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Chapter 1

 Introduction: Biology Today

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Learn biology

 tomake more informed decisions

about their own health and about
significant biological issues.

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Climate Change

The new NASA global data set combines historical measurements with data from
climate simulations using the best available computer models to provide forecasts of
how global temperature (shown here) and precipitation might change up to 2100 under
different greenhouse gas emissions scenarios.
Credits: NASA
Genetically modified crops

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Invasive species

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Use of antibiotics

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Rising World Population
Importance of Breakfast

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Why a Study of Biology is
 To be an informed citizen
– Informed decisions about own health
 An understanding of biology is important to
address a number of social issues today.
– DNA testing
– Birth control
– Global warming

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Chapter 1

So then, what is biology?

 Biology is the science that deals with life.

 What is science?
– A process used to solve problems and
understand natural events
– Involves the scientific method

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The Scientific Method in Action
John watches his
grandmother bake
bread. He asks his
grandmother what
makes the bread rise.
She explains that yeast
releases a gas as it
feeds on sugar.

John wonders if the

amount of sugar used
in the recipe will affect
the size of the bread
Formulate a Hypothesis
After talking with his
teacher and
conducting further
research, he comes
up with a hypothesis.
“If more sugar is added,
then the bread will rise
The hypothesis is an educated
guess about the relationship
between the independent and
dependent variables.
Size of Baked Bread (LxWxH)
Size of Bread Loaf (cm3)
Amt. of Average
1 2 3
Sugar (g.) Size (cm3)

25 768 744 761 758

50 1296 1188 1296 1260

Control group

100 1188 1080 1080 1116

250 672 576 588 612

500 432 504 360 432

The Scientific Method in Action
Size of Baked Bread (LxWxH)
Size of Bread Loaf (cm3)
Amt. of Average
1 2 3
Sugar (g.) Size (cm3)

50 1296 1440 1296 1344

Control group

60 1404 1296 1440 1380

70 1638 1638 1560 1612

80 1404 1296 1296 1332

90 1080 1200 972 1084

John finds that 70g.
of sugar produces
the largest loaf.
His hypothesis is
Communicate the
John tells his
grandmother about
his findings and
prepares to present
his project in
Science class.
Basic Assumptions in Science

 Scientists approach their work with some basic

– Natural events have specific causes.
– The causes for events in nature can be identified.
– Natural events follow general rules and patterns.
– A recurrent natural event has a common cause.
– Different people can observe the same natural events.
– Natural laws hold true regardless of time and place.

 Example: Lightning

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Scientists Look for Cause and Effect

 Events that happen simultaneously are

correlated, but
– may or may not have a cause and effect
– Example: Autumn and falling leaves

 Events have a cause and effect relationship

– when one event happens as a direct result of a
preceding event.
– Example: Lightning causes thunder.
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The Scientific Method

 A way of gaining information about the world

that involves
– forming possible solutions to questions.
– rigorous testing to determine if the solutions are
– continual checking and rechecking to make sure
that previous conclusions are still supported.
– modification of unsupported conclusions.

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Components of the Scientific Method

 Observation
 Questioning and exploration
 Forming and testing hypotheses
 Evaluation of new information
 Review by peers

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Observation, Questioning and
 An observation is a thoughtful and careful
recognition of an event or a fact.
 The careful observation of a phenomenon
leads to a question.
– How does this happen?
– What causes it to occur?
 The question must be testable.
 Scientists then explore scientific publications
to find any information that has been gathered
about the question.

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Constructing Hypotheses

 Once the question is asked, scientists

propose answers.
 These answers are hypotheses.
 Hypotheses must:
– be logical
– account for all current information
– be testable
– make the least possible assumptions

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Testing Hypotheses

 Hypotheses need to be tested to see if they

are supported or disproved.
– Disproved hypotheses are rejected.
– Hypotheses can be supported but not proven.
 There are several ways to test a hypothesis:
– Gathering relevant historical information
– Make additional observations from the natural
– Experimentation
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 An experiment is a re-creation of an
– It tests whether or not the hypothesis can be
supported or rejected.

 Experiments must be controlled.

– This means that all aspects except for one variable
must be kept constant.
– They usually include any two groups.
 Experimental group: variable is altered
 Control group: variable is not altered

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Experimental Design

 The variable that is altered is called the independent

– Experiments should have only one independent variable.
 The variables that change in response to the
independent variable are called dependent variables.
– Changes in the dependent variables are documented as
 Data from the experiment is analyzed and
hypotheses are rejected and revised or supported.

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Experimental Data
 Experiments must:
– use large numbers of subjects or must be
repeated several times (replication).
– be independently reproducible.

 The validity of experimental results must:

– be tested statistically.
– be scrutinized by other scientists.

 If the hypothesis is supported by ample

experimental data, it leads to a theory.
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The Scientific Method in Action
A Sample Experiment
 Hypothesis: Male sex hormones produced by the
testes stimulate male birds to sing.
 Experimental group: Male birds with testes removed
at birth.
 Control group: Male birds subjected to a similar
surgery that were allowed to develop normally with
 Independent variable: presence or absence of
 Dependent variable: presence of singing behavior.
 Data: Male songbirds without testes do not exhibit
singing behavior.
 Conclusion: Hypothesis is supported.
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 A theory may be defined as a widely accepted,
plausible general statement about a
fundamental concept in science.

– The germ theory states that infectious diseases are

caused by microorganisms.
 Many diseases are not caused by microorganisms, so we
must be careful not to generalize theories too broadly.

– Theories continue to be tested.

 Exceptions identified
 Modifications made

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A Scientific Law
 A scientific law is a uniform and constant fact of nature
that describes what happens in nature.
– An example: All living things come from pre-existing living things.

 Scientific laws promote the process of generalization.

– Inductive reasoning
– Since every bird that has been studied lays eggs, we can generalize
that all birds lay eggs.

 Once a theory becomes established, it can be used to

predict specific facts.
– Deductive reasoning
– We can predict that a newly discovered bird species will lay eggs.

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Scientific Communication
 Data is shared with the scientific
community through research
articles published in scientific
– These articles are usually
scrutinized by other scientists
before they are published.

 Scientists present preliminary

data at conferences.

 Scientists collaborate directly by

phone and e-mail.

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Fundamental Attitudes in Science

 Scientists must distinguish between opinions and

scientific facts.
– Scientists’ opinions may become facts if supported by data.

 A good scientist must

– be skeptical.
– not be biased.
– be honest in analyzing and reporting data.

 The critical difference between science and non-science

is that in science, one can test the
principle. In non-science, one may not be able to.

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Theoretical vs. Applied Science

 Initially, some scientific data seems to be purely

informational and not very practical.

 Practical applications usually follow the

discoveries of basic science.

– The discovery of the structure of DNA has

led to new drug treatments for many
– The discovery of microorganisms has led to
a dramatic decrease in infectious disease
and food preservation.
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Theoretical vs. Applied Science
Non Science

Science vs. Nonscience
 Scientists continually challenge and test
principles to determine cause-and-effect
– Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy

 Nonscientists cannot test their hypotheses

directly and often cannot establish cause-
and-effect relationships.
– History, Literature, Philosophy, Art, Sociology,

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 A deceptive practice that uses the language of
science to convince people into thinking that a
claim has scientific validity.

Marketing claims of nutritional supplements

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Limitations of Science
 The scientific method can only
be applied to questions that have
a factual base.
 Questions of morality, values,
social issues and attitudes
cannot be tested scientifically.
 Science is limited by scientists.
– People are fallible.
– The sun orbits the earth.
 But, science is self-correcting.
– New data shapes new
– The earth rotates on its axis, so
maybe the earth orbits the sun.

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The Science of Biology

 Biology is the study of living things.

 Theoretical biology
– Evolutionary biology, animal behavior

 Applied biology
– Medicine, crop science, plant breeding, wildlife

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What makes something alive?
 Living things can manipulate energy and

Characteristics of Living Things

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2 Ecosystems Zooming in
3 Communities
on life
4 Populations
1 5 Organisms

6 Organ
10 Molecules and Atoms

9 Organelles

8 Cells 7
Levels of Biological Organization

 Biosphere—the worldwide ecosystem.

 Ecosystem—communities that interact with
one another in a particular place.
 Communities—populations of different
organisms interacting with each other in a
particular place.
 Population—a group of individual organisms in
a particular place.
 Organism—an independent living unit.

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Levels of Biological Organization

 Organ system—many organs that perform a particular

 Organ—many tissues that perform a particular function.
 Tissue—many cells that perform a particular function.
 Cell—simplest unit that shows characteristics of life.
 Molecules—specific arrangements of atoms.
 Atoms—the fundamental units of matter.

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The Significance of Biology in our
 Biology has significantly contributed to our
high standard of living.

 For example:
– Advanced food production
– Significant progress in health
– Advances in disease control
– Advances in plant and animal breeding
– Advances in biotechnology
– Progress in genome studies
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Technology drivers of the
Bioscience revolution
 Gene sequencing
– sequencing of genomes of viruses and bacteria to help
fight against infection
 The development of molecular techniques
– gene chip arrays to determine gene activity
 Advances in imaging techniques
– fluorescence to observe genes/proteins in real time
 The IT revolution
– Bioinformatics
 Nanotechnology
– Nanobiosensors and drug delivery methods
Hot growth potential sectors: new and
emerging areas

 Healthcare
 Biofuels and green/clean tech. energy
 Personalized medicine
 Telemedicine, mobile HC apps.
 Healthcare informatics (i.e. electronic health
 Bioinformatics (personalized medicine)
 Data management, bio-IT


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