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Describe a person

You could begin with their full name, how old they are, when their birthday
is, where they live and who they live with.

You can then talk about what's important - why are you friends with them?
What is it that you like about him or her? How long have you been friends?

Then, think about what they look like:

1.What color is their hair?
2.What color are their eyes?
3.How tall are they?
4.Do they have any distinctive features such as moles, freckles, glasses, scars?
5.What kind of clothes do they like to wear?
Once you have chosen a couple of these things to write about, you can
move on to their likes and dislikes:
1.What kind of music do they like?
2 Do they play any sports?
3 What’s their favorite TV show or movie?
4 Do they have a favorite food, or a type of food that they really dislike?
5.Do they like animals?
6.What is their favorite class at school and what are they good at?
7.What do they want to be when they are older?

1. Topic sentence: introduce the opinions, choose 1 opinion that you
2. Supporting sentence:
a. Reason 1: Example
b. Reason 2: Example
c. Reason 3: Example
3. Concluding sentence: Restatement/summary of opinion.
1. Topic sentence: introduce the differences between 2 things.
2. Supporting sentence:
a. Topic 1:
i. Point 1:
ii. Point 2:
iii. Point 3:
b. Topic 2:
i. Point 1:
ii. Point 2:
iii. Point 3:
3. Concluding sentence: Restate/summary.

1. Topic sentence: introduce the problem.
2. Supporting sentence:
i. Point 1:
ii. Point 2:
iii. Point 3:
3. Concluding sentence: Restate/summary.

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