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Earlier technological developments brought more benefits and

changed the lives of ordinary people more than recent

technological developments. To what extent do you agree or

Early tech > Latest tech. Agree or disagree?

I. Opening (4 sentences)
1 – Context (tech – U5)
There is no doubt that technology has permeated every aspect of
our lives.
2 – Narrow the topic (tech -> benefits of tech)
A is instrumental in B

The ubiquity of modern devices has been instrumental in the

remarkable improvement in living standards over the past few

3 – Paraphrase
However, some people argue that truly groundbreaking
innovations are behind us, and the benefits of the latest
technologies pale in comparison to those of old.

4 – Answer (50/50)
While this may be true to some extent, I believe the nature of the
changes created by recent technological advancements is different,
and thus it is pointless to compare the two.
II. Body
Body 1 (importance of old technologies)
1 – Topic
It is understandable why some people subscribe to the view that
early technologies were more life-changing.
2 – Explain
This is due to the unprecedented leap in productivity and, by
extension, wealth that these innovations brought about.
3 – Example
For example, earth-shattering inventions such as electricity and
automobiles allowed humans to exponentially increase their
production output and meaningfully improve their living standards.
4 – Mini-conclusion
Given the radical changes created by these technologies, it seems
sensible why many are saying that the latest innovations cannot
match the ones conceived early on.
Body 2 (importance of new technologies)
1 – Topic (connect to Body 1)
However, notwithstanding the vast improvement in people’s lives
that early technological progress helped generate, it would be:
- unwise to overlook …
- imprudent to undermine …
the contribution of our latest breakthroughs.

2 – Explain
While the increase in work efficiency (~ productivity) that they
offer may seem marginal / incremental, new innovations have
drastically transformed other aspects of our lives.

3 – Example
For instance, the advent of the Internet has ushered in an era
where knowledge is at everybody’s disposal, and medical
developments have markedly increased human life expectancy.

4 – Mini-conclusion
Human lives do not center around wealth alone, and these
improvements are equally important to society.

III. Conclusion
In conclusion, I am convinced that both early and recent progress in
technology contributes to the betterment in our lives, but their
magnitude cannot be compared.
1. Why do people smile?
Wow, that’s a funny question – no pun intended.
 general: there are a host of reasons that …
 obviously, smiling is a way for us to channel our happiness (ex:
 when we find something hilarious -> (ex: … crack a joke)

2. What’s the difference between fake smile and true smile?

Wow, wow wow wow, that’s a very intriguing question.

 general: I guess there’re a few distinctions between a fake smile
and a genuine one
 first, the eyes can give away (reveal) whether a smile is authentic
or not.
 second, … how wide the grin is + body language.

3. Why do people smile when they take photos?

numerous reasons
 when we smile, we appear more photogenic
 take photos -> capture fond memories -> there’s no reason to
frown or appear impassive
4. Who smile more, men or women?
Well, this is a tough one. As far as I am concerned, gender is irrelevant
when it comes to smiling.
Having said that, … women appear more cheerful/ chipper than men.
 For the most part, women are more chatty and open -> easier to
make them smile
 For others, there is a need to internalize/ mask their feelings and
distress -> putting on a smile is the perfect disguise / façade

5. Do you think people should control their moods?

To some extent, yes.

 sometimes, we need to exercise restraint and maintain
our composure (remain calm)
o ex: especially in occasions where there is a sense of
decorum – interviews, funerals, ...
 but I think it would be unhealthy to keep our feelings
bottled up inside all the time -> sometimes we need channel
our emotions out -> ex: I have a confidant
What kind of people rely on the sea?
a host of people
 the first thing that springs to mind is fishermen -> I
mean, the ocean is their livelihood
 obviously, the sea has a wealth of resources that are
important to many industries like oil, minerals or salt.
 apparently, the hospitality industry exploits the ocean

Do you like to work near the sea? Why?

Well, that’s not the kind of life that I aspire to
 sure, there are many perks when you work in the
vicinity of the ocean -> ex: swim, bask in the sun
 but there are quite a few potential setbacks -> ex:
natural disasters / boredom (a lot of people romanticize living
by the sea -> but ... mundane)

Do people like to have fun near the sea?

I don’t want to state the obvious, but who doesn’t?
 the sea has a kind of calm and tranquility that is absent
in urban areas -> after toiling all year, sometimes we long for
the peacefulness of the ocean...
Who prefer to go to the sea, teenagers or elders?
I think both age groups enjoy the sea, but maybe the activites
they partake in are quite different
- teenage: more adventurous (ex: extreme water sports, ...)
- elders: lounge about -> bask in the sun and take in the view...

How is the transportation on the sea?

a range of options
 On the lower end of the spectrum, ... boats and ferries
 But if you are up for a splurge, you could go for a luxury
yacht or cruiseship

What kind of people would like to hire a yacht? Why?

 well, individuals who hire a yacht are usually very
 having the means to afford a cruise is a mark of money -
> ex: the one percent or people who are born with a silver
spoon often show off their wealth with a lavish vacation on a
boat ...

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