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Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school

rather than secondary school

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

In recent years the need for learning foreign languages has been increasing dramatically.As a result,
people start to believe that children should be introduced to other languages at primary school rather
than the later periods of education. Indeed, the act of learning languages at early schooling years
appears to be more pros than cons.

To begin with, most of us are always quicker in learning anything when we was young.Therefore, being
exposed to new languages means we have a chance to learn it more effiectively and naturally. This can
be proved by the fact that in some countries, like Singapore or Switzerland ,where people use English
as a main language even though it is not the native language of them children are able to speak English
very spontaneously . Thus, if we want to help the language learners we should take measure to provide
them early experiences of using that language ,and the easiest way to do that is to provide the language
in primary schools.

Another advantage of learning foreign language in primary school is that we can help the learner finish
studying that language faster so they can have time to learn another language. Nowadays the ability of
speaking more than two languages becomes one of the top advantages of winning a place in
international corperations.Moreover, People who can speak many languages tend to be more successful
as well. So if we give people to learn one more language , we will help them a lot in finding a good work.

However, in many developing countries , the act of teaching foreign languages in primary school has
thousands of difficulties . One of them is the lack of finance, those coutries which can not afford good
language teachers to teach in primary schools have only two choices. One is not to provide foreign
languages in primary schools at all and the other is to hire teachers who are not relevant to that work.
Anyway both solutions are not good enough, espcially the latter. Bad teacher who can not show
children the way to pronounce foreign vocabulary in the right way will just make it harder for them to
master the language. That is why teaching new languages in primary school is not always a helpful thing
for the learners.

In conclusions, it is really benificial to introduce new languages to children in their first years at school
to help them learn it naturally and effectively. Nevertheless , it is still an open question in teaching
foreign languages in poor countries. We should try harder to solve those problems so that all children
on Earth can learn other languages as earlys as possible.

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