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Guidelines for Case Write-up for Unilever Brazil Case

This case is a group assignment. Please work in groups and submit a single write-up per
group (10 pages all inclusive, single spaced, 12-point font) by 8 AM, May 1, 2019.
Please consider this write-up as a learning experience. Although this write-up is used to evaluate
your understanding of marketing management and concepts you have learnt so far, it is also an
opportunity to learn about how marketing is done in other companies. You have a chance to
exercise your analytical skills in an interesting marketing situation.
The evaluation of the write-up will be based on several criteria. First, be sure to address the
questions asked. You should answer each question individually – do not provide an integrated,
single answer to the questions listed below. Second, we will look for you to demonstrate an ability
to analyze a case. You need to be able to identify whether key facts from the case provide
advantages or disadvantages for particular strategies. Better answers will demonstrate more depth
– consider more factors from the situation analysis. Furthermore, better answers will be correct in
their analysis. Third, we do evaluate your communication (writing) skills. Great ideas are often
lost if they are not organized and communicated in an effective manner. Take your time outlining
your thoughts before putting things on paper. Feel free to use bullets with your text if that allows
you to write more concisely and effectively. Finally, we are looking for you to demonstrate an
understanding of the marketing concepts we have talked about in class.
The following guidelines must be followed in preparing your write-up:

• This write-up is to be your group work only.

• Do not consult outside information sources – e.g., the library for information on the
industry or "what happened?"

• Do not put the exhibits, tables and appendices in a separate file – incorporate them into the
same file.

• Format and Style: The write-up should be no more than ten pages typed including tables,
figures and appendices (Times New Roman, 12-point font, normal margins one – inch on
top, bottom and sides, single spaced, with two lines between paragraphs).
Some additional tips on writing this case write-up:

• Answer each question listed below separately. Number the response to the question.

• The quality of your analysis is critical.

• If necessary, structure your answers using sub-headings.

Answer the questions below:
1. Conduct a Five Cs analysis for Unilever Brazil? (10 points)
2. Should it target the NE Brazil market? (5 points)
3. Evaluate the three alternative branding strategies (use one of the three existing brands,
brand extension or new brand) to compete in the low-income segment in North East Brazil?
In evaluating the three options, include a discussion of the break-even cannibalization rate
as a criterion. (15 points)
4. What marketing mix strategy would you recommend? Address the following issues in the
recommendation: (10 points)

• Formulation (which benefits to emphasize)

• Brand (One of the three, Brand Extension, or New)
• Price
• Packaging (Cardboard, Plastic)
• Distribution (Generalists, Specialists)
• Promotion (70:30 or 30:70)

5. Develop a Positioning statement for the new offering? (5 points)

Justify your recommendations with appropriate quantitative analysis.
You are bound by your honor code. All submissions are routed through anti-plagiarism
software (Turnitin).

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