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Figure 2 Relationship between N Value with Free Anaerobic

Seen from Figure 2 that the value if N in the Anaerobic pond 1, 1021.22 Mg/L, with anaerobic 2,
876.35 Mg/L, with anaerobes 3, 662.61 Mg/L and an Anaerobic 4, 443.26 Mg/L. that element of
Nitrogen has decreased in each pond. According Notohadiprawiro (1999), the decline in the value
of N is caused by the change Nitrogen by the activities of microorganisms for metabolic activity
of life. Anaerobic pond 3 have the opportunity to be treated as a source of fertilizer to add
nutrients to the plants, based on the researchers conducted a study on Anaerobic pond 3 at
662.61 Mg/L for liquid fertilizer raw materials.
3.2.3. Relationship Value Phosphorus In Swimming Anaerobic
Phosphorus contains in waste water palm oil contains compounds Ortopospat, Poliposfat and
Posfatorganis. Each phosphate compounds present in dissolved form, suspended or bound
within cell organisms in the water. Based on the physical properties were dissolved Phosphorus,
Phosphorus suspended (not dissolved) and Total Phosphorus (dissolved + suspended).
Phosphorus compounds to be analysis epending on needs and circumstances of the examination
body of water. Based on the analysis of each pond, Phosphorus contains diverse. We can see in
Figure 3.

Figure 3 Relationship between Phosphorus Value with Free Anaerobic

Seen from Figure 3 thet the value of the Anaerobic Phosphorus 1, 328.19 Mg/L, with anaerobes
2, 279.24 Mg/L, with anaerobes 3, 238.32 Mg/L, and a anaerobes 4, 327.76 Mg/L. Viewed from
each pool element Phosphorus has decreased. According Notohadiprawiro (1999), Phosphorus
impairment is caused by the overhaul of Phosphorus by the microorganism activity for Metabolic
activity of life.

3.2.4. Relationship Value Potassium in the Free Anaerobic

Potassium is a vital ingredient for the formation of proteins, carbohydrates and also strengthen
plant stems, flowers and fruits that do not fall Flaeder research and Megel (1976). If the
deficiency element [\Potassium will cause the plants leaves will dry and shrink or raised red
sports brown, long dried up and died. Fruit shape be imperfect, small and not good quality. Based
on the analysis of each reservoir pol Potasium has a variety of content. We can see in Figure 4.
Figure 4 Relationship with swimming Anaerobic K Value

Seen from Figure 4 that the value of K at the pool Anaerobic 1, 541.03 Mg/L, with anaerobes 2,
473.59 Mg/L, with anaerobes 3, 348.26 Mg/L and Anaerobic 4, 327.76 Mg/L. From Figure seen
that a slight decrease in the value of potassium equal to 5% of each pond 1 to pond 2, pond 2 to
pond 3, and pond 3 to 4. According expected result of the activity of microorganisms thet
remodel Potassium Metabolism life activities.

3.2.5. Relations Mixed Liquor Suspended Solid Value In Swimming anaerobes

Based on the analysis of each pond Anaerobic MLSS contains diverse. Increasing MLSS is because
the process of Palm Oil Mill Effluent containing organic materials in a compound having
Biodegredasi Anaerobes into simple acids. We can see in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Relationship between MLSS value and an Anaerobic
Seen from figure 5 that the value of MLSS on Anaerobic pond 1, 136 Mg/L, with anaerobes 2,
154 Mg/L, with anaerobes 3, 163 Mg/L, and a Anaerobes 4, 198 Mg/L. According Jenie and
Rahayu (1993) An increase in MLSS from pool 1 to 4 pools is caused by the activity in the
breakdown of organic nitrogen into ammonia.

Figure 6 Relationship between BOD values with nutrients (NPK)

Seen from Figure 6 that if the graph is low then the BOD or nutrients N, P, and K contained in
each pool will decrease, this because the process of waste water containing organic material
having biodegrasi compound in anaerobic atmosphere into simple acids.
Of each pond that could result if the BOD decreased, the nutrient is also decreased due to the
decomposition of organic material at the expected result of the remodel BOD microorganism
activity and NPK nutrients for metabolic activity of life and MLSS increases, this is because the
process of waste water containing organic materials in a compound having Biodegredasi
Anaerobes into simple acids. The potential of palm oil waste water is chemically derived from the
results of each pool after analyzing the characteristic of the waste water in oil palm plantations
can yield values of BOD in pond Anaerobic 1, 20147.25 Mg/L, with anaerobes 2, 17421.16 Mg/L,
with anaerobes 3, 10428,27 Mg/L and an Anaerobes 4, 4622.81 Mg/L, value of N in the Anaerobic
pond 1, 1021.22 Mg/L, with anaerobic 2, 876.35 Mg/L, with anaerobes 3, 662.61 Mg/L and an
Anaerobic 4, 443.26 Mg/L. P values anaerobic ponds 1, 328.19 Mg/L, with anaerobes 2, 279.24
Mg/L, with anaerobes 3, 238.32 Mg/L and an Anaerobic 4, 327.76 Mg/L. the value of K at the pool
Anaerobic 1, 541.03 Mg/L, with anaerobes 2, 473.59 Mg/L, with anaerobes 3, 348.26 Mg/L and
Anaerobic 4, 327.76 Mg/L. Anaerobic pond MLSS values at 1, 136 Mg/L, with anaerobes 2, 154
Mg/L, with anaerobes 3, 163 Mg/L, and a Anaerobes 4, 198 Mg/L. With BOD, COD (3000-5000)
does not necessarily produce raw material for making a good liquid fertilizer according SNI and
vice versa. Results from Anaerobic pond 3 will be used as raw material fertilizer BOD value is
11428.26 Mg/L value of Nitrogen (N) is 662.61 Mg/L, P value was 238.32 Mg/L, the value of
Potassium is 348.26 Mg/L and MLSS is 153 Mg/L. And with four of the observations can be directly
used as fertilizer.

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