Elements and Principles of Art - Graphic Arts Quiz - Quizizz

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8/6/2019 Elements and Principles of Art | Graphic Arts Quiz - Quizizz

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Principles 2.0k plays

of 17 Qs
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 Elements and
2.0k plays
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 6th - 12th grade
14 Qs
 Classes new  180 times

 Collections  Arts There is, ther

 68% average accuracy 1.5k plays
 Memes
9 Qs

 Refer a friend  years Unbroken Voc
ago 776 plays
English and Lan
15 Qs
 6  Save  Edit

35 Questions  SHOW ANSWERS 344 plays
English and Lan
15 Qs
Question 1  30 seconds

Q. This is the what is around, between, Aesthetic Voc

above, below or within things drawn.
279 plays
17 Qs
answer choices

Shape Space Elements of A

257 plays
Movement Value
17 Qs

Question 2  30 seconds

Q. A path between two points is a?

answer choices

Texture Shape

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Pattern Line
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Question 3 Game Homework
30 seconds 
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Q. True or False? Quizzes you may like

 Create a new quiz Shapes, are an enclosed area and are Lines and Ang
3d. 2.0k plays

answer choices
 Find a quiz 17 Qs

False; its an
 My quizzes True Elements and
open area
2.0k plays
 Reports False; they False; they
are 2d are 4d 14 Qs
 Classes new

 Collections There is, ther

Question 4  30 seconds 1.5k plays
 Memes
9 Qs

Q. Which of the following explains

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"Form"? Unbroken Voc
776 plays
answer choices English and Lan
15 Qs
Form is a 3 Form is a 3
dimensional dimensional
shape having shape having 344 plays
depth, and depth, height English and Lan
height. and width. 15 Qs

Form is a 2 Form is a 3
dimensional dimensional Aesthetic Voc
shape having shape having Photography
depth, height and height, width 279 plays
17 Qs
width. and area.

Elements of A
257 plays
Question 5  30 seconds
17 Qs

Q. Texture is which of the following?

answer choices

How the paper How we

you are drawing perceive things
on feels like. with our eyes

How something
feels or how it How we feel
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looks like it things

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Question 6  30 seconds
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 Create a new quiz Q. What is the darkness or lightness of

Lines and Ang
a color? 2.0k plays

answer choices
 Find a quiz 17 Qs

Value Color
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Elements and
Contrast Balance 2.0k plays
 Reports
14 Qs
 Classes new

 Collections Question 7  30 seconds There is, ther

 1.5k plays
Memes Q. What is color? 9 Qs
answer choices
 Refer a friend Unbroken Voc
Light going in Our perception 776 plays
through our of the things English and Lan
eyes around us 15 Qs

Our perception
Blue, red yellow, ou/ow
of waves of
purplr etc. 344 plays
English and Lan
15 Qs

Question 8  30 seconds Aesthetic Voc

279 plays
Q. Emphasis is when.... 17 Qs

answer choices
Elements of A
One  part of the One  part of the 257 plays
artwork is artwork
17 Qs
better than the is dominant and
rest draws the eye

One part of the

All parts of the artwork is
artwork look unique and
good defines the

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Question 9  30 seconds
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Q. Which of the following is when

elements are used to create
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answer choices
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 Create a new quiz Lines and Ang

Value Texture
2.0k plays

Color Contrast 17 Qs
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 My quizzes
Elements and
2.0k plays
 Reports Question 10  30 seconds

14 Qs
 Classes new Q. Repetition is when...

 Collections answer choices There is, ther

 Memes The same The same 1.5k plays
9 Qs
element is used element is used
several times in once in a work
 Refer a friend a work of art of art Unbroken Voc
776 plays
The same One element is English and Lan
element is used the only 15 Qs
only in the element used in
center of the all of the
work of art artwork
344 plays
English and Lan
15 Qs

Question 11  30 seconds
Aesthetic Voc
Q. Which of the following explains 279 plays
17 Qs
answer choices
Elements of A
257 plays
When a work of
When a work of
art looks not 17 Qs
art achieves a
complete and
quality that
looks like a
makes the artist
piece of a

When a work of
When a work of
art achieves a
art achieves a
quality of
quality of
appeal and
wholeness or
appeals to
looks complete
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Question 12 30 seconds
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Q. What creates a sense of motion in a Quizzes you may like
work of art?
 Create a new quiz Lines and Ang
answer choices 2.0k plays

 Find a quiz Texture Movement 17 Qs

 My quizzes Rhythm Contrast

Elements and
2.0k plays
 Reports
14 Qs
 Classes new Question 13  30 seconds

 Collections There is, ther

Q. When the two sides of a work of art place
 Memes are "weighed" equally the art work 1.5k plays
9 Qs
answer choices
 Refer a friend Unbroken Voc
776 plays
Unity Balance English and Lan
15 Qs
Repitition Contrast

344 plays
English and Lan
Question 14  30 seconds 15 Qs

Q. When elements are arranged and

Aesthetic Voc
repeated to form a beat Photography
like atmosphere in the artwork  ____  279 plays
17 Qs
is created
answer choices
Elements of A
257 plays
Movement Emphasis
17 Qs
Rhythm Contrast

Question 15  30 seconds

Q. What
principle is
being shown
i thi
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in this
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answer choices

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Emphasis Color
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Value Balance Quizzes you may like

 Create a new quiz Lines and Ang

2.0k plays

Question 16  30 seconds 17 Qs
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 My quizzes Q. Is this Elements and

image an 2.0k plays
 Reports
example of a
14 Qs
 Classes new geometric or
 There is, ther
Collections shape?
 Memes answer choices 1.5k plays
9 Qs

Geometric Organic
 Refer a friend Unbroken Voc
776 plays
English and Lan
15 Qs
Question 17  30 seconds

Q. What is ou/ow
344 plays
this image an English and Lan
example of? 15 Qs

Aesthetic Voc
answer choices
279 plays
17 Qs
Movement Balance

Unity Repitition Elements of A

257 plays

17 Qs

Question 18  30 seconds

Q. What
element is
this image

answer choices
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Texture Create
Contrast game
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Value Color
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Question 19  30 seconds
 Create a new quiz Lines and Ang
2.0k plays
Q. What
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this image
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showing Elements and
2.0k plays
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answer choices 14 Qs
 Classes new

Unity Movement There is, ther

 Collections
Emphasis Contrast
 Memes 1.5k plays
9 Qs

 Refer a friend Unbroken Voc

Question 20  30 seconds
776 plays
English and Lan
Q. What 15 Qs

element is
being shown ou/ow
on this 344 plays
English and Lan
image? 15 Qs

answer choices

Aesthetic Voc
Texture Space Photography
279 plays
Repitition Value 17 Qs

Elements of A
257 plays
Question 21  30 seconds
17 Qs

Q. What does
this image

answer choices

Shape Movement
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Line Balance
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Question 22  30 seconds
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Q. What is
 Create a new quiz this image an Lines and Ang
2.0k plays
example of?
 Find a quiz 17 Qs

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Elements and
answer choices
2.0k plays
 Reports
Color Contrast
14 Qs
 Classes new
Texture Line
 Collections There is, ther
 Memes 1.5k plays
9 Qs
Question 23  30 seconds

 Refer a friend
Q. What Unbroken Voc
776 plays
English and Lan
does this 15 Qs
image show?
344 plays
answer choices
English and Lan
15 Qs
Movement Repetition

Color Line Aesthetic Voc

279 plays
17 Qs

Question 24  30 seconds
Elements of A
257 plays
Q. This image
is an 17 Qs
example of
answer choices

Form Shape

Texture Color

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Question 25  30 seconds

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does 
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 Create a new quiz Lines and Ang
2.0k plays

 Find a quiz answer choices 17 Qs

 My quizzes Unity Line

Elements and
2.0k plays
 Reports Space Contrast
14 Qs
 Classes new

 Collections Question 26  30 seconds

There is, ther
 Memes 1.5k plays
Q. What is 9 Qs
this image
 Refer a friend showing? Unbroken Voc
776 plays
English and Lan
15 Qs
answer choices

Texture Form 344 plays
English and Lan
Value Line 15 Qs

Aesthetic Voc
Question 27  30 seconds
279 plays
17 Qs

Q. What does
this image Elements of A
show? 257 plays

17 Qs

answer choices

Line Rhythm

Texture Form

Question 28  30 seconds
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Question 28  30 seconds

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Q. What
element is
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this image 
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 Create a new quiz answer choices Lines and Ang

2.0k plays
Contrast Color
 Find a quiz 17 Qs
Value Form
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Elements and
2.0k plays
 Reports

Question 29  30 seconds 14 Qs
 Classes new

 Collections Q. Shapes are 2 dimensional and can There is, ther

be____. place
 Memes 1.5k plays
answer choices 9 Qs

 Refer a friend Geometric or Unbroken Voc

organic 776 plays
English and Lan
3 15 Qs
dimensional or organic

344 plays
English and Lan
Question 30  30 seconds 15 Qs

Q. True or False?
Aesthetic Voc
Contrast can only be shown with black Photography
and white 279 plays
17 Qs
answer choices

False True Elements of A

257 plays

17 Qs

Question 31  30 seconds

Q. What are the characteristics of

answer choices

Intensity, value,
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wavelength, Hue, Value
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 Create a new quiz Question 32  30 seconds Lines and Ang

2.0k plays
Q. True or False?
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Value is one of the characteristics of
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Elements and
answer choices 2.0k plays
 Reports

True False 14 Qs
 Classes new

 Collections There is, ther

 Memes Question 33  30 seconds 1.5k plays
9 Qs

Q. What  types of space can there be?

 Refer a friend Unbroken Voc
answer choices
776 plays
English and Lan
Positive and 15 Qs
Only Positive

Negative and Negative and ou/ow

neutral Positive 344 plays
English and Lan
15 Qs

Question 34  30 seconds Aesthetic Voc

279 plays
Q. What are the characteristics of a 17 Qs
answer choices Elements of A
257 plays
Value, Hue and Direction, width
17 Qs
Intensity and Intensity

Width, Height
width and
and Direction

Question 35  30 seconds

Q True or False?
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Q. True or False?
 Findcan only be shown
a quiz by
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answer choices
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 Log in now False; it can be
True shown with Quizzes you may like
color symmetry
 Create a new quiz Lines and Ang
False; it can also False; it can be 2.0k plays
be only
 Find a quiz 17 Qs
asymmetrical asymmetrical

 My quizzes
Elements and
2.0k plays
 Reports Report Quiz
14 Qs
 Classes new

 Collections There is, ther

 Memes 1.5k plays
9 Qs

 Refer a friend Unbroken Voc

776 plays
English and Lan
15 Qs

344 plays
English and Lan
15 Qs

Aesthetic Voc
279 plays
17 Qs

Elements of A
257 plays

17 Qs

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