Kurikulum Standard Sekolah Rendah: English Language

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English Language
Scheme of Work

Primary Year 3
Primary Year 3

Scheme of Work

Content Overview ................................................................................................................. 3

1. Content and organisation of the Scheme of Work ....................................................... 4
2. Supporting Information ............................................................................................... 6
3. Pre- and post-lesson tasks ......................................................................................... 8
4. Differentiation strategies for Primary pupils .............................................................. 16
5. Scheme of Work: Lessons 1 – 160 ........................................................................... 23
UNIT 1 ............................................................................................................................. 23

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 2

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work

Content Overview

The purpose of this document is to provide teachers with support and information with
regards to planning, creating and delivering their lessons throughout the year. Teachers will
need to refer to this document when planning and delivering both their textbook-based
lessons and their non-textbook-based lessons.

Contained within this Scheme of Work document, teachers will find the following information:

1. Content and organisation of the Scheme of Work

This section provides teachers with an introduction to the Scheme of Work and an
explanation of how the textbook-based lessons and the non-textbook-based lessons are
organised within the Scheme of Work.

2. Supporting Information

This section provides teachers with an explanation of the various details contained within the
Scheme of Work template. This section also gives teachers advice on completing the
Scheme of Work template for their own non-textbook-based lessons.

3. Pre- and post-lesson tasks

In this section, teachers will find some suggestions for pre-lesson and post-lesson tasks.
Pre-lesson tasks are short tasks to come at the beginning of the lesson to help pupils warm
up and to introduce or review learning. Post-lesson tasks come at the end of the lesson to
help round off the lesson, review, summarise, personalise or talk about learning in the
lesson. Teachers are guided to choose from this list in some lessons in the Scheme of Work.

4. Differentiation strategies for primary pupils

This section provides teachers with a number of suggested differentiation strategies which
teachers may wish to use in their planning to help meet the needs of the pupils in their class.

5. Glossary of terms in the Year 3 Curriculum Framework

Teachers will need to refer to the Content and Learning Standards contained within the
Scheme of Work when planning their lessons. These Content and Learning Standards come
from the DSKP and the Curriculum Framework Document.

This section provides teachers with supporting explanations for some of these Content and
Learning Standards. It also provides explanations of important terms used in some lessons,
mainly in the Lesson Outline section.

7. Scheme of Work (Lessons 1 – 160)

This section provides teachers with details for the textbook-based and non-textbook-based

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 3

1. Content and organisation of the Scheme of Work

What is the Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work and how can it help teachers?

The Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work gives teachers an overview of the Content and
Learning Standards to be covered within each lesson. The Scheme of Work will provide
teachers with assistance in their daily, weekly and longer-term planning of lessons.

What does the Scheme of Work consist of?

The Year 3 Scheme of Work consists of a total of 160 lessons with each lesson lasting a
total of 60 minutes. If lessons are organised into 30-minute lessons, teachers will need to
plan and adapt their lessons accordingly. Each lesson in the Scheme of Work is numbered
from Lesson 1 to Lesson 160.

The Scheme of Work consists of the following two types of lesson:

A. Textbook-Based Lessons: The materials for these lessons will include learning
activities from the selected Year 3 textbook. This textbook consists of Unit 1 to Unit

B. Non-Textbook-Based Lessons: The learning outline in these lessons is related to

the material in the textbook, but does not use material from it. There are three types
of non-textbook-based lessons in Year 3 Schemes of Work: skills-based lessons;
Language Awareness lessons and Project-based lessons.

How are the Scheme of Work lessons organised?

Most lessons in Year 3 Scheme of Work will be textbook-based lessons, with the exception
of a few skill-based lessons (e.g. Writing, Speaking), some Language Arts lessons,
Language Awareness lessons and Project-Lessons.

Typical lesson cycles

Each unit (units 1-10) will provide teachers with materials sufficient for 16 lessons, including
three cycles of skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing) and Language Arts lessons and
one Language Awareness or Project-Based lesson:

Lesson Lesson Skill/Focus

1 Listening
2 Speaking
3 Reading
4 Writing
5 Language Arts
6 Listening
7 Speaking
8 Reading

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 4

9 Writing
10 Language Arts
11 Listening
12 Speaking
13 Reading
14 Writing
15 Language Arts
16 Language Awareness / Project-based

Teachers are requested to note the following:

 Text-book based lessons will utilise material from the textbook as well as other
suggested activities to help prepare pupils for new learning, consolidate or extend
 Pupils are expected to have their copy of the Student’s Book and bring their
notebooks to every lesson, including non-textbook lessons, which sometimes ask
them to refer to their textbook.
 Teachers should be able to access the Teacher’s Book for every lesson, including
non-textbook lessons, which sometimes ask them to refer to their textbook. If
teachers do not have regular access to the Teacher’s Book they should prepare a
few lessons in advance as necessary. If access to the Teacher’s Book is very limited,
teachers are advised to be proactive and collaborative by planning together and
consulting with the English Head or a senior teacher at their school. The Teacher’s
Book provides a lot of guidance and ideas and the listening script. Therefore, it would
be useful for all teachers to access it, even if only periodically.
 Teachers are expected to plan lessons based on the lesson outline. They may need
to develop and produce worksheets, create flashcards (these can be printed or can
be drawn by the teacher) and prepare other materials and resources for most
 Language Awareness lessons will focus specifically on the language taught in the
unit. The Scheme of Work offers suggestions to teachers for these lessons, but
teachers are expected to plan these lessons based on the needs of their pupils.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 5

2. Supporting Information

1. Lesson

Each lesson within the Scheme of Work is given a number followed by the lesson type (e.g.
Lesson 1 Listening; Lesson 16 Language Awareness etc.).

2. Main Skill(s) Focus

Each lesson will have one main skills focus.

3. Theme

The three given themes are:

 World of Self, Family and Friends
 World of Knowledge
 World of Stories

4. Topic

Topics are aligned with the textbook.

5. Cross Curricular Element

Each cycle of lessons has been assigned a specific Cross Curricular Element. In the
Learning Outline for some lessons, suggestions are given for Teachers for how to connect
the lesson with the suggested Cross Curricular Element. Teachers will need to refer to
relevant documentation on the Cross Curricular Elements for further guidance. Other Cross
Curricular Elements may also be addressed in some lessons but are not given in the
Scheme of Work. Teachers are encouraged to link to other Cross Curricular Elements within
a lesson cycle, in addition to the suggestion given, if they identify opportunities for relevant
cross-curricular connections to be made.

6. Language/Grammar Focus

This is related to the grammatical structure/function (e.g. Present Simple and Present
Continuous) that is the focus of the lesson.

7. Content and Learning Standards

The given Content and Learning Standards are taken from the DSKP and the Curriculum
Framework Document.

8. Main Skill and Complementary Skill(s)

Each lesson within the Scheme of Work aims focuses on one main skill and one
complementary skill. In order to ensure that pupils receive adequate exposure and practice
to every Learning Standard within the Curriculum Framework, it is necessary to ensure that
each Learning Standard appears within the Scheme of Work. Sometimes this Learning
Standard will appear as a main skill and sometimes as a complementary skill. Therefore, it is
critical that teachers ensure that both the main skill and the complementary skill are covered

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 6

in each lesson. The complementary skill is not an optional skill that can be ignored or
dropped from the lesson. Doing this may risk pupils not receiving adequate practice and
exposure to all the given Learning Standards within the Curriculum Framework. When
teachers are planning their lessons, they must therefore ensure that both the main skill and
complementary skill are each assigned a suitable learning outcome.

Teachers should also be aware that the main skill and complementary skill should not be
given equal time and attention within the lesson. Teachers will need to ensure that the
complementary skill is covered, but the degree of attention the complementary skill receives
in comparison to the main skill will be up to the teacher’s own professional judgement as
they will know better the specific learning needs of their pupils. Both main and
complementary skills must be covered in each lesson.

9. Learning Outline

The Learning Outline provides guidance for the delivery of a lesson. Three main aspects of
every lesson are highlighted: pre-lesson, lesson delivery and post-lesson. Teachers will also
need to refer to the Teacher’s Book, which provides further detailed information for teachers
about the delivery of the textbook activities.
The activity names given in the Teacher’s Book are given in italics in the Learning Outline.
The relevant page is also given each time. The relevant page numbers for both Student’s
Book and Teacher’s Book are given for textbook-based lessons.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 7

3. Pre- and post-lesson tasks

Each lesson includes a suggestion for pre-lesson and post-lesson tasks. Some of these are
outlined in the Learning Outline or teachers are directed to the textbook. In other lessons,
teachers can refer to and choose a suitable task from the lists below. Pre-lesson activities
activate and review pupils’ prior knowledge by, for example, reviewing relevant learning from
a previous lesson or using a short activity as an opportunity for pupils to share what they
already know about the lesson topic or language. Post-lesson activities take place at the end
of lessons to review and consolidate the learning from a lesson or to give the teacher the
opportunity to personalise or discuss learning.

1. Suggested Pre-Lesson tasks

Below can be found 12 lesson tasks which teachers may choose from or adapt for the pre-
lesson section within the Learning Outline in the Scheme of Work. These pre-lesson tasks
are suitable to begin almost any skills-focused lesson and require minimal materials and
preparation. They are simple for pupils to participate in. Teachers can, of course, use their
own pre-lesson tasks whenever they think that these would be more suitable for the pupils
they teach. Each pre-lesson task takes about 5-10 minutes of class time.
Note: These tasks are basically the same for Primary Years 1-3. The language and
vocabulary focus will be different, however, and some tasks can be modified for more
proficient pupils, as is noted in the task description.


AIM: to prepare and give pupils confidence for a listening or reading text
MATERIAL: Board, exercise books and pens

1. Write anagrams of key topic vocabulary words on the board, e.g. n d s w c h i a (=


2. Put pupils into pairs or groups and ask them to work out the words by completing the
3. If pupils find this difficult provide the first letter of each word or provide a picture to help
them with meaning.
4. When finished, invite pupils to form larger groups to see if they have the same words.
5. Ask volunteers to say a word then spell it or come up to the board to write it.


AIM: to prepare and give pupils confidence for a listening or reading text

1. Write questions on the board for a listening or reading text that the pupils will answer
during the lesson.
2. Provide two or three possible answers for each question for example, “What did Sara do
at the weekend?”
a. played football
b. watched TV
c. went shopping (make sure one is the correct answer!)
3. Ask pupils to guess which one they think is the correct answer.
4. Pupils then listen to or read the text to check their predictions.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 8

AIM: to prepare and give pupils confidence for a listening or reading text
Write a list of events in the listening or reading text in a random order or use pictures to
illustrate them. For example, if the text is a story, list the events in any order (Mohamed went
camping. He saw a mouse in the tent at night. His mother screamed! The mouse ran away)
1. Put pupils in pairs to decide on the order.
2. Invite pupils to compare their ideas in groups.
3. Pupils then listen to or read the text to check their predictions.


AIM: to revise topic vocabulary
MATERIALS: Flashcards of relevant topic vocabulary and card to cover up the flashcards

1. Choose some flashcards of important topic vocabulary the pupils will need in the lesson.
2. Place the flashcards face down on a table in front of the class.
3. Take one of the flashcards, making sure the pupils can’t see it. Cover it with a piece of
card then slowly begin revealing the flashcard to the class. You could use an overhead
projector and a piece of paper or an interactive whiteboard, if either is available.
4. Pupils try to guess the word as it is revealed. Each time they guess correctly, put the
flashcard on the board. Continue until the pupils have guessed all the words.


AIM: to revise topic vocabulary
MATERIALS: True and false sentences about the topic
1. Prepare some simple true/false sentences about the topic to check pupils’ knowledge or
to prepare them for the content of the lesson.
2. Read a sentence out, e.g. if the topic is pets, “Cats are bigger than mice”, “Fish live in
water” etc).
3. If it is true, pupils stay sitting at their desks. If it is false, pupils stand up. Invite pupils to
correct any false sentences. You could change the action to suit the topic of the lesson
or to review other vocabulary, especially verbs.
4. If there is time, pairs of pupils can create their own true/false sentences to use with other
pairs or with the whole class.


AIM: to practise spelling of topic vocabulary
1. Choose some words the pupils will need for the lesson. These should be words the
pupils already know, so are reviewing.
2. Divide pupils into pairs.
3. Tell one pupil in the pair to look at the board, and the other pupil to cover their eyes or
put their head down on the desk so that they can’t see the board.
4. Write a topic word on the board, give pupils 5 seconds or so to remember it, and then
rub the word off the board. If you want to review word-spelling, then you could use a
5. Tell pupils who did not see the board to stand with their back to their partner while the
partner writes the word on their back by using their finger.
6. Each pupil works out what word his/her partner is writing.
7. Reverse the roles so that each pupil gets the chance to write.
8. Repeat for other topic words.
NB: When pupils know this activity, they can choose their own words.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 9

AIM: to create interest in the lesson and to review and practise spelling of topic vocabulary

1. Choose a key topic word from the lesson.

2. Write lines to correspond to each letter on the board with a space in between as in the
example below _ _ _ _ _ _ (planet).
3. Draw a circle/oval on the board. It is a head without the parts (eyes, nose, ears, mouth,
4. Explain that the aim of the game is to guess the word before the face is completed.
5. Tell pupils to put up their hands if they want to guess a letter.
6. If they guess correctly, write the letter into the correct letter space. If they guess
incorrectly, draw one part of the head (e.g. the mouth or the hair). Write the incorrect
letter on the side of the board to remind pupils it has already been used.
7. If pupils guess the word before the face is completed, they have beaten the teacher. If
not, the teacher has won!

NB: You can change the picture you build for this, perhaps using a topic-related picture, as
long as it has a good number of parts (e.g. 6 or 7).


AIM: to help pupils with listening or reading comprehension
MATERIALS: Board and pictures

1. Ask pupils to look at a picture or pictures which accompany a listening or reading text
they will have in the lesson, or tell them the title of the story, song etc.
2. Ask pupils to work in small groups to predict words they might hear/read. Give groups a
fixed time, e.g. 3 minutes.
3. Review their answers and provide correct spelling by writing the words on the board.
4. Ask pupils to read or listen to the text and see if any of their predictions are correct.
5. Check the predictions with the whole class before moving on to the main listening or
reading focus for the lesson.


AIM: to review topic vocabulary and prepare pupils for the lesson
MATERIALS: Flashcards or real/plastic objects, a table and a cloth, or sheet.

1. Choose about 7 or 8 topic words which pupils will need for the lesson.
2. Put flashcards or real objects of these vocabulary items on a table.
3. Ask pupils to work in pairs or small groups and to say the words.
4. Check briefly with the whole class.
5. Place a cloth over all the items on the table.
6. Ask pairs to remember 5 words or more.
7. Elicit answers from the whole class.
8. Uncover the items so that pupils can check their answers.

NB: You can use pictures on the board with sticky tape or magnets, an overhead projector or
an interactive whiteboard for this activity. Real objects (realia) are stimulating when
available, though.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 10

AIM: to review topic vocabulary and prepare pupils for the lesson
MATERIALS: Flashcards or real/plastic objects, a table and a cloth, or sheet

1. Follow steps 1-5 in Pre-task 9, Remember the Words.

2. Take one or two vocabulary items away.
3. Remove the cloth, keeping the removed items in it.
4. Pupils say which items are missing.

NB: You can use pictures on the board with sticky tape or magnets, an overhead projector or
an interactive whiteboard for this activity. Real objects (realia) are stimulating when
available, though.


AIM: to practise distinguishing different sounds
MATERIALS: Board (or flashcards)

1. Choose some words that contain the sound(s) you are/have been working on and
some other topic words you would like to review.
2. Write the words in chains of three or four on the board, containing one example of
the phoneme you are focusing on, e.g. for /ɒ/:
cat : dog : fish : tiger OR cat : dog : monkey : snake (the second
example is more difficult because of the o in monkey, which is not /ɒ/)
3. Ask pupils to guess which word has an /ɒ/ sound.
4. Say the words (you can say just the word or you could say it in a short sentence) to
let pupils check their answers.
5. Ask pupils to read all the words aloud.

NB: This can be adapted to have chains of rhyming words or as an odd-one-out (where
one is different from the others). Pictures could be used instead of words to check
vocabulary production rather than reading recognition.
Although phonics is a focus of the Year 3 Content and Learning Standards, working with
sounds and written words is still valuable to pupils in Year 3 from time to time, especially
with sounds that pupils find particularly difficult to hear or say.


AIM: to review vocabulary or language to prepare for a lesson
MATERIALS: Word or picture cards

1. Review with the whole class the word or picture cards you are using in this task.
2. Have pupils sit in a circle (or two, if you have a very large class).
3. Show pupils the first card, say the word and give it to one pupil. This pupil says the
word and passes it to their neighbour. This pupil says the word and passes it on, and so
4. Meanwhile, repeat for the next word, and the next, so that several words are circulating.
5. Increase the pace and challenge by passing some cards in the opposite direction
and/or telling the pupils to be much faster.
6. After the words have all been passed around, you might want to review them again.

NB: You can use this activity to support vocabulary learning or reading. You could use
short sentences for more proficient groups of pupils.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 11

2. Suggested Post-Lesson tasks

Below can be found 12 lesson tasks which teachers may choose from or adapt for the post-
lesson section within the Scheme of Work. These post-lesson tasks are suitable for ending
almost any skills-focused lesson. They are simple for pupils to participate in. Each post-
lesson task takes about 5-10 minutes of class time. Teachers can, of course, use their own
post-lesson tasks whenever they think that these would be more suitable for the pupils they
Please note that these tasks are the same for Primary Years 1 to 3. The language and
vocabulary focus will be different, however, and some tasks can be modified for slightly
more proficient pupils, as is noted in the task description.


AIM: to provide practice in listening for detail

1. Before the lesson, identify 3 or 4 factual changes you could make to a listening or
reading text which pupils will work on in the lesson (e.g. Mike’s favourite season is winter
instead of Mike’s favourite season is summer).
2. During the lesson, after pupils have worked on a listening or reading text and understood
it, tell them they are going to listen to the text again but this time there are some
3. Ask pupils to listen and put their hands up each time they hear something different from
the original text, and to be ready to correct the difference.
4. Read out your text with changes.
5. Pupils listen and correct the differences to make it the same as the original.


AIM: to review topic vocabulary and grammar
MATERIALS: Flashcards, pens and board

1. Before the lesson, choose or prepare between 3 and 6 flashcards which represent the
content of a text which pupils will work on in the lesson.
2. During the lesson and after pupils have worked on the text, place the flashcards on the
board and elicit ideas from the pupils about items in the pictures.
3. Ask pupils how the pictures link to the text (e.g. if a flashcard shows some animals, the
link may be The story is about a farm).

To extend, if time:
4. Put pupils into pairs and give them a short time (1 or 2 minutes) to tell each other
everything they can remember from the text, using the flashcards to help them. This
could be sentences focusing on content or simply words.
5. Ask pupils to tell you the connections they have made between the pictures and the text.
6. If you want pupils to practise writing as well as speaking, pupils could come up to the
board and write information under the corresponding flashcard.


AIM: to review topic vocabulary
MATERIALS: Cards with words or pictures, bag

1. Choose about 7 words related to the lesson.

2. Prepare small cards with the names or pictures of the items.
3. Put the words in a bag then take out a card without letting the pupils see what it is.
4. Explain the word without saying the name or mime it.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 12

5. Invite pupils to guess the word.
6. Continue with all the words until there is none left in the bag.
A possible variation is:
1. Make 3 or 4 sets of the cards.
2. Explain or mime 1 or 2 words yourself (step 4 above).
3. Divide pupils into groups.
4. Give each group a set of cards and ask pupils to follow steps 4 – 6 in their own groups.


AIM: to review topic language, and to review spelling and punctuation
MATERIALS: Board, words or sentences with errors from pupils’ written work

1. During the lesson, identify 4 or 5 words or sentences with errors the pupils made in a
writing task. These should be common errors made by more than 1 pupil.
2. Write the sentences on the board.
3. Ask pupils to form groups to identify the errors and to correct them.
4. Elicit answers with the whole class.
5. Ask pupils, a different pupil for each mistake, to come up to the board to write the
corrected versions.


AIM: to practise the pronunciation of key language from the lesson
MATERIALS: Listening or reading text, board

1. After pupils have worked on a listening or reading text, choose a key sentence or
sentences you want the pupils to focus on.
2. Make sure that pupils understand the meaning of the sentence(s).
3. Say the sentence twice and ask the pupils to repeat it.
4. Repeat step 3 if you have chosen more than 1 sentence.
5. Extend the activity by writing a sentence on the board. Rub out a word and replace it with
a line. Ask the pupils to say the complete sentence: they have to remember the missing
word too.
6. Continue rubbing out words until there are only lines on the board and invite pupils to say
the full sentence.
NB: You could adapt this to focus on vocabulary from the lesson by replacing the sentences
with a list of words that pupils remember (the number of words depending on their familiarity,
the age and the proficiency of the pupils). Start with a small number (2 or 3) and work


AIM: to review topic language and spelling

1. Draw 4 columns on the board.

2. Divide the class into 4 teams. Ask each team to stand in a line facing the board.
3. Give each pupil at the front of the line some chalk or a board pen.
4. Go to the back of the line and ask the 4 pupils at the back of each line to come to you.
Whisper a topic word (e.g. coconut) or instruction (e.g. Draw a triangle and a square).
5. The pupils go back to their lines and whisper the topic language to the next pupil in the
line. This continues until it reaches the pupil at the front of the line, who writes down the
word, or follows the instruction.
6. Each team gets one point for a correct answer. The team who finishes first gets an extra
point if their answer is correct.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 13

7. Continue with new words or instructions. Change the order in the line each time (e.g.
pupil at the front goes to the back, so that there is a new pupil at the front).


AIM: to review topic vocabulary
MATERIALS: Flashcards of topic vocabulary

1. Briefly review the vocabulary on the flashcards.

2. Place the flashcards on the walls around the room.
3. Say a word. Pupils point to the corresponding flashcard.
4. Divide pupils into groups. Pupils continue this activity in their groups.


AIM: to review topic vocabulary, to practise spelling

1. Divide the class into 4 or 5 teams, depending on your class size. There should be
about 4 or 5 pupils in each team.
2. Ask each team to stand in a line facing the board. Give each pupil at the front of the
line some chalk or a board pen.
3. Write the lesson topic on the board (e.g. school) and draw a ladder of at least 4 to 5
spaces for each team (at least one for each pupil in a team).
4. The pupil at the front of each line writes a word connected to the topic at the bottom of
the ladder. They then pass on the chalk or pen to the second pupil, who writes a word
in the next space on the ladder. Pupils can help each other with spellings if need be.
5. You can either continue until each pupil has had a turn to write a word or you can
continue for a fixed time, e.g. 3 minutes, if you have more time available.
6. Each team gets one point for a word which is related to the topic and correctly spelled.
If a team has a word which no other team has, they get an extra point. Alternatively,
you can avoid giving points for these kinds of game but offer praise yourself and from
the other students when teams do well.


AIM: to review topic vocabulary, to practise listening, speaking and reading

1. Write target language on the board (e.g. seasons, I like/don’t like): about 5-7 target items
is a good number. Write a number in front of each target language item.
2. Quickly review the target language with pupils.
3. Ask a pupil to come to the front and whisper to you or write down on a piece of paper the
number of the target language item she is thinking of.
4. Give the pupil about 5 seconds to pretend to ‘transmit’ the word or message in their mind
to their classmates, who pretend to be mind readers.
5. The other pupils write down the number they think she has chosen. If your class is large,
pupils can work in pairs to agree a number together and write it down.
6. Quickly check around the class, asking each pupil to say the phrase they guessed.
7. The pupil at the front keeps a score by ticking or making a mark on the board against the
number of each target language item suggested.
8. Calculate the pupil’s score. For example, if he or she were thinking of the phrase I like
pizza, and 4 pupils guessed this correctly, the pupil scores 4 points.
9. Repeat this with a new pupil coming to the front, to see if they can beat the score of the
previous pupil.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 14

AIM: to review topic vocabulary and grammar (e.g. there is/are, have/has got)
MATERIALS: Picture in the textbook with some details in it, or a picture you have chosen
from another source

1. Make sure that each pupil can see the textbook picture or your chosen picture.
2. Give them 1 minute to look at the picture and remember what’s in it.
3. Ask them to close their books. Hide the picture if you are not using the textbook.
4. Make true/false statements (e.g. There are 2 pupils in the picture. The car is red).
5. Pupils tell you if your statements are true or false, and correct false statements.
6. Divide the class into groups and ask pupils to continue the game in their groups: give
them more time to look at the picture if they need to do this in order to make their


AIM: to review topic content or vocabulary and encourage pupils to make links between
English learning and their own lives
MATERIALS: Board and/or pictures, exercise books

1. Choose some key words or language from the lesson. Write the words on the board and
ask pupils to read them or use pictures to elicit them and put the pictures on the board.
2. Look at the board and act as if you are thinking carefully. Say: “What about me?’ Choose
and circle one of the pictures/words. This should be something you can connect to your
personal life (e.g. a cat – you like cats or you have a cat).
3. Elicit from pupils why you have circled the cat.
4. Ask pupils to do the same in pairs by telling the word to their partner, who should try to
guess what the connection is.


AIM: to reflect on and share learning
MATERIALS: Exercise book for more literate pupils, or none

1. Act as if you are thinking and say “What can you remember?” Give a key word from the
lesson. Write it on the board (for more literate pupils).
2. Nominate a more proficient pupil and ask them “What about you? What can you
remember?” Elicit an answer and write it on the board. Then give another example; then
elicit another example. You could include examples of other language structures too,
depending on your lesson focus and level of pupils.
3. Ask pupils to work in pairs to share what they remember from the lesson. More literate
pupils can write in their notebooks or it can be done as a speaking activity. This would
also be a little quicker. Set either a time limit or a number of words limit.
4. An adaptation of this would be suitable to review different sounds that have been taught
or reviewed by asking pupils to remember words with a particular sound. This could be
from the lesson or could be from the whole year so far.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 15

4. Differentiation strategies for Primary pupils
The Scheme of Work outlines one or more suggestions for differentiation for each lesson.
These suggestions are related directly to the procedure or focus of that lesson and are often
related to the strategies below. However, every class is different, and teachers are
encouraged to reflect on the learning needs of their individual pupils in each class. They may
choose to follow the suggestions in the Scheme of Work, and/or follow one or more
strategies from the list below.
Strategy 1: Differentiate by the task pupils are given
If teachers are using the same task for the whole class, using open-ended tasks such as
brainstorming allows a large number of correct responses. Open-ended tasks (e.g. Tell me
the food words you know, or What will happen next?) allow more proficient pupils to
contribute more unusual words, more complex language, or more original ideas. Sometimes,
the teacher can also give different tasks to more proficient and less proficient groups of
pupils according to their needs and interests: see Strategy 5 for more on this.
Strategy 2: Differentiate by the type and amount of support provided
The teacher can support pupils to understand and use language with:
 their own teacher talk (e.g. ‘It begins with B. You read it. It’s on the desk.’)
 with gestures
 with visuals (e.g. flashcards on the board to help pupils understand or use vocabulary
 with written words (e.g. written words on a worksheet to help pupils with spelling).
Different types and amount of support can be given to less proficient pupils, depending on
their needs, and extra challenge can be provided for more proficient pupils.
Strategy 3: Differentiate by the outcome expected from pupils
The teacher may expect more language from some pupils, and less from others. The main
aim is that every pupil says or writes something, so that they feel successful. Two useful
strategies here are:
i) Compulsory plus optional
Here, the teacher sets pupils targets such as With your partner, write 2 sentences or
more, or In your group, say 3 colours or more. The minimum target (2 sentences, 3
colours) is compulsory, and everyone needs to achieve this to be successful. But the ‘or
more’ is optional, and gives a chance for more proficient language pupils to challenge
themselves. Some pupils will stop at the minimum target at first, but with more practice,
they will soon get the idea of going beyond the minimum target.
ii) Remember and share
If pupils are asked to remember and share, they have to tell the teacher words or ideas
they learned in a previous lesson or task (e.g. Look at the classroom objects on my
table. In one minute, I’ll cover them… Now, share with your group what you remember
and then tell me). Sometimes, less proficient pupils have good memories, and so this
task also allows different pupils to make successful contributions.
Strategy 4: Differentiate by the time pupils are given to complete a task
Some pupils need longer than others to complete tasks, especially when writing is involved.
When it is appropriate, these pupils should be given a little more time to finish, and extra

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 16

tasks for pupils who complete the task early should be provided (e.g. Write as many animal
words as you can; Name the things in this picture in the textbook; Talk with your friend in
English: You choose what to talk about). Rewarding fast finishers with something ‘fun’ to do
(such as playing with toys or drawing a picture) should be avoided, as this will encourage
pupils to work quickly, rather than to work carefully at their own speed. Extra tasks should
extend and enrich learning.
Strategy 5: Differentiate by supporting individual learning preferences and needs
When appropriate, teachers can support preferences by letting pupils make choices about
what they do and how they do it. Sometimes, for example, pupils decide for themselves
which tasks they want to do (e.g. the gestures they create for an action song, or a revision
game), depending on the ways they prefer to learn (for example visually, through speaking
or listening, or through movement).
Different pairings and groupings will allow pupils to work in different ways – teachers can
sometimes pair up pupils who can help and support each other (e.g. one who can write and
one who cannot yet write well) or who enjoy working together. Sometimes teachers might
want to mix girls and boys, or have single-sex pairs/groups. In some tasks, pupils can be
assigned different roles to do, for example a group manager, writer or artist. Teachers
should make sure to vary pairing and grouping over time.
Teachers can support needs by setting individual tasks and targets for pupils based on
teacher assessment. For example, if a number of pupils are not able to read well yet, a
teacher might decide on a reading target for each pupil and provide them with different tasks
from those pupils who can already read. If a few pupils are proficient readers, they could be
given extra tasks.
Strategy 6: Differentiate by the types of question asked
Closed questions are questions in which the choice of possible answers is limited. They
often involve very short responses. Open questions usually have more possible answers,
and longer responses. Asking closed questions to less proficient pupils (e.g. Which boy is
James? Is it a dog or a cat?) gives them a chance to produce accurate answers, as they are
usually easier to answer than open questions. Asking open questions to more proficient
pupils (e.g. What can Mandy do now?) provides extra challenge. As less proficient pupils
grow in confidence and competence, teachers can ask them more open questions.
Sometimes there are also good reasons for asking more proficient pupils easier questions,
as this involves them in the lesson and helps the pace of the lesson.
Strategy 7: Differentiate by the feedback given
Feedback given to pupils should be varied according to their ability to act on the feedback.
For example, if a pupil who is less proficient at writing has tried hard and produces work with
a number of misspellings, feedback can be given on what they did well, and only 2 or 3
misspellings of common or important words highlighted. The pupil should respond to this
feedback because the suggested improvement is achievable for them. If a stronger pupil
writes well and makes 2 misspellings, the teacher can tell them the lines in which the
misspellings are, and ask them to find and correct them. The pupil should be able to respond
to the extra challenge built in to this feedback. The same principle applies to giving feedback
on pupils’ spoken language.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 17

5. Glossary of terms in the Year 3

Each lesson in the Scheme of Work includes a Learning Outline with guidance for delivering a lesson. Teachers may find useful the following
explanations of important terms used in Learning Outlines.

Terms in Year 3
Schemes of Work

fast finishers Pupils who are able to work at a faster pace on a specific task than the majority of pupils in a class. They
are therefore ready to move on to the next task sooner than the majority of pupils.

peer-assessment Involving pupils in the process of assessment by asking pupils to give feedback to a peer on specific
aspects of their learning, such as a specific aspect of the quality of a piece of work. For example, when a
pupil gives feedback to another pupil on an aspect of their learning, the feedback takes the form of two
things that were good (stars) and one area for improvement (wish).

post-lesson Activity at the end of a lesson to review and consolidate the learning.

pre-lesson Activity at the beginning of a lesson to activate pupils’ prior knowledge.

prior knowledge Knowledge and skills which pupils already have, possibly acquired from previous lessons or previous

probing questions Questions that aim to dig deeper than the surface (e.g. Is there a different way to say the same thing? /
What would you say instead (of…)? / Does anyone agree/disagree with that? Why?)

self-assessment Involving pupils in the process of assessment by asking pupils to self-assess specific aspects of their
learning. For example, learning diaries kept by pupils can reveal areas that need clarification or specific
skills that need further development

wait time The time given between asking a question and collecting a response to it.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 18

Each lesson in the Scheme of Work contains specific Content and Learning Standards. Teachers may find useful the following explanations of
some of the terms used.
Term in Year 3 Meaning
Listening 1.1.1 a range of target language phonemes
Recognise and reproduce with support a Phonemes are the sounds that make up words in spoken language. By the end of Year 3, pupils should
range of target language phonemes be able to hear and say most of the phonemes, including some of the less common ones.
Listening 1.2 a variety of familiar contexts
Understand meaning in a variety of familiar Familiar contexts are ones which pupils know. Examples include contexts linked to topics covered in the
contexts schemes of work and textbook, such as Every day, holidays and food, as well as those linked to Years 1
and 2 topics.

Pupils in rural or remote areas and pupils who live in cities may be familiar with different contexts. Please
consider your local context to decide what is familiar to your pupils.
Listening 1.2.1 short simple texts
Understand with support the main idea of
short simple texts Short simple texts are those with two sentences and more. They do not usually contain more than one
See also: paragraph. They should be easy for pupils to understand.
 Listening 1.2.2
 Reading 3.2.1
 Reading 3.2.2
Listening 1.2.3 short simple narratives
Understand with support short simple Short narratives are stories which are more than 10 lines long, up to around 10-12 pages if in story book
narratives form. The simple narratives contain language and ideas which pupils can understand and which are
Please use your own judgment on very short simple narratives, based on the level, context and interest of
the pupils you teach.
Listening 1.2.4 wide range
Understand a wide range of short basic The limit of the range is indicated in the schemes of work, where suggestions are made for classroom
supported classroom instructions language.

See also: short basic supported classroom instructions

 Listening 1.2.5 Short and basic instructions at the Year 3 pupil age should contain a few clear words, and are repeated
throughout the year. For example, Stand up in a circle.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 19

Supporting classroom instructions involves, for example, using mime, demonstration, modelling and
routines so that pupils can understand what the teacher would like them to do, without the teacher having
to use first language.
Listening 1.2.5 short supported questions
Understand a wide range of short supported Supporting questions involve using mime and gesture, modelling and routines. It also includes using
questions pictures and objects to visually support meaning.

Listening 1.3.1 unfamiliar words

Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by These are words pupils do not already understand or produce in English.
using visual clues when a teacher or
classmate is speaking

Speaking 2.1 simple information
Communicate simple information intelligibly Simple information is frequent, everyday information which is simple cognitively. Examples include pupils
talking about themselves, giving personal information or saying what they like.
Speaking 2.1.1 basic opinions
Ask about and express basic opinions Basic opinions are expressed in simple language and are simple in meaning and the thinking behind it,
for example I like/don’t like … or giving an opinion about a film (e.g. It was good.)
Speaking 2.1.2 Basic everyday routines basic everyday routines
Basic routines are those expressed in simple language, which are very relevant to pupils’ lives.
Speaking 2.1.3 short sequence of basic directions
Give a short sequence of basic directions Basic directions are short, are often two or three words long and use imperative verb forms, for example
“Turn left”. Two or three of these together make a short sequence of basic directions.
Speaking 2.2.1 short exchanges
Keep interaction going in short exchanges by An exchange is a dialogue, that is when there are two people communicating (or more than two). A short
repeating key words from the other speaker exchange will usually include two turns but could include up to three or four turns if they are very short
(e.g. one word/phrase). The turns may be just one word or phrase, a fixed expression, or may be short
simple sentences.
Speaking 2.3.1 short basic events
Narrate very short basic stories and events These may be something personal that a pupil has experienced, such as something that happened
during holidays, a birthday party or at the weekend. They are personal and will be very short, for example
up to three or four sentences. Often the narration will be prepared in advance if it is this long. It will be in
very simple language.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 20


Reading 3.2.4 key features of a simple monolingual dictionary

Recognise and use with support key features A monolingual dictionary is one which has only English (the words and the definitions). Various titles are
of a simple monolingual dictionary available specifically for children learning English or for
A1 level learners.

Reading 3.3.1 A1 fiction/non-fiction print and digital texts

Read and enjoy A1 fiction/non-fiction print These are reading texts for young learners of English at CEFR A1 level. Examples include stories,
and digital texts of interest quizzes, emails, etc.


Writing 4.1.2 cursive writing

Begin to use cursive handwriting in a limited This is where a writer joins letters together in a word (also known as joined-up writing or longhand). It
range of written work makes the process of writing faster and is used by native writers of alphabetic scripts.

Writing 4.1.2 a limited range of written work

Begin to use cursive handwriting in a limited Pupils can be encouraged to use cursive writing where it is appropriate (i.e. where more than just a letter
range of written work or number is required). When pupils work on drafts of their writing, they should be encouraged to work on
their cursive handwriting as well as on their language in a final version in particular. However, if pupils are
to write quickly, for example in a listening task or a brainstorming activity, then they needn’t use cursive

Writing 4.2 basic information

Communicate basic information intelligibly for Basic information means the same as simple information (see Speaking 2.1 above).
a range of purposes in print and digital media
a range of purposes
The range of purposes is described in the learning standards for Years 1-6. These purposes involve
finding out about and giving personal details and opinions.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 21

Writing 4.2.1 simple opinions
Express simple opinions These are the expression of opinions such as what pupils like, dislike, prefer, as well as what they think
about something, such as an idea or some unusual food or clothes. The language used here will be very
simple and the opinions at a basic level. Pupils do not need to justify their opinion, but could begin to be
asked for this in a basic way.

Writing 4.3.1 guided writing

Use capital letters, full stops and question Pupils may follow models for writing, or the teacher will give other support with content, vocabulary and
marks appropriately in guided writing at language.
sentence level

See also Writing 4.3.2

Writing 4.3.2 familiar high frequency words

Spell an increased range of familiar high High frequency words are words which pupils use often in Year 3 writing, such as colours, numbers, days
frequency words accurately in guided writing of the week, and classroom objects. Please use your own judgment on familiar high frequency words,
according to words pupils write often in your lessons.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 22

5. Scheme of Work: Lessons 1 – 160
LESSON: 1 (Listening 1) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Listening THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends
WEEK: __




Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning

Listening Listening 1. Pupils sit in circle to introduce themselves ‘My name’s Amir.’ according to the needs of
Student’s Book p5 your pupils and class. Please
1.3 1.3.1 2. Introduce his/her name’s Nurul/Abdul. Pupils introduce Activity 1 see the seven differentiation
Use appropriate Guess the meaning themselves and the pupil to their right/left in the circle.
listening of unfamiliar words Teacher’s Book p18 strategies listed in the
3. Play memory game in the circle to remember names. introduction. Please also
strategies in a by using visual Adjectives flashcards
variety of contexts clues when a Lesson delivery consider the following:
teacher or 4. Introduce/review adjectives (p5) using flashcards, drawings and/or Use a written model of
classmate is pupils as examples if appropriate. language on the board to
speaking support weaker pupils
5. Follow with Student’s Book p5 Vocabulary and Activity 1. See
Complementary Complementary Teacher’s Book p.18: Vocabulary, Activity 1, TPR Activity. Ask pupils to write name
Skill Skill 6. Monitor pupils carefully as they listen to the song to evaluate their cards if necessary to show
Speaking Speaking vocabulary and listening skills. Review vocabulary next lesson as during memory game
2.1 2.1.5 necessary. For fast finishers or more
Communicate Describe people proficient pupils you could
simple information and objects using extend introductions to
intelligibly suitable words and 7. Use flashcards in a whole class game to go over the adjectives
include descriptions
phrases again. You could choose an appropriate post-lesson activity from
the list in the introduction that suits your pupils’ needs and
interests and that will review the main areas covered in the lesson

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 23

LESSON: 2 (Speaking 1) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends
WEEK: __




Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning

1. Play a game to review vocabulary and language from previous according to the needs of
Speaking Speaking Student’s Book p.5 your pupils and class. Please
2.1 2.1.5 lesson. Activity 2
Communicate Describe people see the seven differentiation
Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book p.18- strategies listed in the
simple information and objects using
intelligibly suitable words and 2. Use flashcards of characters from the textbook to introduce 19 introduction. Please also
phrases language, e.g. He/she has got brown hair / I have got brown hair. consider the following:
See also Teacher’s Book p.18: Grammar Box Textbook character
flashcards Ask some pupils for complete
Complementary 3. Follow with Activity 2 and Optional activity (Teacher’s Book p.18- sentences, while others may
Skill Complementary 19). Remind pupils of the importance of being sensitive when form incomplete sentences at
Listening Skill describing people (e.g. for the adjective ugly). this stage.
1.2 Listening 4. Continue to monitor pupils as they work in pairs. Note which
Understand 1.2.2 Set different targets for the
pupils are having difficulties or seem to find the activity easy. This number of pupils they
meaning in a Understand with will be useful for pairing and grouping pupils in future lessons.
variety of familiar support specific describe.
contexts information and Post-lesson
For more proficient
details of short 5. See Before leaving activity (Teacher’s Book p.18). pupils/classes, you could
simple texts introduce a few more
adjectives for describing
people’s appearance or ask
pupils to give longer
descriptions to include be (+
very) + adjective (e.g. She’s
(very) pretty.).

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 24

LESSON: 3 (Reading 1) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

Have you got..? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning

1. Review previous learning by playing a Guess who game as a according to the needs of
Reading Reading Student’s Book p.6 your pupils and class. Please
3.2 3.2.2 whole class. Activity 1, p.7 Activity 2
Understand a Understand specific see the seven differentiation
Lesson delivery Teacher’s Book p20 strategies listed in the
variety of linear information and
and non-linear details of short 2. Follow with Warm up activity (See Teacher’s Book, p20). introduction. Please also
Numbers flashcards consider the following:
print and digital simple texts 3. Extend with a numbers game to consolidate numbers 1-100 if
texts by using necessary. Monitor closely to see whether pupils are comfortable For next lesson, make Pupils may need more time to
appropriate with numbers up to 100. If some are having difficulty, build in extra sure pupils bring their review numbers (see step 2).
reading strategies practice in this lesson (see step 2) and in the next few lessons. notebooks to create
Consider setting a homework task related to this. their learning diaries. Fast finishers could ask each
Complementary other how many shells they
4. Follow with Activity 1 (Teacher’s Book p.20). Pupils follow the
Skill have.
words on the page with their finger as they listen to the recording.
Reading Complementary
3.2 Skill 5. Then follow Teacher’s book p.20 for Activity 2.
Understand a Reading Post-lesson
variety of linear 3.2.3
6. Play a stand up if it’s true – sit down if it’s false game using
and non-linear Guess the meaning
have/has got.
print and digital of unfamiliar words
texts by using from clues provided
appropriate by visuals and the
reading strategies topic

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 25

LESSON: 4 (Writing 1) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends




Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning

Writing Writing 1. Play a word game to review family words (e.g. brother, sister, according to the needs of
Teacher’s Book p.20 your pupils and class. Please
4.2 4.2.4 aunt, uncle, cousin). You could choose an appropriate pre-lesson
Communicate Describe people activity from the list in the introduction that suits your pupils’ needs Family flashcards see the seven differentiation
basic information and objects using and interests and that will review language and/or vocabulary and strategies listed in the
Worksheet for drawing introduction. Please also
intelligibly for a suitable words and prepare the pupils for the lesson.
and writing (see consider the following:
range of purposes phrases Lesson delivery suggestion below)
in print and digital Provide a gapped text on the
media 2. Build model sentences on the board about pupils’ families/your worksheet for pupils to
own family: My name’s Hana. I’ve got three sisters and two
complete or provide/hide
Complementary brothers. Try to elicit as much language from pupils as possible. model sentences on the
Skill 3. Pupils complete worksheet by drawing a picture of themselves board
Writing Complementary and writing about their family under it. Tell pupils that the work will
4.1 Skill be displayed so they should take care with handwriting and Some pupils could write more
Form letters and Writing neatness. Display the pictures in the classroom. detail about themselves on
words in neat 4.1.2 the worksheet or ask more
4. Review questions Has he/she got a brother? How many has questions in the guessing
legible print using Begin to use cursive he/she got? by asking some pupils. You could also follow
cursive writing handwriting in a game, e.g. about
Teacher’s Book p.20 Grammar Box here. appearance.
limited range of
written work 5. Pupils move to the classroom display. Play a guessing game
using the worksheets displayed:
P1: Has she got one brother?
P2: No, she hasn’t.
P1: Has she got two brothers?
P2: Yes, she has.
P1: Is she Nur?

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 26

P2: Yes, she is. / Yes, that’s right.
6. Ask pupils some general questions about the display of their work,
for example to find a well-drawn picture or some neat handwriting.
7. Learning diaries:
Tell pupils that each one is going to create their own diaries to write
their thoughts. The diary can be a small section in their notebooks.
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their
learning diary, they can write:
 New words I remember
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud of in their English
Pupils may begin the year reflecting in their first language and at a
very basic level (simple words). Encourage pupils to begin to reflect
more deeply and using more English as the year goes on. Some
pupils will be more able to do this than others. Support pupils who
may need some help and encourage everyone to complete their
diaries. Ensure you allocate time for this activity in your lesson plan.
After the lesson, collect pupils’ writing. Review their work and note
common mistakes or problems. Add supportive and constructive
feedback comments to their work and put the worksheets back on
display in the classroom if possible.

Suggested material for Lesson 4:

Develop a worksheet that gives space for pupils to draw a picture of themselves. Add lines under the picture so pupils can write sentences about themselves and their families.
For example:

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 27

Name: _______________ Class: ________ Date: __________

A picture of me

About me:





Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 28


LESSON: 5 (Language Arts 1) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Language Arts THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends




In this lesson, pupils will make a class year book in groups. This can either Prepare and write a Differentiate learning
Main Skill Main Skill be put together as a book, which can be copied for each pupil to take
Language Arts Language Arts sentence (using the according to the needs of
home, or it could be an open book, displayed on the wall. target structure) your pupils and class.
5.3 5.3.1 Pre-lesson
Express an Respond about each pupil on a Please see the seven
1. Distribute the sentence papers, one to each pupil. The pupil should read strip of paper differentiation strategies
imaginative imaginatively and the sentence and try to guess who it is about. They should find that pupil
response to intelligibly through listed in the introduction.
and check. Feed back by asking pupils to read the sentence to the class. A digital camera and Please also consider the
literary texts creating simple Lesson delivery computer to upload
action songs on following:
2. Put pupils in groups of 5-6 pupils. Give each pupil in the group a number and print out photos
familiar topics. or letter, e.g. Pupil A, B, C, etc. Ask pupils to write two sentences about Ask pupils to write two or
Other imaginative Plain paper, string more sentences about the
another pupil in the group (Pupil A about pupil B, pupil B about pupil C,
responses as and scissors (if pupil in the group
etc.) in their notebook.
appropriate. making a wall display)
3. Monitor as pupils write and support them as necessary. Encourage pupils
You could ask more
to support each other in their groups. As you monitor, you could take a Plain paper, glue and
Complementary proficient pupils or groups
photo of each group. When groups are finished, they can help you to ruler (if making a
Complementary Skill to write some questions
upload and print out the photo of their group. class book)
Skill Writing for their classmates about
4. Ask each group to check each other’s sentences and to discuss any
Writing 4.3.3 the photos
changes that are needed before writing a final version.
4.3 Plan, draft and
Communicate write an increased For a wall display:
with appropriate range of simple Pupils write on a small piece of paper. They will then put up the photo on
language form sentences the display with the papers around it and a piece of string connecting it to
and style for a the picture of the pupil it describes.
range of purposes For a class book:
in print and digital Pupils stick the photo in the middle of the page and write the descriptions
media around it, connecting them to the pupil in the photo with a line.
5. Encourage pupils to look at the display/book by asking questions. You
could, for example, ask pupils to tell you what they like about each
group’s work, or you could play a Find someone who.. game (e.g. Find
someone who has curly hair / Which group has two pupils who have long
hair etc). Use this to see pupils’ progress).

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 29

LESSON: 6 (Listening 2) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Listening THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

…? Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning

1. Review numbers with a whole-class game. You could choose to according to the needs of
Listening Listening
deliver another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits Student’s Book p.7 your pupils and class. Please
1.2 1.2.2 Activity 3
Understand Understand with your pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or see the seven differentiation
meaning in a support specific vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. Teacher’s Book p.21 strategies listed in the
variety of familiar information and introduction. Please also
Lesson delivery Vocabulary Flashcards
contexts details of short consider the following:
2. Using flashcards, review key vocabulary and questions.
simple texts Word & punctuation Some pupils can write about
3. Follow the steps in Teacher’s Book p.21 for Activity 3. cards one or more than one of the
4. Using the word and punctuation cards, work with pupils to build a people in Activity 3
Complementary Complementary model sentence on the board.
Skill Skill Fast finishers could talk or
Writing Writing 5. In their notebooks, pupils write a sentence about one of the write about something that
4.3 4.3.1 people in Activity 3. they collect or that someone
Communicate Use capital letters, they know collects.
6. Partners read each other’s sentences to guess who it is. They
with appropriate full stops and
should be encouraged to check their partner’s work for correct
language form question marks
punctuation (use of capitals, full stops and apostrophes).
and style for a appropriately in
range of purposes guided writing at 7. Pupils rewrite their sentence based on their partner’s feedback.
in print and digital sentence level
media 8. Review and give feedback on pupils’ written work for both first and
second drafts as well the peer’s feedback. Make a note of
common problems to review next lesson.
9. Play a word & punctuation un-jumble game on the board, where
you write a mixed up sentence on the board and pupils should put
the words and punctuation in the correct order to make a
sentence. Play as a whole class and then in groups if time allows.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 30

LESSON: 7 (Speaking 2) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

you got…?



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning

1. Play a game to review key vocabulary. You could choose to according to the needs of
Speaking Speaking
deliver another appropriate pre-lesson activity that better suits Student’s Book p.7 your pupils and class. Please
2.1 2.1.5 Activity 4
Communicate Describe people your pupils’ needs/interests and that will review language and/or see the seven differentiation
simple information and objects using vocabulary and prepare the pupils for the lesson. Teacher’s Book p.21 strategies listed in the
intelligibly suitable words and introduction. Please also
Lesson delivery Strips of paper for consider the following:
phrases 2. Review the answers to Activity 3 (Student’s Book p.7, from last pupils to write a phrase
lesson) by asking pupils about the people and what they have got. on You could offer the choice of
Complementary writing a full sentence, a
Skill Complementary 3. Follow the guidelines in Teacher’s Book p.21 for Activity 4 phrase or drawing a picture +
Listening Skill 4. Give pupils a strip of paper. Ask them to write something they a number.
1.2 Listening have got lots of and how many they’ve got (e.g. I have got 15
Understand 1.2.5 Pupils may need extra
books.). Model the change of form as necessary. Point out the support in changing the form
meaning in a Understand a wide common contraction ‘ve and contrast it with ‘s for third person.
variety of familiar range of short from 3rd to 1st person.
contexts supported questions 5. Put pupils in large groups. One pupil collects the papers, mixes You could ask more proficient
them and redistributes them. pupils to try to find something
6. Pupils read the strips and take turns to ask the group members they have got in common with
Have you got…? to find out whose paper it is. At the end, pupils a classmate at the post-
should report to the group: Aiman has got 15 books. lesson stage.
7. Ask pupils to tell you something interesting they found out about a
8. Ask pupils to reflect on their own performance by asking for hands
up, e.g. …if you spoke clearly …if you understood your friends
well… if you want to speak more loudly… This could be done in
their first language if necessary.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 31

LESSON: 8 (Reading 2) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends




Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning

Reading Reading 1. Play an action or miming game to review key sports vocabulary. according to the needs of
Student’s Book p.8 your pupils and class. Please
3.2 3.2.1 Lesson delivery Activity 1; p.9 Activity 2 see the seven differentiation
Understand a Understand the 2. Begin the main lesson by following Teacher’s book p.22 Warm up
variety of linear main idea of short Teacher’s Book p.22 strategies listed in the
and non-linear simple texts 3. Hand out the sets of cut up pictures from copies of Student’s Book introduction. Please also
p.8 (one set per group). Follow with Vocabulary and step 1 of Sets of texts and consider the following:
print and digital pictures on Student’s
texts by using Activity 1 (See Teacher’s Book p.22 – pupils talk about the Step 4 could be group
pictures). Book p.8 cut up for
appropriate matching reading;
reading strategies 4. Hand out the cut up texts from copies of Student’s Book p.8 (one ..or each pupil in a group
set per group). Ask pupils to read them and match to the correct could have one or more of the
Complementary pictures (which they already have).
Skill Complementary texts to read or match;
Reading Skill 5. Follow with the remaining steps of Activity 1 (See Teacher’s Book ..or some pupils could have a
3.2 Reading p.22).
text, others a picture to
Understand a 3.2.3 match.
6. End the main lesson with Grammar box and Activity 2 (See
variety of linear Guess the meaning
Teacher’s Book p.22). You could ask various
and non-linear of unfamiliar words
print and digital from clues provided Post-lesson questions about the pictures
texts by using by visuals and the 7. Ask pupils to put up their hands if they can paint/do karate etc. of the children to extend the
appropriate topic activity (e.g. what they look
reading strategies 8. Monitor as pupils work on the activities in the lesson to assess like or, to more proficient
their understanding of can. Use this to decide how much to review pupils, questions about how
and extend the language focus in the next few lessons. they feel when they do the

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 32


LESSON: 9 (Writing 2) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

Yes, he/she can. // No, he/she can’t.



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning

Writing Writing 1. Use sports flashcards to play a vocabulary review game. according to the needs of
Student’s Book p.9 your pupils and class. Please
4.3 4.3.2 Lesson delivery Activity 3 & 4 see the seven differentiation
Communicate Spell an increased 2. Play a miming/TPR game to review and practice can and can’t.
with appropriate range of familiar Extend by asking pupils Can he/she X? pupils reply Yes, he/she Teacher’s Book p.23 strategies listed in the
introduction. Please also
language form high frequency can or No, he/she can’t. Sports flashcards consider the following:
and style for a words accurately in
range of purposes guided writing 3. Follow on with Activity 3 (See Teacher’s Book, p.23). Balance the type of activity to
in print and digital 4. Monitor pupils’ use of vocabulary. You could introduce more include movement and
media vocabulary in this lesson, if your pupils are ready for it. This would visuals to support
be a chance to introduce some sports or hobbies that are popular understanding and help
Complementary Complementary with children in general at the moment in Malaysia. pupils remember language
Skill Skill according to the needs of
Listening Listening 5. Play a letter/word scramble game to check the written form of your own pupils.
1.2 1.2.1 Yes/No answer (mix up the letters/words and ask pupils to
Understand Understand with rearrange them correctly). To stretch your pupils, you
meaning in a support the main could focus on adverbs (e.g.
6. Follow on with Activity 4 (See Teacher’s Book p.23). very well) from Activity 4.
variety of familiar idea of short simple
contexts texts Post-lesson Include an extension activity
7. Play a spelling game with sports words and pictures. to practise these in writing.

8. Learning diaries:
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their
learning diary, they can write:
 New words I remember
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 33

 Something I feel proud of in their English
Remember that as it is still the beginning of the school year, pupils
may begin reflecting in their first language and at a very basic level
(simple words). Encourage pupils to begin to reflect more deeply
and using more English as the year goes on. Some pupils will be
more able to do this than others. Support pupils who may need
some help and encourage everyone to complete their diaries.
Ensure you allocate time for this activity in your lesson plan.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 34


LESSON: 10 (Language Arts 2) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Language Arts THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends




Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Action flash cards Differentiate learning
Language Arts Language arts 1. Play a game to review vocabulary and the form I can/can’t… Can (picture or words) according to the needs of
you? using action cards. Make sure to include the verbs from the your pupils and class. Please
5.3 5.3.1 Online song (see
Express an Respond song: run, jump, swim, hop, skip. You may need to pre-teach some of see the seven differentiation
these words if your pupils are not familiar with them so check first. Learning Outline) strategies listed in the
imaginative imaginatively and
response to intelligibly through 2. Give each pupil a card. They look at the card and mime the action, Lines of the song introduction. Please also
literary texts creating simple either as I can or I can’t (E.g. play chess – pupil mimes someone cut up (in verses) consider the following:
trying to play but looking confused). Other pupils should say either
action songs on Plan how to group pupils for
familiar topics. She/He can … or He/She can’t … (Same example: She can’t play
chess.). Pupils keep the cards this task. If your class has
Other imaginative mixed levels of proficiency,
responses as Lesson Delivery then try to group pupils so
appropriate 3. Ask pupils to watch the video of the song. They should check their there is a range of proficiency
Complementary Complementary cards (from pre-lesson stage). If they hear their word, they should in each group. However,
Skill Skill hold up their card. Play the song: encourage all pupils to
Language Arts Language Arts http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/songs/i-can-run participate equally by sharing
5.1 5.1.1 4. Ask the pupils to listen to the song again and copy the actions they out the lines of the song at
Enjoy and In addition to Year 2 hear. Play the song again. the performance stage, if
appreciate text types: simple 5. Put pupils into groups of five. Give each group a verse of the cut up appropriate.
rhymes, poems poems lines of the song. They should divide the lines between them, one
and songs each. Play the song again. Pupils order the lines as they hear them. For fast finishing groups, ask
6. Feed back by having groups sing the song in the order of verses (with them to write a second verse.
or without the video playing)
7. Use two action cards to show pupils how to create new verses of the
song. Give each group time to create a new verse using different
action words.
8. Groups perform their verses. Provide plenty of positive feedback on
their efforts.
9. Play the song video again and encourage pupils to sing along and

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 35

LESSON: 11 (Listening 3) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Listening THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

Yes, I can // No, I can’t



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning

1. Play a word game such as Word Ladder (you can create it online: according to the needs of
Listening Listening
https://www.edu-games.org/word-games/word-ladder/word- Student’s Book p.9 your pupils and class. Please
1.2 1.2.5 Activity 5
Understand Understand a wide ladder-download.php) or a brainstorming activity in groups. Pupils see the seven differentiation
meaning in a range of short should write vocabulary related to the activities topic. Teacher’s Book p.22 strategies listed in the
variety of familiar supported questions introduction. Please also
Lesson delivery Action flashcards from
contexts consider the following:
2. Return to some difficult or new words from the pre-lesson activity last lesson
and check spellings/vocabulary as a whole class. Introduce new Extend vocabulary according
Complementary words according to the needs and personal interests of your Word Ladder game to the needs and interests of
Skill Complementary pupils, if appropriate. your class.
Speaking Skill
2.2 Speaking 3. Ask questions to pupils, moving from Can he/she..? to Can If you have extra time, pupils
Use appropriate 2.2.2 you…? could write about themselves
communication Ask for attention or and/or their partner in their
4. Tell pupils to ask for help if they need it when they are working in notebooks, based on their
strategies help from a teacher pairs. Pre-teach some phrases for this such as Can you help
or classmate by findings.
me/us, please?
using suitable
questions 5. Follow the Teacher’s book p22 instructions for Activity 5.
6. Monitor as pupils do Activity 5 and make notes on individuals as
possible. Use the notes to help plan upcoming lessons.
7. Design a closing listening activity to review and evaluate learning.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 36

LESSON: 12 (Speaking 3) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Speaking THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

X o’clock / It’s half past X.



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning

1. Play a circle game to review numbers up to twelve. according to the needs of
Speaking Speaking Student’s Book p.10 your pupils and class. Please
2.1 2.1.2 Lesson delivery Activity 1
Communicate Find out about and see the seven differentiation
2. Introduce telling the time (on the hour and half past) using the
simple information describe basic board or toy clocks if available. See Teacher’s book p.24, Warm Teacher’s Book p.24 & strategies listed in the
intelligibly everyday routines 25 introduction. Please also
up. consider the following:
3. Continue the lesson with Vocabulary and Grammar box (See Toy clock(s)
Complementary Complementary Teacher’s book p.24) It may be helpful for some
Skill Skill 4. Next, ask pupils to play the game in Activity 1 (See Teacher’s YouTube game pupils to have and use toy
Listening Listening book p.24). Monitor as pupils work on this activity. Depending on suggestion for post- clocks instead of/as well as
1.2 1.2.5 their performance, you could ask pupils to repeat Activity 1 with lesson the pictures in the book
Understand Understand a wide new partners. (p.24).
Small pieces of paper
meaning in a range of short 5. Follow with Optional 1 or Optional 2 (Teacher’s Book, p.25), scrunched up (pupils
variety of familiar supported questions depending on pupils’ performance and interests. For more proficient classes,
can make these for you could introduce and
Post-lesson themselves) practice more times (e.g. 3.15
6. Play What’s the time, Mr. Wolf. For instructions, see Optional 2 Note: for next lesson, / quarter past three)
activity on Teacher’s Book p.25 or ask pupils to bring
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_63i8r_wW5Y family photos. You will
also need to bring your
family photos.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 37

LESSON: 13 (Reading 3) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends




Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning

1. Follow instructions for Teacher’s Book p.26 Warm up. according to the needs of
Reading Reading Student’s Book p.11 your pupils and class. Please
3.2 3.2.2 Lesson Delivery Activity 1
Understand a Understand specific see the seven differentiation
2. Tell pupils they will read about a girl called Fay. Show the picture
variety of linear information and on Student’s book p.11. Ask pupils to show you who Fay is. Ask Teacher’s Book p.26-7 strategies listed in the
and non-linear details of short introduction. Please also
questions to help pupils predict what they will read. Family photos (from consider the following:
print and digital simple texts 3. Hand out the questions (See Teacher’s Book p.26) cut into strips, you and your pupils)
texts by using one for individual pupils, or on a worksheet). Ask pupils to read Ask different prediction
appropriate their question. Questions questions to different pupils,
reading strategies 4. Ask pupils to read the text on Student’s Book p.11 and find the worksheet/strips depending on their level of
answer to their question. They could write it on the paper or in proficiency. Some may be
Complementary Complementary their notebook. closed questions, others open
Skill Skill 5. Monitor as pupils work on the reading activity to get an idea of questions.
Speaking Speaking individuals’ reading skills. Use questions to support or extend their
2.1 2.1.5 understanding. Make notes on pupils as necessary. You could give more than one
Communicate Describe people 6. Feed back as a whole class. Ask pupils to read their question question to some pupils to
simple information and objects using before giving the answer. Pupils can then check each other’s answer.
intelligibly suitable words and answers. Plan which pupils will answer
phrases 7. Follow instructions for Optional 1 activity (Teacher’s Book p.27). questions during feedback to
Post-lesson help showcase pupils who
8. Play a True-False game based on the information in the text. Ask have worked hard.
pupils to explain why something is false. Repeat correct answers
in complete short sentences. Do not ask the pupils to have to
answer in full short sentences, just let them at this point register in
their memories the correct complete answers from you.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 38


LESSON: 14 (Writing 3) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Writing THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends




Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning

Writing Writing 1. Review the topic of families. You could play a vocabulary game according to the needs of
based on last lesson. Student’s Book p.11 your pupils and class. Please
4.3 4.3.1 Activity 1
Communicate Use capital letters, see the seven differentiation
Lesson Delivery
with appropriate full stops and 2. Review the model text from the last lesson by playing the audio Teacher’s Book p.27 strategies listed in the
language form question marks introduction. Please also
for the text (Student’s Book p.11) while pupils read along Family photos consider the following:
and style for a appropriately in
range of purposes guided writing at 3. Pupils use the sentence beginnings to tell their partner about their Provide individualised
in print and digital sentence level family (two or more sentences). This is to review the language feedback on pupils’ writing.
media and help with oral planning.
You could set different targets
4. Follow on with the Writing Tip (Teacher’s Book p.27). for different pupils in writing
Complementary Complementary
Skill Skill 5. Have pupils write two or more sentences about their family in their depending on your pupils’
Writing Writing notebooks or for classroom display. They could add the family levels.
4.3 4.3.3 photos they brought if they are not too valuable to them. If you have extra time, pupils
Communicate Plan, draft and write could play a guessing game
6. Collect the writing and use it to informally assess learning in this
with appropriate an increased range where they read each other’s
unit. Give positive and constructive feedback to pupils using your
language form of simple sentences work and guess whose family
notes on their performance during this unit. Use a basic marking
and style for a it is.
key to show pupils where their mistakes are so that they can
range of purposes
correct their own work. This could be done in the next lesson(s) or
in print and digital
as homework.
7. Review key language by following Teacher’s Book p.27 Optional
9. Learning diaries:
Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their
learning diary, they can write:

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 39

 New words I remember
 Activities I enjoyed
 A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W)
 A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W)
 Something I feel proud of in their English
Remember that as it is still the beginning of the school year, pupils
may begin reflecting in their first language and at a very basic level
(simple words). Encourage pupils to begin to reflect more deeply
and using more English as the year goes on. Some pupils will be
more able to do this than others. Support pupils who may need
some help and encourage everyone to complete their diaries.
Ensure you allocate time for this activity in your lesson plan.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 40


LESSON: 15 (Language Arts 3) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Language Arts THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends

name?, Have got/have, time



Main Skill Main Skill Pre-lesson Differentiate learning

Language Arts Language Arts 1. Play the Who is it? game (see Teacher’s Book p.19, Optional) according to the needs of
Student’s Book p.12-13 your pupils and class. Please
5.2 5.2.1 Lesson delivery
Express personal Ask and answer 2. Introduce the characters of the story using the puppets you have Teacher’s Book p.28- see the seven differentiation
responses to simple questions 29, p.19 strategies listed in the
prepared. Ask pupils questions about the puppets to review key introduction. Please also
literary texts about characters, language and predict the story. See materials list on
actions and events consider the following:
3. Follow the Teacher’s Book p.28, Activity 1. Have pupils make and Teacher’s Book p.28
of interest in a text If you have extra time, you
use puppets to help them act out the story in pairs. Stick puppets of could do the Optional activity
Complementary Complementary 4. Pupils should practice before performing to the whole class. You characters from story (See Teacher’s Book p.29)
Skill Skill could use this as an opportunity for peer feedback, by asking (cut out a picture of
Speaking Speaking each and glue it on to a Give individualised
pupils to comment on each other’s performances. Make notes, constructive feedback to
2.3 2.3.1 too, on pupils’ performance related to pronunciation in particular. stick/straw)
Communicate Narrate very short pupils by thinking about the
Give plenty of positive feedback to each pair/group and Sticks/straws, scissors progress each pupil has
appropriately to a basic stories and summarise areas to work on for the whole class after the activity. for pairs/groups made over the unit. You can
small or large events
group Post-lesson use your notes to help.
5. Talk to pupils about the Value shown in this story (See Teacher’s
Book p.29, Post-story activity). This could be done in pupils’ first
language if necessary.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 41

LESSON: 16 (Language Awareness 1) MAIN SKILL(S) FOCUS: Reading THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends




Main Skill Main Skill Use your notes made on pupils during this unit to adapt this plan so Depending on your Differentiate learning
Reading Reading your lesson reviews areas needed by your pupils. You might focus: according to the needs of
3.2 3.2.2 consider using some of the material as a homework task, if your pupils and class. Please
appropriate. Worksheets (see see the seven differentiation
Understand a Understand specific below)
variety of linear information and strategies listed in the
Plan a language awareness lesson which focusses on consolidating introduction. Please also
and non-linear details of short and extending the main language points in Unit 1 according to the Flashcards of
print and digital simple texts characters from (Greg consider the following:
needs of your pupils:
texts by using & Anna, Student’s Book You could offer pupils a
appropriate have got p.6) choice of these activities or
reading strategies can you could ask different pupils
be (+ adjective) (+time expression) Action cards
to do different activities
Complementary Within the topic of Welcome! Toy clocks depending on their individual
Skill Complementary needs, based on formative
Pre-lesson GS p.14 Activities 1
Writing Skill assessment in this unit.
1. Choose an appropriate pre-lesson activity from the list in the and/or 2 and/or 3
4.3 Writing
Communicate 4.3.1 introduction that suits your pupils’ needs and interests and that will Self-assessment Have pupils do more activities
with appropriate Use capital letters, prepare the pupils for the lesson. worksheets and/or make their own
language form full stops and activities.
Lesson delivery
and style for a question marks
range of purposes appropriately in Have got:
in print and digital guided writing at 2. Show flashcards of characters from the textbook. Elicit sentences
media sentence level about the characters He/She has got. Write the sentences on the
board and put the pictures next to them. Ask pupils why we use
he or she. Ask the pupils if we use has got or have got with he
and she.
3. Next elicit sentences from pupils about themselves. Ask pupils to
come to the board, write their name and write a sentence about

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 42

themselves I have got… Ask pupils questions about the form with
I (have got).
4. Next pupils complete Section A & B of the worksheet (see below)
5. Feed back on the answers as a whole class. Note any common
problems or mistakes and review as necessary.
6. Using action cards, model I can/can’t … with three or four cards.
Drill (pupils listen and repeat) the sentences if necessary. Ask
pupils to tell their partners two things they can and can’t do.
7. Model and drill the question and answer Can you…? Yes, I
can/No, I can’t in a similar way and have pupils ask each other in
pairs about two activities.
8. Next pupils complete Section C of the worksheet (see below).
9. Feed back on the answers as a whole class. Note any common
problems or mistakes and review as necessary.
be + time expression
10. Using the toy clocks, review time expressions (on the hour
and half past). Elicit It’s x o’clock. / It’s half past X. and write on
the board. Have pupils work in pairs with a clock and tell the time
to each other.
11. Next pupils complete Section D of the worksheet (see
Note: You could also make use of the review activities in Revision
(Student’s Book p.14 / Teacher’s Book p.30-31) and/or consider
offering pupils a choice of activities, from the optional activities
described on Teacher’s book p.31.
12. Ask pupils to think about what they have learned in Unit 1
and how well they feel they know the language now. They should
complete the How did I do in Unit 1? self-assessment section of
the worksheet.
13. Collect the worksheets from the pupils and review them to
note pupils’ performance. If there are any areas of concern,
prepare a review of these in upcoming lessons.

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 43

Worksheet for Lesson 16 (Language Awareness 1)
Unit 1: Welcome!
Language Awareness
Name: _________________________________ Class: ______________
A: Read and draw
Laila is a girl.
She has got long, straight, black hair.
She has big brown eyes.
She’s pretty.

B : Read and circle the correct answer

1. Amaya has got / have got straight hair. 2. Adam has got / have got blonde hair.

3. I has got / have got seven shells. 4. You has got / have got two brothers.

C: Unscramble the words to write a full sentence. Don’t forget punctuation!

1. play / she / piano / can / the



2. can / dive / he /
he / no / can’t

3. they / can / swim

can / yes / they

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 44

D: Read and draw the time on the clocks.

It’s five o’clock. It’s eleven o’clock.

It’s half past two. It’s half past three.

How did I do in Unit 1? Put ✔ next to Great, OK, or A little.

In English, I know how to…

say what people look like Great ____ OK ____ A little ____

say what people have got Great ____ OK ____ A little ____

count in tens to 100 (10, 20, 30…) Great ____ OK ____ A little ____

say what I can do Great ____ OK ____ A little ____

say what people can do Great ____ OK ____ A little ____

Primary Year 3 Scheme of Work 45

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