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Sari Wahyuni, 2019. The Analysis of Physics Concept’s Understanding of Students at SMA
Negeri 2 Makassar. Thesis. Physics Program Study, Physics Department, Mathematics and
Natural Sciences Faculty. Universitas Negeri Makassar (Supervised by Ahmad Yani and Eko
Hadi Sujiono)

This study is descriptive research utilizing a case study aiming at a description of the physics
concept’ understanding of students on optics subject. The source of data was grade XI IA
students of SMA Negeri 2 Makassar at even semester academic year of 2018/2019 totaling 6
students as the research subject. Research data was gained by giving students the physics
concept’s understanding in the form of essay tests and interviews. The data were analyzed
descriptively and qualitatively. The research results showed that the ability of students to
comprehend the concept of optics was categorized low. This was because students were not
familiarized with the understanding concept, particularly test that required students to
transform them from one form to another form, interpreting and finding the core of reading

Keywords: Physics understanding concept, optics, Understanding concept indicator

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