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Republic of the Philippines


Pablo Borbon Main I, Batangas City, Philippines 4200
Tel. No. (043) 980-0385 local 1128
English for Specific Purposes


Jhamil L. Amponin BSED-1201


English, American, & Philippine Literature and

Communication Arts


Josephina Payawal-Gabriel, Ph.D.


St. Bernadette Publishing House Corporation

1. Who are your learners? This textbook is in consonance with the

overall goal of the new curriculum. Meaning,
its target learners are Grade 9 students with
ages which ranges from 13-18 years of age.

2. What are the aims of your course? Basically, the aim of this course is to
develop communicative competence and
literary competence which is also associated
with the appreciation of literary art of both
Filipino and American writers. It also aims to
develop a functionally literate student who
can develop critical and logical thinking
3. What kind of language description In his book, Transformational Generative
do you require? Grammar (TGG) is used since the course
deals with communicative competence which
is a set of rules used for formulating
grammatically correct sentences.

More so, functional grammar is also

required. Functional grammar, based on
systemic linguistics, emphasizes the way
spoken and written language operate in
different social situations.

4. What language points should be The language points that should be

covered? covered must be relevant to both grammatical
and literary topics. In grammatical, the
structure and proper use of wordings (e.g.
subject-verb agreement) must be present. In
literary, on the other hand, analyzation of
literary works such as short stories and
poetries in the form of written tasks must also
be present.

5. What proportion of work in each The distribution of work in each macro-

macro-skill is desired? Should there skill for both spoken and written must be 1:2,
be skills-integrated work? which means written skills must be more
dominant than those of the spoken skills since
this course focuses more on reading and

 Integration of language and literature

6. What micro-skills do you need? The micro-skills needed are the learners’
: knowledge of grammar, social conventions
related to language use, coherence in talking
and writing, and the use of nonverbal clues.

7. What text types should be included? This should include both factual and
literary text types. For literary text types, the
use of different approaches such as in the
form of short stories, poetry and narrative is
recommended for the enhancement of
learners’ flexibility in understanding different
forms of written works. For factual, the use of
informative texts and contexts must be
properly applied.

8. What subject-matter is required? The subject matter required is Philippine

What level of knowledge should be and American English and should be focused
assumed? What types of topics are on answering questions after reading literary
needed? What treatments should works with critical and intelligent thinking. In
the topics be given? relation to this, the use of correct grammar
must be applied in their construction of
sentences. As a result, vocabulary of learners
will be broadened. The level of knowledge
assumed must be in the level that secondary
school learners must have. The treatments that
the topics should be given are factual and

9. How should the content be The main objective is to enhance the

organized throughout the course? basic skills of secondary school learners
according to understanding literary works
while enhancing their grammar and
vocabulary. The content must be organized
around language points.

10. How should the content be The content of this book should be
organized within the course units? organized according to the courses which
allow a clear focus on the reading and writing
skills. The topics must be able to allow a clear
focus on certain skill areas in critical thinking
and in-depth reading.

11. How should the content be The content should be sequenced

sequenced throughout the course? throughout the course by other criteria such as
relevance of answers to the given literary
work and clear and proficient application of
the vocabulary and grammatical knowledge
they acquired through their sentence

12. How should the content be The content should be sequenced within
sequenced within a unit? Should a unit from comprehension to production. The
there be no obvious sequence? learners will be given an example of literary
work to be read. Afterwards, this would be
followed by activities in relevance with the
topic that would measure and test their
knowledge prior to what they have learned.

13. What theories of learning should the The theories of learning that the course must
course be based on? be based on are:

 According to schema theory, reading

comprehension is an interactive
process between the text and the
reader's prior background knowledge.
The students must be able to compare
and contrast their prior knowledge
from what they will still be learning.
 This must also be based on cognitive
reading theory wherein both language
comprehension and decoding are
necessary for reading comprehension
14. What aspects of the learners’ Patience in reading and critical thinking
attitudes to/ expectations about ability are some of the attitudes that a learner
learning English should the course of English is expected. This must also be
take into account? taken into account because most of the
students tend to easily get bored whenever
they see lengthy written works.

15. What kind of exercises/tasks are The course must impose reading and
needed? writing practices that would improve the
students’ comprehension skills. The students
must be able to answer questions in a
substantial manner to test whether they have
or have not understood what they have

16. What teaching-learning techniques The course must focus more on a teacher-
are to be used? centered approach. Meaning, he/ she is
required to explain and elaborate a literary
work based on a deep level of understanding.
He /she may use pair or group works in
giving activities so that students may share
their thoughts to their co-students and have an
interactive learning.

17. What aids are available for use? The most available aid for teaching
nowadays is the overhead projector. The
facilitator here may project the topics they are
to teach using the projector and also the
activities for better learning. They may also
use visual presentations such as videos and
images in relation to the topics presented.

18. What guidance/support for teaching The prior source of guidance and support
the course will be needed? for teaching the course that may be needed is
by listing vocabulary and language-skills
points. The teacher may ask the students to
give their prior knowledge of the topic before
it has been introduced to hem. Later on, they
may be asked to compare and contrast their
answers given to what is really meant by the

19. How flexible do the materials need The materials both used in teaching
to be? and learning must first possess relevance to
the topics presented and given so that it will
be easier for the student to acquire the
knowledge imposed to them without
confusion. The materials is required to have
versatility that the students may not only use
them at school but also in other places.

20. What price range is necessary? The suggested price range is from Php 250-
450.00 only. The course must not only be
efficient and effective in the students’
learning processes, but also it must possess
cost-efficiency. Other students who are not
financially-fortunate may not be able to afford
the book because of its price.

21. When and in what quantities should The production of these materials must
the materials be available, etc? meet the number of population of student
learners who takes up the course. If not, there
would be lack of materials for the student

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