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DATE: Friday, 16 August 2019






Challenging behavior of a child
The child is about 4 years old and has some challenging behavior.

Challenging behavior: - Form

- Function

From the “Form” it has

1. Aggression behavior
2. Compliant behavior
3. Self injury
- The child frequently losses his temper and get intensely angry. He is extremely irritable, impulsive and
frustrated easily. Therefore he physically attacks and fights with his peers and sometimes with adults too.
- He complains on everything he saws
- It self injures when someone stops his aggression (like attacking others, kicking fighting with is peers or

From the “Function” it has:

1. Obtaining adults attention
2. Obtaining materials or toy
3. Escaping a task or activity
4. Escaping peer attention

Management of the child behavior

Children’s behavior must be understood in the context of one’s own expectations about what is ‘challenging’
whilst considering children’s developmental level. For instance, a child may consistently hit other children. This
behavior although undesirable may not be outside of typical development, and needs to be guided accordingly.
This requires:
 An understanding of the child in the context of the family, culture, community
 Knowledge of the child’s developmental stage
 Understanding of the family dynamics
 Anything unusual that may be occurring within the family or influencing the child’s behavior.
This knowledge will assist the service in understanding the child’s behavior and help to develop effective
individual strategies for that child. It is important for educators to look critically at the child’s experience within
the service to determine the extent to which it may be causing or contributing to the challenging behavior.

How to prevent behavioral issues

- "Control yourself." Well, they can't yet. Remember, toddlers have little natural self-control. They need you to
teach them not to kick, hit, or bite when they are angry, but instead to express their feelings through words.
- Control your own temper. Always watch your own behavior around your child. One of the best ways to teach
him appropriate behavior is to control your own temper. If you express your anger in quiet, peaceful ways, your
child probably will follow your example.
- Identify children’s individual strengths, capabilities and interests and build on them
And try not to:
 Isolating
 Yelling
 Humiliating or belittling a child

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