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Mathematics in the Modern World

Diana Lyn M. Pascual September 8, 2019

BSA 1C Ms. Ambrocio

The Fibonacci sequence is named for Leonardo Pisano Bigollo, a famous Italian
mathematician who also happened to discover Fibonacci. Fibonacci is a short term for
the latin ‘filius bonacci’, which means ‘the son of Bonacci’.

The Fibonacci sequence is a set of numbers that starts with a one or a zero,
followed by a one, and proceeds based on the rule that each subsequent number is
found by getting the sum of two preceding numbers.

The Fibonacci sequence is 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55 …..
In particular:
- 2 is found by adding the two numbers before it (1+1)
- 3 is found by adding the two numbers before it (1+2)
- 5 is found by adding the two numbers before it (2+3)
- and 8 is from (3+5), and so on.

It means, the next number in the sequence above is 34+55 = 89

Also, there is an exact formula for Fibonacci sequence.

Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 Where: Fn

= is term number n
= is the previous term (n-1)
Fn-2 = is the term before that (n-2)

n (term) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 …..
F(n) 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 34 …..

If we want to find the 8th term, that is 7th term plus 6th term:
F8 = F8-1 + F8-2
Means F8 = F7 + F6
So, F8 = 13 + 8
Therefore, F8 = 21

On the other hand, Fibonacci used the arithmetic series to illustrate a problem
based on a pair of breeding rabbits, if how many pairs of rabbits will be produced in a
year. Fibonacci numbers are of interest to biologists and physicists because they are
frequently observed in various natural objects and phenomena. For example, the
branching patterns in trees and leaves, the distribution of seeds in a raspberry, the
golden spiral seed arrangement of sunflower and the double set of spirals in the
pinecones are based on Fibonacci numbers or sequence. Another application is
the Fibonacci poem. It is a verse in which the progression of syllable numbers per line
follows Fibonacci's pattern.

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