20-5 Bo Tro

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Some people think a job not only provides income but also social life.

think it is better to develop social relationships with people you do not work
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

- social life - workplace
- social life - somewhere else***

Opening (2 sentences)
- Sentence 1: Paraphrase view you DO NOT support
It is believed that in addition to generating an income, going to work also
allows people to engage in social activities.
- Sentence 2: 60/40:
While this is VALID to a certain extent, I believe making friends with those
whom people do not work with is also important.

Body 1:
- Why others think so?
It is understandable why some advocate the view that social life can be
found at the workplace. The key rationale is that most people spend the bulk of
their time at work, and thus coworkers are the ones they interact with the most.
- Why I disagree?
However, this thinking is flawed, as professional relationships alone do not
completely constitute social life. When people are not working, they have to spend
quality time with family members. For example, working parents generally
(~often) have to exercise their parental and marital duties after work.

Body 2:
- Why you think it's a good idea to make friends with other people?
Instead of restricting social life to the workplace, I believe it would be
beneficial to establish relationships with other people in society. To begin with, it
may be difficult to find a person with common interests at work, especially if one
has a peculiar (~strange) hobby. For example, a person who takes a keen interest
in skydiving is more likely to find like-minded individuals (people who like the
same thing) in an extreme sport club rather than at his office. In addition, by making
friends with people who come from different backgrounds, a person has the
opportunity to enrich their life. They would learn a wealth of knowledge across
various topics, which makes them more wellrounded individuals. For instance,
when I was a stock broker, I was exposed to experts in a range of fields, which
gives me a more comprehensive understanding of society.

While there are reasons to support socializing only with coworkers, I

would argue that a person should expand their social circles outside of the
Vocab Highlights
- generate an income: tạo ra nguồn thu
- the bulk of time: phần lớn thời gian
- constitute: cấu thành/ tạo thành
Women constitute the bulk of the staff at this company.
- establish relationships: thiết lập các mối quan hệ
- common interest: sở thích chung
- like-minded individuals: những người có cùng suy nghĩ, sở thích
- a wealth of knowledge: kho báu kiến thức
- well-rounded individuals: những người giỏi toàn diện
- be exposed to : được tiếp xúc với cái gì đó
Living in New York, I'm very fortunate to be exposed to an eclectic mix of cultures from
all around the world.
- a comprehensive understanding: một sự hiểu toàn diện
- expand social circle: mở rộng mối quan hệ xã hội
- If you are 35 years old without marriage, do you still wait for true love?
-> Brainstorm:
If I'm still single by the time I turn 35, I will still wait for my other half. Because
getting married to someone you do not love is MIserable. You may end up parting
ways and getting a divorce. On the other hand, for those who still decide not to
wait, it is completely justifiable. Some people just cannot stand being alone.

- Who will pay for the wedding costs, man or woman or both?
-> Brainstorm:
+ pay -> finance (v)
Actually, neither. Their parents are the ones who finance the wedding. It is kind of
the norm in Vietnam. Most young couples are still trying to make ends meet, so
they cannot possibly afford the prohibitive costs of weddings.

- What do you think is the best age to marry?

Well, you know, it kind of depends. Some people think the optimal age to marry is
mid-20s, because they try to avoid the generation gap between them and their kids.
On the other hand, there are those who want to tie the knot when they are a bit
older because they prioritize their career. You know, parental duties make it hard
to earn a living.

- Do you think Vietnamese wedding wastes a lot of money?

Definitely. Weddings in Vietnam cost an arm and a leg/ Vietnamese people love
lavish weddings. They are willing to splurge on decoration, food, service,
invitations, ... in order to show the guests their wealth and status.

- Do you think men should take care of babies and wash the dishes?
Traditional Vietnamese thinking dictates that women are in charge of chores
and child-rearing. However, nowadays the responsibilities are shared between
spouses. Because gender equality is promoted (championed) in most countries,
men have to do domestic tasks also. Women also help bring home the bacon.
Describe a wedding.
* Where
- Trong Dong, a popular wedding venue.
-> (My Tam): acquire a reputation for their top-notch service.
In addition to weddings, they also organize events.
-> (LẦY '): downtown HN -> bustling area -> frequented by tourists -> packed ->
parking was a real hassle for the guests
* Who:
- bride and groom are my best friends -> knew each other since we were knee-high
to a grasshopper -> maintain a close-knit relationship -> happy to join
- bridesmaids and groomsmen are my classmates
- parents
- guests
- bride: looks gorgeous in her immaculate wedding dress.
- groom: looks handsome, dressed to the nines
* What it was like:
- atmosphere: cozy / intimate
- party - lavish -> performance by My Tam - a nationally acclaimed singer
- ceremony is beautiful -> bride and groom exchange vows, kiss -> guests burst
into applause / burst into tears
* Whether you enjoyed the wedding
- Of course, I had an absolute blast .
- Food was exceptional (the highlight was this dish called banh gio)
- We were happy to watch they tie the knot.

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