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Philosophers Beliefs Rene Descartes

Socrates - Father of Modern Philosophy

- The meditations of first philosophy,
- Every man composed of body and
“there is so much that we should
soul = dualistic. doubt.
- Wherein the body are imperpect and - Self = combination of 2 distinct
impermanent. entities
- The soul are perfect and permanent. - Cogito or Mind – The think that
- An examined life is not worth living. thinks, which is mind.
- To live but die inside. - Extenza or Extension – Which is
- Know Oneself. the body, body is just a machine that
Plato is attached to mind.

- There are three components of David Hume

soul. - Empericist – can know only what
- Rational - forged by reason and comes from the senses and
intellect has to govern the affairs of experiences.
the human person. - Self is nothing else but a bundle of
- Spirited - charge of the emotion impressions. (referring to our
should be kept at bay. senses)
- Appetitive - base desires. - Impression – Basic object of our
- = justice & virtues experience and sensation.
Augustine - Ideas – copies of Impressions.
- Self - A bundle of collection of
- Reflects the entire spirit of the different perception.
medieval world.
- Man is bifurcated nature. Emmanuel Kant
- Aspect of man dwells in the world. - To him there is necessarily a mind
- Body – imperfect, lives in the world, that organizes the different
yearns to be w/ the DIVINE. impression that men can get from the
- Soul – capable of reaching external world (time & space =
IMMORTALITY. apparatuses).
- No absolute truth. - Self is the seat of knowledge
Thomas Aquinas acquisitions for the all human
- Man = 2 parts: Matter & Form - Synthesizes all knowledge and
- Matter (Hyle) – common stuff that experience.
makes up everything (body).
- Form (Morphe) - essence of a Gilbert Ryle
substance or thing (soul). - Behavior – a person manifest in his
- ‘the soul is what animates the body’ daily day-to-day life
- Convenient name that people use to Conflict theory – Competition for scarce
refer to all behaviors that people resources, how the elite control the poor and
make. weak.

Merleu-Ponty Anthropology

- Dismisses the Cartesian Dualism Margarett Mead – Gender identity, biological

- Mind and body are intertwined that factors adolescence.
cannot be separated from one
Ruth Benedict – Human differences / Cultural
External World and External Reality
Indui – Engage actively in slapping self.
Self-Development – Life-long Process.
Self – Identity and chaos. (Characteristic)
William James – “Me” Self as object, Thinking,
Social Constructionism – Refers building the
Acting and Doing, and “I” Self as Subject, The
self by being affect to your sorroundings.
Physical Appearance.
Marcel Mauss – Noi (Human body), Personne
Carl Rogers – Identity, Self-Concept, Not-
(What is what)
Fixed, Onetime Frame.
Charles Cooley – Looking-Glass Self –
Self Schema – Collection of knowledge about
Person’s Self growth out of society’s
who you are, mental contructive.
interpersonal, interaction and the perceptions
of the other. Sigmund Freud – “ID” Biological Christ, “Ego”
Social Norms, and “Superego” Emotion.
George Herbert Mead – “I” Refers to response
to “ me”, while “ “me” Refers to socialize. Self-Awareness – Concious knowledge of
Generalized other. one's own character, feelings, motives, and
1. Preparaoty Stage
2. Play Stage Self-Esteem – Feel liked and accepted. are
3. Game Stage proud of what they do. believe in themselves.
Erving Goffman – Presentation of the self or Self-Admiration – Pride, Feeling wonder
(Dramaterical Analyze). pleasure and approval.
Scocilaization – Create personality. Narcissism – Excessive interest in or
admiration of oneself and one's physical
The Three Mahore Perspective in Sociology
Symbolic Interactionism – Face to face
Three Types of Self
Interactions, use of symbles.
Ideal Self – Refers to what you want in
Structural Functionalism – Relationship
between the part of the society, How aspects of
society are functional (Adaptive) Actual Self – Refers what youare in presents.
Ought Self – Refers to your responsibility
depending on your role.

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