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“Too see wrong and not to expose it ,is to become a silent partner to its continuance”. -Dr.

John Raymond Baker

A whistleblower is anyone who has and reports insider knowledge of illegal activities occurring in an
organization. Whistleblowers can be employees, suppliers, contractors, clients, or any individual who becomes
aware of illegal business activities.

Whistleblowing is a valuable tool in any organisation’s corporate governance strategy. It empowers employees to act on
incidences of misconduct and help maintain a safe workplace, while protecting profits and reputation.

TYPES OF WHISTLEBLOWING i.Internal :- it is blowing the whistle inside the organization. For example designated officer,
workers or bosses in the same organization. ii.External :-blowing the whistle to law enforcement agencies or to teams
worried with the matters for example Lawyers, Mass media, law enforcement.

Internal Reporting refers to any time that a member of an organization (or a former member) tells someone else
about an illegal or immoral practice, if the telling is done in the hope that someone will do something to change
the practice. In the great majority of cases, employees tell someone within the organization and don’t want to
cause any bad publicity for the organization—this is sometimes called internal whistle blowing, though we
prefer to call this internal reporting.

When organizations punish or discourage internal reporting, bad practices typically get worse, until someone—
often motivated by conscience—feels they must notify the press, or a government agency. This is known as
external whistle blowing, and it can mean serious problems for the organization.

From an Ethical Systems perspective, internal reporting is vital to the health of organizations. Companies that don’t
make it easy for their employees to report small problems internally are likely to find themselves facing much larger
problems externally.

PURPOSES To draw attention to unethical, inappropriate conduct which has or may have
detrimental effects either for the institution or for those affected by its functions. It extends to
situations where an individual believes that an activity is harmful while others involved are
not aware of it or reject the perception that is involved

 oN what should oNe blow the whistle?

 8.  Un procedural conductUn procedural conduct..

 9.  Unethical conduct.Unethical conduct.  MistreatmentMistreatment  DiscriminationDiscrimination 

Mental Or Sexual AbuseMental Or Sexual Abuse

HOW TO BLOW WHISTLE Do it anonymously • let the evidence speak for itself and protect yourself if possible Do it in a
group • charges have more weight and won’t seem like a personal vendetta. Present just the evidence • leave
interpretation of facts to others. Work through internal channels • start with your immediate supervisor or follow the
standard reporting procedure Work through external channels • go public (biggest risk)

What is a Whistleblower

Whistleblowers are protected from retaliation under various programs created by the Occupational Safety and
Health Administration (OSHA), Sarbanes Oxley Act, and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The
protection of federal employees is under the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989.
Whistleblowers are company employees who report inappropriate or unethical behavior they discover at work. Whistle-
blowing covers many areas of business in every industry, including but not limited to internal discrimination, predatory
sales practices and dangerous working conditions. Business owners can learn the ramifications of well-known
whistleblower examples to avoid catastrophic legal and financial penalties.


Employees should understand that there are limits to what can be posted about their employer online, just as
there are limits to what they can say in the workplace, and that the First Amendment generally does not protect
such speech. Whistleblowers are protected, and sometimes rewarded, for their willingness to come forward, but
they can still face a hostile environment in some situations. Employees should not use whistleblowing as an
attempt to get back at a boss or employer they do not like; rather, they should use it as a means to stop serious

Best way to Blow the Whistle : –To whom the information is the be revealed. –Agencies like Environmental Protection
Agency or Exchange Commission can spark an investigation. –Local investigation bodies FBI or attorney

Lapitan, Francheska Marie D.


WHISTLE-BLOWING– the term refers to the process whereby employees are encouraged to report suspected violations,
complaints or concerns involving financial disclosure, accounting, internal control, code of conduct and ethics or policies
Whistle- blowing is a key defense against override of internal controls and thus, can help improve corporate governance.
From an Ethical Systems perspective, internal reporting is vital to the health of organizations
Whistle blowing is sometimes called reporting

Purposes: To draw attention to unethical, inappropriate conduct which has or may have detrimental effects either for the
institution or for those affected by its functions. It extends to situations where an individual believes that an activity is
harmful while others involved are not aware of it or reject the perception that is involved

Two types of whistle blowing

Internal Whistle- Blowing When an individual advocates beliefs or revelations within the organization.
External Whistle- Blowing When and individual advocates beliefs or revelations outside the organization.

Examples of whistleblowers
Case Study: Cheryl Eckard In 2002, drug maker GlaxoSmithKline PLC sent one of its quality-assurance managers, Cheryl
Eckard, to Puerto Rico to help clean up a mess at one of its biggest manufacturing plants. U.S. authorities had just cited
the plant for several violations, including making a contaminated ointment used to treat skin infections on children.
The plant had received complaints that drugs of different types and strengths were being mixed up in the same bottle, and
plant managers had made no attempt to issue a recall or correct the cause of the mix-ups, according to a lawsuit Ms.
Eckard later filed in federal court in Boston. Cheryl Eckard received $96 million as claim settlement . The plant was
closed thereafter.

Reasons You Should Blow the Whistle on Unethical Behavior

Illegal or unlawful conduct
Unethical conduct
Mental Or Sexual Abuse


Do it anonymously
Do it in a group
Present just the evidence
Work through internal channels
Work through external channels

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