabrielle Carteris to receive preferential treatment and be allowed to change her candidate
statement after the deadline of June 28, 2019 and thereby being given the unfair advantage of
referencing the Netflix deal, while Ms. AllJAHyé was not given a minimal fair chance to make
a two-word adjustment and correct her candidate statements as specified in the SAG-AFTRA
Nominations and Election Policy Article III(1)(b)(v) and (vi), which respectively,
specifically states that:

a) A candidate’s name as the title is not counted as part of the statement,” as well as;
b) “In the event that a statement submitted in advance of the published due date exceeds
one hundred (100) words, a candidate will be given the opportunity to revise it prior to
the deadline.”
 Alexandria, an election team representative, explained in detail about the name as
title, the Candidate even explained how she wrote in her name as a filler and
needed clarity about
 In a cellular call with governance, Elections Director, Michelle Bennet,
notwithstanding that Candidate AllJAHyé, attested to Ms. Bennet that Candidate’s
name was a placeholder in her text that she forgot to remove before sending, Ms.
Bennet condescendingly rebuffed the Candidate saying, “you meant for it to be

Has uncompromising veracity; the unction…, Major conglomerates and wealthy
producers must be precluded from misusing “New Media Contracts.” (This is an
example of how the statement was planned to flow).

How The Violations herein, may have affected the outcome of the election-
Whether Gabrielle Carteris and her team used insider information relative to the Netflix Deal or
worked in concert with the Election Committee to change her candidate statement after the
deadline, the fact remains that she did not exercise her fiduciary duty to not rush an agreement
through to fruition without going through the proper channels, for the personal purpose of gaining
national recognition for what could potentially be as shiesty as the “New Media (sellout) Contract.
If members were made aware of the many loopholes that are being overlooked to the detriment of
Actors, et al. causing excessive “diminution of employment,” income, insurance, health &
pension, residuals. As members are more are aware of the unethical conduct that current leaders
are engaging in, they will be more willing to vote. Thus, there would be an increase in member
participation. The level of Egregiousness that Gabrielle Carteris has engaged in should surely
result in her being stricken from the ballot.

7. Gabrielle Carteris has further grossly breached her fiduciary duty by participating in the Airing
of what Brian Hamilton is clearly on point in calling a national employer produced broadcast.
She feigns to use a fictitious name, Actors Guild of America. However a google search leads
to SAG-AFTRA ( See Exhibit L). She and her team apparently have difficulty with
interpreting what constitutes a “Commercial,” and in differentiating who is considered an
employer… Gabrielle Carteris has demonstrated impartiality relative to her own best interest.
While in the video she professes to “not pulling Strings” after coaxing her co-star into asking
her to do so, she then says, “I don’t pull strings, But I do set up mediations,” and then she seals
the deal with a friendly hug.

 Ironically, this scenario resembles the underlying facts surrounding a complaint

entered by Candidate 5, Queen AllJAHyé Searles on February 22, 2019. A
neighborhood celebrity tour turned into a Lionsgate and Kevin Hart, Laugh Out
Loud Production of What The Fit, a YouTube Series 1 episode 12. Within the
production, a live Johnson and Johnson, Ben Gay Commercial was filmed.
UNION representatives are claiming they are not commercials because they are
“New Media Contracts.” Although Gabrielle, Jane and David made promises at the
May 5, 2019 SAG-AFTRA Annual Membership Meeting, to conduct appropriate
investigations and arrange a mediation fact finding meeting within a week. That
never happened. However, Candidate did receive an email on July 26, 2019 giving
a status update for a mediation that will probably fail to happen based upon “the
confidential findings” of a Probable Cause Committee (See Exhibit M). Just as it
can be insinuated from the endearing hug that “Gabby” gave her co-star,
mediations can be stalled, dismissed for various reasons including, no probable
cause found the statute of limitations, etc. The bottom line is that those with the
money and power like Kevin Hart and Lionsgate, escape accountability for their
How The Violations herein, may have affected the outcome of the election-
The audacious violations of the incumbent continue to upset the equilibrium of the earning potential for
hundreds of thousands of entertainment professionals. By pressuring rushed approval of a contractual

agreement with Netflix, that was apparently negotiated by staff members, with little to no input from
actors; to glorify her own accomplishments is reprehensible. Such an act is akin to the slave master
establishing freedom rights; the slave becomes the indentured servant, the sharecropper, paid in scrip that
can only be redeemed on the slave masters’ properties. It is a well-known fact that SAG-AFTRA staff
members have higher earnings and better pension and health benefits than most actors. Their concern in
contract negotiating, more than likely, proffers their coffers more than increasing the actors net worth.
A leader must not be allowed to consistently engage in acts that deem them immune to the rules that
govern the SAG-AFTRA Constitution, its Preamble, Articles and Rules, as well as to Federal laws and
regulations established to prevent the abuse of ultimate power. Gabrielle Carteris, and her team must not
be allowed to categorically mock[ed] and dismiss[ed] as frivolous the very serious allegations that are
pending in these elections. They must be duly investigated in accordance with the authorities cited.

Members tired of being treated as expendable entertainment industry pawns, in the midst of a political
“Hunger Games” Spectacular that is unabashedly broadcasting blatant violations of policies, as if to dare
anyone to challenge the vile corruption at hand; will vote, particularly once the methods available for
members to vote are ameliorated.

8. Candidate Queen AllJAHyé adds to the list of ongoing egregious saga that has been
sensationalized through media coverage, a basic violation of the 1959 LMRDA that has been
disregarded for years by SAG-AFTRA Union leaders, that is, the way in which members are
notified and allowed to vote! The act requires that:
a) All members in good standing be given a "reasonable opportunity" to nominate
candidates of their own choice. Reasonable Notice is defined as being Timely
publication in union newspaper which (1) is reasonably calculated to reach all
members in good standing and (2) actually provides reasonable opportunity for
nominations to be made; or

b) Each Member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote.

i. Members are given no opportunity to cast a vote in-person
ii. Members are given no opportunity to cast a vote electronically
iii. Members away, filming on location, are not provided an opportunity to cast an
absentee vote.

c) The election ballot must be mailed to the voter at least 15 days before the date by
which ballots must be mailed back in order to be counted.

i. Currently Members are not provided with the date that ballots must be mailed back.
ii. Members are given a date by which ballots must be received at a Post Office Box

d) Where there may be a considerable distance between the worksite and the polling
place, Absentee balloting may be necessary to insure compliance with the act’s
requirement that each member in good standing be entitled to one vote. Specific
examples are provided including…musicians and stagehands on tour. This can be
construed to include actors and broadcast journalists working on location in faraway

e) In no case can a member vote by proxy.

The Local elections would also be revised to also exclude the three candidates who are in substantial
violation, from the ballots. The outcome of these elections would result in one of the remaining
candidates, Abraham Justice or Queen AllJAHyé Searles being elected as National SAG-AFTRA
President by a more informed and empowered Membership. This would have the effect of having a more
harmonious Board with New Leadership.

As David Robb announced on July 24, 2019, Queen AllJAHyé Searles, “who describes herself on
Twitter as an Entertainment Industry Professional-Teacher-Mother-Accountant-Entrepreneur-
Gourmet Culinary Artist-Writer,” is a Bona Fide Candidate, who continues seeking your support
as National SAG-AFTRA President.

As Wendi Lee, points out in her Los Angeles Times article on August 19, 2019, “self-described
entertainment industry professional Queen Alljahye Searles, will “use her background in
education and accounting to help negotiate improved residual payments.” In addition, Queen
AllJAHyé will initiate an independent audit of SAG-AFTRA Affairs and make positive changes to
increase the Power of the SAG-AFTRA UNION.

DATED September 11, 2019

Respectfully Submitted

Queen AllJAHyé Searles

-------- Original message --------

From: Abraham Justice

Date: 7/20/19 6:01 PM (GMT-08:00)

To: Queen

Subject: Fwd: Union meeting_August 15th

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Nadiya Popadyuk <>
Date: Sat, Jul 20, 2019, 12:24 AM
Subject: Union meeting_August 15th
To: Abraham Justice < >

SAG-AFTRA Presidential Candidate Town Hall

SAG-AFTRA Presidential Candidate Town Hall

SAG-AFTRA Presidential Candidate Town Hall
Faith Presbyterian Church 5000 Colfax Ave. in
North Hollywood August ...

On Sat, Jul 20, 2019, 10:03 PM queensearles wrote:

Hi Abraham,

Thank you Immensely for sharing this. It's scandalous and disrespectful for all candidates not to
be invited and moreover, when I spoke to them last week, I suggested that there be a meet and
greet the candidates. Tara said that it had never been done but she would make that

I Am very appalled and will be contacting them and requesting a copy of the questions in
advance, just like every other candidate has the questions and an opportunity to research and
prepare appropriate responses!

Sincerely Queen AllJAHyé

On July 20, 2019 Candidate AllJAHyé expressing gratitude to Mr. Justice for
informing her, and outrage for the unabashed mockery as she had suggested
such a Meet and Greet the Candidates…and then wasn’t invited.

-------- Original message --------

From: Abraham Justice

Date: 7/20/19 10:25 PM (GMT-08:00)

To: queensearles

Subject: Re: Fwd: Union meeting_August 15th

This is [not an] official meeting

This group claims to be independent activists who want the best for the union.

But they are clearly not independent, someone is controlling them with an agenda, I sent them
an email saying how did they determined the Candidates if SAG-AFTRA hasn't officially
announced them yet.

It's disgusting.

-------- Original message --------

From: queensearles

Date: 7/22/19 5:11 PM (GMT-08:00)

To: governance@sagaftra.ief Subject: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Union meeting_August 15th

Kind and Peaceful Greetings Grace and Sag-Aftra Governance:

Thank you for confirming that this is not an official SAG-AFTRA event, however, as I expressed
to Grace, such an event should be against policy if each candidate is not afforded the same
opportunity to speak to UNION issues.

This provides already renowned candidates a greater unfair advantage.


Queen AllJAHyé

Queen Searles <qsearles>

UnionWorking Town Hall

8 messages

Jim Connor <gojamcon> Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 4:41 PM

To: qsearles

Hello Ms Queen AllJAHyé -

We sincerely regret that we are not able to invite all candidates for Sag-Aftra President to
our Candidate Town Hall.

UnionWorking is a self-funded grassroots organization. We do not have the financial

resources to stage multiple Town Halls to accommodate all of the candidates. We sincerely
wish we could.

Due to the time constraints of just one night, we decided to invite the three candidates who
have garnered national support from numerous Sag-Aftra locals across the country.

This does not mean UnionWorking endorses these candidates. We are non-partisan and

UnionWorking hopes you understand that we are doing the best we can with the resources

We will send you the UW five presidential candidate questions. Please keep your answers
to under 150 words each. We will post your answers on the morning of August 16th, the
morning after our Town Hall.

We appreciate your desire to serve our Union and we wish you the best of luck in our
upcoming election.

Onward In Solidarity,
Jim Connor
UW Core

Kind & Peaceful Greetings Union Working Committee,

I Am a candidate for SAG-AFTRA President and I Am humbly requesting the questions that
have been sent to Candidates Jane Austin Gabrielle Carteris and Matthew Modine and to
be added to the Town Hall Meeting. It is my staunch opinion that to hold a meeting of the
National SAG-AFTRA Candidates without including all those nominated by SAG-AFTRA
Members does not exemplify a UnionWorking in the best interest of ALL Members.


Queen AllJAHyé

rob fitzgerald <robkim411> Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 5:31 PM

To: Jim Connor <gojamconzg>
Cc: qsearles

Good job Jim

[Quoted text hidden]

Matthew Jaeger <> Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:36 PM

To: Jim Connor <>
Cc: qsearles

Works for me. Though if they want to drone on for 2,000 words, I say give them enough
rope to hang themselves.

Sent from my iPhone

Queen Searles <qsearles> Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 8:00 AM
To: Robert Allen <>, "" <>,
"" <>, "bestegyptianactor" ,
Adam Nelson <>, Queen Searles <queensearles>

Greetings Mr. Robert Allen, Mr. Adam Nelson, Et al.,

I Am forwarding additional communications that appear to be disrespectful to SAG-AFTRA

Members and the election process. It is my opinion that All five candidates that were
nominated by SAG-AFTRA Members from several locals to bid for the office of National
President should be invited to participate in a general debate otherwise this is indicative of
an effort by the UnionWorking group to have a Controlling interest in SAG-AFTRA UNION

Although they have agreed to send the questions and allow a 150-word post to their
website, this does not begin to recompense for the opportunity to publicly address

Additionally, the questions should have been forwarded along with their response email.

In the original email that was sent to the organizers and SAG-AFTRA governance
contained this link SAG-AFTRA Presidential Candidate Town Hall


Queen AllJAHyé

Adam Nelson <>

Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 8:47 AM

To: Queen Searles <qsearles>

Good Morning Queen:

I just read your email to Robert Allen and am disgusted by Matthew Jaeger’s unintentional
and inappropriate message sent back you attached to Jim Connor’s response.

I will also share that correspondence with Matthew Modine.

Confident we all want a more inclusive and sensitive Union, one that most certainly does
not denigrate in this way.

As always, wishing you the very best on your Sag-Aftra Candidacy.

All the best,

Adam Nelson
Founder | CEO

175 Varick Street
New York City 10004
M: +1 917.930.5802
O: +1 646.969.3255

Queen Searles <qsearles>

Wed, Jul 31, 2019 at 9:05 AM

To: Adam Nelson <>

Thank you for your kind and encouraging reply. I Am SAG-AFTRA by DIVINE GRACE and
am GRATEFUL for those who nominated me and for the Opportunity to voice the concerns
of members at this level.

UW Questions and Your Statement
Inbox x

Jim Connor <>

Aug 14,
2019, 2:03 PM
to me

Dear Ms AllJAHye’-

We sincerely regret that we are not able to invite all candidates for Sag-Aftra President to our
Candidate Town Hall.

As previously stated, UnionWorking is a self-funded grassroots organization. We do not have

the financial resources to stage multiple Town Halls to accommodate all of the candidates. We
sincerely wish we could.

Attached you will find the UW Five Questions which we are sending to all 2019 Sag-Aftra
Presidential Candidates. UnionWorking will post your responses to these questions on our UW
social media on Friday, August 16th, the day after the Town Hall.

This will enable all candidates to receive national exposure from thousands
of UnionWorking and Sag-Aftra members.

Please also include a Candidate Mission Statement explaining your qualifications for being Sag-
Aftra President and how you plan to move our Union forward. Please keep your candidate
statement to under 400 words and each of your answers to 250 words maximum.

Our deadline for posting is 10 pm Thursday, August 15th, 2019. We need to receive your
materials at this email before that time.

We look forward to sharing your ideas and policies with our followers across the country.

UnionWorking truly appreciates your desire to serve our Union and we wish you the best of luck
in our upcoming election.

Onward In Solidarity,
Jim Connor
UW Core

Please confirm receipt of this email - THANKS

qsearles Aug 14,
2019, 2:23
to Jim

Greetings Mr. Connor,

Please tell me when the other candidates received these questions, and why I am just now
getting this information? I requested this nearly two weeks ago.


Queen AllJAHyé

Member v. Member Charges

 Nicole Nakagawa <>

To:'Queen Searles'

Cc:Delia Aparicio

Jul 26 at 3:28 PM

Hello Queen. I hope this email finds you well. Please note that the current status of your charge is that it is pending review
by the Probable Cause Committee.

A prior meeting of the Probable Cause Committee was previously scheduled, however, it unfortunately had to be taken off
calendar due to an unforeseen conflict. While all information regarding the meeting is confidential you will be advised in
writing of the results of the Committee’s review once it has met.

Should you have any questions in the interim please let us know. Thank you.

Nicole Nakagawa

Deputy General Counsel


5757 Wilshire Blvd., 7th Floor

Los Angeles, CA 90036


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