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November 14, 2018

CE1 – B8
CHAPTER 2: Filipino Citizenship Values
Growing up, Filipinos being hospitable towards their visitors is what I always heard about
us, Filipinos. Indeed, we can see the evidence on the way we treat our guests whenever they’ll
visit us. We always make sure that the best food will be served for them and as much as possible,
we are trying to maximize our effort to give them the best experience that they’ve ever had
during their stay with us.
Reading the 2nd chapter of the program module made me realized that there are more
hidden gems that we, Filipinos, possessed. These are the values that are inherently within us.
These are the value of respect for life, the value of truth, the value of justice, the value of equality,
the value of promotion of the common good, and the value of concern for the environment.
It was a fun experience to study and learn these values through the work of art such as
short stories and poems. I was inspired by reading throughout the whole chapter. It somehow
caught my attention by making me ask myself if I have all those values. With all the inquiries
inside my head, I found myself answering ‘yes’. I know I possessed all these values but apparently,
I always fail to practice. There are times when I see myself being respectful, telling the truth,
valuing justice, being fair, aiming the common good, and taking care of our mother nature but
most of the time, I am the opposite of it. Maybe, this is the reason why I find it difficult to deal
with others sometimes. It is because I’ve shown bad attitudes towards them.
I’ve learned that respect for our lives is one the best value that we can have. It is about
us, understanding that we need to be humble enough to accept that this life is not ours that’s
why we must take care of it with all the respect that we can give.
As a person, we should always be in favor of truth no matter what the consequences are
that we are about to face. We should always promote justice in every aspect. As a Filipino, we
must understand that we all have differences in life but still, we should look at each other equally.
We should always prioritize what’s the best thing for the majority. Think about our
heroes who have shown selfless love for our country. They never had
Lastly, we should know that the world is not ours. We should respect it the way we respect
our lives. Helping our environment regained its beauty will not only help the environment itself
but, it will also a great leap for towards a better world for you, and for all of us.

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