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How to Respond to Negative Customer

Ellie Collier

Negative customer feedback and complaints are often considered unwanted and
damaging to a business’s reputation. This is especially important in today’s digital
age where, if a customer takes to social media to write negative feedback, it is
available for all to see.

However, complaints are necessary for business growth and are beneficial for
both you and the customer. They help to solve a customer’s problem, and show
you possible areas to improve. Furthermore, if handled correctly, negative
customer feedback can improve your company’s reputation and retain customer

Typically, customers want three outcomes from a complaint:

 For the company to listen to them.

 To feel like the person listening empathises and understands.
 A resolution.

Importance of Customer Feedback

 All feedback is important and valuable for a business. Positive feedback
gives you an insight into customer satisfaction levels and the popularity of
your products or services. Negative feedback highlights areas for
improvement and helps you refine your complaint handling process.
 Research has found that 90% of customers read online reviews before
visiting a business. Moreover, 86% of people will hesitate to purchase
from a business that has negative online reviews. Negative customer
feedback is unavoidable, so these figures highlight the importance of
dealing with it appropriately, professionally, and effectively.
Responding to Negative Customer Feedback
Effectively handling negative customer feedback reflects well on a business. It
gives you the opportunity to show you value and respect customer experience
and satisfaction.

Respond Promptly, but Carefully Consider Your Response

It is essential that you thoroughly think about your response before you reply. An
unfair complaint may leave you angry, but it is important not to jump straight in
and reply in an emotionally-charged manner.

Remember: a complaint is not a personal attack on you. Rather, it

demonstrates dissatisfaction with a service.

If you are unable to respond within an hour, you must ensure you reply within 24
hours at the absolute most. If you respond after this time, customers may write
your business off completely, or even take further action. Try to reply as quickly
as possible.

Be Polite and Respectful

You must always be polite and respectful to customers who have complained. If
a customer is angry, responding in an unpolite manner will only make matters

If the reason for negative feedback is your fault, admit your mistake and
apologise. Customers value honesty, and offering an apology shows you
empathise with their situation.

You should also strive to be personable with your responses. Replying in a

robotic manner, that lacks warmth and empathy, will further annoy the customer.
You should always include your name at the end of your reply to show the
customer that you are personally dealing with their feedback.

Be Honest

Don’t be scared to correct a customer if they are wrong. However, you should
always respond politely and professionally.
For example, if a customer has made an incorrect comment on social media, you
could reply:

Hi Mark,

I am very sorry to hear that you were refused a refund at our X branch, so I have
spoken to the appropriate members of the team and reviewed our company
policy. This states that refunds can only be given up to 28 days from the day of
purchase. This is written on the back of all receipts and on our website
FAQ. Unfortunately, your purchase was over 28 days ago so I am unable
provide a refund.

If you have any further questions, or if there is anything more I can do or offer to
help, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

All the best, Ellie.

Take Complex Issues Offline

If the issue is complex, and will take a lot of time and communication to sort, take
the conversation out of the public eye. Leave a comment on the post to show you
have seen and acknowledged it, and contact the customer by calling, emailing, or
messaging them.

Solve the Issue

Try to resolve all customer complaints. Never ignore or delete any negative
customer feedback. Acknowledge all comments and try to solve them quickly and


You should always try follow up negative reviews within two weeks of the original
comment. Ask the customer if they are satisfied and if there is anything more you
can do. This shows the customer that you have not forgotten about them, and
that you are dedicated to delivering good customer service.

Record and Learn

Record all instances of negative customer feedback. By keeping a record of

complaints, you can see if there are any recurring themes, which could suggest
an area you need to improve.
Negative customer feedback is an opportunity for you to learn about your
business, and what customers like and dislike. Don’t see complaints as negative
– see them as a positive way of improving your business.

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