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Consumer Behavior

By Prof Harsh Verma

Submitted By: Neel Garg, SC-046

Quintilliano Case Study - Perception

Product: Tailored Suits

Intended Audience: High Net worth individuals


There are two types of consumers for suiting’s in India:

1.) People who need suits for their official meetings. These
consumers have a low absolute threshold point . Hence they do
distinguish between having a suit is good for their job versus
not having a suit but their differential threshold points is high.
Hence, they do not care about the fabric or tailoring of the suit.
For them all suits are very similar

2.) People who need suits for weddings. In India the relevant JND
(Just noticeable difference) between suits is based on looks and
not on the fabric and even less on whether the fitting is
appropriate or not. These clothing are to be worn for only a
short period and function and not again and again so it is more
important to be noticeable in terms of looks rather than fitting
and fabric

Hence the strengths of Quintilliano suits of being great fabric

and perfect tailored suits is not worth for this section of
consumers in India. Their perception for high quality suit and
differential threshold is based on looks of the suit for the


Since the wedding consumers are for short timespan, the strengths
of Quintilliano is not worth focusing on that market.

Instead they should focus on the office goers’ market. Using

advertising on TV. They should slowly create the perception of the
importance of tailored suits. So, a TV ad can show how your job is
lost since when the interviewer shook hands with you and he noticed
your arm length of suit was too long. Or the advertisement can be
how the shoulder being perfectly tailored helped Guy A get a
promotion after a presentation versus guy B whose suits tailoring
was not perfect did not get promotion. Such sublime perception
creation for demand would surely help Quintilliano in Indian

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