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Jakarta2006 International Geosciences Conference and Exhibition

Jakarta06-OT-26 The Study of an Ancient Volcano and Base Metal Deposits
Associated in Wonogiri District, Central Java, Indonesia
R. Abdissalam, A. Hendratmo, A. Harijoko, S. Broto
Jakarta06-INT-04 Value Addition to Seismic Interpretation Through Attribute Analysis:
A Case Study from Muglad Basin Sudan
Amar Ali Ahmed, K.B Trivedi, Ali A/El Kaream Omer
Jakarta06-PE-03 Applying Hydraulic Fracture in Low Permeability Calcareous
Sandstone; Case Story of Telisa Sandstone Development in Rimau
Block South Sumatra, Indonesia
Amritzar Aimar, Ratih Wulandari, Puti Permata, Prihatiningdiah A.
Jakarta06-RC-04 Reservoir Characterization Study to Determine Thin Sand Reservoirs
Using AVO Inversion and Spectral Decomposition Analysis, 3D
Onshore Seismic Data of Ripah Field
M.N. Alamsyah, Andi Wasono Aji, Sihman M., Bambang Wisnu
H., I Nyoman Suta,Lu Xiao Guan, Brad Sincock
Jakarta06-INT-11 Pre-seismic Optimisation: Mapping Carbonate Reefs and Volcanics
Using Aeromagnetic Data
Helen Andreson
Jakarta06-PE-01 Searching for Additional Oil in the Shallow Prospects of Pertamina's
Mature Oil Fields
Salis S. Aprilian, M. Farid Ma’ruf, M. Bunyamin
Jakarta06-DA-01 Prediction Method and Economic Evaluation of Vibroseismic Impact
T. Ariadji, Ana Masbukhin, J. Herry Poerwanto, Douglas B.
Jakarta06-INT-07 Edge Detection Enhancement Using Phase Response in Frequency
Sabrianto Aswad, Muhtar, Fransiscus Boetje Sinartio
Jakarta06-SPE-02 An Approach For Sucker Rod Lift Well Performance Optimization
August J.P., E. Patrick T.
Jakarta06-IM-07 The Application of Advance Geostatistical Techniques for
Constructing Bangko Reservoir Model : A Case Study
Lalu Abdul Aziz, Andry Nabasir
Jakarta06-SPE-01 Numerical Simulation Study on Dual Horizontal Wells Steam
Assisted Gravity Drainage
Raymond Azwan, Reza Iskardar Khan

Jakarta06-VSL-04 In Situ Stress Analysis in Deviated Wells Using Inversion Method –
A Case Study from Volcanic Pyroclastics of Wayang Windu Field,
Java, Indonesia
Indrajit Bandyopadhyay, Dedi Juadi, Marino Baroek, Julfi Hadi,
Bambang Pramono
Jakarta06-OT-09 A New Perspective of Java Cenozoic Volcanic Arcs
S. Bronto, Ev. Budiadi, G. Hartono
Jakarta06-PNS-13 Lasem and Pati Subsurface Fault Model at Central Java, Indonesia,
Contructed by Means of Magnetic and Gravity Exploration Meth ods
Kirbani Sri Brotopuspito, Wahyudi,Imam Suyanto, Mochamad
Nukman, Anton, Beni, Dina, Sigit
Jakarta06-OT-44 Sedimentary Rock Thickness at Kendeng-Rembang Zone, Central
Java -Indonesia, as constructed based on Regional Bouguer Gravity
Anomaly Map
Kirbani Sri Brotopuspito, Rina Dwi Indriana, Mochamad Nukman.

Jakarta06-PG-31 The Cenozoic Evaluation of the Lariang and Karama Regions, North
Makassar Basin, Western Sulawesi, Indonesia
Stephen J. Calvert, Robert Hall
Jakarta06-CH-06 Seismic prediction of thin sand intervals for development Drilling at
North Belut Field, Block B, South Natuna Sea
Mike Challis, Rahardian Adhyaksawan, Vaughn Ball
Jakarta06-PG-29 Upper Miocene Fluvial Deposits Offshore Modern Mahakam Delta
Irfan Cibaj, François Lafont, Emmanuel Chavanne, Grégoire de
Jakarta06-PG-05 Provenance of Paleogene Sediments in West Java, Indonesia
Ben Clements, Robert Hall

Jakarta06-SAA-02 The Application of AVO Attributes and EEI Inversion to Delineate
Gas Carbonate Reservoirs
Devri, Fathkan
Jakarta06-SRC-03 Oligocene-Miocene Carbonate Mounds in the East Java Basin,
Eduard Dragan, J.A. (Toni) Simo, Essam Sharaf, Jennifer Tang,
John Naranjo, Alan Carroll

Jakarta06-PG-30 Fractured Basement Plays, Penyu Basin, Malaysia
F. Fanani, B. Boyce, R. Wong, A. Fahrul, Alwyn C.
Jakarta06-PE-07 The Application of Slotted Liner Completions in a Highly Deviated
Well to Produce a Low Permeability Pematang Oil Reservoir in DC
Field, Indonesia : A Case Study
Tri Firmanto, Eppy Gustiawan, Icuk Dwi Wibowo, Muhammad
Jakarta06-PNS-14 Three-Dimensional CSEM Modeling of Geologic Targets
Guy Flanagan, G. Michael Hoversten
Jakarta06-SVSL-01 Comprehensive Analysis of Permeability Determination Techniques
using Well Test Analysis, Nodal Analysis, Core Analysis, Timur
Correlation and Formation Tester
Elizabeth Fransisca, Tutuka Ariaji

Jakarta06-PNS-20 Application of Ground Magnetic Survey for Defining the Subsurface
Structural Pattern of West Abu Ramad Shear Zone, Southern Eastern
Desert, Egypt
Ibrahim M. Gaafar, Hosni H. Ghazala, Tarek M. Ibrahim, Saleh E.
Jakarta06-PG-31SS A New Look at the East Java Basin Using a Genetic Basin Analysis
Oliver P. Gross, Regis J. Drevet, Asep Sulaeman, Errol M.
Johnstone, John G. McPherson, Jill Stevens, Dean C. Johnstone
Jakarta06-VSL-03 A non-linear Influence of Shaliness in Log Derived Permeability
Prediction for Pedada Field, Central Sumatra Basin
Bambang Gumilar, Akhmad Miftah,Doni Hernadi

Jakarta06-SOT-09 Bandung Basins Tectonics, Stratigraphy, and Geothermal Prospects
Based on Water Geochemistry Analysis
M. Resawan Hakim, Krishna Pratama Laya
Jakarta06-PG-22 Dextral Shear Induced Inversion of The North Sumatra Basin,
Ferry Hakim, Chris Elder, Budi September
Jakarta06-DP-05 Amplitude Preserving - Prestack Depth Migration: AVA Analysis
and Imaging
A. Haris, D. Klaeschen, H. Kopp, E. Flueh
Jakarta06-VSL-05 A Surprise Discovery Using Cased Hole Logs in The Tiaka Field
D. Hasanusi, Mario Petricola
Jakarta06-DP-04 Application of 3-D SRME and Multiple Diffraction Removal in the
Makassar Straits, Indonesia
Rob Hegge, Peter Aaron, Roald van Borselen, John Brittan, Ed
Ferris, Chris Davin
Jakarta06-PG-26 The Tertiary Source Rock Potential of the Bengkulu Basin
R. Heryanto, H. Panggabean
Jakarta06-PNS-17 Use of the Multi-Transient ElectroMagnetic (MTEM) method to
delineate hydrocarbon reservoirs
B.A. Hobb, A.M. Ziolkowski, D.A.Wright
Jakarta06-PG-15 History of the Timor Through, West Arafura Sea and Movement of
the Australian Plate
H. Honda, H. Kobayashi, T. Ando, K. Kihara, H. MP. Banjarnahor
Jakarta06-DP-08 Beyond Kirchhoff: New Technologies for Improved Seismic Imaging
Graham Hodgkiss
Jakarta06-IM-16 Creating the Static Reservoir Model Using Fused Fault Blocks
Karen S. Hoffman, John W. Neave, Erik H. Nilsen

Jakarta06-PNS-01 Layered Coal Characterization Using Multi-Configuration Antenna
Ibrahim E., Hendrajaya L., Handayani G., Fauzi U.
Jakarta06-OT-58 Laboratory Experiments for Coal Rank Characterization using 1 GHz
GPR antenna
Ibrahim E., Hendrajaya L., Handayani G.
Jakarta06-PG-14 3D Structural Architecture of KRA Field and Evolution of the West
Natuna Basin, Indonesia
Shanty Ilona
Jakarta06-DA-06 Magnetotelluric (MT) Acquisitions in a Noisy Environment: Sensor
Layout and Quality Data Improvement. Case Example in MTX
Station-West Java
Riki Irfan, Imam Raharjo
Jakarta06-PG-06 Optimistic View for Hydrocarbon Exploration in South Makassar
Isnawati, Djoko Sunarjanto, Julikah, Suprajitno Munadi

Jakarta06-OT-47 Integrated Geophysical Investigation for Water Resources
Exploration; Study Case : Geo-electrical and Reflection Seismic
Exploration of Karst Region, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
M.S. Jaya, Warnana D., Bahri S., T. Newmann, D. Stuben
Jakarta06-DA-04 Multicomponent OBC (4C) prestack time imaging: Pamberi, LRL
Block, Offshore Trinidad
Tony Johns, Carmen Vito, Richard Clark, Raul Sarmiento
Jakarta06-RC-10 Dynamic Reservoir Characterization Using 4D Seismic Data
David H. Johnston
Jakarta06-PG-33 A Revised Sequence Stratigraphic and Depositional Interpretation for
the Miocene Clastic Interval in the Cepu Region, East Java Basin
Errol M. Johnstone, John G. McPherson, Chris W. Rodda, Jill
Stevens, Aris Widarmayana, Andrew Pierce, Oliver P. Gross

Jakarta06-VSL-07 Estimation of Quality Factor Q from VSP Data using Iterative
Modeling: Case Study on Well “TA”
Ian Kainama, Leonard Lisapaly, Darwin Tangkalalo

Jakarta06-PG-18 Using numerical prediction, in explaining the geomechanics of faults
in the EK Field
Agus Laesanpura, Prihadi Sumintadireja, Herutama Trikoranto,
Albert Suwandi
Jakarta06-DA-08 An Application of Transformation Function on Vertical Transverse
Isotropy Media for Velocity Estimation of P Wave Data at Tilted
Transverse Isotropy Media Using Physical Modelling Data
Hendro Laksono, Djoko Santoso, T.A. Sanni, Fathkan,
Jakarta06-IM-06 Assesing the Effect of Pressure and Saturation Changes on Time
Lapse Seismic Response in Typical East Kalimantan gas-saturated
Abdul Latif, Befriko Murdianto
Jakarta06-OT-51 3D Crustal Architecture of the Mt Isa Eastern Succession; Evidence
from Seismic, Gravity and Aeromagnetic data
Piter Lepong, Tom Blenkinsop, Cameron Huddleston-Holmes

Jakarta06-RC-11 Integrated Facies Analysis for Reservoir Characterization Controlled
by Well-log and Seismic Data with Geostatistical Approach
Taufik A. Manan, Ipung P. Yuwono, Ukat Sukanta
Jakarta06-PG-13 Geometry and Nature of Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Rifting in
the Woolsthorpe-Cobden Area, Onshore Otway Basin, Victoria,
Minarwan, Michael Hall, Raymond Cas
Jakarta06-PG-12 Technostratigraphy of the Early Cretaceous Woolsthorpe-Cobden
Area, Central Otway Basin, Southeastern Australia and Its
Implications for Trapping Mechanism and Reservoir Distribution
Minarwan, Michael Hall, Raymond Cas
Jakarta06-PG-27 Development of High Resolution Biostratigraphic Framework for
Kutei Basin
Robert J. Morley, John Decker, Harsanti P. Morley, Sherman
Jakarta06-SIM-01 Identification of Thin Bed Reservoirs with Variable Thickness using
Spectral Decomposition Method
Muhtar, Sabrianto Aswad, Fransiscus Boetje Sinartio
Jakarta06-PE-13 Multiphase Boosting - An Alternative to Increase Production
Dipl.-Ing. Dietrich Müller-Link, John K. Leong
Jakarta06-IM-09 Predicting Laterally Distributed Sonic Log Properties from Seismic
and Log Data Using Artificial Neural Network
Befriko S. Murdianto, Rochmad Sutattyo, Abd Haris
Jakarta06-CH-04 Diagenesis of the Tirrawarra Sandstone, Cooper Basin, South
Australia: as a Control of Porosity and Permeability
Junita Trivianty Musu, Nick Lemon, John Kaldi

Jakarta06-IM-11 Estimation of effective stress from seismic reflection coefficients at a
non-welded interface
Joost van der Neut, Mrinal K. Sen, Kees Wapenaar
Jakarta06-SOT-11 Paleo-magnetic and Geo-chronological Constraints on the
Cretaceous-Miocene Tectonic Evolution of Java
La Ode Ngkoimani, Satria Bijaksana, Chalid Idham Abdullah
Jakarta06-CH-07 The Contribution of Advanced Geophysical Techniques for Field
DevelopmenT, Sisi Nubi Case Study
Y. Noor, G. de Tonnac, E. Chavanne
Jakarta06-IM-13 Seismic Rock Physics of Fractured Reservoir Rock in Fluid Saturated
and Varying Pore Pressure Condition
Bagus Endar B. Nurhandoko, Usep Mohamad Ishaq
Jakarta06-IM-19 Time-Frequency Analysis of 3D Seismic Reflection Data Using
Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT) And their Application for
G&G Study
Budi Eka Nurcahya, Sudarmaji, Eddy Hartantyo, M. Nukman,
Dewi Srigati, Rosi SBY
Jakarta06-PG-23 A Challenge and Future Potential of Basal Clastic Play in Paleo-
Basement High, Musi Platform, South Sumatra Basin
Husni Nuryadin, Firman Kamil, Asril Kamal, R.M.I.

Jakarta06-DA-09 Application of Multi-configuration Ground-Penetrating Radar to
Estimate Quality and Structure of Coal Seams
Parnadi W.W., Ibrahim E., Islam S., Hendrajaya L., Handayani
G., Fauzi U.
Jakarta06-PNS-18 On the Concept of Resistivity Anisotropy and Its Application in
Exploration and Geotechnical Problems: Laboratory Study
Parnadi W.W., Taib M.I.T, Salam R.
Jakarta06-OT-22 Data and Knowledge Management: Providing Better Support for
Exploration and Production Work Processes

Jakarta06-PG-09 An Overview of Paleogene Stratigraphy of the Karangsambung Area,

Central Java: Discovery of a New Type of Eocene Rock
C. Prasetyadi, E.R. Suparka, A.H. Harsolumakso, B. Sapiie
Jakarta06-SPG-03 Structural Pattern and Fault Seal Analysis of a Potential Hydrocarbon
Trap, East Java Basin
Riksa Pribadi
Jakarta06-IM-14 Multiple-point Geostatistics : A New 3D Modeling Workflow for
Better G&G Data Integration
Hari Primadi
Jakarta06-PG-02 Paleogene Sedimentation in the Jatibarang Sub-basin and Its
Implication to Deep Play Petroleum system of the Onshore
Northwest Java Basin, Indonesia
Eddy Purnomo, Rudy Ryacudu, Edy Sunardi, R.P. Koesoemadinata
Jakarta06-OT-60 Structural Evolution of the Jambi Sub-Basin: A Rotated Strike-Slip
Margaretha E.M. Purwaningsih, Bambang Mujihardi, Lilik
Prasetya, Wah Adi Suseno, Yarra Sutadiwirya
Jakarta06-SPNS-01 Geoelectric Sounding Survey and Groundwater Development
Direction in Tuksono Village, Subdistrict Sentolo Kulonprogo
Putranto T.T., Fahrudin, Chabbie A.

Jakarta06-OT-62 Groundwater Modeling Based on Geophysical Methods: Application
on Curug Dago Area, Bandung
Ahmad Rachim, Wahyu Srigutomo

Jakarta06-SPG-06 Fault Characteristic and Its Relation to the Fault Seal Analysis in
Sukamulya Area Kabupaten Sukabumi, West Java
Alexis Badai Samudra, Benyamin Sapiie
Jakarta06-PE-02 EOR Screening: Laboratory Testing Strategy to Reduce Uncertainty,
Pilot Case Kaji Semoga
Herman Sanitioso, Zul Anwar, Sarah
Jakarta06-PG-24 Strike-Slip Deformation and their Relationship to Fractures
Distributions and Basin Development: a Result of Analogue Sandbox
Benyamin Sapiie, Meli Hadiana
Jakarta06-PNS-15 Configuring detail fault pattern in South Bunyu, East Kalimantan,
Indonesia through gravity measurements for guiding the well
injection placement
Sardjito, W. Waluyo, M. I. T Thaib, W. G. A. Kadir, D. Dahrin,
Jakarta06-OT-16 Crusal Architecture of Java Island Indonesia - an Approach Via
Constrained Gravity Modeling
Jakarta06-PNS-03 The Study of Polluted Groundwater in Surabaya City Using
Magnetic, Gradiomagnetic and Resistivity Methods
Seno Pudji Sardjono
Jakarta06-CH-05 Coalbed Methane Potential in the South Palembang Basin
Imam B. Sasrowidjojo
Jakarta06-PG-16 Docking and Post-Docking Tectonic Escapes of Eastern Sulawesi :
Collisional Convergence and Their Impications to Petroleum Habitat
Awang Harun Satyana
Jakarta06-SPG-08 Fault Characteristic in Relationship with Fault Seal Analysis at
Gunung Walat Area, Sukabumi, West Java
Agung Shirly, Banyamin Sapiie
Jakarta06-INT-12 Seismic and Outcrop Carbonate Platform Geometries and Facies:
Oligocene-Miocene, Java, Indonesia
J.A. (Toni) Simo, A. Ruf, T. Hughes, K. Steffen, A. Gombos, G.
Zelewski, J. Bova, B. Sapiie, N. Nugroho
Jakarta06-OT-07 The Untapped "Unconventional" Gas: the CBM Resources of Kutai
Basin with Reference to the North Kutai Lama Field, Sangasanga
Area, East Kalimantan
Bona Situmorang, Chandra Dewa Dwiyoga, Andang Kustamsi
Jakarta06-PG-32 A Revised Sequence Stratigraphic Framework and Nomenclature,
East Java Basin
Jill Stevens, Errol M. Johnstone, James V. White, Geoffrey C.
Geary, Oliver P. Gross, John G. McPherson, Chris W. Rodda,
Agung B. Cahyono
Jakarta06-PG-28 Source Rock Characterisation in the Kutai Basin, East Kalimantan,
Indonesia, Based on Biomarkers
Eddy Subroto, Andang Bachtiar, Bambang Istadi
Jakarta06-SPG-04 Facies Analysis on the Limestone Member, the Tondo Formation.
Based on Samples Taken from Kaisapu Area, Buton, Southeast
Sulawesi Province
L. Sulistyani, Surono
Jakarta06-RC-03 Estimating Permeability for Sandstones Having Multi-modal Pore
Size Distribution
Yosaphat Sumantri, Pudji Permadi, Jevie Carter Eka Putra
Jakarta06-OT-35 Geochemical Hazards from Leaking Crater Lakes: Environmental
Impact from Hyperacid Discharges at Active Kawah Wijen, East
Java, Indonesia
Sri Sumarti, Manfred van Bergen, Thom Bogaard, Sri Hartiyatun,
Siti Mariana
Jakarta06-OT-02 High-Strength, Lightweight Cement for Lost Circulation Zones: Two
Case Histories, Batubaraja Formation, South Sumatra
Anton Supriyono, Intan Bayu Gayashanti, Muhammad
Abdunnasir Hoviari, Nurhendra Setya Atmaja
Jakarta06-PNS-07 High Gravity Anomaly Around the Kelang Island, Maluku
Aris Susilo, Indra Budiman, Imam Setiadi, Tatang Padmawijaya
Jakarta06-INT-09 Reefal Build Ups within Miocene Kais Platform : Roles of 3D
Seismic Data in Defining a Subtle Trap
Yarra Sutadiwiria, Yatty Surtiati, Awang Harun Satyana
Jakarta06-PG-25 Source-Rock Organic Geochmistry and Petrography of the EO-
Oligocene Kasiro Formation, in the Intramountain Papanbetupang
Basin, Southern Sumatera
Nana Suwarna
Jakarta06-DA-10 Solving an Imaging Problem in Kuwait Oil Company’s Minagish
Field Using Single-Sensor acquisition and Processing
Denis Sweeney, Jonathan Anderson, Andrew Smart, Ayman
Shabrawi, Adel El-Emam, Ghassan Rached

Jakarta06-SAA-01 AVO and Extended Elastic Impedance Analysis of Carbonate on East
Java Basin, Indonesia
William Amelio Tolioe, Sigit Sukmono, Sonny Winardhie, Yatty

Jakarta06-PNS-19 Magnetic Resonance Sounding (MRS) for Determination of
Hydrogeological Parameter
Warsa, Martin Müller, Ugur Yaramanci
Jakarta06-INT-10 Improving submarine fan and channel interpretation using 3D
seismic MegaSurveys
Shane Westlake, Suvi Maingarm, Camilla Fjeldheim
Jakarta06-VSL-06 Identification of lower Tanjung High Gamma Ray Anomaly as an
Indicator for Production Zones at Tanjung Oil Field, Barito Basin,
South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Ricky Adi Wibowo, Tavip Setiawan, Parada D. Silitonga, Darwin
Tangkalalo Zamzam Nurzaman
Jakarta06-AA-01 Vertical Permeability Anisotropy In Indonesian Carbonate Reservoirs
Bambang Widarsono, Ari Mulani, Indra Jaya
Jakarta06-PG-08 Basin Evaluation Based the Gravity Interpretation Integrated with
Geological and Seismic Data
E. Widianto, W. Waluyo, M. I. T. Taib, W. G. A. Kadir, D. Dahrin
Jakarta06-SPG-02 Relationships Among Fault Characteristic, Geomechanical Model,
and Injection Pressure
Widodo, Benyamin Sapiie, Steven J Johansen

Jakarta06-PE-09 Reservoir Knowledge Based Wells Completion for Improving
Lifecycle Profit of Multi-Reservoir Oil and Gas Field
Lu Xiaoguang, Xuewen Zhang, Bradford W. Sincock, Fauzy
Mayanullah, Budi Tyas Utomo

Jakarta06-PG-07 Re-appraisal of Shallow Marine Reservoirs in the Central Sumatra
Basin, Sixty-five Years After First Hydrocarbon Discovery
Yarmanto, Irdas Muswar, Darwin Kadar, Steve Johansen
Jakarta06-PG-11 Hydrocarbon System of the Paleogene Sediment of the Melawi
Basin, West Kalimantan, Indonesia
Barlian Yulianto, Bambang Wijayanto, Sulistiyono, Taufan
Jakarta06-IM-05 Reduce Degree of Uncertainty in Porosity Mapping Using Anomaly
Impedance of Seismic Inversion
Muhammad Yusuf, T. Ariadji, Sonny Winardhie

Jakarta06-DP-06 Multiple Investigations by Synthetic Modeling and Wave Equation
Attenuation: North West Shelf of Australia Data Example
Ping Zhao, Andrew Long, Roald Van Borselen, Jim Mayron, Maz

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